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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

?N?is pixa voces pinta, vamu ve quem tem mais tinta?: a media??o do espa?o f?sico e social na promo??o do desenvolvimento da imagina??o de adolescentes do Ensino M?dio / ?We got tags, you got brushes, let?s see who got the most ink?: the mediation of physical and social spaces, fostering the development of the imagination of high school teenage students

Takara, Luciana Miyuki 01 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2017-03-10T17:44:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCIANA MIYUKI TAKARA.pdf: 2938050 bytes, checksum: 1165d14fa2eb11ef7012df1758214105 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-10T17:44:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCIANA MIYUKI TAKARA.pdf: 2938050 bytes, checksum: 1165d14fa2eb11ef7012df1758214105 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-01 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / This study is based on the premise that a school?s physical space is constructed socially, asi-de from having the constitution of a dynamic place in constant transformation for teaching and learning, and in thus, takes on a dimension that symbolizes the meanings that it produ-ces. We identified agents of action in the school environment, these being students as well as teachers and other staff members. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the relations produced in the school environment by high school students and teachers, as well as how the ripple effects of these relations play out in the school?s physical and social space. Our hypothesis is : that in comparison with the initial years of basic education, the last years lack investment in the diversity of materials for student learning. The physical space, being one of these possible materials, when it?s not mediated by teaching, becomes the stage for different attitudes about the school. When ideas and perspectives about the school don?t find room for dialogue, this relation can emerge in the care/neglect of the space, while at the same time interfering with development and coexistence among students and teachers. To conduct this research, we developed intervention research utilizing Cultural-Historical Psychology as a theoretical and methodological basis.We conducted this research with high school students and teachers attending night school, at a public school in a city of the state of S?o Paulo). Bi-weekly meetings were held with students, in which main activities inclu-ded the interpretation of images and the creation of artistic works such as drawings, pain-tings, and graffiti, fostering discussion about the meanings that they attribute to the school environment, aiming to transform the space. The research results show the prevalent use of physical and psychological tools as instruments of control, articulated by teachers and ad-ministrators. Regarding the students, we see graffiti as a psychological instrument that aims to transgress the rules imposed on them. We also identified the characteristics of mediations that predominate in the school, such as pragmatic order in contrast with the aesthetic expe-rience, which can foster dialogue about different ways of bringing meaning to the school environment and the pedagogical activities. Lastly, we recognize the important role played by participants when they develop their imaginations in the articulation of diverse positions and experiences, which allow for the conciliation of different meanings that inhabit the very same place. / Este estudo assume o pressuposto de que o espa?o f?sico da escola ? constru?do, al?m de se constituir como lugar din?mico em constante transforma??o para o ensino e a aprendi-zagem, assume-se, assim, uma dimens?o simb?lica pelas significa??es que produz. Identi-ficamos como agentes das a??es sobre o espa?o escolar tanto alunos quanto professores e demais funcion?rios. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa ? investigar as rela??es produzidas no ambiente escolar por alunos e professores do Ensino M?dio, bem como essas rela??es repercutem no espa?o f?sico e social da escola. Tem-se por hip?tese que, em compara??o com as s?ries iniciais da educa??o b?sica, as s?ries finais carecem de investimento na di-versidade de materiais para a aprendizagem do aluno. O espa?o f?sico, sendo uma dessas poss?veis materialidades, quando n?o mediado para o ensino, passa a ser palco para diferen-tes posicionamentos frente ? escola. Quando ideias e perspectivas a respeito da escola n?o encontram di?logo, esta rela??o pode transparecer no cuidado/descuidado com o espa?o ao mesmo tempo em que interfere no desenvolvimento e na conviv?ncia tanto de alunos quanto de professores. Para a realiza??o deste estudo, desenvolvemos uma pesquisa-interven??o com estudantes e professores do 1? ano do Ensino M?dio do per?odo noturno, de uma escola estadual do interior de S?o Paulo, utilizando-se como aporte te?rico-metodol?gico a Psi-cologia Hist?rico-Cultural. Foram realizados encontros quinzenais com os alunos em que se teve como atividades principais a leitura de imagens e a produ??o de natureza art?stica, como desenhos, pinturas, grafites, dentre outros de modo a favorecer a discuss?o a respeito dos sentidos que atribuem ao espa?o escolar, visando sua transforma??o. Como resultado da pesquisa, constatamos o uso predominante de instrumentos f?sicos e psicol?gicos como parte do controle feito por parte dos professores e pela gest?o e, por parte dos alunos, perce-bemos a picha??o como instrumento psicol?gico que visa a transgress?o de regras impostas. Identificamos tamb?m a qualidade das media??es que predominam na escola como a de ordem pragm?tica em contraposi??o com a experi?ncia est?tica, que pode favorecer o di?lo-go de diferentes maneiras de significar o espa?o escolar e a atividade pedag?gica. Por fim, reconhecemos o importante papel desenvolvido pela imagina??o na articula??o de posicio-namentos e experi?ncias diversas, o que possibilita a concilia??o de significa??es diferentes a respeito de um mesmo lugar.

