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Overall CO2 efficiency assessment for a low carbon energy systemZheng, Zhanghua January 2014 (has links)
Decarbonization of the power sector is of great importance for the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon world economy. Estimating carbon efficiency in the power sector is a key step to grasp the impact of demand-side usage changes and evaluate their potential environmental benefits. In order to quantify the environmental benefits of demand-side usage changes, Average Emission Factor (AEF) and Marginal Emission Factor (MEF) have been proposed in the electrical power sector. AEF is defined as the ratio of the total CO2 emitted in the system to the total electricity generated. It is an effective factor for reporting on CO2 emissions at system level and on an average basis, but the current AEF model lacks clarity on the factors actually affecting the estimation. MEF is defined as the incremental change in carbon emissions as a result of a change in demand. However, previous MEF assessments did not consider key technical limitations, such as ramp-rate constraint for generators and network constraints, and carbon trading mechanisms. This thesis improves the estimation for both AEF and MEF and key achievements can be summarized as: 1). A novel model of estimating AEF, with its application to GB, US and China’s electricity system. 2). Improvement on conventional MEF model by considering ramp-rate constraint in dispatch order. 3). Sensitivity studies on MEF using current fuel prices and future fuel prices. 4). A new model of estimating MEF considering both the utilization level of generators and the carbon costs when determining the dispatch order. 5). The effect of power network on MEF estimation, with a comparison of congested scenarios and non-congested scenario.
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Deformation of 113Cs from proton-emission and electromagnetic transition ratesHodge, Duncan January 2017 (has links)
Studying nuclei beyond the proton dripline can provide valuable information on the structure of nuclei at the limits of stability, where the strong nuclear force starts to be overcome by Coulomb repulsion between protons. Simple experimental observables, such as excitation energies and lifetimes of excited states in these proton-unbound nuclei can provide information on the nuclear wave function. Experimental data, such as that presented in this work, can then be used to improve models of nuclear structure at the proton dripline. This thesis presents data from a recoil-decay tagged differential plunger experiment undertaken at the University of Jyvaskyla in 2014. A fusion-evaporation reaction was used to populate excited states in the deformed ground-state proton emitter 113Cs. The JUROGAM-RITU-GREAT experimental setup was used to correlate gamma rays emitted from these excited states with protons emitted from 113Cs and the differential plunger for unbound nuclear states (DPUNS) was placed at the target position to measure the excited state lifetimes. The lifetime of the (11/2+) state in the most intense rotational band of 113Cs was measured to be tau = 24(6) ps, while a limit of tau is less than or equal to 5 ps was found for the lifetime of the higher energy (15/2+) state. The lifetime of proton emission was measured to be tau = 24.2(2) microseconds. The experimental data were used to test the predictions of a non adiabatic quasi-particle model for proton-emitting nuclei, which was employed to deduce the deformation of the states in 113Cs. Wave functions from the non adiabatic quasi-particle model were used to independently calculate proton-emission rates, gamma-ray transition rates and excited state energies as functions of deformation. The deformation of 113Cs could then be extracted from the intersection of the different theoretical values and experimental observables. A deformation of beta2 = 0.22(6)was extracted from the (11/2+) excitation energy and lifetime. The deformation values taken from the proton-emission rate and the lifetime limit of the (15/2+) state were also consistent with this value. The consistency of the different deformations calculated shows the effectiveness of the non adiabatic quasi-particle method when used to calculate the properties of deformed ground-state proton-emitters.
