Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educationization - conomic aspects"" "subject:"educationization - c:conomic aspects""
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Education and country growth modelsGustafsson, Martin Anders 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The over-arching concern of the three parts of the dissertation is how economics can
and should influence education policymaking, the emphasis on the economics side
being models of country development and the contribution made by human capital.
Part I begins with a review of economic growth theory. How educational performance
and country development have been measured is then discussed, with considerable
attention going towards conceptual and measurement complexities associated with the
latter. An approach is presented for expanding the number of countries whose
educational quality can be compared, by expanding the number of linkable testing
programmes. This approach, which above all allows for the inclusion of more African
and Latin American countries, is one of the key contributions made by the dissertation
to the existing body of knowledge. Three existing empirical growth models are
examined, including work by Hanushek and Woessman on the relationship between
educational quality and income. Part I ends with a discussion on how the economics
literature can best be packaged to influence education policymaking. A ‘growth
simulator’ tool in Excel for informing the policy discourse is presented. The
production of this tool includes establishing empirically a feasible improvement
trajectory for educational quality that policymakers can use and some analysis of how
linguistic fractionalisation in a country evolves over time. This tool can be considered
a further key output of the dissertation. A basic model for relating educational quality,
via income growth, to teacher pay, is presented.
Part II offers an analysis of UNESCO country-level data on enrolment and spending
going back to 1970, with a view to establishing historical patterns that can inform
education planners, particularly those in developing countries, on how budgets and
enrolment expansion should be distributed across the levels of the education system.
The analysis presented in Part II represents a novel way of using existing countrylevel
data and can be seen as an important step towards filling a gap experienced by
education policymakers, namely the paucity of empirical evidence that can guide
decisions around the prioritisation of education levels. Part II moreover arrives at a
few empirical findings, including the finding that enrolment and spending patterns
have been systematically different in countries with faster economic growth and the
finding that historical per student spending at the secondary level appears to play a
larger role in development than was previously thought.
Part III contrasts the available economic advice for education policymakers with what
policymakers actually appear to believe in. The focus falls, in particular, on four
developing countries: South Africa, Brazil, Chile and China. A few areas where
economists could explore the data to a greater degree or communicate available
findings differently, in the interests of better education policies, are identified. Part III
partly serves as a demonstration of how comparisons between education systems can
be better oriented towards providing advice to education policymakers on questions
relating to efficiency and equity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorkoepelende fokus van die drie gedeeltes van die verhandeling is hoe die studie
van ekonomie beleid in die onderwyssektor kan en moet beïnvloed. Veral belangrik is
modelle van die ekonomiese groei van lande en die rol van menslike kapitaal in
hierdie modelle.
Die eerste gedeelte van die verhandeling bied oorsig van die teorie rakende
ekonomiese groei. Hoe onderwysprestasie en nasionale ontwikkeling gemeet word,
word dan bespreek, met sterk fokus op die konseptuele en tegniese kompleksiteit
van laasgenoemde. Metode word aangebied waardeur meer lande se
onderwysgehalte vergelyk kan word, deur middel van die koppeling van data van
groter aantal toetsprogramme. Hierdie metode, wat veral die insluiting van meer lande
uit Afrika en Latyn-Amerika toelaat, is een van die kernbydraes van die verhandeling
tot die bestaande korpus van kennis. Drie bestaande empiriese modelle van
ekonomiese groei word geanaliseer, insluitende die werk van Hanushek en Woessman
oor die verhouding tussen onderwysgehalte en inkomste. Die eerste gedeelte sluit af
met bespreking oor hoe die ekonomiese literatuur optimaal aangebied kan word om
beleidmaking in die onderwys te beïnvloed. Groei-simulasie hulpmiddel in Excel
wat die beleidsdiskoers kan vergemaklik word aangebied en verduidelik. Die
ontwikkeling van hierdie gereedskap maak dit moontlik om op empiriese basis
moontlike trajek vir die verbetering van onderwysgehalte te bepaal, wat vir
beleidsmakers nuttig kan wees, sowel as ontleding van hoe linguïstiese
verbrokkeling in land histories kan ontwikkel. Hierdie gereedskap kan as verdere
sleutelproduk van die verhandeling beskou work. Basiese model van hoe
onderwysgehalte en die inkomste van onderwysers deur middel van ekonomiese groei
gekoppel is, word ook aangebied.
