Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educationization. asustainable devevelopment"" "subject:"educationization. asustainable agentdevelopment""
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China's strategy towards environmental governance : an examination of the interaction between pedagogy and practice of environmental education in creating and achieving objectives for sustainable development /Darkhor, Patrick, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Toronto, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 223-231).
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Textbook content in social studies in Japan as a contributory factor in the marginalization of indigenous peoples, women, and ecological sustainability /Okuno, Aoi, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. D.)--University of Toronto, 2005. / References in English and Japanese. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 164-174).
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School-as-community : bridging the gap to sustainability /Wooltorton, Sandra. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Murdoch University, 2003. / Thesis submitted to the Division of Arts. Bibliography: p. 456-492.
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University leadership for sustainability : an active dendritic framework for enabling connection and collaboration : a thesis submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environment Studies /Williams, Pam January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Victoria University of Wellington, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references.
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A systems approach to mainstreaming environment and sustainability in universities : the case of Rhodes University, South Africa /Togo, Muchaiteyi. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Environmental Science)) - Rhodes University, 2009.
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Reviewing the use of environmental audits for environmental learning in school contexts : a case study of environmental auditing processes within a professional development course /Hoffmann, Patricia Anne. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed. (Education)) - Rhodes University, 2007. / A half thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education (Environmental Education)
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O papel da educaÃÃo na promoÃÃo do desenvolvimento sustentÃvel: um estudo sobre a expansÃo do ensino superior na regiÃo metropolitana do Cariri / The role of education in promoting sustainable development: a study on the expansion of higher education in the metropolitan CaririPolliana de Luna Nunes Barreto 12 June 2012 (has links)
nÃo hà / A educaÃÃo de um modo geral, e mais especificamente a expansÃo do ensino superior no interior dos estados federados, dialoga com estudos atuais de novos modelos de Desenvolvimento. Discutiremos aqui a ampliaÃÃo do acesso à educaÃÃo formal nessas localidades e tais modelos. Nesse sentido, elegeu-se assim como tema desta pesquisa a EducaÃÃo Superior na Perspectiva do Desenvolvimento SustentÃvel na RegiÃo Metropolitana do Cariri. O objetivo geral deste estudo à apresentar o acesso à educaÃÃo superior neste territÃrio como uma das ferramentas capazes de alavancar o desenvolvimento sustentÃvel. Para tanto, a pesquisa buscou fazer um levantamento histÃrico das polÃticas educacionais para o ensino superior no Brasil e na RMC, caracterizar a situaÃÃo socioeconÃmica da RMC na primeira dÃcada do sÃculo XXI, mostrar a importÃncia das polÃticas pÃblicas na expansÃo do Ensino Superior na regiÃo e relacionar o papel da Universidade e a promoÃÃo do Desenvolvimento SustentÃvel. Foi considerado o perÃodo compreendido entre os anos 2000 a 2010 e eleitas variÃveis constantes na dimensÃo social da Sustentabilidade. Esta pesquisa se propÃe descritiva, na medida em que caracteriza a implantaÃÃo e a expansÃo do ensino superior caririense a partir da relaÃÃo entre as variÃveis eleitas. Este trabalho à fruto de uma pesquisa documental baseada em dados secundÃrios, os quais estÃo à disposiÃÃo nos bancos de dados institucionais das IES que compÃem a amostra e ainda de organismos pÃblicos de pesquisa, como o INEP, IPECE e IBGE. O quadro socioeconÃmico da RMC demonstra avanÃos e fragilidades no caminho da sustentabilidade. Para alavancar o DS à necessÃrio um esforÃo em vÃrias frentes, levando em consideraÃÃo todas as dimensÃes da sustentabilidade; faz-se necessÃrio continuar ampliando o acesso ao ensino superior, bem como resolver o problema da