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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Youths’ predispositions to learning : case studies within a place of safety (Western Cape, South Africa)

De Waal, Hester Jacoba 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Centre for Higher Education))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Learning in young adulthood, especially in communities where there may be substantial barriers to learning and exclusion from formal education, needs further investigation. This study provides an in-depth investigation of six youths’ predispositions to learning while awaiting trial in a place of safety. This study focused on an in-depth investigation of youths’ predispositions to learning in the particular context of the place of safety (Western Cape, South Africa). I have been working with awaiting trial male youths for over four years as principal at the place of safety. The place of safety is a residential facility for boys and youths between the ages of 10 and 16 years who broke the law and who were at risk. The court placed these youths at the place of safety for the duration of their pending court cases, which may take up to two years in extreme cases like rape and murder. They typically come from communities where they had been exposes to violence, substance abuse and crime, both at home and at school. All of the youths at the place of safety broke the law and were awaiting trial; and they had all dropped out of school or had never attended school. The six respondents used in my study either were abusing drugs themselves or witnessed drug abuse. During their stay al the place of safety, the learners undergo various therapeutic programmes. They also attend school, where the curriculum is adapted to the individual needs of the learners. While working with these youths at the school, I became deeply concerned about the limited prospects they seemed to have. I was curious why most of them demonstrated little or no ambition or eagerness to learn, given that they all had literacy levels below the average for their age group and that most of them had dropped out of school or had never attended school. Popular media reports as well as official documents indicate that youths in South Africa – and the Western Cape in particular – are exposed to drug abuse, violence and crime, which may influence the escalating number of school dropouts. An understanding of the predispositions to learning among awaiting trial youths may contribute to a better understanding of the sense of disempowerment within these communities. This research project focused on qualitative case studies where I tried to discover and understand youths’ predispositions to learning. I followed an interpretive approach to provide insights into the life stories of the six respondents between the ages of 14 and 16 years and how they interpret and make meaning of their personal realities. This marginalised group of people had the opportunity to narrate their individual life stories with relation to their experienced learning processes. I conducted this study, collected, and interpreted data over a period of approximately two-and-a-half v years. I collected data from their official files and by conducting in-depth individual interviews. I video-recorded the six personal interviews and used the footage to assist me in the process of data analysis. The thesis presents the life stories of the six respondents as a foundation for a discussion on how we as educators define and practice adult education in the context of marginalised youth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die