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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Research utilisation in policymaking : a case study of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of the Western Cape

Kulati, Tembile 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to explore the relationship between research and policymaking in South African higher education, using the Education Policy Unit at the University of the Western Cape (UWC-EPU) -recently renamed the Centre for the Study of Higher Education - as a case study. The study begins by examining the various models that explain the nature of policymaking in Western democracies, as well as the main theoretical frameworks - namely the "two communities" theory and the enlightenment model of knowledge utilisation - that explain the relationship between the production of knowledge and its utilisation in policymaking. It is argued that, although most of these models were developed to analyse the policymaking process within the context of mature democracies, they nonetheless raise important issues for developing countries like South Africa. The study proceeds to provide an overview of the process of policy development in South Africa. It is suggested that a better way of understanding the evolution of higher education policy development in South Africa is to see it as having gone through four phases, each of which marks a significant turning point within higher education itself, as well as in the broader political context. The process of the policy development, and in particular the role of (higher education) research within it, is shown as one that was largely driven by political and ideological imperatives. The study then shifts to a discussion of the CSHE, commencing with an overview of its organisational history, and highlighting the main objectives of its research programme and the changes that occurred with regard to its research orientation. These are examined in relation to external factors - for example the shift from the development of policy frameworks to the focus on implementation - and in terms of the dynamics that were internal to the University of the Western Cape. This discussion also highlights the challenges that were faced by the EPUs and other progressive academics in the early phases of the policy development process, namely that of engaging in a 'reconstructive' agenda on the one hand, while undertaking intellectual/scientific work on the other hand. In the case of the CSHE, there was also the added challenge of contributing to the development of the nascent field of higher education studies. One of the key issues that emerge in the analysis of the interviews, which form the core source of data collection for this study, is the multifarious understanding of the way in which the research undertaken by the CSHE was to be utilised. The three notions of 'use' that are highlighted - which are also embedded in the objectives of the CSHE as set out in its constitution - are the following: • Utilisation as generation of ideas, and particularly as a contribution to the debates on social reconstruction • Utilisation as input into the policymaking process • Utilisation as contribution to scholarship The study shows that there is a mixed assessment of the extent to which the CSHE was able to address these competing - and sometimes contradictory - challenges. In the main, its efforts were hamstrung by a confluence of factors, ranging from its inability to recruit or attract experienced researchers, to the orientation of its research towards critique, something which was a feature of the scholarship emanating from the progressive academic community at the time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die verhouding tussen navorsing en