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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts on recyclability and sustainability in hanger production by replacing polystyrene with the biocomposite DuraSense® Pure S40 Impact D

Santiesteban García, Luisa Fernanda January 2020 (has links)
Biocomposites have gained increasing attention in recent years. The environmental impacts of common plastics have led researchers and industrials to develop alternatives to fully petro-sourced materials (Beigbeder et al., 2019). This paper presents the results obtained from the life cycle assessments conducted for polystyrene (PS) and biocomposite DuraSense® Pure S40 Impact D (DS40). The aim is for DS40 to serve as a more environmentally friendly option to fossil-based plastic in the manufacturing and recycling of hangers. By replacing 40% of the fossil-based PS with wood fibers, DS40 gains an advantage with regard to its environmental impact. Exercising an LCA on a product offers the opportunity to analyze its environmental impacts and sustainability performance based on a cradle to grave perspective. Thus, to determine which factors that could create an adverse effect in the multiple lifecycles of hangers when recycled, four potential environmental factors were used for modelling several scenarios: loss in quality, end-of-life, travel distance, and packaging. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) - kg CO2 equivalent/functional unit was calculated using the GaBi Envision LCA software for each scenario, which subsequently were compared between PS and DS40. After the modelling of multiple scenarios, this study concludes that a hanger recycling system can be a viable activity due to the improved environmental sustainability. However, to remain as the alternative with the lowest GWP, it is necessary to keep what could be detrimental throughout the lives of the hangers made with DS40 to remain out of the loop. Preventing that the incorrect EoL is chosen, abstaining from the use of PE film as packaging, creating products with competent mechanical properties to have good longevity, and reducing the wasted material in each conversion step, make altogether the replacement of PS with DS40 in the production of hangers a less polluting alternative. The result showed that except for travel distance, all other factors considered have the potential to affect the GWP account, and with this, showing that there is more to consider than just the raw materials needed in the manufacturing of goods.

Exploring the Misalignment in the Sustainable Packaging Realization Process

Wiil, Madelene January 2020 (has links)
Packaging have become an environmental problem since mishandling causes pollution, and end-of-life treatments contribute to climate change. Even so, packaging is still necessary in our market system as they protect, distribute and prolong the life of various products. Policy-makers, companies, and the scientific community, are therefore working on different ways to combat the negative impacts of packaging, creating frameworks and strategies to facilitate a sustainable development. However, there seems to be a misalignment in the process of developing packaging with sustainable characteristics, since the realization of sustainable packaging is limited. The aim of this study is therefore to explain the limitation of realized sustainable packaging, by exploring the misalignment in the realization process through a single case study. The empirical data was collected from a company with the ambition of realizing sustainable packaging. Primary data was gathered through open-ended interviews with employees, and through internal and public documents. Furthermore, secondary data regarding the context of sustainable packaging and also scientific studies about packaging, sustainability and product development were reviewed and analyzed. The process of realizing sustainable packaging is regarded as a system that is dependent on outputs from different levels: i) its surrounding environment- the context, ii) the system goal- the strategy, and iii) the internal rules- operational aspects. The study results in three propositions that explain how a misalignment of the different levels causes a limitation of realized sustainable packaging. P1) A misalignment between the sustainable packaging context, and the sustainability strategy, results in a strategy that points in the wrong direction, P2) a misalignment between the sustainability strategy and the requirement specification, might result in greenwashed packaging, and P3) qualitatively ill formulated sustainability requirements might result in a missed target. This study argues that in order to increase the capability of the realization process the levels need to be aligned. Also, that creating qualitatively well formulated requirements might be seen as a tool in the process of realizing sustainable packaging.

Central-Eastern European Loess Sources : Central- och östeuropeiska lössursprung

Gaita, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Climate change is today one of our highest priority challenges. But to understand the change in climate and to be able to make predictions about the future, knowledge about past climate is of substantial importance. The key archive of past climate change can be studied through loess deposits. This paper examines loess sources in Europe and how deposits can tell us about different origins through different geochemical techniques and methods.    Secondary data of loess deposits and sources over Central-Eastern Europe have been collected and examined in order to test some of the possible major dust source areas for European loess deposits that have been suggested by other scientists.   Different techniques and methods are used to examine loess sediments when trying to identify their origin. Generally, techniques and methods can be divided into geochemical and analytical parameters, which are XRD (X-ray diffraction) and XRF (X-ray fluorescence spectrometry), elemental ratios, SrNd isotopic analyses, zircon U-Pb geochronology, combined bulk and single grain analyses, as well as more statistical approaches.    The results are based on the three mainly studied articles show that it is more likely that loess sources are coming from High Alps and mountain areas, such as the Carpathians, rather than from glaciers, as was previously the main idea.   This paper therefore draws the conclusion that loess material, in most cases, seems to be originating from relatively nearby and local mountain areas and only a small portion appear to have been transported longer distances.

