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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Die moontlike privatisering van enkele onderwysfunksies in sekondere onderwys in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika

Diedericks, A. E.(Anton Ewald) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African system of education is in a transitional stage from a fragmented educational system with various departments to a more encompassing unitary one. The finances of the various departments were centrally controlled and managed. The objective of the new system of education is to be transparent, free, equal and democratic with only one umbrella department. Great expectations were raised among the South African public with regards to this new system. Nowadays many more learners are involved at schools without the provision of more monetary resources. In order to meet the public's expectations and live up to acceptable standards, alternative initiatives to generate funds must be investigated. During the first phase of this investigation research of the educational systems of relevant countries was undertaken. It was established that these countries implement various forms of privatisation to enable their educational systems to function at a high level. In all these countries adjustments were made to adapt to the local circumstances. In South Africa a new education legislation might be the impetus for further privatisation. Information about the implementation of privatisation in South African context was obtained by semi-structured interviews with numerous principals in the Cape Metropole. Additional data concerning the schools was obtained by means of a questionnaire. The qualitative research method was mainly used for the collection and interpretation of data. It became evident that total privatisation would not be the solution for the unique problems of the South African educational system. The system would be too expensive and not within financial reach of the average person. Privatisation in public schools with regards to all facets will be difficult to implement. It is, however, possible to privatise certain school structures and according to the interviews, this has already been initiated in numerous schools. To enable privatisation to function successfully, efficient expertise is essential. It is paramount that there should be meganisms of efficient control and management. The role of the principal has become vitally important with a shift of emphasis from educationalist to manager. The supportive role of the governing body of a school in the decision-making process and the management of the school has been increased by the education legislation. Based on international tendencies it seems that healthy business principles are the foundation of privatisation of selective school structures. Most of the interest groups are satisfied with the fact that they have more say and a greater involvement in the total educational system. The objective that will be achieved is a legitimate system that maintains high standards, is more affordable than the current system and learners who are equipped to fulfill their role as mature citizens. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstesel is in 'n oorgangstadium vanaf 'n gefragmenteerde stesel met verskillende departemente tot 'n meer omvattende, eenvormige stesel. Voorheen was die finansies sentraal beheer en bestuur. Die nuwe onderwysstelsel se doelwit is egter om 'n deursigtige, vrye en gelyke demokratiese stelsel daar te stel met slegs een oorkoepelende departement. By die Suid-Afrikaanse publiek is baie verwagtinge geskep rakende die nuwe stelsel. Baie meer leerders word deesdae· betrek by skole sonder dat meer finansiële hulpmiddels beskikbaar is. Om aan die verwagtinge van die publiek te voldoen en om standaarde te handhaaf moet alternatiewe inisiatiewe vir geldgenerering nou gevind word. Tydens die eerste fase van dié ondersoek is navorsing van relevante lande se onderwysstelsels onderneem. Daar is vasgestel dat hierdie lande vorme van privatisering toepas om hul onderwysstesels op 'n hoë vlak te laat funksioneer. By al die lande is aanpassings gedoen om privatisering by die plaaslike omstandighede te laat inskakel. Inligting oor die toepassing van privatisering in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is bekom deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude te voer met 'n aantal skoolhoofde van die Wes-Kaap. Addisionele data aangaande die skole is verkry deur die voltooiing van 'n vraelys. Die kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode is hoofsaaklik gevolg by die insameling van data en die interpretasie daarvan. Dit was duidelik dat algehele privatisering nie 'n oplossing sal wees by die unieke probleme van die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel nie. Dit sal die stelsel te duur maak en buite bereik van die gemiddelde persoon plaas. Privatisering van staatskole ten opsigte van alle funksis sal inderwaarheid moeilik bereik kan word. Privatisering van sommige skoolstrukture kan egter wel plaasvind, en is reeds geïmplementeer in talle skole, soos vasgestel uit die onderhoude. Om privatisering goed te laat funksioneer, is voldoende kundigheid sowel as meganismesvan kontrole en beheer onontbeerlik. Die prinsipaal se rol het baie belangrik geword, met 'n klemverskuiwing vanaf opvoedkundige na bestuurder. Die beheerliggame van skole se ondersteunende rol en die hulp wat hulle verleen by die bestuur- en besluitnemingsprosesseword ingevolge onderwyswetgewing aansienlik groter. Gegrond op internasionale tendense blyk dit dat gesonde sakebeginsels die onderbou van privatisering van sommige skoolstrukture is. Die meeste belangegroepe is tevrede met hul groter inspraak en betrokkenheid by die opvoedingstelsel in die geheel. Die doelwit wat bereik gaan word, is 'n stelsel wat legitimiteit het, goeie standaarde handhaaf, finansieel meer bekostigbaar is as die huidige stelsel, en leerders wat opgewasse is om hul rol as volwaardige landsburgers te vervul.

