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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of currents and waves on ADCP echo intensity

Chen, Yu-Cun 13 February 2007 (has links)
In this study, bottom mounted ADCP and RCM 9 were deployed to collect time series data of current, turbidity and acoustic backscattered echo intensity (EI) in the estuarine environment near Love River and in the coastal waters of Howan. Our results indicate that in the torrential rain event, the Love River became very turbid with the flow speed exceeding 1.5 m/s. ADCP EI data also increase rapidly and correlate well with the turbidity data. Based on the empirical formula of Kim and Voulgaris (2003), the EI time series data of the first bin are converted into sediment suspension concentration (SSC), which compared reasonably well with those converted from the optical observations of turbidity. Therefore, ADCP EI data can be used as a good proxy of SSC. Velocity profiles measured by ADCP were also analyzed to obtain the friction velocity and roughness length according to the logarithmic relationship. The log layer height extended to almost full channel depth of 4 m during strong flows, the roughness lengths were about 10-3 m and the bottom shear stress reached 10 Pa. It is not surprising that bottom sediments are stirred under such a large shear stress. The sediment suspension due to current and wave action in the rather clear coastal waters of Howan is also investigated by means of ADCP EI data. In winters the observed current speed is stronger while the wave height is smaller (Hs<1 m). It is found that the near-bottom ADCP EI data have better correlation with the current magnitude but poorer correlation with surface waves. On the other hand, the ADCP EI data near the sea surface become more dependent on the surface waves. This is possible due to the bubbles entrained by breaking waves, especially under the condition of Hs>0.5 m. In summers the observed current speed is weaker while the wave height is generally higher. In one typhoon event the observed Hs even reached 4.5 m. The calculated maximum orbital velocity at the bottom and bed shear stress generated by surface waves are sufficient to mobilize sediment. The ADCP EI data of the whole water column (about 15 m) correlate nicely with the wave height but correlate poorly with current magnitude. In contrast to the results of the Love River, the near-bottom ADCP EI data show a weak correlation with the turbidity observation.

A Study of Internal Tidal Displacement of Watermass in Gaoping Submarine Canyon based on Echo Intensity and Hydrographic Data

Lin, Sheng-Chin 10 February 2009 (has links)
The internal tide in GPSC¡]Gaoping submarine canyon¡^is the main factor controlling the movement of watermasses. In order to improve our understanding on the compact of suspended sediment exchange in and out GPSC, the data used in this study are collected from four cruises of field observations using research vessel OR3. Instruments deployed include ADCPs¡BEK500¡BCTD and vertical string of temperature loggers. The collected data are analyzed through a variety of time series analysis technique, such as harmonic analysis¡BFFT and EOF. The results show that¡]1¡^the echo intensity recorded by ADCP through calibration could reduce the decay of echo with the distance. The results seem useful to apply in watermass behavior studies.¡]2¡^ Echo intensity with calibration were comparable with signal recorded by EK500 which could be validated to each other. These observations were related to sediment resuspension influenced by internal tide. ¡]3¡^There were two layers of large turbidity, at the depth of canyon edge and near the bottom of canyon, both were fluctuated with two interval tidal frequency.¡]4¡^Another band of echo intensity fluctuations, not directly correlate to sediment resuspension, was likely due to vertical migration, of zooplankton or biology effects.

Associações entre qualidade muscular, adiposidade, saúde vascular e funcionalidade de indivíduos obesos

