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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of the learning processes that take place during practical work activities when using electrical circuit boards in grade: a case study

Accom, Gerald Charles January 2012 (has links)
Since the introduction of Outcomes Based Education (OBE) as a preferred method of teaching and learning with Curriculum 2005 in 1997, its existence has come under continuous threat for the past thirteen years. Its teething experiences included a revision in 2004 which saw the introduction of the Revised National Curriculum Statements (RNCS) and most recently, we are now standing on the threshold of the implementation of the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) in 2012. Throughout the turbulent educational milieu, social constructivism has always been upheld as the preferred teaching and learning methodology and millions of rands have been invested in this regard. This study is thus premised on the concern that now after all the years of actively promoting social constructivist methodologies, the implementation of the CAPS could seriously negate reasonable strides made in this regard. Triggered by these curricular issues, a qualitative case study was conducted at a school in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, investigating the learning processes occurring in group work sessions during lessons involving practical work in electricity using circuit boards in grade 8. Underpinned by an interpretivist paradigm, the study took place in two phases. The data was mainly generated through audio and video recording of two focus groups. An open coding system was employed to derive analytical categories and frequency tables were used to establish trends. In order to validate the data, two observer teachers were involved throughout the research process and this was followed up with semistructured interviews after the second phase. The two case studies, involving learners fitting a similar profile in respect of mother-tongue and age group, were engaged in a similar activity for almost a year apart. This study anticipated the revelation of the extent to which group practical activities in electricity promoted learning, how knowledge is constructed in group-settings and whether practical activities involving electrical circuit boards in grade 8 enhance learning? The main findings of my study revealed that these practical activities can promote learning and therefore should remain a preferred method of teaching.

Development of a language policy in a rural school

Fumba, Zamumzi Norman January 2003 (has links)
The study was undertaken to observe and participate in the process and development of a language policy for a rural secondary school in Peddie in the Eastern Cape. This was done in collaboration with parents, learners, and teachers. The researcher acted as a researcher, facilitator and learner in the process that Iead to the final product. Twenty four learners were selected from Grade 8 to Grade 10. These learners formed three focus groups. A questionnaire and lesson observation were used to establish what was taking place in the school with regard to language practices and preferences by learners, teachers and parents. Lesson observations were recorded by a tape recorder. Outcomes are that Xhosa is the dominant language to which the learners are exposed. They only have the exposure to 'chunks' of English in class and when they read magazines, newspapers and listening to radio and TV. Teachers code switch. This is supported by both learners and their parents. Parents want their children to improve performance by being taught in the medium of a language they understand well enough. The study shows different perceptions about the language that should be used as LOLT. Parents in the study favour English as LOLT, while parents in general favour Xhosa. This view is also held by both teachers and learners. At a conscious level when teachers and learners talk about the language to be used as LOLT, they favour English, but when they are faced with the reality of the class they are ambivalent, hence they code switch. The study finally reports on the divergent views of the parents, on one hand, and those of the teachers and the learners on the other hand. The divergence will be resolved in a workshop, part of the broader process of school language policy research, which is beyond the scope of the research reported in the thesis. The final product, in the form of the school language policy, will then be drafted for presentation to the School Governing Body (SGB) for ratification and writing up process.

School management team members' perceptions of their roles in managing Grahamstown secondary schools

