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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta Curricular para Educa??o infantil: (re) significando saberes docentes

Sobral, Elaine Luciana da Silva 30 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElaineLSS.pdf: 1029112 bytes, checksum: 46907dd42f8c00ad42968e48f54ebac5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-30 / The theory contemporary in the field of early children education, as well the legal discourse and official texts valid in our country point to the need for systematization of proposals pedagogic / curriculum in institutions, built and carried out by subjects that act as factor of assurance care quality. Quest us about what knowledge are required to teachers in developing a proposed curriculum for children education. Defined as an object of study, the knowledge teachers necessary for the development of a proposed curriculum for children education. As goals, assume: investigate teachers knowledge necessary for the development of a proposed curriculum in a Public Institution for children education and contribute to the (new) meaning on the part of teachers, knowledge needed to build a proposed curriculum for children education. Assuming the principles of the paradigm of qualitative research, we have developed a research institution of a children education Network Public Hall of Cear?-Mirim-RN, which serves children of four and five years old (preschool) with the participation of 17 teachers and two supervisory (teachers) that institution - subject of our research. Therefore, we have adopted the principles of action research, according to which the knowledge gained through research should build so shared / dialogue in the relationship between researcher and participants, what is the implementation of an effective action formative. As the search procedures developed observations no-teaching participants in the meetings and activities of the classroom; semi-structured interviews (individual and collective) with teachers and supervisors; analysis of school documents and participant observation in the seminars of studies reflective. The latter is implemented as key moments of speech and thought, and finally to (new) meaning of knowledge, the subject of the research-action. For these knowledge, the systematization of the register built was developed based on the principles of analysis of Content that guided us to the definition of two categories 1) knowledge teachers concerning conceptions of curriculum / proposed curriculum and 2) knowledge teachers concerning specifics of children education. From these were built subs representing thematings more specific and significant, among the many that emerged in the analysis: 1.1) Definitions of curriculum and curriculum proposal; 1.2) The subjects makers / implementing a curriculum / proposed curriculum; 1.3) elements constituting a curriculum / proposed curriculum for children education and 2.1) Functions of children education and conception of child; 2.2) The space of the play in the organization of routine. Under the intervention could significant advances with regard to (new) meaning of such knowledge from the subjects, with major disruptions to their original designs. These are presented and reflected in this work. In front of this movement, transformation, made the need for a permanent work in the context of the institution of in-service training, or mediated by pedagogical coordinator or other to assume this role with teachers, in order to provide the development and effectiveness of proposed curriculum consistent and contextualized in practice effective with the children concrete envisage the service to their specificities and a quality education / As teoriza??es contempor?neas no campo da educa??o infantil, bem como o discurso legal e os textos oficiais vigentes em nosso pa?s apontam para a necessidade de sistematiza??o de propostas pedag?gicas/curriculares nas institui??es, constru?das e efetivadas pelos sujeitos que nelas atuam, como fator de garantia de um atendimento de qualidade. Questionamo-nos sobre quais saberes s?o necess?rios aos professores no desenvolvimento de uma proposta curricular para a educa??o infantil. Definimos, como objeto de estudo, os saberes docentes necess?rios ao desenvolvimento de uma proposta curricular para educa??o infantil. Como objetivos, assumimos: investigar saberes docentes necess?rios ao desenvolvimento de uma proposta curricular numa Institui??o P?blica de Educa??o Infantil e Contribuir para a (re) significa??o, por parte de professores, de saberes necess?rios ? constru??o de uma proposta curricular para a educa??o infantil. Assumindo os princ?pios do paradigma qualitativo de pesquisa, desenvolvemos a investiga??o numa institui??o de educa??o infantil da Rede P?blica Municipal de Cear?-Mirim-RN, que atende crian?as de quatro e cinco anos (pr?-escola) contando com a participa??o de 17 professores e duas supervisoras (professoras) dessa institui??o - sujeitos de nossa pesquisa. Para tanto, adotamos os princ?pios de uma pesquisa-a??o, segundo os quais, os conhecimentos resultantes da investiga??o se constroem de modo compartilhado/dialogado na rela??o entre pesquisador e participantes, o que constitui a concretiza??o de uma efetiva a??o formativa. Como procedimentos de pesquisa desenvolvemos observa??es n?o-participantes nas reuni?es pedag?gicas e nas atividades de sala de aula; entrevistas semi-estruturadas (individuais e coletivas) com professores e supervisoras; an?lise de documentos escolares e observa??o participante nos semin?rios de estudos reflexivos. Estes ?ltimos se concretizaram como sendo momentos cruciais de interven??o e reflex?o e, por fim, de (re)significa??o dos saberes, objeto da investiga??o-a??o. Em rela??o a esses saberes, a sistematiza??o dos dados constru?dos foi desenvolvida com base nos princ?pios da An?lise de Conte?do que nos orientaram ? defini??o de duas categorias 1) Saberes docentes relativos ?s concep??es de curr?culo/proposta curricular e 2) Saberes docentes relativos ?s especificidades da educa??o infantil. A partir destes foram constru?das subcategorias que representam tematiza??es mais espec?ficas e significativas, entre as muitas que emergiram na an?lise: 1.1) Defini??es de curr?culo e proposta curricular; 1.2) Os sujeitos fazedores/executores de um curr?culo/proposta curricular; 1.3) Elementos constitutivos de um curr?culo/proposta curricular para a educa??o infantil e 2.1) Fun??es da educa??o infantil e a concep??o de crian?a; 2.2) O espa?o da brincadeira na organiza??o da rotina. No ?mbito da interven??o pudemos entrever avan?os significativos no que se refere ? (re)significa??o de tais saberes por parte dos sujeitos, configurando rupturas importantes com suas concep??es iniciais. Estas s?o apresentadas e refletidas neste trabalho. Frente a esse movimento de transforma??o, apontamos para a necessidade de um trabalho permanente, no contexto da institui??o, de forma??o em servi?o, mediado pelo coordenador pedag?gico ou outro(s) que assumam esse papel junto aos professores, de modo a propiciar a elabora??o e a efetiva??o de propostas curriculares coerentes e contextualizadas na pr?tica efetiva com as crian?as concretas perspectivando o atendimento ?s suas especificidades e uma educa??o de qualidade