Die tweede gedeelte van die verhandeling bied ontleding van UNESCO se
nasionale statistieke van lande oor skoolinskrywings en onderwysuitgawes vanaf
1970, met die oog op die identifikasie van belangrike historiese tendense vir
onderwysbeplanners, veral in ontwikkelende lande. Die fokus hier is veral op hoe
begrotings en inskrywings ideaal oor die verskillende vlakke van die onderwysstelsel
versprei behoort te wees. Die ontleding in die tweede gedeelte verteenwoordig
innoverende manier om die bestaande nasionale statistieke te gebruik en kan beskou
word as belangrike stap om gaping te vul wat deur beleidsmakers in die onderwys
ondervind word, naamlik die gebrek aan empiriese gegewens vir besluite oor
prioritisering tussen onderwysvlakke. Die tweede gedeelte bied ook verskeie
empiriese bevindinge, soos dat die tendense rakende inskrywings en besteding per
student sistematies tussen lande met vinniger ekonomiese groei en ander lande
verskil, asook dat historiese besteding per student op die sekondêre vlak blykbaar
groter invloed op ontwikkeling het as wat vroeër gedink is.
Die derde gedeelte van die verhandeling vergelyk die advies wat die ekonomiese
literatuur aan beleidmakers in die onderwys bied met wat beleidmakers self blykbaar
glo. Die fokus val op veral vier ontwikkelende lande: Suid-Afrika, Brasilië, Chili en
China. Gebiede word bespreek waar ekonome in die belang van beter onderwysbeleid
tot groter mate data kan analiseer of bevindings op beter maniere kan kommunikeer.
Die derde gedeelte kan beskou word as demonstrasie van hoe vergelykings tussen
verskeie onderwysstelsels beter georiënteer kan word om vir die beleidmaker in die
onderwys advies te verskaf rakende kwessies van doeltreffendheid en gelykheid.
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Return to educational investment in Hong KongAu, Yea-wan, Anna., 區綺雲. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Economics and Finance / Master / Master of Economics
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Investment in secondary and tertiary education for economic growth: lessons for Rwanda from selected less developed countries.Gisanabagabo, Sebuhuzu January 2006 (has links)
<p>This research explored two interrelated issues in development economics. FIrstly, it investigated the importance of secondary and tertiary education for long-run growth of low-income economics. Secondly, it examined possible ways to invest in these higher levels of education. It draws on insights on these two issues to highlight lessons for Rwanda where policy makers have set out plans to build a knowledge economy in which science and technology would form the basis of the modern enterprise.</p>
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A comparative study of returns to education and the importance of genetic and environmental factors: evidence from different twins data. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / ProQuest dissertations and thesesJanuary 2000 (has links)
There have been numerous twin-based studies in the past that control for the unobservable variables in the analyses. However, these past studies have often yielded contradictory results with no consensus on some important issues and no definite conclusions. The objective of the present study is an attempt to explain some of the differences in the past studies, and to re-examine some issues on returns to education, the importance of genetic and environmental factors, and the significance of measurement errors. / This study applies four twin-based models to three available US twin data. The empirical results in this study show that (1) while some differences in existing studies are caused by different data used, other differences are due to different models used; (2) the "true" returns to schooling are mostly less than the "overall" returns to schooling, indicating a positive omitted variable bias; (3) the omitted variables are a significant portion, viz. approximately 40%, of the "overall" returns to schooling; (4) these omitted variables, when divided into the genetic and environmental factors, generally indicate that environmental factors have a stronger effect than genetic factors; (5) models with two schooling variables are more prone to measurement error, biasing the estimates more significantly; (6) the measurement error problem in the schooling variable biases the estimates and the magnitude of the bias depends on the data used; and (7) results for males and females are different. / Yung Chor-Wing Linda. / "May 2000." / Adviser: Junsen Zhang. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 61-08, Section: A, page: 3293. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 202-205). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest dissertations and theses, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.
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Schooling quality and economic growthNeri, Frank. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Bibliography: leaves 148-155. This thesis investigates whether cross-country variations in schooling quality (the productivity of the time spent studying) affect the empirical results in studies of economic growth based on an augmented method of Solow. It was found that schooling quality is positively and statistically significantly associated with mean economic growth rates in regressions which control for physical capital investment rates, population growth rates and secondary school enrolment rates. Education levels of parents, hours of homework and the non-teaching duties of teachers were also significant determinants.
