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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of the roles of CHE and the SETAs in the accreditation of NQF Level 5 learning programmes

Nxumalo, Edmund Linduyise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The Further Education and Training (FET) and Higher Education and Training (HET) bands in South Africa are characterised by major challenges resulting in the high rate of unemployment in the country despite the promulgation of a plethora of transformative pieces of legislation post-1994. These challenges include failure by post-matric applicants to meet minimum university requirements for admission; unemployed graduates; and tension within the higher education and Training (HET) band among various quality assurance bodies and explicit mutual doubt about each other’s capacity to perform quality assurance of HE learning programmes. In an endeavour to find solutions to these problems, the researcher contemplated whether the cause could not be the current system of quality assurance in South Africa. This perception has dominated the current discourse on quality assurance, which has warranted a need for research in this area to find concrete answers to the current problems, as well as potential solutions. In this study, the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) are used as units of analysis to determine the veracity of the arguments pervading the current quality assurance discourse that there are uneven levels for quality and different and presumably inconsistent varying capacities for quality assurance in the current education system. The objective of the study was to test the veracity of this hypothesis for the purposes of making recommendations informed by concrete and scientific empirical data. The major findings of this study are that the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) policy, requiring CHE and the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) to coordinate the entire HET band, has not been implemented as envisaged. The degrees of quality assurance and capacity for quality assurance in South Africa vary dramatically between the SETAs and CHE and also among the SETAs when compared with one another, and there is a lack of consistency and co-ordination at National Qualification Framework (NQF) Level 5. Furthermore, the current legislative framework underpinning the SETAs and CHE is fundamentally contradictory. On the basis of these findings it is recommended that the current quality assurance and accreditation system be overhauled by bringing about one council responsible for the quality assurance and accreditation of all workplace and vocationally orientated learning programmes in line with international best practices. CHE should concentrate on learning programmes that are academically orientated. Lastly, the current legislative framework governing the operations of SETAs and CHE should be amended.

A curriculum framework for an introductory programme in the national diploma: Engineering at the Vaal University of Technology

Sutherland, G. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))-- University of Stellenbosch, 2009 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to develop a curriculum framework for engineering introduction programmes offered at a higher education institution, using a case study design. The South African government is attempting to redress the social inequalities which prevailed in the education sector during the apartheid era. One of their efforts has involved the widening of access to diverse groups in society in order to increase participation within the higher education sector. However, many students attempting their higher education studies are academically under prepared. This is mainly due to insufficient life skills, communication skills, numeric skills and literacy skills. The lack of these skills has inspired various international and national higher education institutions to develop academic programmes aimed at bridging the gap that exists between secondary schooling and higher education. Introduction programmes for prospective engineering students have to ensure high-quality curriculum development procedures in order to secure these students’ academic success throughout their engineering studies. This, in turn, leads to quality graduates and addresses the huge shortage experienced by the industry. An overview of the contextual and conceptual views on curriculum development is given against the backdrop of the current higher education legislation in South Africa. The overview regarding curriculum development links the introduction programme curriculum to generic learning outcomes specifically set at the National Qualification Framework Level 4. It suggests the application of continuous assessments, in line with outcomes-based education criteria, together with quality assurance in order to fit the Higher Education Quality Committee and the Engineering Council of South Africa’s accreditation criteria applicable to higher education institutions. During the design and methodological stages, it was established, by means of a theoretical investigation, that the first phase of this study determines whether students that successfully completed the introduction programme perform academically better than students entering the diploma programmes directly. The theoretical investigation also established that the second phase of this study determines if the diploma students dropped out of the programme for reasons other than academic performance. A triangulation approach was used to increase the validity of the empirical part of the study and to enhance the rigorous use of both quantitative and qualitative data. The study results shed light on the need for introduction programmes. In addition, it proposed a curriculum framework for improved engineering introduction programmes at the Vaal University of Technology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om kurrikulumraamwerk vir oorbruggingsprogram vir ingenieurswese-studente in hoër onderwys te ontwikkel. Die kurrikulumraamwerk is ontwikkel deur middel van gevallestudie wat die implementering van oorbruggingskursusse in die ingenieurswese indringend ondersoek het. Die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse regering poog om die sosio-politieke wanbalanse as nalatenskap van apartheid, uit te wis. Dit word gedoen deur middel van inisiatiewe waarin onder meer hoër onderwys prominente vennoot is wat aan diverse samelewing gelyke geleenthede bied. Die huidige, meer toeganklike bedeling in hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika het groot toename van studente uit histories agtergeblewe gemeenskappe tot gevolg gehad. Die meeste studente wat in hierdie konteks die hoëronderwyssektor betree, blyk in groot mate onvoorbereid te wees vir hoër onderwys vanweë hul gebrek aan lewens-, kommunikasie-, numeriese en taalvaardighede. Hierdie tendens kom ook op internasionale vlak voor. Dit het inisiatiewe ten opsigte van akademiese ontwikkeling op nasionale sowel as internasionale vlak genoodsaak. Die doel van akademiese ontwikkeling is primêr om die gaping tussen die skool en hoër onderwys te oorbrug. Oorbruggingskursusse moet van hoë gehalte wees om sodoende te kan verseker dat voornemende studente vir hoër onderwys, en vir die doel van hierdie studie meer spesifiek ingenieurstudente, van groter akademiese sukses verseker kan wees. Die suksesvolle implementering van oorbruggingskursusse vir ingenieurswese-studente behoort in groot mate tot beter gehalte gegradueerde te lei en bydrae te lewer tot die vraag na ingenieurswese-studente vir die nywerheidswêreld. Kontekstuele en konsepsuele beskouings ten opsigte van kurrikulumontwikkeling in die hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika word deur generiese leeruitkomste bepaal. Hierdie uitkomste is op vlak 4 van die land se Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk vasgepen. Dit het ook tot gevolg dat alle programme volgens amptelike Departement van Onderwys-dokumente aan deurlopende assessering onderwerp moet word, dat die gehalte van die kursus onderworpe is aan die gehalteversekeringskriteria van die vi Hoëronderwys se Gehaltekomitee (‘HEQC’) en dat dit moet voldoen aan die vereistes van die Ingenieursraad van Suid-Afrika. Teoretiese raamwerk is tydens die ontwerp- en metodiekstadium van die studie daargestel. Die doel van hierdie eerste fase van die studie was om te bepaal of diplomastudente wat die oorbruggingskursusse suksesvol voltooi het, akademies beter gepresteer het as daardie studente wat nie die oorbruggingskursus gevolg het nie. Die tweede studiefase het bepaal of die diplomastudente hul studies vir redes gestaak het wat moontlik nie met akademiese sukses verband hou nie. Die navorsing het van triangulasie gebruik gemaak, ten einde die doeltreffende gebruik van sowel kwantitatiewe as kwalitatiewe data te verhoog. Die resultate van die studie werp lig op en onderstreep die behoefte aan oorbruggingskursusse. Die navorsing beveel kurrikulumraamwerk aan vir die ontwerp van verbeterde oorbruggingskursusse in die ingenieurswese aan die Vaal Universiteit van Tegnologie.