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Proposição de um método para avaliação do adicional de emissões veiculares em partida a frioHansen, Marcelo January 2008 (has links)
As emissões de poluentes atmosféricos decorrentes de veículos automotores representam um grave problema ambiental. O modo de operação do veículo influencia diretamente a quantidade de poluentes emitidos. Quando um veículo inicia sua operação com motor frio, efeito denominado de partida a frio, a quantidade de poluentes emitidos torna-se consideravelmente maior em comparação às condições estabilizadas de temperatura do motor. O efeito da partida a frio é bastante representativo em viagens de curta duração, como é o caso dos deslocamentos urbanos. Este estudo propõe um método para a determinação e distribuição espacial do adicional de emissões de poluentes em partida a frio. Este método foi aplicado em Porto Alegre, utilizando informações de tráfego e da frota local coletados na pesquisa de entrevistas domiciliares, realizada no ano de 2003. Os fatores de emissão utilizados embasaram-se em um estudo realizado com veículos brasileiros. Os resultados da aplicação do método indicaram que a maior parte das partidas a frio ocorre na região central de Porto Alegre e suas adjacências, sendo maior no período matinal. Observou-se também que os maiores responsáveis pelo adicional por partida a frio são os veículos equipados com conversores catalíticos e injeção eletrônica de combustível. Entretanto, os veículos mais antigos, sem conversor catalítico e equipados com carburador, são os maiores responsáveis pela emissão total, adicional por partida a frio e emissão estabilizada de CO e HC nos períodos analisados. Através do método proposto neste estudo foi possível identificar áreas críticas que necessitam de ações de controle de emissões em partida a frio. Os resultados deste estudo podem subsidiar o planejamento e gerenciamento das condições ambientais provocadas pelas emissões veiculares em áreas urbanas. / Atmospheric pollution from vehicle emissions is a serious environmental problem. The vehicle operation mode influences directly in the amount of emitted pollutants. When a vehicle begins its operation with the cold engine, called as cold start effect, the amount of emitted pollutant becomes considerably higher than when in stabilized conditions of engine’s temperature. Cold start effect are very representative in short travels, such as urban trips. This study proposes a method to estimate the amount and spacial distribution of the additional cold start pollutant emissions. This method was applied to Porto Alegre, Brazil, using traffic and local fleet data from a household travel survey of 2003. Emissions factors were based on a study of Brazilian fleet. The results from the method application showed that cold start emissions in Porto Alegre are higher in the morning peak and most of the cold start emissions are concentrated in the town center and its adjacencies. The results also showed that the catalyst fuel injection vehicles are the main responsible for the additional cold start emissions. However, old vehicles, without catalyst and equipped with carburetor, are the main responsible for the total, cold start and running emissions, CO and HC emissions in both analyses periods. Through the proposed method, it was possible to identify critical areas that need control actions of cold start emissions. The results from this study can assist planning and management of the environmental conditions deriving from vehicular emissions in urban areas.
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Russia's carbon emission pathways and cumulative emission budgetsSharmina, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Despite climate change being an increasingly important focus of scientific and policy discourse and against a backdrop of rising greenhouse gas emissions, the Russian government has, thus far, failed to commit to an ambitious emission reduction target based on the latest science. For Russia to develop informed, internally consistent and scientifically literate policies, it is important to assess the scale of the challenge and explore implications of different levels of mitigation. To this end, the thesis derives Russia's cumulative emission budgets and generates associated low-carbon pathways in the context of both a re-developing economy and international climate change objectives (in particular, keeping the global mean temperature increase below 2°C relative to pre-industrial levels). This thesis draws on several disciplines, bringing together bottom-up energy system modelling from engineering and physical sciences, as well as stakeholder and expert interviews from social sciences. The principal methodological approach used here is backcasting, with a number of stakeholder interviews providing a 'reality check' for the scenarios. Given the global delay in acting on climate change, the contextual 2°C scenarios generated are ambitious and extremely challenging. With significant changes on both demand and supply sides, an annual post-peak emission reduction rate of at least 10% is required to meet the cumulative budget constraint; this despite the dramatic fall in Russia's emissions in the 1990s. Such radical reduction rates are well in excess of anything achieved or, indeed, deemed possible within existing mitigation policies and integrated assessment models - either in Russia or in any other part of the world. The necessary emission reductions would involve significant material changes to the energy system. Even with early reductions, to attain a low-carbon energy system in 2050 in accordance with the 2°C cumulative emission constraint, all of the available 'mature' technological options would need to be employed. In particular, short-term mitigation can be facilitated by Russia's large energy efficiency potential and a significant biomass potential. In the long term, mitigation could draw on the country's considerable renewable energy resources. If the peak in Russia's emissions is delayed until 2020-2025, staying within a national 2°C budget constraint will require a rapid and widespread deployment of currently speculative negative-emission technologies. Whilst the suggested mitigation pathways with emissions peaking early are demanding, they are potentially less challenging and destabilising than failing to mitigate and subsequently adapting to climate change impacts of a 6-16°C temperature rise across Russia. The precautionary principle, together with the multiple uncertainties associated with negative emissions, would suggest that starting the decarbonisation process early is critical. Along with other big emitters, Russia has a pivotal role in influencing the future direction of international climate change mitigation and adaptation. Not only is Russia a major emitter of greenhouse gases and a global supplier of fossil fuels, but also it remains a major force in geopolitics, and its diverse territory is both vulnerable and resilient to the impacts of climate change. This unique confluence of circumstances leaves Russia with a challenging dilemma. The country can choose to acquiesce to short-term political and economic considerations, adopt weak mitigation measures and face potentially devastating impacts. Or it can apply its considerable attributes and powers to instigate an epoch of national and global action to secure a low-carbon and climate-resilient future. Whilst the former will see Russia subsumed into the international malaise on climate change, the latter may both quench the nation's "thirst for greatness" and fill the void of climate leadership.