leerprosesse van jeugdiges in gemeenskappe waar akute leerstoornisse en gebreke ten opsigte van formele onderrig heers, behoort nagevors en ondersoek te word. Hierdie studie het gepoog om ondersoek in te stel na die ontvanklikheid of predisposisie van ses jeugdiges teenoor leer terwyl hulle verhoorafwagtend is en in plek van veiligheid aangehou word. Die studie het op grondige ondersoek na die ontvanklikheid of predisposisies vir leer by jeugdiges teen die agtergrond van die plek van veiligheid (Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika) gefokus. Ek werk reeds langer as vier jaar by die plek van veiligheid as skoolhoof. Seuns en jeugdiges van 10 tot 16 jaar oud wat die wet oortree het en sorg nodig het, gaan daar tuis nadat die hof hulle daar geplaas het vir die duur van hulle hofsake. In sommige ernstige sake, soos moord en verkragting, kan dit selfs twee jaar neem vir die sake om afgehandel te word. Hulle kom gewoonlik van gemeenskappe waar hulle tuis en by die skool blootgestel was aan geweld, dwelmmisbruik en misdaad. Die ses respondente in my studie het self dwelms misbruik of was blootgestel aan dwelmmisbruik. Alle leerders by die plek van veiligheid het die wet oortree en is verhoorafwagtend. Hulle het die skool op voortydige ouderdom verlaat of het nooit voorheen skoolgegaan nie. Terwyl hulle by die plek van veiligheid bly, ondergaan hulle verskillende terapeutiese programme. Hulle woon ook skool by. Die leerplan is aangepas na aanleiding van die individuele behoeftes van die leerders. Terwyl ek met hierdie seuns en jeugdiges by die skool gewerk het, het ek besorg geraak oor die beperkte verwagtinge wat hulle klaarblyklik gehad het. Ek het gewonder waarom die meeste van hulle min of geen ambisie toon en klaarblyklik min of geen gretigheid het om te leer nie, veral as in ag geneem word dat hulle vlakke van geletterdheid benede die gemiddelde vlakke van hul ouderdomgroepe is en dat die meeste van hulle die skool voortydig verlaat het of selfs nooit skool bygewoon het nie. Algemene beriggewing en amptelike dokumente dui aan dat jeugdiges in Suid- Afrika – en veral in die Wes-Kaap – toenemend aan dwelmmisbruik, geweld en misdaad blootgestel word. Dit kan invloed hê op die groeiende aantal skoolverlaters. Beter begrip van verhoorafwagtende jeugdiges se ontvanklikheid of predisposisies vir leer kan lei tot beter begrip van die graad van ontmagtiging wat in hierdie gemeenskappe ervaar word. Hierdie navorsingstudie het op kwalitatiewe gevallestudies gefokus waartydens ek gepoog het om jeugdiges se ontvanklikheid of predisposisies vir leer te ondersoek en te verstaan. Vertolkende of interpretatiewe benadering is gevolg om insigte te bekom ten opsigte van die lewensverhale van vii die ses respondente en die wyse waarop hulle hul persoonlike werklikhede interpreteer en verstaan. Hierdie gemarginaliseerde groep mense het die geleentheid gekry om hul persoonlike lewensverhale met betrekking tot hul beleefde leerervaringe te verbaliseer. Ek het hierdie studie oor tydperk van ongeveer twee-en-‘n-halwe jaar uitgevoer, met in agneming van dataversameling en –verwerking. Ek het data versamel deur middel van inligting in amptelike dokumente, asook deur die voer van persoonlike onderhoude. Die indringende onderhoude wat ek met ses respondente gevoer het, is op video vasgelê. Ek het hierdie data gebruik in die proses van dataverwerking. Die tesis bied blik op die lewensverhale van die ses respondente. Dit kan dien as grondslag vir diskoers oor hoe die beoefening van volwasse onderrig en leer teen die agtergrond van gemarginaliseerde jeugdiges gedefinieer en toegepas word.

