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Problems and Solutions for Implementing ERP-Systems in Swedish Wind Power IndustryBhatti, Fahim Ahmed, Khan, Hamid January 2010 (has links)
Wind power industry has become the world’s fastest growing renewable energy source. A firm’s information requirements can only be understood by examining their Information System (IS) through Organizational, People, Technical and Strategic perspective. Current study focuses on the value of Information System implementation for Swedish Wind Power Industry (SWPI) that has reached to more than one billion dollars in recent decade. A well-known integrated IS i.e. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) used by Swedish Wind Power Industry (SWPI) for decision making activities is not without its challenges, that consumes a significant portion of their capital and resources for implementation. Exploratory and explanatory research conducted for triangulation, through quantitative and qualitative methods, with empirical data of survey, multiple case studies, interviews and extensive literature review, to highlight the problems and solutions for implementing ERP in SWPI. Several, IS are highlighted with their functionalities and critical success and failure factors. A Model of Knowledge Sharing in ERP Implementation between system users, top management and project team is proposed for critical factors of ERP implementation. / Vindkraftsindustrin har blivit världens snabbast växande förnybar energikälla. Ett företags krav på information kan endast förstås genom att granska deras informationssystem (IS) med hjälp av Organizational, Människor, tekniska och strategiska perspektiv. Aktuell studie fokuserar på värdet av informationssystem genomförande för svenska vindkraftsindustrin (SWPI) som har nått mer än en miljard dollar under de senaste tio åren. En välkänd integrerad dvs Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) som används av svenska vindkraftsindustrin (SWPI) för beslutsfattande verksamhet som inte är utan dess utmaningar, som förbrukar en betydande del av sitt kapital och resurser för genomförandet. Undersökande och förklarande forskning som bedrivs för triangulering, genom kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder, med empiriska data av undersökning, flera fallstudier, intervjuer och omfattande litteraturstudie för att belysa problem och lösningar för att genomföra ERP i SWPI. Flera är markeras med sina funktioner och kritiska framgångsfaktorer och faktorer misslyckande. En modell för utbyte av kunskap i ERP genomförande mellan systemanvändare, i högsta ledningen och projektgruppen föreslås för kritiska faktorer av affärssystem genomförandet.
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Integration av ERP-system efter företagsförvärv : Utmaningar ur konsultens perspektivJonasson, Joakim, Adolfsson, Jesper January 2012 (has links)
Företagsförvärv har blivit en allt vanligare strategi för tillväxt hos företagen för att ta nya marknadsandelar och utöka sitt produktutbud. En allt vanligare problematik efter ett företagsförvärv är integrationen av ERP-system. Vårt syfte med studien är att öka företagens möjligheter att genomföra lyckade ERP-integreringar efter företagsförvärv. Genom att beskriva problematiken runt integrationer efter företagsförvärv, har vi identifierat utmaningar och föreslagit lösningar som kan öka företagens möjlighet att genomföra lyckade ERP-integreringar. Det har lett fram till problemformuleringen: Hur kan företag öka sina möjligheter att genomföra lyckade ERP-integreringar efter företagsförvärv? Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ undersökning där sex konsulter med tidigare erfarenheter från integrationsprojekt intervjuades. Vi har utöver dessa intervjuer genomfört fem uppföljningsintervjuer där vi validerade vårt resultat. Denna studie har inga ambitioner att ge en fulländad bild av ämnesområdet kring ERP-integrationer. Istället kommer vi utifrån befintlig litteratur och insamlad empiri presentera slutsatser adresserat till projektledningen av ERP-integrationer. Studiens resultat består av sex olika utmaningar som är: bedöma omfattning, skapa enhetlig målsättning, skapa förändringsklimat, integrera företagskulturer, genomföra kunskapsöverföring och genomföra återkoppling tillsammans. Vi ger även förslag på lösningar för hur det går att hantera dessa utmaningar.
