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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Innovative solutions for acoustic resonance characterization in metal halide lamps

Lei, Fang 24 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Metal halide lamp is one kind of the most compact high-performance light sources. Because of their good color rendering index and high luminous efficacy, these lamps are often preferred in locations where color and efficacy are important, such as supermarkets, gymnasiums, ice rinks and sporting arenas. Unfortunately, acoustic resonance phenomenon occurs in metal halide lamps and causes light flicker, lamp arc bending and rotation, lamp extinction and in the worst case, arc tube explosion, when the lamps are operated in high-frequency bands. This thesis takes place in the context of developing electronic ballasts with robust acoustic resonance detection and avoidance mechanisms. To this end, several envelope detection methods such as the multiplier circuit, rectifier circuit, and lock-in amplifier, are proposed to characterize fluctuations of acoustic resonance. Furthermore, statistical criteria based on the standard deviation of these fluctuations are proposed to assess acoustic resonance occurrence and classify its severity. The proposed criteria enable classifying between no acoustic resonance and acoustic resonance cases based upon either a two-dimensional plane, a histogram or a boxplot. These analyses are confirmed by the study of spectral variations (variations of the spectral irradiance and colorimetric parameters) as well. Standard deviations and relative standard deviations of these variations are also correlated with the presence of acoustic resonance. The results from this study show that whatever voltage envelope variations or spectral variations are significantly influenced by acoustic resonance phenomena. A set of metal halide lamps from different manufacturers and with different powers are tested in our experiments. We concluded that our designed multiplier and rectifier circuits for acoustic resonance detection have the same sensitivity as the lock-in amplifier, paving the way for the implementation of this function directly into the ballast circuit board.

Avaliação de sistemas de janela para suporte a decisões de projeto quanto à iluminação e uso de energia / Window systems evaluation for design decision support on daylight and energy use.

Kamila Mendonça de Lima 16 February 2016 (has links)
Projetar sistemas de janela considerando a adequação climática envolve lidar com os efeitos do meio externo, que são dinâmicos, e com estratégias que podem ser conflitantes, tais como o controle do ganho de calor solar e aproveitamento da iluminação natural, ambos elementos provenientes da radiação do Sol. Parte-se do princípio de que isso é feito considerando o impacto de diferentes variáveis de projeto em diferentes indicadores de desempenho simultaneamente, para suporte a decisão. O estudo do efeito dessas variáveis de projeto da janela quando combinadas ainda não é consolidado, especialmente no caso de localidades de baixa latitude. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa de doutorado é avaliar sistemas de janela estáticos e dinâmicos para suporte a decisões de projeto arquitetônico, quanto a diferentes critérios de desempenho relacionados à iluminação natural e uso de energia, de forma integrada. São estudados sistemas de janela compostos por uma abertura envidraçada e proteções solares de aletas horizontais externas, fixas e móveis. O recorte engloba edificações com uso de escritório no contexto do clima quente e úmido da cidade de Maceió-AL. Para isso, simulações computacionais integradas utilizando os softwares Daysim e EnergyPlus