Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conomic colicy"" "subject:"conomic bpolicy""
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Credibilidade da política monetária brasileira : uma análise econométrica e reputacionalDias, Tiago Jung January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por proposta analisar a credibilidade da política monetária brasileira. O período verificado pelo trabalho é a partir de outubro de 1997 a dezembro de 2007, marcado principalmente por políticas antiinflacionárias e por dificuldades externas. Particularmente, busca verificar se houve ou não credibilidade neste período. Para tanto, é utilizado instrumental econométrico, via modelo autorregressivo com variáveis dummies. São feitos também testes necessários à detecção de correlação serial. Considera-se que há credibilidade quando se têm resultados nos quais a variável desemprego gera impactos negativos sobre o diferencial de taxa de juros entre Brasil e EUA. Os resultados da regressão do modelo mostram uma medida válida para a questão da credibilidade da política monetária no caso brasileiro. / This research has for proposal to analyze the credibility of Brazilian monetary policy. The verified period is between October/1997 and December/2007, manly characterized by anti-inflationary policies and external difficulties. Specifically, this research proposes to verify if there was or not credibility on the period. For that, it is used an econometric instrumental, by an autoregressive model with dummie variables. The necessary tests for the detection of serial correlation were made. Credibility exists when the unemployment variable generates negative impacts on the interest rate differentials between Brazil and USA. The results of model’s regression show a valid measurement to Brazilian monetary policy credibility.
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Vplyv hospodárskej politiky štátu na rozvoj regiónu Plzensko / How does state economic polity influence the Pilsner region developmentHladký, Ľuboš January 2012 (has links)
Goal of this thesis is to describe the level of influence of the state economic policy to the Pilsner region development. Thesis contains knowledge of economic policy, economic geography and economic history. Thesis begins with the explanation of a theoretical term of economic policy. The whole work is divided according to timeline into Pilsner region development, Czech Republic development, historical and contemporary comparisons matching the level of influence of the state economic policy to the region. In conclusion, there is a summary of the state influence.
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O padrão de inserção internacional da economia brasileira entre 1945 e 1980: uma análise da interação entre política econômica e política externa / The international insertion pattern of the Brazilian economy between 1945 and 1980: An analysis of the interaction between economic policy and foreign policyMagda Holan Yu Chang 15 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho visa a avaliar o papel da ação estatal, no âmbito da política econômica e da política externa, para as mudanças no padrão de inserção internacional da economia brasileira entre 1945 e 1980, período em que o país consolidou-se como semiperiferia industrializada da \"economia-mundo capitalista.\" Para além do arcabouço teórico de \"sistemas mundo\" utilizado para abarcar os determinantes sistêmicos que influíram sobre a inserção internacional da economia brasileira e sobre ambas as políticas econômica e externa, a dissertação recorre ainda às formulações das áreas da história econômica, economia política e relações internacionais para subsidiar a análise. Por fim, o trabalho realiza uma análise comparativa entre os instrumentos da política econômica e da política externa que atuaram sobre esse padrão de inserção, avaliando as formas de interação que se estabeleceram entre esses instrumentos e as suas implicações para a alteração da inserção internacional da economia brasileira. / This study aims to analyze the governments\' role, through its economic policy and foreign relations policy, for the change in the Brazilian economy\'s international insertion pattern between 1945 and 1980, period when the country consolidated itself as part of the industrialized semi-periphery in the \"capitalist world-economy\". In addition to the theoretical framework of \"world systems\" used to explain the systemic elements that influenced the Brazilian economy\'s international insertion and the economic policy and the foreign relations policy, the dissertation also uses ideas from the areas of economic history, political economy and international relations to support the analysis. Finally, the study makes a comparative analysis between the instruments of economic policy and foreign policy that influenced on this pattern of insertion, evaluating the interaction forms established between them and their implications for the change in the Brazilian economy\'s international insertion pattern.
