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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Holding hands for sustainable change in disadvantaged Educare centres through volunteer teaching

Gwyn, Rosemary January 2001 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / This thesis is a record and analysis of as well as a commentary on an emancipatory.educational action research project in which I participated at three educare centres serving 0 - 6 year old children in Nyanga, Philippi and Old Crossroads of Cape Town, South Africa. The study sprang from my need to examine closely the work I was doing as a volunteer in the hope of maximizing my efforts to bring about sustainable change in these challenging settings. . Ultimately my goal was safe, healthy and stimulating educare. I chose what I perceived to be a few important areas for improvement which reflected both the teachers' prior educare training as offered in several non-governmental organizations in Cape Town as well as ideas which I contributed from my own readings and studies. Room arrangement to ease flow and promote independent, individual learning was one area. Establishing routines in a daily programme that encouraged children to become interested and responsible members of the educare community, that fairly divided teacher tasks and that increased child/teacher interactions was another area for improvement. The thesis includes a discussion in Chapter 3 of emancipatory educational action research as a good vehicle for the work I undertook with all the teachers in each of the three centres. Central to this choice was my participation in change including change within myself as a volunteer in-service field worker. Flexibility in timing, including delays and many repetitions, were a feature of my work with women whose lives of grinding poverty were at the mercy of tragedy and disaster as well as time-consuming tasks making for absenteeism. The main benefit of this form of research was its potential for growth in self-esteem and empowerment in individual teachers as they witnessed the benefits of their planned work multiply at the centres. I divided the work at each centre into three phases. The first included getting to know the centre, its teachers and children and making decisions around what tasks to undertake. In the same phase the teachers and I began to work on the identified areas. In the second phase, I introduced the teachers to teachers at other successful educare centres so that linkages could be established that would strengthen the work we were doing and broaden their base of support. Ultimately, I intended that this would allow me to decrease my presence and input gradually while change continued at the three centres. The third phase involved the teachers at a centre plowing back their new skills into the wider network of Mustadafin Foundation educare centres in which they were involved and which needed similar assistance. I have presented a new understanding for sustainable change resulting from this study and it is my hope that donors and others involved in community upliftment will understand that continued input and follow-up involvement need to accompany material gifts and intensive upgrading. Finally, I have written what I hope is a very readable thesis so that the teachers involved can read their own and each others' stories as I have done my best to record and interpret them.

Parent support of learning in an international reception class in Copenhagen, Denmark

Cassidy, Bernice Teresa 30 November 2006 (has links)
Parents play an integral role in the support of early learning. This study focuses on parent support of learning in an international reception class in Copenhagen, Denmark. This study includes a literature review of parent support of early learning and school facilitation of parent involvement in early learning. A qualitative investigation of parental support of early learning, within the context of global mobility and multi-culturalism, was undertaken in Rygaards School, in particular in its Reception Class. It was established that very little support exists on a global, social and local level, for the globally mobile families whose children attend this particular international school. Furthermore, the school itself does not fully meet the needs of its globally mobile families. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations for introducing comprehensive parent involvement were proposed, amongst others the introduction of an Induction Programme for newcomers to Rygaards, strategies for compensating for the absence of a middle management amongst its teaching staff and the extension of parent participation in curriculum provision. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

The design and implementation of intervention programmes for disadvantaged school beginners

Lenyai, Ellen Miopone 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the design and implementation of early intervention programmes used for disadvantaged learners in South Africa. The focus was on the Grade R class since it has been introduced to prepare learners for formal schooling. The extent to which the programme could influence the learner's skills were investigated. The design is defined in terms of the structure, goals, and content of the programme. The implementation strategy in this investigation is explained in broad terms to include ECD policies, delivery structures and modes, teacher preparedness and arrangements made at school level. The investigation was conducted as a case study in disadvantaged school-based Grade R classes of the Gauteng province. It established that the design of the Grade R programme followed the constructivist approach by combining the developmental and behavioural approaches to teaching. The design was commendable with regard to its goals and its duration. However, concerns were raised with regard to the structure and content of the Learning Area Programmes. An alternative design is recommended. The success of any programme depends to a large extent on implementation strategies used for delivery. This investigation established that policy formulation at national level followed international trends. Implementation power was devolved to the provincial departments in order to accommodate provincial diversity. However, structural deficits and undefined line functions were identified at provincial and district levels. The impact of this deficiency was evident in the Grade R classes. Finally this study concluded that although learners showed developmental gains, this cannot be regarded as the influence of the Grade R teaching because this age group is still developing and the change could be ascribed to maturation. The learners did not acquire basic literacy skills. Their poor language and intellectual abilities remain extremely low. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Psychology of Education)