Tyala, Zakunzima January 2005 (has links)
During the apartheid era, that is, before 1994, the education management system in South Africa was fragmented, authoritarian and top-down. Principals were expected to manage schools on their own without consulting the rest of the staff. The birth of political democracy in 1994 resulted in many changes in the education system. These changes include the creation of one national department. In line with this democratisation came the concept of school management teams (SMTs). Because of the democratic nature of this kind of a structure (SMT), it is required that educators work co-operatively and as a team. This has been problematic in some schools where the principal has traditionally felt comfortable taking decisions on his or her own without any input from relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, through the legacy of apartheid, teachers themselves have dogmatically been oriented to being the recipients of instructions and to view management as the prerogative of the principals only. The formalisation of SMTs thus brings new challenges to both principals and staff members, essentially the notion of democratic or team-management. The object of this study is to find out how the concept of democratic management is being received. This study includes all the government-aided high schools in Grahamstown (ten of them). Studying all 10 high schools - 6 from the local township, 3 ex-model C schools, and 1 from the coloured township – has produced a broad and varied picture of how SMTs are being received in Grahamstown secondary schools. The study was framed within the interpretive approach, and sought to unpack the perceptions of SMT members with regard to SMTs. An interpretive paradigm made it possible for me to gain an in-depth understanding of SMT members’ perceptions of team-management within their contexts. I used questionnaires, interviews and observation as research tools to gather data. This study has found that, although the concept of team management is well-received, there are significant obstacles to the acceptance of teamwork as an alternative form of management. Many of these may be the result of decades of disempowering governance strategies, resulting in impoverished notions of school ownership and joint responsibility. Some relate to the political nature of schools as organisations. Despite these problems, the study has confirmed that team-management is the preferred approach for a variety of reasons. Team-management usually results in enriched decision-making, the sharing of responsibilities and higher levels of support. A major systemic shortcoming highlighted by the study is the absence of meaningful training in democratic educational management.

An analysis of how the Senior Certificate examination constructs the language needs of English second language learners

Blunt, Sandra Viki 11 June 2013 (has links)
The Senior Certificate (SC) examination, a focus of the research described in this thesis, has an important function in terms of the quality of the education system overall and also in terms of the contribution of education to the achievement of national goals. The SC examination functions i) as a measure of achievement at school ii) as an indicator of work readiness and iii) as an indicator of the potential to succeed in higher education. This thesis offers a critique of the SC examination in respect of its functions. The way in which learners' language related needs are constructed is crucial in discussing the SC examination's legitimacy since perceptions about the needs of learners are reflected in what is taught and assessed. Since the majority of candidates writing the SC exarnination do so using a language which is not their mother tongue, the research described in the thesis attempted to identify the way in which the English second language (ESL) SC examination papers construct learners' needs. Examination papers represent a particular domain of social practice and are constructed through discourse. In the context of the research described in this thesis, discourses are understood as sets of ideas which are shared by communities of people and which give rise to practices which then define and sustain those communities and, thus, the discourses themselves. Discourse is language insofar as it converges with power and positions people in the interests of power. The ideological nature of discourse necessitates a critical orientation to research which interrogates, challenges and critiques the status quo. To identify the discourses constructing ESL learners' needs I conducted a critical discourse analysis on a representative sarnple of ESL SC exarnination papers and also interviewed six ESL examiners to corroborate the findings of the analysis. This then allowed me to identify several dominant discourses constructing ESL learners' needs: meaning-related, literature-related and process-related. The first meaning-related discourse, 'Received Tradition' discourse, focuses on the rules of grammar and spelling. Rather than approaching language as a resource to enable learners to understand the ideas to which they are exposed, learners are being taught discrete 'skills' to equip them for higher education study and the workplace. It is argued that school-based language literacy practices are not generalizable to the workplace and to higher education. Another aspect of 'Received Tradition' discourse holds that the study of English literature is a medium for understanding life and that there is moral value in teaching English literature. Learners are therefore constructed as lacking these values and their needs as having to acquire them. 'Received Tradition' discourse also overlaps with a second meaning-related discourse, 'Autonomous Text' discourse, which holds that the text's meaning is explicit and that if the learners can manipulate the rules of English grammar, 'have' vocabulary and can spell, they can retrieve meanings from texts they encounter in a wide range of contexts and construct texts for themselves. It is argued that a lack of awareness that meaning is constructed through recourse to other contexts, texts and the learner's experience is disadvantaging ESL candidates. 'Language as an Instrument of Communication' discourse, the last meaning-related discourse identified, sees language as the vehicle used to convey ideas, thoughts, information and beliefs, which are viewed as having been constructed independently of language. It is assumed that the answers, which, according to 'Autonomous Text' discourse, are in the text, can be conveyed if the tools of language are used correctly. The first literature-related discourse identified is 'Literature Study Develops Language Proficiency'. It is argued this is a misperception since language is learned as part of situated practice and instruction must thus be embedded in meaningful communicative contexts involving situated practice. The second literature-related discourse identified, 'Literature Study is a Medium for Understanding Life', is connected to the 'Received Tradition' discourse referred to above which holds that there is moral value in teaching English literature. This research identifies the ideological implications of these discourses, arguing that values are culture-specific and learners from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds experience life differently from the way it is depicted in English literature. Process-related discourses, which are part of the processes of teaching and assessment, concern the inadequacy of the ESL learner and of the markers and therefore dictate what can and cannot be expected of ESL learners in the SC examination. The research showed how all of the above discourses work through the SC curriculum to impose the values and beliefs of particular dominant groups on the ESL learner. Because of the robust and invidious nature of discourses this is a cause for concern. Although it is difficult to set a school leaving examination which serves both workplace and academic functions, there is a need to move beyond traditional, hegemonic approaches to understanding language learning. This thesis offers an analysis which can be used to inform practice.

