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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The morality and ethics of hunting : towards common ground

Patterson, Claire 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Philosophy))--University of Stellenbosch, 1999. / The hunters and anti-hunting have been arguing for years over whether or not trophy hunting should be allowed. While attempts have been made to resolve the issue, no widely acceptable solution has yet been found. Hunters have put forward various arguments including: religion, instinct, sustainable utilization, money, excessive populations and the wildlife management support argument. These have usually been criticized for being management orientate and not addressing the focal question of the anti-hunters: 'What gives man the right to hunt'. Anti-hunters have countered these arguments and presented new ones. These include: cruelty, animal rights, animal liberation, special and rare species as well as religion and wildlife management support arguments. The anti-hunters have used sympathy and emotion to gain support for their movement while making effective use of the media. Hunters on the other hand have been slow to make use of this communication tool. In presenting their arguments, a fundamental difference has been identified between the use of the various terms. The seemingly simple word 'ethics' has been used by the hunters to mean a code of conduct while the anti-hunters have used this word in indicate the morality of man's actions. The inherent value of an animal has also been debated. Does an animal have value in and of itself or does it only have value in that it is useful to man? Furthermore, is it the individual animal, the species or the population which has value? The value of wildlife as a natural resource and the right to use this resource is also discussed. Do developed countries have the right to determine the use that a developing country may make of its resources? Leopold's land ethics is discussed an it is shown how hunting preserves the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. In order to address the issues raised by the debate, it is necessary for the hunters and the anti-hunters to be willing to work towards common goals. It is unlikely that either side would ever be willing to give up their position but if they can agree to work towards some common goals, the long on-going debate would have achieved something. For this reason, four solution to this debate are looked at and analyzed. Their weakness and failures are discussed as well as their strong points. Taylor's Priority Principles are then analyzed to identify the first steps that need to be taken in draWing up guidelines for hunting. While this assignment does not attempt to identify these guidelines it does point out the need to have such guidelines and establishes that there can be common ground. Also, that it is desirable to achieve this aim. The assignment highlights the need for groups to work towards common goals without having to give up their beliefs and standpoints. There will be time later to determine whether or not man should hunt. In the meantime, man should be focussing on hunting ethically - both in the moral sense and within the framework of a good code of conduct.

From pariah to parrhesiastes : reconceptualising the whistleblower in a complex world