distorÃÃo idade-sÃrie no ensino mÃdio, que apesar de ter sofrido forte reduÃÃo na Ãltima dÃcada, ainda persiste. Os resultados obtidos apÃs a anÃlise dos dados demonstram que A RMC tem avanÃado em Ãreas estratÃgicas para o DS, entretanto à imprescindÃvel uma preocupaÃÃo de carÃter conceitual e qualitativo no tocante à educaÃÃo, tendo em vista que o Desenvolvimento SustentÃvel pede uma mudanÃa de mentalidades. Uma importante ferramenta està sendo disseminada, e essa pesquisa vem provar isso, que à o acesso à escolaridade. Esse relatÃrio vem afirmar, tambÃm, que avanÃos em Ãreas importantes da dimensÃo social conseguidos na Ãltima dÃcada na RMC promovem condiÃÃes favorÃveis para o D.S da RMC. / Education in general and more specifically the expansion of higher education within the federal states, dialogues with current studies of new models of development. We discuss here the expansion of access to formal education in these places and these models. In this sense, was chosen as the theme of this research Higher Education in the Perspective of Sustainable Development in the Metropolitan Region of Cariri. The aim of this study is to provide access to higher education in this territory as a tool capable of driving sustainable development. To this end, the research sought to make a historical survey of educational policies for higher education in Brazil and CMR, to characterize the socioeconomic status of CMR in the first decade of this century, to show the importance of public policies on the expansion of higher education in the region and to relate the role of the university and the promotion of sustainable development. It was considered the period between the years 2000 to 2010 and selected variables in the social dimension of sustainability. This research proposes itself descriptive, characterized in that the installation and expansion of higher education in Cariri from the relationship between the chosen variables. This work is a result of documentary research based on secondary data, which are available in institutional databases of IES in the sample and also for public research, as the INEP, IBGE and IPECE. The table shows the RMC socioeconomic progress and weaknesses in the way of sustainability. To leverage the DS effort is needed on several fronts, taking into account all dimensions of sustainability, it is necessary to continue expanding access to higher education, as well as solve the age-grade in high school, that have suffered a marked decline in the last decade, but still persists. The results obtained after analyzing the data, show that the RMC has advanced in strategic areas for the DS, though it is an essential concern of a conceptual nature and quality with regard to education, in order that sustainable development calls for a change of mindset. An important tool is being disseminated, and this research comes to prove that, which is the access to schooling. This report has to say also that advances in important areas of the social dimension achieved in the last decade in the RMC promote favorable conditions for sustainable development of CMR.
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Análise das matrizes curriculares brasileiras e a percepção de discentes de engenharia civil sobre sustentabilidade ambientalRocha, Daniela Sousa Guedes Meireles 27 September 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-09-27 / Introduction: Civil construction uses a significant quantity of materials and
consequently, if poorly managed, can culminate in tons of undue disposal. In this way,
engineers become (co) responsible for bringing environmental sustainability into the
daily life of their works, with optimization of materials, waste reduction and efficient
and humanized manpower management. In order to do so, Higher Education Institutions
(HEIs) can exert influence in the training of these professionals, being an agent that
contributes to the transformation of the posture of the future engineer, and may arouse
students' interest in sustainability related topics. Objectives: To evaluate the perception
and commitment of Civil Engineering students from the Pontifical Catholic University
of Goiás (PUC / GO) based on the principles that guide sustainability, and to identify in
the Curricular Matrices of Brazilian HEIs the quantitative of disciplines involving
sustainability education and propose a possible change in the Curricular Matrix of
PUC/GO. Methods: Descriptive, exploratory study of a quantitative-qualitative nature,
whose research source was the application of the Survey questionnaire, using the
Multiple Correspondence Analysis technique for analysis and statistical inferences.