Jóga jako nástroj k vědomému tělu z pohledu fenomenologického pojetí tělesnosti / Yoga as a tool for the conscious body from the point of view of the phenomenological concept of corporeality

Pulda Nagy, Sophia Jaroslava January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Yoga as a tool for the conscious body from the perspective of the phenomenological concept of corporeality" deals with corporeality, the phenomenology of the body and yoga as a tool for finding the harmony of the conscious body. The introduction of the thesis explains the importance of this topic from the perspective of the society-wide concept and also explains the motivation of the author to its processing. The historical background dealing with the Cartesian conception of the body based on Descartes' dualism was described in the theoretical part. The next chapter in the theoretical part was devoted to the comparison of concepts from Cartesian and yoga meditation, and description of the phenomenology of corporeality in Merleau-Ponty. The chapters dealing with the issue of increasing psychic tension in children and youth and the resulting need to deal with the care of the soul were emphasized. The importance of yoga as a meaning of restoring stability was explained in a separate chapter. Individual types of asanas and their effect on the human body were described there as well. The effects of yoga on health in selected research publications were discussed in the practical part along with foreign researches by contemporary scientists and researchers from the ranks of psychologists,...

Hodnoty jako pedagogický problém / Values as a pedagogical problem

Kubcová, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE Pedagogická fakulta Katedra školní a sociální pedagogiky ABSTRAKT DISERTAČNÍ PRÁCE 2011 Mgr. et Mgr. Šárka Kubcová Název disertační práce: Hodnoty jako pedagogický problém Autor: Mgr. et Mgr. Šárka Kubcová Škola: Univerzita Karlova v Praze Fakulta: Pedagogická fakulta Školící pracoviště: Katedra školní a sociální pedagogiky Školitel: doc. PaedDr. Stanislav Bendl, Ph.D. Rok odevzdání práce: 2011 Klíčová slova: hodnoty, kvalita, důležitost, výchova, vzdělávání, vyučovací předmět, škola, vzdělávací systém, rodina, pedagogové, učitel, žáci, děti Abstrakt Disertační práce je zaměřena na hodnoty z pohledu pedagogiky. Je zaměřena na zjištění toho, zda mají hodnoty v dnešních školách své místo, zda jim je věnována ze strany učitelů pozornost, zda se učitelé snaží ovlivňovat své žáky ve smýšlení a vést je k poznání životních priorit. V práci se zamýšlíme nad otázkami síly vlivu rodiny na hodnotové smýšlení dětí a možnosti pedagogů ovlivnit své žáky. Ptáme se, zda si pedagogové myslí, že téma hodnot patří do pedagogiky a je-li vůbec v kompetenci školy a pedagogických pracovníků do takto soukromé oblasti zasahovat, a pokud ano, do jaké míry? Disertační práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a empirickou část. V empirické části se seznámíme s výsledky našeho výzkumu, ke kterému byla použita metoda...

Могућности и ограничења инклузије деце са тешкоћама у развоју у редовне основне школе / Mogućnosti i ograničenja inkluzije dece sa teškoćama u razvoju u redovne osnovne škole / The possibilities and limitations of the inclusion of children with developmental difficulties in regular primary schools