Andrade, Julio Anthony 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis commences with an exploration of the ethics of whistleblowing as traditionally understood, describing the ethical dilemma at its centre: remaining loyal to one's organisation, against alerting society to organisational wrongdoing that threatens its welfare. The positions on several problematic issues in the literature, such as dissent, organisational retaliation, whistleblower motive, and mandatory whistleblowing will be presented and evaluated. The key internal/external disclosure dichotomy within whistleblowing will also be critically examined. The purported solutions to these issues, as well as whistleblowing's central dilemma, will be shown to remain unsatisfactory. This will be attributed to the adoption of an Enlightenment rules-based approach to ethics in general, which underpins and informs the ethics of whistleblowing in particular. An Enlightenment rules-based approach seeks to posit universal and immutable ethical standards that transcend context. As corrective to the above failings, the ethics of whistleblowing will be investigated from the view that seeks to understand whistleblowing as a historically determined and culturally mediated social practice. Within the contexts of the USA and South Africa it will be demonstrated that key whistleblowing issues (and even the central whistleblowing dilemma of divided loyalties) cannot be cast in immutable and universal terms, and are influenced by the contingencies that accompany them. An attempt will then be made to understand whistleblowing in the context of the globalisation of the last thirty years, which will prove more difficult. This will be undertaken through an analysis of Vandekerckhove's project, which seeks to place the normative legitimisations of whistleblowing legislation and organisational whistleblowing policies within a globalisation semantic able to contain the conflict between society and the organisation. This will be shown as ill-conceived because of Vandekerckhove's particular understanding of the organisation as an operationally closed system. Moving the argument forward will be undertaken at the hand of Critical Complexity theory which attempts to make the case for understanding the organisation as an open system. This will allow us to recast corporate responsibility as relational responsiveness to a particular stakeholder, which in turn will allow flexibility in terms of who qualifies as a recipient of a disclosure of wrongdoing. Consequently the internal/external disclosure dichotomy will be proved unsustainable. Further opening up the organisation will render the boundary with society meaningless, as it will be shown that the identity of society and organisation are inextricably tied together. As such, the notion of society versus the organisation will disappear, and whistleblowing will be reconceptualised as loyalty to both society and the organisation simultaneously, thus rendering the central dilemma of whistleblowing obsolete. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis begin met 'n studie van die etiese kwessies rakende fluitjieblasers soos dit tradisioneel verstaan word, en beskryf die sentrale etiese dilemma – om lojaal te bly tot die organisasie, teenoor om die gemeenskap in te lig oor die organisatoriese oortredings wat die welvaart van die gemeenskap bedreig. Die verskillende menings ten opsigte van verskeie problematiese kwessies in die literatuur soos verdeeldheid, organisatoriese vergelding, motief van die fluitjieblaser en verpligte fluitjieblaas sal aangebied en gëevalueer word. Die hoof vraag of 'n openbaring van informasie wat binne of buite die organisasie gebeur as fluitjieblaas beskou kan word, word ook krities ondersoek. Die voorgestelde oplossings tot hierdie kwessies, sowel as die fluitjieblaser se kerndilemma, is onbevredigend en sal dus onderskryf word deur die aanvaarding van 'n reëls-gebaseerde Verligtingsbenadering tot etiek in die algemeen, wat deur die etiek van fluitjieblaas spesifiek, ondersteun en ingelig word. 'n Reëls-gebaseerde Verligtingsbenadering poog om universele en onveranderlike etiese standaarde, wat konteks oorbrug, te postuleer. As korreksies tot die bogenoemde tekortkominge, sal die etiek van fluitjieblaas ondersoek word vanuit 'n benadering wat poog om fluitjieblaas as 'n histories bepaalde en versoenbare sosiale praktyk te verstaan. Binne die konteks van die VSA en Suid-Afrika, sal dit gedemonstreer word dat sleutel fluitjieblaas kwessies, en selfs die sentrale fluitjieblaas dilemma van verdeelde lojaliteit, nie binne onveranderlike en universele terme gegroepeer kan word nie, en dat hierdie kwessies beïnvloed word deur die gebeurlikhede wat daarmee gepaard gaan. 'n Poging sal aangewend word om fluitjieblaas binne die konteks van globalisering in die afgelope 30 jaar te verstaan, wat meer kompleks sal wees. Dit sal gedoen word deur 'n analise van Vandekerckhove se projek, wat poog om die normatiewe legitimering van fluitjieblaas wetgewing en organisatoriese fluitjieblaas beleide in 'n globale semantiek te plaas, ten einde om die konflik tussen die gemeenskap en die organisasie te verminder. Dit sal bewys word dat hierdie projek nie deurdag is nie, as gevolg van Vandekerckhove se bepaalde begrip van organisasies as 'n operasionele geslote sisteem. Die argument sal verder onderskryf word aan die hand van die Kritiese Kompleksiteitsteorie, wat die organisasie as 'n oop sisteem beskryf. Dit sal ons toelaat om korporatiewe verantwoordelikheid as 'n reaksie in 'n verhouding met 'n spesifieke belanghebbende te beskryf, wat weer op sy beurt ons sal toelaat om buigsaam te wees in die kwalifisering van wie as 'n ontvanger van 'n onthulling van oortredings geïdentifiseer moet word. Gevolglik sal die onderskeid tussen 'n interne en eksterne openbaring van informasie as onvolhoubaar bewys word. As die organisasie oper gemaak word, sal dit die grens met die gemeenskap betekenisloos maak, omdat, soos bewys sal word, die identiteit van die organisasie en gemeenskap onlosmaaklik vas is aan mekaar. So sal die konsep van gemeenskap teenoor die organisasie verdwyn, en sal fluitjieblaas geherkonsepsualiseer word as gelyktydige lojaliteit tot beide die gemeenskap en die organisasie, wat die sentrale dilemma van fluitjieblaas sal uitskakel.

