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A multiscale perspective of water resources and ecosystem servicesMcDonough, Kelsey Rose January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering / Stacy L. Hutchinson / Water security is one of the greatest challenges of this century. The anthropogenic and environmental demand for water could likely outpace the freshwater availability in the future due to challenges caused by the growing world population, technological and economic advancements, and climate change. The ability to ensure adequate quantities of safe, affordable, and accessible water in the future requires innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to water management using a systems perspective across multiple spatial and temporal scales. This dissertation provides a multi-scale perspective of water resources and associated ecosystem services to understand drivers of change in surface water availability across spatiotemporal scales. The ultimate goal of this work is to advance the development of water security solutions by contributing to the current water resources and ecosystem services knowledge base.
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Revealing Promising Pathways for Increasing Urban Ecosystem Services: An Approach Combining Stakeholder Priorities with Ecosystem Service QuantificationElderbrock, Evan 11 January 2019 (has links)
Urban development diminishes the delivery of ecosystem services (ES), defined as benefits from ecological processes and functions critical to human health and well-being. Land-use planners and environmental managers are increasingly familiar with the concept of ES; however, methods for incorporating ES into urban planning are underdeveloped. While previous reports have identified the combination of ES quantification and stakeholder engagement as necessary for increasing the delivery of ES, methods of implementation remain unexplored. To address this disparity, this study combines ES quantification with perspectives from multiple stakeholders to identify specific land cover conversion scenarios that increase the delivery of ES in the Friendly Area Neighborhood of Eugene, Oregon and compares each conversion scenario using an informed weighting system. The result is a method, with potential for use by researchers and public officials, to quantify the delivery of ES, identify stakeholders’ ES priorities, and assess the benefits associated with green infrastructure development. / 2020-01-11
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Implementation of the European network: Natura 2000 : Determined according to overarching EU directives or through compromising ecological aspects?Westfahl Backlund, Martina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Global biodiversity is currently being lost at an unprecedented rate, posing a threat to vital ecosystems and hence the generation of ecosystem services that human society is entirely reliant upon. Within the European Community, the EU has set a target of halting biodiversity loss within the territory by 2010. This goal is intended to be operationalized by the implementation of the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive. These directives constitute the framework for the establishment of a coherent ecological network, referred to as the Natura 2000 network.</p><p>This study examines and analyses the socio-ecological complexities surrounding the designation of Natura 2000 sites in Östhammar municipality, Sweden. The use of a case study-approach to focus on this area is applied in pursuit of identifying and explaining the inherent intricacies in the designation processes and linking them to the broader global context. Throughout Europe, biodiversity exists in a rich variety of grasslands, but only a few studies have been performed to establish appropriate conservation management strategiesrequired for each habitat. This study makes a significant contribution towards shedding light on the Natura 2000 designation process, a phenomenon which has previously been only modestly documented, especially in Sweden. Ecosystem management is discussed and utilized as the theoretical basis for managing ecosystems sustainably, and an important aspect of note is the recognition that the distinction between man and nature needs to be understood as artificial and arbitrary.</p><p>The study explains how social-ecological factors have had a prominent effect on the designation process of Natura 2000 sites. The main determining factor behind the designation process has been the time-constraints, which have affected the designation of SCIs as well as the interaction between the Uppsala CAD and local stakeholders. The lack of adequate participatory approaches used during this process has heightened the risk of compromising the aim of the network: to achieve Favourable Conservation Status (FCS) for natural habitat types as well as species.</p> / <p>Biodiversiteten världen över minskar i en tidigare aldrig skådad hastighet vilket resulterar i ett hot mot fundamentala ekosystem, samt dess produktion av de ekosystemtjänster som det mänskliga samhället är beroende av. På grund av detta har EU satt upp målet att stoppa förlusten av biodiversitet inom unionens gränser tills 2010. Detta mål skall uppnås genom implementeringen av Habitat- och Fågeldirektivet. Dessa direktiv utgör ramen för etableringen av ett sammanhängande ekologiskt nätverk, det så kallade Natura 2000 nätverket.