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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barriers to reading English texts in schools of Rakwadu Circuit in Mopani District, Limpopo Province

Modipane, Makgomo Christina January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.) -- University of Limpopo, 2018 / This study investigated barriers to the reading of English texts in the rural schools of the Rakwadu Circuit in Mopani District, Limpopo Province. This problem is not only in the said Circuit, it is a world-wide challenge. The research was undertaken in three public secondary schools, with focus on the Grade 9 learners of the said Circuit. Data were collected through audio-taped interviews and observation of learners while reading prescribed texts. It was found that most educators and learners agree that there are barriers to the reading of English texts. The following factors were identified as barriers, namely: lack of libraries, non-parental involvement and insufficient learner-support materials, as well as lack of guided reading books. The study recommends that governmental officials should consider building libraries even in the rural schools and communities. The schools should have a parental involvement policy in which parents are encouraged to take part in the education of their children. The Department of Education should provide sufficient learner-support materials in schools to enhance learners’ reading ability. Educators are to be provided with guided reading materials that will enable them to implement Guided Reading approach. Curriculum advisors should train teachers on how to teach reading.

Teaching English reading comprehension to Grade 2 First Additional Language learners

Swanepoel, Nadia January 2016 (has links)
English reading comprehension is an educational challenge worldwide. This study investigated how Grade 2 teachers teach English reading comprehension to First Additional Language (FAL) learners at three selected independent schools in Gauteng where the language of learning and teaching (LoLT) is English. Three English medium independent schools in Gauteng, South Africa participated in the study. The participants at each research site consisted of Grade 2 teachers (main participants) and Grade 2 learners (secondary participants). Grade 2 teachers were selected purposively on the criteria that they had taught for more than two years and were teaching English reading comprehension to Grade 2 FAL learners. This study followed a qualitative approach, and was situated within the interpretivist paradigm. The research design accommodated a case study. The conceptual framework was based on the revised taxonomy by Krathwohl and Anderson for questioning which integrated the role of the teacher in a reading lesson. The three stages of reading, before reading, during reading and after reading were divided into the different levels of thinking and reasoning as suggested in Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) theory. The data collection strategies were semi-structured interviews with Grade 2 teachers; observing reading lessons they gave; and keeping a journal in which personal reflections on the investigation into teaching and learning practices were documented. Once data was collected, the recordings of the semi-structured interviews were transcribed. The observation checklists and the reflection journal entries were analysed. Data was analysed using a coding process and five themes and twelve sub-themes emerged. The findings show that the interactive approach was common in the teaching of English reading comprehension. However, parental involvement, the availability of the trained teachers and appropriate resources were necessary. A learner's individual reading needs and reasoning ability have to be considered through the use of differentiated teaching practices. Questioning throughout the reading process improves a learner's understanding of the text. / Die leesbegrip van Engels is 'n wêreldwye uitdaging. Hierdie studie het ondersoek hoe Graad 2-onderwysers onderrig in leesbegrip in Engels aan leerders van Engels as Eerste Addisionele Taal gee by drie uitgesoekte onafhanklike skole in Gauteng waar die taal van leer en onderrig (TLO) Engels is. Drie onafhanklike Engelsmediumskole in Gauteng, Suid-Afrika het aan die studie deelgeneem. By elke skool was die deelnemers Graad 2-onderwysers (hoofdeelnemers) en Graad 2-leerders (sekondêre deelnemers). Graad 2-onderwysers is doelbewus gekies op grond van die kriterium dat hulle langer as twee jaar onderrig gegee het en ten tye van die studie Graad 2-EAT-leerders onderrig het. Die studie volg 'n kwalitatiewe benadering binne die interpretivistiese paradigma. Die navorsingsontwerp behels 'n gevallestudie. Die konseptuele raamwerk is gebaseer op Krathwohl en Anderson se hersiene taksonomie van vraagstelling wat die onderwyser se rol in 'n leesles integreer. Die drie leesstadia voor, gedurende en na lees word in die verskillende vlakke van lees en redenering verdeel, soos wat in Vygotsky se teorie van die Sone van Naaste Ontwikkeling (ZPD) aan die hand gedoen word. As dataversamelingstrategieë is semigestruktureerde onderhoude met Graad 2-onderwysers gevoer, lesse waargeneem en 'n joernaal gehou waarin persoonlike besinning oor die ondersoek van onderrig- en leerpraktyke gedokumenteer is. Na dataversameling is die opnames van die semigestruktureerde onderhoude getranskribeer. Die waarnemings-kontrolelyste en die inskrywings in die besinningsjoernaal is ontleed. Data is met behulp van 'n koderingsproses ontleed, wat vyf temas en twaalf subtemas na vore gebring het. Daar is bevind dat die interaktiewe benadering algemeen in die onderrig van leesbegrip van Engels gebruik word. Die betrokkenheid van ouers, beskikbaarheid van opgeleide onderwysers en geskikte hulpbronne was egter noodsaaklik. Leerders se individuele leesbehoeftes en redeneringsvermoë moet by wyse van gedifferensieerde onderrigpraktyke in aanmerking geneem word. Leerders se begrip van die teks verbeter wanneer vrae in die loop van die leesproses gestel word. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Early Childhood Education / MEd / Unrestricted

Investigating technology integration readiness of English first additional language educators: a case of South African rural public schools

Lediga, Mamaroba Sylvia January 2023 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (English Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2023 / Technology use is gaining momentum the world over, including South Africa. Therefore, technology use presupposes technology integration, and educators appear better positioned to ensure its integration. As a result, the integration of technology by English First Additional Language (EFAL) educators is of significant importance to learners’ academic development. The purpose of this research study was to investigate South African rural public schools EFAL educators’ readiness to integrate technology into EFAL content. The study was underpinned by a combination of two theoretical frameworks, the Technology Readiness Index (TRI) and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The study followed a quali-quantitative approach and an exploratory research design. The triangulation data collection method employed questionnaires, interviews and equipment checklists. Findings indicated that EFAL educators in rural public schools are not ready to embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and lack relevant and adequate infrastructure to integrate technology. Findings further revealed that EFAL educators need proper training in technology skills and technical support in order to be ready to integrate technology into EFAL. Pertinent intervention strategies should include the collaboration of all stakeholders to improve the Information Communication Technology (ICT) context in rural public schools. Additionally, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) has to bridge the gap between rural and urban schools in SA by providing adequate technology support to rural public EFAL educators.

Essay writing errors of english FAL FET rural learners in Mopani West District, Limpopo Province : an analysis

Mailula, Maphefo Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (English Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2020 / The study explored essay writing errors of English First Additional Language (EFAL) FET rural learners. The aim of the study was to analyse essay writing errors of the EFAL FET learners in rural schools. EFAL Grade 11 learners together with their educators from 4 circuits in Mopani West District of Limpopo Province (LP), South Africa (SA), participated in the study. The learners’ 40 essays were analysed. Additionally, the learners and educators were interviewed and the data generated were analysed. A qualitative Content Analysis (CA) research method was used to collect data. The sample was made up of 3 instruments; an essay checklist for the 40 essays, EFAL learners’ group interviews that consisted of 4 equal groups made up of 10 learners per school, and interviews with 4 educators from each of the school represented. N – Vivo was used for data transcription, storage and analysis. Errors populated in the checklist were arranged into smaller units, identified, analysed, described and reported. Data obtained through semi-structured interviews with EFAL learners and educators were transcribed and analysed thematically. The analysis of the EFAL FET rural learners’ essay writing errors revealed weaknesses pertaining to choice of essay topics, proofreading, spelling, punctuation and grammar.

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