A conceptual analysis of a reflexive democratic praxis related to higher education transformation in South Africa

Waghid, Yusef 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The central question of this thesis is whether education policy frameworks are sufficient to transform the higher education system in South Africa. I hold that higher education policy initiatives promulgated in statutory documents such as the White Paper 3 on Higher Education Transformation of 1997 and the Higher Education Act of 1997 are not sufficient to guide educational transformation in universities. My main claim is that as higher education role players we also need to pursue practices driven from "inside" (Gutman 1998: 34) whereby we can develop the "strength of will" to contribute towards initiating equal access and development and, enhancing accountability and quality at our universities. I hold that in order to practice higher education transformation from "inside" (Gutman 1998: 34), one can justifiably pursue a reflexive democratic praxis for the reason that it involves a form of "doing action" with some worthwhile, rational end in mind. It has to do with engaging in reflexive and democratic action attuned to social experience, more specifically higher education, where possibilities may be contemplated, reflected upon, transformed and deepened. To deepen our understanding of our actions involves asking questions about "what we have not thought to think" (Lather 1991: 156). I argue that philosophy of education, more specifically conceptual analysis, is an indispensable means by which we can develop such a deeper, clearer, more informed and better reasoned understanding about the current shifts in higher education transformation in post- apartheid South Africa. Simultaneously, I use conceptual analysis to show why and how the idea of a reflexive democratic praxis can become a "satisfying sense of personal meaning, purpose, and commitment" (Soltis 1998: 196) to guide our activities as educators in the higher education realm. The general principle, which shapes a reflexive democratic praxis, is rationality. Rationality is shaped by logically necessary conditions such as "educational discourse", "reflexive action" and "ethical activity to promote the moral good" in the forms of truthtelling and sincerity, freedom of thought, clarity, non-arbitrariness, impartiality, a sense of relevance, consistency and respect for evidence and people. My contention is that appealing to moral notions of rationality is where the strength of a reflexive democratic praxis lies. In this sense I further elucidate rationality which I argue can create spaces for achieving democratic education which, in tum, holds much promise for shaping teaching and learning through distance education, research and community service in the context of higher education transformation in South Africa. I use "touchstones" which evolve out of rationality, namely access, relevance and dialogism, to show how the idea of a reflexive democratic praxis can contribute towards shaping higher education transformation in South Africa. I provide an overview of the South African higher education policy framework, in particular its concern with issues of equality, development, accountability and quality, which can be linked to and guided by "touchstones" of a reflexive democratic praxis. A reflexive democratic praxis implies a shift towards socially distributed knowledge production which in turn shapes higher education transformation. By reflecting on instances related to the institution where I work, I argue that a more nuanced understanding of higher education has the potential to initiate equal access and , development on the one hand, and to enhance accountability and quality on the other hand. I conclude with the idea that a reflexive democratic praxis can provide higher education practitioners with a conceptual frame to organise their discourses in such a way as to contribute towards transforming their activities and that of their institutions. In this way they might contribute towards addressing the demands of equality, development, accountability and quality in South African higher education. KEYWORDS: Philosophy of education, conceptual analysis, reflexivity, democracy, praxis, higher education, transformation and South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sentrale kwessie wat hierdie proefskrif aanspreek, is die vraag of die raamwerke vir onderwysbeleid genoegsaam is vir die transformasie van hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika. Ek is van mening dat die proklamasie van inisiatiewe ten opsigte van die beleid vir hoër onderwys in statutêre dokumente soos die Witskrif 3 oor die Transformasie van Hoër Onderwys (1997) en die Wet vir Hoër Onderwys (1997) nie genoegsaam is om transformasie aan universiteite te rig nie. My hoofstandpunt is dat ons, die rolspelers in hoër onderwys, ook aandag moet gee aan praktyke wat "van binne uit" gedryf word (Gutman 1998: 34). Op so 'n manier kan ons die "wilskrag" ontwikkel wat sal bydra tot die inisiering van gelyke toelating en ontwikkeling en die versterking van verantwoordelikheid en kwaliteit aan ons universiteite. Ek is van mening dat dit geregverdig is om die transformasie van hoër onderwys "van binne uit" te bewerkstellig deur 'n refleksiewe demokratiese praktyk omdat dit 'n soort aksie verg wat 'n betekenisvolle rasionele doel het. Dit gaan oor refleksiewe en demokratiese aksies wat afgestem is op sosiale ondervinding, veralop die hoër onderwys, waar verskillende moontlikhede oorweeg kan word, daaroor gereflekteer kan word en dit dan getransformeer en verdiep kan word. Ter wille van die verdieping van ons begrip van ons aksies moet vrae gevra word oor "what we have not thought to think" (Lather 1991: 156). My argument is dat die filosofie van die opvoeding, meer spesifiek 'n konseptuele analise, 'n onontbeerlike manier is om 'n dieper, duideliker, meer informatiewe en beter beredeneerde begrip te ontwikkel van die huidige klemverskuiwings in die transformasie van die hoër onderwys in 'n post-apartheid Suid-Afrika. Daarmee saam gebruik ek konseptuele analise om aan te toon waarom en hoe die idee van 'n refleksiewe demokratiese praktyk 'n "satisfying sense of personal mearung, purpose, and commitment" (Soltis 1998: 196) kan word om ons aktiwiteite as opvoedkundiges in die hoër onderwys te kan rig. Die algemene beginsel wat aan 'n refleksiewe demokratiese praktyk sy vorm gee is 'n rasionaliteit. Rasionaliteit word gevorm deur logies-noodsaaklike beginsels, bv "opvoedkundige diskoers", "refleksiewe aksie" en "etiese aktiwiteite wat goeie moraliteit bevorder" soos dit aangetref word in die praat van die waarheid, opregtheid, vryheid van denke, helderheid, nie-arbitrêrheid, onpartydigheid, 'n sin vir relevansie, konstantheid en respek vir bewysstukke en mense. My standpunt is dat die sterkte van 'n refleksiewe demokratiese beleid daarin geleë is dat dit aanspraak maak op morele kwessies van rasionaliteit. Ek verklaar rasionaliteit in hierdie sin verder deur te beweer dat dit die plek is om demokratiese onderwys te verwerklik, wat op sy beurt groot beloftes inhou vir onderrig en leer deur middel van afstandsonderwys, navorsing en gemeenskapsdiens in die konteks van die transformasie van hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika. Ek gebruik kwaliteitsaanduiders wat ontwikkel uit rasionaliteit, naamlik toeganklikheid, relevansie en samevattings om aan te toon hoe die idee van 'n refleksiewe demokratiese praktyk kan bydra tot die vorming van die transformasie van hoër onderwys in Suid- Afrika. Ek verskaf 'n oorsig oor die raamwerk vir die Suid-Afrikaanse beleid oor hoër onderwys, In die besonder oor aspekte soos gelykheid, ontwikkeling en verantwoordbaarheid, wat gekoppel kan word aan en geng kan word deur die kwaliteitsaanduiders van 'n refleksiewe demokratiese praktyk. 'n Refleksiewe demokratiese praktyk impliseer 'n klemverskuiwing in die rigting van sosiaal-verspreide kennisproduksie wat vorm gee aan die transformasie van hoër onderwys. Deur te reflekteer oor gebeure wat verband hou met die inrigting waar ek werk, argumenteer ek dat 'n fyner genuanseerde omskrywing van hoër onderwys die potensiaal het om aan die een kant gelyke toeganklikheid en ontwikkeling te inisieer en aan die ander kant om verantwoordbaarheid en kwaliteit te versterk. Ek sluit af met die gedagte dat 'n refleksiewe demokratiese praktyk die praktisyns van hoër onderwys van 'n konseptuele raamwerk kan voorsien wat hul diskussies op so 'n manier salorganiseer dat dit sal bydra tot die transformasie van hulle aktiwiteite en die van die inrigtings waarby hulle betrokke is. Op so 'n manier kan 'n bydrae gelewer word tot die aanspreek van die eise van gelykheid, ontwikkeling en verantwoordbaarheid en kwaliteit van hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika. SLEUTELBEGRIPPE: Filosofie van die opvoeding. konseptuele analise, refleksiwiteit, demokrasie, praktyk, hoër onderwys, transformasie en Suid-Afrika.