Vujačić Milja 01 February 2010 (has links)
<p>У раду се разматра проблем инклузије деце са тешкоћама у развоју у<br />редовне основне школе, кроз сагледавање основних могућности и ограничења за<br />овај процес у нашим основним школама. У теоријском делу рада бавили смо се<br />теоријским полазиштима истраживања, појмовним одређењима, терминологијом и<br />класификацијом деце са тешкоћама у развоју и њиховим положајем у друштву. Дат<br />је приказ различитих модела образовања ове деце и правних докумената који<br />подржавају инклузију. Посебно је размотрен проблем инклузивног образовања и<br />приказано је стање у нашој земљи у погледу образовања ове деце. Анализирани су<br />основни аспекти инклузивног образовања: ставовско-вредносне орјентације према<br />овој деци, улоге наставника и специфичности наставе, интеракције деце са<br />тешкоћама у развоју и вршњака и партнерство школе и родитеља деце са<br />тешкоћама у развоју. Дат је приказ сродних истраживања обављених у нашој<br />земљи и окружењу. У другом делу рада приказано је истраживања које је за циљ<br />имало утвђивање могућности и ограничења укључивања деце са тешкоћама у<br />развоју у редовне основне школе на основу испитивања ставова, искустава и<br />мишљења учитеља, наставника, директора, стручних сарадника и родитеља остале<br />деце о овом процесу, имплицитних педагогија наставника и процена фактора који<br />могу да олакшају или отежају овај процес. Зависне варијабле истраживања су<br />доведене у везу са реализацијом пилот-пројекта инклузивног образовања,<br />образовним профилом, дужином радног стажа и образовним нивоом родитеља.<br />Указано је на кључне могућности и ограничења за укључивање деце са тешкоћама<br />у развоју у нашим школама. Резултати указују на то да је пилот-пројекат<br />инклузивног образовања имао позитиван утицај на ставове наставника и родитеља<br />према овом процесу. Дате су препоруке за припрему школа и наставника као и<br />смернице за даља истраживања у овој области. Главне практичне импликације<br />истраживања односе се на иницијално образовање наставника и њихово даље<br />стручно усавршавање у овој области.</p> / <p>U radu se razmatra problem inkluzije dece sa teškoćama u razvoju u<br />redovne osnovne škole, kroz sagledavanje osnovnih mogućnosti i ograničenja za<br />ovaj proces u našim osnovnim školama. U teorijskom delu rada bavili smo se<br />teorijskim polazištima istraživanja, pojmovnim određenjima, terminologijom i<br />klasifikacijom dece sa teškoćama u razvoju i njihovim položajem u društvu. Dat<br />je prikaz različitih modela obrazovanja ove dece i pravnih dokumenata koji<br />podržavaju inkluziju. Posebno je razmotren problem inkluzivnog obrazovanja i<br />prikazano je stanje u našoj zemlji u pogledu obrazovanja ove dece. Analizirani su<br />osnovni aspekti inkluzivnog obrazovanja: stavovsko-vrednosne orjentacije prema<br />ovoj deci, uloge nastavnika i specifičnosti nastave, interakcije dece sa<br />teškoćama u razvoju i vršnjaka i partnerstvo škole i roditelja dece sa<br />teškoćama u razvoju. Dat je prikaz srodnih istraživanja obavljenih u našoj<br />zemlji i okruženju. U drugom delu rada prikazano je istraživanja koje je za cilj<br />imalo utvđivanje mogućnosti i ograničenja uključivanja dece sa teškoćama u<br />razvoju u redovne osnovne škole na osnovu ispitivanja stavova, iskustava i<br />mišljenja učitelja, nastavnika, direktora, stručnih saradnika i roditelja ostale<br />dece o ovom procesu, implicitnih pedagogija nastavnika i procena faktora koji<br />mogu da olakšaju ili otežaju ovaj proces. Zavisne varijable istraživanja su<br />dovedene u vezu sa realizacijom pilot-projekta inkluzivnog obrazovanja,<br />obrazovnim profilom, dužinom radnog staža i obrazovnim nivoom roditelja.