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Scandate cathodes, where scandia is added to the tungsten cathode pellets, have recently received substantial and renewed research interest owing to significantly improved electron emission capabilities at lower temperatures, as compared with conventional dispenser cathodes. However, there are several persistent issues including non-uniform electron emission, lack of understanding regarding scandium’s role in the emission mechanism, and unreliable reproducibility in terms of scandate cathode fabrication. As a result, scandate cathodes have not yet been widely implemented in actual vacuum electron devices (VEDs).
The surface structure and chemical composition of multiple scandate cathodes – prepared with the powder using the liquid-solid (L-S) technique – and exhibiting excellent emission behavior were characterized to give insight into the fundamental mechanism(s) of operation. This was achieved with high-resolution electron microscopy techniques that include high-precision specimen lift-out. These studies showed that the micron-sized tungsten particles that compose the largest fraction of the cathode body are highly faceted and decorated with nanoscale Ba/BaO (~10 nm), as well as larger (~150 nm) Sc2O3 and BaAl2O4 particles. The experimentally identified facets were confirmed through Wulff analysis of the tungsten crystal shape and were determined to consist of {110}, {100}, and {112} facets, in increasing order of surface area prevalence. Furthermore, it is estimated that Ba atoms decorating the tungsten crystal surfaces are present in quantities such that monolayer coverage is possible at elevated temperatures.
The high-resolution electron microscopy techniques used to investigate the cross section (near-surface) of the L-S scandate cathodes also revealed that the BaAl2O4 particles (100-500 nm) that attach to the larger tungsten particles are either adjacent to the smaller Sc2O3 nanoparticles or encompass them. Furthermore, high-resolution chemical analysis and 3D elemental tomography show that the two oxides always appear to be physically distinct from each other, despite their close proximity. 3D elemental tomography also showed that the Sc2O3 particles can sometimes appear inside the larger tungsten particles, but are inhomogeneously distributed. Nanobeam electron diffraction confirmed that the crystal structure of the tungsten particles are body-centered cubic, and imply that the structure remains unchanged despite the numerous complex chemical reactions that take place throughout the impregnation and activation procedures.
The role of Sc and the emission mechanism for scandate cathodes are discussed. Based on characterization results and materials computation, the role of Sc in scandate cathodes is possibly related to tuning the partial pressure of oxygen in order to establish an oxygen-poor atmosphere around the cathode surface, which is a necessary condition for the formation of the (near) equilibrium tungsten shape. A thin Ba-Sc-O surface layer (~8 nm) was detected near the surface of tungsten particles, using electron energy loss spectroscopy in the scanning transmission electron microscope. This stands in stark contrast to models invoking a ~100 nm Ba-Sc-O semiconducting surface layer, which are broadly discussed in the literature. These results provide new insights into understanding the emission mechanism of scandate cathodes.