Teacher responses to education policy reforms : case studies of in-service processes in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

Reddy, Christopher Paul Samuel 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa the transformation process in education has placed tremendous pressure on teachers, redefining roles, functions and imposing new levels of accountability on education professionals. This thesis is based on research examining teachers' experiences of and responses to the recent policy changes and their implications for teachers' work at primary school level. The research captures a small selection of the diverse views and reflections of teachers in case studies of in-service teacher education processes set against the backdrop of major educational changes driven by structural and policy changes in a changing socio-political context. The participants in the research project consisted of a selection serving (working) teachers who attended in-service teacher education programmes voluntarily. The interpretations of events reflect my own perspectives and are informed by both the participants in the research and the specific period in which the research took place. Data produced suggests that while the initial legislative changes took place fairly quickly, the implementation of more systemic, structural, curricular and administrative changes posed a greater challenge. Hastily introduced changes related to practice about which teachers were not consulted resulted in professional uncertainty being induced and teachers experiencing confusion, anxiety and doubts about their competence. Large numbers in classes, poor resources, micropolitical issues at schools, were mentioned as contextual constraints affecting implementation of changes as prescribed in policies. Small pockets of compliance with and support for change initiatives were however also evident in the responses. I contend that the overwhelmingly resistant responses of teachers in the case studies conducted are related to contextual constraints and the decontextualised, externally developed policies and externally imposed changes that ignore teachers' experience (as teacher and personal), beliefs, values and local contexts and broader social contexts. Further I posit that planning of change processes needs to involve teachers at all levels including policy development and in-service activities so that teachers are not only informed of changes but are part of the change process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die transformasieproses van die onderwys in Suid-Afrika het geweldige druk op onderwysers geplaas omdat hulle rolle en funksies hergedefinieer is en nuwe vlakke van verantwoordelikheid op onderwyskundiges geplaas is. Die navorsing waaroor in hierdie tesis gerapporteer word, is gebaseer op onderwysers se ervarings van en reaksies op die onlangse veranderinge in beleidsdokumente. Die imp likasies vir die werk van onderwysers in die primêre skool word ook betrek. Die navorsing hanteer gevallestudies waarin 'n klein gedeelte aangespreek word van die diverse sienings en refleksies van onderwysers wat deelgeneem het aan indiensopleiding met die oog op die implementering van Kurrikulum 2005. Dit word gestel teen die agtergrond van die grootskaalse onderwysveranderinge as uitvloeisel van die strukturele en politieke veranderinge in 'n veranderende sosio-politieke konteks. Die deelnemers aan die navorsingsprojek was 'n seleksie diensdoende onderwysers wat die programme op 'n vrywillige basis bygewoon het. Alhoewel hulle reaksies as uitgangspunt vir die interpreasie van die resultate gebruik is, reflekteer die interpretasie my eie perspektiewe, gegrond op sowel die ervarings van die deelnemers aan die navorsingsproses as die tydperk waartydens die navorsing plaasgevind het. Die data wat geproduseer is, sugureer dat, in teenstelling met die relatief vinnige veranderinge van die aanvanklike wetgewing, die implementering van die meer sistematiese, strukturele, kurrikurêle en administratiewe veranderings 'n groter uitdaging gebied het. Veranderinge in verband met die onderwyspraktyk, wat baie vinnig ingebring is sonder om die onderwysers daaroor te raadpleeg, het tot professionele onsekerheid gelei, aangevul met verwardheid, vrees en twyfeloor hulle bekwaamheid. Groot klasse, gebrekkige hulpbronne, mikro-politiese sake by die skole, is genoem as kontekstuele beperkings wat die implementering van die voorgeskrewe beleidsveranderinge beïnvloed het. Slegs'n klein groepie onderwysers het die beleidsveranderinge aanvaar of ondersteun. Ek voer aan dat die oorweldigende aantal negatiewe response van onderwysers verband hou met kontekstuele beperkings en die gedekontekstualiseerde, eksternontwikkelde beleidsdokumente. Die veranderinge wat ekstern afgedwing is en wat onderwysers se waardes en plaaslike kontekste geïgnoreer het, speel volgens my ook 'n belangrike rol. Verder stel ek dit dat onderwysers op alle vlakke by die beplanning van veranderingsprosesse betrek moet word. Daarby word beleidsontwikkeling en aktiwiteite rondom indiensopleiding ingesluit sodat onderwysers nie slegs ingelig word nie, maar ook deel vorm van die proses.