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Políticas macroeconômicas e seus efeitos sobre as importações de lácteos no Brasil. / Macroeconomic Policies and their effects about milk imports in Brazil.Dione Fraga dos Santos 26 January 2005 (has links)
Na década de 90 houve mudanças significativas no setor agroindustrial do leite no Brasil. Dentre elas destacam-se: i) a desregulamentação do rigoroso controle estatal após 46 anos (1945-1991); ii) o lançamento de novos produtos; iii) a entrada de multinacionais; iv) a criação do Mercado Comum do Cone Sul e v) a abertura comercial generalizada. O comércio mundial de lácteos tem a participação de poucos países, sendo os principais importadores e exportadores os países membros da Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE). Países como o Brasil e a Índia possuem parcelas pouco expressivas do volume de comércio. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar os fatores que têm influenciado as importações de lácteos pelo Brasil no período de 1991 a 2003. A metodologia empregada para medir os impactos das importações de leite nas variáveis macroeconômicas foi a de séries temporais. Incorporou-se uma análise gráfica a partir do diagrama back to back analisado por Barros (1987). E, ainda, utilizou-se a equação de excesso de demanda para definir a demanda por importação de leite. Concluiu-se que as variáveis: preço de importação de leite, taxa de câmbio real, PIB per capita e preço interno de leite são significativas e apresentam sinais coerentes com a teoria econômica. As elasticidades estimadas foram todas próximas ou superiores à unidade, revelando um mercado bastante dinâmico com ajustes rápidos a curto prazo. As elasticidades foram de magnitudes bem parecidas, sugerindo uma boa integração do segmento leiteiro ao mercado internacional. Vale salientar que as dummies incluídas para captar as variações de políticas econômicas como estabilização monetária e políticas anti-dumping não apresentaram efeitos significativos. É possível que seus efeitos tenham sido captados por outras variáveis incluídas no modelo. / During the decade of the 1990´s several significant changes took place in the milk agroindustry sector in Brazil: i) the sector was deregulated after 46 years of state control; ii) new milk products were created; iii) the market share of multinational enterprises increased; iv) the Common Market of the South (Mercosul) was created; v) the economy was opened through tariff reduction and deregulations. Only a few countries participate in the world milk trade. Major importers and exporters are members of OECD. The trade share of countries like Brazil and India in rather small. The general objective of this study is to analyze the factors that influenced the imports of milk by Brazil during the period 1991 to 2003. The milk imports market is analysed through back to back graphic system such that Brazil imports demand faces the world export supply. These two functions are then estimated. The variables dollar price of imported milk, real exchange rate, per capita GDP an domestic price of milk presented significant coefficient with sign coherent to economic theory. Estimated elasticities were all close to or higher than one, revealing a quite dynamic market with short term fast a adjustments. The magnitudes of the elasticities were very similar, suggesting a good integration of the milk sector to the international market. It should be pointed out that the dummy variables included in the model to capture the effects of the monetary stabilization and the anti-dumping measures did not present statiscally significant coefficients. It is possible that these effects have been capture by other variables in the model.
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A basic guide to the Reconstruction and Development Programme / Basic guide to the RDPAfrican National Congress January 1994 (has links)
The RDP is a plan to address the many social and economic problems facing our country — problems such as...violence, lack of housing, lack of jobs, inadequate education and health care, lack of democracy, a failing economy. The RDP recognises that all of these problems are connected. For example, we cannot successfully build the economy while millions do not have homes or jobs. And we cannot provide homes and jobs without rebuilding the economy. We need policies and strategies to address all of the problems together. The RDP aims to do this. The RDP is a programme to mobilise all our people and all our resources to finally get rid of apartheid and build a democratic, non racial and non sexist future. The RDP was drawn up by the ANC-led alliance in consultation with other key mass organisations and assisted by a wide range of nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and research organisations. This inclusive approach to developing and implementing policy — involving as many organisations as possible — is unique in South Africa’s political history. The ANC — because it is a liberation movement and based on the traditions of the Freedom Charter — is the only political organisation which can bring together such a wide range of social movements, community-based organisations and numerous other sectors and formations. This widespread and broad-based support throughout South Africa will allow the ANC within a Government of National Unity successfully to implement the RDP.
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United States fiscal policy from the end of the Second World War to 1956 with special reference to the maintenance of economic stabilityHolmans, A. E. January 1959 (has links)
No description available.