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Förbättrad användaracceptans vid anskaffning av standardsystemEjdersund, Tomas January 2005 (has links)
Inom alla verksamheter och organisationer finns det idag någon form av informationssystem. För att effektivisera, förändra och stödja verksamheten har allt fler företag valt att anskaffa ett standardsystem som hjälpmedel. Tyvärr innebär detta även att ett antal problem kan uppstå. Ett av de mest kritiska problemen som bör försöka undvikas är utebliven användaracceptans. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka vilka insatser som bör vidtas i arbetet med att anskaffa ett standardsystem, för att förbättra användaracceptansen. Arbetet syftade även till att undersöka om de insatser som litteraturen tar upp, för att påverka användaracceptansen, är samma insatser som en organisation i verkligheten tycker är de mest lämpliga. I denna studie kartläggs attityder och inställningar hos tilltänkta användare av ett standardsystem, för att via analyser urskilja specifika insatser. Arbetet påvisar vikten av att vidta åtgärder så tidigt som möjligt i anskaffningsprocessen, till exempel bör de tilltänkta användarna av standardsystemet få ta del av information i ett tidigt stadium. Resultatet påvisar flertalet insatser som kan vidtas för att förbättra användar-acceptansen, vissa av insatserna stämmer överens med de insatser som litteraturen nämner. Resultatet av fallstudien är inte av generell karaktär, utan mer av en transibiltetisk karaktär. Detta betyder att lösningsförslaget är applicerbart på liknade problem inom liknande kontexter.
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Neurocognitive Examination of Attentional Bias and Inhibitory Control Alterations in Prescription Opioid DependenceNelson, Renee 16 April 2018 (has links)
Prescription opioid (PO) abuse is a growing public health concern worldwide as evidenced by an increasing number of opioid-related hospital admissions with a striking lack of research examining the neural basis underlying cognitive symptomatology. Drugs of abuse, through their impact on the dopaminergic system, are thought to disrupt the cognitive network regulating impulse control and incentive salience through inhibition of goal-oriented behaviour and drug-induced attentional biases. The objective of the present study is to examine neurocognitive processes in PO abusers (vs. healthy controls) by relying on the enhanced temporal resolution (1ms) of event-related potentials (ERPs) to track information processing abnormalities associated with cognitive control. In a naturalistic clinical study, 16 patients actively using prescription opioids and 16 healthy controls (matched for age, gender, educational level and smoking status) were assessed using a Go/NoGo and cue reactivity paradigm. Analysis revealed no significant differences in N2 or P3 amplitude, measures of inhibitory control, between groups after successful NoGo trials and no significant differences in ERN or Pe amplitude, measures of error processing, between groups after unsuccessful NoGo trials. Cue reactivity analysis of attention-related ERP components in patients demonstrated significantly (p<0.005) smaller P2 amplitudes, indexing the commencement of attentional processing, for drug pictures compared to neutral and affective pictures. Furthermore, stimulus type did not significantly modulate LPP amplitudes, indexing sustained attention, in patients however arousal ratings for drug pictures were positively correlated with LPP amplitudes in patients. These ERP results of altered cognitive control and incentive salience suggest the neural mechanisms underlying these cognitions are affected by chronic opioid abuse. Investigating the cognitive abnormalities experienced by PO abusers is an important factor in understanding the neural correlates of substance abuse and in predicting successful outcomes to ensure the best chance at long-term recovery for addicted individuals.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT ModificationKantor, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a Czech construction company that has been established in the Czech market in the field of steel construction and glass facades. The company belongs among middle-sized construction companies. Its development had a few phases and its progress was influenced by the global financial crisis. The aim of the thesis was to analyse current company’s information system, to find its weaknesses and risks connected with its operation and to suggest precautions leading to overall improvement and elimination of investigated risks. General analyses were elaborated in cooperation with management and employees of the company using questionnaire methods of ZEFIS portal. After discovery of defections and risks in current information system there were precautions leading to elimination of risks and improvement of overall state suggested.