Results: Civil Engineering students from PUC/GO are mostly males (54%), aged 22 to
25 (57%) and have income between one and two minimum wages (37%). The research
demonstrated that the students have knowledge by the subject "sustainability" and had
access in the IES to contents that approach the sustainable development. However, not
all future professionals are interested in developing skills based on sustainable
guidelines. From the analysis of the curricular matrices of 163 Civil Engineering
courses, it was verified that only (5.9%) of the subjects deal with sustainability, thus
presenting the need for changes in the curricular matrix and in the syllabuses in the
subjects, the which were suggested in this work. Conclusions: This research comprised
that the student of Civil Engineering is said to possess little knowledge to act in
accordance with the Sustainable Development (SD), and most appropriated the theme
during the course of all their training as an individual and not necessarily during the
course of graduation. The information obtained in this dissertation, associated with
other research already done on the subject, proposes to the HEIs a review of their
curricular matrices and contents, providing more suitable conditions for the learning of
these future professionals, in relation to the issues of Sustainable Development. / Introdução: A construção civil utiliza um expressivo quantitativo de materiais e
consequentemente, se mal geridos, podem culminar em toneladas de descarte indevido.
Deste modo, os engenheiros tornam-se (co)responsáveis por trazerem a sustentabilidade
ambiental no cotidiano de suas obras, com otimização de materiais, redução de
desperdícios e um gerenciamento da mão-de-obra eficiente e humanizado. Para tanto, as
Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) podem exercer influência na formação desses
profissionais, sendo agente que contribui na transformação na postura do futuro
engenheiro, podendo despertar o interesse dos discentes nos temas relacionados à
sustentabilidade. Objetivos: Avaliar a percepção e o comprometimento dos alunos de
Engenharia Civil da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC/GO) a partir dos
princípios que norteiam a sustentabilidade, além disso, identificar nas Matrizes
Curriculares de IES brasileiras o quantitativo de disciplinas que envolvem a educação
voltada à sustentabilidade e propor uma possível mudança na Matriz Curricular da
PUC/GO. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, exploratório de natureza quanti-qualitativa, que
teve como fonte de investigação a aplicação do questionário Survey, com o uso da
técnica de Análise de Correspondência Múltipla para análise e inferências estatísticas.
Resultados: Os discentes de Engenharia Civil da PUC/GO são em sua maioria do sexo
masculino (54%,) com idade entre 22 a 25 anos (57%) e possui renda entre um e dois
salários mínimos (37%). A pesquisa demonstrou que os discentes possuem
conhecimento pelo tema “sustentabilidade” e tiveram acesso nas IES a conteúdos que
abordam o desenvolvimento sustentável. Porém, nem todos os futuros profissionais
estão interessados em desenvolver habilidades pautadas nas diretrizes sustentáveis. A
partir da análise das matrizes curriculares de 163 cursos de Engenharia Civil, verificouse
que apenas (5,9%) das disciplinas, versam sobre a sustentabilidade, apresentando
assim, a necessidade de mudanças da matriz curricular e das ementas nas disciplinas, as
quais foram sugeridas neste trabalho. Conclusões: Esta pesquisa compreendeu que o
estudante de Engenharia Civil se diz possuir pouco conhecimento para atuar em
conformidade com o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (DS), e a maioria apropriou-se do
tema no decorrer de toda sua formação como indivíduo e não necessariamente durante o
curso de graduação. As informações obtidas nesta dissertação, associadas a outras
pesquisas já realizadas sobre o tema, propõe às IES revisão de suas matrizes curriculares
e conteúdos, proporcionando condições mais adequadas à aprendizagem destes futuros
profissionais, em relação às questões do Desenvolvimento Sustentável.
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The potential of a stratified ontology for developing materials in community-based coastal marine environmental education processes /Davies, Siân May. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed. (Education)) - Rhodes University, 2009.
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Education for environment: A useful concept: Short communicationGiap, Binh Nga 09 December 2015 (has links)
By analyzing the relationship between sustainable development and education, the author developed the guidelines proposal for the practical work in environmental education and its application to guide instruction and research in Vietnam. / Trên cơ sở phân tích mối quan hệ tác động qua lại giữa giáo dục và sự phát triển bền vững cũng như tiếp cận những định nghĩa của một số tác giả khác về giáo dục môi trường. Tác giả đưa ra định hướng thực hành trong giáo dục môi trường. Định hướng này ứng dụng trong giảng dạy và nghiên cứu giáo dục môi trường tại Việt Nam.
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