</p><p>Denna studie utreder samt analyserar de socio-ekologiska aspekter som omger utpekandet av Natura 2000 områden i Östhammars kommun, i Uppsala län i Sverige. Genom appliceringen av en fallstudie av området söker denna uppsats att identifiera samt förklara inneboende svårigheter i processen av dessa utpekanden, samt att sätta dem i ett globalt sammanhang. Inom Europa existerar biodiversitet bland annat i olika typer av ängar, dock har endast ett fåtal studier tagit sig an uppgiften att formulera anpassade förvaltningsstrategier för dessa habitat. Denna studie bidrar till att sprida ljus över implementeringen av Natura 2000, ett fenomen som tidigare endast studerats i blygsam utsträckning, speciellt i Sverige. Den teoretiska grunden utgörs ekosystemansatsen, som appliceras för att utvärdera ett uthålligtförvaltande av ekosystem. Vidare understryks vikten av att betrakta ekosystem och mänsklig aktivitet som ett och samma system, och att synen på dem som skilda system bör anses artificiell och motsägelsefull.</p><p>Denna uppsats förklarar hur socio-ekologiska aspekter har påverkat utpekandeprocessen av Natura 2000-områden i Östhammars kommun. De avgörande faktorerna bakom detta är en identifierad tidsbrist, vilket har influerat utpekandet av områden av gemenskapsintresse samt interaktionen mellan Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala och lokala markägare. Bristen på samverkan och information har resulterat i en förhöjd risk av att målet med nätverket inte kommer att nås: att åstadkomma gynnsam bevarandestatus för arter och habitat.</p>
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Implementation of the European network: Natura 2000 : Determined according to overarching EU directives or through compromising ecological aspects?Westfahl Backlund, Martina January 2008 (has links)
Global biodiversity is currently being lost at an unprecedented rate, posing a threat to vital ecosystems and hence the generation of ecosystem services that human society is entirely reliant upon. Within the European Community, the EU has set a target of halting biodiversity loss within the territory by 2010. This goal is intended to be operationalized by the implementation of the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive. These directives constitute the framework for the establishment of a coherent ecological network, referred to as the Natura 2000 network. This study examines and analyses the socio-ecological complexities surrounding the designation of Natura 2000 sites in Östhammar municipality, Sweden. The use of a case study-approach to focus on this area is applied in pursuit of identifying and explaining the inherent intricacies in the designation processes and linking them to the broader global context. Throughout Europe, biodiversity exists in a rich variety of grasslands, but only a few studies have been performed to establish appropriate conservation management strategiesrequired for each habitat. This study makes a significant contribution towards shedding light on the Natura 2000 designation process, a phenomenon which has previously been only modestly documented, especially in Sweden. Ecosystem management is discussed and utilized as the theoretical basis for managing ecosystems sustainably, and an important aspect of note is the recognition that the distinction between man and nature needs to be understood as artificial and arbitrary. The study explains how social-ecological factors have had a prominent effect on the designation process of Natura 2000 sites. The main determining factor behind the designation process has been the time-constraints, which have affected the designation of SCIs as well as the interaction between the Uppsala CAD and local stakeholders. The lack of adequate participatory approaches used during this process has heightened the risk of compromising the aim of the network: to achieve Favourable Conservation Status (FCS) for natural habitat types as well as species. / Biodiversiteten världen över minskar i en tidigare aldrig skådad hastighet vilket resulterar i ett hot mot fundamentala ekosystem, samt dess produktion av de ekosystemtjänster som det mänskliga samhället är beroende av. På grund av detta har EU satt upp målet att stoppa förlusten av biodiversitet inom unionens gränser tills 2010. Detta mål skall uppnås genom implementeringen av Habitat- och Fågeldirektivet. Dessa direktiv utgör ramen för etableringen av ett sammanhängande ekologiskt nätverk, det så kallade Natura 2000 nätverket. Denna studie utreder samt analyserar de socio-ekologiska aspekter som omger utpekandet av Natura 2000 områden i Östhammars kommun, i Uppsala län i Sverige. Genom appliceringen av en fallstudie av området söker denna uppsats att identifiera samt förklara inneboende svårigheter i processen av dessa utpekanden, samt att sätta dem i ett globalt sammanhang. Inom Europa existerar biodiversitet bland annat i olika typer av ängar, dock har endast ett fåtal studier tagit sig an uppgiften att formulera anpassade förvaltningsstrategier för dessa habitat. Denna studie bidrar till att sprida ljus över implementeringen av Natura 2000, ett fenomen som tidigare endast studerats i blygsam utsträckning, speciellt i Sverige. Den teoretiska grunden utgörs ekosystemansatsen, som appliceras för att utvärdera ett uthålligtförvaltande av ekosystem. Vidare understryks vikten av att betrakta ekosystem och mänsklig aktivitet som ett och samma system, och att synen på dem som skilda system bör anses artificiell och motsägelsefull. Denna uppsats förklarar hur socio-ekologiska aspekter har påverkat utpekandeprocessen av Natura 2000-områden i Östhammars kommun. De avgörande faktorerna bakom detta är en identifierad tidsbrist, vilket har influerat utpekandet av områden av gemenskapsintresse samt interaktionen mellan Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala och lokala markägare. Bristen på samverkan och information har resulterat i en förhöjd risk av att målet med nätverket inte kommer att nås: att åstadkomma gynnsam bevarandestatus för arter och habitat.