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From executive behavior to neurophysiological markers of executive function: measuring the bilingual advantage in young adultsMoore, William Rylie 09 September 2016 (has links)
The ease at which individuals acquire a second language is astounding. Individuals are capable of learning a second language at any point through out their lifespan, although it is easier to learn a second language early in life. With increasing knowledge about linguistic neural processing and the brain’s capacity for plasticity, the research on bilingualism has increased substantially. Researchers have become increasingly more interested in the long-term effects of acquiring a second language, especially the enhancement of executive function (EF). This enhancement, also known as bilingual advantage, has been studied for a range of EFs, including inhibition, attention, problem solving, and reasoning. Although this effect was first demonstrated in bilingual children, researchers have extended the quest for understanding to young, middle, and older adults; however, the research findings are mixed for young adults. In order clarify these mixed results, the age of second language acquisition has been included as an experimental variable, producing three relevant groups: early bilinguals, late bilinguals, and monolinguals.
There are several ways in which EFs can be measured, including behavioral rating scales, computerized cognitive tasks with behavioral outcomes (i.e., response times and accuracy), and computerized event-related potential cognitive tasks. A novel multi-level approach to measuring the bilingual advantage was developed and used as a framework for the current dissertation; i.e., the bilingual advantage was measured at three levels of measurement. This approach predicts that more complex levels of measurement (i.e., executive behaviors) would produce null findings between the three groups, while differences between early bilinguals and the other two groups would be predicted for less complex levels of measurement (i.e., neurophysiological markers). This approach predicts mixed results for levels of measurement that involve moderate complexity (e.g., computerized tasks of EF). Early bilinguals, late bilinguals, and monolinguals were compared across three hierarchical levels of measurement: (i) executive behaviors; (ii) information processing (i.e., computerized tasks of EF); and (iii) neurophysiology (i.e., event-related potential paradigm). Findings generally support the multi-level approach: no differences were found at the executive behavior level, limited and mixed differences were found at the information processing level, and differences between groups were found at the neurophysiological level. / Graduate
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Assessing the impact of concussion history on the N200, P300 and reward positivityFisher, Steffanie Marie 02 January 2018 (has links)
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are one of the leading causes of disability worldwide (Zitnay, 2008), yet one of the least understood neurological conditions (Duncan, 2005). Research has examined short-term deficits; however, less focus has been on the consequences of multiple concussions. Previous electroencephalography (EEG) concussion research has examined the N200 and P300 human event-related potential (ERP) components, yielding inconclusive results (Duncan, Kosmidis & Mirsky, 2005). An ERP component not as frequently examined is the reward positivity, generated by the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a region which experiences increased anatomical stress following injury.
In this study, 51 students from the University of Victoria took a ‘Concussion Survey’ to determine participant history and groups; no history of concussion, a single injury or multiple injuries (2+). Participants performed an oddball and decision-making task while EEG data was collected.
No significant differences were found between groups for the N200, P300 or reward positivity peak latencies or amplitudes. Both concussion groups yielded attenuated peak amplitudes, but no differences existed between the group with a single concussion versus multiple. Unexpectedly, N200 and reward positivity peak latencies were greater in the group with single injuries, compared to those with a history of multiple concussions.