<br />Ukazano je na ključne mogućnosti i ograničenja za uključivanje dece sa teškoćama<br />u razvoju u našim školama. Rezultati ukazuju na to da je pilot-projekat<br />inkluzivnog obrazovanja imao pozitivan uticaj na stavove nastavnika i roditelja<br />prema ovom procesu. Date su preporuke za pripremu škola i nastavnika kao i<br />smernice za dalja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti. Glavne praktične implikacije<br />istraživanja odnose se na inicijalno obrazovanje nastavnika i njihovo dalje<br />stručno usavršavanje u ovoj oblasti.</p> / <p>This paper discusses the problem of inclusion of children with developmental<br />difficulties in regular primary schools through obtaining an insight into basic possibilities<br />and limitations of this process in our primary schools. In theoretical part of the paper, we<br />dealt with theoretical starting points for the research, definition of concepts, terminology<br />and classification of children with developmental difficulties and their position in the<br />society. We provided an overview of different models of education for these children and<br />legal documents supporting the inclusion. The problem of inclusive education was given<br />special consideration and the situation in our country regarding the education of these<br />children was presented. The basic aspects of inclusive education were analysed:<br />attitudinal-value orientations towards these children, roles of teachers and peculiarities of<br />instruction, interactions of children with developmental difficulties with their peers, and<br />partnership between school and parents of these children. We provided an overview of<br />similar research studies published in our country and the surroundings. In the second part<br />of the paper, we presented the research whose goal was to establish the possibilities and<br />limitations of the inclusion of children with developmental difficulties in regular primary<br />schools based on studying the attitudes, experiences and opinions of teachers, principals,<br />expert associates and parents of other children about this process, the implicit pedagogies<br />of teachers and assessment of factors that can facilitate or aggravate this process.<br />Dependent variables in the research are linked with the implementation of the pilotproject<br />of inclusive education, educational profile, years of service, and educational level<br />of parents. It is pointed out to the key possibilities and limitations of the inclusion of<br />children with developmental difficulties in our schools. The results indicate that the pilotproject<br />of inclusive education had a positive influence on attitudes of teachers and parents<br />towards this process. Recommendations for preparation of schools and teachers are<br />provided, as well as the guidelines for further research in this area. The main practical<br />implications of the research refer to the initial education of teachers and their further<br />professional improvement in this field.</p>