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Beyond food production: Home gardens as biocultural conservation agents. A case study in Vall Fosca, Catalan Pyrenees, northeastern SpainCalvet Mir, Laura 13 December 2011 (has links)
This thesis contains the results of a biocultural conservation research conducted between 2008 and 2011
in home gardens in Vall Fosca, Catalan Pyrenees, northeastern Spain. Vall Fosca is a valley where
traditional agroecosystems still survive, but whose inhabitants are divided in defining the most suitable
development model for the region. This dissertation examines the existence of landraces and knowledge
associated with them in a rural area in an industrialized country. It shows who preserves landraces and
why they do so. It also estimates the association between individual centrality in the network of seed
exchange and conservation of landraces and associated knowledge. This thesis also discusses the
ecosystem services provided by home gardens, as well as the differences between men and women when
assessing these ecosystem services. The results establish the existence of landraces and knowledge
associated with them in a rural area in an industrialized country. Specifically, my results show the
existence of 39 landraces belonging to 31 species, in home gardens with a variety of 148 different species.
Women, people over 65 years of age, experienced gardeners and people who grow the garden with
organic techniques conserve more landraces than people without these characteristics. Also people who
have a more active role in the seed exchange network and have higher levels of intermediation in the
network retain more landraces and traditional knowledge than people who have a more passive role in
social networks of seed exchange. Home gardens provide a wide range of services, often not very
prominent in the literature on ecosystem services. Among these, cultural services are the most
appreciated. In this regard, an interesting contribution of this work is that the most valued home garden
ecosystem services differ significantly from the services provided by other farming systems. Another
interesting contribution of this work is that women value the ecosystem services more than men. The
explanation for this finding is part of the socialization theory that assigns women roles on family care and
protection. My analysis provides new data that facilitate the understanding of the relationship between
pro-environmental attitudes and gender socialization. This thesis has found that home gardens and
landraces are symbols of cultural identity in the valley and that both permanent residents and visitors
consider that home gardens are key elements in the landscape of the valley and should be preserved as
part of biocultural heritage. In addition, the ecosystem services provided by the home gardens,
particularly the cultural services, can help develop relations between people, relations that might
contribute to strengthening cultural identity and to create bonds of respect with the environment. The
results of this thesis can contribute to make biocultural diversity visible in the valley and generate
endogenous rural development models based on the sustainable exploitation of ecosystem services
generated by traditional agroecosystems.
Key words: ecosystem services; landraces; rural development; socialization theory; Spain; traditional
ecological knowledge. / La presente tesis recoge una investigación en conservación biocultural realizada entre el 2008 y el 2011
en los huertos domésticos de la Vall Fosca en el Pirineo catalán, nordeste de España. La Vall Fosca es un
valle en el que aún perviven agroecosistemas tradicionales, pero que se encuentra dividido a la hora de
definir el modelo de desarrollo más deseable. Esta tesis analiza la existencia de cultivos de manejo local
y el conocimiento asociado a ellos en un área rural de un país industrializado; muestra quién y por qué se
conservan los cultivos de manejo local; y estima la asociación entre la centralidad individual en la red de
intercambio de semillas y la conservación de los cultivos de manejo local y su conocimiento asociado. En
esta tesis también se analizan los servicios ambientales proporcionados por los huertos domésticos, así
como las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en el momento de valorar estos servicios ambientales. Los
resultados del análisis establecen la existencia de cultivos de manejo local y el conocimiento asociado a
ellos en un área rural de un país industrializado. Específicamente mis resultados muestran la existencia de
39 cultivos de manejo local correspondientes a 31 especies, en huertos con una diversidad de 148 especies
diferentes. Las mujeres, las personas de más de 65 años de edad, los hortelanos con experiencia, y la
gente que cultiva el huerto con técnicas orgánicas mantienen más cultivos de manejo local que las
personas sin estas características. Asimismo las personas que tienen un papel más activo en las redes de
intercambio de semillas y que tienen mayores niveles de intermediación en la red, también conservan más