Investigating intersections between the further education and training economics curriculum and growth and development frameworks – implications for teaching and learning

Waghid, Zayd 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis I investigate whether the South African government’s Growth and Development Frameworks (GDFs) are aligned with the learning outcomes of the Further Education and Training (FET) Economics curriculum as presented through the National Curriculum Statement (NCS). Central to the GDFs is the cultivation of social justice, more specifically the eradication of inequalities and the establishment of employment opportunities for all the country’s citizens. Also, the government hopes to achieve social justice through the cultivation of democratic relations amongst people that will hopefully contribute towards economic development in society, more specifically local economic development (LED). Similarly, the four learning outcomes, namely macroeconomics, microeconomics, economic pursuit and contemporary economic issues, emphasise the importance of people contributing towards social justice in their communities. The learning outcomes hope to achieve this by inculcating in learners an affinity for democratic action and the acquisition of economics skills, values, knowledge and attitudes that can engender LED. Consequently, the learning outcomes can be said to be aligned with the GDFs on the basis that the common theme that seems to drive both aspects is social justice through democratic action and economic development. Finally, the alignment between the GDFs and learning outcomes has the effect that teaching and learning will and should be more deliberative, engaging and ‘free’ – a matter of people exercising their capabilities towards the attainment of human freedoms such as equality, solidarity and the exercise of their rights. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis ondersoek ek of daar ‘n verbintenis is tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse regering se Groei en Ontwikkelingsraamwerke (GOR’e) en die leeruitkomste van die Verdere Onderwys en Opleiding (VOO) Ekonomie-kurrikulum soos wat dit in die Nationale Kurrikulumverklaring (NKV) voorgestel word. Sentraal tot die GOR’e is die kultivering van sosiale geregtigheid, meer spesifiek die verwydering van ongelykhede en die skepping van werksgeleenthede vir alle landsburgers. Die regering beoog juis om sosiale geregtigheid te verwesenlik deur die kultivering van demokratiese verhoudinge tussen mense wat hopelik ‘n bydrae kan lewer tot ekonomiese onwikkeling in die samelewing, veral plaaslike ekonomiese onwikkeling (PEO). Terselfdertyd word daar deur die vier leeruitkomstes, naamlik makroekonomie, mikroekonomie, ekonomiese vooruitgang en huidige ekonomiese aangeleenthede, die belangrikheid van mense se bydraes tot sosiale geregtigheid in hulle gemeenskappe beklemtoon. Die leeruitkomstes hoop om laasgenoemde te bereik deurdat in leerders ‘n aangetrokkenheid tot demokratiese aksie en Ekonomie-vaardighede, -waardes, -kennis en -houdings gekweek word wat PEO kan bevorder. Gevolglik kan voorgehou word dat die leeruitkomste met die GOR’e vereenselwig kan word op grond van die gemeenskaplike tema van sosiale geregtigheid deur demokratiese aksie en ekonomiese ontwikkeling wat blykbaar beide aspekte dryf. Laastens, die verwantskap tussen die GOR’e en leeruitkomste het die effek dat onderrig en leer meer beraadslagend, interkatief en ‘vry’ behoort te wees – ‘n geval van mense wat hulle vaardighede uitoefen om menslike vryhede soos gelykheid, solidariteit en die uitoefening van hulle regte te bekom.

Stakeholders' perceptions of an institutional quality audit : a case study

Jacobsz, Johannes (Jannie) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis briefly explores the quality phenomenon in higher education and more specifically in the university context. In addition, the experiences of stakeholders who participated in the first institutional quality audit at a merged university are explored and analysed. It is also argued that the world-wide quality phenomenon at universities, although sometimes politically driven and at times undertaken with hidden agendas, may eventually add value to a university‟ cycle of never-ending quality improvement and enhancement. University stakeholders who are either directly or indirectly involved in realising the university‟s vision and mission can provide invaluable feedback about their experience of a quality audit. Feedback by all stakeholders about a quality audit will assist the university to plan and prepare for the next cycle of quality audits. The research findings of this study indicated that a variety of differences exist in the perceptions of stakeholders that participated in the preparation and execution of the institutional quality audit. In some cases the differences may hold some limited risk for the university therefore some recommendations are also made in support of future audits. These and other recommendations emenating from the research findings will hopefully also contribute towards improved engagement between the stakeholders and members of the audit panel. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek kortliks die verskynsel van gehalte in hoër onderwys, en meer spesifiek in die universiteitskonteks. Voorts word die ervarings van belanghebbendes wat deelgeneem het aan die eerste institusionele kwaliteitsoudit aan ʼn saamgesmelte universiteit, ondersoek en ontleed. Daar word ook aangevoer dat die wêreldwye verskynsel van kwaliteit aan universiteite uiteindelik waarde kan toevoeg tot ʼn universiteit se siklus van ewigdurende kwaliteitsversekering en –verbetering, selfs al is hierdie verskynsel soms polities gedrewe en al gaan dit by tye gepaard met verskuilde agendas. Belanghebbendes van die universiteit wat direk of indirek betrokke is by die realisering van die universiteit se visie en missie kan uiters waardevolle terugvoer bied oor hulle ervaring van ʼn kwaliteitsoudit. Terugvoer deur alle belanghebbendes oor ʼn kwaliteitsoudit sal die universiteit help om vir die volgende siklus kwaliteitsoudits te beplan en voor te berei. Die navorsingsbevindings van hierdie studie dui daarop dat ʼn verskeidenheid verskille wel bestaan in die persepsies van belanghebbendes wat deelgeneem het aan die voorbereiding en uitvoering van die institusionele kwaliteitsoudit. In sommige gevalle hou die verskille wel ʼn beperkte risiko vir die universiteit in en daarom word aanbevelings gemaak ter ondersteuning van toekomstige kwaliteitsoudits. Hierdie, sowel as ander aanbevelings sal hopelik ook bydra tot verbeterde interaksie tussen die belanghebbendes en lede van die ouditpaneel.