Collaboration for Sustainable Rural Development among public actors in Uppsala County

Hallnäs, Charlotta January 2020 (has links)
Collaboration is increasingly seen as an important aspect for sustainable development and sustainability, both within academia as well as among practitioners. The very nature of many sustainability issues requires collaboration and in the Swedish context collaboration on a county level is deemed necessary for the achievement of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The divide between urban and rural is likewise an important topic for achieving sustainability, where neither exist in isolation but are rather dependent on each other. Ensuring that Sweden has a thriving countryside, where people want to live and work is therefore paramount for sustainable development. With this backdrop this thesis takes a closer look at Uppsala county, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of public actors’ ability to collaborate for sustainable rural development in Uppsala county. The thesis was designed through co-design with Upplandsbygd Lokalt ledd utveckling, a LEADER-office located in Uppsala county, and implements a qualitative inductive research approach and a flexible research design. Through semi-structured interviews with officials from different public authorities, the thesis establishes what can be considered as challenges and opportunities for sustainable rural development as well as what may hinder or enable the actors’ ability to collaborate on these issues. The research show that differences such as organization size and resources can influence the collaborative process among public actors. The interview results also underline the different challenges the participants are faced with and how this may either inhibit their ability to collaborate or enhance their need to do so. Focusing on rural development, the thesis also discusses how the relationship between city and countryside is found to impact not only what challenges or opportunities the actors identifies, but also their ability to collaborate on sustainability issues. It concludes that the countryside is an important arena for sustainable development, and that collaboration among public actors on the county level is imperative for achieving sustainable rural development in a county like Uppsala. / Begreppet samverkan förekommer allt mer, både bland forskare och aktörer, när man talar om hållbar utveckling och hållbarhet. Själva karaktären hos många hållbarhetsfrågor kräver samarbete och i det svenska sammanhanget anses samverkan på regionalnivå vara nödvändigt för att uppnå Agenda 2030 och de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Skillnaden mellan stad och landsbygd är också ett viktigt område för att uppnå hållbarhet. Både stad och landsbygd är beroende av varandra och deras respektive förutsättningar bör tas i beaktan när man diskuterar lösningar för en hållbar framtid. Att säkerställa att Sverige har en levande landsbygd, där människor vill bo och arbeta anses därför vara av största vikt för att säkerställa en hållbar utveckling inte bara av Sveriges landsbygder, utan för hela landet. Med denna bakgrund tar denna uppsats en närmare titt på Uppsala län, i syfte att få en bättre förståelse för offentliga aktörers förmåga att samverka när det gäller hållbar landsbygdsutveckling. Studien är utformad genom samdesign med Upplandsbygd Lokalt ledd utveckling och tillämparen kvalitativ induktiv forskningsmetod med en flexibel forskningsdesign. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstemän från olika offentliga myndigheter, fastställer föreliggande studie vad som kan betraktas som utmaningar och möjligheter för hållbar landsbygdsutveckling samt vad som kan hindra eller möjliggöra för aktörerna att samverkan i dessa frågor. Studien visar att skillnader som organisationsstorlek och tillgång till resurser, både i form av finansiella medel likväl som personal och arbetstid, kan påverka samarbetsprocessen mellan aktörerna. Resultaten från intervjuerna understryker också de olika utmaningarna som deltagarna står inför och hur dessa antingen kan hämma deras förmåga att samarbeta eller öka deras behov av samverkan. Med fokus på landsbygdsutveckling diskuterar uppsatsen förhållandet mellan stad och landsbygd och hur det påverkar inte bara vilka utmaningar eller möjligheter aktörerna ser, utan också deras förmåga att samarbeta kring hållbarhetsfrågor. I uppsatsen dras slutsatsen att landsbygden är en viktig arena för hållbarhetsfrågor, och att samverkan mellan offentliga aktörer på regionalnivå är nödvändigt för att uppnå en hållbar landsbygdsutveckling i ett län som Uppsala. Regional samhällsplanering föreslås också som en potentiell väg framåt för aktörerna i studien. Därtill förs en diskussion kring vilken roll Upplandsbygd Lokalt ledd utveckling bör ta i det fortsatta arbetet mot hållbar landsbygdsutveckling.