cultivos de manejo local y tienen mayor conocimiento tradicional que las personas que tienen un papel
más pasivo en las redes sociales. Los huertos domésticos proporcionan un amplio abanico de servicios, a
menudo poco destacados en la literatura. Entre estos, los servicios culturales son los más apreciados. Un
aporte interesante en este sentido es que los servicios de los huertos domésticos más valorados difieren
significativamente de los servicios proporcionados por otros sistemas agrícolas. Otro aporte interesante de
este trabajo es que las mujeres valoran los servicios ambientales más que los hombres. La explicación a
este hallazgo se enmarca en la teoría de la socialización, que asigna a las mujeres papeles de cuidado y
protección. Este análisis aporta nuevos datos que facilitan el entendimiento de la relación entre actitudes
pro-ambientales y la socialización de género. En esta tesis se ha podido comprobar que los huertos y los
cultivos de manejo local son símbolos de identidad cultural en el valle y que tanto los habitantes
permanentes como los visitantes consideran que los huertos son elementos clave en el paisaje del valle y
que se deberían preservar como parte de su patrimonio biocultural. Además, los servicios ambientales
proporcionados por los huertos, en particular los culturales, pueden ayudar a tejer relaciones entre las
personas que contribuyan a fortalecer la identidad cultural y a crear lazos de respeto con su medio
ambiente. Los resultados de esta tesis pueden contribuir a visibilizar la diversidad biocultural del valle y generar modelos endógenos de desarrollo rural basados en la explotación sostenible de los servicios
ambientales generados por los agroecosistemas tradicionales.
Palabras clave: conocimiento ecológico tradicional; cultivos de manejo local; desarrollo rural; España;
servicios ambientales; teoría de la socialización; variedades locales. / Aquesta tesi recull una investigació en conservació biocultural realitzada entre el 2008 i el 2011 en els
horts domèstics de la Vall Fosca al Pirineu català, nord-est d'Espanya. La Vall Fosca és una vall en la
qual encara perviuen agroecosistemes tradicionals, però que es troba dividida a l'hora de definir el model
de desenvolupament més desitjable. Aquesta tesi analitza l'existència de cultius de gestió local i el
coneixement associat a ells en una àrea rural d'un país industrialitzat; mostra qui i per què es conserven
els cultius de gestió local, i estima l'associació entre la centralitat individual a la xarxa d’ intercanvi de
llavors i la conservació dels cultius de gestió local i el seu coneixement associat. En aquesta tesi també
s'analitzen els serveis ambientals proporcionats pels horts domèstics, així com les diferències entre homes
i dones en el moment de valorar aquests serveis ambientals. Els resultats de l'anàlisi estableixen
l'existència de cultius de gestió local i el coneixement associat a ells en una àrea rural d'un país
industrialitzat. Específicament els meus resultats mostren l'existència de 39 cultius de gestió local
corresponents a 31 espècies, en horts amb una diversitat de 148 espècies diferents. Les dones, les
persones de més de 65 anys d'edat, els hortolans amb experiència, i la gent que conrea l'hort amb
tècniques orgàniques mantenen més cultius de gestió local que les persones sense aquestes
característiques. Així mateix les persones que tenen un paper més actiu en les xarxes d'intercanvi de
llavors i que tenen majors nivells d'intermediació a la xarxa, també conserven més cultius de gestió local i
tenen major coneixement tradicional que les persones que tenen un paper més passiu en les xarxes socials.
Els horts domèstics proporcionen un ampli ventall de serveis, sovint poc destacats en la literatura. Entre
aquests, els serveis culturals són els més apreciats. Una aportació interessant en aquest sentit és que els
serveis dels horts domèstics més valorats difereixen significativament dels serveis proporcionats per altres
sistemes agrícoles. Un altre aportació interessant d'aquest treball és que les dones valoren els serveis
ambientals més que els homes. L'explicació a aquesta troballa s'emmarca en la teoria de la socialització,
que assigna a les dones papers de cura i protecció. Aquesta anàlisi aporta noves dades que faciliten
l'enteniment de la relació entre actituds pro-ambientals i la socialització de gènere. En aquesta tesi s'ha
pogut comprovar que els horts i els conreus de gestió local són símbols d'identitat cultural a la vall i que
tant els habitants permanents com els visitants consideren que els horts són elements clau en el paisatge
de la vall i que s'haurien preservar com a part del seu patrimoni biocultural. A més, els serveis ambientals
proporcionats pels horts, en particular els culturals, poden ajudar a teixir relacions entre les persones que
contribueixin a enfortir la identitat cultural i a crear llaços de respecte amb el seu medi ambient. Els
resultats d'aquesta tesi poden contribuir a visibilitzar la diversitat biocultural de la vall i generar models
endògens de desenvolupament rural basats en l'explotació sostenible dels serveis ambientals generats pels
agroecosistemes tradicionals.