foram realizadas, considerando o acionamento das lâmpadas apenas quando a luz natural não fosse suficiente para atender ao uso do ambiente. As variáveis de projeto analisadas foram: percentual de área de abertura, tipo de vidro, ângulo de sombreamento, quantidade de aletas, tipo de acionamento do sistema de proteção solar e orientação da abertura. As soluções arquitetônicas resultantes das combinações de todas as variáveis entre si foram avaliadas com relação à disponibilidade e distribuição da luz natural e demanda de energia elétrica para condicionamento do ar e iluminação artificial no ambiente interno, e classificadas segundo dois indicadores principais. Foram identificadas as variáveis de projeto dentre as analisadas com maior potencial de impacto no desempenho obtido em diferentes situações. Os resultados mostraram que é possível uma alternativa se encontrar em uma faixa de 10% melhores cenários nos dois indicadores ao mesmo tempo. Observou-se ainda que, apesar de a demanda de energia para condicionamento do ar ser frequentemente maior do que a demanda para iluminação, o desempenho da abertura quanto à iluminação pode ter um peso decisivo na escolha de projeto, pois este indicador de desempenho é mais sensível às variáveis da janela estudadas do que o primeiro. Por fim, observou-se que os protetores solares dinâmicos não são garantia de melhoria de desempenho em relação a sistemas estáticos. / Designing window systems in a climate responsive way involves dealing with the effects of the external environment, which are dynamic, and strategies that may conflict, such as daylight and control of solar heat gains, both elements related to the sun. This research assumes that this is done considering the impact of different design variables in different performance indicators simultaneously, for decision support. The study of the effect of window design variables when combined is not yet consolidated, especially in case of low latitude locations. The general objective of this doctoral research is to evaluate static and dynamic window systems to support architectural design decisions regarding different performance criteria related to daylight and energy use, in an integrated manner. The studied window system consists of a glazed opening and external horizontal slat-type shading devices, fixed and mobile, in offices in the hot and humid climate of the city of Maceió-AL. For this, computer integrated simulations using Daysim and EnergyPlus software were carried out, considering the activation of the lighting system only when daylight is not sufficient to meet the usage requirements. The design variables analyzed were window-to-wall ratio, glazing type, cut-off angle, number of slats, type of shading control and orientation. Architectural solutions resulting from combinations of all variables were evaluated regarding the availability and distribution of daylight and electricity demand for air conditioning and artificial lighting in the indoor environment. The solutions were then rated and ranked according to two main indicators. The design variables among the analyzed with potential of high impact in the obtained performance in different situations were identified. The results showed that it is possible an alternative be in a range of 10% best scenarios in the two criteria at the same time. It was also observed that, although the energy demand for conditioning air often be greater than the lighting energy demand, the performance of the window on daylight can have a decisive weight on the design choice, because this performance indicator is more sensitive to the window variables than the first. Finally, it was observed that the dynamic shading systems are not performance-enhancing guarantee compared to static systems.