Different generation of controlled moraines in the glacier foreland of Midtdalsbreen, Norway / Tvärställt styrda moränslätter alldeles invid Midtdalsbreen glaciär, Norge

Allègre, Xavier January 2018 (has links)
A series of small mounds (&lt; 3m) were sampled in the foreland of Midtdalsbreen outlet glacier, southern Norway. These landforms were interesting, especially at site number 1 because they were located very close to a higher Little Ice Age (LIA) moraine (&gt; 5 m), thereby informing the dynamic of the glacier after the LIA at this location. It was yet to determine if these specific mounds are controlled moraines. If they are controlled moraines, then this would have implication for the glacier dynamics and the geometry of the snout after the LIA. It could be determined, based on the landform record evidence, whether the ice at the snout of Midtdalsbreen was thin and cold shortly after the LIA. Furthermore, whether the landscape was deglaciated by downwasting and then by backwasting was the main question addressed in relation to the nature of the mound and the thickness of ice at the snout during and after the LIA. In order to better understand the nature of the landform record and the mounds near the LIA moraine, satellite imagery coupled with careful field investigations were used in the foreland of the Midtdalsbreen outlet glacier. A geomorphological map was produced, and it was useful to put the mounds in a geographical context. Further sedimentological investigation; including clast-shape analyze, produced more evidence about the inner nature of these landforms. Both few controlled moraines and other landforms throughout the glacier foreland indicate that the ice geometry for Midtdalsbreen, shortly after the LIA was such that the snout of the glacier was a thin sheet of ice flowing against the previously deposited LIA moraine. The sedimentology of the controlled moraine is such that the sediments are deposited in steeply dipping layers, and they could even be misinterpreted as permafrost terrains at first glimpse. However, other sedimentological evidences such as the presence of sorted sand and sometimes dipping beds of gravels in addition to the geomorphological mapping make it meaningful to interpret few of the mounds as controlled moraines. A modern analogue to these controlled moraines is dirt cones present on top of the glacier snout as well as controlled moraines a few hundred of meter from the snout. Observations both on the glacier snout and on the foreland involve that dirt-cones later evolve into these sedimentological hummocky units with steeply dipping layers within the paleo-landscape. These observations constrain the thickness of ice at the snout of Midtdalsbreen after the LIA as well as the glacier dynamic during its melt: for controlled moraines to be generated by glaciers, these accumulations of sediments would have to thaw by downwasting and then by backwasting, directly at the glacier snout. This process -comprising of different stages- allows enough time to deposit controlled moraine. It is then a thin, cold-based sheet of ice which is by the end responsible for the deposition of such a landform record. There was even dead-ice present on the landscape at that point. After deposition of dirt cones on top of the ice, important meltwater action is contributing to the glacifluvial origin of these hummocks which evolve from dirt-cones onto the glacier, to ice-cored moraines, and then to controlled moraines onto the foreland. Details about the multistage processes leading to the formation of controlled moraines is also at the center of the investigations. / <p>Updated version, september 2019.</p>

Framtagning av konceptuell modell för spridnings- och nedbrytningsmönster av en industriförorening med klorerade lösningsmedel / Compilation of Conceptual Model Regarding Distribution and Degradation Patterns of an Industrial Pollution of Chlorinated Solvents