Die effek van onderwystransformasie op die motivering en beroepsbelewing van onderwysers in die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement

Galant, Fernholdt Henry Michael 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The passing of the South African Schools Act in 1996 marked the beginning of the formal process of transformation in education in South Africa. The application of a new national education policy based on the principle of equity gave rise to a process of rationalization and re-deployment - a process guided by financial constraints. Many educators and principals took voluntary severance packages, resulting in the abolition of thousands of teaching posts. Hundreds of newly appointed principals were left in 1997 with the daunting task of running their schools efficiently and effectively with a reduced staff. In addition to the much less favourable educator-learner ratios the process of transformation is characterised by inter alia the abolition of corporal punishment, the institution of a new qualifications framework, the introduction of Curriculum 2005 and an inclusive education policy. The whole of this process implies a drastic and pervasive change in thinking and conduct, leaving many educators in a state of uncertainty. Transformation and paradigm shifts brought about changed and changing values, convictions, interests, needs and new role players. All these changes together with new and greater demands on educators, and employment uncertainty, raise the issue of their effect on the motivation and occupational experience of educators. Thus the aim of the present research was to examme the effect of the process of transformation on the motivation and occupational experience of educators. Educator motivation is dealt with in the literature study in terms of specific motivational and personality theories. It also focuses on the nature of transformation and change in education in South Africa, especially in the Western Cape. A mainly quantitative approach has been adopted in the present research. It was designed as an exploratory and descriptive study. The target population consisted of educators in the service of the Western Cape Education Department. The accessible population was confined to a selection from two of the nine areas in the Western Cape, namely Athlone and Worcester. For the purpose ot proportional representation of educators a stratified sampling of educators from: primary and secondary schools, from larger and smaller schools and from former education departments was used. Of the grand total of6186 educators 20% (1258) were selected. A questionnaire survey was done to examine the effect of a wide range of applicable aspects of education transformation on the motivation and occupational experience of educators. More than one-third of the respondents indicated that the process of transformation in education was negatively influencing their motivation and occupational experience. Educators in non-promotion posts reported a more negative influence than educators in promotion posts. Respondents from the former Department of Education and Training reflected a more positive perception in respect of the effect of transformation on their motivation and occupational experience than did respondents from the two other ex-departments. In both cases the most negative influences were reported by educators from the former Cape Education Department. Regarding educators' expenence of contentment approximately 30% of respondents indicated that they were not happy in their profession. The reasons for educators' desire to leave their posts revolved largely around the management of change. The vast majority of educators were also very unhappy at the prospect of having to contend with learners with special educational needs in their ordinary classes. It would appear that educators experience frustration and feelings of uncertainty as a result of inadequate preparation and training for the drastic change of approach to their task. Consequently serious attention will have to be devoted to the training of principals and circuit managers in the management of change. It was found that educators were very happy with various aspects of democratisation in education. The new structure of governing bodies (on which learners and educators may also serve), the application of the principle of gender equity, and multicultural education are but a few examples. The majority of respondents were satisfied with policy matters like that on admission of learners and school attendance by all races - an indication that most educators were in favour of