An analysis of policies and strategies to reduce poverty

Daniels, Christine Gaynore 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis I analyse policies and strategies to reduce poverty through education, and the focus is on global and national policies and strategies and I conduct a small-scale investigation into policies and strategies that exist at a local level (local is the Cape Winelands District Municipality). Poverty is one of the core problems facing many South Africans, and by using critical theory as my research methodology I present a different way of thinking about poverty. Education, just like poverty, is a complex concept because education determines human thoughts and actions. The literature review indicates three ways to reduce poverty: job creation, education and skills development. The policy analysis indicates four ways to reduce poverty: empowering the poor, increasing the capabilities of the poor by using education, the challenge of deliberative democracy, and social justice. The interview respondents indicated that these seven ways may have a major influence on their impoverished circumstances. I argue that individuals need to reflect critically on their social well-being in order to transform their lives. Critical reflection by individuals is needed to transform not only themselves, but also their communities, and it is by transformation that individuals can bring change in their social communities in order to achieve social justice. A remaining need I identify is that the South African government need to focus on the goal to halve the number of poor people by 2015 (according to United Nations, Millennium Development Goals). I realise that the government still has much work to do in order to reach this important goal. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek verskeie beleide en strategieë vir armoede verligting op 'n globale, nasionale, en lokale konteks. Weens 'n gebrek aan beleide op lokale vlak onderneem ek 'n klein empiriese studie in die Kaapse Wynlande Distriks Munisipaliteit. Armoede bly een van die hoof uitdagings vir baie Suid-Afrikaners, en deur die gebruik van Kritiese Teorie as navorsings metodologie stel ek daar 'n ander manier om oor armoede te reflekteer. Die literatuur studie wys na drie maniere hoe om armoede te beveg: werkskepping, opvoeding, en die ontwikkeling van vaardighede. Die analiese van beleide dui op vier maniere: bemagtiging van armes, verbreding van vermoeëns duer die gebruik van onderwys, beraadslagende demokrasie, en sosiale geregtigheid. Die response van die onderhoude dui daarop dat hierdie sewe maniere 'n groot invloed kan het op die verbetering van armoedige omstandighede. Ek argumenteer dat persone krities moet reflekteer oor hul sosiale welstand sodat hul lewens kan transformeer. Kritiese refleksie is nodig nie net vir persoonlike transformasie nie, maar ook vir gemeenskappe sodat sosiale geregtigheid kan geskied. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering behoort steeds te strewe om die getal armes te halveer teen 2015, volgens die Verenigde State se Millenium Doelwitte. Ek besef die regering moet nog baie doen om hierdie belangrike mylpaal te bereik.

Opvoeder as leermediator en die haalbaarheid van die nodige kompetensies soos omskryf in die Norme en Standaarde vir Opvoeders