Control of a Multivariable Lighting System

Halldin, Axel January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis examines how a small MIMO lighting system can be identified and controlled. Two approaches are examined and compared; the first approach is a dynamic model using state space representation, where the system identification technique is Recursive Least Square, RLS, and the controller is an LQG controller; the second approach is a static model derived from the physical properties of light and a feedback feed-forward controller consisting of a PI controller coupled with a Control Allocation, CA, technique. For the studied system, the CA-PI approach significantly outperforms the LQG-RLS approach, which leads to the conclusion that the system’s static properties are predominant compared to the dynamic properties.

Safe control of robotic manipulators in dynamic contexts / Contrôle sûre de robots manipulateurs dans des environnements dynamiques

Meguenani, Anis 13 October 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'explorer de nouvelles approches pour le développement de systèmes robotiques capables de partager en toute sécurité leur espace de travail avec des opérateurs humains. Dans ce contexte, le travail présenté est axé principalement sur la problématique de commande. Les questions suivantes sont abordées:- pour des lois de contrôle réactives, c'est-à-dire des problèmes de commande où la tâche à exécuter n'est pas connue à l'avance mais découverte en temps réel, comment est-il possible de garantir à chaque pâs de temps l'existence d'une solution au problème de contrôle? Cette solution devrait permettre au robot d'accomplir au mieux sa tâche préscrite et en même temps de strictement respecter les contraintes existantes, parmi lesquelles, les contraintes liées aux limitations physiques des actionneurs de ses articulations.- Comment intégrer l'opérateur humain dans la boucle de contrôle du robot de manière à ce que le contact physique puisse être engagé et désengagé en toute sécurité? Concernant le premier point, notre travail se présente comme la continuité de résultats antérieurs développés par Sébastien Rubrecht lors de sa thèse de doctorat. Sébastien Rubrecht a introduit le concept d'incompatibilité des contraintes pour des robots contrôlés de manière réactive au niveau cinématique. Le problème de l'incompatibilité des contraintes apparaît par exemple lorsque la formulation de la contrainte sur une position articulaire d'un robot ne tient pas compte de la quantité de décélération produite par son actionneur. Dans ce cas, si la contrainte de position articulaire est activée tardivement, le système peut se retrouver dans une situation où il n'a pas suffisamment de temps pour faire face à la limite de position articulaire imposée considérant ses capacités dynamiques limités... / The intended goal of this thesis is to bring new insights for developing robotic systems capable of safely sharing their workspace with human-operators. Within this context, the presented work focuses on the control problem. The following questions are tackled:-for reactive control laws, i.e., control problems where the task to be performed is not known in advance but discovered on-line, how is it possible to guarantee for every time-step the existence of a solution to the control problem? This solution should allow the robot to accomplish at best its prescribed task and at the same time to strictly comply with existing constraints, among which, constraints related to the physical limitations of its actuators and joints.-How to integrate the human-operator in the control loop of the robot so that physical contact can safely be engaged and de-engaged? Regarding the first point, our work arises as the continuity of previous results developed by Sébastien Rubrecht during his PhD thesis. Sébastien Rubrecht introduced the concept of constraints incompatibility for robots reactively controlled at the kinematic-level. The problem of constraints incompatibility appears for example when the formulation of the constraint on an articular position of a robot does not account for the amount of deceleration producible by its actuator. In such case, if the articular position constraint is activated tardively, the system may not have sufficient time to cope with the imposed joint position limit considering its bounded dynamic capabilities.