The impact of HIV/AIDS on infected and affected rural primary school children in Zimbabwe : children's perspectives : a case study

Mtimbiri, Siza January 2019 (has links)
Although there has been increasing research on HIV/AIDS and children, albeit mostly outside the school environment, most research in the area tends to view 'children as objects' (Christensen and James, 1999) in the research process whereby the change in the child is what is being observed. This view lessens the role of the child and as such means that the results are inadequate - mostly the researcher's perspective is represented. In Zimbabwe, with an estimated 1.1 million AIDS orphans and 115,000 children under 14 living with HIV/AIDS, not much empirical research has been conducted in school settings where they spend most of their time; the complexities of infected and affected students' experiences within the school-home-community spheres are mostly inferred due to lack of empirical research. Using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological System's Theory and the Capability Approach to adopt a holistic psychosocio-cultural lens, the research aims to understand the experiences of infected and affected students from their perspectives within their school, home and community environments. Added to observations, in-depth interviews based on data collected using photography, drawings, timelines, sociograms and student diaries were conducted with 65 boys and 27 girls aged 10 -13 years from a rural primary school during the months of August to December 2011. In-depth interviews were also conducted with 161 parents and caregivers. Also interviewed were 13 stakeholders comprising of a Senior Research Officer within the Ministry of Education, District Education Officer, 5 Teachers and their Principal, a District Councilor, the Chief, a village head, a local Baptist Minister and a research staff person from, FACT, a local NGO that works with AIDS orphans. Among children, findings point to dilapidating issues of stigma, abandonment, unaddressed emotional and physical needs; children relied on each other's advice more than that of teachers and caregivers. Among the adult community, the education authorities and community leaders who are custodians of their education, ignorance about infected and affected children is astounding. An ageing population of caregivers is barely able to deal with the complexities of infected children. Religion has a powerful negative influence on addressing HIV/AIDS issues. Teachers, citing taboo issues about sex and the fact that HIV/AIDS is not an exam at the school, refused to broach the subject. Education Officials at the time clearly pointed out that there has been no research nor any plans yet to address this population and their needs. Further research will need to be conducted for educational planning that will be most effective in implementing meaningful changes for this group and other rural primary school children.

Could do better! : how key care factors influence the educational achievement of children looked after at home and away from home in two local authorities in Scotland

McClung, Michele January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to explore the key care factors that influence the educational achievement of children looked after at home and away from home in Scotland. Traditionally there has been less research conducted in Scotland than in the rest of the United Kingdom. The research analysed a large new sample - one fifth of the care leaving population in Scotland - and spans a five year period. The thesis makes an original research contribution. A unique features of the research is that it investigates the experiences of children looked after at home, alongside those looked after away from home. In addition, the research involved two large local authority areas in Scotland that had not previously participated in such research on looked after children. What emerged from the research was that the Corporate Parent (local authorities and partner agencies) had not yet successfully prioritised the educational achievement of looked after children in policy and practice, despite education being identified by the government as a mechanism for combating social exclusion. The key findings of the research demonstrated that looked after children perform less well academically than the general school population. In particular, placement type, the reason for becoming looked after and the age on becoming looked after were significant factors in determining educational achievement. Other factors such as gender and number of placements were also found to be associated with educational achievement. Empirical results further indicated that looked after children suffered from discrimination and social exclusion in all aspects of their lives, including school and where they lived. This was a significant finding as the disadvantage experienced by many looked after children continues to impact on their lives into adulthood, making them some of the most socially excluded adults in Scotland and the United Kingdom today.