幼兒就學準備度評量之研究 / A Study of children’s school readiness assessments

鄭雅方, Cheng, Yafang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國內適用之幼兒就學準備度評量「五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)」,供幼兒園確保教育品質之用。研究者首先廣泛蒐集幼兒就學準備度相關文獻,包含:幼兒就學準備度內涵、幼兒學習標準與表現指標、幼兒就學準備度評量等部分,接著選取具有代表性、符合我國文化特性,以及出版日期較新之六篇重點文獻進行統整與比較,藉由文獻分析後所建立的國內外幼兒就學準備度內涵對照表,與了解幼兒學習標準與表現指標、幼兒就學準備度評量現況後的啟示,作為建構五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)之參考。六篇重要文獻包含美國Head Start辦公室所發展的「幼兒學習成果架構」(Child Outcomes Framework)、High Scope基金會所發展的兒童行為觀察記錄表Child Observation Record (COR)、盧美貴(2003)「我國五歲幼兒基本能力與學力指標建構研究」、林秀錦與王天苗(2004)「幼兒入學準備能力之研究」、香港教育局(2003)的「兒童發展表現指標」、香港教育學院的「兒童發展評量表」(2007)。研究者以盧美貴(2003)「我國五歲幼兒基本能力與學力指標」與香港教育學院「兒童發展評量表」為藍本建構出評量表(長題本)之雛形,並透過問卷調查法與訪談調查法,進行五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)的適用性檢視與修訂,最後完成我國適用之五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)之建構。在調查研究的部分,為確立「長題本」的適用性,研究者以立意取樣,選取公私立幼兒園各2所,各1班,共計4班,每班2位教師,共8位老師,請教師評量班上的大班幼兒,求兩位教師評分結果的相關,建立評量表之信度,並根據訪談的意見與回饋進行評量表內容之修正。 我國適用之五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)不僅可以在教學上使用亦可作為研究用。為進一步了解評量表(長題本)在相關研究之應用性,研究者透過預試及專家小組的討論篩選題目,建構五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(短題本),探討教師與家長對幼兒就學準備度期望與現況之情形。研究者以便利取樣,抽取台北市公私立幼兒園的教師與家長,實施調查研究,共寄出525份問卷,回收425份,有效份數為400份,有效回收比例為76%,有效回收份數中,家長有178份,教師有222份。研究者將問卷所得之量化資料以SPSS 12.0中文版統計套裝軟體進行分析;綜合文獻分析、問卷調查與訪談調查,本研究之結論如下: 一、我國適用之五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)具有良好的適用性。 二、我國適用之五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)建構結果:包含「領域」、「重點」、「項目」與「行為指標」四個層次,分為健康與身體、情緒與社會、語言與溝通、認知及學習取向五個領域,共有24個重點、62個項目、177個行為指標。每個行為指標又分為三個水平,代表該能力發展的程度,由不熟悉至精熟。評量表以檢核表形式呈現,由熟悉幼兒的教師勾選,備註欄提供教師紀錄與該行為指標相關的軼事記錄、例證、評語、作品等,做為評量的依據與輔助說明。 三、家長與教師對幼兒就學準備度的期望有顯著差異,家長的期望高於教師的期望。 四、公私立幼兒園的家長背景變項在教育程度、職業類別、家庭每月總收入、與幼兒就讀幼兒園年數有顯著差異;公私立教師的背景變項在教師年齡、教學年資、大班教學年資、最高學歷、任教年級有顯著差異。五、公私立幼兒園家長背景變項、教師背景變項與幼兒就學準備度期望間部分有差異。 六、教師背景的最高學歷與語言與溝通領域的期望達顯著差異,教師年齡與情緒與社會領域、學習取向領域的期望達到顯著差異;家長背景的家長教育程度與健康與身體領域、情緒與社會領域、認知領域、學習取向領域、認知數理邏輯領域的期望達顯著差異,且事後比較發現學歷為研究所以上的家長期望較低。 七、家長對幼兒就學準備度期望與幼兒就學準備度表現現況有顯著差異,家長對幼兒就學準備度的期望顯著高於幼兒就學準備度表現的現況。 最後,研究者根據文獻分析、問卷調查及訪談調查的結果提出建議,期許對未來幼教的發展有所裨益。 / The main purpose of this study is to construct a reliable and valid five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) in order to ensure the quality of education in kindergartens. Through extensively collecting several relevant literatures as to Child Outcomes Framework (Head Start), Child Observation Record (COR), Readiness Skills Preparing for Better Earning and Adjustment in Elementary school (Shiu-Chin Lin & Tien-Miau Wang, 2004), Key Competency and Performance Indicators in Early Childhood Education (Mei-kuei Lu, 2003), Hong Kong Children's Development Performance Indicators (Hong Kong Government's Bureau, 2003), Hong Kong Child Development Scale (2007), the five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) is formed and revised after literature analysis, questionnaire survey and personal interview. This can not only be used for teaching but also for researching. The five-year-old children school readiness assessment (short version) is for understanding the expectation of kindergarten teachers and parents of school readiness. The results are analyzed by means, standard deviations, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Here are the results of this study: A. The five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) has good reliability and validity. B. The five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) is related to five domains (physical health and development domain, social and emotional domain, language and communicate domain, cognitive domain and approaches to learning domain), 24 points, 62 items and 177 indicators. Every indicator has three performance levels and a remarks column that can offer teachers to record related observations, reviews, children’s performances etc. C. The expectation of school readiness between kindergarten teachers’ and parents’ is significantly different. Parents’ expectation is higher than kindergarten teachers’ expectation. D. There are significantly different characters between public and private kindergartens. E. There are significantly different expectations of school readiness among the different background of families and kindergarten teachers. F. The parents’ expectation of school readiness and their children’s performance of school readiness is significant different. Parents’ expectation is higher than their children’s school readiness performance.