Espaço educacional contemporâneo: reflexões sobre os rumos da arquitetura escolar na cidade de São Paulo (1935-2013) / Educational contemporary environment: reflections on public education facilities in São Paulo (1935-2013)

Mariana Martinez Wilderom 07 April 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa desenvolve uma análise da história do espaço educacional na cidade de São Paulo, a partir de problemáticas contemporâneas que envolvem o equipamento público escolar. O objeto de estudo que mobiliza a leitura histórica é o Centro Educacional Unificado, um complexo de equipamentos educacionais, culturais e recreativos, implantados pela prefeitura de São Paulo, originalmente entre 2002-2004, nos bairros periféricos que apresentavam carência de equipamentos sociais, espaços públicos e infraestrutura urbana. O ceu foi aclamado por seus idealizadores e pela mídia especializada, como um equipamento indutor de urbanidade. Uma vez que a multiplicidade de suas funções se organiza na criação de um espaço público diferenciado, que remete à cidade formal, atendendo tanto ao público escolar quanto à comunidade local. A partir dessa interpretação, o conjunto arquitetônico resultante ofereceria serviços de qualidade e vivências do espaço urbano que contribuiriam para a expansão das perspectivas da educação para a cultura, os esportes e a recreação. A análise detalhada desse exemplo levou à compreensão de que o ceu poderia ser lido a partir de três eixos temáticos, os quais consequentemente orientariam a análise histórica: a escola era ao mesmo tempo uma política pública, uma tipologia arquitetônica e uma intervenção urbana. É a partir dessa estrutura analítica que se buscou compreender como o equipamento educacional chegou historicamente a essa proposta multifacetada que, ao condominializar uma série de equipamentos tradicionalmente distribuídos pela cidade, equaliza a oferta de serviços a populações carentes, mas tensiona as relações entre a escola e cidade. A produção de equipamentos públicos educacionais é estudada desde 1935, a partir da criação do Departamento de Cultura e dos Parques Infantis instalados nos bairros operários, chegando até os dias atuais, com 45 ceus em funcionamento na periferia de São Paulo. / This research develops an analysis on the history of educational spaces in São Paulo, based on contemporary issues involving public school facilities. The case study that leads the historical approach is the Centro Educacional Unificado (ceu, Unified Educational Center) a complex of educational, cultural and recreational institutions, deployed by the city of São Paulo, originally between 2002-2004, in the low-income areas that showed a lack of social facilities, public spaces and urban infrastructure. ceus were hailed by their developers and specialized media as urbanity inductors. The multiplicity of their functions were organized by creating a distinctive public space which refered to the formal city, serving both the public and the local school community., Thus the resulting architectural ensemble would offer quality services and experiences of urban space that would contribute to the expansion of the perspective of education for culture, sports and recreation. A detailed analysis of this example led to the understanding that the ceu could be read from three points of view, which organize the historical analysis: the school was at the same time a public policy, an architectural typology and an urban intervention. Studying that analytical framework, this work sought the understanding on how the regular public schools ended up becoming this multi -proposal facility which groups a series of institutions that were traditionally distributed through the city, equalizing the provision of services to underserved populations, , however stresses the relation between the school and the city. The production of public education facilities is studied from 1935 - with the development of the Department of Culture, that installed playgrounds in working class neighborhoods - to the present day, when 45 ceus are in operation in the periphery of São Paulo.

Animan Space Design : a Parrot Animan Precinct

Di Monte, Giovanna 08 June 2010 (has links)
This project stems out of the need to improve the quality of life for both animals and humans, and facilitate the interaction between both environments into one habitat. The design will serve as a framework for the co-habitation and interaction of humans and animals in one habitat. At the core of this dissertation lies the concept of an animan habitat. This term embodies the concept of an intergrated habitat for all species. In arriving at the final design, a sequential thought process was applied. The logic behind this process will now be outlined (each corresponding section will be addressed in this document). Exploring the diversity of Architectural habitats and products has made it evident that involving Architects and Interior Architects into projects concerning animal space design can benefit wild animals and humans alike. Research into South African recreational nature spaces show the importance of the conservation of these existing spaces to different parties on local, national and international levels. The investigation of the importance of experiential nature spaces in Tshwane and the Tshwane CBDs (section 2.2.2) shows the importance and location of an establishment (the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa) with great human experiential, and animal conservation opportunities. The study of the contributions of global zoos to the world (section 2.3) confirms that any designs need to consider the principles and ethics followed by these zoos-conservation, recreation, education, experience, research, and community values. Behavioural enrichment (section 2.4) as a conservation contribution of zoos is an aspect that can be reinterpreted and incorporated into animal enclosures to enrich their environments, and further educate visitors. Studies about zoo evolutions (section 2.5) through the ages show how thoughts about captive environments are evolving. The subsequent study of exhibit design (section 2.6) makes clear the importance of considering the needs of the environment, animals, zoo occupants and visitors alike. Furthermore, research into design styles and illusions (section2.6) prove that designs (using whichever approach) should consider the wellbeing of animals before educating or entertaining humans. Design illusions could instead be used to change mans’ negative perceptions about zoos and other conserving environments. A study into design elements and principles (as studied by Ching and Miller) are currently used at the Zoo (section 2.7) to claim human and animal spaces. A variety of precedent investigations (section 3) make it clear that other institutions, zoos, reserves, bird parks, discovery centres, playgrounds, and an amphitheater, individuals (the work of Frei Otto) or companies (lightweight structure experts) offer products and techniques that could well suit animan space design. The result of the above is the cohabitation and respect for humans, animal and the environment in a bidirectional habitat. This forms the core of the animan concept and approach for the design of the Parrot Animan Precinct at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa (Zoo). This development is a turnkey solution comprising of Site Selection and Study (section 4); Design Discourse (section 5); Technical Investigation (section 6) and Design Drawings (section 7). / Dissertation (MInt(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Architecture / unrestricted