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Financing instructional materials in Indiana public school corporationsPayne, Kenneth L. 03 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to analyze current procedures utilized for financing textbooks and related instructional materials by Indiana public school corporations and public school corporations in selected states. Respective practices were examined in order to determine feasible methods/alternatives for Indiana school corporations to use in overcoming the contemporary financial and administrative dilemma which existed in the 1985-86 school year.A descriptive questionnaire was developed from a review of literature and with the assistance of colleagues. Data obtained by the instrument were analyzed using frequency tabulations and percentages. Based on information gained from the study and data collected in superintendents in Indiana, solutions to financing instructional materials for Indiana school corporations were determined.Data collected supported the following conclusions: 1. Public school corporations in Indiana charge fees for textbooks and related instructional materials and are experiencing difficulties in collecting textbook rental and related fees from parents or guardians of school children.2. The use of small claims court for recovering fees is not an effective method for most public school corporations in Indiana.3. Township trustees and/or county councils should pay for textbooks and instructional materials of students whose parents or guardians are declared by the courts to be indigent.4. The current formula for determining textbook rental rates is satisfactory.5. Legislation should be adopted to permit public school corporations to increase revenue in order to finance textbooks and related instructional materials.6. To be in concert with other states in the United States and more specifically within the Great Lakes Region, public school students should be supplied textbooks and related instructional materials without charge.7. The location and size of school corporations have implications to problems existing in public school corporations when administering textbook rental programs.8. Lack of additional finance has restricted public school corporations in implementing new programs to be funded by the general fund budget.9. Based on the average rankings of ten regions, public school corporations in Regions I, II, and VI encountered the greatest difficulty in financing textbooks and related instructional materials. Public school corporations have the least problems in supplying textbooks to school students.10. Based on the average rankings of six enrollment groups, public school corporations in the smallest three groups had the greatest success in financing textbooks and related instructional materials for students.11. Additional costs for school corporations are incurred when interest is paid to publishers for overdue accounts or for installment payment programs.12. School corporations with deficit balances or significantly decreasing balances in textbook rental accounts are in. need of assistance in collecting outstanding fees from constituents and/or means of generating sufficient revenue to account for required textbooks and related instructional materials for students.
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Poor community struggling to give their children the gift of knowledge : policy pertaining exemption on payment of school fees at Dassenhoek schools.Bhengu, Sifiso Marcus. January 2006 (has links)
No Abstract available. / Thesis (M.Pub.Admin.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2006.
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An investigation of how selected historically disadvantaged schools in Pietermaritzburg education district manage the prevalent non-payment of school fees.Mseleku, Mbangiseni Gabriel. January 2003 (has links)
The study was set out to investigate how selected historically disadvantaged schools in the Pietermaritzburg Education District, manage the prevalent non-payment of fees. The study used the survey method. The principals of schools were targeted because they are the accounting officers for the financial matters and executive members of the School Governing Bodies. Permission for conducting this research was obtained from the District Manager for the Department of Education and the principals of the sampled schools. For the purpose of data collection, the use of questionnaire and document analysis was adopted.
Five principals, each representing their respective circuit in the District, responded to the questionnaire. The research studied financial records to obtain a general view of how principals manage school fees and to draw conclusion on the extent of non-payment of fees.
The findings revealed that there is widespread tendency of non-payment of fees in schools. Poverty was cited as the reason for non-payment. Low and middle level income parents did not prioritise school fees from the lists of their accounts. Though principals understand that the victimising of non-paying learners of any form is contradictory to the South African Schools Act No 48 of 1996, they go on to withhold learners' results.
Parents have not applied for school fee exemption and schools have not yet advised them to do so. Non-paying parents are reluctant to explain their position to the school and also unwilling to offer voluntary service to school as a form of payment.
School fundraising efforts do not help them gain any reasonable amount of cash. The parental support in this venture is lacking.
The study recommends that principals should look at other means of dealing with payment and should assist the eligible parents to apply for fee exemption. The Department of Education should consider scaling down personnel expenditure in the office based ranks to add more funds for teaching and learning in the historically disadvantaged schools. / Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of Natal, 2003.
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An investigation to determine the rates of return on an investment in a diploma, made by a teacher employed by the Department of Indian Affairs.Vasar, Thanabalan. January 1980 (has links)
The Investigation falls within the field of study known as "economics of education". According to Blaug(l) the subject of
economics of education can be divided neatly into two sections: analysis of the economic value of education and analysis of the
economic aspects of educational systems. As this Investigation is concerned with determining the productivity of a particular
course of study, it may be classified more precisely as belonging to the branch of economics of education dealing with the value
of education. Economics of education has been referred to as a new subject with an old history. Although certain aspects of
economics of education have been discussed by economists as early as the seventeenth century, it only became established as a
branch of economic studies a little more than two decades ago. Two factors are generally given as reasons for its rapid
development since the mid 1950's. (2) The first is the increasing recognition that has been given to the concept "human
capital". Economists are beginning to accept this form of capital as being as important a component of economic growth as
physical capital. The second reason for the recent rapid development of economics of education is the increasing volume of
resources that have been devoted to education. These large commitments have forced economists and educational authorities to
explore various methods of ensuring efficient utilisation of resources. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Durban-Westville, 1980.
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Investment in secondary and tertiary education for economic growth: lessons for Rwanda from selected less developed countries.Gisanabagabo, Sebuhuzu January 2006 (has links)
<p>This research explored two interrelated issues in development economics. FIrstly, it investigated the importance of secondary and tertiary education for long-run growth of low-income economics. Secondly, it examined possible ways to invest in these higher levels of education. It draws on insights on these two issues to highlight lessons for Rwanda where policy makers have set out plans to build a knowledge economy in which science and technology would form the basis of the modern enterprise.</p>
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