beleidsvorming binne die konteks van die Suid- Afrikaanse hoër onderwysomgewing te ondersoek. Met die oog hierop word die Education Policy Unit aan die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWC-EPU), onlangs herdoop tot die Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CHSE), deur middel van 'n gevallestudie beskryf. Die studie begin met 'n ondersoek na die verskillende modelle wat poog om die aard van beleidsvorming binne Westerse demokrasieë te verduidelik. Verder word die hoof teoretiese raamwerke, tewete die "two communities" teorie asook die "enlightenment model", wat die verhouding tussen die skep van kennis en die aanwending daarvan binne 'n beleidskonteks wil verduidelik, ook ondersoek. Hoewel die meeste modelle van hierdie aard ontwikkel is om die proses van beleidsvorming binne volwasse demokrasieë te analiseer, word aangevoer dat hulle desnieteenstaande belangrike kwessies na vore bring vir ontwikkelende lande soos Suid-Afrika. Die studie gaan verder deur 'n oorsig te gee oor die proses van beleidsontwikkeling in Suid- Afrika. Daar word gesuggereer dat 'n meer verantwoorde wyse om die evolusie van hoër onderwysbeleid in Suid-Afrika te verstaan, sou wees om erkenning te gee aan 'n vier-fase-benadering, waarvan elk 'n betekenisvolle rigtingverandering aangedui het, sowel as die invloed van die breër politieke konteks. Die proses van beleidsontwikkeling, en meer spesifiek die rol van (hoër onderwys) navorsing daarbinne, word aangetoon as synde hoofsaaklik gemotifeer deur politieke en ideologiese imperatiewe. Hierna verskuif die fokus van die studie na 'n bespreking van die CSHE deur te begin met 'n oorsig oor die geskiedenis van die sentrum. Die hoof doelwitte van die sentrum se navorsingsprogram asook die veranderinge wat onlangs plaasgevind ten opsigte van navorsingsoriëntasie, word bespreek. Hierdie aspekte word ondersoek aan die hand van eksterne faktore - byvoorbeeld die verskuiwing wat plaasgevind het vanaf die klem op ontwikkelingsraamwerke na 'n fokus op implimentering - en in terme van die dinamika wat eie is en was aan die Universiteit van Wes Kaapland. Die gesprek poog verder om lig te werp op die tipiese uitdagings waarmee Education Policy Units en navorsers in hierdie veld mee te doen gehad het in die beginjare van die beleidsontwikkelingsproses, naamlik om vanuit 'n rekonstruktiewe agenda te opereer en terselftertyd betrokke te wees met navorsing op 'n akademiese en wetenskaplike vlak. In die geval van die CSHE, het die verdere uitdaging om deurlopend bydraes tot die veld van hoër onderwysstudies te lewer, hoë eise aan die eenheid gestel. 'n Sleutelaspek wat na vore gekom het tydens die analise van die onderhoude (laasgenoemde vorm die sentrale bron van vir die data-versameling van die studie) is dat uiteenlopende interpretasies bestaan van hoe die navorsing soos deur die CSHE onderneem, benut behoort te word. Die drie perspektiewe op benutting ("use") wat uitgelig word, en wat In sentrale deel van die doelwitte van die CSHE uitmaak soos in die grondwet van die sentrum vervat, is die volgende: • Benutting as die skep van idees, en in die besonder as 'n bydrae tot debatte oor sosiale rekonstruksie • Benutting as inset tot die proses van beleidmaking • Benutting as bydrae tot navorsing Die studie toon aan dat die maniere waarop die CSHE in staat was om hierdie kompeterende, en soms teensprekende, uitdagings te hanteer, op uiteenlopende wyses geëvalueer was. In hoofsaak is die pogings van die sentrum aan bande gelê deur 'n sameloop van verskillende faktore wat gestrek het vanaf die probleem om ervare navorsers te lok en aan te stel tot met die probleem om sy navorsing aan te pas en te heroriënteer gegrond op kritiese stemme, dikwels die gevolg van die progressiewe akademiese gemeenskap van die tyd.