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Influence of elaboration conditions on the thermomechanical behavior of MAX phases / Influence des conditions d’élaboration sur le comportement thermomécanique de phases MAXKozak, Karolina 07 June 2019 (has links)
Les phases MAX sont des carbures et / ou des nitrures ternaires avec un fort potentiel dans des applications diverses. Cette étude a porté sur deux phases MAX, Ti3SiC2 et Ti2AlC qui sont les plus connues dans ce groupe de matériaux. La première partie de ces travaux était dédiée à l’élaboration des poudres et des matériaux frittés. L’objectif était d’obtenir une variété de matériaux présentant différentes caractéristiques microstructurales, en termes de composition chimique et de taille de grains. Ainsi, des poudres commerciales et synthétisées par SHS ont été densifiées à l'aide de deux techniques de frittage sous charge, i.e. SPS et HP. La deuxième partie du travail a été consacrée à une meilleure compréhension de l’influence de la composition chimique et de la taille des grains sur le comportement thermomécanique des phases MAX. Des informations supplémentaires ont été fournies en couplant deux techniques expérimentales, la flexion quatre points et l’émission acoustique, et en les associant à des observations SEM post-mortems. L’approche expérimentale développée, basée sur la comparaison des réponses mécaniques des matériaux Ti3SiC2 (contenant la phase MAX et des phases secondaires) et de Ti2AlC (phases MAX uniquement), a permis d’approfondir la compréhension des mécanismes de déformation et d’endommagement induits. Il était également montré que les phases sécondaires et la taille de grains influence la manière dont les différents endommagements sont accumulées dans le matériaux. Les résultats d’EA sont fourni les informations supplémentaires sur les type d’endommagements rencontrées et leur chronologie qui résultent avec le comportement nonlinéaire de phases MAX. La dérnière partie de cette thèse a montré que le température de transition fragile-plastique est autour de 1200˚C et que la taille de grains l’abaisse. / MAX phases are ternary carbide and/or nitride with a great potential in various application. This study concerned two MAX phase compounds, namely Ti3SiC2 and Ti2AlC, which are on the most studied among all known MAX phases. The first part dealt with materials elaboration which includes both synthesis and sintering stages. The objective was to obtain a variety of materials with different microstructural features, i.e. phase composition and grain size. For this purpose, both commercial and SHS-derived powders were densified with two pressure-assisted sintering technique, i.e. SPS and HP. The second part of work was devoted to deeper understanding of the influence of phase composition and grain size to thermomechanical behavior of MAX phases. More information was provided when two experimental techniques, four-point bending and AE monitoring, were coupled together with post-mortem SEM observations. The developed experimental approach based on comparison of mechanical responses of Ti3SiC2 (MAX phase and secondary phases) and Ti2AlC (containing only MAX phases) compounds, is implemented to investigate the induced deformation and damage mechanisms. It was shown that higher quantity of MAX phases in the material improves flexural strength with corresponding more pronounce nonlinear behavior and high dissipated energy. When MAX phase grains are coarser the mechanical strength lowers but the nonlinear part becomes more significative, which results in higher values of dissipated energy. It was also shown that the secondary phases and the grain size impact the way in which the damage is accumulated within the sample. AE data provided more information on possible damage mechanisms and their chronology leading to hysteretic behavior of MAX phases. The last part has shown that the BPTT for Ti3SiC2 is ≈1200˚C and the grain size of MAX phases lowers this BPTT.
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Non-invasive determination of myocardial oxygen consumption with "C-acetate and positron emission tomography / Michael A. Brown.Brown, Michael A., 1954- January 1994 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 94-106. / v, 106, [33] leaves, [2] leaves of plates : / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Assessment of myocardial metabolism with radiolabelled substrates and positron emission tomography provides a potentially sensitive technique to investigate physiological and pathological cardiac states "in vitro". Prior studies have indicated that overall metabolic activity cannot be estimated from rates of utilization of any one particular substrate. It was hypothesized that acetate labelled with carbon-11 would provide an index of oxidative metabolism, based on fundamental biochemical principles. The hypothesis is confirmed in studies using isolated perfused rabbit hearts and closed chest canine studies. / Thesis (M.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Medicine, 1995
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Options Based on CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions : A Comparison with Traditional OptionsNilsson, Martin, Kristiansson, Gustaf January 2009 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Options Based on CO2 Emissions: A Comparison with Traditional Options</p><p>Seminar date: 2009-06-17</p><p>Course: Bachelor thesis in business administration, 15 ECTS</p><p>Authors: Gustaf Kristiansson, Martin Nilsson</p><p>Instructor: Bengt Kjellgren</p><p>Key words: Black & Scholes, Certified Emission Reductions, emission markets, European Union Allowances, options, pricing</p><p>Purpose: This study intends to compare traditional options with the CO2 based instruments EUAs and CERs options in the fields of pricing, cap and trade, political influence, economical effects and market function.</p><p>Methodology: A combined research methodology is used in this study, which includes both a quantitative and a qualitative approach. A deductive research approach is brought out over the whole study.</p><p>Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical framework is based upon previous empirical research concerning the fields in this study. The Black & Scholes formula for option pricing has a central position.</p><p>Empirical foundation: Market data has been used to analyse the field of pricing. Interviews have been conducted with actors on the European emission trading market for a further understanding of cap and trade, political influence, economical effects and market function.</p><p>Conclusions: We have in this research identified that the CO2 based market differs from the financial market when it comes to political decisions and price fluctuation. We have also identified that the CO2 based market is not mature enough for a complete internationalisation.</p> / En formell presentation utfördes ej pga utlandsstudier.