國民小學教育空間品質評鑑指標建構之研究 / A Study of the Constructing the Evaluation Indicators for Quality of Educational Space in Elementary Schools

吳珮青, Wu, Pei Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國民小學教育空間品質評鑑指標。研究方法部分,先以文獻分析歸納出國民小學教育空間品質評鑑之初擬指標,再以專家問卷以及模糊德菲術問卷進行調查。模糊德菲術調查樣本為22位對國民小學的校園規劃、空間環境相當了解的校長、學者及教育行政機關主管為對象,透過三角模糊數整合專家對指標重要性之看法並篩選指標項目,最後以歸一化之方式求得各構面以及各項指標權重,完成國民小學教育空間品質評鑑指標體系。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下: 一、本研究建構之國民小學教育空間品質評鑑指標,含兩層指標,第一層指標有 6項,第二層指標有35項。 二、本研究建構之國民小學教育空間品質評鑑之第一層指標,依權重排序分別為「安全與管護」(18.41%)、「舒適與健康」(17.51%)、「特色與美感」(16.59%)、「節能與永續」(16.40%)、「充足與彈性」(16.28%)及「社交與休憩」(14.80%)。 三、本研究建構之國民小學教育空間品質評鑑之第二層指標依權重排序,在安全與管護方面,應特別重視校舍建築耐震防災、避難空間與動線的規劃,以及校園死角的監控管護;在舒適與健康方面,應特別重視校園環境的乾淨與整潔,且教室應有良好的照度以及通風;在特色與美感方面,應特別重視教育空間應富有寓教於境的教育情境、具有美感,以及能展現學校重要精神;在節能與永續方面,應特別重視教育空間能維持生態多樣性以及節水減碳的規畫與設計;在充足與彈性方面,應特別重視特殊需求的學生使用,並有足夠的各式教學與活動及多目的使用的空間;在社交與休憩方面,應特別重視學生交流互動、師生對話,以及與社區資源共享的空間。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別就對教育主管機關、對學校及對後續研究提出建議。 / The purpose of this study is to construct the evaluation indicators for quality of educational space in elementary schools. As for research methods, by means of literature review, and then 35 indicators within 6 main dimensions had been organized as a raw model of quality of educational space in elementary schools indicators based on which the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire was developed and the survey was conducted with the sample size of 22 experts. Symmetric triangular fuzzy number then was used to analyze experts’ opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At last stage, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each dimensions and indicators; accordingly, the quality of educational space in elementary schools indicator system was constructed. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The quality of educational space in elementary schools indicator system consists with 6 dimensions and 35 indicators in total. 2. The 6 dimensions are:safety and security(18.41%), comfort and health(17.51%), characteristics and aesthetic(16.59%), energy efficiency and sustainability(16.40%), adequate and flexible(16.28%),social and leisure(14.80%). 3. The second layer indactors for the quality of educational space in elementarty school are : in “safety and security”, should be the building seismic disaster, asylum space and the route planning, and monitoring of management and protection of the campus corner ; in the “comfort and health”, with special attention to the campus environment clean and tidy, and the classroom should have good illumination and ventilation; in the “characteristics and aesthetic” context, special attention should be full of educational space education through environmental education context, the aesthetic , as well as important to show school spirit; in “energy efficiency and sustainability”, and the particular importance of education to maintain the ecological diversity and space saving and carbon reduction planning and design; in “adequate and flexible” in regard, special attention to students with special needs, and there is enough variety of teaching and activities and multi-purpose use of space; in “social and leisure” aspects, special attention should be student interaction, teacher-student dialogue and resource sharing with the community space. According to the conclusions, some suggestions had been proposed : 1..suggestions for education administrators,2.suggestions for schools, and 3.suggestions for further study.

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