The dynamic interrelationship between productivity and remuneration practices at a tertiary institution with specific reference to the value added concept

Arangies, Gretchen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Value added links a company’s financial statements to the national income and performs a useful function in macro-economic measurement. At the national level, productivity is a major determinant of economic growth and progress and of vital importance to the survival and wellbeing of all South Africans. The presentation of information in added value terms can provide an effective communication tool that enables all personnel at all levels to understand where the business stands, what their roles in it are and what can be done to improve certain ratios. The concept of value added does not only act as a communication medium in showing how a company is performing, but also demonstrates the need for increased wealth to ensure higher distribution to all the stakeholders. This research report aims to establish, amongst other matters, the future use of value added as a proxy for productivity as a basis (a new mindset) for determining salary increases at tertiary institutions. Because this could be regarded as a leap into the unknown, this study used the results of the industrial sector for benchmarking. As tertiary institutions never previously published a value added statement it was decided to follow the practice of the Value Added Scoreboard since 2002; that is, to compile a value added statement for tertiary institutions using the audited annual reports and, specifically, the income statement. The handling of part-time, casual or seasonal employees can cause measurement problems in the value added per employee ratio. The matter is also further complicated by the fact that there is a lack of full description of employee data in the financial statements as to whether or not the published employee numbers refer to either full-time equivalent, average number of employees over the period or number of employees at year end. If one is to use employee numbers to do an analysis of certain ratios there needs to be clarity in future on how these numbers must be reported. In conclusion it was found that the low increase or decrease in salaries, together with the increase in employee numbers resulted in a negative growth rate in salaries per employee. The conclusion can thus be made that the tertiary institutions did not take productivity into account when granting salary increases. Finally, though this research report was only exploratory, the recommendation can be made that the concept of value added should be implemented at tertiary institutions, preferably by firstly taking the research staff of the entire institution and from there the distribution per department into account, and lastly to reflect the value added for the institution as a whole. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toegevoegde waarde verbind ’n maatskappy se finansiële state met die nasionale inkomste en vervul ’n nuttige rol as makro-ekonomiese maatstaf. Op nasionale vlak is produktiwiteit ’n vername bepaler van ekonomiese groei en vordering en is dit van kardinale belang tot die oorlewing en welstand van alle Suid-Afrikaners. Die aanbied van inligting in terme van toegevoegde waarde kan ’n doeltreffende kommunikasie-instrument wees wat alle personeel op alle vlakke in staat stel om te verstaan wat die stand van sake is, wat hulle rolle binne die besigheid is en wat gedoen kan word om sekere ratio’s te verbeter. Die toegevoegdewaarde-konsep dien nie slegs as kommunikasiemiddel om die maatskappy se prestasie aan te dui nie, maar toon ook aan dat daar ’n behoefte is aan groter rykdom om hoër verspreiding aan alle belanghebbendes te verseker. Hierdie navorsingsverslag het ten doel om onder meer die toekomstige gebruik van toegevoegde waarde te vestig as ’n aanduider vir produktiwiteit as ’n grondslag (’n nuwe geestesingesteldheid) vir die vasstel van salarisverhogings by tersiêre instellings. Aangesien dit beskou kan word as ’n sprong in die duister, het hierdie studie die resultate van die nywerheidsektor as normstelling gebruik. Omdat tersiêre instellings nog nooit vantevore ’n toegevoegde waarde-staat gepubliseer het nie, is daar besluit om die praktyk van die Toegevoegdewaarde-telbord sedert 2002 te volg. Dit beteken dat ’n toegevoegde waarde-staat vir tersiêre instellings saamgestel is deur die geouditeerde jaarverslae en, spesifiek, die inkomstestaat te gebruik. Die hantering van deeltydse, los of seisoenwerkers kan metingsprobleme in die toegevoegde waarde per werknemer-ratio tot gevolg hê. Die saak word ook verder bemoeilik deur die feit dat daar ’n gebrek aan volledige werknemerinligting in die finansiële state is wat betref of die gepubliseerde werknemergetalle verwys na die voltydse ekwivalent, die gemiddelde getal werknemers oor die tydperk, of die werknemers met jaareinde. Indien die werknemergetalle gebruik word om ’n ontleding van sekere ratio’s te doen, is dit duidelik dat daar in die toekoms meer klaarheid moet wees oor die wyse waarop hierdie getalle gerapporteer moet word. Daar is gevolglik bevind dat die lae styging of daling in salarisse, tesame met die styging in werknemergetalle, tot ’n negatiewe groeikoers in salarisse per werknemer lei. Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat die tersiêre instellings nie produktiwiteit in ag geneem het toe salarisverhogings toegestaan is nie. Laastens, alhoewel hierdie navorsingsverslag slegs verkennend van aard was, kan die aanbeveling gemaak word dat die konsep van toegevoegde waarde by tersiêre instellings geïmplementeer word. Verkieslik deur eerstens die navorsingspersoneel van die instelling te neem, daarna die verdeling per departement en dan laastens om toegevoegde waarde vir die instelling as geheel weer te gee.

An investigation of the impact of quality assurance on academic freedom within a South African Higher Education framework