Convex optimization based resource allocation in multi-antenna systems

Shashika Manosha Kapuruhamy Badalge, . () 29 December 2017 (has links)
Abstract The use of multiple antennas is a fundamental requirement in future wireless networks as it helps to increase the reliability and spectral efficiency of mobile radio links. In this thesis, we study convex optimization based radio resource allocation methods for the downlink of multi-antenna systems. First, the problem of admission control in the downlink of a multicell multiple-input single-output (MISO) system has been considered. The objective is to maximize the number of admitted users subject to a signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) constraint at each admitted user and a transmit power constraint at each base station (BS). We have cast the admission control problem as an ℓ0 minimization problem; it is known to be combinatorial, NP-hard. Centralized and distributed algorithms to solve this problem have been proposed. To develop the centralized algorithm, we have used sequential convex programming (SCP). The distributed algorithm has been derived by using the consensus-based alternating direction method of multipliers in conjunction with SCP. We have shown numerically that the proposed admission control algorithms achieve a near-to-optimal performance. Next, we have extended the admission control problem to provide fairness, where long-term fairness among the users has been guaranteed. We have focused on proportional and max-min fairness, and proposed dynamic control algorithms via Lyapunov optimization. Results show that these proposed algorithms guarantee fairness. Then, the problem of admission control for the downlink of a MISO heterogeneous networks (hetnet) has been considered, and the proposed centralized and distributed algorithms have been adapted to find a solution. Numerically, we have illustrated that the centralized algorithm achieves a near-to-optimal performance, and the distributed algorithm’s performance is closer to the optimal value. Finally, an algorithm to obtain the set of all achievable power-rate tuples for a multiple-input multiple-output hetnet has been provided. The setup consists of a single macrocell and a set of femtocells. The interference power to the macro users from the femto BSs has been kept below a threshold. To find the set of all achievable power-rate tuples, a two-dimensional vector optimization problem is formulated, where we have considered maximizing the sum-rate while minimizing the sum-power, subject to maximum power and interference threshold constraints. This problem is known to be NP-hard. A solution method is provided by using the relationship between the weighted sum-rate maximization and weighted-sum-mean-squared-error minimization problems. The proposed algorithm was used to evaluate the impact of imposing interference threshold constraints and the co-channel deployments in a hetnet. / Tiivistelmä Monen antennin käyttö on perusvaatimus tulevissa langattomissa verkoissa, koska se auttaa lisäämään matkaviestinyhteyksien luotettavuutta ja spektritehokkuutta. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan konveksiin optimointiin perustuvia radioresurssien allokointimenetelmiä moniantennijärjestelmien alalinkin suunnassa. Ensiksi on käsitelty pääsynvalvonnan ongelmaa alalinkin suuntaan monen solun moni-tulo yksi-lähtö (MISO) -verkoissa. Tavoitteena on maksimoida hyväksyttyjen käyttäjien määrä, kun hyväksytyille käyttäjille on asetettu signaali-häiriö-kohinasuhteen (SINR) rajoitus, ja tukiasemille lähetystehon rajoitus. Pääsynvalvonnan ongelma on muotoiltu ℓ0-minimointiongelmana, jonka tiedetään olevan kombinatorinen, NP-vaikea ongelma. Ongelman ratkaisemiseksi on ehdotettu keskitettyjä ja hajautettuja algoritmeja. Keskitetty optimointialgoritmi perustuu sekventiaaliseen konveksiin optimointiin. Hajautettu algoritmi pohjautuu konsensusoptimointimenetelmään ja sekventiaaliseen konveksiin optimointiin. Ehdotettujen pääsynvalvonta-algoritmien on numeerisesti osoitettu saavuttavan lähes optimaalinen suorituskyky. Lisäksi pääsynvalvontaongelma on laajennettu takaamaan pitkän aikavälin oikeudenmukaisuus käyttäjien välillä. Työssä käytetään erilaisia määritelmiä oikeudenmukaisuuden takaamiseen, ja ehdotetaan dynaamisia algoritmeja pohjautuen Lyapunov-optimointiin. Tulokset osoittavat, että ehdotetuilla algoritmeilla taataan käyttäjien välinen oikeudenmukaisuus. Tämän jälkeen käsitellään heterogeenisen langattoman MISO-verkon pääsynvalvonnan ongelmaa. Edellä ehdotettuja keskitettyjä ja hajautettuja algoritmeja on muokattu tämän ongelman ratkaisemiseksi. Työssä osoitetaan numeerisesti, että sekä keskitetyllä että hajautetulla algoritmilla saavutetaan lähes optimaalinen suorituskyky. Lopuksi on laadittu algoritmi, jolla löydetään kaikki saavutettavissa olevat teho-datanopeusparit heterogeenisessä langattomassa moni-tulo moni-lähtö (MIMO) -verkossa. Verkko koostuu yhdestä makrosolusta ja useasta piensolusta. Piensolutukiasemista makrokäyttäjiin kohdistuvan häiriön teho on pidetty tietyn rajan alapuolella. Kaikkien saavutettavien teho-datanopeusparien löytämiseksi on laadittu kaksiulotteinen vektorioptimointiongelma, jossa maksimoidaan summadatanopeus pyrkien minimoimaan kokonaisteho, kun enimmäisteholle ja häiriökynnykselle on asetettu rajoitukset. Tämän ongelman tiedetään olevan NP-vaikea. Ongelman ratkaisemiseksi käytetään painotetun summadatanopeuden maksimointiongelman, ja painotetun keskineliövirheen minimointiongelman välistä suhdetta. Ehdotettua algoritmia käytettiin arvioimaan häiriörajoitusten ja saman kanavan käyttöönoton vaikutusta heterogeenisessä langattomassa verkossa.

Contrôle distribué pour les systèmes multi-cœurs auto-adaptatifs / Distributed Control for Self-adaptatif Multi-Core Architectures

