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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ondes de gravité atmosphériques observées par un réseau mondial de microbaromètres

Marty, Julien 12 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'organisation du traité d'interdiction complète des essais nucléaires (OTICE) dispose actuellement d'un réseau mondial de quarante-deux stations opérationnelles qui enregistrent les fluctuations de pression atmosphériques produites au niveau du sol par les ondes infrasonores. Cette thèse démontre que la plupart de ces stations détectent également, avec une grande précision, les fluctuations de pression dans toute la bande des ondes de gravité. Ce travail inclut la réalisation et l'analyse de plusieurs expériences de métrologie en laboratoire et d'une campagne de mesure temporaire (M2008) déployée en Mongolie en 2008. La planification puis l'interprétation des données de ces expériences a conduit au développement d'un nouveau modèle linéaire spectral numérique pour simuler la génération et la propagation des ondes de gravité. Ce modèle est notamment utilisé pour quantifier les ondes de gravité induites par le refroidissement atmosphérique produit lors d'une éclipse de Soleil. Les fluctuations de pression attendues au niveau du sol lors de l'éclipse du 1er août 2008 sont estimées et comparées aux données enregistrées par les stations infrasons de l'OTICE et du réseau M2008. Une analyse détaillée de ces données a montré l'existence de deux ondes avec des caractéristiques temps-fréquence similaires aux ondes simulées pour des refroidissements stratosphérique et troposphérique. Ceci constitue à notre connaissance un résultat original. La validation des enregistrements de pression dans toute la bande des ondes de gravité a permis de mener des études statistiques pluriannuelles et d'échelle mondiale sur les spectres d'ondes de gravité et les marées atmosphériques. Ces travaux de thèse ont conduit à la publication de deux articles. Un troisième est en préparation.

Přizpůsobení metodiky MMSP pro automatizované testování s využitím nástroje Selenium WebDriver / Customization of methodology MMSP for automated testing using Selenium WebDriver tool

Skrčený, Vlastimil January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with creating a Methodology for small software projects focused on automated testing of using Selenium WebDriver tool (abbreviated MMSP - Selenium). The created methodology is based on customized methodology MMSP, which aims to transform part for automated testing of using Selenium WebDriver tool through the best principles and practices of already completed studies. Firstly, there will be summarized the most important terms related to the diploma thesis. Then will follow implementation of the methodology MMSP - Selenium, which is complemented by its new roles, tasks, and work products. Personal benefit of the diploma thesis is also created guidelines for Selenium WebDriver testing tool. For great benefit is also considered the publication of the methodology using the Eclipse Process Framework Composer tool. In conclusion of the created methodology verifies the business use cases, aimed at testing the functionality of web application Manuscriptorium.

Publikace Základního profilu normy ISO/IEC 29110 v Eclipse Process Framework Composer / Publication Basic profile of ISO/IEC 29110 standard in Eclipse Process Framework Composer

Dlugošová, Simona January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis focus on matters of improving the software processes in very small enterprises sector. Its main goal is to provide the instruction for implementation of systematic processes and operations in project management and software implementation sphere to that type of company in Czech Republic. It is accomplished by the publication Basic profile of the ISO/IEC 29110 standard translated to Czech. The creation of this publication has been done in open source tool for control of methodical content Eclipse Process Framework Composer. Published profile is simultaneously referencing itself to other manuals, methods and documents created for simplification of its use. The main acquisition of this diploma thesis consists in the manual presentation for improving of the software processes which is available, understandable and also matching with specific needs of very small enterprises. By the application of Basic profile for the ISO/IEC 29110 standard can they prove their processes and in the same time receive the certification ISO/IEC 29110 and increase its competitiveness and role in the market. The thesis is structured in four thematic parts. The first concerns itself on improving of software processes, matters of using the standards and methods and initiatives ensued for its support in very small enterprises. In the other two parts is the ISO/IEC 29110 standard presented and all elements and processes of the published profile are described in detail. The final part contains description of the creation of publication Basic profile ISO/IEC 29110 in Eclipse Process Framework Composer tool.

Integrace e-mailové komunikace do IDE Eclipse / REmail - Integrating e-mail Communication in the Eclipse IDE

Humpa, Vítězslav January 2011 (has links)
Developers of software systems have to communicate about the project they are building. Especially when working in a distributed development team, such as open source projects, developers must use an asynchronous means of communication. Studies tell us that e-mails are, by far, the means of communication mostly used during the distributed development, opposed to instant messaging, commit comments, or code comments. Therefore, we can imagine archives containing development e-mails enclose essential information concerning various entities of the source code. Unfortunately, such information gets lost with time, since relevant e-mails are hard to retrieve. We have developed REmail, an Eclipse plug-in, to integrate e-mail communication in the IDE. It allows developers to seamlessly handle source code entities and e-mails concerning the source code, without ever exiting from the IDE. Using lightweight linking techniques, REmail retrieves all the e-mails relevant to the chosen source code entities and makes them available to the developer.

Editor jazyka CodAL v prostředí Eclipse / CodAL Language Editor in Eclipse Framework

Hynek, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The Master thesis is focused on creation of an editor of CodAL language for the development toolkit of the project Lissom which is based on Eclipse framework. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the problem of editor creation and the features in existing editors which add some value to their usability. The outline of parser creation and subsequent code analysis of the source codes written into the editor is described in the theoretical part. It also explains the syntax and semantic aspects of the CodAL language. In the practical part the new CodAL language editor is designed and developed. The new CodAL language editor integrated into the development toolkit of the project Lissom is the final outcome of this thesis.

