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Posouzení nákladů spojených s vytápěním novostavby energeticky úsporného rodinného domu / Assessment of Costs Associated with Heating a New Energy-Efficient HouseŠebelová, Denisa January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the economic assessment of the methods of heating and combinations of technologies for energy saving. The objective of this work is to assess the economical effectiveness of individual types of sources of heating. It is first necessary to established gross requirements of energy for heating, water heating, and other household operations. Based on this information, suitable sources are determined. Alternative energy sources are other aspects for consideration – controlled ventilation with heat recovery, and photovoltaic cells. The aim of the thesis is to identify which combination of those technologies is the most economically effective for the opted house. This work aims to help the investor in decision making about the technological solution of heating and power purchase. The outcome is a complex evaluation of different options for the assessed house.
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Horský penzion / Mountain pensionSoukupová, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with a design of an energy-efficient hotel in the Jeseníky mountains. Main parts of the project are to be found in folder C, containing the drawings including five technical details, technical report with attached list of compounds, thermal assessment and fire safety project. The work also contains a study in folder B, which represents the initial version of the project, including the evolution of the project, staircase calculation and simple visualization. This thesis can be used as project documentation for actual building operation.
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Технологии "Пассивного дома" и возможность применения в Уральском федеральном округе : магистерская диссертация / "Passive House" technologies and the possibility of their use in the Ural Federal DistrictPotapov, I. E., Потапов, И. Е. January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to find out the possibility of building a passive house in the Ural region. To achieve this goal it was necessary to solve the following problems, the results are presented in the thesis:
1) to define the concept of "passive house";
2) to identify the technologies used under the construction of energy efficient buildings;
3) to consider the alternative mounting options of low-rise buildings;
4) to establish the geographic and climatic conditions of the selected area;
5) to describe the socio-economic situation in the region;
6) to reveal the specifics of the Passive House in the Ural Federal District.
It was found out that construction of a Passive House in compliance with all the relevant technologies and global standards of Passive Houses in the climatic conditions of the Ural region at this stage is difficult. The main reasons of that are the following:
1) The climatic conditions of the region require for increasing the insulation layer, development and application of new types of insulating materials with higher resistance to heat transfer.
2) The economic conditions of the region determine the choice in favor of budget accommodation rather than innovation.
3) The complexity of the design, the lack of professionals and practical experience in the construction of passive houses. Master's thesis contains 62 pp., 6 fig. 5 tab., 67 bibliographic references. Graphic part - 5 sheets. / Цель диссертации - определить возможность постройки пассивного дома в Уральском регионе. Для реализации поставленной цели необходимо было решить следующие задачи, результаты изложены в диссертации:
1) определить понятие "Пассивный дом";
2) обозначить технологии, применяемые при строительстве энергоэффективных зданий;
3) рассмотреть альтернативные возможности монтажа малоэтажных строений;
4) установить географо-климатических условия выбранной территории;
5) описать социально-экономическую ситуацию заданного региона;
6) выявить специфику пассивного дома для Уральского федерального округа.
Установлено, что постройка пассивного дома с соблюдением всех технологий и соответствующего общемировым стандартам пассивного дома на данном этапе в климатических условиях Уральского региона затруднительна. Основными причинами этого являются:
1) Климатические условия региона, требующие увеличения слоя изоляции, разработки и применения новых видов изолирующих материалов с большим сопротивлением теплопередаче.
2) Экономические условия региона, определяющие выбор в пользу бюджетного жилья, нежели инновационного.
3) Сложность конструкции, отсутствие специалистов и практического опыта строительства пассивных домов.
Магистерская диссертация содержит 62 с., 5 табл., 6 рис., 67 библиограф. ссылок. Графическая часть – 5 л.
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