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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indiana "high schools that work" school improvement pilot sites : effects of programmatic change on administrative roles and responsibilities

Beerman, Susan E. January 1996 (has links)
This study was designed to determine: (a) the nature and extent of programmatic changes that occurred in the nine Indiana "High Schools That Work" pilot sites, (b) how the implementation of these changes has impacted administrative roles and responsibilities, and (c) whether the principal's role is different in program implementation when another educator is directly responsible for a specific school-improvement initiative. Questionnaires were mailed to principals and site coordinators at each pilot site, and personal interviews were subsequently conducted with each of them.Findings and conclusions were:1. All pilot sites used some form of integrated, non-linear planning. Integrated, non-linear planning helped pilot-site principals and site coordinators gain support for their programs and implement a greater number of changes than the researcher expected to find.2. Communication and finding time to plan were the two most significant planning problems. When there was a breakdown in communication among constituent groups, the level of support for various initiatives diminished. Releasing teachers from classroom activities to plan this initiative provided help in the planning process.3. Administrators at each school incorporated programmatic changes to reflect changes in philosophy, curriculum, and instruction. These changes included: (a) raising academic expectations, (b) eliminating the general track, (c) revising curriculum and instructional techniques, (d) integrating subject areas across academic disciplines and between academic and vocational subjects, (e) restructuring guidance programs, (f) collaborating with business communities, (g) modifying student assessment methods, and (h) changing the structure of the school day. Changes made through the "High Schools That Work" initiative have impacted all constituent groups affiliated with the pilot-site schools.4. Educators in dual roles of principal and site coordinator maintained direct control of their projects, and their time commitments were significantly greater than those of principals at schools with separate site coordinators. In situations where a site coordinator was present, the principal primarily assumed the role of supporter. This support role was especially critical with regard to communication and problem-solving.5. When there was no separate site coordinator, the principal assumed a broader range of responsibilities and acted as initiator, supporter, facilitator, and problem-solver for the initiative. When a site coordinator was present, the principal delegated power and leadership responsibilities to him or her. / Department of Educational Leadership

Religion in Indiana's public high schools

Jones, Thomas G. January 1998 (has links)
There is no abstract available for this dissertation. / Department of Educational Leadership

The relationship of socio-cultural contextual factors in schools with academic achievement in adolescents of high ability

Burney, Virginia H. January 2007 (has links)
This study identified school and district level variables relevant to the relationship among advanced academic achievement, as defined by a score of 3, 4, or 5 on at least one Advanced Placement exam, and high school context, opportunities for social support and advanced academics, and district support for high ability students in grades K-12. Using school and district-level data from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE), district level data on services for high ability students from the IDOE Division of Exceptional Learners, and school-level data from College Board, 49 variables are described for 339 public high schools. A hierarchical linear regression was applied to 15 independent variables thought to be most relevant to the explanation of the variance among high schools. After review, a second hierarchical regression was conducted with 9 retained independent variables explaining 80% of the variance in high performance. The retained variables included size of the graduating class, SAT average, demographic classification according to local population density, percentage of the community with less than a high school education, number of different AP exams offered by the school, ratio of the number of students scoring between 55 and 80 on the math portion of the PSAT to the number of graduates, ratio of the number of students taking SAT Subject Tests to the number of graduates, percentage of the school corporation enrollment identified as high ability, and the number of grade levels and subject areas in which advanced instruction differentiated for high ability students was offered for at least 150 minutes per week. The variables included in the first regression are delineated for the highest 34 (10%) and lowest 34 (10%) performing schools on the dependent variable to construct profiles of a high and low performing school. High performance is limited in small and rural schools. The overarching finding is that schools make a significant difference in the opportunities and development of high performance in adolescents of high ability. Future research directions are suggested and implications of the findings for policymakers are discussed. / Department of Educational Psychology

Attitude and judgement changes of Indiana public school superintendents regarding early childhood programs

Dinsmore, Denis A. January 1991 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine what changes have occurred in the attitudes and judgments of Indiana public school superintendents regarding early childhood programs and the public school system. This study replicated a 1976 study conducted by Link. The population for the study included all Indiana public school superintendents. The sample was comprised of 1990-91 superintendents who were willing to complete and return the questionnaire.Instrument Used for Collection of DataThe instrument consisted of forty-five (45) items. A Likert type scale was used to record respondents' attitudes and judgment concerning selected issues. One open-ended question allowed for generalized comments.A Chi-Square procedure was used to test the five stated hypotheses. An overall significance level of .05 was used. Individual items were tested at an appropriate level of confidence to ensure the overall .05 level was not exceeded for a decision in regard to the hypothesis. At least one item exceeded the alpha level established for each subgroup of items pertaining to the null hypotheses. All five null hypotheses were therefore rejected at the .05 level of confidence.General Findings1. Indiana public school superintendents in 1990 have altered their judgments and/or attitudes concerning early childhood programs and the public schools when their response to the issues measured by the instrument and the response provided in the Link (1976) study are compared.2. Compared to the respondents of Link (1976), a larger number of Indiana public school superintendents in 1990 are willing to state a position, either favoring agreement or favoring disagreement concerning issues pertinent to early childhood programs and the public schools.3. Compared to the respondents of Link (1976), a larger number of Indiana public school superintendents in 1990 expressed an affirmative response or an attitude favoring agreement with selected statements concerning issues pertinent to early childhood programs and the public schools. / Department of Educational Leadership

