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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Subduers of the earth? : the Bible, Christian faith and environmental ethics

Smith, Ivan Graham 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: I begin this assignment with an examination of verses such as Gen. 1:28 from the period of primeval history in the Old Testament (0. T.) of the Christian Bible which have been seen by some commentators, particularly Lynn White, as being responsible for a despotic attitude towards the natural environment and consequently for much of the damage that has been done to the environment. These texts are critically examined to determine whether one may interpret them in that manner but also taking into account the form and context of writing. The 'despotic' interpretation of these texts is contrasted with the views of others, such as Robin Attfield who see in them a call to stewardship, not a licence to ruthlessly subjugate. Attfield particularly does not believe that these ancient texts can be held responsible for the present ecological crisis. Thereafter an examination is made ofO.T. texts which refer to the concept of rest for the earth which, for our present-day context is interpreted in this assignment as a rest from the rigours of environmental degradation and from the over-exploitation of the earth's resources. New Testament (N.T.) texts are also critically examined in section 4, examining in the gospels Jesus' attitude towards the natural environment, and also other N.T. texts, particularly from the epistles ofSt Paul. The conclusion in this section is that the N.T. writers portray a benevolent attitude towards non-human nature and portray God as caring for even those inhabitants of the natural realm which humans may deem insignificant, eg, the sparrows referred to in Luke 12: 6. In section 5, there is once again an examination ofN.T. texts, but this time for the purposes of re-interpreting the concept of salvation so that it embraces the whole of creation and not only humankind. The point of departure here is that humans cannot be separated from their non-human environment on this earth. Salvation and reconciliation is for the whole of the created order, as St Paul seems to indicate. Therefore in this section of the assignment an holistic view of salvation is adopted: we are saved in our world and with our world, not apart from it and out of it. Section 6 endeavours to draw together the criteria that would inform an environmental ethic that Christians can subscribe to, given the approach that has been taken in the previous sections of the assignment; 6.2 lists the features necessary for such an ethic. An examination is also made of various ethical theories such as Natural Law (Teleology), Utilitarianism, and Deontology and what impact they would have if applied in an environmental framework. This section ends in 6.5 with an overview of the main tenets of the Deep Ecology movement, not viewing it so much as an ethical system, but more as a set of values which accord with a deep respect for all of nature and which may guide humankind to transform destructive attitudes towards the environment. Because this assignment deals with Christian morality in respect of the environment, it is necessary to critically examine the concept of stewardship which is the thrust of section 7, titled 'Stewardship Revisited'. The views of Robin Attfield, John Passmore and William Dyrness with regard to stewardship in the Bible and Christian tradition are contrasted. Thereafter Elizabeth Dodson Gray's views are referred to and supported as the way towards a much-needed transformation of humans' attitude to the natural environment. Gray rejects the notion of stewardship as an acceptable environmental ethic because it retains the overtones of domination and paternalism. It is concluded that stewardship, even if it is biblically justified and is supported by Christian tradition, has failed to arrest the degradation and destruction of the natural environment caused by human activities. This then leads on to the next section where this assignment supports Gray's 'Ethic of Attunement'. 'Becoming Attuned', the heading of the section describes in two words the basis of Elizabeth Gray's environmental ethic. It is noted here that she calls upon humankind to become attuned to our ecosystems and the life-support systems in the biosphere and to plan and structure our industries and activities to 'fit in'. Gray's ethic of attunement is also supported because it is practical, down-to-earth and takes into account the needs of human beings as part of nature. Section 9 gives a brief overview of some practical implications and applications of an ethic of attunement. The fields of education, industry, farming, energy and nature-conservation are touched on. The last subsection under 9, 9.6, gives a recent example of a clash between human and non-human nature in the Cape Peninsula, namely, the so-called invasion of residential areas by baboons. How this problem may be dealt with under an ethic of attunement is discussed. This assignment concludes in section 10 with the exhortation to move beyond an ethic of stewardship of the natural environment to one ofattunement. Moreover, the urgency of doing so is emphasised. If we do not change our ways to fit in with nature, planet Earth is doomed to eco logical destruction. