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Da col?nia ao shopping: um estudo da evolu??o tipol?gica da arquitetura hospitalar em NatalMedeiros, Maria Alice Lopes 13 December 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-12-13 / A conceptual discussion on architectural type and its role in theory and practice supports the construction of an analytical tool used for recognizing the typological evolution of hospital architecture in Western societies. The same tool is applied to analyze the typological evolution of hospital architecture in Natal, Brazil, through a sample of eighteen hospitals built in the city since the beginnings of 20th century. The conclusion is that typological evolution in Natal is almost the same as occidental one, except for a few singularities that can be explained by local social and economic development / Com base em uma discuss?o em torno do conceito de tipo e de seu papel na pr?tica e na teoria da arquitetura, elabora-se um instrumental anal?tico com vistas a reconhecer a evolu??o tipol?gica da arquitetura hospitalar ocidental. Verifica-se ent?o como essa evolu??o tipol?gica se reflete nos edif?cios hospitalares em Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, usando-se para tanto um conjunto de 18 dos 29 hospitais implantados na cidade ao longo do s?culo XX. Conclui-se que o itiner?rio tipol?gico da arquitetura hospitalar de Natal repete o ocidental, a menos de singularidades explicadas pelas caracter?sticas do desenvolvimento social e econ?mico da cidade
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Perfil do tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios: estudo sobre a concatena??o entre compet?ncias na forma??o e no exerc?cio profissionalDantas, Etienne Andrade de Medeiros 26 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-17T18:33:30Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-09-26 / A presente tese de doutorado teve por objetivo geral investigar as compet?ncias na forma??o e
pr?tica profissional do tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios. Nesse contexto, a pesquisa
contribuiu para a discuss?o acerca da natureza de compet?ncias e habilidades requeridas para
ocupa??es profissionais historicamente caracterizadas como predominantemente pr?ticas, no
sentido de fundadas em saberes pr?ticos, extra-acad?micos e pragm?ticos (saber-fazer), em
contraste com compet?ncias simb?lico-formais fundadas em saberes formais-conceituais
(saber-dizer). A tese encontra-se fundamentada na perspectiva da psicologia hist?rico-cultural
e amparada pela proposta te?rico-metodol?gica da Cl?nica da Atividade. A pesquisa foi
realizada com egressos, professores e gestores do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em
Constru??o de Edif?cios. Para atingimento dos objetivos esperados adotou-se a combina??o de
m?todos quantitativos e qualitativos de produ??o e an?lise dos dados. Na etapa quantitativa,
aplicou-se um question?rio socioprofissional, obtendo-se o retorno de 41(quarenta e um)
participantes. A an?lise dos dados quantitativos foi realizada atrav?s de estat?stica descritiva
uni e multidimensional, complementada por an?lise estat?stica inferencial. Na etapa
qualitativa, realizou-se consulta a documentos oficiais de natureza pedag?gica, entrevistas
semi-dirigidas com professores e gestores do curso e, por fim, as entrevistas de Instru??o ao
S?sia (IaS) com egressos. Esta etapa foi executada atrav?s de an?lise cl?nico-interpretativa,
tendo por base a perspectiva hist?rico-cultural vigotskiana e a abordagem social das
compet?ncias e habilidades. Os resultados analisados permitiram constatar que os
profissionais s?o, na maioria jovens (m?dia de idade de 26 anos e 06 meses), 58,6% do sexo
feminino, 58,5% solteiros e somente 19,5% tem filhos. Tamb?m averiguou-se que a profiss?o
de tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios tem servido como est?gio preliminar ou caminho de
passagem em dire??o a outra forma??o e ocupa??o profissional, ?quela de engenheiro civil.