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The Rural poor, the private sector and markets: changing interactions in southern AfricaUniversity of the Western Cape, Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies 08 1900 (has links)
One of the central tenets of much current development thinking in southern Africa is that market-oriented strategies and private sector involvement must be the basis for future economic growth. This has underpinned structural adjustment and economic policy reform policies in the region over the last decade or more. It also underlies the argument for encouraging external foreign direct investment (FDI) as a motor for growth. However growing evidence suggests that such a strategy has not paid off. Economic growth rates have been disappointing, private, and particularly foreign, investment has been limited, and employment in the formal sector has fallen dramatically.1 Structural adjustment and market liberalisation have clearly not delivered the developmental benefits claimed of them, and people's livelihood opportunities have, ft seems, declined over the same period and their levels of vulnerability have increased. The increasing recognition that the standard neo-liberal prescriptions were not having the expected benefits, especially for poor people, has resulted in some rethinking about how best to redirect the benefits of globalisation and economic reform towards the poor, and how to offset some of the losses. Thus ‘pro-poor growth strategies’, ‘making markets work for the poor’ and ‘growth for redistribution' have become well-worn slogans. However, the practical and policy measures required, whereby the benefits of an engagement with a globalised economy, investment by the private sector and liberalisation privatisation measures can result in poverty reduction, remain vague.A number of issues arise. For the sceptics, questions are raised about the degree to which the turn to a 'pro-poor' markets approach is simply rhetorical gloss, added to the discredited neo-liberal paradigm, or actually a genuinely new policy perspective in its own right. It is important to differentiate between broad economic policy reform objectives (which, with some nuances, remain largely in the standard neo-liberal form) and sectoral policies which contain explicitly pro-poor elements. While retaining the argument that market liberalisation and external investment are key, such policies may include some strategic elements of state- directed intervention which boost the access of the poor to new markets and investment opportunities. It is this stance, where the state intervenes to improve access and for particular groups of people, redressing to some extent the imbalances caused by the lack of level playing fields of existing markets, which potentially sets a pro-poor perspective apart.
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Politics in command: the origin of late reform in northeast China. / 指令政治: 改革時代中國東北地區落後原因的探尋 / Zhi ling zheng zhi: Gai ge shi dai Zhongguo dong bei di qu luo hou yuan yin de tan xunJanuary 2009 (has links)
Wei, Yifan. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 165-172). / Abstract also in Chinese. / Abstract (English) --- p.2 / Abstract (Chinese) --- p.3 / Acknowledgement --- p.4 / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.7 / Research Question / Research Objective / Methodology / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Literature Review --- p.18 / The State and Economy / Debate on China´ةs Reform / Underdevelopment and Northeast China / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Military --- p.50 / Geo-political Importance / Defense Conversion / New Reform / Conclusion / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Agriculture --- p.75 / Background of Agricultural Production / Strategic Position in Food Security / The State and Agricultural Predicament / Conclusion / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Secondary Industry --- p.107 / The State's Industrial Investment / Fiscal and Material Contribution / State-owned Enterprises / Struggling in the Market / Conclusion / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Conclusion --- p.150 / Research Findings / Implications on China´ةs Reform / Appendix --- p.162 / Bibliography --- p.163
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Estimating misalignment of Chinese currency by modified Balassa-Samuelson model.January 2008 (has links)
