Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brought responses"" "subject:"drought responses""
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Advanced Analysis of the Responses of Cotton Genotypes Growing Under Water StressMaeda, Murilo Minekawa 1985- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The ever-growing world population raises the concern and necessity of rational use and distribution of limited water resources. Water deficit is the single most dominant abiotic factor limiting cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield in drought-prone Texas croplands. Characterizing plant traits conferring drought tolerance to cotton genotypes and then transferring this information back to breeders and geneticists have the potential of significantly increasing and stabilizing production statewide. Although a plethora of physiological studies have been conducted and have demonstrated that drought tolerance in plants is likely to be conferred by a combination of plant traits rather than a single trait, this knowledge has not translated into improved breeding lines. Experiments were conducted in 2010 and 2011 in the Drought Tolerance Laboratory (Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Corpus Christi, TX) to analyze the responses of cotton genotypes to different levels of water stress. This facility is equipped with computerized systems capable of continuously monitoring whole-plant water use as well as several environmental parameters. Sixteen cotton genotypes were provided by Monsanto Co. and the Texas AgriLife Cotton Improvement Programs at College Station and Lubbock. Seeds were pre-germinated in wet paper towels and then hand planted in large pots previously filled with fritted clay. A total of 3 and 8 (2010 and 2011, respectively) pots containing plants of each genotype were permanently placed on micro-lysimeters for continuous measurement of water use. Water regimes were imposed in 2010 (well-watered and water-stressed), and 2011 (water-stressed) when plants reached the early-flowering stage and were carried until plants reached maturity (100% open bolls).
Data collected showed that genotypes have very distinct water use patterns. The water stress treatment imposed on the test plants negatively affected plant growth that was indicated by a lower plant height, total number of leaves, and main-stem nodes of stressed plants when contrasted to their well-watered counterparts. Stomatal density was remarkably different among genotypes and a higher density was found on the abaxial (lower) leaf surface for all genotypes studied. Root dry mass production had different responses depending upon the severity of the water stress. Highest root dry mass was observed when plants were exposed to a mild stress and lowest when a more severe water restriction was imposed.
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Etude de la variabilité génétique des réponses écophysiologique et moléculaire associées au transport d'eau dans la feuille de peuplier noir en carence hydrique / Study of genetic variability of ecophysiological and molecular responses related to water transport in black poplar leaves subjected to droughtGaravillon-Tournayre, Marie 13 June 2017 (has links)
En climat tempéré, le changement climatique aura pour conséquence une augmentation de la fréquence et de l’intensité des sécheresses. Parmi les facteurs influençant la survie des espèces à cet environnement fluctuant, la plasticité d’ajustement des traits de réponse semble constituer un atout majeur. Ce travail de thèse a étudié de façon intégrée la réponse physiologique et transcriptionnelle du peuplier noir à une carence hydrique progressive jusqu’à un niveau sévère. Dans le cadre d’une analyse globale, la plasticité des traits de réponse physiologiques de la plante et, pour la première fois, celle de l’expression des gènes foliaires a été estimée. Différentes échelles d’étude ont été prise en compte : les génotypes issus de populations différentes, les clones d’un même génotype et les structures de la feuille (nervure principale versus limbe). Un continuum de réponses phénotypiques au déficit hydrique sévère a été identifié permettant de classer la majorité des génotypes étudiés comme évitants avec un seul génotype tolérant, maintenant son développement foliaire, conservant ses feuilles matures et limitant la tension hydrique. Le transcriptome du limbe était profondément remodelé en réponse au déficit hydrique maximal (41% des transcrits différentiellement exprimés) et présentait des fonctions en lien avec la modification de