Acquiring academic literacy : a case of first-year extended degree programme students at Stellenbosch University

Van Schalkwyk, Susan C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / In this study the experiences of a group of first-year Extended Degree Programme (EDP) students were explored in order to obtain insight into their acquisition of academic literacy. The study was undertaken against the backdrop of a higher education sector that is facing an increasing influx of first-year students on the one hand, and poor retention rates on the other. In South Africa, where the opening up of access to higher education for all citizens has become a political imperative, the need to address the undesirable dropout rate is self-evident. Students’ poor performance at university is often linked to their under-preparedness for higher education studies, and an important aspect of such under-preparedness is their academic literacy. In this context academic literacy is seen as knowing how to speak and act within a particular discourse, and the reading and writing that occur within the discipline as tools through which to facilitate learning. While some students acquire academic literacy by virtue of their participation in the discourse community of the relevant discipline, this is not always so for students who are less prepared for higher education studies. In response to the disconcerting retention rates, higher education institutions have implemented academic support programmes to address the needs of students who enter university with poor school results. One such intervention at Stellenbosch University is the Extended Degree Programme in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, which makes provision for students to extend their first academic year over two years. Since 2006 EDP students have also been required to register for an academic literacy module and it is this group that comprises the focus of this study. Using a case study design, this qualitative, interpretive inquiry was characterized by multiple data collection methods. In this way qualitative data that pointed to the perceptions of the students and some of the lecturers who taught the EDP classes were generated via semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews, observation and content analysis. In addition, descriptive quantitative data was collected and this further contributed to generating the rich, in-depth data that characterize case study research. The analysis of the data was undertaken according to a three-tiered approach, in which the results of the empirical inquiry were first analysed per data source and then themes and trends across all the data sources were identified. Ultimately, these findings were interpreted according to an explanatory framework. The study highlights a number of important issues, key of which is that providing an academic literacy module for under-prepared students can facilitate the acquisition of academic literacy, particularly when such provision seeks to support the different discipline-based mainstream modules. Another important finding of the study emphasizes the extent to which institutional factors, such as increased student numbers, have placed pressure on university infrastructure and human resources. The impact of this situation filters down to the first-year classroom and negatively influences student learning. Finally, the results of the study question prevailing notions about under-prepared students as all of the students in the study, irrespective of their backgrounds and levels of sophistication, attested to the significant challenges that entry into the academic community posed for them. The findings of this study, while specific to the context in which it was undertaken, contribute to the growing body of knowledge in the field of academic development within higher education and the role of academic literacy in student learning.

