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Bytový dům Palmovka - stavebně technologická příprava výstavby / Block of flats Palmovka - project planning of construction.Lux, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The thesis contains selected parts of building technology project for the construction of residential house in Prague, section Palmovka. The goal is building a technology solution entered the building on the basis of technical documents supplied by the designer. This work includes technical report on construction technology project, time and financial object plan, schedule substructure using a computer program Contec, study the implementation of major technological stages of the main building, including diagrams of the construction process, the project site equipment, design of the main mechanisms, inspection and test plan with technological instruction for earthwork and foundation of the building, the maintenance plan.
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Bytový komplex LIVE UP v Brně - příprava realizace stavby / LIVE UP apartment complex in Brno - planning of implementation of constructionDejmalová, Hana January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the master´s thesis are selected parts construction technology project apartment house LIVE UP in Brno – Bohunice. It is a new building with one underground floor and six overground floors. Construction of the house is monolithic and upper floors are bearing masonry walls. The work includes technical reports, study the implementation of major construction phases, organization of the construction, technological regulation of flat single-roof, itemized budget with the statement of measurements, time schedule, inventory of machines.
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Stavebně technologický projekt administrativní budovy Brno Business Park, 3. Etapa / Construction Project for implementation of administrative building of BBPJaneček, Milan January 2022 (has links)
The content of my diploma thesis is a construction technology project of an administrative building in Brno. The work emphasizes the feasibility of the object. I prepared an implementation study with a detailed solution of the construction process in terms of time and financial plan. Technological regulations, control and testing plans and occupational health and safety are proposed. Drawings are pre-pared for the performed construction
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Vybrané části STP výrobní haly s administrativní budovou v Hustopečích / Selected parts of the Construction-technology Project of a Factory Building with an Administration Building in HustopečeZálešák, Vít January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is engaged of selected parts of the construction-technology project of a factory building with an administration building in Hustopeče. The construction-technology project contains technical account construction of technological solutions, project of temporary works designed to perform construction, time and financial plan and detailed time plan for rough construction, includes inspection and test plan and technological standard for solution of lower structures of solutions object. In another input is made technological study of the chief technological stage and budget for rough lower structures. As specialization is solution fire safety of buildings.
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Mateřská škola Kuřim - stavebně technologický projekt / Kindergarten Kuřim - construction technology projectKurka, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the solution of selected parts of the construction technology project of the construction of a kindergarten in Kuřim on Hybešova Street. It is a single-story brick building with a flat roof with a green roof. In my work I solve the study of the main technological stages, technological regulations for the monolithic ceiling structure and the green roof of the Smart Roof Solutions system together with inspection and test plans, design of the main construction machines, time and a financial plan for the main building of the kindergarten, the building time and financial plan for the entire construction plan, the balance of workers and the deployment of construction machinery and the construction site equipment project. Then I add a noise study, assessment of selected LEED 2009 Core & Shell credits, design of the TOPSAFE restraint system, health and safety plan, documentation of the green roof of the Smart Roof Solutions system and a search on the topic of green roofs.
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Aportación a la implantación del análisis de riesgo en los sistemas de distribución del agua: caso del Cryptosporidium para distintos niveles de desarrollo tecnológico en la potabilizadoraKombo Mpindou, Gilver Odilon Mendel 12 May 2023 (has links)
[ES] La Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible establece una serie de retos ambiciosos para la comunidad mundial denominados Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Entre ellos se encuentran retos específicos como el acceso al agua potable y al saneamiento y una mejor planificación de los recursos hídricos, además de objetivos dirigidos con el fin de combatir las desigualdades y la discriminación, entre los cuales se incluyen los siguientes objetivos generales "no dejar a nadie atrás" y "llegar primero a los más rezagados". Hasta la fecha, se ha demostrado que estos retos son difíciles de cumplir, en parte porque son complejos, pero también debido a la inercia política. Por otra parte, las potabilizadoras son capaces de suministrar agua segura para el consumo humano, sin embargo, es posible que su calidad se vea deteriorada a lo largo de su recorrido por el sistema de distribución antes su llegada al consumidor; si el abastecimiento de agua se ve