la composition membranaire, le maintien de l’homéostasie cellulaire et la détoxication. L’expression des gènes liés au transport intra- et extra-cellulaire et aux flux d’eau (par les aquaporines) était également fortement régulée. Ces gènes étaient associés aux fonctions de maintien de l’intégrité et de l’hydratation cellulaire du limbe. La modulation du transcriptome était partiellement spécifique de la nervure principale par rapport au limbe. Les 958 transcrits spécifiquement régulés de la nervure principale indiquaient une sur-expression des gènes liés aux métabolismes du glyoxylate et des carbohydrates, et une sous-expression des gènes liés au transport intra- et extra-cellulaire. Ceci pourrait favoriser une accumulation de sucres dans la nervure principale, ce qui permettrait de maintenir les flux de sève et de limiter l’embolie. Les plasticités phénotypiques et transcriptionnelles moyennes calculées étaient différentes entre génotypes. Le nombre de feuilles et le potentiel hydrique foliaire étaient les deux traits permettant de discriminer statistiquement les génotypes par leur plasticité. Le niveau de plasticité de certains transcrits était également spécifique des génotypes : la plasticité transcriptionnelle était forte pour les gènes impliqués dans la fixation du carbone et le transport des messagers secondaires pour le génotype, qui en moyenne, était le moins plastique. L’ensemble de ces résultats permettent de conclure que le génotype le plus tolérant à la sécheresse possédait les plus faibles degrés de plasticités phénotypiques et transcriptionnelles. A l’inverse, les génotypes les plus sensibles détenaient des plasticités phénotypiques et transcriptionnelles plus fortes. Enfin, la régulation du degré de plasticité dépendrait à la fois de mécanismes conservés et d’autres acquis par les génotypes. / In temperate climates, climate change will result in an increase of the frequency and intensity of droughts. Among the factors influencing the species survival in fluctuating environment, trait responses plasticity seems to be a major asset. This thesis has focused on the integrated study of physiological and transcriptional responses of black poplar responding to a progressive water deficit until a severe level. For an overall analysis, plant phenotypic traits responses plasticity and, for the first time, plasticity of the leaf genes expression has been estimated. Different scales of study were taken into account: genotypes from different populations, clones of the same genotype and leaf structures (midrib versus leaf blade). A continuum of phenotypic responses to severe water deficit was identified allowing classifying the majority of the genotypes as sensitive with only one tolerant genotype, maintaining its foliar development, preserving its mature leaves and limiting hydraulic tension. The leaf blade transcriptome was deeply remodeled under severe drought (41% differentially expressed transcripts) and exhibited functions related to the modification of the membrane composition, maintenance of cellular homeostasis and detoxication. Transcripts related to intra- and extra-cellular transport and water flows (by aquaporins) were also highly regulated and associated with integrity and cellular hydration functions of the leaf blade. The transcriptome modulation was in part specific to the midrib compared to the leaf blade. The 958 specifically regulated transcripts of the midrib indicated up-regulation of genes implied in glyoxylate and carbohydrates metabolisms and down-regulation of genes involved in intra- and extra-cellular transport. In consequence, these modifications may favor sugar accumulation in the midrib and could force the sap flow and limit embolism. The estimated mean phenotypic and transcriptional plasticities were different between genotypes. The number of leaves and the leaf water potential were the two traits allowing discriminating statistically the genotypes by their plasticity. The plasticity level of some genes expression was also specific to genotypes: transcriptional plasticity was high concerning genes involved in carbon fixation and transport of secondary messengers for the genotype, which on average was the least plastic. All these results allowed concluding that the most drought-tolerant genotype possessed the lowest degrees of phenotypic and transcriptional plasticities. Conversely, the most sensitive genotypes hold high phenotypic and transcriptional plasticities. Finally, the regulation of the plasticity degree would depend on both preserved mechanisms and others acquired by the genotypes.
