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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ny slamhantering vid Hedesunda reningsverk / New sludge handling at Hedesunda wastewater treatment plant

Danielsson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
<p>Hedesunda reningsverk är beläget i södra delen av Gävle kommun och hanterar avloppsvatten från Hedesunda samhälle och ett fåtal närbelägna byar. Antalet anslutna personer är strax över 1500. Reningsverket byggdes på 1960-talet och byggdes om i slutet av 1990-talet. Vid ombyggnaden anlades torkbäddar för avvattning av det slam som produceras vid reningsverket. Inledningsvis fungerade dessa torkbäddar bra men sedan 2005 har slammet i bäddarna inte avvattnats i önskad omfattning.</p><p> </p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utreda hur slamavvattningen i Hedesunda ska se ut i framtiden. Utgångspunkten var att den nuvarande lösningen är otillräcklig och att en förändring är nödvändig. Inledningsvis delades frågeställningen upp i två separata delar: avvattning av slammet och avsättning för avvattnat slam. Fokus låg på ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekter av slamhantering och en sammanvägning av dessa gjordes där så var möjligt.</p><p> </p><p>Frågan om hur avvattningen bör se ut undersöktes genom att en enkät skickades ut till nio olika företag som levererar avvattningsutrustning. Dessa fick svara på 17 frågor om vilken lösning de ansåg vara bäst lämpad för reningsverket i Hedesunda. Sammanlagt samlades sex olika svar in. Utöver dessa undersöktes även alternativet att restaurera de befintliga torkbäddarna närmare. Detta skedde bland annat genom provtagning och analys av slammet i bäddarna. De olika alternativen för slamavvattning sammanställdes och jämfördes genom att varje undersökt parameter delades in i intervall som gav olika betyg. De tre alternativ som enligt denna undersökning ansågs bäst lämpade var att restaurera de befintliga bäddarna, att anlägga vassbäddar eller att installera en mindre silbandpress.</p><p> </p><p>Då slammet avvattnats återstår frågan kring hur det avvattnade slammet ska hanteras. Detta undersöktes genom att två alternativ studerades närmare. Dessa var att fortsätta med den nuvarande hanteringen som är kompostering och tillverkning av anläggningsjord eller att certifiera slammet genom REVAQ och sprida det på åkermark. Ett försök till att skatta kostnaden för de båda alternativen gjordes, bland annat genom att frågor ställdes till de kommuner/driftbolag som idag är certifierade enligt REVAQ. Kostnaden för certifiering och spridning på jordbruksmark är betydligt mycket högre än kostnaden för kompostering. Certifieringsalternativet innebär dock en större måluppfyllelse i och med att fosfor återförs till produktiv mark.   </p><p> </p><p>Resultatet av studien är ett konkret förslag på hur slamavvattning och avsättning för slam vid Hedesunda reningsverk kan skötas i framtiden. Detta förslag innebär att de nuvarande torkbäddarna restaureras och att möjligheterna att certifiera flera delar av Gästrike Vatten AB:s verksamhet utreds närmare. Att enbart certifiera slam från Hedesunda reningsverk anses ekonomiskt orimligt.</p> / <p>Hedesunda wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) is located in the southern part of Gävle municipality in Sweden. The wwtp treats wastewater from Hedesunda community and a few nearby villages. All in all there are approximately 1500 persons connected to the plant. Hedesunda wwtp was originally built in the 1960’s and was restored in the late 1990’s. At the restoration sludge drying beds were built on the site for sludge dewatering. Initially, these beds worked fine but since 2005 the dewatering result has not been satisfactory.</p><p> </p><p>The objective of this master thesis has been to investigate different alternatives for a more effective sludge handling at Hedesunda wwtp in the future. Initially the sludge handling process was divided into two different parts: sludge dewatering and management of dewatered sludge. The focus has been on economical and environmental aspects of sludge handling and where it’s been possible these factors have been weight together.</p><p> </p><p>The question of how a more effective dewatering of sludge could be achieved was answered by a questionnaire that was sent to different companies that supply dewatering equipment to the Swedish market. Altogether six answers were collected. Besides these answers the option of restoring the existing sludge drying beds was also considered. The latter was done by sampling and analyzing sludge in the existing beds, among other things. The different options for dewatering were compiled and compared in a matrix where every parameter was split up in intervals and assigned grades. Three options that received the highest total grade were considered the best options. These were: restoring the sludge drying beds, reed beds and a small belt filter press.</p><p> </p><p>The matter of how to handle the dewatered sludge was simplified to a study of only two alternatives. These were to continue the present handling or to certify the sludge according to REVAQ and use it as fertilizer. Attempts to estimate the cost for the two alternatives were made. The cost for certification is higher than the cost for composting, but to certify the sludge will lead to a higher target achievement.</p><p> </p><p>The study resulted in concrete suggestions for how the sludge at Hedesunda wwtp can be handled in the future. This suggestion states that the existing sludge drying beds should be restored and that the possibility to certify several wwtp:s within Gästrike Vatten AB should be investigated. It is not considered economically plausible to certify sludge from Hedesunda wwtp alone.</p>