An evaluation of a Learning Support Model in Primary Schools in the West Coast/Winelands Area

Dreyer, Lorna M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Educational Psychology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Research indicates that the success of inclusive education lies within the provision of adequate support for learners who experience barriers to learning in mainstream schools as well as in the changing roles of teachers and support services staff. In South Africa, the provincial Western Cape Education Department (WCED) responded to the implementation of inclusive education by introducing a learning support model that was designed to systemically deal with barriers to learning in some primary schools in the province. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the learning support model that was introduced in some primary schools in the Western Cape with specific reference to schools within the West Coast/Winelands district. The evaluation was located in a comprehensive mixed methods research design, which focused on the evaluation of both process and outcomes of the learning support model. The evaluation was done sequentially in three phases: Phase one consisted of a comprehensive literature review. Phase two focused on both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis (through questionnaires containing both closed- and open-ended questions). The focus in Phase three was on follow up semi-structured focus group interviews. The participants were drawn from all primary schools situated within the boundaries of the West Coast/Winelands district and where the services of a learning support teacher (full-time or itinerant) were available. While learning support teachers were selected through purposive sampling, mainstream teachers were systematically selected. The four primary schools and learning support teachers that participated in the focus group interviews were systematically selected. Findings indicate that the current learning support model used in the West Coast/Winelands area does not provide effective learning support to all learners experiencing barriers to learning in mainstream primary schools. Constraints that contribute to this situation can be identified on all levels of the education system including the macro and micro systems. By mapping the findings from the data against the literature review, the researcher recommends that the provision of learning support should be addressed systemically from within a whole-school approach, taking into account local contextual factors impacting on the school. In conclusion a model for the improvement of learning support service delivery within a wholeschool approach is provided.

South African higher education institutions as learning organisations : a leadership process model

Van der Westhuizen, André Jeánne January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Reform is one of the most controversial elements in higher education and has therefore attracted much attention from within the academic community and from outside. The present higher education scene is characterised by demands for transformation and change, not only in South Africa but in Africa and the developed countries as well. The pressures and demands for change come from outside the field of higher education as well as from within. Some countries have been involved in the process of change and transformation for a period of over thirty years, while others have just embarked on the route or still have to start the change process. The post-apartheid era has marked an era of profound change for South African higher education institutions with concomitant legislation to ensure the change process. If effective and successful transformation of higher education institutions and systems can take place in South Africa with new models of transformation and the effective integration of cultures and openness to change at all institutional levels, these models could be instructive not only to Africa but also to the rest of the world and to academic life universally. However, the demands for change worldwide indicates not only towards new legislation but also towards flexible approaches and new forms of institutional structures and leadership to accommodate the significant, rapid and fundamental changes taking place in higher education and the realisation that institutions of the future will be different from those of the past and the present. In this study the influence of organisational models are used to establish a conceptual framework towards the development of learning organisations. The study reflects on how these new types of organisations will influence higher education institutions as organisations. It also considers what will be expected of higher education institutions to become learning organisations. Learning organisations have special qualities and higher education institutions or teaching institutions do not automatically qualify as learning organisations. The promise of the new millennium provides the higher educationcommunity with the opportunity to take stock of their position and to find out if they possess the necessary skills and have the enabling structures to accommodate a new world. Becoming a learning organisation involves more than a paradigm shift for higher education institutions. It requires a revolution, a quantum leap towards individual recognition and growth, leadership development and empowerment and institutional learning. The Academic 'Process Leadership' Super structure provides the space, structure and process for higher