An investigation into the nature of grade 4 learners’ evolving mathematics learning dispositions: a case study of 3 learners participating in an after school mathematics club

Hewana, Diliza Ronald January 2014 (has links)
Through a qualitative case study approach this research investigated the nature of three Grade 4 learners’ mathematical learning dispositions. It further explored how these dispositions evolve within the context of their participation in a weekly after school mathematics club over time. Of particular significance the research drew on the dispositional frameworks of Kilpatrick, Swafford and Findell’s (2001) and Carr & Claxton (2002) and pointed to ways in which these framework can be usefully brought together to provide a richer picture of learning dispositions. Kilpatrick, Swafford and Findell’s (2001) framework of mathematical proficiency involves five interrelated strands of which productive disposition is the fifth strand and largely underresearched (Graven, 2012). This strand is defined as ‘the tendency to see sense in mathematics, to perceive it as both useful and worthwhile, to believe that steady effort in learning mathematics pays off, and to see oneself as an effective learner and doer of mathematics’ (Kilpatrick, Swafford and Findell, 2001, p. 131). Carr & Claxton (2002) similarly argue for the importance of learning dispositions and point to the importance of resilience, playfulness and resourcefulness as three key indicators. The research outlines findings of the three case study learners in terms of data obtained from a questionnaire and interview about students’ learning dispositions. The interview asked learners various questions including for example, complete the sentence ‘Maths is…’, describe an effective learner of mathematics and say what you do if you don’t know an answer. The instrument was first administered orally and learners were asked to write their answers (in May 2012) and a year later it was administered as an interview by the club facilitator (in May 2013). While there is the limitation of comparison due to the different ways in which learners responded in 2012 (written) and 2013 (oral) the shifting nature of responses in certain respects provides some indication of shifts towards increasingly productive dispositions. Additionally the research analysed detailed transcripts of video recordings of several club sessions over a five-month period. Findings suggest ways of extending dispositional frameworks and that learners have restricted dispositions particularly in terms of sense making and resourcefulness across time. The findings also suggest shifts in dispositions over time especially in terms of seeing steady effort as paying off.

A comparative case study of the strategies used by grade one teachers who teach through the medium of English

Jackson, Gail January 2004 (has links)
This research project begins by exploring the problems surrounding the implementation of the 1997 Language in Education Policy (LiEP), and offers insight into why some schools, despite the promotion of additive bilingualism, choose English as the primary medium of instruction. It is a comparative case study of two Grade 1 classes in different situational contexts, which highlights the teaching strategies and language practices of teachers who teach predominantly non-English speakers through the medium of English. Research carried out through this case study illustrates the use of a wide range of teaching strategies, which assist young learners when learning through an additional language. In School A, thematic linking between different learning areas to maximise vocabulary development in both the mother tongue and the additional language, as well as repetition, recycling, scaffolding and contextualisation of content were found to be important. In addition, the use of questioning to elicit understanding, as well as classroom organisation and code-switching were strategies which assisted both the teacher and learners in this multilingual environment. In School B, class size, group work and the inclusion into the timetable of a wide range of diverse activities over and above the main learning areas, which provided opportunities for language development, were important considerations. In addition, routine, predictability and an attention to detail, in keeping with a form-focussed approach, aided the children in understanding the mechanics of literacy and guiding them towards becoming phonologically aware.