multi-cultural education. Transformation bears important implications for education management, in-service and pre-service training. Since many educators do not enjoy financial and job security, their need for security is not satisfied. As a result their self-actualisation can be jeopardised. Their motivation and occupational experience is further hampered by a lack of a sense of physical safety and the presence of an unpleasant physical work environment. Because these basic and social needs are not met, self-actualisation cannot be realised. The majority of educators felt that at the time of the study (April 2000) they had less control over their own responsibilities than five years earlier. This finding holds serious implications for principals as managers and for education authorities. Management structures and systems should be designed in such a way as to pose ambitious, though attainable targets and challenges to enable educators to develop and assume responsibilities. One of the key reasons why educators experienced their profession as unpleasant and wanted to quit their profession is the state of discipline in schools. Although the vast majority of respondents are satisfied with the code of conduct for learners most educators were unhappy with the abolition of corporal punishment. The negative tendencies regarding educators' occupational experience were illustrated further by the disparity between their current perceptions (April 2000) and those of five years before. In the estimation of the vast majority of educators their job was no longer pleasant or meaningful. Transformation in education had a negative impact on the motivation and occupational experiences of a large percentage of educators. Education authorities will have to reflect carefully on those aspects of policy that make educators unhappy and lower their morale. Factors that demotivate educators or have no motivational value, will have to be eliminated or changed. However, change and innovation will always happen in education. Perspectives emanating from this research can be utilised for a better undersstanding and implementation of change and innovation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die aanvaarding van die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet van 1996 het die proses van transformasie van die onderwys in Suid-Afrika formele beslag gekry. Die toepassing van 'n nuwe nasionale onderwysbeleid en die beginsel van gelykberegtiging, met fiskale beperkinge as faktor, het onder meer 'n proses van rasionalisering en herontplooiing meegebring. Nadat baie onderwysers en prinsipale vrywillige skeidingspakkette geneem het, is talle poste afgeskaf Honderde nuut-aangestelde prinsipale is teen 1997 die taak gelaat om met fn verskraaide personeel hul skole doeltreffend en effektiefte bestuur. Benewens groter onderwyser-Ieerderratios word die transformasieproses onder meer gekenmerk deur faktore soos die afskaffing van lyfstraf, die instelling van 'n nuwe kwalifikasieraamwerk, die instelling van Kurrikulum 2005 en 'n inklusiewe onderwysbenadering. Hierdie proses impliseer omvattende en drastiese transformasie van anders dink en doen, wat vir baie onderwysers met groot onsekerheid gepaard gaan. Met die proses van transformasie en gepaardgaande paradigmaverskuiwings kom veranderde en veranderende waardes, oortuigings, belange en behoeftes asook nuwe rolspelers, na vore. Vanweë bogenoemde veranderinge, nuwe en hoër eise wat dit aan die onderwyser stel, en beroepsonsekerheid wat baie onderwysers beleef, ontstaan die vraag watter effek dit op onderwysers se motivering en beroepsbelewing het. Die doel met die studie was derhalwe om die effek van die transformasieproses op die onderwyser se motivering en beroepsbelewing te ondersoek. In die literatuurstudie word onderwysermotivering aan die hand van bepaalde relevante motiverings- en persoonlikheidsteorieë behandel. Die aard van onderwystransformasie en -verandering in Suid-Afrika, maar meer spesifiek in die Wes-Kaap, word ook onder die loep geneem. In hierdie studie is oorwegend 'n kwantitatiewe benadering gevolg. Die ondersoek is ontwerp om verkennend sowel as beskrywend van aard te wees. Die teikenpopulasie was onderwysers III diens van die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement. Die bereikbare populasie is beperk tot die seleksie van twee van die nege onderwysareas in die Wes-Kaap, naamlik die Athlone- en Worcester-areas. 'n Gestratifiseerde steekproef is gebruik ter wille van proporsionele verteenwoordiging van onderwysers van die twee areas, primêre en sekondêre skole, groter en kleiner skole en voormalige onderwysdepartemente. Twintig persent van die totale bereikbare populasie, naamlik 1258 van die moontlike 6186 onderwysers, is geselekteer. 