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die begin van hierdie taak word verskei Bybelse verse uit die oergeskiedenis in die Ou Testament (O.T.) ondersoek om te bepaal ofhulle verantwoordelik gehou kan word vir die mens se despotiese gesindheid teenoor die natuurlike omgewing en die gevolglike skade wat so 'n gesindheid veroorsaak. Verklaarders soos veral Lynn White is van mening dat verse soos Genesis 1: 28 wel aanleiding gegee het tot so 'n despotiese gesindheid teenoor die omgewing. Hierdie mening word in teenstelling geplaas met die sienswyse van skrywers soos Robin Attfield wie meen dat die verse onder bespreking te doen het met rentmeesterskap eerder as despotisme. Bowendien glo Attfield dat hierdie oeroue tekste nie verantwoordelik gehou kan word vir ons hedendaagse ekologiese krisis nie. Daarna word ondersoek ingestel in die O.T. tekste wat te doen het met die konsep van rus vir die aarde. Die konsep word in hierdie deel van die taak vertolk in ons hedendaagse konteks as 'n_rus vir die aarde van omgewingsdegradasie en die onmatige ontginning van die aarde se hulpbronne. Tekste uit die Nuwe Testament (N.T.) word ook ondersoek. In afdeling 4 word gekyk na Jesus se woorde en gesindheid met betrekking tot die natuurlike omgewing asook ander verse uit die sendbriewe van Paulus. Hier is die gevolgtrekking dat die N.T. skrywers welwillendheid betoon teenoor die nie-menslike natuur en dat hulle vir God afbeeld as besorgd oor die geringste van wesens in die natuurlike wêreld, dit wat die mens as nietig mag beskou, soos die mossies waarna verwys word in Lukas 12: 6. In afdeling 5 word daar weereens N. T. tekste ondersoek, maar hierdie keer met die doelom die tradisionele dogma van verlossing om te skep sodat dit die hele skepping omhels en nie net die mensdom nie. Hier is die uitgangspunt dat ons nie die mens kan afsonder van die res van die skepping nie. Verlossing en versoening is vir die hele skepping, soos dit blyk in party dele van Paulus se briewe. 'n Alomvattende benadering tot verlossing word in hierdie deel van die taak bevorder: ons word verlos in en met die res van die skepping, en nie apart daarvan nie. Afdeling 6 poog om die maatstawwe te identifiseer wat behoort deel te wees van 'n omgewingsetiek vir Christene, gegewe die rigting wat ingeslaan is in die vorige afdelings van die taak. In 6.2 is daar 'n lys opgestel van die maatstawwe wat nodig geag is. Verskeie etiese teorieë soos Utilitarisme en Teleologie word nagegaan om hulle uitwerking op omgewingsetiek te bepaal. Hierdie afdeling eindig met 6.5 waar die grondbeginsels van die 'Deep Ecology' beweging voorgehou word as die soort waardes wat die mensdom kan lei om 'n_innige respek vir die hele natuur te koester. Daar word saamgestem met die mening dat 'Deep Ecology' nie 'n praktiese, stelselmatige omgewingsetiek is nie, maar, as ons die ideale en grondbeginsels daarvan aanneem, mag dit die nodige transformasie veroorsaak in mense se verkeerde gesindheid teenoor die natuur. Omdat hierdie taak met Christelike omgewingsetiek te doen het, is dit nodig om die konsep van rentmeesterskap as omgewingetiek te ondersoek, want dit is deesdae die oorheersende nadering in die Christelike kerk. Die menings van Robin Attfield, John Passmore en William Dyrness met betrekking tot rentmeesterskap word in teenstelling getrek. Daarna word gekyk na Elizabeth Dodson Gray se sienswyse aangaande die etiek van rentmeesterskap teenoor die omgewing. Haar sienswyse word ondersteun - dat rentmeesterskap hoofsaaklik 'n etiek van heerskappy of baasspeel is. Die gevolgtrekking hier is dat rentmeesterskap nie meer voorgehou kan word as 'n paslike omgewingetiek nie. Dit het nie tot dusver geslaag om die degradasie en vernietiging van die natuur deur die mens stop te sit nie. Gray sê dat die mens in ooreenstemming moet kom met die natuur ('become attuned'). Dit is die inhoud van afdeling 8 - 'n uitleg van haar 'Ethic of Attunement'. Haar uitgangspunt is dat die mens homlhaarself moet sien as deel van die natuur en nie as oorheerser nie. Al die mens se aktiwiteite, en veral die nywerheid, moet inpas by die natuur se siklusse. Gray se etiek word ondersteun omdat dit prakties is en omdat dit die belangstellings en benodighede van die mensdom in ag neem, maar as deel van die natuur. Afdeling 9 word gebruik om kortliks te skets wat sommige van die implikasies en praktiese toepassings van hierdie etiek in die samelewing mag wees. Hier word gekyk na die uitwerking op opvoeding, nywerheid, boedery, energie en natuurbewaring. In die laaste onder-afdeling in hierdie afdeling, 9.6, is daar 'n beskrywing van 'n spesifieke probleem wat te doen het met die botsing tussen die mens en nie-menslike natuur. Die onlangse botsings tussen mense en bobbejane in die Kaapse Skiereiland word gebruik om te sien hoe Gray se omgewingsetiek van 'attunement' in so 'n situasie gebruik kan word om 'n oplossing te kry. Die taak eindig met afdeling 10 waar mense aangespoor word om die omgewingsetiek van 'attunement' aan te neem en die etiek van rentmeesterskap af te skaf Bowendien word daar gepleit dat dit dringend moet gebeur want as ons nie ons algemene gesindheid van oorheersing verander nie, is die aarde verdoem tot vernietiging van die natuur.