Ny slamhantering vid Hedesunda reningsverk / New sludge handling at Hedesunda wastewater treatment plant

Danielsson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
Hedesunda reningsverk är beläget i södra delen av Gävle kommun och hanterar avloppsvatten från Hedesunda samhälle och ett fåtal närbelägna byar. Antalet anslutna personer är strax över 1500. Reningsverket byggdes på 1960-talet och byggdes om i slutet av 1990-talet. Vid ombyggnaden anlades torkbäddar för avvattning av det slam som produceras vid reningsverket. Inledningsvis fungerade dessa torkbäddar bra men sedan 2005 har slammet i bäddarna inte avvattnats i önskad omfattning.   Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utreda hur slamavvattningen i Hedesunda ska se ut i framtiden. Utgångspunkten var att den nuvarande lösningen är otillräcklig och att en förändring är nödvändig. Inledningsvis delades frågeställningen upp i två separata delar: avvattning av slammet och avsättning för avvattnat slam. Fokus låg på ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekter av slamhantering och en sammanvägning av dessa gjordes där så var möjligt.   Frågan om hur avvattningen bör se ut undersöktes genom att en enkät skickades ut till nio olika företag som levererar avvattningsutrustning. Dessa fick svara på 17 frågor om vilken lösning de ansåg vara bäst lämpad för reningsverket i Hedesunda. Sammanlagt samlades sex olika svar in. Utöver dessa undersöktes även alternativet att restaurera de befintliga torkbäddarna närmare. Detta skedde bland annat genom provtagning och analys av slammet i bäddarna. De olika alternativen för slamavvattning sammanställdes och jämfördes genom att varje undersökt parameter delades in i intervall som gav olika betyg. De tre alternativ som enligt denna undersökning ansågs bäst lämpade var att restaurera de befintliga bäddarna, att anlägga vassbäddar eller att installera en mindre silbandpress.   Då slammet avvattnats återstår frågan kring hur det avvattnade slammet ska hanteras. Detta undersöktes genom att två alternativ studerades närmare. Dessa var att fortsätta med den nuvarande hanteringen som är kompostering och tillverkning av anläggningsjord eller att certifiera slammet genom REVAQ och sprida det på åkermark. Ett försök till att skatta kostnaden för de båda alternativen gjordes, bland annat genom att frågor ställdes till de kommuner/driftbolag som idag är certifierade enligt REVAQ. Kostnaden för certifiering och spridning på jordbruksmark är betydligt mycket högre än kostnaden för kompostering. Certifieringsalternativet innebär dock en större måluppfyllelse i och med att fosfor återförs till produktiv mark.      Resultatet av studien är ett konkret förslag på hur slamavvattning och avsättning för slam vid Hedesunda reningsverk kan skötas i framtiden. Detta förslag innebär att de nuvarande torkbäddarna restaureras och att möjligheterna att certifiera flera delar av Gästrike Vatten AB:s verksamhet utreds närmare. Att enbart certifiera slam från Hedesunda reningsverk anses ekonomiskt orimligt. / Hedesunda wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) is located in the southern part of Gävle municipality in Sweden. The wwtp treats wastewater from Hedesunda community and a few nearby villages. All in all there are approximately 1500 persons connected to the plant. Hedesunda wwtp was originally built in the 1960’s and was restored in the late 1990’s. At the restoration sludge drying beds were built on the site for sludge dewatering. Initially, these beds worked fine but since 2005 the dewatering result has not been satisfactory.   The objective of this master thesis has been to investigate different alternatives for a more effective sludge handling at Hedesunda wwtp in the future. Initially the sludge handling process was divided into two different parts: sludge dewatering and management of dewatered sludge. The focus has been on economical and environmental aspects of sludge handling and where it’s been possible these factors have been weight together.   The question of how a more effective dewatering of sludge could be achieved was answered by a questionnaire that was sent to different companies that supply dewatering equipment to the Swedish market. Altogether six answers were collected. Besides these answers the option of restoring the existing sludge drying beds was also considered. The latter was done by sampling and analyzing sludge in the existing beds, among other things. The different options for dewatering were compiled and compared in a matrix where every parameter was split up in intervals and assigned grades. Three options that received the highest total grade were considered the best options. These were: restoring the sludge drying beds, reed beds and a small belt filter press.   The matter of how to handle the dewatered sludge was simplified to a study of only two alternatives. These were to continue the present handling or to certify the sludge according to REVAQ and use it as fertilizer. Attempts to estimate the cost for the two alternatives were made. The cost for certification is higher than the cost for composting, but to certify the sludge will lead to a higher target achievement.   The study resulted in concrete suggestions for how the sludge at Hedesunda wwtp can be handled in the future. This suggestion states that the existing sludge drying beds should be restored and that the possibility to certify several wwtp:s within Gästrike Vatten AB should be investigated. It is not considered economically plausible to certify sludge from Hedesunda wwtp alone.