'n Vraelysondersoek IS onderneem om die effek van 'n wye reeks relevante aspekte van onderwystransformasie op onderwysers se motivering en beroepsbelewing te ondersoek. Meer as 'n derde van die repondente het aangedui dat hul motivering en hul belewing van die onderwysberoep negatief beïnvloed is deur die proses van onderwystransformasie. Onderwysers wat nie-bevorderingsposte beklee is skynbaar meer negatief beïnvloed deur die transformasieproses as die senior onderwysers. Die respondente van die voormalige Departement van Onderwys en Opleiding het meer positiewe persepsies ten opsigte van die effek van transformasie op hul motivering en beroepsbelewing gerapporteer as die respondente van die ander twee departemente. In beide gevalle het die voormalige KOD-Iede die negatiefste invloed gerapporteer. Wat onderwysers se gelukbelewing betref het sowat 30% van die respondente aangedui het dat hulle nie gelukkig is in die onderwys nie. Die redes waarom onderwysers hul beroep wil verlaat, sentreer in 'n groot mate om die bestuur van verandering. Die oorgrote meerderheid onderwysers is ook baie ontevrede oor die feit dat hulle nou leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes in hul gewone klasse moet onderrig. Dit blyk dat onvoldoende voorbereiding en opleiding vir hierdie ingrypende veranderinge groot frustrasie en onsekerheid by baie onderwysers meebring. Ernstige aandag behoort dus gegee te word aan die opleiding van prinsipale en kringbestuurders om verandering te bestuur. Die bevindinge toon verder aan dat onderwysers baie tevrede is met verskeie aspekte van die demokratisering van die onderwys. Die nuwe samestelling van die beheerliggaam waarin ook leerders en opvoeders nou kan dien, die toepassing van geslagsgelykheid en multikulturele onderwys is maar enkele voorbeelde. Wanneer ander spesifieke beleidsaspekte, soos toelatingsbeleid en bywoning van skole deur alle rasse ter sprake kom, is die meerderheid van die respondente hiermee tevrede. Dit is 'n aanduiding dat die meerderheid onderwysers ten gunste van multikulturele onderwys is. Transformasie hou dus belangrike implikasies in vir onderwysleierskap, indiensopleiding en voordiensopleiding. Omdat baie onderwysers me finansiële en beroepsekuriteit beleef me, word hul sekuriteitbehoeftes nie bevredig nie. As gevolg daarvan kan selfaktualisering bemoeilik word. Die afwesigheid van fisieke veiligheidsbelewing en die aanwesigheid van onaangename fisiese werksomstandighede in die skool bring ook mee dat hul motivering en beroepsbelewing negatief beïnvloed word. Aangesien hierdie basiese en sosiale behoeftes nie bevredig word nie, kan selfaktualisering nie plaasvind nie. Een van die kardinale redes waarom onderwysers hul beroep as onaangenaam beleef en die onderwys wil verlaat, is die kwessie van dissipline in skole. Alhoewel die oorgrote meerderheid van die respondente tevrede is met die gedragskode vir leerders op die dissiplinering van leerders, voel die meerderheid ontevrede oor die afskaffing van lyfstraf Die genoemde negatiewe tendense ten opsigte van die onderwysers se beroeps- en gelukbelewing word verder geïllustreer deur die verskille tussen hul belewinge ten tyde van die ondersoek (in April 2000) in vergelyking met vyf jaar tevore. Vir die oorgrote meerderheid van die respondente is die onderwys nie meer aangenaam en sinvol nie. Die meerderheid van die onderwysers het gevoel dat hulle ten tyde van die ondersoek (in April 2000) minder beheer oor hul eie verantwoordelikhede gehad het as vyf jaar tevore. Hierdie bevinding hou ook ernstige implikasies in vir prinsipale as bestuurders van skole en vir die owerhede. Bestuurstrukture en -stelsels behoort op so 'n wyse ontwerp te word dat hulle hoë dog bereikbare teikens en uitdagings daarstel wat onderwysers in staat sal stelom te ontwikkel en verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar. Onderwystransformasie het 'n groot persentasie van die onderwysers se motivering en beroepsbelewing negatief beïnvloed. Die onderwysowerhede sal dringend moet besin oor daardie beleidsaspekte wat die onderwysers ongelukkig maak en hul moreel laat daal. Faktore wat onderwysers demotiveer of geen motiveringswaarde het nie, sal geëlimineer of gewysig moet word. Verandering en vernuwing sal egter altyd in die onderwys pl~asvind. Die bestuur van hierdie verandering is van groot belang. Die insigte wat uit hierdie navorsing bekom word, kan vorentoe gebruik word om ook vernuwing beter te vérstaan en te implementeer.