African eco-theology : land, ecology, and indigenous wisdom in the works of Samson Gitau, Kapya Kaoma, and Jesse Mugambi

Ngwena, Patricia Dudu 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Xhosa and Afrikaans. / Using an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach, this study investigates the eco-theological contributions of three main interlocutors from East and Southern Africa, namely Samson Gitau, Kapya Kaoma and Jesse Mugambi, all of whom are African theologians. The three theologians seek to address ecological degradation from an African ecological perspective, by drawing on African Indigenous Knowledge Systems and African Christianity and Religiosity. The contributions of the three theologians in their respective chapters enable the study to identify the systems and practices that are under-researched and not utilised even though they are ecologically sensitive systems. Owing to a number of factors, African Indigenous Wisdom Knowledge Systems have not been adequately explored. African Indigenous Wisdom is a body of knowledge systems with ecological overtones. From a theological and African religiosity perspective, Gitau, Kaoma and Mugambi highlight the need for natural theology to be adopted by the Church as an institution. Gitau stresses the importance of relations based on the African concept of God, humanity and creation. The study addresses the gap in the existing knowledge by drawing on the main interlocutors to investigate the ecological crisis and by adopting an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. According to this approach, as applied by Gitau, Kaoma and Mugambi, the indigene’s systems are not adequately explored and churches in Africa are ecologically insensitive. African churches ought to embrace Indigenous Wisdom Knowledge Systems and form an African eco-theology. The study has brought to the fore the ecological overtones of African religious belief systems and African Christianity that, together, provide the basis for Christian ecological ethics inside and outside the faith community. Gitau, Kaoma and Mugambi condemn the Church as an institution and other voices for not taking a leading role in addressing contemporary ecological issues. / Olu phando lusebenzisa iindidi ngeendidi zophando, esi sifundo siphanda ngegalelo labangeneleli abathathu – uGitau, uKaoma kwakunye noMugambi – kwela candelo lengqiqo-buThixo eligqale kulwalamano oluphakathi kwenkolo nendalo. Bobathathu ke aba baziingcali zengqiqo-buThixo zase-Afrika. Ezi ngcali zontathu zijongene nokuthotywa kwesidima sendalo, kwakunye nokonakaliswa kwayo, besebenzisa ukuqonda kwase-Afrika, betsala kwizimvo zeeNkqubo Zolwazi Lwemveli Lwama-Afrika, ubuKhristu ngokwama-Afrika kwakunye nenkolo. Igalelo lengcali nganye, ngokwezahluko abathe bazibhala, libangela olu phando luzibone izithuba ezikhokhelela kwiinkqubo nezithethe ezingaphandisiswanga, nezingasetyenziswayo, nangona zona ziyihlonipha indalo. Ngenxa yeemeko ngeemeko, ulwazi lwesintu alunikwanga ngqalelo ngokwaneleyo. Xa kujongwa intlalo ngokwesintu, kuyacaca ukuba ulwazi lwesintu lulwazi olucwangcisekileyo, olukwaquke nolondolozo lwendalo. Xa sisondela kulo mba wolondolozo lwendalo ngokwengqiqo-buThixo, uGitau, uKaoma kwakunye noMugambi bagxininisa ukubaluleka kwecandelo