Wu, Tujin. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [47]-49). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / 摘要 --- p.ii / Acknowledgments --- p.iii / Chapter I. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter II. --- China´ةs Economic Transition and Literature Review --- p.6 / Chapter II.1. --- Export-led Strategy and Exchange Rate Evolution --- p.6 / Chapter II.2. --- Literature review of exchange rate misalignment --- p.10 / Chapter III. --- Theories Background --- p.14 / Chapter 1. --- Purchasing Power Parity and Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis --- p.14 / Chapter 2. --- Modified Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis --- p.17 / Chapter IV. --- Empirical Estimation --- p.21 / Chapter 1. --- Cross-Section Estimate --- p.21 / Chapter 2. --- Time Series Estimation --- p.25 / Chapter 3. --- Policy proposal in the duration of price revaluation --- p.36 / Chapter V. --- Summary --- p.44
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Spatial planning and governance of Five-Year Planning in China: case studies of the Eleventh Five-Year Planning in Jiangsu Province.January 2014 (has links)
作為社會主義國家中央計劃的遺產,國民經濟和社會發展五年計劃/規劃是調節中國經濟社會與空間發展的重要工具。隨著中國政治經濟的轉型,五年計劃/規劃也經歷了多次顯著的轉變。尤其在"十一五"時期,五年規劃體系分別在三個地理尺度上加強了其中的空間規劃元素和地位。這包括在國家層面提出主體功能區劃,在區域層面加強區域空間規劃功能,在市縣層面進行規劃體制改革。 / 目前,學術界還未有對五年計劃/規劃在中國轉型中所扮演的角色展開深入研究,特別是空間規劃如何轉變和行使空間管治功能。基於此,本論文採用管治的視角,構建一個基於過程的概念分析框架,以揭示五年計劃/規劃體系中的空間規劃元素轉變的基本原理和機制,也即在於探討各利益主體、制度、規劃管理和機制如何作用於五年規劃中空間規劃的發展,以及空間規劃在地方具體管治事務上的成效。具體而言,論文試圖回答以下三個相關研究問題。第一,五年規劃為何要植入新的空間規劃方法?第二,"十一五"期間,將空間規劃植入五年規劃體系的機制是什麼?第三,植入的空間規劃是否能有效的進行空間管治?通過分析空間規劃內容在國家五年計劃/規劃體系中的演變特點,以及結合江蘇省"十一五"期間的兩個案例(區域和城市兩個尺度)的研究,論文得出以下結論: / 隨著市場化改革和經濟權力下放,中國空間發展的政治經濟環境發生了重要變化。這在客觀上需要五年計劃/規劃體系中的空間規劃內容做出相應的調整。初期,空間規劃的形式體現在以部委主導的發展項目;改革開放到"十五"計畫期間,空間規劃的形式主要體現在劃定特殊的政策區域;"十一五"規劃以來,空間規劃則以空間分類引導與約束並舉的空間發展政策框架形式出現。"十一五"以來轉變的目的是使經濟規劃與空間規劃的結合更加緊密,以克服中國當前空間管治的各種困境。但是,這種在空間規劃方法上的創新也受到了來自地方層級政府和不同規劃部門的挑戰,為其實施帶來了一些不確定因素。 / 在區域尺度上,論文選取了江蘇省五年規劃體系中的沿江規劃作為案例。研究發現,作為省政府自上而下引導區域協調發展和區域經濟整合,約束空間無序開發的手段,沿江規劃的發展高度依賴於地方的政治經濟環境,反應了省內複雜的空間管治機制。沿江規劃稍早於省"十一五"規劃出臺。隨後,省政府將沿江規劃進行調整並植入五年規劃體系。其主要目的是為了加強沿江規劃的政治地位,以克服其早期實施時出現的危機。調整後的沿江規劃進一步突出了空間管治、區域協調發展和可持續性的目標。但是,在規劃實際實施中,沿江規劃戰略成為區內城市政府為資本積累推動新的發展項目的工具,而區域協調發展和空間可持續性問題反而被一再忽略。 / 在城市尺度上,論文選取了國家發改委主導的蘇州"十一五"市縣規劃改革作為案例。其改革的目的主要是加強規劃協調和發展控制。然而,蘇州"十一五"時期的發展表明,市"十一五"規劃中所植入的空間規劃框架儘管加強了空間發展約束和引導的內容,但實際上其無力調整市域部門分割的空間管治關係。這主要是因為,地方的空間規劃受到來自中央規劃部門的條例、法規和指標控制等垂直管理體系的約束。另外,為了創造土地財政和刺激地方發展,城市政府試圖突破自上而下的規劃控制指標和操縱地方規劃的資料,尤其是土地開發。為此,蘇州"十一五"規劃中的空間規劃處於一個嵌套的規劃管理環境。空間規劃進而成為中央和地方在空間管治理念上博弈的犧牲品。這種空間規劃的創新,不但無法融合部門割裂的規劃功能,更不能觸動地方政府對土地財政依賴,因此無法建立空間管制的機制。 / 總體上,經濟增長仍然是地方最為重要的規劃管治問題,進而決定了空間規劃中政治的走向。目前的空間規劃理念還主要是緩解經濟增長的限制性因素,如土地供應緊張和環境門檻提升等,而非為了建立有效的空間管治機制。 / As a legacy of the socialist state with central planning, Five-Year Planning (FYP) is very important in regulating socio-economic and spatial development even in post-reform China. Along with the changing context of political economy, the plan has experienced remarkable transformation in the last several decades. Particularly, during the 11th FYP Period, the FYP system emphasized spatial planning at different geographic scales, such as incorporating Major Function-Oriented Zoning (MFOZ) plan, enhancing the function of regional spatial planning, and conducting demonstration reform of planning institution at the municipal or county level. / In the literature, there has been little study on the role of FYP in transitional China. Especially, there is no study on how spatial planning in the FYP mechanism has operated and transformed in spatial regulatory practices. Under this context, drawn on the governance perspective, this study attempts to uncover the rationale and mechanisms of the changing spatial planning in the Chinese FYP system by building a conceptual framework. It aims to identify various stakeholders, institutions, planning administration and mechanisms of articulating spatial planning into FYP system and the effectiveness of spatial planning in solving place-specific governance issues during the plan formulation and implementation. / Specifically, this study attempts to answer the following three related research questions. First, why did the 11th FYP mechanism need to articulate the new spatial planning approaches? Second, what was the mechanism of articulating spatial planning into the 11th FYP system? Third, was articulating spatial planning into