Farmer, John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Quality assurance has become a prominent and permanent feature of Higher Education in many countries, and South Africa has been no exception in this regard. The pressing need for social and economic development and the competition for scarce resources has spearheaded the demands for accountability in Higher Education and given rise to the promulgation of a series of Acts and regulations aimed at the transformation of the sector. The most important legislation introduced was the SAQA Act No 58 of 1995. It provides the legal framework for the transformation of the entire educational system in South Africa, and in particular for the evaluation of the quality of Education and Training by establishing structures such as National Standards Bodies (NSB's), Standard Generating Bodies (SGB's) and Education and Training Quality Assurance Bodies (ETQA's). A significant development in South African Higher Education was the publishing of the Education White Paper 3 and the promulgation of the South African Higher Education Bill in 1997. One of the outstanding features of this legislation is that the evaluation of the quality of Higher Education is compulsory, and will be done by the Council on Higher Education (CHE), co-ordinated by its permanent committee, the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC). There is a concern that rigidly enforced quality assurance systems could have a negative impact on the academic freedom of institutions. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to determine the most likely impact of quality assurance on academic freedom. In order to achieve this objective, quality assurance and academic freedom frameworks were developed respectively, and the interaction of the various elements in this framework explored. In most instances it was found that quality assurance could have a negative impact on academic freedom. One particular aspect that is of serious concern at the tertiary level is the programme-based as opposed to discipline-based approach to qualifications. This poses a serious threat to academic freedom as it effectively diminishes the space within which academic freedom is practised. However, this conclusion is based on a meta-physical study, and needs to be confirmed by appropriate empirical studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kwaliteitsversekering is reeds in baie lande 'n vername en blywende kenmerk van Hoër Onderwys, en Suid-Afrika het in hierdie verband nie agtergebly nie. Die dringende behoefte aan sosiale en ekonomiese ontwikkeling en die mededinging om skaars hulpbronne was aan die spits van die eise om aanspreeklikheid in Hoër Onderwys en het aanleiding gegee tot die promulgering van 'n reeks wette en regulasies wat op die transformasie van die sektor gerig is. Die belangrikste wetgewing wat ingevoer is, is die Wet op die Suid-Afrikaanse Kwalifikasieowerheid 58 van 1995. Dit maak voorsiening vir die wetlike raamwerk vir die transformasie van die hele onderwysstelsel in Suid-Afrika, en veral vir die evaluering van die kwaliteit van Onderwys en Opleiding deur strukture soos Nasionale Standaardeliggame (NSL'e), Standaarde-ontwikkelingsliggame (SOL'e ) en Onderwys-en-Opleidingskwaliteitversekeringsliggame (OOKVL's). 'n Betekenisvolle ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys was die afkondiging van die Onderwys Witskrif 3 en die promulgering van die Wet op Hoër Onderwys in 1997. Een van die besondere kenmerke van hierdie wetgewing is dat die evaluering van die kwaliteit van Hoër Onderwys verpligtend is en deur die Raad vir Hoër Onderwys (RHO) uitgevoer en deur sy permanente komitee, die Hoër Onderwyskwaliteitskomitee (HOKK), gekoordineer word. Daar bestaan kommer dat streng toegepaste kwaliteitsversekeringstelsels 'n negatiewe uitwerking op die akademiese vryheid van instellings kan hê. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om die waarskynlikste uitwerking van kwaliteitsversekering op akademiese vryheid te bepaal. Ten einde hierdie doelwit te bereik, is kwaliteitsversekerings- en akademiesevryheidsraamwerke onderskeidelik ontwikkel en is die wisselwerking van die onderskeie elemente in hierdie raamwerk verken. Daar is in die meeste gevalle bevind dat kwaliteitsversekering 'n negatiewe uitwerking op akademiese vryheid kan hê. Een besondere aspek wat ernstige kommer op tersiêre vlak wek, is die programgegronde benadering tot kwalifikasies in teenstelling met die dissiplinegegronde benadering daartoe. Dit hou 'n ernstige bedreiging vir akademiese vryheid in aangesien dit die ruimte waarbinne akademiese vryheid beoefen word, effektief inkort. Hierdie gevolgtrekking is egter op 'n metafisiese studie gegrond en moet deur toepaslike empiriese studies bevestig word.

Coloured in - investigating the challenges of an 'othered' identity within spaces of learning