As principais compet?ncias requeridas do tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios recobrem os
dom?nios da gest?o, projetos e or?amento. Conclui-se que a ocupa??o profissional do
tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios apresenta uma forma??o s?lida e atualizada com as
demandas do mercado de trabalho, havendo concatena??o entre os conhecimentos te?ricos e
pr?ticos em fun??o das estrat?gias pedag?gicas utilizadas durante o processo de forma??o
profissional, segundo avalia??o dos sujeitos participantes. No entanto, ainda tem sua ?rea de
especificidade estabelecida notadamente em rela??o aos engenheiros civis. Por esta raz?o,
percebe-se que h? uma necessidade de consolida??o da identidade profissional do tecn?logo
em constru??o de edif?cios junto ?s entidades regulamentadoras da profiss?o e ao mercado de
trabalho. / The present doctorate research aimed to investigate competencies in training and professional
practice of technologists in building construction. The research contributed in this context to
the discussion about the nature of competencies and skills required for professional
occupations historically characterized as predominantly practical, founded on practical, extraacademic
and pragmatic knowledge (know-what), in contrast to symbolic-formal
competencies based on formal and conceptual knowledge (know-how). The thesis is based on
the perspective of the historical-cultural psychology and supported by theoretical and
methodological proposals of Clinic of Activity. The survey was conducted with certified
professionals (former students), teachers and managers participating in the Course of
Technology in Building Construction. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods
of production and data analysis was adopted for achievement of expected goals. A socioprofessional
survey was applied in the quantitative step, 41 (forty one) participants having
returned the on-line questionnaire. The quantitative data analysis was performed using
descriptive uni and multidimensional statistic methods, completed by inferential statistical
analysis. Official pedagogical documents were inspected in the qualitative stage, what was
completed by semi-structured interviews with teachers and managers and Instruction to the
Double interviews with professionals. This step was based on clinical and interpretative
analysis, based on the cultural-historical Vygotskian perspective and the social approach to
competencies and skills. Results allowed verifying that professionals are mostly young
(average age of 26 years and 06 months), 58.6% of participants being female, 58.5% single
and only 19.5% having children. It was also verified that the profession of technologist in
construction of buildings is considered as a preliminary stage or passageway toward other
training and professional occupations, especially civil engineering. The main competencies
required from technologist in construction of buildings encompass areas of management,
project and budget. Final conclusion stresses that the occupation of technologist in
construction of buildings has a solid background in terms of formation, connected to demands
of the labor market and based on theoretical and practical knowledge issued from previous
training process, according to the evaluation of participants. However, this professional
occupation is still referred to civil engineering. For this reason, a need for consolidation of
professional identity of technologist in building construction by the regulators of the
professional activity and by the labor market is required.
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Edif?cio multifuncional Holanda: diversidade e qualidade ambiental em edifica??es verticaisCaldas, Giuliano Bezerra 20 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-20T23:48:53Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-05-20 / O presente trabalho descreve o processo de concep??o e desenvolvimento do
projeto de um edif?cio multifuncional vertical localizado no bairro de Lagoa Nova
(Natal/RN), com ?nfase na qualidade ambiental interna e na efici?ncia energ?tica da
edifica??o, por meio de estrat?gias projetuais bioclim?ticas para o clima quente e
?mido. O processo consistiu de revis?o de literatura e de normas pertinentes,
estudos de refer?ncias projetuais, programa??o arquitet?nica, defini??o de conceito
e de partido arquitet?nico, e desenvolvimento em n?vel de anteprojeto. Foi feita
tamb?m a an?lise da viabilidade do empreendimento, com a defini??o do bairro e da
?rea de superf?cie ideais para o projeto, o que conduziu ? escolha do terreno e o
c?lculo de seu potencial construtivo, at? chegar ? defini??o das quantidades e dos
tamanhos das unidades privativas residenciais e comerciais. V?rios esbo?os de tipos
edil?cios distintos foram desenvolvidos, assim como estudos sobre poss?veis
estrat?gias projetuais, buscando a qualidade ambiental interna. Nesse sentido, a
composi??o da edifica??o em torre ?nica, composta por usos diversos e distribu?dos
em blocos sobrepostos com acessos individualizados para pedestres e ve?culos, foi
a que melhor atendeu ?s premissas conceituais e program?ticas. Os princ?pios
bioclim?ticos foram aplicados ao tipo edil?cio escolhido, desde as fases iniciais do
projeto. Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir, assim, com a identifica??o das
estrat?gias projetuais mais adequadas para edif?cios verticais residenciais e
comerciais, localizados em clima quente e ?mido, com informa??es e solu??es que
possam ser incorporadas por arquitetos e projetistas, no intuito de promover e
incentivar a elabora??o de projetos de arquitetura mais eficientes e com maior
qualidade ambiental interna. / This research describes the process and development of the design of a vertical
multifunctional building located in the Lagoa Nova neighborhood (Natal / RN), with an
emphasis on indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency for building, through
bioclimatic design strategies for hot and humid climate. The process consisted of
bibliographic review, as well as review of relevant building regulations, studies of
architectural references, architectural programming, design concept and parti
definition, leading to the developed design. It was also analyzed the feasibility of the
project, defining the neighborhood for its implementation and the ideal surface area
for the building, which led to the choice of the land and the calculation of its
constructive potential, up to the definition of number and sizes of private residential
and commercial units. Several sketches of different building types were developed,
as well as studies on possible design strategies, seeking indoor environmental
quality. In this sense, the composition of the building as a single tower, housing
different uses in the shape of overlapped blocks, observing differentiated access for
pedestrians and vehicles, was the one design option that best met the conceptual
and programmatic assumptions. Bioclimatic principles were applied to the building
type chosen from the early stages of the design process. Therefore, the aim of this
research is to identify the most appropriate design strategies for vertical residential
and commercial buildings located in hot and humid weather, with information and
solutions that can be incorporated by architects and designers in order to promote
and encourage the development of more efficient architectural design and indoor
environmental quality.