Utilização de leitos de drenagem no desaguamento de lodos anaeróbios. / Anaerobic sludge dewatering by modified drying beds.

Mortara, Fernando Cintra 15 September 2011 (has links)
O método de desaguamento por leitos de drenagem foi desenvolvido por Cordeiro a partir do ano de 1993 (CORDEIRO, 2001) para o desaguamento de lodos de Estações de Tratamento de Água. A sua aplicação para lodos de lagoas de estabilização de esgotos foi feita por Fontana et al. (2007). Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a utilização de leitos de drenagem no desaguamento de lodos produzidos em reatores UASB. Para tanto foram realizados ensaios em laboratório, utilizando testes do tempo de drenagem, para avaliar a influência de diferentes doses e tipos de polímeros no desaguamento do lodo. Alguns geotêxteis foram utilizados como meio filtrante nos funis de Buchner e também avaliados pelo teste do tempo de drenagem. Após escolhidas a manta e o polímero que apresentaram os melhores resultados em laboratório, foram desenvolvidos ensaios em escala piloto, com a utilização de três unidades cobertas de leitos de drenagem, cada um com dimensões de 1,58 m x 1,09 m por 0,5 m de altura. Para a avaliação do efeito das diferentes doses de polímero em escala piloto, foram utilizadas doses de polímero de 0 a 8 g/kg de sólidos totais (peso seco) e mantida a taxa de aplicação de sólidos em 15 kgST/m².ciclo (a concentração de sólidos no lodo foi de aproximadamente 27 g/L). Os resultados indicaram que com doses de polímero =2 g/kgST (peso seco) obtinha-se teor de sólidos no lodo de cerca de 13% após 1 dia e 20% após 10 a 15 dias. Para se atingir teor de sólidos de 25 a 30% o período de secagem necessário foi de cerca de 30 dias. Embora que mesmo sem a aplicação de polímeros o comportamento do lodo fosse semelhante ao de lodos condicionados com polímero, em relação à evolução do teor de sólidos em função dos períodos de secagem, observou-se certa dificuldade na remoção do lodo desaguado e principalmente na limpeza das mantas geotêxteis. Para avaliar diferentes taxas de aplicação superficial de sólidos, foram ensaiadas taxas entre 9 e 22 kgST/m².ciclo. A evolução do teor de sólidos, ao longo do período de secagem dos 3 ensaios realizados, indicou que taxas mais altas de aplicação de sólidos não diminuem as velocidades de secagem, sugerindo que, inclusive, taxas mais altas poderiam ser ensaiadas. / The method of dewatering sludge through Drainage Beds was originally developed in 1993 by Cordeiro (CORDEIRO, 2001) with sludge from Water Treatment Plants. Fontana et al. (2007) used sludge from wastewater stabilization ponds with positive results. The purpose of this research is the evaluation of the drainage bed method to dewater sludge from UASB reactors. Several laboratory trials were performed, measuring drainage times to assess the influence of different polymer types and doses on sludge dewatering. Few geotextiles were used as filter on the drainage time test to evaluate their performance. Once the polymer and the geotextile that best performed in the laboratory were chosen, several pilot experiments were performed with the use of three covered units of drainage beds, each measuring 1.58m x 1.09m (width) x 0.5m (height). For the evaluation of different polymer conditioning doses on a pilot scale, doses from 0 to 8 g/kg of total solids (dry weight) were used and the applied rate of solids kept at 15 kgTS/m².cycle (the concentration of solids in the sludge was of approximately 27 g/L). Results indicated that with the use of polymer doses =2 g/kgTS (dry weight), approximately 13% of total solids in the sludge was observed after one day, which increased to approximately 20% after 15 days. To reach 25% to 30% of total solids in the sludge, the drying time required was circa 30 days. Even without the application of polymers, the behavior of sludge in terms of total solids during the drying period was similar to the sludge conditioned with polymers. Although, with the unconditioned sludge, some difficulty to remove the dewatered sludge cake was observed, mainly in cleaning of the geotextile sleeves. In order to evaluate different application rates of solids, the pilot experiments included rates between 9 and 22 kgTS/m².cycle. The behavior of the total solids in the cake during the drying period of the three experiments suggested that the higher rates of application of solids does not reduce the drying speed, indicating that higher rates can be targeted in future research projects.