Предшколски програм у Републици Српској као чинилац учења и развоја дјеце / Predškolski program u Republici Srpskoj kao činilac učenja i razvoja djece / Preschool program in the Republic of Srpska asa factor in the process of early learning anddevelopment of children

Cvijanović Nataša 02 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Рад је настао као резултат теоријског и ем-<br />пиријског истраживања ефекта похађања<br />предшколског програма у Републици Срп-<br />ској на учење и развој дјеце предшколског<br />узраста.<br />У теоријском дијелу разматрају се питања о<br />предшколском програму као основи инсти-<br />туционалног предшколског васпитања и об-<br />разовања, о појмовном разграничењу појмо-<br />ва програм и курикулум, (о одређењу) тради-<br />ционалног наспрам савременог предшкол-<br />ског програма/курикулума, систему пред-<br />школског васпитања и образовања у Репу-<br />блици Српској, као и о односу програма и<br />васпитне праксе. Такође, посматрана су и<br />питања која се односе на рано учење, почев<br />од тога шта је рано учење и како га дефини-<br />сати, преко схватања о раном учењу кроз<br />историју, карактеристика раног учења, одно-<br />са раног учења и васпитања, те друштвене<br />парадигме раног васпитања, као и питања<br />која се односе на везу дјечје активности,<br />игре и раног учења, па све до значаја и кори-<br />сти од раног учења за појединца и друштво.<br />У дијелу рада који се односи на емпиријски<br />приступ проблему истраживања приказани<br />су резултати истраживања и налази добијени<br />испитивањем међузависности похађања про-<br />грама предшколског васпитања и образова-<br />ња и развоја предшколске дјеце посматраног<br />кроз физички, социо-емоционални, интелек-<br />туални развој и развој говора, комуникације<br />и стваралаштва.<br />Истраживање се темељи на хипотези да из-<br />међу похађања предшколског програма и ра-<br />ног учења постоји значајна и изражена међу-<br />зависност. Другим ријечима, истраживањем<br />смо хтјели утврдити да ли похађање пред-<br />школског програма детерминише рано уче-<br />ње код дјеце. Постављени циљеви и задаци истраживања</p><p>реализовани су, како смо већ рекли, кроз те-<br />оријско истраживање, али и кроз емпиријско<br />неекспериментално истраживање, примје-<br />ном инструмената који су конструисани за<br />потребе овог рада. Први инструмент односи<br />се на утврђивање испољености развојних<br />аспеката дјеце, док се други инструмент од-<br />носи на прикупљање података о односу по-<br />родичних прилика и развојних аспеката дје-<br />це. Први инструмент био је намијењен учи-<br />тељима, а други родитељима.<br />Узорак је обухватио 1.439 дјеце која су кре-<br />нула у први разред (шест година), и то: дјецу<br />која су похађала неку предшколску установу<br />и дјецу која нису похађала предшколску<br />установу нити су била укључена у неки об-<br />лик предшколског васпитања и образовања.<br />Исто тако, у истраживању су учествовали и<br />родитељи испитиване дјеце, од којих смо до-<br />били податке о социјалном статусу породице<br />дјетета и њиховој посвећености родитељ-<br />ству.<br />Резултати које смо добили дијелом су потвр-<br />дили хипотезе које смо поставили, а тиме<br />нас и усмјерили на додатна размишљања о<br />ефектима похађања предшколског програма<br />на све аспекте развоја, понајвише на социо-<br />емоционални развој, јер је овај аспект разво-<br />ја високо развијен код обје групе дјеце: која<br />су похађала предшколски програм и која га<br />нису похађала.</p> / <p>Rad je nastao kao rezultat teorijskog i em-<br />pirijskog istraživanja efekta pohađanja<br />predškolskog programa u Republici Srp-<br />skoj na učenje i razvoj djece predškolskog<br />uzrasta.<br />U teorijskom dijelu razmatraju se pitanja o<br />predškolskom programu kao osnovi insti-<br />tucionalnog predškolskog vaspitanja i ob-<br />razovanja, o pojmovnom razgraničenju pojmo-<br />va program i kurikulum, (o određenju) tradi-<br />cionalnog naspram savremenog predškol-<br />skog programa/kurikuluma, sistemu pred-<br />školskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u Repu-<br />blici Srpskoj, kao i o odnosu programa i<br />vaspitne prakse. Takođe, posmatrana su i<br />pitanja koja se odnose na rano učenje, počev<br />od toga šta je rano učenje i kako ga defini-<br />sati, preko shvatanja o ranom učenju kroz<br />istoriju, karakteristika ranog učenja, odno-<br />sa ranog učenja i vaspitanja, te društvene<br />paradigme ranog vaspitanja, kao i pitanja<br />koja se odnose na vezu dječje aktivnosti,<br />igre i ranog učenja, pa sve do značaja i kori-<br />sti od ranog učenja za pojedinca i društvo.<br />U dijelu rada koji se odnosi na empirijski<br />pristup problemu istraživanja prikazani<br />su rezultati istraživanja i nalazi dobijeni<br />ispitivanjem međuzavisnosti pohađanja pro-<br />grama predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazova-<br />nja i razvoja predškolske djece posmatranog<br />kroz fizički, socio-emocionalni, intelek-<br />tualni razvoj i razvoj govora, komunikacije<br />i stvaralaštva.