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Indica??es para o projeto arquitet?nico de edif?cios multifamiliares: uma an?lise p?socupa??o em Natal/RNDuarte, Matheus Jaques de Castro Ribeiro 27 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-27 / Confirming the Brazilian tendency in the field, the multifamily vertical condominium habitats in Natal are defined as buildings with three or more floors which have been an increasingly used solution. In the mentioned project, the connection between the projectarchitects and the user/ buyers are spread out, by which the first people conceive the realestate property as a creation for the market and not the individual client in specific. Such situation along with technical and financial limitations of the project lead to the adoption of standard solutions to be utilized by clients with different profiles. Besides that, there are various legal and urban parameters by the City Director Plan showing elements of great influence in the final solution adopted by the mentioned edifices. Moving to this subject in general, this project is focused on the case study of the Ed. Ville de Montpellier, having as a base of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE), considered an efficient tool to analyze and keep up with the progress of the construction of the building, including technical approvals, the application of surveys with the local residents and the creation of informal interviews. The data shows that with time some items that initially motivated the acquisition of the realestate property (with a social common area) move to being less valued, and that the residents quickly alter the pre constructed space, thus seeking to alter the property in a more personal and conforming manner. The possibility of a new emphasis for projects on the mentioned space should also be in discussion, the created project calls for the attention of projected conceptual aspects and interdependence within project and construction which permits the indication of some recommendations for the projection of multifamily residential buildings within the studied realm / Confirmando tend?ncia brasileira na ?rea, em Natal, a habita??o em condom?nios verticais multifamiliares, constitu?dos por edif?cios com mais de tr?s pavimentos, tem sido uma solu??o crescentemente utilizada. Nesse tipo de projeto, no entanto, a liga??o entre os arquitetosprojetistas e os usu?rios/compradores ? difusa, pois os primeiros concebem o im?vel tendo em vista uma demanda de mercado e n?o um cliente espec?fico. Tal situa??o, aliada ?s limita??es t?cnicas e financeiras do empreendimento, conduz ? ado??o de solu??es standard a serem utilizadas por clientes de perfis diferentes. Al?m disso, os v?rios par?metros urban?sticos e legais definidos pelo Plano Diretor da cidade mostramse elementos de grande influ?ncia na solu??o final adotada para essas edifica??es. Partindo desse quadro geral, esse trabalho realiza o estudo de caso do Ed. Ville de Montpellier, tendo como base a avalia??o p?socupa??o (APO), considerada eficiente ferramenta para an?lise e acompanhamento do desempenho edil?cio. No trabalho, de cunho qualitativo descritivo, foram utilizados multim?todos envolvendo: an?lise de documentos relacionados ao pr?dio em quest?o, vistoria t?cnica, aplica??o de question?rios com moradores e realiza??o de entrevistas informais. Os dados mostram que, com o tempo, alguns itens que inicialmente motivaram a aquisi??o do im?vel (como a ?rea social comum) passam a ser menos valorizados, e que rapidamente os moradores alteram o espa?o padronizado, buscando adequ?lo aos seus desejos e necessidades. Discutindo a possibilidade de novo enfoque para projetos arquitet?nicos nesta ?rea, o trabalho chama a aten??o para aspectos de concep??o projetual e a interdepend?ncia entre projeto e obra, e permite a indica??o de algumas recomenda??es para a projeta??o de edif?cios residenciais multifamiliares na realidade estudada
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Controle sanit?rio e ambiental de um projeto de re?so em um complexo de pr?dios corporativosSantos, Jobson Luiz Prazeres dos 22 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The study that resulted in this dissertation was developed at OU RNCE
PETROBRAS, in Natal, which implemented a project of rational use and reuse of
water, including use of wastewater from a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) already in
place, diluted with water from own wells for irrigation of green area of the building
complex corporate enterprise. Establish a methodology that can serve as guidelines
for future projects controlled reuse of water like this was the objective of this
research. Been proposed, implemented and evaluated three instruments of sanitary
and environmental control: 1) adaptation of sewage treatment plant and quality
control of the treated effluent 2) analysis of soil-nutrient interaction in the irrigated
area, 3) knowledge of the local hydrogeology, especially with regard to the direction
of flow of the aquifer and location of collection wells of Companhia de ?guas e
Esgotos do Rio Grande do Norte (CAERN) situated in the surroundings. These
instruments have proven sufficient and appropriate to ensure the levels of sanitary