education organisations to re-organise and re-create itself to fit the demands of a new world. An analysis of leadership, leadership development and institutional change in higher education institutions brought to the fore that these institutions have not been effective in providing programmes that develop leaders because they simply do not know what is necessary for effective leadership development. Institutions do not have an in-depth understanding of leadership and they have not enculturated leadership development as a core aspect and activity in higher education institutions. There is grave concern regarding the development of 'soft' people skills. The qualitative research investigation into the process of change towards learning organisations in higher education institutions indicate that there are profound problems in the areas of leadership, leadership development, people management and satisfaction, knowledge management and learning dynamics. These areas form the core aspects within the new structures, that of learning organisations. The insights gained from the process analysis of five higher education institutions indicate that the implementation of the academic leadership model as described in the study will provide individual leaders with the necessary leadership skills to fulfill their roles in the recreated empowered institutions. This process of leadership development, as indicated in the study, could enable institutions to become learning organisations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Die huidige konteks van hoer onderwys dui daarop dat verandering een van die belangrikste, maar ook mees kontroversiele aspekte aangaande die studieveld is. Die hoeronderwysomgewing asook hoeronderwysinstellings verkeer onder geweldige druk van beide binne en buite die akademiese gemeenskap om te verander. 'n Analise van die huidige stand van sake en konteks van hoeronderwysinstellings dui daarop dat verandering nie net in Suid-Afrika 'n faktor is en baie aandag geniet nie, maar dat Afrika sowel as die ontwikkelde lande ook onder geweldige druk verkeer om te transformeer. Sommige lande is al vir meer as dertig jaar betrokke by die proses van verandering. Dit wil egter voorkom dat sommige van die ander lande Of nog glad nie begin het nie 6f pas begin het met die proses van verandering en transformasie. Die tydperk na 1994 en die oorgang na 'n nuwe demokratiese regenng m Suid- Afrika was ook die begin van dramatiese verandering in die Suid-Afrikaanse hoeronderwysomgewing. Die kwessie van verandering is nie net in sekere nasionale beleidsdokumente aangespreek nie, maar ook in meegaande wetgewing. Indien Suid-Afrikaanse hoeronderwysinstellings in staat sou wees om nuwe modelle te kan akkommodeer en te kan verwesenlik terwyl hulle besig is met die transformasieen veranderingsproses, kan hierdie modelle van nut en van waarde wees, nie net vir Afrika nie, maar ook vir die ontwikkelde wereld en die internasionale hoeronderwysgemeenskap. Nuwe strukture en modelle kan ongelukkig nie net deur wetgewing daargestel word nie. Instellings sal toeganklik moet wees vir moontlike nuwe vorms van leierskap, leierskapsontwikkeling en die konsep van veranderde strukture om sodoende te kan aanpas by die eise van 'n voortdurend veranderende wereld en die geweldige impak wat verandering op hoeronderwysinstellings het. Hoeronderwysinstellings sal moet besef dat instansies wat op die toekoms gerig word nie kan vashou aan ou uitgediendemodelle nie. Toekomsgerigte modelle verskil van die huidige vorms, sowel as die van die verlede. Die invloed van organisasiemodelle op hoeronderwysinstellings verskaf konseptuele verwysingsraamwerke vir die ontwikkeling van nuwe begrippe en konsepte. Die konsepte help om rigting aan te dui en te bepaal wat van instansies verwag word om sodoende te kan verander na lerende organisasies. Dit is belangrik om kennis te neem dat lerende organisasies spesifieke eienskappe het en dat hoeronderwysinstellings nie sonder meer gereken en geklassifiseer kan word as lerende organisasies nie. Hierdie nuwe vorm van organisasiestruktuur sal 'n fundamentele invloed he op institusionele prosesse asook op die manier waarop instellings in die toekoms bedryf sal word. In die nuwe millennium sal hierdie paradigmaskuif die geleentheid aan hoeronderwysinstellings voorsien om nie net revolusioner te verander nie maar ook om 'n kwantumsprong te maak na die belangrike mens- en leervaardighede. Hierdie vaardighede is nie net noodsaaklik vir die ontwikkeling om 'n lerende organisasie te word nie, dit maak ook die kern uit van hierdie nuwe organlsaSles. Die proses van akademiese leierskap en leierskapsontwikkeling, soos wat voorgestel word in die model van die Akademiese Leierskapsproses Superstruktuur sal aan instellings die geleentheid bied om die noodsaaklike leierskapsvaardighede te ontwikkel. Dit sal ook die kreatiewe en innoverende omgewing skep wat dit vir hierdie soort organisasie strukture moontlik sal maak om nuut te kan ontwikkel en sodoende in staat sal stel om te kan herorganiseer binne 'n konteks van groter aanpasbaarheid. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie en navorsingsanalise ten opsigte van leierskap, leierskapsontwikkeling en die proses van verandering en transformasie het aangedui dat hoeronderwysinstellings in Suid-Afrika nie effektief ontwikkel ten einde lerende organisasies te word nie. Die ondersoek dui daarop dat instellings nie die onderliggende elemente van die begrip "leierskap" verstaan nie. Leierskap en leierskapsontwikkeling maak tans nie deel uit van die huidige institusionele kultuur nie.

