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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳信郎, chen, hsin-lang Unknown Date (has links)
本文架構共分五章: 第一章為緒論,旨在說明本論文之研究動機、問題意識、研究範圍、研究方法及架構說明,其中並說明網際網路發展之簡介、網際網路對資訊隱私權與犯罪偵查之影響。 第二章所欲討論者,乃資訊隱私權之發展與內涵。在本章中,首先就隱私權發展最早的美國,說明該國最高法院司法實務對於憲法層次隱私權概念建立與保障上,所做出的幾個重要性判決。之後再針對資訊隱私權的意義說明,並討論資訊隱私權的憲法爭議範圍,其中尤以憲法第四修正案的適用最為重要,故獨立討論該條之規範對象,並就該條中搜索的意義、實施搜索的實質原因與程序要件,及違反第四修正案之所產生的證據排除效果介紹之。次就資訊隱私權於我國憲法之依據及內涵,討論我國有關憲法層次的隱私權,在權利形成方法上,是否有全盤移植美國法制之必要,亦或針對我國憲法,提供資訊隱私權更明確的依據。第三部分則就侵害資訊隱私權之違憲審查,討論我國憲法有關侵害資訊隱私權,在抽象法律層次的違憲審查標準,及在具體案件中,是否有引進美國證據排除法則之必要?做為本此論文之後檢視成文法及具體案例之準則。 第三章則進一步討論我國網路犯罪之偵查實務,說明我國實務常見網路犯罪之類型,並舉出實際案例以供參考。第二部分則就目前網路犯罪偵查實務,試著從較為技術面的方向,簡略說明有關網路犯罪資訊的取得、犯罪者的追縱、證據的調查,其中有關證據的調查,則著重於通訊監察部分,至於常見有關搜索、扣押的討論,因與本文主題較不具關聯性,故省略不論。本章之目的,乃嘗試讓理論與實務有聯繫之機會,並說明我國在網路犯罪偵查方法上,有何困境之處。 第四章為本論文之主軸,在了解到我國網路犯罪偵查實務所面臨的困境後,本章首先就美國有關網路通訊監察法制,介紹該國憲法與司法實務在做出若干重要裁判後,立法者為提供更充分的保障,所特別制定的《電子通訊隱私權法》等法律,希望透過不同層次的資訊隱私權侵害,提供不同層次的程序保障,來平衡國家安全、犯罪偵防與隱私權保障。然而由於網路通訊監察的特殊性,使得FBI於2000年3月所發展出的新型網路監聽工具:Carnivore,引發大眾甚多疑慮,該國就Carnivore系統之運作依據及合法性,有著激烈的辯論,本文嘗試整理歸納正反意見,並提供本文觀點。在還來不及檢討Carnivore系統之合法性時,九一一事件促使《愛國者法》通過,賦予政府機關實施網路通訊監察時更大的權力。科技的進步,無疑使得網路使用者資訊隱私權受到更大的限制,本文也嘗議建議未來最高法院應改以結果取向的解釋方法來處理新型監聽工具所引發的憲法爭議,如此才能兼顧科技發展與人權保障。 在了解到美國有關網路通訊監察法制後,第五章則針對從資訊隱私權保障面向,重新檢討現行通訊保障及監察法規定之妥適性,並就我國未來針對網路發展新型監聽工具時,所應採行之建制原則,及通訊保障及監察法針對網際網路時代,所應做的修正,提出若干建議,並以之代結論。

Brave New World Reloaded: Advocating for Basic Constitutional Search Protections to Apply to Cell Phones from Eavesdropping and Tracking by Government and Corporate Entities

Berrios-Ayala, Mark 01 December 2013 (has links)
Imagine a world where someone’s personal information is constantly compromised, where federal government entities AKA Big Brother always knows what anyone is Googling, who an individual is texting, and their emoticons on Twitter. Government entities have been doing this for years; they never cared if they were breaking the law or their moral compass of human dignity. Every day the Federal government blatantly siphons data with programs from the original ECHELON to the new series like PRISM and Xkeyscore so they can keep their tabs on issues that are none of their business; namely, the personal lives of millions. Our allies are taking note; some are learning our bad habits, from Government Communications Headquarters’ (GCHQ) mass shadowing sharing plan to America’s Russian inspiration, SORM. Some countries are following the United States’ poster child pose of a Brave New World like order of global events. Others like Germany are showing their resolve in their disdain for the rise of tyranny. Soon, these new found surveillance troubles will test the resolve of the American Constitution and its nation’s strong love and tradition of liberty. Courts are currently at work to resolve how current concepts of liberty and privacy apply to the current conditions facing the privacy of society. It remains to be determined how liberty will be affected as well; liberty for the United States of America, for the European Union, the Russian Federation and for the people of the World in regards to the extent of privacy in today’s blurred privacy expectations.

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