Mansouri, Imen 30 November 2011 (has links)
Les architectures régulières intégrant plusieurs cœurs de traitement sont davantage utilisées dans les systèmes embarqués. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse aux mécanismes d'optimisation d'énergie dans des architectures avec une dimension étendue; pour faire face aux problèmes de variabilité technologique et aux changements du contexte applicatif, le processus d'optimisation se déroule en temps réel. Des capteurs in-situ détectent le degré de dégradation du circuit. Quant a la variabilité applicative, des moniteurs d'activité sont insérés sur un niveau architectural pour estimer la charge de travail engendrée par l'application en cours et la consommation qui en découle. Nous avons développé une méthode systématique pour l'intégration de ces capteurs avec un moindre coût en surface. Leurs sorties alimentent un processus d'optimisation basé sur la théorie de consensus et dupliqué dans chaque cœur. Ce contrôle vise à fixer la meilleure configuration locale à chaque cœur permettant d'optimiser la consommation globale du système tout en respectant les contraintes temps réel de l'application en cours. Ce schéma opère d'une manière complètement distribuée afin de garantir la scalabilité de notre solution, et donc sa faisabilité, compte tenu de la complexité des circuits actuels et futurs. / Regular architectures embedding several processing elements are increasingly used in embedded systems. They require careful design to avoid high power consumption and to improve their flexibility. This thesis work deals with optimization mechanisms of large scale architectures; to meet variability issues, optimization is processed at run-time. The target design implements in-situ features to collect physical information about its yield and to monitor application workload and generated consumption. As for workload monitoring, we use activity counters connected at architecture level to a set of critical signals. We developed an automated method to optimally place these features with a minimal area overhead. The collected information are used further jointly with a power model to estimate the dissipated power and then driven appropriate optimization process. Optimal frequency for each core is set by means of a distributed controller based on consensus theory. The resulting settings aim to reduce the whole system power while fulfilling application constraints. The scheme needs to be fully distributed to garantee the control scalability, and so feasibility, as the number of cores scales.

Att brottas med musiken : En självstudie i erfarandet av dynamik utifrån ett solostycke / To wrestle with the music : A study in dynamics experience through a solo piece

Möller, Marta January 2018 (has links)
För att komma underfund med och bli medveten om min egen övning kring dynamik och dess utförande har jag utfört en studie kring detta. Syftet grundas i flera kommentarer från lärare på masterclasses och lektioner om att jag aldrig utför tillräckligt med dynamik i stycket jag framför. Mina forskningsfrågor handlar om hur jag erfar min egen instudering och gestaltning av de dynamiska skillnaderna i flöjtsolostycket Density 21.5avEdgard Varése, hur detta upplevs vid framträdande och rummets påverkan. I bakgrundskapitlet presenteras hur dynamik får ökad betydelse genom historien, hur dynamik kan utföras på tvärflöjt, tidigare forskning kring instudering av stycken och akustik samt det teoretiska perspektivet kroppsfenomenologi av Merleau-Ponty. Metodkapitlet tydliggör studiens upplägg och hur övandesituationer har dokumenterats genom loggbok samt ljud- och videoinspelning. Detta har sedan analyserats genom kroppsfenomenologins glasögon. Ett försök har även gjorts för att tydliggöra faktorer som kan förbättra min dynamikkontroll och dess erfarande. Slutligen sker en diskussion om hur kroppens vanor och aktivitet påverkar utförandet vid både övning och framträdande. / In order to find out and become aware of my own use of dynamics and the use of it in performance, I have made a study on this. The purpose is based on several comments during master classes and lessons, as I have always been told that I never express enough dynamics in the performed piece. My research is based on the experience of my own practice and the development of big dynamic contrasts in the flute piece Density 21.5 byEdgard Varése. I also explore and look at the influences of the room acoustic and the matter it has on the actual dynamic. The background research emphasizes how dynamics are gaining importance through history, how to use dynamics on the flute, previous research that has been made on the study of pieces and acoustics and also the theoretical perspective of body phenomenology by Merleau-Ponty. The method chapter clarifies the structure of the study and how practice situations have been highlighted through logbook, audio- and video recording. This has then been analyzed through detailed body phenomenology and an attempt has also been made to clarify factors that can improve my own dynamic control and its experience. Finally, there is a discussion which brings up how habits and activities of the body affect the experience in both practice and performance.