Teacher development for religious and cultural diversity in citizenship education : a community of practice approach

Ferguson, Rene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research focuses on teacher-learning for religious and cultural diversity. The background to the study is associated with curriculum reforms in South Africa since democratization in 1994 and the growing interest globally in the integration of Citizenship education and Religion education. In South Africa, the new national curricula after 1994 introduced Life Orientation as a learning area / subject which includes Citizenship education with Religion education as key focus areas. The outcomes associated with these focus areas require school-based learners to demonstrate knowledge of diversity, co-operative and communicative forms of democracy and commitment to the values espoused in The Constitution. The question that arises in relation to the professional development of teachers in this regard, concerns whether teachers have the professional knowledge base to ensure that their learners acquire the knowledge and skills to enable them to participate as competent citizens in a pluralist democracy. Consequently the large-scale transmissionist approaches to teacher development that have dominated INSET programmes have been critiqued in this study for being inadequate for learning the complexities associated with diversity, citizenship and democracy. This study has hence advocated for teacher-learning through participation in communities of practice which arguably provide appropriate learning conditions in which dialogue and critical reflection characterise the interaction between teachers. On the grounds that South Africa’s social-political history enforced the segregation of racial groups and privileged Christianity above other religions or beliefs, a further argument is related to how this history has influenced teachers’ frames of reference and whether teachers’ frames of reference continue to influence how Citizenship education is approached in the classroom. Hence, the theoretical framework for this study has been formulated to address the issue of teacher-learning for Citizenship education and Religion education (Citizenship education/Religion education) and the extent to which the frames of reference of teachers influence their approaches to democracy, values, citizenship and diversity. To this end two learning theory perspectives have been explored, viz. Mezirow’s transformative learning theory (1991, 2000) and communities of practice, as conceptualised by Wenger (1998, 2006b). The efficacy of the communities of practice concept for teacher-learning for diversity was investigated against a transformative learning theory background, using a mixed methods approach. A cross-sectional survey was conducted amongst 60 secondary schools in the Gauteng province, followed by a phase of participatory action research (PAR) with three teachers over a period of approximately eight months. The survey questionnaire was designed to determine the perspectives of a sample of Life Orientation teachers towards learning and teaching religious and cultural diversity in Life Orientation. The findings were used to inform the action research process which in turn drew attention to the significance of the community of practice concept for assisting teachers to generate content knowledge for Citizenship education/Religion education from an inclusive and constructivist perspective. The findings of the survey questionnaire indicated that the majority of the teachers in the sample were not opposed to including religious diversity in their Life Orientation classes despite not having backgrounds in Religious Studies or meaningful in-service training. The PAR findings indicate the value of engagement by teachers in a community of practice for creating and acquiring appropriate content knowledge and for critical reflection on the meaning and application of democratic and personal values for Citizenship education/Religion education. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsprojek fokus op onderwyser-leer ter bevordering van religieuse en kulturele diversiteit. Die agtergrond van hierdie studie is enersyds kurrikulumhervorming in Suid-Afrika sedert demokratisering in 1994 en andersyds die groeiende, wêreldwye belangstelling in die integrasie van Burgerskapopvoeding (Citizenship Education) en Religieuse-onderrig (Religion Education). Lewensoriëntering as ‘n leerarea/vak wat Burgerskapopvoeding en Religieuse-onderrig as primêre fokus insluit, is na 1994 as deel van die nuwe nasionale kurrikulum in Suid-Afrika bekendgestel. Die leeruitkomste van hierdie fokus vereis dat leerders kennis moet demonstreer rakende: diversiteit, samewerkende- en kommunikatiewe vorms van demokrasie en die verbintenis tot die waardes soos in die Grondwet vervat. Die vraag word gestel of die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers die nodige professionele kennisbasis bied wat kan verseker dat leerders wel kennis en vaardighede verwerf wat hulle in staat sal stel om bevoegde burgers te wees om aan ‘n pluralistiese demokrasie deel te neem. In hierdie studie word die transmissionistiese benaderings (transmissionist approaches) wat die indiensonderwysersopleiding (INSET) gedomineer het, krities ondersoek en bevraagteken ook hierdie benadering vir die onderrig-leer van kompleksiteite soos diversiteit, burgerskap en demokrasie. In hierdie studie word onderwyser-leer by wyse van deelname aan “gemeenskappe van praktyk” (communities of practice) onderskryf hoofsaaklik weens die moontlikhede wat hierdie benadering bied om gepaste leeromstandighede te skep waar onderwysers se interaksie deur dialoog en kritiese refleksie en terugskouing gekenmerk word. In die lig van Suid-Afrika se sosio-politiese geskiedenis waartydens die segregasie van rassegroepe afgedwing is en Christendom bo ander religieë of geloofsoortuigings bevoorreg was, word kritiese argumente gevoer rondom die invloed van hierdie geskiedenis op onderwysers se verwysingsraamwerke en hoe hierdie betrokke verwysingsraamwerke onderwysers se benadering tot Burgerskapopvoeding beïnvloed het. In die teoretiese raamwerk van hierdie studie word die grondliggende kwessies en diskoerse van onderwyser-leer vir Burgerskapopvoeding en Religieuse-onderrig (Burgerskapopvoeding/ Religieuse-onderrig) ondersoek asook die mate waarop die verwysingsraamwerke van onderwysers hulle onderrigbenaderinge tot demokrasie, waardes, burgerskap en diversiteit beïnvloed het. Die twee leerteorieë en perspektiewe van Mezirow se Transformatiewe Leerteorie (1991, 2000) en “gemeenskappe van praktyk”, soos deur Wenger (1998, 2006b) gekonseptualiseer is, word as vertrekpunte geneem. Die effektiwiteit van die konsep “gemeenskappe van praktyk” vir onderwys-leer in belang van diversiteit, word ondersoek teen die agtergrond van ‘n transformatiewe leerteorie deur gebruik te maak van ‘n gemengde-metodesbenadering (mixed methods approach). ‘n Deursnee-opname is aan 60 sekondêre skole in die Gauteng provinsie gedoen, gevolg deur ‘n fase van Deelnemende-Aksienavorsing met drie onderwysers oor ‘n tydperk van ongeveer agt maande. Die vraelys vir die opname is sodanig ontwerp dat ‘n steekproef Lewensoriënteringonderwysers se perspektiewe van onderrig-leer van religieuse en kulturele diversiteit in Lewensoriëntering bepaal kon word. Hierdie bevindinge is vir die aksienavorsingsfase gebruik wat die aandag gefokus het op die belangrikheid van “gemeenskappe van praktyk” as ‘n konsep wat onderwysers kan help om inhoudskennis vir Burgerskapopvoeding/Religieuse-onderrig vanuit ‘n inklusiewe en konstruktiewe benadering te genereer. Die bevindinge van die vraelysopname toon dat die meerderheid van die onderwysers, wat deel was van die steekproef, nie gekant is teen die insluiting van religieuse diversiteit in Lewensoriënteringsklasse nie ten spyte van die feit dat hulle geen agtergrond in Religieuse-onderrig of enige ander betekenisvolle indiensopleiding ontvang het nie. Die bevindings van die Deelnemende– Aksienavorsingsproses bewys die waarde van onderwyserbetrokkenheid in “gemeenskappe van praktyk” om inhoudskennis te verwerf en krities na te dink oor die betekenis en toepassings van demokratiese en persoonlike waardes vir Burgerskapopvoeding/Religieuse-onderrig.