Pettersson, Per January 2019 (has links)
Klorerade lösningsmedel har sedan mer än ett halvsekel använts inom metallbearbetning, produktframställning och vid kemtvättning. Användningen har resulterat i spill och läckage med förorening som följd. I södra Sverige så återfinns en industritomt med en omfattande förorening av trikloreten. Sedan tidigt 2000-tal har ett kontrollprogram övervakat denna förorening genom grundvattenprovtagning. Dessa mätresultat ligger till grund för den analys av föroreningens utbredning samt nedbrytningsgrad som presenteras i denna rapport Rapporten visar att en anaerob miljö med låga värden för både pH och redoxpotential ökar den naturliga nedbrytningen av trikloreten. Denna naturliga nedbrytning möjliggörs av närvaron av bakterier som får näring från en tidigare förorening med petroleumkolväten. Studier av scannade bergborrhållsloggar möjliggör lokaliseringen av ett sprickplanssystem som agerar transportmedium för både föroreningen och näringsrikt grundvatten.  Jämförelser mellan saneringsmetoder visar att en framtida sanering måste ske på plats och vidare geologiska undersökningar krävs för att kartlägga berggrunden inför eventuella saneringsförsök. / Chlorinated solvents have been used in metal processing, production industry and dry cleaning since the 1950’s. The usage has often resulted in spills and leaks. At an industrial site in southern Sweden there is an extensive contamination of trichloroethene. This pollution has been monitored by groundwater sampling for almost 20 years, and with these results now acting as a base, this report contains an analysis of the distribution of the pollution as well as its level of degradation. This report indicates that an anaerobic environment with both low values for pH and redox potential increases the natural degradation of trichloroethene. The natural degradation is made possible by bacteria, which get their energy from the breakdown of a former heating oil spill. Studies of available boreholes logs shows a series of open fracture sets which act as conduits during nutrient transport in groundwater.  A comparison of methods of decontamination confirms that any future decontaminations must take place at site. Further geological investigations must take place for them to be efficient and successful.

Understanding KRAV’s Approach to Soil Health on Certified Farms

Simon, Veronica January 2020 (has links)
Organic labeling organizations like KRAV have an important role to play in affecting consumer purchasing decisions as well as producer crop cultivation behaviours. With soil health becoming an ever increasing concern, and soil so central to the catalysing cycles of carbon, nutrients, and energy in the ecosphere, sustainable development could benefit from understanding better the relationship of organic labelling organizations to soil. This thesis explores that relationship through a review of relevant literature including the guidelines for KRAV certification 2019-2020, as well as interviews with former KRAV employees and a current KRAV certified farmer. Therewith, this research investigates this complex interplay of relevant actors - consumer, farmer, certification body, and standard holder- to elucidate KRAV’s approach to soil health. Whereas some environmentalists might argue for stricter guidelines and more holistic testing, the participants in this study presented a firm case for the difficulty of implementing further soil testing. This study is best understood to be an initial and exploratory investigation into a topic that requires more attention to draw firm conclusions from in the future. In future studies, it may be beneficial to cross-compare practices and mentalities of people involved in organic certified production from different labels.

Urans biogeokemi i LKABs processvatten i Kiruna : Sammanställning och utvärdering av befintlig mätdata