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Options Based on CO2 Emissions : A Comparison with Traditional OptionsNilsson, Martin, Kristiansson, Gustaf January 2009 (has links)
Abstract Title: Options Based on CO2 Emissions: A Comparison with Traditional Options Seminar date: 2009-06-17 Course: Bachelor thesis in business administration, 15 ECTS Authors: Gustaf Kristiansson, Martin Nilsson Instructor: Bengt Kjellgren Key words: Black & Scholes, Certified Emission Reductions, emission markets, European Union Allowances, options, pricing Purpose: This study intends to compare traditional options with the CO2 based instruments EUAs and CERs options in the fields of pricing, cap and trade, political influence, economical effects and market function. Methodology: A combined research methodology is used in this study, which includes both a quantitative and a qualitative approach. A deductive research approach is brought out over the whole study. Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical framework is based upon previous empirical research concerning the fields in this study. The Black & Scholes formula for option pricing has a central position. Empirical foundation: Market data has been used to analyse the field of pricing. Interviews have been conducted with actors on the European emission trading market for a further understanding of cap and trade, political influence, economical effects and market function. Conclusions: We have in this research identified that the CO2 based market differs from the financial market when it comes to political decisions and price fluctuation. We have also identified that the CO2 based market is not mature enough for a complete internationalisation. / En formell presentation utfördes ej pga utlandsstudier.
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Amplification of Long-Range Surface Plasmon-PolaritonsDe Leon Arizpe, Israel 18 February 2011 (has links)
Surface plasmon-polaritons are optical surface waves formed through the interaction of photons with free electrons at the surface of metals. They offer interesting applications in a broad range of scientific fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and material science. However, many of such applications face limitations imposed by the high propagation losses of these waves at visible and near-infrared wavelengths, which result mainly from power dissipation in the metal.
In principle, the propagation losses of surface plasmon-polaritons can be compensated through optical amplification. The objective of this thesis is to provide deeper insights on the physics of surface plasmon-polariton amplification and spontaneous emission in surface plasmon-polariton amplifiers through theoretical and experimental vehicles applied (but not necessarily restricted) to a particular plasmonic mode termed long-range surface plasmon-polariton.
On the theoretical side, the objective is approached by developing a realistic theoretical model to describe the small-signal amplification of surface plasmon-polaritons in planar structures incorporating dipolar gain media such as organic dye molecules, rare-earth ions, and quantum dots. This model takes into account the inhomogeneous gain distribution formed near the metal surface due to a non-uniform excitation of dipoles and due to a position-dependent excited-state dipole lifetime that results from near-field interactions between the excited dipoles and the metal. Also, a theoretical model to describe the amplified spontaneous emission of surface plasmon-polaritons supported by planar metallic structures is developed. This model takes into account the different energy decay channels into which an exited dipole located in the vicinity of the metal can relax. The validity of this model is confirmed through experimentation.
On the experimental side, the objective is approached by providing a direct experimental demonstration of complete loss compensation in a plasmonic waveguide. The experiments are conducted using the long-range surface plasmon-polariton supported by a symmetric thin gold waveguide incorporating optically pumped organic dye molecules in solution as the gain medium. Also, an experimental study of spontaneous emission in a long-range surface plasmon-polariton amplifier is presented. It is shown that this amplifier benefits from a low spontaneous emission into the amplified mode, which leads to an optical amplifier with low noise characteristics. The experimental setup and techniques are explained in detail.
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