The ethics of stimulant use in healthy students

Verster, Gerrit Christiaan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The quest for enhancement has been part of human culture for thousands of years. Progress in scientific developments and especially in the field of medical science has allowed for previously unthinkable advances to be employed in the endeavours to improve human functioning in its various forms. Whereas in the past, enhancement has been focused on aspects such as prolonging life, improving the immune system or cosmetic enhancements, cognitive enhancement is receiving substantial attention at the moment. Recent reports have commented on the use of stimulants such as methylphenidate, especially amongst students at tertiary institutions with the aim of enhancing cognitive abilities. This raises various concerns, ranging from safety issues and the risk of drug abuse to the moral issues relating to enhancement in the broader context. Enhancement therapies are easily justified where the required enhancement is needed to improve functioning where a specific deficit is present or where such enhancement could prevent illness. But where no illness or disorder is present, these issues cause marked ambivalence amongst medical practitioners. The legal restrictions placed on the access to stimulants require the participation of a doctor as these drugs may not be sold across the counter and a prescription is needed to acquire them. The doctor is then put in the position where a request is made for medication where illness or a disorder is not present. Medical paternalism could easily dictate that the decision does lie with the doctor because of statutory rules, but this would be at the risk of ignoring the possible rights of students to enhance. This thesis examines the concerns mentioned related to safety risks as well as the abuse potential of methylphenidate. Although there are precautions that need to be taken into account when prescribing methylphenidate, this is not sufficient to warrant a blanket refusal by medical practitioners to prescribe it to healthy students. The arguments used to debate both the promotion of enhancement therapies as well as the reasons for restricting and possibly even preventing any use thereof, are discussed. There are various reasons why enhancement may be needed in current and future society and to ignore these would raise moral issues in itself. There are various arguments used to disapprove of enhancement, but this thesis concludes that although the concerns raised should be considered on an ongoing basis, as enhancement is an ongoing process, enhancement should be allowed to continue to be explored and employed where appropriate. Finally, potential guidelines for the individual and also for tertiary institutions relating to enhancement, especially relating to cognitive enhancement with stimulants such as methylphenidate, are proposed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die soeke na verbetering is reeds vir duisende jare deel van die menslike kultuur. Vordering in wetenskaplike ontwikkelings en veral op die gebied van die mediese wetenskap het toegelaat dat voorheen ondenkbare vooruitgang toegepas kan word in die pogings om menslike funksionering in sy verskillende vorme te verbeter. In die verlede het verbeteringstegnieke merendeels gefokus op aspekte soos verlenging van lewe, die verbetering van die immuunstelsel of kosmetiese verbeterings, maar tans geniet kognitiewe verbetering aansienlike aandag. Onlangse verslae lewer veral kommentaar oor die gebruik van stimulante soos metielfenidaat, veral onder studente by tersiêre instellings, met die doel om die verbetering van kognitiewe vermoëns teweeg te bring. Dit lei tot verskeie bekommernisse, wat wissel van veiligheidskwessies en die risiko van dwelmmisbruik tot die morele kwessies met betrekking tot verbeteringstegnieke in die breër konteks. Terapieë gemik op verbetering is maklik geregverdig waar die verbetering nodig is om funksionering te verbeter, waar 'n spesifieke tekort teenwoordig is of waar so' n verbetering 'n siekte kan voorkom. Maar waar daar geen siekte of afwyking teenwoordig is nie, veroorsaak hierdie terapieë beduidende ambivalensie onder mediese praktisyns. Die wetlike beperkings wat geplaas is op die beskikbaarheid van stimulante vereis die betrokkenheid van 'n dokter aangesien hierdie middels nie oor die toonbank verkoop mag word nie en 'n voorskrif nodig is om dit te bekom. Die dokter word dan in die posisie geplaas waar daar 'n versoek is vir medikasie waar siekte of 'n versteuring nie teenwoordig is nie. Mediese paternalisme kan maklik dikteer dat die besluit suiwer as gevolg van statutêre reëls wel alleen by die dokter lê, maar die risiko bestaan dan dat die regte van studente om hulself te verbeter ignoreer word. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die potensiële probleme met betrekking tot die veiligheidsrisiko's sowel as die misbruikpotensiaal van metielfenidaat. Alhoewel daar voorsorgmaatreëls in ag geneem moet word wanneer die voorskryf van metielfenidaat oorweeg word, is dit nie voldoende om 'n totale weiering deur geneeshere om dit voor te skryf aan gesonde studente te regverdig nie. Die argumente wat gebruik word om sowel die bevordering van die verbeteringsterapieë as die redes vir die beperking en moontlik selfs die voorkoming van enige gebruik daarvan te debatteer, word bespreek. Daar is verskeie redes waarom verbetering in die huidige en toekomstige samelewing nodig is en om dit te ignoreer sou op sigself morele beswarte opper. Daar is wel verskeie argumente wat gebruik kan word om verbetering af te keur, maar hierdie tesis wys daarop dat hoewel die kommer wat geopper word in ag geneem moet word op 'n deurlopende basis, aangesien verbeteringstegnieke ‘n voortdurende proses is, bevordering van hierdie terapieë toegelaat moet word en waar toepaslik in diens geneem moet word. Ten slotte word moontlike riglyne vir die individu en ook vir tersiêre instellings met betrekking tot verbetering, veral met betrekking tot kognitiewe verbetering met stimulante soos metielfenidaat, voorgestel.