Frolicks, Fred 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beleid van Norme en Standaarde vereis dat sekere kompetensies bereik word. Met ander woorde, die opvoeder as leermediator word bemagtig deur die Norme en Standaarde om sekere kompetensies te bereik. Onder Norme en Standaarde kyk hierdie studie na die verskillende ratio‟s wat op onderwys betrekking het. Hierdie ratio‟s vorm „n sameloop wat Inklusiewe Onderrig tot so „n mate strem, dat die gewenste kompetensies nie bereik kan word nie. Hoewel Inklusiewe Onderrig nie die enigste faktor is wat Norme en Standaarde bepaal nie, is dit wel „n belangrike een, en hierdie studie fokus dus daarop. Saam met Norme en Standaarde is daar ook sosio-ekonomiese faktore wat Inklusiewe Onderrig strem, en dit word ondersoek. In die lig van die probleme ten opsigte van die leerder:opvoeder-ratio, die leerder:m²-ratio, die woonpersele:skoolperseel-ratio, norme- en standaarde-toekenning, ongelykhede (ekonomiese, ouderdoms- en emosionele en fisiese ontwikkeling), enkelouerskap en fetale alkoholsindroom (FAS), word daar in die verhandeling gekyk na die haalbaarheid van die realisering van die drie kompetensies naamlik die praktiese, fondasionele en refleksiewe kompetensies. Die studie bevind dat die bereiking van kompetensies haalbaar is, mits daar aan die ratio‟s en die sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede gewerk word. Na aanleiding van my navorsing kan die meeste opvoeders verslag doen van hul werksaamhede, maar dit is egter nie die positiewe, progressiewe verslag wat van ‟n leermediator verwag word nie. Norme en standaarde is na my mening nog haalbaar omdat daar bewys is dat leerders, ondanks die negatiewe effek van die ratio‟s, asook die ontoereikende voorsiening (geld, menslike hulpbronne en voorrade) en die ekonomiese en ouderdomsverskille en FAS, tog die potensiaal toon om te leer. Die probleem is egter dat te veel leerders onderpresteer, uit die onderwys- en opvoedingstelsel verdwyn en nie deel raak van die ekonomiese hoofstroom nie. Deur dus aandag te gee aan die stremminge wat ek nagevors het, kan verseker word dat Inklusiewe Onderwys tot sy reg kom, kompetensies bereik word en die opvoeder ‟n suksesvolle leermediasie fasiliteer. SLEUTELWOORDE: Opvoeder, leermediator, Norme en Standaarde, Inklusiewe Onderwys, konseptuele / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Norms and Standards for Educators policy states that certain competencies must be achieved. To this end the policy empowers the educator as learning mediator. With reference to the Norms and Standards, this study explores the different ratios applicable to education. These ratios form a combination which hamper Inclusive Education to the extent that the competencies cannot be achieved. Although Inclusive Education is not the only aspect which affects Norms and Standards, it is a very important one, and this study thus explores Inclusive Education. Together with Norms and Standards, there are also socio-economic factors that hamper Inclusive Education, which this study also explores. In the light of the problems with the learner:educator ratio, the learner:m² ratio, the residential erven:school erf ratio, the allocation of norms and standards, unequal economic circumstances, unequal development phases (emotional, physical and age), single parenthood and fetal alcohol syndrome, this thesis explores the feasibility of the realisation of the three competencies namely the practical, foundational and reflexive competencies. This study finds that, providing that attention is paid to the ratios and socio-economic factors, the achievement of competencies are feasible. My research shows that, while most of the educators can report on their activities, it is not the positive and progressive report which one expects from a learning mediator. Norms and Standards, in my view, is feasible since there is evidence to suggest that learners, despite the negative effect of the ratios and inadequate resources (finances, human resources and supplies), economic and age differences, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), still displays the potential to learn. The problem, however, is that too many learners underperform, and then leave the school and education system. They then fail to become part of the main economic system. I conclude that, by giving attention to the hindrances I researched, it can be ensured that Inclusive Education reaches its full potential, that competencies are achieved, and that educators facilitate a successful learning mediation process. vi KEY WORDS: Educator, learning mediator, Norms and Standards, Inclusive Education, conceptual analysis, ratios, urbanisation, norms- and standards allocation, migratory labour, single parentwood, migratory labour, urbanisation, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

The psychosocial experiences of immigrant learners at a primary school in the Western Cape