restringido, las posibilidades de degradación de la calidad física, química y, sobre todo, microbiológica a nivel doméstico se incrementan, por ese motivo, para garantizar la calidad del agua se debe asegurar la integridad física, química y cualitativa del agua. Al aplicar los métodos de análisis de riesgos a los sistemas de agua potable para el consumo humano, se está desarrollando como una importante técnica de gestión preventiva, que ya está ofreciendo resultados muy significativos a la hora de anticiparse a eventuales situaciones de peligro, lo que permite intervenir con rapidez y evitar el impacto de los eventos de origen natural contra las infraestructuras y el agua para el consumo humano. En esta tesis se aborda la problemática de la seguridad del agua destinada al consumidor, identificando los fundamentos de la buena gobernanza y proponiendo un nuevo enfoque para llevar a cabo un análisis del riesgo a lo largo de la cadena del agua, integrando la modelización predictiva y las técnicas de árbol de eventos y de fallos. El estudio ha demostrado la gran capacidad del nuevo enfoque para reproducir escenarios reales y evaluar los niveles de ooquistes después del tratamiento, teniendo en cuenta la heterogeneidad de los aportes resultantes de diferentes niveles de ooquistes contenidos en las aguas superficiales, la eficiencia del tratamiento, los controles del proceso y los aportes de agua. El nuevo planteamiento también puede utilizarse para la evaluación de la exposición de otros agentes patógenos en el agua, y
en todas las etapas de la cadena del agua, con el fin de evaluar el impacto real de las desviaciones o los fallos en las condiciones del proceso y los controles de seguridad sobre el riesgo para los consumidores provocado por los agentes patógenos. / [CA] L'Agenda 2030 per al desenvolupament Sostenible estableix una sèrie de reptes ambiciosos per a la comunitat mundial denominat Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS). Aquests inclouen reptes com l'accés a l'aigua, el sanejament segur i una millor gestió de l'aigua, igual que objectius per a afrontar la desigualtat i la discriminació incloent propòsits generals per a "no deixar a ningú arrere" i "arribar primer als més ressagats". Fins hui, s'ha demostrat que aquests reptes són difícils de complir, en part perquè són complexos però també a causa de la inèrcia política. D'altra banda, les plantes de tractament d'aigua potable poden proveir aigua segura per al consum humà, però la seua qualitat es pot alternar durant el pas pel Sistema de Distribució d'Aigua abans d'arribar al consumidor; si el proveïment d'aigua és restringit, la possibilitat de deterioració de la qualitat física, química i principalment microbiològica a nivell intradomiciliària s'incrementa havent-se de protegir la integritat física, hidràulica i de qualitat de l'aigua per a garantir l'assegurament del subministrament de l'aigua potable. L'aplicació dels mètodes d'anàlisi de risc aplicats als serveis d'aigua i sanejament s'està convertint en una estratègia imprescindible en la gestió preventiva, que comença a mostrar resultats importants en l'anticipació oportuna de desastres potencials, facilitant les accions anticipades per a enfrontar les amenaces previsibles per a mitigar els impactes dels esdeveniments naturals en la infraestructura d'aigua i sanejament. En aquesta tesi s'aborda la problemàtica de la seguretat de l'aigua destinada al consumidor, identificant els fonaments de la bona governança i proposant un nou enfocament per a dur a terme una anàlisi de risc al llarg de la cadena de l'aigua, integrant la modelització predictiva i les tècniques d'arbre d'esdeveniments i de fallades. L'estudi ha demostrat la gran capacitat del nou enfocament per a reproduir escenaris reals i avaluar els nivells d'ooquistes després del tractament, tenint en compte l'heterogeneïtat de les aportacions resultants de diferents nivells d'ooquistes continguts en les aigües superficials, l'eficiència del tractament, els controls del procés. L'eficiència de la planta, l'eficiència del tractament, els controls del procés i les aportacions d'aigua. El nou plantejament també pot utilitzar-se per a l'avaluació de l'exposició d'altres agents patògens en l'aigua i en totes les etapes de la cadena de l'aigua, amb la finalitat d'avaluar l'impacte real de les desviacions o les fallades en les condicions del procés i els controls de seguretat sobre el risc per als consumidors provocat per agents patògens. / [EN] The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets out a series of ambitious challenges for the global community. These Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include targets for access to safe water and sanitation and improved water management, as well as goals to tackle inequality and discrimination, including overarching proposals to "leave no one behind" and "reach the most disadvantaged first". To date, these are challenges that have proved difficult to meet, partly because they are complex, but also because of political inertia. On the other hand, drinking water treatment plants can provide safe water for human consumption, but its quality can be altered during its passage through the water distribution system before it reaches the consumer; if the water sup-ply is restricted, the possibility of physical, chemical and mainly microbiological quality detection at the household level increases, and the physical, hydraulic and quality integrity of the water must be protected to ensure the safety of the drinking water supply. The application of risk analysis methods applied to water and sanitation ser-vices is becoming an important preventive management strategy, which is be-ginning to show significant results in the timely anticipation of potential disas-ters, facilitating anticipatory actions to address foreseeable hazards and to mit-igate the impacts of natural events on