Utilização de leitos de drenagem no desaguamento de lodos anaeróbios. / Anaerobic sludge dewatering by modified drying beds.

Fernando Cintra Mortara 15 September 2011 (has links)
O método de desaguamento por leitos de drenagem foi desenvolvido por Cordeiro a partir do ano de 1993 (CORDEIRO, 2001) para o desaguamento de lodos de Estações de Tratamento de Água. A sua aplicação para lodos de lagoas de estabilização de esgotos foi feita por Fontana et al. (2007). Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a utilização de leitos de drenagem no desaguamento de lodos produzidos em reatores UASB. Para tanto foram realizados ensaios em laboratório, utilizando testes do tempo de drenagem, para avaliar a influência de diferentes doses e tipos de polímeros no desaguamento do lodo. Alguns geotêxteis foram utilizados como meio filtrante nos funis de Buchner e também avaliados pelo teste do tempo de drenagem. Após escolhidas a manta e o polímero que apresentaram os melhores resultados em laboratório, foram desenvolvidos ensaios em escala piloto, com a utilização de três unidades cobertas de leitos de drenagem, cada um com dimensões de 1,58 m x 1,09 m por 0,5 m de altura. Para a avaliação do efeito das diferentes doses de polímero em escala piloto, foram utilizadas doses de polímero de 0 a 8 g/kg de sólidos totais (peso seco) e mantida a taxa de aplicação de sólidos em 15 kgST/m².ciclo (a concentração de sólidos no lodo foi de aproximadamente 27 g/L). Os resultados indicaram que com doses de polímero =2 g/kgST (peso seco) obtinha-se teor de sólidos no lodo de cerca de 13% após 1 dia e 20% após 10 a 15 dias. Para se atingir teor de sólidos de 25 a 30% o período de secagem necessário foi de cerca de 30 dias. Embora que mesmo sem a aplicação de polímeros o comportamento do lodo fosse semelhante ao de lodos condicionados com polímero, em relação à evolução do teor de sólidos em função dos períodos de secagem, observou-se certa dificuldade na remoção do lodo desaguado e principalmente na limpeza das mantas geotêxteis. Para avaliar diferentes taxas de aplicação superficial de sólidos, foram ensaiadas taxas entre 9 e 22 kgST/m².ciclo. A evolução do teor de sólidos, ao longo do período de secagem dos 3 ensaios realizados, indicou que taxas mais altas de aplicação de sólidos não diminuem as velocidades de secagem, sugerindo que, inclusive, taxas mais altas poderiam ser ensaiadas. / The method of dewatering sludge through Drainage Beds was originally developed in 1993 by Cordeiro (CORDEIRO, 2001) with sludge from Water Treatment Plants. Fontana et al. (2007) used sludge from wastewater stabilization ponds with positive results. The purpose of this research is the evaluation of the drainage bed method to dewater sludge from UASB reactors. Several laboratory trials were performed, measuring drainage times to assess the influence of different polymer types and doses on sludge dewatering. Few geotextiles were used as filter on the drainage time test to evaluate their performance. Once the polymer and the geotextile that best performed in the laboratory were chosen, several pilot experiments were performed with the use of three covered units of drainage beds, each measuring 1.58m x 1.09m (width) x 0.5m (height). For the evaluation of different polymer conditioning doses on a pilot scale, doses from 0 to 8 g/kg of total solids (dry weight) were used and the applied rate of solids kept at 15 kgTS/m².cycle (the concentration of solids in the sludge was of approximately 27 g/L). Results indicated that with the use of polymer doses =2 g/kgTS (dry weight), approximately 13% of total solids in the sludge was observed after one day, which increased to approximately 20% after 15 days. To reach 25% to 30% of total solids in the sludge, the drying time required was circa 30 days. Even without the application of polymers, the behavior of sludge in terms of total solids during the drying period was similar to the sludge conditioned with polymers. Although, with the unconditioned sludge, some difficulty to remove the dewatered sludge cake was observed, mainly in cleaning of the geotextile sleeves. In order to evaluate different application rates of solids, the pilot experiments included rates between 9 and 22 kgTS/m².cycle. The behavior of the total solids in the cake during the drying period of the three experiments suggested that the higher rates of application of solids does not reduce the drying speed, indicating that higher rates can be targeted in future research projects.