Mahembe, Mercy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa attracts a significant number of refugees and immigrants from poverty-stricken and war-ravaged African nations who come in search of greener pastures. As this population continues to grow, immigrant learners have begun to experience South African schools in an array of uniquely challenging ways (Vandeyar, 2010). This influx of foreigners has increased the diversity in South African classrooms and presents challenges for the foreign learner as well as for the school. While several studies have been undertaken to examine educational factors relating to the education of foreign learners in South Africa, the psychosocial experiences of these learners have not received research attention. The present study sought to understand the psychosocial experiences of immigrant learners in South Africa. The theoretical framework of the study was guided by Erikson’s psychosocial theory. Within the framework of Erikson’s psychosocial theory (Passer & Smith, 2008; Plotnik, 1993), psychological factors such as self-esteem, self-identity, self-efficacy and confidence, as well as social factors such as language, culture and peer relations, were explored in an attempt to understand their adjustment to learning in a culturally different environment. A basic qualitative research design was utilised. Participants were voluntarily recruited at a primary school in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Purposive sampling was used to identify nine immigrant learners between the ages of six and twelve, who had at least attended the first-grade level in their native countries, for participation. Data were collected through the draw-and-tell technique, interviews and observations and analysed by means of thematic content analysis. The recurring themes derived from the interviews indicated that immigrant learners experience psycho-social challenges that involve the accent of the English language, establishment of friendships and bullying. These challenges have had a negative impact on their self-confidence, self-efficacy and self-esteem and their characters have also been changed in trying to adapt to the environmental demands. It is anticipated that the findings of the study will contribute to the development of meaningful support strategies for immigrant learners. The recommendations made include that the school must devise school policies which promote acknowledgement and acceptance of diversity within the school. There is a need for activities that accommodate diverse learners within the school. Learners need to share and enlighten each other about their cultural values and morals. Activities may involve role-plays at assembly, and having different weeks of commemorating or celebrating the different cultures of different learners within the school. The host learners also need to participate in these activities. Adopting the circle of courage philosophy, that is, sense of belonging, respect, generosity and industry, should be the starting point for the school and all learners. Bringing in the circle of courage can assist the whole school in accepting and understanding one another. The circle of courage is a model of empowerment; it is a philosophy in support of ‘reclaiming environments’ for learners. Future studies should investigate the identified themes using a quantitative approach, as well as undertake a comparison of the immigrant learners’ experiences with those of the host learners. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het groot aantrekkingskrag vir ‘n aansienlike aantal vlugtelinge en immigrante vanaf armoede- en oorlog-geteisterde volkere in Afrika wat ‘n beter heenkome soek. Namate hierdie bevolking toeneem, kry immigrantleerders in skole in Suid-Afrika met ‘n unieke reeks uitdagings te doen (Vandeyar, 2010). Die instroming van vreemdelinge het die diversiteit in Suid-Afrikaanse klaskamers laat toeneem en stel uitdagings aan die buitelandse leerder sowel as aan die skool. Alhoewel verskeie studies reeds is onderneem om opvoedkundige faktore met betrekking tot die opvoeding van buitelandse leerders in Suid-Afrika aan te spreek, het die psigososiale ervarings van hierdie leerders nog nie die aandag van navorsers gekry nie. Die huidige studie verteenwoordig ‘n poging om die psigososiale ervarings van immigrantleerders in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Die teoretiese raamwerk van die studie is deur Erikson se psigososiale teorie gerig. Binne die raamwerk van Erikson se psigososiale teorie (Passer & Smith, 2008; Plotnik, 1993), word psigologiese faktore soos selfagting, self-identiteit, selfdoeltreffendheid en vertroue, en sosiale faktore soos taal, kultuur en verhoudings met die portuurgroep ondersoek in ‘n poging om die leerders se aanpassing aan die leer in ‘n omgewing met ‘n verskillende kultuur te verstaan.. ‘n Basiese kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gebruik. Vrywillige deelnemers is by ‘n primêre skool in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika gewerf. Nege immigrantleerders van tussen ses en twaalf jaar oud wat reeds vir minstens een jaar in hul land van herkoms skoolgegaan het, is deur middel van ‘n doelgerigte steekproeftrekking vir deelname geïdentifiseer. Data is met behulp van die teken-en-vertel tegniek, onderhoude en waarneming ingesamel en met behulp van tematiese inhoudsontleding geanaliseer. Die terugkerende temas wat in die onderhoude na vore gekom het, het aangedui dat die immigrantleerders psigososiale uitdagings betreffende die aksent van die Engelse taal, stigting van vriendskappe en afknouery ondervind het. Hierdie uitdagings het hul selfvertroue, selfdoeltreffendheid en selfagting nadelig aangetas en hulle het geaardheid laat verander in die poging om by die eise van die omgewing aan te pas. Die verwagting is dat die bevindings van die studie ‘n bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van betekenisvolle ondersteuningstrategieë vir immigrantleerders sal lewer. Voorstelle wat gemaak word behels dat die skool ‘n beleid moet daarstel wat erkenning en aanvaarding van diversiteit in die skool bevorder. Daar is ‘n behoefte aan aktiwiteite wat diverse leerders binne die skool akkommodeer. Leerders behoort hul kulturele en morele waardes met mekaar te deel en mekaar daaroor in te lig. Aktiwiteite sou rolspel gedurende byeenkomste kon insluit, en verskillende weke sou daaraan toegewy kon word om die verskillende kulture van verskillende leerders in die skool te gedenk of te vier. Die gasheer leerders moet ook by hierdie aktiwiteite betrek word. Aanvaarding van die Circle of Courage filosofie, wat die gevoel van saamhorigheid, respek, ruimhartigheid en ywer omvat, behoort die beginpunt vir die skool en al die leerders te word. Om die Circle of Courage in te voer kan die hele skool help om mekaar te aanvaar en te verstaan. Die Circle of Courage is ‘n model vir bemagtiging; ‘n filosofie wat die ‘terugwinning van omgewings’ vir leerders ondersteun. Toekomstige studies behoort met behulp van ‘n kwantitatiewe benadering ondersoek in te stel na die geïdentifiseerde temas, en ook ‘n vergelyking van die ervarings van die immigrantleerders en gasheer leerders te tref.