Responsibility in health care

Claassens, Mareli Misha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Philosophy))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Please refer to full text for abstract.

Tegnologie en gestremdheid : filosofies-etiese perspektiewe

Verhoef, Suna M. (Suna Margaretha) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Technology and disability are both terms laden with associations, values, meanings and even myths. This becomes clear in this research when both terms are described in the first part, and the various understandings of the terms are explained. When the two terms are considered in relation to each other, the result is a series of questions and ethical problems. In this assignment the focus is specifically on these questions and ethical problems that arise out of the relationship between technology and disability. The research is not done from a natural science perspective (with regard to technology) and lor a medical perspective (with regards to disability), but from a philosophical-ethical perspective. The main aim of this research is to think about what the role of technology is in the life of the disabled in general and what ethical questions arise from it. To form a philosophical-ethical perspective the question is asked: should technology be accepted unequivocally as something that always contributes to the humanization of the disabled? More specifically the assignment focuses on the issue: does cochlear implants contribute to the humanization of the deaf? The potential problematic relationship between the concepts is clear from the separate discussions. The limitations and problems of cochlear implants as an example of technology is shown when it is placed within the framework of a humanizing relationship. It is clear that technology can not be accepted unequivocally as something that always contributes to the humanization of the disabled. The research emphasizes that disability is much more than physical limitations and that compensating for the limitations through technology does not always address all the aspects of a disabled person's life - and can consequently have a dehumanizing effect. A more holistic approach is considered - one in which all the aspects of being human is addressed. The unique challenges of the South African context is discussed shortly and in conclusion the necessity of an "ethics of responsibility" is shown. Reflection on technology and disability is in the end reflection on life and the mysteries of life. Disability that reminds us of our limitations and shortcomings, also reminds us that life is not in our control and that a big part of living is an unsolvable riddle, a mystery. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tegnologie en gestremdheid is twee gelade terme. Beide verwys na 'n omvangryke wêreld en potensiële probleme. Dit word duidelik in hierdie ondersoek wanneer beide terme omskryf word in die eerste afdeling, en die verskillende verstaansmoontlikhede van die terme uitgewys word. Waar die twee terme in verband met mekaar gebring word, ontstaan daar uiteindelik 'n hele string vrae en etiese probleme. In hierdie skripsie word daar spesifiek op hierdie vrae en etiese probleme, wat ontstaan uit die verhouding tussen tegnologie en gestremdheid, gefokus. Die ondersoek vind nie plaas vanuit 'n suiwer natuurwetenskaplike perspektief (mbt tegnologie) en/of mediese perspektief (mbt gestremdheid) nie, maar vanuit 'n filosofies-etiese perspektief. Om 'n filosofies-etiese perspektief te vorm, word die vraag gevra: moet tegnologie ongekwalifiseerd aanvaar word as iets wat altyd bydra tot die humanisering van die gestremdes? Meer spesifiek word dan ondersoek ingestel na die vraag: dra kogleêre inplantings by tot die humanisering van die dowe? Die vernaamste doel met hierdie ondersoek is dus om na te dink oor wat die rol van tegnologie in die lewe van gestremdes in die algemeen is en watter etiese kwessies dit oproep. Die problematiek rondom dowes en kogleêre inplantings gaan as 'n spesifieke voorbeeld bekyk word. Die begrippe tegnologie en gestremdheid word eers omskryf in die ondersoek. Die potensiële problematiek tussen die verhouding tussen die twee terme (en wêrelde) blyk reeds uit die afsonderlike bespreking van die terme. Die verhouding waarin tegnologie en gestremdheid tot mekaar staan word uitgelig deur sekere voorbeelde te noem, en dan word daar spesifiek op kogleêre inplantings gefokus. Die beperkings en problematiek van kogleêre inplantings as spesifieke tegnologie word duidelik wanneer dit binne die raamwerk van die vraag gestel word of dit 'n humaniserende verhouding is. Dit is duidelik dat tegnologie nie ongekwalifiseerd aanvaar kan word as iets wat altyd bydra tot die humanisering van die gestremdes nie. Die ondersoek beklemtoon uiteindelik dat gestremdheid veel meer behels as blote liggaamlike gebreke en dat die kompensasie daarvoor deur tegnologie nie altyd as humaniserend ervaar word nie. 'n Meer holistiese benadering word bepleit - een waarin alle fasette van die mens (gestremde) se behoeftes aangespreek word. Die unieke uitdagings wat dit inhou vir ons Suid-Afrikaanse konteks word kortliks bespreek en ten slotte word daar gewys op die noodsaaklikheid van 'n letiek van verantwoordelikheid'. Nadenke oor tegnologie en gestremdheid is uiteindelik nadenke oor die lewe en oor die geheimenisse daarvan. Gestremdheid wat ons herinner aan ons tekortkominge en beperkinge, herinner ons ook daaraan dat die lewe 'n misterie is.