Rech, Anderson January 2014 (has links)
Os níveis de obesidade vêm aumentando, no Brasil e no mundo, de maneira exponencial. A condição de excesso de tecido adiposo pode gerar um prejuízo funcional, bem como alterações em uma série de parâmetros de saúde cardiovascular. A quantidade e qualidade muscular apresentada por um indivíduo obeso podem ser determinantes na maneira como o organismo lida com esses desafios. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a existência de associação entre variáveis de força, qualidade e quantidade muscular, funcionalidade, saúde vascular e adiposidade em indivíduos obesos. Para isso, trinta e quatro indivíduos obesos, com idade entre 20-60 anos, sedentários, não fumantes e não diabéticos, se voluntariaram a participar do estudo. Após prévia familiarização, foram realizados testes de força nos extensores de joelho (contração isométrica voluntária máxima - CIVM ; 1 repetição máxima - 1RM; potência média) e funcionalidade (teste de caminhada de 6 minutos - TC6M; sentar e levantar em 30 segundos - SL30; get up and go). A massa muscular (EMQUA) e echo intensity do quadríceps femoral (EIQUA) foram medidas por ultrassonografia, bem como diferentes parâmetros de adiposidade e função endotelial (avaliada por dilatação mediada por fluxo - DMF). Foram verificados os coeficientes de correlação de pearson entre as variáveis acima citadas e adotou-se um p<0.05 para associação significativa. Foi encontrada uma associação negativa significativa entre a EIQUA e todos os testes de força analisados, bem como com os testes funcionais. A EMQUA também apresentou correlação significativa, porém positiva, com os testes de força e funcionalidade. A EIQUA apresentou uma associação significativa com a gordura visceral, bem como com a gordura subcutânea da coxa. Além disso, a gordura subcutânea abdominal apresentou associação significativa com a DMF. Os dados do presente estudo mostraram haver uma associação significativa entre a quantidade e qualidade muscular e o desempenho em testes de força e funcionais em indivíduos obesos. Ainda, importantes parâmetros de adiposidade se correlacionaram com a EIQUA e com a DMF, um importante marcador de saúde endotelial. Dessa forma, estartégias de intervenção (por exemplo, treinamento de força), que sejam capazes de modificar os parâmetros acima descritos, devem ser priorizadas quando o objetivo for uma melhora na qualidade de vida de indivíduos obesos. / Obesity levels are increasing in Brazil and all over the world in an exponential way. The adipose tissue excess may affect functionality, as well as another health parameters. The skeletal muscle quantity and quality in obese individual may be determinant in how that the organism deals with theses problems. Thus, the objective of the present study was to verify the association between strength, muscle quantity and quality, functionality, vascular health and adiposity in obese subjects. Thirty four obese subjects, aged 20-60 years, sedentary, non-smokers and non-diabetic, volunteered to participate in the study. After a familiartization session, the knee extensors strength (isometric maximal volunatry contraction - IMVC; on repetition maximum - 1RM ; average power) and functional (6 minutes walk test - TC6M; sit to stand up test - 30SL; get up and go) tests were performed. The quadriceps femoris muscle thickness (EMQUA) and echo intensity (EIQUA) were evaluated by ultrasonography, as well as different adiposty parameters and vascular function. The pearson correlation coefficent were verified between all variables cited above and a P<0.05 were adopted. There was found a negative significant association between the EIQUA and all the strength tests performed, as well as all functional tests. The EMQUA presented significant positive association with all strength and functional tests. Additionally, the EIQUA presented a significant negative association with the visceral adipose tissue, as well as the thigh subcutaneous adipose tissue. Besides that, the abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue was associated positively with the vascular function. The data presented here have shown a significant association between the muscle quantity and quality and the performance in functional and strength tests in obese subjects. In addition, important adiposity parameters correlated with the EIQUA and vascular function. Thus, intervention strategies (such as strength training), that are capable of modifying these parameters, should be prioritized when the objective is to enhance the quality of life in an obese person.

Associações entre qualidade muscular, adiposidade, saúde vascular e funcionalidade de indivíduos obesos