Enrichment strategies for gifted English first language (HG) pupils at the senior secondary level : a critical evaluation of a programme implemented at Grey Boys' High School, Port Elizabeth, 1986-1988

Cunningham, Gregory Mark January 1990 (has links)
Programmes developed specifically for the gifted and talented pupil are not a novel idea. Yet, by comparison, the history of gifted education is a brief one. Highly gifted and talented pupils often have difficulty being challenged in a conventional classroom situation. Since classroom instruction is usually designed for the benefit of pupils who function at the level of the majority of their peer age-group, this teaching, no matter how well done, may not be appropriate for the extremely gifted pupil whose abilities differ greatly from this group. Even special programmes for gifted and talented students may be designed for a broad group of gifted students and may not meet the specific needs of the gifted child, especially ones with a special intellectual talent. While it is important to bear aspects such as the characteristics of giftedness and the attributes of the talented individual in mind, the basis of this dissertation examines what enrichment and acceleration strategies may be utilised by the English First Language (HG) teacher when presented with a preselected group of pupils who are gifted in English, utilising a composite gifted educational model as a mechanism for the development of this specific programme.

Perceptions of environmental education among senior Ciskeian educationists, and the implications for educational change in the Ciskei region

Mkala-Pholo, Pumla Patricia January 1994 (has links)
This study was conducted to investigate perceptions of Environmental Education among senior Ciskeian educationists, and to explore the possibility of implementing Environmental Education in school and college curricula in the Ciskei region. Data was collected from interviews with a sample of senior Ciskeian educationists, then analysed and assessed. Corroborating information was obtained from attendance at several regional workshops organised by the Environmental Education Policy Initiative. The data indicated a sound general awareness of environmental problems in Ciskei and a belief in Environmental Education as a means toward their solution. Although the interviewees' understanding of Environmental Education was imperfect, there was broad support for its aims and principles. Since the study was motivated by concern about the implementation of Environmental Education in Ciskei, the results obtained were encouraging.

How to open the door

Beyers, Marike January 2014 (has links)
A collection of mostly lyrical poems. The poems explore moments of experience and thought relating to longing and belonging, in terms of relations, memory and place. The poems are mostly short and intense. Silence and implied meanings are often as important as what is said; shadows are evoked to recall substance. Though short, the poems are not tightly closed – on the contrary, meanings proliferate in the process of exploration.

A comparative study of L1 and EFL reading abilities amongst junior primary students using different reading schemes in black schools

Duncan, Kenneth Foster January 1995 (has links)
This thesis examines the development of children's reading skills, in both the mother tongue and English as a foreign language, during their first four years of school. It is an attempt to enter the reading world of very young learners in underdeveloped, mainly rural communities in search of practical insights into the teaching of reading in the junior primary classroom. The research focuses specifically on two approaches to reading instruction. The first is the approach traditionally used in black South African schools, characterised by teacher-centredness and rote-recall techniques. The second is a more progressive and communicative approach encapsulated in the language courses of the Molteno Project. Both approaches, and their theoretical underpinnings, are described in some detail. The context of language-in-education policy in South Africa is also reviewed. The research then tests the hypothesis that a communicative approach to reading pedagogy produces measurably better results in pupils than more traditional methods. The research explores the use of quantitative methods of evaluation, giving justification for their use, and examines the practicability of standardised EFL tests at junior primary level. Existing tests are evaluated and found wanting. The process of developing and administering original hybrid-communicative tests is described. The results of these, which were administered over four years to a total of some 6 000 pupils across the first four years of school, are assessed. Implications for testers, teachers, educational administrators and educational NGOs are extrapolated.

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