An analysis of an urban school district's general education intervention to reduce overrepresentation of minority students in special education

Dowell, Kathleen Anne Blass January 2006 (has links)
Minority students are overrepresented in special education in many urban school districts across the United States. The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of the implementation of policies and training related to the use of a problem solving general education intervention model in an urban school system. Disproportionate representation is problematic if the programming is stigmatizing or ineffective, or if the process of identification is not applied equally to different groups of students (NRC, 1982). The Metropolitan School District of Pike Township administrators elected to begin a general education intervention initiative to address overrepresentation of minority students in special education within the school district. The initiative included all nine of the elementary schools in the district. It included training teams in each school in the use of a problem solving process as a key component to the general education intervention team. The results of this study will be used to make further recommendations regarding the school district's general education intervention initiative. / Department of Special Education

The effect of web-based portfolio assessment strategies on the attitudes and self-perceived growth in music learning of non-music elementary general classroom educators in a basics of music course

Eppink, Joseph A. January 2002 (has links)
This study examined the effect of web-based portfolio assessment strategies on the attitudes and self-perceived growth in music learning of non-music elementary general classroom educators in a basics of music course. The study is based upon research and literature in regards to constructivism, alternative assessment strategies including portfolio assessment, and computer technology.The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research. The study was quasi-experimental and utilized a pretest and posttest survey and a final discussion interview between the student and the researcher. Students participating were enrolled in the Basic Music for Elementary Classroom Teachers course during the Spring 2002 academic semester. There total number of students involved in the study was 88 (n=88). Two classes served as the control group (n=41) and two classes served as the treatment groups (n=47). Students in the control group were evaluated through traditional methods including paper-pencil exams. Students in the treatment group were assessed through alternative assessment strategies including rubrics, reflective thinking, peer review, and the construction of a web-based portfolio. Students in both groups participated in the four main projects of the semester and completed the pre-post survey, Music in My Life.Quantitative data analysis was calculated using SPSS. Information obtained through the data collection from the pre-post survey was analyzed and interpreted with the ANCOVA test at an alpha level of .05. Qualitative data was collected from the individual discussion sessions. These interviews were transcribed and coded.Quantitative analysis found significant differences in two of the questions on the pre-post survey in regards to music as a subject. No significant difference was found regarding the attitudes about music growth between the groups from the pre-post survey. However, qualitative data collected illustrated that students in the treatment groups were better able to use music vocabulary, discuss connections between the projects while viewing the semester as a whole, and discussing their growth over the period of an academic semester. These students were also able to discuss the web-based portfolio in terms of the website showing their growth over the academic semester. / School of Music

Community education in Indiana from 1965-1987 : an oral history

Farley, Lisa A. January 2005 (has links)
From 1965 through the 1980's, community education was endorsed and promoted in Indiana by the C.S. Mott Foundation of Flint, Michigan. The Mott Foundation issued nearly $2 million in grant money to the Institute for Community Education Development (ICED) at Ball State University to encourage local communities in Indiana and a four-state region to develop community education programs and processes. This money was granted to Ball State University and the ICED for several purposes: 1) to promote the concept of Community Education, 2) to provide and manage seed money incentive grants made to local public school corporations who adopted the concept, 3) to provide training and academic programs to local program leaders, and 4) to support the development of Community Education in the state through consultant services and other appropriate forms of assistance. After twenty-two years of activity and investment, the Mott Foundation-focused development of community education in Indiana through the Institute for Community Education Development (ICED) was phased out.This research was conducted using an Oral History methodology in which a thorough literature review was completed, ICED yearly reports and other literature provided background and triangulation, and eight interviewees were interviewed and audio-recorded for a total of twenty-one interviews. Recordings were each transcribed and stored by the principle investigator. Participants were interviewed a total of one to three times each, dependent upon the information obtained during each interview.This study provides a written historical report of some of the developments of community education in the State of Indiana that were due, in part, to the ICED consultants. This study also describes the community education development strategies in Indiana by the ICED staff. Additionally, this study reports some of the strengths and weaknesses of the strategies utilized by ICED professionals in Indiana's development of community education as reported by the interviewees. Those interested in educational development may utilize this study to gain insights from some of the lessons found in Indiana's Community Education development experience from 1965 through 1987. / Department of Educational Studies

A study of the computer-based distance education in higher education institutions in Indiana