Rech, Anderson January 2014 (has links)
Os níveis de obesidade vêm aumentando, no Brasil e no mundo, de maneira exponencial. A condição de excesso de tecido adiposo pode gerar um prejuízo funcional, bem como alterações em uma série de parâmetros de saúde cardiovascular. A quantidade e qualidade muscular apresentada por um indivíduo obeso podem ser determinantes na maneira como o organismo lida com esses desafios. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a existência de associação entre variáveis de força, qualidade e quantidade muscular, funcionalidade, saúde vascular e adiposidade em indivíduos obesos. Para isso, trinta e quatro indivíduos obesos, com idade entre 20-60 anos, sedentários, não fumantes e não diabéticos, se voluntariaram a participar do estudo. Após prévia familiarização, foram realizados testes de força nos extensores de joelho (contração isométrica voluntária máxima - CIVM ; 1 repetição máxima - 1RM; potência média) e funcionalidade (teste de caminhada de 6 minutos - TC6M; sentar e levantar em 30 segundos - SL30; get up and go). A massa muscular (EMQUA) e echo intensity do quadríceps femoral (EIQUA) foram medidas por ultrassonografia, bem como diferentes parâmetros de adiposidade e função endotelial (avaliada por dilatação mediada por fluxo - DMF). Foram verificados os coeficientes de correlação de pearson entre as variáveis acima citadas e adotou-se um p<0.05 para associação significativa. Foi encontrada uma associação negativa significativa entre a EIQUA e todos os testes de força analisados, bem como com os testes funcionais. A EMQUA também apresentou correlação significativa, porém positiva, com os testes de força e funcionalidade. A EIQUA apresentou uma associação significativa com a gordura visceral, bem como com a gordura subcutânea da coxa. Além disso, a gordura subcutânea abdominal apresentou associação significativa com a DMF. Os dados do presente estudo mostraram haver uma associação significativa entre a quantidade e qualidade muscular e o desempenho em testes de força e funcionais em indivíduos obesos. Ainda, importantes parâmetros de adiposidade se correlacionaram com a EIQUA e com a DMF, um importante marcador de saúde endotelial. Dessa forma, estartégias de intervenção (por exemplo, treinamento de força), que sejam capazes de modificar os parâmetros acima descritos, devem ser priorizadas quando o objetivo for uma melhora na qualidade de vida de indivíduos obesos. / Obesity levels are increasing in Brazil and all over the world in an exponential way. The adipose tissue excess may affect functionality, as well as another health parameters. The skeletal muscle quantity and quality in obese individual may be determinant in how that the organism deals with theses problems. Thus, the objective of the present study was to verify the association between strength, muscle quantity and quality, functionality, vascular health and adiposity in obese subjects. Thirty four obese subjects, aged 20-60 years, sedentary, non-smokers and non-diabetic, volunteered to participate in the study. After a familiartization session, the knee extensors strength (isometric maximal volunatry contraction - IMVC; on repetition maximum - 1RM ; average power) and functional (6 minutes walk test - TC6M; sit to stand up test - 30SL; get up and go) tests were performed. The quadriceps femoris muscle thickness (EMQUA) and echo intensity (EIQUA) were evaluated by ultrasonography, as well as different adiposty parameters and vascular function. The pearson correlation coefficent were verified between all variables cited above and a P<0.05 were adopted. There was found a negative significant association between the EIQUA and all the strength tests performed, as well as all functional tests. The EMQUA presented significant positive association with all strength and functional tests. Additionally, the EIQUA presented a significant negative association with the visceral adipose tissue, as well as the thigh subcutaneous adipose tissue. Besides that, the abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue was associated positively with the vascular function. The data presented here have shown a significant association between the muscle quantity and quality and the performance in functional and strength tests in obese subjects. In addition, important adiposity parameters correlated with the EIQUA and vascular function. Thus, intervention strategies (such as strength training), that are capable of modifying these parameters, should be prioritized when the objective is to enhance the quality of life in an obese person.

Associações entre qualidade muscular, adiposidade, saúde vascular e funcionalidade de indivíduos obesos

