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Řízení excelence v malé firmě / Management of Excellence in Small CompanyChamrádová, Radka January 2008 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals management of excellence problems in the company ORKÁN plus, s.r.o., which offers accounting, tax consultancy and related counselling services. Based on the facts from critical analysis is there a solution suggested – management of excellence system based on the EFQM Excellence Model.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti vybraného podniku / Performance Evaluation of Selected BusinessMartensová, Silvie January 2017 (has links)
This Master‘s thesis deals with a performance evaluation of a selected business. The first part of the thesis is focused on basic terms and theoretical introduction related to the tools for measuring and evaluating company performance. The next part contains an introduction of the company, a current state assessment and a practical application of theoretical findings. The final part of the thesis includes suggestions for performance and current situation improvement.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku / Company Performance MeasurementPalacká, Naďa January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the performance measurement of REMAK, a.s. In the theoretical section are explained performance related concepts, there are descriptions of individual systems for performance measurement and analysis used in the desription of the current state of company. The following part focuses on the description of the analyzed company and a description of the current situation using individual analyzes and model START PLUS. Next part is own suggestions for solutions and benefits of the proposals.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku / Company Performance MeasurementDivoká, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with Invia.cz, a.s. performance analysis. First part of the thesis contains basic theoretical knowledge, regarding methods of company performance measurement. Next part is focused on description of the studied company and then performance assessment of the chosen company using START Model based on EFQM Excellence Model is elaborated. Proposals for improvement of the current situation are suggested in the last chapter.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku / Evaluation of Corporate PerformanceHurytová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on performance evaluation of company Zemědělské družstvo Nové Město na Moravě. The first part contains theoretical foundations dealing with explanation basic theoretical terms and modern methods for performance measurement. The second part is practical, where the analysis company is introduced and after that the performance evaluation using of START Model is performed. The main output of master thesis is the last part, namely suggestions, where are presented measures and recommendations directed at the improvement performance of company.
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Firemní sebehodnocení jako významný faktor formování konkurenceschopnosti u malých a středních podnikůBrychta, Karel January 2006 (has links)
Present highly competitive environment has significantly contributed to the state in which success of entrepreneurial subjects is conditioned among others by their ability to identify and eliminate gaps in their performance as fast as possible. It is inevitably connected with the necessity to know the firm itself, which is one of the unexceptionable condition of reaching and maintaining competitiveness. The dissertation thesis reacts to above shown fact and to generally perceived want of suitable methodology of organizational self-assessment aimed at improvement for small and middle enterprises. The issue of organizational self-assessment is analyzed and assessed complexly in this dissertation thesis. Also less known connections and relationships as to the issue of organizational self-assessment are given here, which provides a desirable comprehensive view. In the dissertation thesis there are also specified relevant definitions relating to the subject of the dissertation thesis. The definitions are specified in mutual relationships, which increases their value in light of their contribution both to theory and to practice. In relation to the analysis of the present state in the sphere of organizational self-assessment, the dissertation thesis introduces the most spread and best known models used for organizational self-assessment. A very important part of the analytical part is created by the determination of basic approaches to organizational self-assessment with closer specification of diagnostically oriented self-assessment. A pivotal part of the dissertation thesis is represented by my own draft of the methodology of organizational self-assessment aimed at formation and maintenance of competitiveness. This methodology is based on diagnostically oriented organizational self-assessment and is intended above all for small and middle manufacturing enterprises that are certified according to the ISO 9001/2000 standard. Submitted methodology was verified with positive result in a middle manufacturing enterprise. The methodology itself is based on a frame model and on an algorithm that should facilitate the implementation and regular realization of the organizational self-assessment.
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EFQM - model Excelence / EFQM - model ExcellenceFLOSMANOVÁ, Eva January 2008 (has links)
Diploma work work is bent on region management qualities. Loading and application mock - up European endowment for drive qualities EFQM to the police Czech republic. Analysis progress loading to the police practice and choice formation police Czech republic. Evaluation of the process loading and his contribution in improvement efficiency, qualities and image.
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Systémy řízení jakosti ve vybraném podniku / Quality management systems in the choosen companyEDROVÁ, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to assess existing quality management system, the possibility of applying new approaches to quality management in the selected company, the proposal process for their implementation. This thesis is focused on quality management. Implementation and application of the model EFQM (European Foundation for quality management) in the company LINET spol. s r.o. Evaluation of the implementating process and its contribution to improving efficiency, quality and image.
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Hodnocení finanční výkonnosti společnosti prostřednictvím benchmarkingu / Evaluation of the Company´s Financial Performance Using Benchmarking ApproachKósová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The master's thesis focuses on the assessment of the financial and business performance of the company Direct Parcel Distrubution CZ s. r. o. by using the methods of benchmarking. The first part of work provides a theoretical background for the issue, with an emphasis on benchmarking. The second part of the thesis contains introduction of the company and situational analysis of the company. The following is the main part of the thesis, the acutal benchmarking of the company with selected competitors. The thesis concludes proposals to improve the financial and business performance of Direct Parcel Distribution CZ s.r.o.
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