Animal Liberation : 'n kritiese bespreking vanuit 'n filosofies-veekundige perspektief

Kluyts, Johan Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: 1. The purpose of the first chapter was to give a short introduction to the study. Philosophy is the search for wisdom; to know what a virtuous life is and to know what the morally correct thing to do is. Our lifelong relationship with animals, our attitudes towards them and the ways we treat them are some of the issues that beg philosophers to think. An important question in this regard is if it is morally correct to eat meat or should humans become vegetarian. To answer this question the „Animal Liberation‟ argument, as presented by Peter Singer, was critically analyzed. Does this argument balance our concern for animals with human interests? 2. To understand our attitude towards animals, reviews of the Judeo-Christian and philosophical traditions were done in Chapter 2. The different views related to these traditions were also discussed. The Judeo-Christian view is based on the interpretation of Genesis and the idea of human dominion. Philosophical views on the moral status of animals and moral consideration of animals can be classified in three categories namely indirect theories, direct-but-unequal theories and equal moral status theories. 3. The nature and extent of the current beef production debate was discussed in Chapter 3. The most important issues were the environmental impact of beef production, socio-economic and human health concerns as well as ethical issues related to the inhumane treatment of animals. It was then concluded that most attacks on beef production were biased and did not take context into account. 4. The „Animal Liberation‟ argument was critically analyzed from a logical perspective in Chapter 4, 5 and 6 by using the so called FRISCO approach – with emphasis on the Focus of the argument, Reasons given for the conclusion, the quality of Inferences, the Situation or context of the argument as well as the Clarity of the argument. This argument lacks objectivity and rationality. It includes a number of fallacies, false statements and emotional language. Ideas, concepts and principles were not applied consistently. The argument was therefore found to be unsound. 5. In Chapter 7 the conclusion was stated namely that the “animal liberation” approach could not formulate a sound argument for a vegetarian diet. The „Animal Liberation‟ argument was also unable to balance our concern for animals with human interests, in the process compromising human dignity and freedom. However, human attitudes towards animals and the treatment of animals need to be improved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 1. Die doel van die eerste hoofstuk was om ʼn kort inleiding tot die studie te gee. Filosofie is die strewe en soeke na wysheid; om te weet wat ʼn deugsame lewe is, en om te weet wat moreel korrek en aanvaarbaar is. Ons verhouding met diere, ons ingesteldheid teenoor diere, asook die manier hoe ons diere behandel, is slegs enkele van die kwessies wat filosowe dwing om daaroor na te dink. ʼn Belangrike vraag in die verband is die volgende: Is dit moreel aanvaarbaar om vleis te eet, of moet die mens ʼn vegetariese dieet volg? Om hierdie vraag te beantwoord word die “Animal Liberation”-argument, soos aangebied deur Peter Singer, krities ontleed. Is hierdie argument in staat om ons kommer oor die behandeling van diere met menslike belange te balanseer? 2. Om die mens se houding en ingesteldheid teenoor diere beter te verstaan, word ʼn oorsig van die Joods-Christelike en filosofiese tradisies in Hoofstuk 2 gedoen. Die verskillende sienings, wat verband hou met hierdie tradisies, word ook kortliks bespreek. Die Joods-Christelike siening is gebaseer op ʼn spesifieke vertolking van Genesis en die idee van menslike heerskappy. Die filosofiese sienings van die morele status, en gevolglik ook die morele inagneming van diere, kan in drie kategorieë, naamlik indirekte teorieë, direk-maar-ongelyke teorieë en die gelyke-morele-status teorieë, opgedeel word. 3. Die aard en omvang van die beesvleisproduksie-debat word in Hoofstuk 3 bespreek. Die belangrikste kwessies, onderliggend aan hierdie debat, het betrekking op die omgewingsimpak van vleisproduksie, sosio-ekonomiese en menslike gesondheidskwessies, asook etiese kwessies wat verband hou met die onaanvaarbare behandeling van diere. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die meeste aanvalle op vleisproduksie eensydig is en ook nie konteks in ag neem nie. 4. Die “Animal Liberation”-argument word in Hoofstuk 4, 5 en 6 krities ontleed vanuit „n logiese perspektief met behulp van die sogenaamde FRISCO-metode – waarin die klem val op die Fokus van die argument, Redes wat aangevoer word vir die konklusie, die gehalte van die afleidings, die Situasie of konteks van die argument, en die helderheid van die argument. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die argument nie objektief en rasioneel is nie, en gebuk gaan onder denkfoute, vals stellings en emosionele taal. Idees, konsepte en beginsel word ook nie konsekwent toegepas nie. Die argument is dus nie betroubaar nie. 5. In Hoofstuk 7 word die bevinding van die tesis gestel, naamlik dat die “animal liberation” benadering nie „n betroubare argument vir ʼn vegetariese dieet kon formuleer nie. Die argument was ook nie in staat om ons kommer oor diere met menslike belange te balanseer nie, en het in die proses menslike waardigheid en vryheid gekompromitteer. Die mens se houding en behandeling van diere, moet egter verander.