Pós-secagem natural de lodos de estações de tratamento de água e esgoto sanitários. / Post drying of residues generated in water wastewater treatment plants by natural processes.

Souza, Weverton Gesiel de 18 September 2012 (has links)
Os processos de secagem de resíduos produzidos em estações de tratamento de água e esgoto por processos mecânicos podem gerar lodos com teores de sólidos de 20% a 30%, podendo estes variar de acordo com as características do lodo bem como da tecnologia de desidratação. Uma vez que os custos de transporte e disposição final têm aumentado de forma significativa para lodos produzidos em regiões metropolitanas, torna-se atrativo a sua redução mediante o aumento do teor de sólidos do lodo desidratado. Desta forma, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o processo de pós-secagem de resíduos gerados em estações de tratamento de água (ETA) e esgoto (ETE) por processos naturais, tendo-se avaliado a influência das condições climáticas da cidade de São Paulo para diferentes estações do ano. O estudo foi realizado com dois tipos de leitos de secagem em escala piloto; leito coberto (LC) e leito aberto (LA), tendo os mesmos 1,80m2 de área e piso impermeabilizado. Os dados hidrometeorológicos foram obtidos mediante a operação de uma estação hidrometeorológica portátil que forneceu dados de temperatura do ar e do lodo, umidade relativa do ar, radiação solar global, velocidade do vento e precipitação. O lodo gerado nas estações de tratamento foram dispostos nos leitos de secagem em leiras com 30cm de altura, sendo revolvidos e realizadas análises de teor de sólidos do lodo três vezes por semana, o período de secagem de cada ciclo foi de 30 dias. Os teores de sólidos dos lodos obtidos nos ensaios com pós-secagem natural apresentaram resultados distintos para diferentes períodos do ano; durante o período do verão foi obtido lodo com teor de sólido final de 58% médio, enquanto, no período de inverno foi obtido lodo com teor de sólido final de 18% médio. Foi utilizado um modelo matemático para o processo de secagem do lodo utilizando os dados meteorológicos medidos, uma equação do balanço de calor foi aplicada para o volume de controle do leito de secagem do lodo considerando a transferência de calor por radiação, convecção, e evaporação. / The mechanical drying process of residuals produced in water and wastewater treatment plants can generate sludge with solids content of 20% to 30%. These values may vary according to the characteristics of the sludge and dehydration technology. The costs of sludge produced in metropolitan areas have increased significantly due to transportation and final disposal. Hence, it is to, becoming attractive to reduce the residue volume by increasing the solids content of the dewatered sludge. This study aimed to evaluate the process of post drying of residues generated in water wastewater treatment plants (WTP and WWTP) by natural processes, evaluating the influence seasonal variation of the weather in the São Paulo city. The study was conducted with two drying beds on a pilot scale; one being a cover unit (CU) and the other an uncover unit (UU). Both units have the same area of 1.80m2 and waterproof floor. The hydrometeorological data were obtained through the operation of a weather station installed close to the units that supplied data for temperature of the air and sludge, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and precipitation. The sludge source in the treatment stations are arranged in the drying beds to ridges with 30cm height, the sludge was mixed and analyzed of solid content three times a week, the drying time of each cycle was 30 days. The solid content of the sludge obtained in tests with post drying by natural processes showed different results for different seasonal of the year and during the summer period was obtained sludge with solid content finale average of 58%, while in the winter was obtained sludge with solid content finale average of 18%. A mathematical model is developed for the process of drying of sludge, a heat-balance equation is applied for a control volume of sludge that takes into account the heat transfer by radiation, convection, and evaporation.