An evaluation of the influence of an HIV/AIDS peer education programme at a higher education institution in the Western Cape

Vember, Hilda Frances 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is now in its eighteenth year of democracy. However, a major problem that we are facing is the scourge of the HIV/AIDS pandemic throughout Africa, with the most seriously affected areas being in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite a National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV/AIDS, government authorities have been unable to stem the tide of daily HIV infections amongst all people. Education seems to be one of the most powerful weapons to fight this pandemic; hence it is expected of HEIs to respond to this problem in a meaningful manner in order to stem the tide of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on all university campuses. HEAIDS took the initiative to bring all role players in HEIs together to devise plans for how to deal with the pandemic at HEIs. Despite the fact that 22 out of the 23 higher education institutions surveyed by HEAIDS in 2008 were engaged in peer education training programmes, none of them monitored or evaluated these programmes. The aim of this study is to evaluate and establish the influence of a peer education programme amongst students at a selected HEI in the Western Cape. An evaluation research design was employed, using a mixed methods approach to collect data. A Logic Model was developed which assisted me with the evaluation design. I used Bandura's social cognitive theory (SCT) to assist me with the analysis and interpretation of the data. The study attempted to understand the key issues involved in the peer education programme, challenges faced by staff in the implementation of these programmes, how peer educators experienced the training programmes, as well as the experiences of other students who interacted with the peer educators. The quantitative data revealed that more work needs to be done with regard to behaviour change amongst peer educators. However, in this study, the qualitative data showed that peer educators need to develop more skills to empower themselves to facilitate workshops and to enhance their communication skills. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is tans in sy agtiende jaar van demokrasie. Die probleem wat nog hierdie bedeling in die gesig staar, bly nog steeds die MIV en VIGS pandemie, waarvan die grootste problem in Sub-Sahara Afrika, is. Ten spyte van 'n omvattende nasionale plan teen MIV en VIGS kan die owerhede nog nie hierdie aaklige pandemie stuit nie, en word mense nog op 'n daaglikse basis daardeur geaffekteer. Opvoeding bly nog die grootste wapen waarmee hierdie pandemie beveg kan word, daarom word dit van die opvoedkundige instansies, veral universiteite, verwag om die voortou te neem met die bevegting van hierdie pandemie. "HEAIDS" het die inisiatief geneem om alle rolspelers by hoër opvoedkundige instansies bymekaar te bring om sodoende planne te beraam, hoe om te werk te gaan om die pandemie te bekamp. Ten spyte van die feit dat 22 uit 23 hoër opvoedkundige instansies deel was van die opnames wat in 2008 op hul kampusse, onder sekere portuurgroepe gedoen was, was geen analiese of evaluering gedoen nie. Die doel van hierdie navorsings projek is om portuurgroep opleidings programme te evalueer by n universiteit in die Wes-Kaap en om vas te stel wat die invloed van hierdie programme onder sekere portuurgroepe by hierdie hoër opvoedkundige instansie, het. Daar was van 'n evaluerings navorsing metode gebruik gemaak met gemengde maniere om die data in te vorder. 'n Logiese model was ontwikkel wat my gehelp het met die evaluerings ontwerp. Die Teoretiese raamwerk wat gebruik was om die data te intepreteer was Bandura se Sosiale Kognitiewe Teorie. Die studie het gepoog om die belangrike aspekte wat betrokke is by portuurgroep opleidings programme uit te beeld en om vas te stel watter uitdagings die personeel ondervind het met die implimentering van die opleidings programme. Ek wou ook vasstel hoe die portuurgroepe en die ander studente op kampus, hierdie programme ondervind het. Kwantitatiewe data het bewys dat meer gedoen moet word met betrekking tot die gedragsveranderinge van portuurgroepe. Kwalitatiewe data het bewys dat daar meer opleiding nodig is vir die portuurgroepe ten opsigte van vaardigheidsontwikkeling. Daar moet gefokus word op die ontwikkeling van kommunikasie metodes en die fasilitering van werkswinkels.

First additional language teaching in selected Grade 4 - 6 classes in Western Cape urban schools : the case of Afrikaans