Die kompleksiteit van menswees in geneeskunde : 'n krities-filosofiese ondersoek

Van Niekerk, Marilu 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dehumanising of human beings which often underpins western medicine lead to this study. Moreover a predominant mechanistic and reductionist view of a human being necessitated a philosophical investigation to revisit the stance. It is argued that western medicine is based upon uncritical assumptions about humans as a result of the dualism and mechanistic views of Descartes. The philosophy of Merleau-Ponty transcended dualism by his emphasis on the bodylines of a human being situated in his life world. Complexity thinking concurs with the above-mentioned view, however, takes the argument further by focusing on the importance of continuous interactions and relations between the whole and the parts. Interdependent aspects of our being in the world constitute our humanness, such as our human relations between family members, friends, that which we experience, ponder, feel, and believe. Our unique experience of disease often goes hand in hand with a deep-seated sub-conscious longing for meaning. According to complexity theory being ill is not a static condition, but rather an imbalance as a result of various dynamic interactions between many spheres of human life. Multiple causality due to various dynamic interactions and self-organisation should replace simplistic views of mechanical cause and effect in this regard. Medical training models should not employ reductionism as if humans are machines comprising of separate body parts. An organic view of the uniqueness of each evolving human being should replace obsolete reductionist and mechanistic views of healing.The essence of being human is embedded in a tapestry of dynamic relations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die dehumanisering van die mens in hedendaagse westerse geneeskunde het aanleiding gegee tot hierdie studie. Verder het die meganistiese, reduksionistiese mensbeeld ‘n filosofiese herbesinning genoodsaak. Daar word geargumenteer dat westerse geneeskunde gebaseer is op onkritiese aannames afkomstig van onder andere Descartes se dualistiese antropologie en die meganistiese siening van die mens. Merleau-Ponty se wysgerige antropologie het die dualisme getransendeer deur sy filosofie van die mens as liggaamlikheid gesitueerd in sy leefwêreld. Kompleksiteitsdenke stem hiermee ooreen, maar voer die argument verder in die opsig dat dit die belangrikheid van relasies en voortdurende wisselwerking tussen die geheel en dele beklemtoon. Interafhanklike aspekte van dit wat ons mens maak, ontstaan as gevolg van relasies tussen ons leefwêreld, ons familie, vriende, tussen dit waaraan ons dink, wat ons voel, ervaar en glo. Ons siekte ervaring gaan meestal gepaard met ‘n diepgewortelde voorbewustelike soeke na sin en betekenis. Die kompleksiteitsperspektief beskou siekwees nie as ‘n statiese toestand wat teenoor gesondwees staan nie, maar eerder ‘n wanbalans in dinamiese interaksies van verskeie sfere van menswees. Enkelvoudige kousaal-meganiese oorsaak en gevolg moet plek maak vir veelvuldige kousaliteit wat geleë is in talle dinamiese interaksies en selforganisering. Mediese opleidingsmodelle behoort die mens nie te objektiveer tot aparte organe, soos die van ‘n masjien nie. Die verontmensliking van die masjien gedrewe model van genesing behoort plek te maak vir ‘n meer organiese siening van die mens wat rekening hou met die unieke menslikheid van die mens. Menslikheid impliseer ‘n tapisserie van relasies.