<br />Istraživanje se temelji na hipotezi da iz-<br />među pohađanja predškolskog programa i ra-<br />nog učenja postoji značajna i izražena među-<br />zavisnost. Drugim riječima, istraživanjem<br />smo htjeli utvrditi da li pohađanje pred-<br />školskog programa determiniše rano uče-<br />nje kod djece. Postavljeni ciljevi i zadaci istraživanja</p><p>realizovani su, kako smo već rekli, kroz te-<br />orijsko istraživanje, ali i kroz empirijsko<br />neeksperimentalno istraživanje, primje-<br />nom instrumenata koji su konstruisani za<br />potrebe ovog rada. Prvi instrument odnosi<br />se na utvrđivanje ispoljenosti razvojnih<br />aspekata djece, dok se drugi instrument od-<br />nosi na prikupljanje podataka o odnosu po-<br />rodičnih prilika i razvojnih aspekata dje-<br />ce. Prvi instrument bio je namijenjen uči-<br />teljima, a drugi roditeljima.<br />Uzorak je obuhvatio 1.439 djece koja su kre-<br />nula u prvi razred (šest godina), i to: djecu<br />koja su pohađala neku predškolsku ustanovu<br />i djecu koja nisu pohađala predškolsku<br />ustanovu niti su bila uključena u neki ob-<br />lik predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja.<br />Isto tako, u istraživanju su učestvovali i<br />roditelji ispitivane djece, od kojih smo do-<br />bili podatke o socijalnom statusu porodice<br />djeteta i njihovoj posvećenosti roditelj-<br />stvu.<br />Rezultati koje smo dobili dijelom su potvr-<br />dili hipoteze koje smo postavili, a time<br />nas i usmjerili na dodatna razmišljanja o<br />efektima pohađanja predškolskog programa<br />na sve aspekte razvoja, ponajviše na socio-<br />emocionalni razvoj, jer je ovaj aspekt razvo-<br />ja visoko razvijen kod obje grupe djece: koja<br />su pohađala predškolski program i koja ga<br />nisu pohađala.</p> / <p>In search of the new answers to already known<br />questions concerned with discovering the causes<br />of different development of certain abilities in<br />children, this study ideas are focused on the interdependence<br />of stimulating learning environment<br />and early learning for children. This study<br />is a result of theoretical and empirical research<br />of the effect of attending preschool programme<br />in Republic of Srpska on learning and development<br />of children of preschool age.<br />The theoretical part investigates questions on<br />preschool programme as the foundation of institutional<br />preschool education, concept delimitation<br />of programme and curriculum, (definition<br />of) traditional versus contemporary preschool<br />programme/curriculum, system of preschool<br />education in Republic of Srpska, as well as questions<br />about relationship between children&rsquo;s activities,<br />play and early learning. Furthermore,<br />this paper investigates questions related to early<br />learning, starting from the notion of early learning<br />and how to define it, the understanding of<br />early learning throughout history, early learning<br />characteristics, the relationship of early learning<br />and education as well as social paradigm of<br />early education, questions related to the relationship<br />between children&rsquo;s activities, play and<br />early learning, to the importance and benefits of<br />early learning for an individual and a society.<br />A part of the study related to the empirical approach<br />to the research topic presents the research<br />results and findings obtained by examination<br />of the interdependence of attending the<br />preschool education and development of<br />preschool children, observed through physical<br />and socio-emotional development and development<br />of speech, communication and creativity.<br />This study is based on the hypothesis that there<br />is a significant and profound interdependence<br />between attending a preschool programme and<br />13<br />early learning. In other words, our intention was<br />to establish whether attending a preschool programme<br />determines early learning for children.<br />As mentioned before, the established research<br />goals and objectives have been accomplished<br />through theoretical research but also through<br />non-experimental empirical research, using instruments<br />constructed for this study. First instrument<br />refers to the expression of developmental<br />aspects of children while the second instrument<br />refers to data collection on relationship<br />between family context and developmental<br />aspects of children. First instrument was intended<br />for teachers and second one for parents.<br />The sample included 1 439 children who started<br />first grade (6 years) as follows: children who attended<br />a preschool institution and children who<br />did not attend preschool institutions nor were<br />involved in any form of preschool education.<br />Furthermore, the research included children&rsquo;s<br />parents who provided the information on child&rsquo;s<br />family social status and their own devotion to<br />parenthood.<br />The results obtained have partly confirmed the<br />hypothesis set and therefore directed us to further<br />reflection on the effects of attending a preschool<br />program on all aspects of development,<br />especially socio-emotional development since<br />this aspect is highly developed with both groups<br />of children: those who attended a preschoolprogramme and those who did not.</p>