Controle de uma plataforma de movimento de um simulador de vôo / Control of a flight simulator motion base

Becerra Vargas, Mauricio 27 November 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento e as análises de técnicas de controle aplicadas a uma base de movimento de um simulador de vôo. Nos primeiros capítulos são abordados aspectos relacionados com a simulação de movimentos. Uma breve descrição da dinâmica da aeronave e o desenvolvimento do algoritmo de movimento (washout filter) são apresentados. O modelo dinâmico da base de movimento é desenvolvido baseado num manipulador paralelo de seis graus de liberdade chamado de plataforma de Stewart acionado eletricamente. As equações de movimento do atuador eletromecânico são incluídas no modelo dinâmico da plataforma. O controle baseado na dinâmica inversa é uma alternativa para abordar o controle de sistema mecânicos não lineares como a plataforma de Stewart. Porém, essa técnica considera o conhecimento exato do modelo dinâmico do sistema, portanto, a dinâmica não modelada, as incertezas paramétricas e as perturbações externas podem degradar o desempenho do controlador. Além disso, o custo computacional pago pelo cálculo do modelo dinâmico realizado online é muito alto. Nesse contexto, duas estratégias de controle foram aplicadas na malha externa da estrutura de controle baseada na dinâmica inversa para o controle de aceleração na presença de incertezas paramétricas e da dinâmica não modelada, os quais foram introduzidas intencionalmente no processo de aproximar o modelo dinâmico com o objetivo de simplificar a implementação do controle baseado na dinâmica inversa. Na primeira estratégia, o termo robusto de controle foi projetado, provando a estabilidade do sistema linearizado por meio da teoria de estabilidade de Lyapunov. Este controle apresenta o fenômeno conhecido como chattering e então foi adotada uma função de saturação para substituir a lei de controle. Na segunda estratégia, o termo robusto de controle foi projetado considerando um problema de rejeição de distúrbio via controle H \'INFINITO\', onde o controlador considera as incertezas como distúrbios afetando o sistema linearizado resultante da aplicação do controle baseado na dinâmica inversa. Finalmente, três tipos de testes foram realizados para avaliar o sistema de controle: função descritiva, limiar dinâmico e algumas manobras da aeronave calculadas a partir do modelo dinâmico e transformadas através do algoritmo de movimento. As duas estratégias de controle foram comparadas. / This work presents the development and analysis of control techniques applied to a flight simulator motion base. The first chapters deal with subjects related to motion simulation. A brief description of the aircraft dynamic model and the development of the motion algorithm (washout filter) are presented. The motion base dynamics is derived based on a six degree of freedom parallel manipulator driven by electromechanical actuators. The six degree of freedom parallel manipulator is called Stewart platform. The motion equations of the electromechanical actuators are included in the motion base dynamics. Inverse dynamics control is an approach to nonlinear control design, nonetheless, this technique is based on the assumption of exact cancellation of nonlinear terms, therefore, parametric uncertainty, unmodeled dynamics and external disturbances may deteriorate the controller performance. In addition, a high computational burden is paid by computing on-line the complete dynamic model of the motion-base. Robustness can be regained by applying robust control tecniques in the outer loop control structure. In this context, two control strategies were applied in the outer loop of the inverse dynamics control structure linearized system for robust acceleration tracking in the presence of parametric uncertainty and unmodeled dynamic, which are intentionally introduced in the process of approximating the dynamic model in order to simplify the implementation of this approach, the inverse dynamic control. Both control strategies consist of introducing an additional term to the inverse dynamics controller which provides robustness to the control system. In the first strategy, the robust control term was designed proving the stability of the linearized system in the presence of uncertainties, using the Lyapunov stability theory. This control term presents a phenomenon known as chattering. Therefore, a saturation function was adopted to replace the control law. In the second strategy, the robust term was designed for a disturbance rejection problem via H \'INFINITE\' control, where the controller considers the uncertaities as disturbances affecting the linearized system resulting from the application of the inverse dynamic control. Finally, describing function, dynamic threshold and some maneuvers computed from the washout filter were used to evaluate the performance of the controllers. Both approaches were compared.