Uitdagings aan onderwysleiers in gekombineerde skole in die Suid-Kaapse platteland

Van Heerden, Marianne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Unique demands are made on management of combined schools in the Southern Cape because it must accommodate seven to eighteen year old learners, each with their specific needs. This includes the adolescent who has to adapt to several changes in his/her own body as well as in the environment. Elementary and middle schools in Japan and the USA have restructured to be more effective by accommodating the specific needs of the learners, as well as the demands which the society in the twenty-first century will make on learners. The success of these schools encouraged high schools to adopt a more personal nature in the relationship between adults and learners and to prepare learners for jobs which would be very different from those of a few years ago. There are quite a few aspects in favour of combined schools, for example, fewer learners, a long relationship with the school and a close relationship between school and community. These aspects should be used to their fullest to ensure that these schools remain the "good" schools they were in the past. Criteria for being effective schools are changing drastically and combined schools cannot just rely on their previous success for growth. A generation of learners with a unique nature and of whom unique demands will be made in the future are entering these schools. Schools will have to provide more than mere subject knowledge. Learners must receive education in character, ethics, self-discipline and stress management. Schools will have to be managed from a new paradigm to accomplish these aspects. Change can only happen when people change and that would create a new culture. When schools are managed from a principle-centered paradigm, people are empowered to experience private and public victories. It is then possible to align the managerial and organizational levels with the values embedded in the school mission. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word besondere eise aan die bestuur van gekombineerde skole in die Suid-Kaapse platteland gestel aangesien leerders van sewejarige tot agtienjarige ouderdom, elk met sy besondere behoeftes, geakkommodeer moet word. Dit sluit ook die adolessente in wat by verskeie veranderings in hulle eie lewens en die omgewing moet aanpas. In Japan en die VSA het veral die laerskole begin herstruktureer om skole meer effektief te maak deur die behoeftes van leerders aan te spreek, veralook ten opsigte van die eise wat die samelewing van die een-en-twintigste eeu aan leerders sal stel. Hulle sukses het ook hoërskole aangespoor om aanpassings te maak, veral ten opsigte van die skepping van In meer persoonlike aard van die verhoudings tussen leerders en volwassenes, en die voorbereiding van leerders vir In arbeidsmark wat drasties verskil van enkele jare gelede. Gekombineerde skole het baie faktore wat kan veroorsaak dat hulle effektiewe skole kan wees, byvoorbeeld min leerders, In lang verbintenis van die met die skool en In sterk band tussen skool en gemeenskap. Daar moet egter doelbewus beplan word om hierdie aspekte te benut sodat verseker kan word dat hulle ook in die toekoms die "goeie" skole kan bly wat hulle in die verlede was. Kriteria vir effektiewe skole is besig om drasties te verander en gekombineerde skole kan nie net op ou suksesse voortbou nie. In Geslag leerders met In unieke aard en aan wie unieke vereistes in die toekoms gestel gaan word, betree nou die skole. Skole moet meer as net vakkennis oordra. Karakteropvoeding, etiek, selfdissipline en streshantering is aspekte wat binne die skoolkurikulum aangespreek moet word. Om bogenoemde suksesvol te laat wees, moet daar vanuit In nuwe paradigma bestuur word. Verandering kan net plaasvind indien mense verander en daar sodoende 'n nuwe kultuur in skole gevestig word. Wanneer daar vanuit 'n beginselgesentreerde paradigma bestuur word, word mense bemagtig om eers privaat oorwinnings en dan publieke oorwinnings te behaal. Dis dan moontlik om die bestuurs- en organisatoriese vlakke in lyn met die waardes van die missie van die skool te bring.