Participace v nestátních neziskových organizacích dětí a mládeže / Participation in non-state non-profit organizations for children and youngsters

VELÍKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with participation within non-state non-profit organizations for children and youngsters. It is focused on possibilities and usage of participation in two biggest civic associations in the Czech Republic ? Junák and Pionýr. In the first part of the thesis, the term participation is defined and the resources which it is based on and which it uses are explained. The basic division of participation is mentioned as well as the necessity of education of individuals towards everyday participation. Another part of the researched issues is non-profit sector and that is why the second part of the paper concerns the characteristic of non-state non-profit organizations and it outlines possible employment of participation in this area. The third part deals with possibilities and realization of participation in Junák and Pionýr. Based on the analysis of selected documents of both the organizations, the research itself concentrates on the phenomenon of participation in basic units of these organizations and their participation in the life of society. The findings are evaluated and mutually compared.

Hodnocení úrovně motorických dovedností dětí I. stupně vybraných pražských základních škol / Evaluation of motor skills level in children of the primary education of selected Prague elementary schools

Šollová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of motor skills level in children of the primary education of selected Prague elementary schools Objectives: The main aim of the study was to evaluate current level of motor skills of primary education children of selected Prague elementary schools using standardized assessment battery MABC-2. A partial goal of the study was to compare the level achieved in the MABC-2 test with the data acquired through the questionnaire survey regarding physical activities of participating responders. (n = 134). Methods: A total number of 134 responders (60 girls and 74 boys) aged from 7 to 12 years from two selected Prague elementary schools participated in the research. The level of motor skills of all participants was examined using a standardized assessment battery MABC- 2. The testing was carried out in the form of field research during physical education lessons at selected schools. A questionnaire designed specifically for the purpose of this study, subsequently completed by legal representatives of the responders, was used for the orientation examination of the physical behaviour of the participants. The data from the questionnaire survey was subsequently compared with the level achieved in the MABC-2 test. MS Excel 2010 was used to interpret the results and to process the data...

Katechetická práce s dětmi v Královehradecké diecézi CČSH / Katechetical Work with Children in the Hradec Králové Diocese of The Czechoslovak Hussite Church

Klásková, Františka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the topic catechetical work with children in the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. After presenting into context depicts the subject from two point sof wiew. The first part is devoted to theoretical catechetics, which describes how the catechesis of children theoretically takes place. The sekond part shows you how it really takes place in Hradec Kralove diocese of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. These two parts are equally divided into three sections. By comparing these sections it is concluded that in practice the fundamental katechetice coincides with the theory. In a formal katechetics, basic points also coincide, but practice may inspire theory rather than vice verse. The material part is of the biggest contradictions, especially in materials that Czechoslovak Hussite Church does (not) offer. Mismatch in this material part of catechetics is essential, and unless a consensus is reached again, the problems that the practice faces, cannot be solved.

Vnímání výtvarného umění ve volném čase dětí a mládeže / Perception of Art and its Practise in the Free Time Activities with Children and Young People

MLS, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The subject of diploma paper was anallysis of perception children and youth related to visual art. In the first chapter of theoretic part diploma paper I explain definitions related to the subject, i.e. that is fine art, aesthetics, culture, kitsch and relation of this species to the human being. In next chapters I acte problems, definition, delimitation of the odd time and I explain possibilities of transmission visual art to children and young people. The theoretic part of diploma paper is dedicated to possibilities of confrontation children and youth people with the visual art through various cultural institutions. This part of diploma paper is ended with basic dividing of spare-time activitity organizations. The practical part of diploma paper is dedicated to visual art project {\clq}qWho knows Piaristic square``, {\clq}qConversation`` and {\clq}qEntities in the nature``. Visual art expression of subjective experience evoked by visual perception of concrete image is the aim of this project. The project is intended for the children and youth in age between 8 and 24 years. I confront by means of projects both various components of visual art (painting, sculpture and architecture) and various movement epoch (gothic style, baroque and modern style). I wanted find the way how to transmit visual art to children and youth enjoyable, educational with aesthetic value. The end of the diploma paper summaries pieces of knowledge and perceptions from the visual art courses and projects.

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