Innovative solutions for acoustic resonance characterization in metal halide lamps / Solutions innovantes pour la caractérisation de résonances acoustiques dans les lampes à iodures métalliques

Lei, Fang 24 January 2018 (has links)
La lampe à iodure métallique est une des sources lumineuses de haute performance les plus compactes qui soit. En raison de leur bon indice de rendu des couleurs et de leur haute efficacité lumineuse, ces lampes sont souvent préférées dans les endroits où la couleur et l'efficacité sont importantes, comme les supermarchés, les gymnases, les patinoires et les arènes sportives. L’inconvénient majeur de ce type de lampe à iodure métallique vient d’un phénomène appelé « résonance acoustique ». Lorsqu’il se produit, la lumière scintille, l’arc au centre de la lampe se met à fléchir et à tourner. Cela peut aller jusqu’à l'extinction de la lampe et, dans le pire des cas, à l’explosion du tube lorsque les lampes fonctionnent dans certaines bandes de fréquence. Cette thèse se situe dans le contexte du développement de ballasts électroniques incorporant des mécanismes robustes de détection et d'évitement de résonance acoustique. À cette fin, plusieurs méthodes de détection d'enveloppe telles que le circuit multiplicateur, le circuit redresseur et l'amplificateur à verrouillage de phase sont proposées pour caractériser les fluctuations de la résonance acoustique et mieux les détecter. Des critères statistiques basés sur l'écart-type de ces fluctuations ont été établis pour détecter la présence de résonances acoustiques et les classer suivant leur gravité. Les critères proposés permettent de différencier les cas sans résonance acoustique et avec présence de résonance acoustique dans un plan bidimensionnel ou en utilisant des intervalles de confiance. Cette analyse temporelle est confirmée par l’étude des variations du spectre optique et des paramètres colorimétriques. Leurs écarts-types relatifs sont également corrélés à la présence de résonances acoustiques. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les variations de l'enveloppe de tension ou les variations du spectre et des paramètres colorimétriques sont fortement influencées par les phénomènes de résonance acoustique Un ensemble de lampes à iodure métallique de différents fabricants et avec des puissances différentes a été testé dans nos expériences. Nous avons conclu que les circuits à multiplicateurs et a redressement permettent de détecter les résonances acoustiques avec le même niveau de sensibilité que le système à verrouillage de phase, ouvrant la voie à l’implantation de cette fonction directement au niveau du circuit du ballast. / Metal halide lamp is one kind of the most compact high-performance light sources. Because of their good color rendering index and high luminous efficacy, these lamps are often preferred in locations where color and efficacy are important, such as supermarkets, gymnasiums, ice rinks and sporting arenas. Unfortunately, acoustic resonance phenomenon occurs in metal halide lamps and causes light flicker, lamp arc bending and rotation, lamp extinction and in the worst case, arc tube explosion, when the lamps are operated in high-frequency bands. This thesis takes place in the context of developing electronic ballasts with robust acoustic resonance detection and avoidance mechanisms. To this end, several envelope detection methods such as the multiplier circuit, rectifier circuit, and lock-in amplifier, are proposed to characterize fluctuations of acoustic resonance. Furthermore, statistical criteria based on the standard deviation of these fluctuations are proposed to assess acoustic resonance occurrence and classify its severity. The proposed criteria enable classifying between no acoustic resonance and acoustic resonance cases based upon either a two-dimensional plane, a histogram or a boxplot. These analyses are confirmed by the study of spectral variations (variations of the spectral irradiance and colorimetric parameters) as well. Standard deviations and relative standard deviations of these variations are also correlated with the presence of acoustic resonance. The results from this study show that whatever voltage envelope variations or spectral variations are significantly influenced by acoustic resonance phenomena. A set of metal halide lamps from different manufacturers and with different powers are tested in our experiments. We concluded that our designed multiplier and rectifier circuits for acoustic resonance detection have the same sensitivity as the lock-in amplifier, paving the way for the implementation of this function directly into the ballast circuit board.