Biscombe, Monique Isabel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA(VA))--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The challenges that have occurred within the South African education context could be ascribed to the country’s political history. This is a history that includes more than three hundred and fifty years of colonialism, which has had a direct influence on the more recent Apartheid regime. Colonial and apartheid history have remained deeply ingrained in the mind-sets of South African citizens, where a sense of strict binary and hierarchal thinking is present. Feeding on the ideologies of the past, it manifests and perpetuates itself specifically within spaces of learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate how 'Othered' identity is described and experienced within spaces of learning at the Visual Arts Department at Stellenbosch University. The study is approached from a qualitative perspective, utilizing an interpretative process of collecting and analyzing data. A case study was conducted and the process involved interviews with four lecturers and eight students at the Visual Arts Department at Stellenbosch University. The investigation of ‘Othering’ within spaces of learning at the Visual Arts Department highlighted themes of ‘Othering’ and social and economic circumstances; ‘Othering’ and feelings of discomfort and pretence; ‘Othering’ and language; and ‘Othering’ and culture. Strategies regarding ‘Othering’ also emerged from the data highlighting two themes, bridging courses and diversity within spaces of learning. My findings include that ‘Othering’ is still prevalent within spaces of learning at the Visual Arts Department. Most lecturers and students seemed to be in agreement that ‘Othering’ should be addressed. It is suggested that promoting and combining processes of critical citizenship and reflective thinking within spaces of learning may encourage a necessary dialogue between lecturers and students. By improving the dialogue between lecturers and students, it may facilitate a relationship founded on mutual trust necessary for personal growth and growth within spaces of learning. It is further suggested that creating spaces of learning that are more diverse could contribute to this and provide enriching learning experiences for both lecturers and students. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uitdagings binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks kan toegeskryf word aan die land se politieke geskiedenis. Dit is ‘n geskiedenis wat bestaan uit meer as driehonderd en vyftig jaar van kolonialisme, wat ‘n direkte invloed op die meer onlangse Apartheid regering gehad het. Koloniale en apartheids geskiedenis is diep gewortel binne die denkwyses van Suid-Afrikaners, waar streng binêre denkwyses en hierargie heers. Na aanleiding van die verskeie ideologieë van die verlede, word hierdie denkwyse spesifiek manifisteer en herhaal binne leerruimtes. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te ondersoek hoe ‘Othered’ identiteit beskryf en ervaar word binne leerruimtes by die Visuele Kunste Departement van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die studie is vanaf ‘n kwalitatiewe hoek benader en maak gebruik van ‘n interpretatiewe proses deur data versameling en analise. ‘n Gevallestudie was as navorsingsmetode gebruik en die proses het bestaan uit onderhoude met vier dosente en ag studente by die Visuele Kunste Departement van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die ondersoek van ‘Othering’ binne leerruimtes by die Visuele Kunste Departement het temas van ‘Othering’ en sosiale en ekonomiese omstandighede, ‘Othering’ en gevoelens van ongemak en voorgee; ‘Othering’ en taal; en ‘Othering’ en kultuur identifiseer. Strategieë ten opsigte van ‘Othering’ is ook vanaf die data identifiseer, waarvan twee temas spruit, naamlik oorbruggings kursusse en diversiteit binne leerruimtes. My bevindings sluit in dat ‘Othering’ nogsteeds binne die leerruimtes van die Visuele Kunste Departement ondervind word. ‘n Groot aantal dosente en studente stem ooreen dat dit baie voordelig sou wees om ‘n kombinasie van kritiese en refleksiewe denk prosesse binne leerruimtes in te sluit, soos ‘n nodige dialoog tussen dosente en studente. Deur die dialoë tussen dosente en studente te verbeter, kan dit ‘n verhouding fasiliteer wat gevestig is op gemeenskaplike vertroue, nodig vir persoonlike groei en groei binne leerruimtes. Dit word verder aangeraai dat leerruimtes wat meer divers is, ‘n bydrae kan maak tot verrykende leer ervarings vir beide dosente en studente.

An analysis of university policy responses in the Western Cape to government policy on the recognition of prior learning.

Mobarak, Kaashiefa January 2005 (has links)
<p>The South African government plays a direct and active role in facilitation the development of a skilled workforce. The effective mobilisation, development and utilisation of South Africa's human resource capacity are critical for the success of the economy, institution building and the transformation process. In this context, the development of a system of Recognition of Prior Learning is one of the government's significant initiatives. This research examined whether the policy documents of the universities in the Western Cape comply with the requirements of the National Government Recognition of Prior Learning policy.</p>

The adaptation of coloured first year students at an Afrikaans university

22 October 2015 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / The successful adaptation to university by first year students is of prime importance to university authorities throughout the world. The high dropout rate of students is an indication that students do have a problem adapting to university. This has led to the introduction of orientation courses and the development of programmes to assist students in adjusting. This allows them a greater opportunity to experience success at university and to meet the main aim of university education - cognitive development (Behr, 1986:27) ...

The effects of student migration to South African universities on higher education in Zimbabwe

Gubba, Angela 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to establish the effects on the Zimbabwean higher educational system of student migration into South Africa for higher education. The study was motivated by the rising number of Zimbabwean students migrating to South Africa for that purpose, aided in doing so by their schools and other organisations. Rising migration rates are substantiated not only by the growing number of students departing the country for a foreign university, but by the parents who support their going and the administrators and lecturers in Zimbabwean universities who witness migration‟s impacts on the nation‟s higher education. A qualitative research design was employed for data collection. A review was first conducted of the empirical evidence of student migration rates. Data were collected through conversations and interviews, the interview-guide approach, and recorded cell-phone interviews. The qualitative research design was motivated by grounded theory, narrative qualitative inquiry, interim analysis and interpretive epistemology. These approaches jointly ensured that the data would be most suitable for the study‟s intensions. The study investigated the international and local factors contributing to the out-migration of Zimbabwean students in general and, in particular, into South African higher educational institutions. Interviewees reported that migration was motivated mainly by the condition of the Zimbabwean economy. Findings also clarified the effects of the migration process on the educational system in Zimbabwe. Those effects emerge as challenges that must be addressed in the Zimbabwean higher education system. Policy recommendations for addressing such challenges are provided. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