Adaptér OSLC pro analýzu softwaru / OSLC Adapter for Software Analysis

Vašíček, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
Cílem této práce je poskytnout snadný způsob, jak rozšířit analyzační nástroj o rozhraní splňující standard OSLC. Takové rozhraní umožňuje jednoduchou integraci nástrojů s jinými nástroji nebo systémy, umožňuje jejich vzdálené použití skrze webové služby a umožňuje je jednoduše propojit s databází pro databázové dotazy a pro perzistentní uložení dat. Toto je dosaženo návrhem a implementací OSLC adaptéru pomocí sady nástrojů Eclipse Lyo. Adaptér používá jako rozhraní doménu OSLC Automation a je dostatečně univerzální na to, aby skrze toto rozhraní pokryl funkcionalitu většiny analyzačních nástrojů za pomocí jejich stávajících rozhraní na příkazové řádce. Tato práce poskytuje úvod k OSLC, Eclipse Lyo a souvisejícím konceptům. Dále tato práce definuje požadavky a odlišnosti různých analyzačních nástrojů a diskutuje návrh adaptéru a faktory, které ovlivnily návrhová rozhodnutí. A nakonec prezentuje implementovaný adaptér a jeho vyhodnocení pomocí automatizované testovací sady a pomocí experimentů s řadou analyzačních nástrojů. Nejvýznamnější ukazatel hodnocení vytvořeného adaptéru je to, že už teď je používán v praxi pro přidání OSLC rozhraní k nástrojům ANaConDA, Perun, Spectra (všechny tři vyvíjené na VeriFIT) a HiLiTE (Honeywell).

Provozní aspekty a konkurenceschopnost letounů kategorie VLJ / Operation and Competitive Advantages of VLJ Aircraft

Machala, Marek January 2010 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with problematic of operating aspects and competitiveness of VLJ aircraft in Czech and Europe market. The Thesis contain information about different types of VLJ, their operational costs and comparisons with competitors, some information about aircraft fractional ownership and their operation. There is written a market analysis for this aircraft and air taxi service in analyzed.

IDE for SCADA Development at CERN / IDE for SCADA Development at CERN

Mareček, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
Cílem této magisterské práce je navrhnout a implementovat IDE (integrované vývojové prostředí), které zvýší efektivitu a bezpečnost vývoje pro SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture. Tato práce je založena na výzkumu provedeném týmem z Technické univerzity v Eindhovenu a splňuje požadavky pocházející ze SCD sekce v CERN (Evropské organizace pro jaderný výzkum). Vyvinuté IDE je postaveno na platformě Eclipse, přičemž pro syntaktickou analýzu, linkování a sémantickou analýzu kódu používá Xtext framework. IDE nabízí také podporu pro nově vytvořený programovací jazyk, který umožňuje programátorům jednoduše nadefinovat šablonu pro konfigurační soubory používané WinCC OA. Interpret tohoto nového jazyka je schopen provést syntaktickou analýzu šablony a konfiguračního souboru a rozhodnout, zdali konfigurační soubor odpovídá šabloně. Praktickým výstupem této práce je integrované vývojové prostředí, které podporuje vývoj WinCC OA aplikací v CERN a periodicky provádí analýzu kódu těchto aplikací napsaného v jazyce Control script.

Syntaxí řízený editor / Syntax-Directed Editor

Šuška, Boris January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with integration of available lexical analyzer generator tools and presents concept of parallel syntax analysis based on block-oriented syntax analysis. Results will be used during development of syntax-directed editor under Eclipse platform latter.

From Intuition to Evidence: A Data-Driven Approach to Transforming CS Education

Allevato, Anthony James 13 August 2012 (has links)
Educators in many disciplines are too often forced to rely on intuition about how students learn and the effectiveness of teaching to guide changes and improvements to their curricula. In computer science, systems that perform automated collection and assessment of programming assignments are seeing increased adoption, and these systems generate a great deal of meaningful intermediate data and statistics during the grading process. Continuous collection of these data and long-term retention of collected data present educators with a new resource to assess both learning (how well students understand a topic or how they behave on assignments) and teaching (how effective a response, intervention, or assessment instrument was in evaluating knowledge or changing behavior), by basing their decisions on evidence rather than intuition. It is only possible to achieve these goals, however, if such data are easily accessible. I present an infrastructure that has been added to one such automated grading system, Web-CAT, in order to facilitate routine data collection and access while requiring very little added effort by instructors. Using this infrastructure, I present three case studies that serve as representative examples of educational questions that can be explored thoroughly using pre-existing data from required student work. The first case study examines student time management habits and finds that students perform better when they start earlier but that offering extra credit for finishing earlier did not encourage them to do so. The second case study evaluates a tool used to improve student understanding of manual memory management and finds that students made fewer errors when using the tool. The third case study evaluates the reference tests used to grade student code on a selected assignment and confirms that the tests are a suitable instrument for assessing student ability. In each case study, I use a data-driven, evidence-based approach spanning multiple semesters and students, allowing me to answer each question in greater detail than was possible using previous methods and giving me significantly increased confidence in my conclusions. / Ph. D.

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