Thornhill, Christa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the current state of Afrikaans FAL teaching in selected Gr 4 – 6 classes in Western Cape urban schools. This was done by presenting an overview of the literature relevant to FAL teaching and FAL curricula as well as the results from questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with Gr 4 – 6 teachers. This study does not offer a quick-fix solution to the problems in the Afrikaans FAL classrooms, but the researcher believes that the findings will highlight the daily challenges Afrikaans FAL teachers have to face and that all role players will become actively involved in improving the state of Afrikaans FAL teaching in the Western Cape. The relevance of this study lies in the national drive towards the promotion of multilingualism among the general population and especially in education. Feedback from student teachers returning from practice teaching indicated that not enough time is allocated by schools for the instruction of Afrikaans FAL; greatly differing methodologies as well as teaching and learning materials are being used in Afrikaans FAL classes; and learner and teacher Afrikaans proficiency varies from class to class. A theoretical framework for language teaching and learning, a literature study pertaining to first additional language teaching nationally and internationally, and an analysis of South African FAL curricula support the research. Constructivism, social constructivism and teacher knowledge were identified as the underpinning theories for language teaching and learning. The literature study provides an overview of all the major methodologies relevant to FAL teaching and the researcher concluded that there is no single method or approach that will ensure effective FAL teaching, but that teachers should implement an eclectic approach to achieve the best results. This study used a mixed methods approach to generate empirical data; 125 questionnaires, completed by Grade 4 – 6 Afrikaans FAL teachers, provided the quantitative data. For the qualitative strand of the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 Afrikaans FAL teachers. The data of these interviews were used as triangulation, to confirm or disconfirm and elaborate on the results of the questionnaires. One of the major factors impacting negatively on the teaching and learning of Afrikaans FAL is the negative attitude towards Afrikaans among many learners and their parents. Teachers are not equipped with teaching strategies and techniques to manage these negative attitudes. The results show that many teachers still follow a teacher-centred approach to teaching, which is an indication that learners are not given enough opportunities to develop their communicative competence through interaction with others. Another factor affecting Afrikaans FAL teaching negatively is that not all schools implement the prescriptions of the various language policies and curricula as they should. The study also investigated the use of appropriate and relevant learning and teaching support materials (LTSM) in the FAL classroom. The results showed that most teachers still mainly use the textbook as teaching resource. There is a dire need for appropriate Afrikaans LTSM for FAL. The expectation is that, in the age of technology we find ourselves in today, learners’ interest will be stimulated through the use of technological teaching aids. Teachers should therefore have access to, and use, a variety of media and technological teaching aids and be able to integrate them effectively into their language teaching. The findings of the study revealed teachers are caught up in traditional language teaching methods and strategies which do not contribute to the enhancement of learners’ proficiency in the target language. The study also closely examined the different types of knowledge that a language teacher should have. The results showed that the teachers’ knowledge of the curriculum, language policies, language teaching and learning theories as well as methodologies is extremely limited. Therefore a new method or approach is needed, which is why this study recommends that the HEIs and the WCED ensure that initial teacher training programmes and in-service training workshops are upgraded and adapted in order to prepare the teachers adequately to implement the prescribed curriculum using appropriate methodologies and strategies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die huidige stand van Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal (EAT) onderrig in gekose Gr 4 – 6 klasse in Wes-Kaapse stedelike skole te ondersoek en beskryf. Dit is gedoen by wyse van die aanbieding van ’n oorsig van die betrokke literatuur oor EAT-onderrig en EAT-kurrikula, asook die resultate van vraelyste en semigestruktureerde onderhoude met Gr 4 – 6-onderwysers. Hierdie studie bied nie ’n kitsoplossing vir die probleme in die Afrikaans EAT klaskamers nie, maar die navorser glo dat die bevindinge die uitdagings wat Afrikaans EAT-onderwysers daagliks trotseer, sal beklemtoon en dat alle rolspelers aktief betrokke sal raak om die stand van Afrikaans EAT onderrig in die Wes-Kaap te verbeter. Die toepaslikheid van hierdie studie is gesetel in die nasionale klem op die bevordering van meertaligheid onder die algemene pupliek en veral in die onderwys. Studente terugvoer na die praktiese onderwys dui daarop dat nie genoeg tyd aan die onderrig van Afrkaans EAT in skole bewillig word nie en dat daar ‘n groot verskeidenheid onderrigmetodes en onderrig- en leerhulpmiddels in Afrikaans EAT-klasse aangewend word. Leerders en onderwysers se vaardigheid in Afrikaans wissel ook van klas tot klas. Die navorsing is ondersteun deur ‘n teoretiese raamwerk van taalonderrig en –leer, ‘n literatuurstudie van eerste addisionele taalonderrig, nasionaal sowel as internasionaal, asook ‘n analise van Suid-Afrikaanse EAT-kurrikula. Konstruktivisme. sosio-konstruktivisme en onderwyser kennis is geïdentifiseer as die teoretiese begronding vir taalonderrig en –leer. Die literatuurstudie gee ‘n oorsig van al die belangrike en relevante EAT-metodieke. Die navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat nie een enkele metode of benadering effektiewe EAT-onderrig kan verseker nie, maar dat onderwysers ‘n eklektiese benadering behoort te volg om die beste resultate te verseker. Hierdie studie het ‘n gemengde navorsingsbenadering gevolg ten einde empiriese data te genereer. Die kwantatiewe data is ingesamel by wyse van talle vraelyste wat deur Gr 4 – 6 Afrikaans EAT-onderwysers voltooi is. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met 17 Afrikaans EAT-onderwysers gevoer ten einde die kwalitatiewe data in te samel. Die data van hierdie onderhoude is gebruik as tri-angulasie om die resultate van die vraelyste te bevestig of te weerspreek. Een van die belangrikste faktore wat die onderrig en leer van Afrikaans EAT negatief beïnvloed, is baie leerders en ouers se negatiewe houding teenoor Afrikaans. Onderwysers is nie toegerus met die nodige onderrigstrategieë en –tegnieke om hierdie negatiewe houdings aan te spreek nie. Die resultate wys daarop dat baie onderwysers steeds ’n onderwyser-gerigte benadering volg wat daartoe lei dat die leerders nie genoegsame geleentheide kry om hulle kommunikatiewe vaardighede by wyse van interaksie met ander te ontwikkel nie. ‘n Ander faktor wat Afrikaans EAT-onderrig negatief beïnvloed, is die feit dat nie alle skole die voorskrifte van die verskillende taalbeleide en kurrikula implementeer soos van hulle verwag word nie. Hierdie studie het ook die gebruik van gepaste en relevante onderrig- en leerondersteuningsmateriaal in die EAT-klaskamer ondersoek. Die resultate het daarop gedui dat die meeste onderwysers nog steeds die handboek as belangrikste onderrighulpmiddel gebruik. Daar bestaan ‘n geweldige behoefte na gepaste Afrikaanse onderrig- en leermateriaal vir EAT. In die tegnologiese era waarin ons ons bevind, bestaan die verwagting dat leerders se belangstelling gestimuleer sal word deur die gebruik van tegnologiese onderrigmateriaal. Onderwysers behoort dus toegang te hê tot en ‘n wye verskeidenheid media en tegnologiese onderrigmateriaal te kan gebruik en in staat wees om dit suksesvol te integreer in hulle taalonderrig. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het gewys dat onderwysers vasgevang is in tradisionele taalonderrigmetodes en –strategieë wat nie bydra tot die ontwikkeling van die leerders se vaardigheid in die teikentaal nie. Die verskillende soorte kennis waaroor ‘n taalonderwyser behoort te beskik is ook onder die vergrootglas geplaas. Die resultate het getoon dat die onderwysers se kennis van die kurrikulum, taalbeleid, taalonderrig en –leerteorieë en metodieke uiters beperk is. Daar is dus ‘n behoefte aan ‘n nuwe metode of benadering en daarom beveel hierdie studie aan dat onderwyseropleidingsprogramme en indiensopleidingswerkswinkels opgegradeer en aangepas word deur die Hoëronderwysinstellings en die WKOD om te verseker dat onderwysers voldoende voorberei word om gepaste metodieke en strategieë toe te pas in die implementering van die voorgeskrewe kurrikula.