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The role of tree height and wood density for the water use, productivity and hydraulic architecture of tropical treesLink, Roman Mathias 19 February 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Stable Isotopes and Metabolite Profiles as Physiological Markers for the Drought Stress Sensitivity in Douglas-Fir Provenances (Pseudotsuga menziesii (MIRB.) FRANCO)Jansen, Kirstin 17 December 2018 (has links)
In Mitteleuropa werden zukünftig häufigere Trocken- und Hitzeperioden mit wirtschaftlichen Einbußen in der Waldwirtschaft erwartet. Die Douglasie (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) wird als Alternative für die wirtschaftlich bedeutsame, jedoch trockenheitsempfindliche Fichte diskutiert (Picea abies (L.) H.Karst.). Zwei Unterarten, die Küsten- (FDC) und die Inlandsdouglasie (FDI), sind im ausgedehnten natürlichen Verbreitungsgebiet in Nordamerika beheimatet, welches ein großes Potenzial für die Auswahl produktiver und trockenresistenter Herkünfte bietet. Unser Ziel war, die Trockenreaktion verschiedener Douglasienherkünfte unter Verknüpfung morphologischer und physiologischer Parameter und die der Trockenheitsresistenz bzw. -empfindlichkeit zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen zu erforschen. Ein Herkunftsversuch in Südwestdeutschland ermöglichte die Untersuchung 50-jähriger Douglasien verschiedener Herkünfte entlang eines Höhengradienten. Unter kontrollierten Bedingungen simulierten wir die Effekte einer Hitzewelle auf Jungbäume zweier Provenienzen. Wir analysierten die Kohlenstoff- und Sauerstoff-Stabilisotopenzusammensetzung, den Gaswechsel der Blätter, Veränderungen im Stoffwechsel und das Baumwachstum.
Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen bei FDC aus humiden Regionen hohe Wachstumseinbußen unter Trockenheit und moderat bis stark verringerte stomatäre Leitfähigkeit, unterstützt durch Photoprotektion. FDC aus Regionen mit starker Sommertrockenheit reagierten kaum mit Stomataschluss und Wachstumseinbußen auf Trockenheit, jedoch mit starker Osmoregulation und Monoterpen-Emissionen, welche zur Trockenresistenz beitragen könnten. FDI aus einer ariden Region zeigten hohe An, geringes Wachstum und stark antioxidative und photoprotektive Mechanismen.
Die Herkünfte unterscheiden sich stark in ihrer Trockenreaktion und ihren Schutzmechanismen. Der Anbau trockenresistenter Herkünfte wird an Standorten von Vorteil sein, für die eine Häufung von ariden Sommerperioden vorhergesagt wird. / In Central Europe, more frequent periods of dry and hot weather are expected in the future with economic losses in the forestry sector. Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) is discussed as a timber species alternative to the economically important but drought-sensitive spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.). Two subspecies, the coastal (FDC) and the interior Douglas-fir (FDI), are native to an extensive natural range in North America, offering a great potential for the selection of productive and drought tolerant provenances. Our goal was to investigate the drought response of different Douglas-fir provenances on the morphological and physiological level, as well as the mechanisms underlying drought resistance or susceptibility. A provenance trial in southwestern Germany established in 1958 allowed the study of 50-year-old Douglas-fir trees of diverse provenances along a height gradient. Under controlled conditions, we simulated the effects of a heat wave on young trees of two provenances. We analyzed carbon and oxygen stable isotopic composition, leaf gas exchange, changes in metabolism and tree growth.
FDC from humid regions responded to drought with strong growth decline and a medium to strong stomatal closure, supported by enhanced instantaneous photoprotection. FDC from regions with very dry summer conditions showed a small growth decline and anisohydric regulation of stomatal conductance under drought, supported by high levels of osmotic adjustment. High monoterpene emissions might contribute to the drought resistance. FDI from an arid region showed high assimilation rates, low growth potential and a high antioxidant, photoprotective, drought and heat protective potential.
The provenances differ greatly in their dry reaction and their protective mechanisms. The cultivation of drought resistant crops will be beneficial at sites predicted to accumulate arid summer periods.
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