This study adds to a continuous line of inconclusive research on the N200 and P300, suggesting minimal cognitive deficits result from concussive injuries. Furthermore, no noticeable differences were observed between groups with a single versus multiple injuries. While the ACC is located in a region of increased stress following TBI, functional deficits impacting the reward positivity may not be as significant as previously hypothesized. Results may be impacted by confounding variables, including not reliably being able to account for time since injury, injury severity and differences in gender dispersion of participants. With concussions on the rise, continued research, particularly longitudinally and within-subjects is critical for the advancement of both TBI prevention and management. / Graduate
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Analýza informačních systémů pro malé a střední podniky v ČRDiviš, Ondřej January 2007 (has links)
Téma diplomové práce zní Analýza informačních systémů pro malé a střední podniky v ČR. Po vymezení pojmu malé a střední podniky podle definici Evropské Unie (resp. Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu) se budu v teoretické části práce věnovat průzkumům trhu s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systémy jiných autorů, jako například Centrum pro výzkum informačních systémů nebo Zpravodajský portál časopisu IT systems, SystemOnLine anebo průzkum ERP trhu časopisu Business World. Nejdříve se zaměřím na to, jak uvedené subjekty definují pro své průzkumy nezbytné pojmy jako malé a střední podnikání, ERP, ERP pro segment MSP, jak odlišují (v případě SystemOnLine) ERP systémy od ekonomických informačních systémů nebo jestli vůbec segment malých a středních podniků ve svých průzkumech zohledňují. Další část bude zaměřena na metodiku provedených průzkumů, tzn. jaká kritéria byla u daných systémů sledována a také jakým způsobem byla publikovaná data zjišťována, případně jak probíhalo jejich ověření nebo aktualizace. Také zde uvedu vlastní metodiku použitou při získávání některých dat. V poslední části jsou uvedeny a okomentovány výsledky a shrnutí uvedených průzkumů a tam, kde to je možné, jsou údaje jednotlivých průzkumů navzájem porovnány. V případě Business Worldu budou také zkoumány trendy ve vývoji charakteristik ERP systémů pro MSP a jejich dodavatelů. Zkoumané období jsou roky 2002 ? 2007. Vlastním průzkumem je také poskytnut bližší pohled na licenční politiku dodavalů ERP systémů a omezení a výhody přednastavených variant ERP systémů pro segment MSP. Uvedeny jsou také základní podmínky a možnosti získání dotace ze strukturálních fondů Evropské unie, průzkum dostupných informací a přehled subjektů nabízejících dotační poradenství.
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ERP systémy pro terciární sektor ekonomiky - PSA / ERP Systems For the Tertiary Sector of Economy - PSAHájek, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to introduce philosophy of PSA (Professional Services Automation) solutions, their benefits, structure and possible future and to describe, why and how were PSA systems developed. Inasmuch as PSA systems originally evolved from ERP systems and their current progress is very similar to the late progress of ERPs, I decided to focus my analyses on ERP systems and to use the relevant conclusions on PSA solutions. The opening chapter of the thesis (chapter 3) introduces and describes philosophy and history of ERP systems, chapter 4 then describes PSA solutions. The fifth part is addressed to the current ERP market, from which a picture of future PSA market can be derived. Practical part 6, which I consider as the primary contribution of this thesis, analyzes some dimensions of PSA in the light of future evolution of this kind of solution. It also defines some factors, that may help to increase positive effects of PSA solutions to service-oriented companies. The thesis is then closed with an example of a real PSA implementation on an engineering company (chapter 7).
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Elektronická fakturace a související procesy v informačních systémech typu ERP / Electronic invoicing and related processes in ERP information systemsMarek, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Thesis readers familiar with the issue of electronic billing in small and medium-sized companies and provide an overview of the various formats and communication channels, which in the deployment of electronic invoicing can be used. In each chapter set out in detail the advantages and disadvantages of different formats and channels of communication. In the practical part of thesis describes a solution of electronic invoicing and the potential risks in the implementation and operation of electronic invoicing. The theoretical part of thesis draws primarily from articles and is accompanied by actual observations of Internet magazines. The theoretical part should provide the reader with a comprehensive picture of the Czech market with the information systems like ERP and should acquaint the reader briefly is the history of ERP systems. Practical thesis describes the solutions implemented in a real company, their advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls. These solutions should serve the reader in the formation of ideas about how to access these issues and to highlight the factors that the theoretical part may not be noticeable.
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