Pós-secagem natural de lodos de estações de tratamento de água e esgoto sanitários. / Post drying of residues generated in water wastewater treatment plants by natural processes.

Weverton Gesiel de Souza 18 September 2012 (has links)
Os processos de secagem de resíduos produzidos em estações de tratamento de água e esgoto por processos mecânicos podem gerar lodos com teores de sólidos de 20% a 30%, podendo estes variar de acordo com as características do lodo bem como da tecnologia de desidratação. Uma vez que os custos de transporte e disposição final têm aumentado de forma significativa para lodos produzidos em regiões metropolitanas, torna-se atrativo a sua redução mediante o aumento do teor de sólidos do lodo desidratado. Desta forma, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o processo de pós-secagem de resíduos gerados em estações de tratamento de água (ETA) e esgoto (ETE) por processos naturais, tendo-se avaliado a influência das condições climáticas da cidade de São Paulo para diferentes estações do ano. O estudo foi realizado com dois tipos de leitos de secagem em escala piloto; leito coberto (LC) e leito aberto (LA), tendo os mesmos 1,80m2 de área e piso impermeabilizado. Os dados hidrometeorológicos foram obtidos mediante a operação de uma estação hidrometeorológica portátil que forneceu dados de temperatura do ar e do lodo, umidade relativa do ar, radiação solar global, velocidade do vento e precipitação. O lodo gerado nas estações de tratamento foram dispostos nos leitos de secagem em leiras com 30cm de altura, sendo revolvidos e realizadas análises de teor de sólidos do lodo três vezes por semana, o período de secagem de cada ciclo foi de 30 dias. Os teores de sólidos dos lodos obtidos nos ensaios com pós-secagem natural apresentaram resultados distintos para diferentes períodos do ano; durante o período do verão foi obtido lodo com teor de sólido final de 58% médio, enquanto, no período de inverno foi obtido lodo com teor de sólido final de 18% médio. Foi utilizado um modelo matemático para o processo de secagem do lodo utilizando os dados meteorológicos medidos, uma equação do balanço de calor foi aplicada para o volume de controle do leito de secagem do lodo considerando a transferência de calor por radiação, convecção, e evaporação. / The mechanical drying process of residuals produced in water and wastewater treatment plants can generate sludge with solids content of 20% to 30%. These values may vary according to the characteristics of the sludge and dehydration technology. The costs of sludge produced in metropolitan areas have increased significantly due to transportation and final disposal. Hence, it is to, becoming attractive to reduce the residue volume by increasing the solids content of the dewatered sludge. This study aimed to evaluate the process of post drying of residues generated in water wastewater treatment plants (WTP and WWTP) by natural processes, evaluating the influence seasonal variation of the weather in the São Paulo city. The study was conducted with two drying beds on a pilot scale; one being a cover unit (CU) and the other an uncover unit (UU). Both units have the same area of 1.80m2 and waterproof floor. The hydrometeorological data were obtained through the operation of a weather station installed close to the units that supplied data for temperature of the air and sludge, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and precipitation. The sludge source in the treatment stations are arranged in the drying beds to ridges with 30cm height, the sludge was mixed and analyzed of solid content three times a week, the drying time of each cycle was 30 days. The solid content of the sludge obtained in tests with post drying by natural processes showed different results for different seasonal of the year and during the summer period was obtained sludge with solid content finale average of 58%, while in the winter was obtained sludge with solid content finale average of 18%. A mathematical model is developed for the process of drying of sludge, a heat-balance equation is applied for a control volume of sludge that takes into account the heat transfer by radiation, convection, and evaporation.

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