lengqiqo-buThixo elijongene nokutyhileka kukaThixo endalweni, kwakunye nokwamkelwa kweli candelo emabandleni onke, kwiimvaba zonke, nakwinkolo yesintu. UGitau ugxininisa ukubaluleka kobudlelwane obusekwe kwindlela uThixo abonwa ngayo ngama-Afrika, kuluntu nakwindalo. Olu phando luzama ukuvala isikhewu esikulwazi olukhoyo ngokufumana ukuqonda kwaba bangeneleli bathathu, ngenjongo yokujongana nolondolozo lwendalo olusebenzisa iindidi ngendidi zokuphanda. Le nkqubo yophando phakathi kwamacandelo ngamacandelo isetyenziswa nguGitau, uKaoma kunye noMugambi ibonakalise inyani yokuba iinkqubo zesintu azihlolisiswanga ngokwaneleyo kwaye iinkonzo zaseAfrika aziyiniki ngqalelo indalo, kwaye kufuneka zamkele ulwazi lwesintu ukuze kwakheke icandelo lengqiqo-buThixo elingqale kulo mba wolondolozo lwendalo ngokwase-Afrika. Olu phando luveze into yokuba inkolo yesintu kunye neenkonzo zase-Afrika zilufanele ulondolozo lwendalo, kwaye imigaqo yokuziphatha yamaKhristu malunga nolu londolozo ezinkonzweni nasekuhlaleni, lusekwe phezu kwazo. UGitau, uKaoma kwakunye noMugambi bayalikhalimela ibandla lamaKhristu, kunye nezinye izimvo ezichazwayo kolu phando, ngokungathathi nxaxheba ikhokelayo ekulungisweni kwemiba yangoku yolondolozo lwendalo. / Volgens 'n interdissiplinêre en multidissiplinêre benadering ondersoek hierdie studie die ekoteologiese bydraes van drie Afrika-teoloë uit Oos- en Suider-Afrika, naamlik Samson Gitau, Kapya Kaoma en Jesse Mugambi. Hierdie drie teoloë beskou die kwessie van ekologiese agteruitgang uit 'n Afrika- ekologiese perspektief en put uit inheemse Afrika- kennisstelsels en die Afrika-Christendom en religiositeit. ʼn Ondersoek na die bydraes van elke teoloog, elkeen s’n in ʼn afsonderlike hoofstuk, bring stelsels en praktyke aan die lig wat nog nie genoegsaam nagevors is nie, en nie gebruik word nie, alhoewel dit ekologies sensitiewe stelsels en praktyke is. As gevolg van verskeie faktore is inheemse Afrika- wysheid-en-kennisstelsels nog nie voldoende ondersoek nie. Inheemse Afrika-wysheid-en- kennisstelsels is kennisstelsels met 'n ekologiese ondertoon. Uit 'n teologiese perspektief dring Gitau, Kaoma en Mugambi daarop aan dat die Kerk as 'n instelling die ekologiese teologie volgens Afrika-religiositeit aanvaar. Gitau beklemtoon die belangrikheid van verhoudings wat op die Afrika-konsep van God, menslikheid en skepping gebaseer is. Hierdie studie vul 'n leemte in die bestaande kennis aan deur uit die primêre gespreksgenote se kennis te put om die ekologiese krisis deur ʼn interdissiplinêre en multidissiplinêre benadering aan te pak. Volgens hierdie benadering, wat deur Gitau, Kaoma en Mugambi volg word, is inheemse kennisstelsels nog nie na behore ondersoek is nie, is kerke in Afrika ekologies onsensitief, en moet hulle inheemse wysheid-en-kennisstelsels omhels om 'n Afrika-ekoteologie te ontwikkel. In die studie tree die ekologiese toonaard van die Afrika- gelowe en die Afrika-Christendom na vore, wat saam die grondslag vir ʼn Christelike ekologiese etiek binne en buite die geloofsgemeenskap vorm. Gitau, Kaoma en Mugambi veroordeel die Kerk as 'n instelling en ander stemme omdat hulle nie 'n leidende rol in die aanpak van hedendaagse ekologiese kwessies speel nie. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th (Systematic Theology)