Määttä, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Havs- och vattenmyndigheten har tagit fram bedömningsgrunder för ekologisk status av ytvatten. Vid bedömning av ekologisk ytvattenstatus tas hänsyn till så kallade särskilt förorenade ämnen (SFÄ), ett av dessa ämnen är uran. Enligt Miljöbalkens andra kapitel om allmänna hänsynsregler ska en verksamhetsutövare motverka att verksamheten medför skada eller olägenhet för människors hälsa eller för miljön. LKAB är ett statligt ägt gruvbolag som bedriver brytning och förädling av järnmalm i Kiruna, Malmberget och Svappavaara. Denna studie gäller LKABs verksamhet i Kiruna. Gruvbrytningen och förädlingen av järnmalm är vattenkrävande processer. Vatten som pumpas upp från gruvan går till processen och huvuddelen av vattnet recirkulerar inom verken. Utgående vatten från verk går till dammarna och vidare till klarningsmagasin. Från klarningsmagasinet returpumpas sedan delar av vattnet tillbaka till processen. Överskottsvatten bräddas efter sedimentering och klarning. Bräddningen sker till sjön Mettä Rakkurijärvi och vidare till Kalix älv via Rakkurisystemet. Det vatten som bräddas har uranhalter överskridande gällande bedömningsgrunder för särskilt förorenade ämnen (SFÄ). På grund av detta ligger det i LKABs intresse att undersöka uran i LKABs process, detta för att i förlängningen eventuellt kunna minska de förhöjda halterna i recipienten. Uran är ett radioaktivt metalliskt grundämne som tillhör gruppen aktiniderna i periodiska systemet och ett redoxelement på grund av dess förmåga att byta oxidationstal. De vanligaste förekommande oxidationstalen för uran i kemiska föreningar är (IV) och (VI). Ett ämnes biotillgänglighet och egenskaper i ett vatten styrs till viss del av vilken speciering ämnet har, partikulär, kolloidal eller löst fas. I oxiderade miljöer kontrolleras den totala urankoncentrationen av U(VI) och mobiliteten relateras till kolloidala fraktionerna. I vatten med högt karbonatinnehåll förekommer uran ofta som uran-karbonatkomplex vilket gör uran mer mobilt och minskar dess förmåga att adsorberas på andra partiklar. Komplexbildning och sorption därmed två viktiga processer som påverkar urans mobilitet och biotillgänglighet. Tidigare utredningar har visat på att uranyljonerna som finns i processvattnet främst förekommer som de lösta komplexen Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) och CaUO2(CO3)32- och att den höga halten av karbonater och kalcium i LKABs processvatten påverkar den kemiska specieringen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur halten uran i vattnet förändras i processen från gruva till dammar. För att uppnå målet har studien strukturerats utifrån följande frågeställningar: • På vilka platser i processen syns förändringar i uranhalten och kan det förklaras av den teori som finns om urans biogeokemi i vatten? • Ses samband mellan uranhalten och andra ämnen eller parametrar i processen och kan dessa förklaras av den teori som finns om urans biogeokemi i vatten? Denna studie är en sammanställning och utvärdering av befintliga mätdata som LKAB insamlat under tidsperioden 2015-2019. Förslag på fortsatt arbete är att utföra adsorptionsmodelleringar för uran i processvattnet. Vidare skulle en ytterligare avgränsning av detta arbete kunna utföras, till exempel att enbart kolla på anrikningsverk eller dammar där det enligt denna studie sker förändringar i uranhalten / Waterface-Environmental Forensics

The potential disturbance of the 210Pb profile in peat cores by roots and the implications for 210Pb dating.

Spjut, Nora January 2020 (has links)
At this moment there is a gap in information regarding the affect roots might have on 210Pb distribution in peat cores and in turn the obtained chronologies by 210Pb dating. Therefore, four peat cores were collected from the snow manipulation study site within the mire complex Storflaket (68°20048″N, 18°58016″E). Two cores from snow fence plots, which has experienced root growth due to permafrost thaw, and 2 cores from control plots. 210Pb distribution and the provided 210Pb chronologies were then compared with root content within and between the cores. In two of the cores (C5 and SF2) did subsurface peaks in the 210Pb activity profile follow the distribution profile of the dwarf shrub roots. The same pattern was not seen with Eriophorum roots. This indicates that presence of dwarf root with their shallow and horizontally growth can affect the 210Pb profile by horizontal translocation of 210Pb. The chronologies obtained by the CF:CS and CRS dating models could not be validated for the C5 core which suggest that dwarf shrub roots also can affect the 21oPb dating.

Biological Soil Invertebrate Activity in a Tropical Rainforest : A comparison of soil invertebrate activity in two tropical rain forests in Borneo

Berglund, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Logging of tropical forests is increasing worldwide. Logging alters the forest conditions such as temperature, soil water content and litter input into the soil. This study explored how soil invertebrate activity in Borneo differs between pristine forests and two secondary forests, with 10 and 40 years of recovery time since the last logging. To measure the soil fauna feeding activity, the bait lamina stick method was applied. The study was conducted in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, during April and May 2019. 33 forest plots were examined with ten lamina sticks placed in each of the three replicas per forest plot. The sticks were kept in the soil for four weeks before being removed. Upon removal, the soil invertebrate activity was determined by assessing how many holes of the bait lamina sticks were eaten and at what depth. The activity was related to the above-ground carbon density (ACD, a density measure for amount of above-ground carbon), as well as depth-specific activity in the different plots. Moreover, further relationships with the invertebrate activity and environmental conditions such as cumulative throughfall during the study time as well as the soil water content were studied. The results showed that the soil activity slightly decreased with increased ACD, but no statistical significance was found. This study also suggests that the activity was higher in the upper 0-5cm of the soil than in the lower 5-10 cm. Lastly, the results showed that the activity was highest in the forest with the shortest recovery time (10 years). This implies that it might be possible to regain the original soil activity since the activity of the 40-year-old forest was closer to the pristine forest than that of the 10- year-old forest.

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