Paraules clau: coneixement ecològic tradicional; cultius de gestió local, desenvolupament rural, Espanya,
serveis ambientals, teoria de la socialització; varietats locals.
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Payments for ecosystem services : opportunities and challenges in the Brazilian AmazonMarquez, Mayra 16 March 2015 (has links)
Brazil has committed to reducing deforestation in the Amazon and has identified target goals for 2020. A variety of environmental policies and tools are used to reduce deforestation in the region, including payments for ecosystems services (PES). This report analyzes whether payments for ecosystem services are a viable option for supporting conservation and socio-economic goals in the Amazon. PES schemes provide economic incentives in exchange for meeting an environmental goal. They have been relatively successful in developed countries but have had limited applications or success in developing contexts. This report identifies the agents and activities that drive deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon and determines which of these may be suitable for PES applications. It also provides a framework for analyzing current PES schemes in order to draw out best practices and lessons learned which may be applied to future program. PES schemes do have a role to play as one of the tools used in addressing deforestation in the Amazon. They can be cheaper than indirect approaches but do face some challenges in evaluation. Future PES applications may benefit from the lessons learned in the early applications of these programs. / text
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Cultural Ecosystem Services as a Framework for Evaluating Wilderness Values in Public Land SettingsSharp, Christopher John January 2013 (has links)
The Wilderness Act of 1964 states the purpose of the National Wilderness Preservation System is "to secure for the American people of present and future generations the benefits of an enduring resource of wilderness." But, how to accomplish this mandate is a complex task. The application of the Ecosystem Services model is ideal for facilitating the complex duel goals of securing benefits and preserving wilderness resources. Ecosystem Services directly addresses benefits derived from a landscape, even if the specifics of the benefits change over time. This dissertation employs Ecosystem Services as a framework to provide a more complete understanding of wilderness values. In three separate studies conducted in wilderness areas in Southern Arizona, (Assessing Border-Related Human Impacts at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Linking Visitor Flows and Patterns of Use with General Management Planning in Saguaro National Park and Monitoring and Estimating Visitor Use at the Madrona Ranger Station and Surrounding Landscape) elements of Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) are illuminated.I found that the more holistic epistemology of Ecosystem Services allowed for the inclusion of better scientific data in the management process. The inclusion of quantitative, repeatable, defensible studies of user behavior in wildlands allows for dynamic management options that are rooted in real conditions (mutable, undesirable or unique). Specifically Cultural Ecosystem Services address the value and significance of the unique landscape of wilderness. Previous models for wildland management sought specific metrics of carrying capacity to limit use and control impact. Ecosystem Services combines diverse scientific fields to provide real understanding of the landscape. The addition of ES to manager's decision processes allows for better understanding of real conditions.
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Using ecosystem services to understand the impact of land cover change: a case study of the upper San Pedro watershedChan, David Joseph January 2013 (has links)
In arid and semiarid environments, various natural and anthropogenic stressors have resulted in land cover change that has negatively impacted the ecological integrity of the landscape. Society, however, relies on many ecological processes and functions provided by the landscape to enhance its wellbeing. The direct and indirect benefits society receives from the landscape are collectively termed "ecosystem services." The overarching goal of this thesis was to examine how the landscape has changed and to analyze how these changes impact the ecosystem services supplied by the landscape. The Upper San Pedro watershed in southeastern Arizona and northern Sonora was used as a case study to link land cover change with an array of ecosystem services to understand the spatiotemporal dynamics of ecosystem service supply. To accomplish this, a multitemporal land cover dataset for the watershed was updated to extend the temporal coverage to 37 years across 5 land cover datasets. Indicators serving as proxy variables for a variety of ecosystem services were assessed for each land cover class. This linkage between land cover and ecosystem services enabled an analysis of the tradeoffs and synergies within the array of services each land cover class can provide. Combined with the multitemporal land cover dataset, the spatiotemporal dynamics of potential ecosystem service supply were analyzed across the watershed for a 37 year period. Rather than examining the impacts of land cover change on the biophysical aspects of the environment, this approach enables land managers and decision makers to explore the implications of a changing landscape on human wellbeing.