Nasseh, Bizhan January 1996 (has links)
Computer-based distance education, as a vehicle for overcoming barriers such as time and place, is a vital new opportunity for enhancing lifelong learning.The purpose of this study was to investigate the computer and communication skills of teachers who have taught computer-based distance education classes and of the students who registered in computer-based distance education in the Fall 1996 in any of the higher education institutions in Indiana. Teacher and student questionnaires were developed for data collection. Both questionnaires were available in printed and World Wide Web versions. Teachers and students from six higher education institutions in Indiana responded to various questions about technical skills in computer and communication tools and applications, training and support programs, motivation and objectives of participants, concerns about computer-based distance education, and advantages of this method of education.Analysis of faculty data revealed that nearly all the faculty were competent in the use of computer for communication and in access to resources. About 57% of the faculty responded that they had competence in designing computer educational applications. The majority of faculty had training in computer connections (52.9%) and the use of computer resources (76.5%), but only 11.8% had training in instructional design for computer-based distance education. The faculty had many concerns such as student/teacher communication (94.2%) and lack of personal interaction among students (94.1%) in computer-based distance education. The faculty saw many advantages such as new opportunities for adult education (100%), and the teacher's role as facilitator (64.7%) in computer-based distance education.Analysis of student data revealed that the majority of students had adequate skills in e-mail (98.2%), File Transfer Protocol (61.4%), and WWW (80%). The students had concerns for training and support programs in higher education institutions in Indiana. Over 57% of the students were married and 95% were studying toward a degree. The main motivations for participation were educational value (61%), career promotion (47.5%) and improving job performance (23.7%). The students had many concerns such as teacher/student communication (98.3%), training program by university (86%), and connection costs (91.2%). Students also saw many advantages such as flexibility of time and place (90.7%) and variety of learning resources (76.6%) in computer-based distance education.The results of this study indicate that higher education institutions should design faculty development programs beyond technical skills to include instructional design. Furthermore, a practical training program based on needs assessment and an off hours support program are essential for the success of a computer-based distance education program and for positive educational experience for teachers and students.There are tremendous needs for research in computer-based distance education in areas such as computer and communication skills of teacher and student, student objectives for participation, effectiveness of training and support programs, effectiveness of instructional design, educational experience of teachers and students, the teacher's role, and subjects and contents which are feasible online. / Department of Educational Leadership

A review and analysis of East Central Indiana School Study Council corporations' web sites

Pi, Seungho January 2003 (has links)
The Web has become an essential part in the lives of individuals on a global scale. The Web provides information, data, and unprecedented international communicative powers. Because there is so much information available and the information may appear to be fairly anonymous, it is necessary to evaluate what one finds on the Web. How can Web users believe all the information that is available on it? Is the information authoritative, reliable, and trustworthy? And, from the reverse perspective, how can Web developers or providers make Web users confident about the information on the Web?There currently is no research-based Web site evaluation instrument aimed at evaluating school district Web sites. In addition, the problem of this study is to respond to the expressed need of the East Central Indiana School Study Council (ECISSC) school corporations' superintendents for a set of guidelines for developing their Web sites and to develop an evaluation tool for assessing the Web site's effectiveness.The researcher specifically examines the degree of quality of the Web sites using the researcher-developed checklist containing 137 items divided among 10 categories: authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage and intended audience, interaction and transaction features, navigational aids, non-text features, professional development, and recruitment features. Of the 10 Web evaluation categories, navigational aids (50.42%), accuracy (42.06%), and authority (41.8%) are the highest rated components. ECISSC Web contents receiving the lowest ratings include recruitment and retention features (6.74%), interaction and transaction features (8.70%), currency (8.95%), and professional development (9.33%).The findings of this study provide specific guidance to individual school corporations to retain quality Web site components and to further the development and refinement of specific elements in each of the 10 identified Web assessment categories. Individual school corporations and ECISSC school corporations' profiles are presented to assist school officials in their efforts to improve school Web site designs and contents. The 10 Web evaluation categories and 137-checklist items can be used to assess and improve school Web site and can increase their effectiveness and efficiency to promote enhanced school-community relations and understanding among stakeholders. / Department of Educational Leadership

Leadership practices and stress of Indiana special education directors during 2005-06 / Special education leadership practices and stress

Piercy, Marcia L. January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between special education directors' self-perceived leadership practices, self-perceived stress types, and self-reported demographics. The study included three parts: a demographic profile consisting of six variables; the self-report form of the Leadership Practices Inventory; and the self-report of the Administrative Stress Index. The forms were sent to all 115 special education directors in the state of Indiana and a response rate of 60% was utilized. The first null hypothesis that mean scale scores would not differ across the five leadership practices was not supported. Enable Others to Act and Model the Way scores were significant. The second null hypothesis that participants' scores would not differ across task-oriented and relationship oriented stress types was supported. There were no statistically significant relationships reported between leadership practice and self-reported task or relationship-oriented stress to support the third null hypothesis. The fourth null hypothesis that stress types will not differ when comparing the demographic variables was not supported. Directors with 16 or more years of experience in education and employed by a single planning district indicated more task-oriented stress compared to directors from both joint services and interlocal districts and those with less than 16 years experience in education. The fifth hypothesis that leadership practices would not differ when compared to demographic variables was not supported. Years of experience in education indicated significant results in three leadership practices, Model the Way, Challenge the Process, and Enable Others to Act. This may indicate a shift in leadership practices as experience increases. / Department of Special Education

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