Die heilige gees en die ekologiese problematiek

Raath, Steven 30 November 2002 (has links)
Systematic Theology / M. Th (Systematic Theology)

Die Heilige Gees en die ekologiese problematiek

Raath, Steven 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans. / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die mensdom beleef 'n grootskaalse ekologiese krisis vanwee die mens se vermoe om die skepping totaal te vernietig. Gevolglik is die ekologiese krisis ook 'n menslike krisis. Gesien vanuit 'n holistiese oogpunt, kan die oorsaak van die krisis aan die deur gele word van die sogenaamde meganiese-wereldbeskouing. Om dit te verander vra vir 'n radikale verandering in die evaluering van die Heilige Gees se werkinge in die skepping en herskepping. Die skepping is die werk van die Drie-eenheid: God die Vader skep deur die Seun in die krag van die Heilige Gees. Die gedagte van Geesverwaarlosing het aanleiding gegee tot die WRK se tema in Canberra: "Kom Heilige Gees- Vernuwe die Ganse Skepping!" Verandering en venuwing vind alleenlik plaas deur die Heilige Gees wat as agent optree in die proses van herskepping. Deur die Heilige Gees is God immanent in die kosmos. Nie alleen die mens nie, maar ook die res van die skepping word vernuwe en herskep. Dit is God se plan om Sy koningkryk tot die hele kosmos uit te brei. Die mensdom, bekragtig deur die Heilige Gees, moet hul taak as bouers en medewerkers tot opsigte van herskepping met erns opneem. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om die allesomvattende rol en werkinge van die Heilige Gees in beide christene sowel as nie-christene, wat in die krag van die Gees van God die skepping onderhou, te bepaal en te omskryf. / Mankind experiences an ecological crisis that is unprecedented because human beings now have it in their power to destroy the creation. Therefore the ecological crisis is also an anthropological crisis. Seen from a holistic perspective, this crisis, caused by the so-called mechanical worldview, calls for a radical change in viewing the work of the Holy Spirit in creation and re-creation. Creation must be seen as a Trinitarian process: the Father creates through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was the apparent absence of the Holy Spirit in God's creation that led to the WCC theme at Canberra: "Come Holy Spirit, - Renew the Whole Creation!" This change and renewal is to be brought about by the Holy Spirit, who acts as the agent in creating a "new creation". The Holy Spirit represents the personal presence of God in the cosmos, and not only recreates God's people, but nature as well. The design of our world is to be God's kingdom. Humankind, empowered by the Holy Spirit, must be builders and co-workers in a new creation. The purpose of this dissertation is to discern the workings of the Spirit in those people, Christian and non-Christian, who empowered by the Spirit, work to help sustain the creation. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th.(Systematic Theology)

Perspective vol. 43 no. 1 (Feb 2009)

Vandenberg, Sophie, Sweetman, Robert, Keesmaat, Sylvia C., Zuidervaart, Lambert, Rudie, Carol Veldman 28 February 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Ecologia integral e sinais dos tempos / Integral ecology and signs of the times