The recognition of prior learning in higher education: the case of the University of the Western Cape.

Hendricks, Mohammed Natheem January 2001 (has links)
This research is an attempt to determine the extent to which the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in higher education promotes social transformation. Through analysing the case study of the University of the Western Cape (UWC) RPL programme, some conclusions on this matter were drawn. This research, a qualitative study, analyses key official documents, institutional reports, learning portfolios - produced by RPL candidates wherin they narrated their autobiographical learning histories - extensively. In addition, qualitative data were incorporated into this study to assist in the construction of the context within which RPL is being offered ...

Using collaborative action research to improve classroom discipline: an action research study at a secondary school in the Boland.

Johannes, Edgar Anthony January 2005 (has links)
This study focused on improving the learners behaviour through classroom management and the implementation of human rights awareness as an intervention strategy. The purpose of the research was to prevent learners from misbehaving through the implementation of different teaching strategies. Learners transgression will not stop completely and a second objective was to use the implementation of human rights awareness as an intervention strategy if the learners behaviour become unacceptable. The strategies the educators has to instigate were primarily considered to be those associated with classroom management.

The design, implementation and evaluation of student support and development services in further education and training colleges in South Africa.

Ferreira, Stephanus Lourens January 2002 (has links)
The Student Support and Development Services (SSDS) at Further Education and Training (FET) colleges represent a holistic and systemic approach to addressing barriers to learning and development. College SSDS are based on the acknowledgement that all FET students need support and development and that, when addressing needs of the college student, it is done in a holistic, integrated, intersectional and inclusive manner.<br /> <br /> The SSDS therefore strive to develop competencies, knowledge, skills and attitudes in a systemic and holistic manner. The aim of the study was to design, implement and evaluate SSDS at the FET colleges in the Western Cape Education Department and to establish a Lecturer Support and Development Team (LSDT) at each FET college, which would include the following services.<br /> <br /> <ul> <li>student counselling services</li> <li>academic development and learning support</li> <li>occupationald evelopmenat nd careerg uidance</li> <li>life skills education and health education, and</li> <li>college institutional development</li> </ul> Student counselling services at FET colleges aim to render comprehensive student services with a holistic developmental aspect of the student in relation to his/her social, emotional, physical and cognitive dimensions. The staff of the LSDT are the first line of contact for the troubled student. Academic development is aimed at the students who enter the FET sector with inadequate schooling, education and training. Orientation programmes include bridging the gap between schooling and FET education and training. Bridging programmes and remedial programmes are offered to students to compensate for their academic backlog and to accelerate their education and training up to a level suitable for FET.

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