and environmental control proposed and studied, which were: a) control of water
quality off the STP and the output of the irrigation reservoir, b) control of water quality
sub surface soil and assessment of progress on soil composition, c) assessment of
water quality in the aquifer. For this, we must: 1) establishing the monitoring plan of
the STP and its effluent quality sampling points and defining the parameters of
analysis, improve the functioning of that identifying the adequacy of flow and
screening as the main factors of operational control, and increase the efficiency of
the station to a relatively low cost, using additional filters, 2) propose, implement and
adapt simple collectors to assess the quality of water percolating into the soil of the
irrigated area, 3) determine the direction of groundwater flow in the area study and
select the wells for monitoring of the aquifer. / A pesquisa da qual resultou esta disserta??o desenvolveu-se na UO RNCE da
PETROBRAS, em Natal, que implantou um projeto de uso racional e re?so de
?guas, com aproveitamento do efluente de uma Esta??o de Tratamento de Esgotos
(ETE) j? existente no local, dilu?do com ?gua de po?os, para irriga??o da ?rea verde
do complexo de pr?dios corporativo da empresa. Estabelecer uma metodologia que
possa servir de orienta??o para futuros projetos de re?so controlado de ?guas
semelhantes a esse foi o objetivo desta pesquisa. Foram propostos, implementados
e avaliados tr?s instrumentos de controle sanit?rio e ambiental: 1) adequa??o da
esta??o de tratamento de esgotos e controle da qualidade do efluente tratado; 2)
an?lise da intera??o nutrientes-solo na ?rea irrigada; 3) conhecimento da
hidrogeologia local, principalmente no que diz respeito ? dire??o do fluxo do
aqu?fero, e localiza??o dos po?os de capta??o da Companhia de ?guas e Esgotos
do Rio Grande do Norte (CAERN) situados no entorno. Estes instrumentos
mostraram-se suficientes e adequados para assegurar os n?veis de controle sanit?rio
e ambiental propostos e estudados, que foram: a) controle da qualidade da ?gua na
sa?da da ETE e na sa?da do reservat?rio de irriga??o; b) controle da qualidade da
?gua no solo sub superficialmente e avalia??o da evolu??o da composi??o do solo;
c) avalia??o da qualidade da ?gua no aq??fero. Para isso, foi necess?rio: 1)
estabelecer o plano de monitoramento da ETE e da qualidade do seu efluente
definindo pontos de amostragem e par?metros de analise, melhorar o funcionamento
da mesma identificando a adequa??o da vaz?o e do peneiramento como principais
fatores do controle operacional, e aumentar a efici?ncia da esta??o a um custo
relativamente baixo, com uso de filtros adicionais; 2) propor, implantar e adequar
coletores simples para avaliar a qualidade da ?gua percolada no solo da ?rea
irrigada; 3) determinar a dire??o do fluxo subterr?neo na ?rea de estudo e selecionar
os po?os para monitoramento da ?gua do aq??fero.
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Electronic data interchange : an implementation methodologyMeyer, Ettienne 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the research is to propose and evaluate a
methodology for implementing EDI to assist organisations in
reaping the anticipated benefits. The research involved the
systematic analysis of the state of the art of EDI and
paradigms of methodologies, to define a model for the EDI
implementation methodology, and to define criteria for
evaluating such a model. The methodology was developed and
modelled utilising the software process model, as adopted by
Boehm (1988) and later duPlessis and van der Walt (1992),
as a framework. Next a synthesis of the assimilated
knowledge and brainstorming of project teams involved in
EDI pilot projects, was used to systematically develop an EDI
implementation methodology. The methodology was evaluated
by utilising it in the implementation of EDI between two
organisations, Computer Equipment Brokers (PTY) and
Marksec (PTY). It was concluded that the methodology was
efficient for implementing EDI. / Computing / M. Sc. (Information Systems)
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Electronic data interchange : an implementation methodologyMeyer, Ettienne 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the research is to propose and evaluate a
methodology for implementing EDI to assist organisations in
reaping the anticipated benefits. The research involved the
systematic analysis of the state of the art of EDI and
paradigms of methodologies, to define a model for the EDI
implementation methodology, and to define criteria for
evaluating such a model. The methodology was developed and
modelled utilising the software process model, as adopted by
Boehm (1988) and later duPlessis and van der Walt (1992),
as a framework. Next a synthesis of the assimilated
knowledge and brainstorming of project teams involved in
EDI pilot projects, was used to systematically develop an EDI
implementation methodology. The methodology was evaluated
by utilising it in the implementation of EDI between two
organisations, Computer Equipment Brokers (PTY) and
Marksec (PTY). It was concluded that the methodology was
efficient for implementing EDI. / Computing / M. Sc. (Information Systems)
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