water and sanitation infrastructure. This thesis addresses the issue of consumer water safety by identifying the fundamentals of good governance and proposing a new approach for conduct-ing risk analysis along the water chain, integrating predictive modelling and event and fault tree techniques. The study has demonstrated the high capacity of the new approach to reproduce real scenarios and to evaluate the levels of oocysts after treatment, taking into account the heterogeneity of the inputs resulting from different levels of oocysts contained in the surface water, the efficiency of the treatment, the process controls and the water in-puts. The new approach can also be used for exposure assessment of other pathogens in water, and at all stages of the water chain, to assess the real im-pact of deviations or failures in process conditions and safety controls on the risk to consumers from pathogens. / Kombo Mpindou, GOM. (2023). Aportación a la implantación del análisis de riesgo en los sistemas de distribución del agua: caso del Cryptosporidium para distintos niveles de desarrollo tecnológico en la potabilizadora [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193340
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Příprava realizace administrativních objektů Palmovka Park / Preparation for the implementation of administrative buildings Palmovka ParkBoucník, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the preparation of the construction of Palmovka Open Park III administrative building. It contains a technological regulation for drilled piles, technological regulation for reinforced concrete monolithic constructions, broader transport routes, study of the implementation of the main technological stages, design of building machines and mechanisms, control and testing plan for drilling piles and reinforced concrete constructions, risk and measures, time and financial plan, calculation according to THU, drawing of site equipment, cycle, timetable, item budget, selected technological details.
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Montovaná hala, areál firmy Bosh Diesel s r.o. - stavebně technologická příprava stavby. / Prepared hall of the company Bosh Diesel s.r.o. - civil technical project.Koláček, Ivo January 2019 (has links)
The masters thesis prepares the project of a prefabricated hall in the premises of Bosch Diesel s. r.o. The work completely elaborates the technical report, the coordination situation with the relations to the wider transport routes, the study of the main technological stages, the project of the building site, the design of the machines, the schedule of the main building, the material and human resources, the technological regulations, the control and test plan, safety and health protection during work, noise study, budget and building details.
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Obytný areál Ponavia park v Brně, příprava a organizace stavby / Preparation and Organization of ConstructionHladký, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the construction process of the apartment house Ponavia Park located in Brno. The thesis solves the individual realization phases of the main building phase. Building site equipment is designed for the projected construction process in three different variations. A technical report is also included in the building site. Critical points within the transport of materials and machines are also verified. A financial plan for the whole building is made as an summarizing time schedule for the apartment building. The sources for the financial plan are the figures taken from the Czech building objects classifications (JKSO). The summarizing time schedule is made in MS Projekt software and it’s designed as a Gantt diagram. A design of the main building machines and mechanisms was also made for the projected construction process. All of the machines were assessed for their respective required function on the building site. Also included in this thesis is a construction method for the reinforced concrete structures. The construction method deals with the realization process of waterproof concrete, reinforcement binding, formwork of the vertical and horizontal structures and also the process of concrete curing. The construction method is followed up by quality control and test plans for reinforced concrete structures, and a construction site safety plan that is made in the form of predicted main safety risks at the building site. For the noise load on the surrounding buildings a noise study is made. The study examines the intensity of noise in the protected outdoor space. This study was made in the Hluk+ software. The thesis also includes an item budget for the apartment house that was made in Build Power S software.
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Úřad práce Brno - město, stavebně technologická příprava stavby. / The Labour Office of Brno-city, civil technological project.Surý, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Construction Technology project deals with the new building of the Labour Office in Brno. It is the administrative building of six floors above ground and one basement floor. The building has the shape of a trapezoid. Vertical and horizontal structures are designed of reinforced concrete substructure is designed of waterproof concrete system called white tub. The project includes a technical report on the construction technology of the project, coordinating the construction situation, time and financial plan for the objects, the study of the main technological stages, the project site equipment, design of the main building machines, the schedule of the main building structure, schedule, resourcing, technical regulations for selected activities inspection and test plans for selected activities and comparing two roof building.
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