Do values in education create spaces for democratic citizenship?

Essa, Fatima 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The "Values in Education" initiative of the Department of Education seems to have become an important facet of the transformation of education agenda in South Africa. My argument in favour of a "Values in Education" initiative to be implemented in schools along the lines of democratic citizenship can be considered as an attempt to contribute to the democratisation of schooling post- 1994. This thesis develops a link between "Values in Education", intersubjectivity and democratic citizenship and argues that "Values in Education" can cultivate democratic citizenship in South African schools. KEYWORDS: Values in education, intersubjectivity, democracy and citizenship. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Departement van Onderwys se 'Waardes in Onderwys" inisiatief blyk om 'n belangrike faset van die Suid-Afrikaanse agenda oor die transformasie van die onderwys te wees. My argument ten gunste van die implementering van 'n "Waardes in Onderwys" inisiatief in skole volgens die gedagtes van demokratiese burgerskap kan beskou word as 'n poging tot die bydrae van die demokratisering van skole na die 1994 onderwysbedeling. In hierdie tesis word die verwantskap tussen "Waardes in Onderwys", intersubjektiwiteit en demokratiese burgerskap ontwikkel en terselfdertyd word daar geargumenteer dat "Waardes in Onderwys" wel demokratiese burgerskap in skole kan bevorder. KERNBEGRIPPE: Waardes in onderwys, intersubjektiwiteit, demokrasie en burgerskap.

Waardes en praktykbeginsels in maatskaplike werk : `n oorsig

Enslin, Karine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / A study combining the explanatory and exploratory research methodologies was undertaken relating to the value base of social work and the application of social work values by social workers at a Government Department. An interest of the history, development and importance of the value base of social work, as well as the relative absence of specific South African literature and research results concerning the application of social work values in the South African context, prompted this particular study as a contribution to both the social work profession in the South African context and the service agency involved. An empirical study based on the literature study was performed on a test sample comprising 20 social workers at a District office of a Government Department in the Western Cape. The literature study investigated and explored the history and development of the value base of social work both as a profession and specifically in the South African context. The empirical study, by means of a questionnaire investigated the participants’ understanding of certain values as well as the nature, objectives and functions of social work. It also explores their application of basic social work values in their daily practice situation, together with obstacles faced by them in applying these values.