Sleutjes, Luiz Albertus 21 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-08-13T13:06:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Albertus Sleutjes.pdf: 1364866 bytes, checksum: 2d925068a38b0bae73c681e94b144fbd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T13:06:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Albertus Sleutjes.pdf: 1364866 bytes, checksum: 2d925068a38b0bae73c681e94b144fbd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-15 / Pope Francis, in the Encyclical Laudato Si, assumes a position of those who want to promote dialogue with all those who struggle and engage in caring for Mother Earth, one of the signs of the times, in order to solve the challenges of both social order and of ecological order. Thus, to rethink the theology of creation in its entirety is intended to combat an excluding model acquired by nations over time, especially in the last three decades. This exclusion generates more and more hostility in the common house. Starting from these presuppositions, this work aims to establish a theological reflection on the christian practice and at the same time to offer a theological-ethical collaboration, starting from the dialogue with other knowledge; therefore, it is a question of presenting the coordinates of an ecology that integrates efforts in the political, philosophical and economic field, in the light of the signs of the times. The problematic of this work is based on the following question: What are the theological and pastoral ramifications of Laudato Si in relation to ecclesial conversion and its contribution in the elaboration of ethical proposals to society? To this end, the assumed hypothesis is based on the assumption that the Encyclical Laudato Si contributes both to ecclesiological conversion and to the presentation of ethical principles and attitudes that promote social justice. These proposals go beyond those put forward by the UN, at the conclusion of the Climate Conferences or also called Conferences between the Parties (COPs). Therefore, the research is in the line of theological reflection on Christian practice, moral theology, from an eco-theology. The general objective of this work is to present the limits and possibilities of the dialogue between the integral ecology of Laudato Si and the aspirations of contemporary society in COPs 20 and 21. As specific objectives are: to contemplate reality in its challenges and impulses. In a second moment, discern how society is organized: politics; how one thinks this question: philosophy and the way in which things are produced and consumed: the economy. Finally, propose some reactions that aim to promote the integrality, care and cultivation of life: a celebration to change the look, a prayer for conversion. This research assumes as methodology the bibliographic research coming from different authors, (final considerations) in order to think the reality in the light of the interdependence of the knowledge with a view to finding solutions that are collective. Sustaining the life of everything and everyone depends on reviewing the conduct of this generation to care for and guard the common home in a healthy way and deliver it to the next generations / O papa Francisco, na Encíclica Laudato Si, assume uma postura de quem quer promover o diálogo com todos aqueles que lutam e se engajam pelo cuidado com a mãe Terra, um dos sinais dos tempos, a fim de resolver os desafios tanto de ordem social quanto de ordem ecológica. Assim, repensar a teologia da criação em sua integralidade tem como intenção combater um modelo excludente adquirido pelas nações ao longo do tempo, sobretudo nas três últimas décadas. Essa exclusão gera cada vez mais hostilidade na casa comum. Partindo desses pressupostos, este trabalho visa estabelecer uma reflexão teológica a respeito da prática cristã e ao mesmo tempo oferecer uma colaboração de cunho ético-teológico, a partir do diálogo com outros saberes; logo, trata-se de apresentar as coordenadas de uma ecologia que integre esforços no campo político, filosófico e econômico, à luz dos sinais dos tempos. A problemática deste trabalho parte da seguinte questão: Quais os desdobramentos teológicos pastorais da Laudato Si com relação à conversão eclesial e sua contribuição na elaboração de propostas éticas à sociedade? Para tanto, a hipótese assumida parte do pressuposto de que a Encíclica Laudato Si contribui tanto com a conversão eclesiológica quanto a apresentação de princípios e posturas éticas que promovam a justiça social. Essas propostas vão além das apresentadas pela ONU, na celebração das Conferências sobre o Clima ou também denominadas Conferências entre as partes (COPs). Por isso, a pesquisa se dá na linha da reflexão teológica sobre a prática cristã, a teologia moral, a partir de uma eco-teologia. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é apresentar os limites e as possibilidades do diálogo entre a ecologia integral da Laudato Si e as aspirações da sociedade contemporânea nas COPs 20 e 21. Como objetivos específicos têm-se: contemplar a realidade em seus desafios e impulsos. Num segundo momento, discernir como a sociedade está organizada: a política; como se pensa essa questão: a filosofia e o modo como nela as coisas são produzidas e consumidas: a economia. Por fim, propor algumas reações que visam promover a integralidade, o cuidado e o cultivo da vida: um celebrar para mudar o olhar, um orar para converte-se. Essa pesquisa assume como metodologia a pesquisa bibliográfica oriunda de diferentes autores, (considerações finais) a fim de pensar a realidade à luz da interdependência dos saberes com vistas a encontrar soluções que sejam coletivas. A sustentação da vida de tudo e de todos depende da revisão da conduta desta geração para cuidar e guardar a casa comum de maneira saudável e entregá-la às próximas gerações