The design and implementation of intervention programmes for disadvantaged school beginners

Lenyai, Ellen Miopone 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the design and implementation of early intervention programmes used for disadvantaged learners in South Africa. The focus was on the Grade R class since it has been introduced to prepare learners for formal schooling. The extent to which the programme could influence the learner's skills were investigated. The design is defined in terms of the structure, goals, and content of the programme. The implementation strategy in this investigation is explained in broad terms to include ECD policies, delivery structures and modes, teacher preparedness and arrangements made at school level. The investigation was conducted as a case study in disadvantaged school-based Grade R classes of the Gauteng province. It established that the design of the Grade R programme followed the constructivist approach by combining the developmental and behavioural approaches to teaching. The design was commendable with regard to its goals and its duration. However, concerns were raised with regard to the structure and content of the Learning Area Programmes. An alternative design is recommended. The success of any programme depends to a large extent on implementation strategies used for delivery. This investigation established that policy formulation at national level followed international trends. Implementation power was devolved to the provincial departments in order to accommodate provincial diversity. However, structural deficits and undefined line functions were identified at provincial and district levels. The impact of this deficiency was evident in the Grade R classes. Finally this study concluded that although learners showed developmental gains, this cannot be regarded as the influence of the Grade R teaching because this age group is still developing and the change could be ascribed to maturation. The learners did not acquire basic literacy skills. Their poor language and intellectual abilities remain extremely low. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Psychology of Education)

Parent support of learning in an international reception class in Copenhagen, Denmark

Cassidy, Bernice Teresa 30 November 2006 (has links)
Parents play an integral role in the support of early learning. This study focuses on parent support of learning in an international reception class in Copenhagen, Denmark. This study includes a literature review of parent support of early learning and school facilitation of parent involvement in early learning. A qualitative investigation of parental support of early learning, within the context of global mobility and multi-culturalism, was undertaken in Rygaards School, in particular in its Reception Class. It was established that very little support exists on a global, social and local level, for the globally mobile families whose children attend this particular international school. Furthermore, the school itself does not fully meet the needs of its globally mobile families. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations for introducing comprehensive parent involvement were proposed, amongst others the introduction of an Induction Programme for newcomers to Rygaards, strategies for compensating for the absence of a middle management amongst its teaching staff and the extension of parent participation in curriculum provision. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

The effectiveness of senior students as tutor assistants in the English special project for academic development at UWC

Wentzel, Zurina January 1992 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / Since the inception of the University in 1960 under the Apartheid regime and up until a few years ago Afrikaans had dominated both as educational and as communication medium. However, political change - at the University and in South Africa - has brought about a change in language patterns. According to the HSRC Work Committee on Languages and Language Instruction (1981), a high percentage (40%) of Afrikaans-speaking people classified as coloured and living in the Cape Peninsula choose English as the medium of instruction and also regard it as the most important language to be learnt at schools (also 40%). As a result of this, and the enrolment of a large percentage of Xhosa speaking students, who generally prefer English to Afrikaans as an educational medium, English has become the language most commonly used both inside and outside the classroom. The homogeneity of preference has, however, not been matched by mastery of the language. For approximately 70% of all first-year students English is a second or even a third language. Though University entry is based on at least ten years of the study of English, standards of proficiency differ quite considerably as a result of inequalities in education. Because students need to improve their level of English proficiency I investigated the effectiveness of using senior students as tutor assistants in an academic development programme, the English Special Project, at UWC. This study aims at revealing that the tutor assistantships in the English Special Project can alleviate problems that occur with annual increases in student numbers under certain conditions. These are that: 1 prospective tutor assistants undergo proper tutor assistant training; 2 tutor assistants are committed to the course of academic development; 3 tutor assistants have the time available that is necessary for the task. In Chapter 1 give an insight into what this study is about, the reasons for conducting it and what my personal involvement with the ESP has been. In Chapter 2 I review some of the overseas and local literature on TA systems. In Chapter 3 I describe a case-study to evaluate the success of the TA system in the ESP with reference to academic development. I emphasize the intensive, individual care of and attention to first-year students. In an attempt to address the problem, the effectiveness of senior students as tutor assistants to assist in tutorial sessions is described. In Chapter 4 I discuss the value of TA intervention in the ESP at personal and social levels. Chapter 5 contains the general conclusions and my recommendations to improve the ESP.

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