The ethics programme : a new competitive advantage

Adam, Hassan Ali 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the world of business today, the reputation of an organisation matters tremendously. After the global financial crisis in 2008-2009, it has never been more difficult for organisations to maintain a positive reputation. The past decade differs from previous ones, as rules and regulations enforced by regulatory bodies are more rigid, public criticism and expectations are greater and the emotional contracts between employees and leadership are not as strong as they once were. The financial services industry, in South Africa and abroad, has been inundated by unethical behaviour and the global downturn has exacerbated this problem. In light of the revelations that have come to pass worldwide, the magnifying glass has been firmly fixed on companies operating within the financial services sector. The crisis has led to numerous companies questioning and reviewing their own compliance and organisational practices to establish whether they are ethical. In the South African financial services industry there has been a war raging among organisations fighting for market share. With the increased competition levels among businesses, there is a desire to find new and creative ways of achieving competitive advantage. Business ethics, therefore, has become essential in the conducting of any type of business. The competitive advantage of business ethics revolves around the building of relationships with organisational stakeholders based on its integrity, which will maintain these relationships. By establishing an ethics programme, an organisation could enable the management of business ethics in the workplace. Ethics programmes often convey the values of the organisation, making use of policies and codes to guide behaviour and the decision-making process of stakeholders. These programmes could be used, during turbulent times, to maintain a moral path, especially when leaders require a clear moral compass for guidance. This moral compass function is also very helpful for new employees, as they may need to be familiarised with ethically correct behaviour within the organisation that aligns with its values. If employees are satisfied with the ethics programme, it could work as a mechanism to stimulate productivity, teamwork and to motivate personnel. A study was conducted within a private sector organisation in the South African financial services industry with a focus on evaluating the effectiveness of their ethics programme. The findings from the fieldwork established that the ethics programme of the organisation was found to be highly effective, as perceived by both employees and directors. An effective ethics programme means that the ethical culture of the organisation is strong. The findings serve to confirm that, by monitoring the key variables that play an important role in predicting the effectiveness of ethics programmes, organisations can achieve a positive result by knowing what the impact of potentially harmful behaviour can have on the ethical climate and culture. The findings also serve to confirm that an effective ethics programme can become a source of competitive advantage if engaged correctly by the entire organisation. This study may be used to argue that sound business ethics and ethics programmes can be viewed as a new competitive advantage that organisations require for long-term sustainability and business success. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In vandag se sakewêreld is die reputasie van ’n organisasie geweldig belangrik. Sedert die globale finansiële krisis in 2008-2009 is dit vir organisasies moeiliker as ooit om ’n positiewe reputasie te handhaaf. Die afgelope dekade is anders as die voriges omdat reëls en regulasies wat deur reguleringsliggame afgedwing word, meer rigied is, openbare kritiek en verwagtinge groter is, en die emosionele kontrakte tussen werknemers en leierskap nie meer so sterk is as vroeër nie. Die bedryf van finansiële dienste – in Suid-Afrika en in die buiteland – is erg geteister deur onetiese gedrag, en die globale insinking het dié probleem vererger. In die lig van onthullings wat wêreldwyd plaasvind, word die vergrootglas ferm gerig op maatskappye wat binne-in die finansiëledienste-sektor sake doen. Die krisis het tot gevolg gehad dat talle maatskappye hul eie reëlnakoming en organisatoriese praktyke bevraagteken en hersien om vas te stel of hulle wel eties is. In die Suid-Afrikaanse (SA) finansiëledienste-bedryf het daar onder organisasies ’n oorlog om markaandeel gewoed Met die toenemende vlakke van mededinging onder sake-ondernemings, is daar ’n begeerte om nuwe en kreatiewe maniere te vind om mededingende voordeel te bereik. Sake-etiek het dus noodsaaklik geword om enige soort besigheid te bedryf. Die mededingende voordeel van sake-etiek draai om die bou van verhoudings met organisatoriese aandeelhouers, gebaseer op hul integriteit wat hierdie verhoudings in stand gaan hou. Deur die vestiging van etiese programme kan ’n organisasie die bestuur van sake-etiek in die werkplek moontlik maak. ’n Etiese program dra dikwels die waardes van die organisasie oor met die gebruik van beleid en kodes as riglyne vir gedrag en die besluitnemingsproses van aandeelhouers. Hierdie programme kan in onstuimige tye gebruik word om ’n morele weg te handhaaf, veral wanneer leiers ’n helder morele kompas nodig het vir leiding. Die funksie van hierdie morele kompas is ook baie nuttig vir nuwe werknemers omdat hulle vertroud wil raak met eties korrekte gedrag binne-in die organisasie wat in lyn is met sy waardes. As werknemers tevrede is met die etiese program, kan dit dien as meganisme om produktiwiteit en spanwerk te stimuleer, asook om hulle te motiveer. ’n Studie wat binne-in ’n organisasie in die private sektor van die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiëledienste-bedryf gedoen is, het gefokus op evaluering van die doeltreffendheid van hul etiese program. Die bevindings van die veldwerk het gestaaf dat die etiese program van die organisasie hoogs doeltreffend was, soos waargeneem deur die werknemers en direkteure. ’n Doeltreffende etiese program beteken dat die etiese kultuur van die organisasie sterk is. Die bevindings dien as bevestiging dat, deur die monitering van die belangrikste veranderlikes wat ’n belangrike rol speel in die voorspelling van die doeltreffendheid van etiese programme, organisasies ’n positiewe uitslag kan bereik indien hulle weet wat die impak van potensieel skadelike gedrag op die etiese klimaat en kultuur kan hê. Die bevindings bevestig ook dat ’n doeltreffende etiese program ’n bron van mededingende voordeel kan word as dit korrek deur die hele organisasie omarm word. Hierdie studie kan gebruik word in ’n betoog dat gesonde sake-etiek en etiese programme beskou kan word as ’n nuwe mededingende voordeel wat organisasies benodig vir langtermynvolhoubaarheid en sake-sukses.

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