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Riparian Dynamics: The Ebb and Flow of Ecological FunctionMcCoy, Amy LaFerne January 2009 (has links)
Competition over freshwater resources is increasing at local and global scales. Growing urban and suburban centers utilize surface and groundwater resources to meet municipal, industrial, and agricultural demands, often at the expense of riparian ecosystems. Paradoxically, those same urban centers produce a significant volume of treated effluent that can be reused to restore and sustain riparian systems. Use of effluent as a source of water for the environment raises important questions about the benefits and impacts of effluent on riparian functions and ecosystem services, particularly in the context of climate change and drought conditions. This dissertation addresses knowledge gaps surrounding riparian change and resilience along the effluent-dominated Upper Santa Cruz River in southern Arizona. Appendix A investigates whether the Netleaf hackberry (Celtis laevigata var. reticulata) tree can provide accurate information on historic changes in climatic and hydrological conditions. Results indicate that hackberry trees do record climate-related stress in annual ring-width patterns and can therefore provide a historic frame of reference against which to compare current and future changes in riparian conditions. Appendix B documents spatial and temporal patterns of effluent uptake by Fremont cottonwood trees (Populus fremontii) through development of a new application for dendrochronology, specifically dendrochemistry. Results show that annual tree rings contain temporally variable concentrations of a micropollutant found only in effluent and may have the potential to record spatial and temporal patterns of effluent dispersion in riparian ecosystems. Appendix C investigates the complex interactions of ecohydrological conditions that led to a riparian mortality event along the Upper Santa Cruz River in 2005. Effluent is shown to contribute to riparian vegetation expansion, but also, due to its consistent delivery of nutrients and water, homogenize the system and ultimately diminish its resilience to perturbations and stress. Results highlight the paradoxical nature of effluent as both a contributor to riparian growth and a potential impediment to riparian function. This paradox can be resolved through a well-defined effluent impact monitoring and assessment program that incorporates historic information as well as current trends to detect significant changes in ecosystem functions and services.
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Riparian Valuation in the Southwestern United StatesWeber, Matthew August January 2007 (has links)
This research documents the societal worth of riparian resources in the Southwestern United States. Two case studies are developed for this inquiry, the first being Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness in Southern Arizona, an area containing one of the last perennial streams in the Sonoran Desert bioregion. A hiking use value per visitor-day is estimated via the Travel Cost Method at $25.06 and $17.31 (2003 dollars) respectively for two access sites. I hypothesize the value discrepancy to indicate a premium for remote recreation. These valuation results compare well with other published recreational use value estimates, though it is the only valuation study associated with instream recreation in the Sonoran Desert of which I am aware. Indeed the environmental valuation literature is thin for the desert region in any respect.The second case study values public restoration preferences for the Albuquerque reach of the Rio Grande in Central New Mexico. A Choice Experiment and Contingent Valuation are employed within an original survey instrument to estimate human values for various restoration strategies planned for the region. Through focus groups and stakeholder interactions four restoration attributes were defined: vegetation density; tree type; fish and wildlife population; and natural river processes. Quantified values for Albuquerque area households were estimated for each restoration attribute level of change, allowing construction of total benefits anticipated for various restoration scenarios considered for the region. This research is at the vanguard of quantifying human benefit for saltcedar control, and this particular restoration characteristic was the most highly valued of all, at $59.03 per household per year. Full restoration was valued at $156.60 per household per year. These results have meaning beyond the study area since river restoration efforts are increasing across the Western US, with many focusing on controlling saltcedar, an exotic invasive plant.The final phase of this research integrates riparian valuation concepts within a dynamic simulation framework to guide systems-level riparian management. Control variables are combined with known valuation pathways to predict riparian investment funding optimal in benefit-cost ratio. The model is built for the Middle Rio Grande in Albuquerque, however it was designed for easy adaptation to other Southwestern riparian areas. A detailed forest module is included, through which seven defined forest stocks may be managed through thinning, clearing, and revegetation. River management may occur through environmental river flow releases, reconstructing stream-overbank connections, and wetland construction. Recreational amenities may be improved through the four infrastructure categories of trails, toilet facilities, picnic areas, and parking areas. Benefits and costs are estimated through original research and region benefit transfer, and tracked for different investment scenarios to predict the highest-return strategies over a 100 year planning horizon. A sensitivity analysis is used to suggest areas of future research.
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