Educators, praxis and hope : a philosophical analysis of post-apartheid teacher education policy

Botman, Beryl Verna 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation argues that teacher education and development policy lacks an explicit philosophy of education and a responding pedagogy that would promote transformation. Through a conceptual analysis of teacher education and development, the study points to a deficit in philosophical underpinning that calls for an inquiry into ontology − ways of being, and epistemology − ways of knowing to contribute to critical citizenship. I contend that it is in a Freirean philosophy of education and a pedagogy of hope that teacher education praxis establishes the notion of a teacher as an unfinished being. This dissertation contends that for this to become established practice, the authority of educators, teachers and learners, and their status as subjects of their own learning and teaching, have to become part of the reflexive praxis. A pedagogy of hope constitutes the unleashing of the emancipatory potential of a teacher as an agent of democratic change, authority and reflectiveness. In line with the National Development Plan and the Vision for 2030, and in order to make an impact on society, I suggest an agenda for mass-based dialogue for the re-orientation of current teacher education policy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif argumenteer dat beleid ten opsigte van onderwyseropleiding en -ontwikkeling nie eksplisiete opvoedingsfilosofie en ‘n ooreenstemmende pedagogie wat transformasie voorstaan, openbaar nie. ̓n Konseptuele analise van onderwyseropleiding en -ontwikkeling wys op die afwesigheid van ̓n filosofiese onderbou, wat vereis dat ’n ondersoek van ontologie, as wyses van wees of bestaan, en epistemologie, as wyses van weet of met kennis omgaan, tot kritiese burgerskap kan bydra. Ek gaan van die veronderstelling uit dat dit in ̓n opvoedingsfilosofie en ̓ isn pedagogie van hoop, soos deur Freire voorgestel, dat onderwyserpraksis die idee kan vestig van ̓n onderwyser as “onklare/onvoltooide wese”. Die proefskrif gaan verder van die veronderstelling uit dat om hierdie idee as praktyk te vestig, die outoriteit van die opvoeders, onderwysers en leerders en hulle status as onderwerpe van hulle eie leer en onderrig, deel moet word van hul refleksiewe praktyk. ̓n Pedagogie van hoop behels die ontketening van die emansipatoriese potensiaal van die onderwyser as agent vir demokratiese verandering, outoriteit en reflektiwiteit. In ooreenstemming met die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan en die Visie vir 2030, stel ek voor dat om ̓n impak op die samelewing te kan maak, ons ̓n agenda vir massagebaseerde dialoog ter bevordering van die reoriëntering van huidige onderwysopleidingsbeleid moet onderneem.

Foundation phase educators' perception of curriculum 2005 in the Nzhelele West circuit

Raselabe, Matodzi Johannah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This study is centered on the perception of Foundation Phase educators in the Nzhelele West Circuit in the province of Limpopo of Curriculum 2005. The implementation of Curriculum 2005 created much uncertainty among these teachers. The study took the form of a survey of published and unpublished sources, questionnaires, interviews and observations. Respondents were made up of stakeholders affected by the introduction of the new curriculum. Recommendations have been made about how the new curriculum should have been planned, developed and implemented to make foundation phase educators feel confident and able to help in the interpretation and implementation of the curriculum so as to help achieve the developmental goals of the South African Education System.

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