Controle de uma plataforma de movimento de um simulador de vôo / Control of a flight simulator motion base

Mauricio Becerra Vargas 27 November 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento e as análises de técnicas de controle aplicadas a uma base de movimento de um simulador de vôo. Nos primeiros capítulos são abordados aspectos relacionados com a simulação de movimentos. Uma breve descrição da dinâmica da aeronave e o desenvolvimento do algoritmo de movimento (washout filter) são apresentados. O modelo dinâmico da base de movimento é desenvolvido baseado num manipulador paralelo de seis graus de liberdade chamado de plataforma de Stewart acionado eletricamente. As equações de movimento do atuador eletromecânico são incluídas no modelo dinâmico da plataforma. O controle baseado na dinâmica inversa é uma alternativa para abordar o controle de sistema mecânicos não lineares como a plataforma de Stewart. Porém, essa técnica considera o conhecimento exato do modelo dinâmico do sistema, portanto, a dinâmica não modelada, as incertezas paramétricas e as perturbações externas podem degradar o desempenho do controlador. Além disso, o custo computacional pago pelo cálculo do modelo dinâmico realizado online é muito alto. Nesse contexto, duas estratégias de controle foram aplicadas na malha externa da estrutura de controle baseada na dinâmica inversa para o controle de aceleração na presença de incertezas paramétricas e da dinâmica não modelada, os quais foram introduzidas intencionalmente no processo de aproximar o modelo dinâmico com o objetivo de simplificar a implementação do controle baseado na dinâmica inversa. Na primeira estratégia, o termo robusto de controle foi projetado, provando a estabilidade do sistema linearizado por meio da teoria de estabilidade de Lyapunov. Este controle apresenta o fenômeno conhecido como chattering e então foi adotada uma função de saturação para substituir a lei de controle. Na segunda estratégia, o termo robusto de controle foi projetado considerando um problema de rejeição de distúrbio via controle H \'INFINITO\', onde o controlador considera as incertezas como distúrbios afetando o sistema linearizado resultante da aplicação do controle baseado na dinâmica inversa. Finalmente, três tipos de testes foram realizados para avaliar o sistema de controle: função descritiva, limiar dinâmico e algumas manobras da aeronave calculadas a partir do modelo dinâmico e transformadas através do algoritmo de movimento. As duas estratégias de controle foram comparadas. / This work presents the development and analysis of control techniques applied to a flight simulator motion base. The first chapters deal with subjects related to motion simulation. A brief description of the aircraft dynamic model and the development of the motion algorithm (washout filter) are presented. The motion base dynamics is derived based on a six degree of freedom parallel manipulator driven by electromechanical actuators. The six degree of freedom parallel manipulator is called Stewart platform. The motion equations of the electromechanical actuators are included in the motion base dynamics. Inverse dynamics control is an approach to nonlinear control design, nonetheless, this technique is based on the assumption of exact cancellation of nonlinear terms, therefore, parametric uncertainty, unmodeled dynamics and external disturbances may deteriorate the controller performance. In addition, a high computational burden is paid by computing on-line the complete dynamic model of the motion-base. Robustness can be regained by applying robust control tecniques in the outer loop control structure. In this context, two control strategies were applied in the outer loop of the inverse dynamics control structure linearized system for robust acceleration tracking in the presence of parametric uncertainty and unmodeled dynamic, which are intentionally introduced in the process of approximating the dynamic model in order to simplify the implementation of this approach, the inverse dynamic control. Both control strategies consist of introducing an additional term to the inverse dynamics controller which provides robustness to the control system. In the first strategy, the robust control term was designed proving the stability of the linearized system in the presence of uncertainties, using the Lyapunov stability theory. This control term presents a phenomenon known as chattering. Therefore, a saturation function was adopted to replace the control law. In the second strategy, the robust term was designed for a disturbance rejection problem via H \'INFINITE\' control, where the controller considers the uncertaities as disturbances affecting the linearized system resulting from the application of the inverse dynamic control. Finally, describing function, dynamic threshold and some maneuvers computed from the washout filter were used to evaluate the performance of the controllers. Both approaches were compared.

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