Perspective vol. 43 no. 1 (Feb 2009) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)

Vandenberg, Sophie, Sweetman, Robert, Keesmaat, Sylvia C., Zuidervaart, Lambert, Rudie, Carl Veldman 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Die heilige gees en die ekologiese problematiek

Raath, Steven 30 November 2002 (has links)
Systematic Theology / M. Th (Systematic Theology)

Die Heilige Gees en die ekologiese problematiek

Raath, Steven 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans. / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die mensdom beleef 'n grootskaalse ekologiese krisis vanwee die mens se vermoe om die skepping totaal te vernietig. Gevolglik is die ekologiese krisis ook 'n menslike krisis. Gesien vanuit 'n holistiese oogpunt, kan die oorsaak van die krisis aan die deur gele word van die sogenaamde meganiese-wereldbeskouing. Om dit te verander vra vir 'n radikale verandering in die evaluering van die Heilige Gees se werkinge in die skepping en herskepping. Die skepping is die werk van die Drie-eenheid: God die Vader skep deur die Seun in die krag van die Heilige Gees. Die gedagte van Geesverwaarlosing het aanleiding gegee tot die WRK se tema in Canberra: "Kom Heilige Gees- Vernuwe die Ganse Skepping!" Verandering en venuwing vind alleenlik plaas deur die Heilige Gees wat as agent optree in die proses van herskepping. Deur die Heilige Gees is God immanent in die kosmos. Nie alleen die mens nie, maar ook die res van die skepping word vernuwe en herskep. Dit is God se plan om Sy koningkryk tot die hele kosmos uit te brei. Die mensdom, bekragtig deur die Heilige Gees, moet hul taak as bouers en medewerkers tot opsigte van herskepping met erns opneem. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om die allesomvattende rol en werkinge van die Heilige Gees in beide christene sowel as nie-christene, wat in die krag van die Gees van God die skepping onderhou, te bepaal en te omskryf. / Mankind experiences an ecological crisis that is unprecedented because human beings now have it in their power to destroy the creation. Therefore the ecological crisis is also an anthropological crisis. Seen from a holistic perspective, this crisis, caused by the so-called mechanical worldview, calls for a radical change in viewing the work of the Holy Spirit in creation and re-creation. Creation must be seen as a Trinitarian process: the Father creates through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was the apparent absence of the Holy Spirit in God's creation that led to the WCC theme at Canberra: "Come Holy Spirit, - Renew the Whole Creation!" This change and renewal is to be brought about by the Holy Spirit, who acts as the agent in creating a "new creation". The Holy Spirit represents the personal presence of God in the cosmos, and not only recreates God's people, but nature as well. The design of our world is to be God's kingdom. Humankind, empowered by the Holy Spirit, must be builders and co-workers in a new creation. The purpose of this dissertation is to discern the workings of the Spirit in those people, Christian and non-Christian, who empowered by the Spirit, work to help sustain the creation. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th.(Systematic Theology)

Perspective vol. 24 no. 5 (Nov 1990)

Klein, Reinder J., Seerveld, Calvin, Vander Woude, Ruth, Stadt, Albert, DeJong, Deb 31 November 1990 (has links)
No description available.

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