The interactive experience of disability at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Taylor, Claire Janet January 1997 (has links)
Submitted for the degree of Masters of Arts in the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. / Andrew Chakane 2019

Investigating 4th year pre-service teachers’ levels of understanding of the disciplinary nature of Life Sciences as a discipline

Xaba, Nomzamo January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science. 20 July 2017. / Disciplinary knowledge is recognised as teacher professional knowledge base that is central in promoting effective teaching and learning in science education. Although that is the case, in one of the South African University, that this study was conducted in, the 4th year Life sciences Pre-service teachers’ were not tested on their understanding of the disciplinary nature of their subject of specialisation. As a result, the type of disciplinary gaze that they acquired by the end of the teacher training remained unknown within the institution. Thus, this study then used a case study methodology to investigate the Pre-service teachers’ levels of understanding of the disciplinary nature of Life Sciences as a discipline. The participants of this study consisted of twenty nine 4th year Pre-service teachers’ who were enrolled for a Life sciences Bachelor of Education program and one Life sciences lecturer who was involved in teaching the subject. This research took on a qualitative approach, which yielding both qualitative and quantitative data, through the use of questionnaires as well as semi-focused interviews as research instruments. The outcomes of this study showed that, although the Pre-service teachers’ were not explicitly taught about the nature of the subject, but they still showed a satisfactory understanding of it. Although that was the case, the Pre-service teachers’ still demonstrated a fractured comprehension of the disciplinary knowledge aspects, such as the history, philosophy and the nature of science. On the other hand, the findings of this study also demonstrated that, the Pre-service teachers’ acquired an extensive gaze of understanding of Subject Matter Knowledge, which is another component of Disciplinary knowledge, and this was because, this knowledge base was explicitly taught and assessed with the teacher training program. / LG2018

A framework for talent management in the higher education sector : a study at a selected university of technology, Western Cape, South Africa

Musakuro, Rhodrick Nyasha January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Human Resource Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / As the worldwide demand for quality higher education seems to be increasing, growing concern for the foreseeable future over the supply and talent retention of researchers and academics has become a major discussion amongst higher education institutions in South Africa Higher Education South Africa (HESA, 2014). Today almost half of South Africa’s population is under 25 years old and 30 percent are under 15 years old (World Bank, 2015:38). While the country is experiencing this demographic window of opportunity, the majority of academics are entering the retirement phase of their careers (HESA, 2014). Under such circumstances, these academic staff will need to be replaced with talented employees thus alerting scholars to investigate the issue. To reach target levels of education and skills development which will promote growth and development of the economy, it will be essential for the country to attract talented academic staff (Zuma, 2014). It is essential for South Africa to attract academic staff in order to enable government to reach target levels of education and skills development which will promote growth and development of the economy (Zuma, 2014). Retaining academic staff will further ensure that tertiary institutions accomplish their visions and missions and thereby becoming centres of excellence (Ng’ethe, Iravo and Namusonge, 2012). In a study by Currie (2006:119) it was found that the financial costs associated in losing experienced academic staff makes it necessary to retain them. Currently, there appears to be limited research studies on talent attraction and retention factors in higher learning institutions. Previous scholars that have attempted to research into talent management components in higher education (Theron, Barkhuizen and du Plesis, 2014) only focused on factors in academic turnover and retention factors while some scholars only researched on intention to quit factors amongst Generation Y academics in higher education (Robyn and du Preez, 2013). The talent management domain is not receiving enough attention and gaps in research seem to exist in the context of talent management system in higher learning institutions. The research focused on the emerging trends relating in the discipline of talent management specifically on talent attraction and retention which have become predominant topics in the higher education. The study provides comprehensive overview of challenges and obstacles that are found in the aspect of talent management within the higher education sector. It is against this background that the primary aim of the researcher was to introduce a framework model to attract and retain talented employees as the means to harness the issue of talent management in the higher education sector.

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