Rech, Anderson January 2014 (has links)
Os níveis de obesidade vêm aumentando, no Brasil e no mundo, de maneira exponencial. A condição de excesso de tecido adiposo pode gerar um prejuízo funcional, bem como alterações em uma série de parâmetros de saúde cardiovascular. A quantidade e qualidade muscular apresentada por um indivíduo obeso podem ser determinantes na maneira como o organismo lida com esses desafios. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a existência de associação entre variáveis de força, qualidade e quantidade muscular, funcionalidade, saúde vascular e adiposidade em indivíduos obesos. Para isso, trinta e quatro indivíduos obesos, com idade entre 20-60 anos, sedentários, não fumantes e não diabéticos, se voluntariaram a participar do estudo. Após prévia familiarização, foram realizados testes de força nos extensores de joelho (contração isométrica voluntária máxima - CIVM ; 1 repetição máxima - 1RM; potência média) e funcionalidade (teste de caminhada de 6 minutos - TC6M; sentar e levantar em 30 segundos - SL30; get up and go). A massa muscular (EMQUA) e echo intensity do quadríceps femoral (EIQUA) foram medidas por ultrassonografia, bem como diferentes parâmetros de adiposidade e função endotelial (avaliada por dilatação mediada por fluxo - DMF). Foram verificados os coeficientes de correlação de pearson entre as variáveis acima citadas e adotou-se um p<0.05 para associação significativa. Foi encontrada uma associação negativa significativa entre a EIQUA e todos os testes de força analisados, bem como com os testes funcionais. A EMQUA também apresentou correlação significativa, porém positiva, com os testes de força e funcionalidade. A EIQUA apresentou uma associação significativa com a gordura visceral, bem como com a gordura subcutânea da coxa. Além disso, a gordura subcutânea abdominal apresentou associação significativa com a DMF. Os dados do presente estudo mostraram haver uma associação significativa entre a quantidade e qualidade muscular e o desempenho em testes de força e funcionais em indivíduos obesos. Ainda, importantes parâmetros de adiposidade se correlacionaram com a EIQUA e com a DMF, um importante marcador de saúde endotelial. Dessa forma, estartégias de intervenção (por exemplo, treinamento de força), que sejam capazes de modificar os parâmetros acima descritos, devem ser priorizadas quando o objetivo for uma melhora na qualidade de vida de indivíduos obesos. / Obesity levels are increasing in Brazil and all over the world in an exponential way. The adipose tissue excess may affect functionality, as well as another health parameters. The skeletal muscle quantity and quality in obese individual may be determinant in how that the organism deals with theses problems. Thus, the objective of the present study was to verify the association between strength, muscle quantity and quality, functionality, vascular health and adiposity in obese subjects. Thirty four obese subjects, aged 20-60 years, sedentary, non-smokers and non-diabetic, volunteered to participate in the study. After a familiartization session, the knee extensors strength (isometric maximal volunatry contraction - IMVC; on repetition maximum - 1RM ; average power) and functional (6 minutes walk test - TC6M; sit to stand up test - 30SL; get up and go) tests were performed. The quadriceps femoris muscle thickness (EMQUA) and echo intensity (EIQUA) were evaluated by ultrasonography, as well as different adiposty parameters and vascular function. The pearson correlation coefficent were verified between all variables cited above and a P<0.05 were adopted. There was found a negative significant association between the EIQUA and all the strength tests performed, as well as all functional tests. The EMQUA presented significant positive association with all strength and functional tests. Additionally, the EIQUA presented a significant negative association with the visceral adipose tissue, as well as the thigh subcutaneous adipose tissue. Besides that, the abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue was associated positively with the vascular function. The data presented here have shown a significant association between the muscle quantity and quality and the performance in functional and strength tests in obese subjects. In addition, important adiposity parameters correlated with the EIQUA and vascular function. Thus, intervention strategies (such as strength training), that are capable of modifying these parameters, should be prioritized when the objective is to enhance the quality of life in an obese person.

Intramuscular dissociation of echogenicity in the triceps surae characterizes sporadic inclusion body myositis / 下腿三頭筋での筋エコー輝度の解離は孤発性封入体筋炎に特徴的である

Nodera, Hiroyuki 23 May 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(医学) / 乙第13030号 / 論医博第2112号 / 新制||医||1016(附属図書館) / 32988 / (主査)教授 三森 経世, 教授 松田 秀一, 教授 戸口田 淳也 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Increase in echo intensity and extracellular-to-intracellular water ratio is independently associated with muscle weakness in elderly women / エコー輝度および細胞外液比の増加は高齢女性の筋力低下に独立して関連する)

Taniguchi, Masashi 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間健康科学) / 甲第21039号 / 人健博第55号 / 新制||人健||4(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻 / (主査)教授 二木 淑子, 教授 藤井 康友, 教授 妻木 範行 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human Health Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

Endocrine and Contralateral Muscle Responses to Short-term Unilateral Resistance Training