the 11th FYP system effective to govern spatial development? By examining the changing spatial planning in national FYP system and two case studies of the 11th FYP in Jiangsu Province (at the regional and urban scale), the main findings of this study are as follows: / The thesis argues that the market-oriented reform and decentralized economic administration have changed China's political economy and necessitated the transformation of the FYP mechanism, the embedded spatial planning in particular. In the pre-reform period, spatial planning was manifested in the ministry-led project-specific approach. From the beginning of the reform and opening to the 10th FYP Period, it was primarily manifested in setting up special policy areas to stimulate economic growth but failed in development control. Recently, spatial planning was transformed to a spatial policy framework approach with development guidance and control. It has also been tried to further integrate economic planning and spatial planning through the FYP mechanism. The new spatial planning approaches were articulated into the 11th FYP system at various geographic scales, as a response to the changing context of political economy and increasing socioeconomic transformation. However, due to various constraints in the period of institutional transition, the new spatial planning encounters various uncertainties to establish sound governance mechanisms in China. / At the provincial level, Jiangsu Region along the Yangtze River (JSYR) plan in the Jiangsu provincial 11th FYP system is employed for case study. The plans development process was highly embedded in local political economy, reflecting the decentralized and complicated spatial governance mechanisms in provincial China. Before it was articulated into the provincial 11th FYP system, the plan had already been implemented for half a year. In order to enhance the political status of the plan and cope with the crisis in the early plan implementation, Jiangsu provincial government articulated the spatial plan into the provincial 11th FYP system with a restructured spatial policy framework to enhance development control. However, it is revealed that, rather than as an institutional arena for regional coordination and sustainability, the articulated spatial planning in Jiangsu 11th FYP may only function as an instrument to develop new projects for capital accumulation. The actual sustainability of spatial development was ignored by local city governments. / At the municipal level, the demonstration reform of planning institution in Suzhou is employed for case study. The purpose of this reform was to improve plan coordination and development control at urban level. The realities in Suzhou indicated that the articulated spatial planning in Suzhou 11th FYP failed to restructure municipal spatial governance relations and enhance local development control. It was no more than a cosmetic covering of the fragmented and overlapped planning functions instead of an integrated spatial governance mechanism in the city. Suzhou case shows that various local spatial plans were highly constrained by the sectoral codes, hierarchic regulations and top-down controlling quotas from relevant ministry-level departments. Under the nested planning administration shaped both by top-down regulations, and local discretion and manipulation, the plan coordination through the platform of spatial planning in Suzhou municipal 11th FYP was very difficult. Spatial planning has become a complicated arena and, the planning is mixed by central control and local initiatives with various levels of intervention. / In general, economic growth was the ultimately concerned governance issue in Chinese provinces and municipalities, which justifies local politics of spatial planning. Subsequently, the development philosophy of spatial planning at local levels was to alleviate the constraints of economic growth such as inadequate land supply and high environmental threshold rather than to establish the mechanisms of coordination and development control. This study advances the current understanding about the rationale and mechanisms about spatial planning and governance in contemporary China. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Wang, Lei. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 151-168). / Abstracts also in Chinese; appendix 3 in Chinese.
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