Boone, Carleigh 01 January 2014 (has links)
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of short-term lower body unilateral resistance training on hormonal, muscle morphological, and performance measures in young men. METHODS: Seventeen healthy, untrained young men (Age: 22.8 ± 3.7 y; BMI: 26.5 ± 4.9 kg/m2) were randomly assigned to one of two groups (UT: 22.9 ± 4.6 y, 25.3 ± 4.2 kg/m2; CON: 24.0 ± 4.6 y, 27.7 ± 5.1 kg/m2). Resistance training consisted of 4 weeks of unilateral lower body and bilateral upper body exercises on 3 days per week. Each training session entailed unilateral countermovement jumps (3 × 8), unilateral leg press (LP), bilateral chest press (CP), unilateral leg extension (LE), and bilateral low row (LR). Strength exercises were performed for 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions; lower body exercises were performed with the dominant leg only. Muscle thickness (MT), pennation angle (PA), cross-sectional area (CSA), and echo-intensity (EI) of the vastus lateralis (VL) and rectus femoris (RF) muscles of both legs was assessed via ultrasound. Fascicle length (FL) was calculated as [MT / sin(PA)]. Maximal dynamic unilateral LP and LE strength was assessed during one-repetition maximum (1RM) testing; CP and LR 1RM strength was estimated as [repetition weight/(1.0278-0.0278)(reps)]. Maximal isometric knee extensor strength was isolaterally assessed via maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) testing. Mean and peak power output (Watts) was quantified during unilateral countermovement jumps via accelerometry. Fasting concentrations of total testosterone and growth hormone were obtained at baseline (PRE), immediately post (IP), 30-minutes post (30P), and 60-minutes post (60P) during both testing exercise sessions (Pre and Post). Following the 4-week intervention, all participants’ maximal dynamic and isometric strength, mean and peak power output, muscle morphology, and hormonal responses were reassessed. Performance, ultrasound, and area under the curve data were analyzed using ANCOVA to observe between-group comparisons while controlling for baseline (PRE) values. Endocrine data were analyzed using a two-way, mixedfactorial repeated-measures ANOVA. RESULTS: Participants in the UT group experienced significant strength improvements of the trained (28 to 150%) and untrained legs (12 to 160%). Training did not elicit significant improvements in maximal isometric strength or power output of the trained or untrained leg. The trained RF experienced significant increases in CSA and MT. The trained VL experienced a significant increase in CSA. Muscle size of the untrained leg was not significantly augmented. Training did not elicit changes in the acute hormonal response to exercise. CONCLUSIONS: Four weeks of unilateral lower body resistance training using the dominant leg appears sufficient to evoke strength gains of both the ipsilateral and contralateral legs. However, meaningful morphological changes were observed in the trained leg only. Differences in acute hormonal responses to resistance exercise did not appear to explain the observed differences. In addition, unilateral lower body resistance training did not appear to augment the acute endocrine response to an acute bout of resistance exercise. Current findings suggest that the cross-educational strength transfer during the early stage of training is attributable to factors other than changes in muscle morphology and circulating hormones.

Physiological Muscle Qualitative Changes In Response To Resistance Training In Older Adults

Scanlon, Tyler 01 January 2013 (has links)
Muscle function is determined by structure and morphology at the architectural level. In response to resistance training, older adults have demonstrated that the neuromuscular system has a substantial adaptability, which may compensate for muscle size and quality and lead to improved functional capacities and higher quality of life. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of six weeks of progressive resistance exercise on muscle morphology and architecture in healthy older adults. METHODS: Twenty- five healthy men and women were randomly assigned to either six weeks of progressive resistance training (RT) (n=13; age = 71.08 ± 6.75, BMI = 28.5 ± 5.22) or to serve as a control (CON) (n = 12; age = 70.17 ± 5.58, BMI = 27.52 ± 5.6). Fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM), and lean thigh mass (LTM) were evaluated using dual x-ray absorptiometry. Lower body strength was estimated by predicting maximal knee extensor strength (1RM). Muscle quality (MQ) was evaluated as strength per unit mass (kg/kg). Cross-sectional area (CSA), muscle thickness (MT), fascicle length (Lf), pennation angle (cosΘ), and echo intensity (EI) of the rectus femoris (RF) and vastus lateralis (VL) were collected using B-mode ultrasound and extended field of view (FOV) ultrasound. EI was quantified using grayscale analysis software. Strength per unit of echo intensity (REI) was determined by dividing 1RM by EI of the thigh. Physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) was calculated as the ratio of (CSA x cosΘ) / (EI x Lf). A 2x2 (group [exercise vs. control] x time [pre vs. post]) repeated measures ANOVA was used to identify group differences and group x time interactions and stepwise regression was performed to assess variables related to strength. RESULTS: 1RM increased by 31.9% (p ≤ 0.01) in the RT group and was significantly correlated to PCSA of the thigh (r = .579; p = .003) at baseline. MQ increased 31.4% (p ≤ 0.01) in the RT group consistent iv with an REI increase of 33.3% (p ≤ 0.01). There were no significant changes in LTM in either group. VL CSA increased 7.4%, (p ≤ 0.05) and demonstrated a significant interaction (p ≤ 0.05) in the RT group. There were no significant changes in the CON group for 1RM, MQ, REI or VL CSA. PCSA demonstrated a significant (p ≤ 0.05) group x time interaction but did not significantly change in either group. EI did not significantly change in the RT or CON groups. CONCLUSION: Calculated PCSA of the thigh assessed by ultrasound was related to the force producing capacity of muscle and demonstrated a significant interaction following resistance training. Short term resistance exercise training was effective in increasing 1RM, muscle quality as relative strength, muscle quality as relative echo intensity, and muscle morphology, but not EI. In addition, ultrasonography appears to be a safe, feasible, informative and sensitive clinical technique to aid in our understanding of muscle strength, function, and quality.

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