The motivation for, and establishment of education management and development centres (EMDCs) in the Western Cape, South Africa.

Beukes, Cecil Joseph January 2004 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the motivation for the proposed Education Management Development Centres (EMDCs). It also addresses what improvements to the current system EMDCs are supposed to make and how EMDCs hope to enhance collaboration between the Western Cape Education Department and local schools. It also look at the role of the proposed EMDCs and specifically focus on how they hope to promote better inter-sectoral support between the Western Cape Education Department and local schools.

The development and implementation of school governance policy in South African Schools Act (SASA) and the Western Cape Provincial School Education Act (WCPSA).

Maharaj, Ameerchund January 2005 (has links)
The study was concentrated on the period following the first democratic elections for a new government in South Africa, that is, post -1994 up to the year 2000. The change from a system based on fixed apartheid ideology to a more open and democratic one meant that the political scene became more characterized by fierce competition and volatility. The aim of the research was to understand the nature of the contestation as it manifests itself in both the development and implementation of school governance policy at national, provincial and local levels in a climate of political change and turbulence.

Partners for possibility: experiences of cross-sectoral partnerships designed to improve school leadership in South Africa

Kirori, Maureen Wambui January 2017 (has links)
A research project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Masters in Development Studies in the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, March 2017. / This study explores a partnership model designed by Partners for Possibility (PfP), a South African non-profit organization (NPO) attempting to reform the country’s education system. Through its partnerships, PfP aims to address the identified problem of weak school leadership in order to improve the educational outcomes in schools. In this model, school principals of underperforming schools are paired up with business people with leadership experience for a period of one year to address the challenges facing their schools. The model includes a 12-month structured training programme which seeks to capacitate and support the paired principal and business leader in their partnership-building process. This study provides an in-depth investigation of the experiences of the partnerships and of the influence of the structured programme on these partnerships from the perspectives of the principals and of the business leaders. The effect of social differences on the partnerships was also considered. Among the theories used in this study are critical action learning and common ingroup identity. A qualitative research design was employed and data was collected from 10 school principals of “no fee” schools and from 12 business leaders. The results of the study reveal that the functionality of these partnerships is determined by their focus, which can be long-term and transformative or short-term and tending towards resolving the school’s immediate material needs. Further, these partnerships were found to be capable of improving school performance if the partners engaged in activities that promoted teaching and learning. Despite this potential, there was little monitoring of school performance. The results also indicate that the group-learning aspects included in the structured programme could encourage the partnership to focus on short-term goals which tend not to lead to long-term sustainable change in the school. The social tensions attributed to race and class divisions were found to have a minimal effect on the partnerships studied since the partners’ common vision, namely, to improve schools, allows them to maintain their unique identity either as principals or as business leaders. Because education reform is a complex and long-term project, the recommendations following this study point to the need for a more integrative approach in the PfP process, and a greater awareness of the need for a longer time scale in order to bring about the desired transformation in schools and consequently to South Africa’s education system. / XL2018

To lead or not to lead : principals' constructions of leadership in a climate of school transformation.

Bhagowat, L. January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation assumed the style of the narrative to document how principals lead school transformation within the realm of a fledgling democracy after decades of apartheid rule. It zooms in to the school site to portray how principals construct themselves to orchestrate change that is consistent with the national policies of redress and equity. Located in the quantitative paradigm, the study depicts a general sense of school transformation. Thereafter, it is relocated in the qualitative paradigm to document the topical life histories of three principals from diverse backgrounds to illustrate how their experiences - lived and living - give definition to their constructions of leadership. Working within the interpretative paradigm, with the theory of transformational leadership underpinning the theoretical orientation of the study, has led to the understanding that the role of the principal is a conflicted one. The principal is conflicted by the incremental demands and the evolutionary nature of the role, the principal's interpretation of transformation and his/her expectation to manage and lead transformation. As a result, principals construct themselves mainly as managers of change, but perceive themselves to be leaders of change. While leadership gurus are adamant about attributing distinguishing features to the process of managing as opposed to the process of leading, they also recognize that organizations need both managers and leaders. It is undisputable that schools are organizations that also need managers and leaders. Therefore, it is incumbent on principals to manage and lead schools in transformation. In analyzing the data collated from principals and teachers in the study, it is evident that the processes of management and leadership are interdependent. Principals are expected to act as managers or leaders, depending on the situation, and at other times they are expected to draw on both skills of managing and leading. In the final analysis, it has been detected that while principals are leading transformation at different tempos because of their varied lived experiences, the important thing is that they are beginning to break the bonds with apartheid education. A colossal task indeed, when one considers that the findings of the investigation illustrate that principals are charged with the following conflict situations. The past oppressive system with the present democratic system, decentralization of education while maintaining core elements of centralization, stakeholders that support transformation as opposed to those who resist the process and the roles of management versus roles of leadership. While implementing change the principal is responsible for ensuring the stability of the institution. All the time dealing with the fact that she/he hails from a background that is vastly different from the one she/he currently works and lives in. / Thesis (Ph.D) - University of Kwazulu-Natal, 2006.

A study of systemic processes influencing educational change in a sample of isiZulu medium schools.

Ngesi, Mzimkhulu Justice. January 2003 (has links)
The Department of Education and Culture (DoEC) has since 1994, after the democratic elections in South Africa, introduced radical changes to the system of education. This systemic change has required a fundamental shift in attitudes of educators and other school constituents in African schools in particular, which were in the past education dispensation marginalized and poorly resourced due to the Bantu education system. One of the main problems in IsiZulu medium schools has always been the seeming reluctance to change from apartheid era practices. The officials of the DoEC have often given what have appeared to be simplistic and platitudinous reasons for the apparent resistance to change and perennial poor academic performance in most IsiZulu medium schools. These reasons were used on a paucity of in-depth study into the underlying causes of the apparent reluctance to change. There was therefore a need to investigate some of the systemic processes which influence change in IsiZulu medium schools. This study therefore sought to identify and describe the processes which are associated with difficulties and inertia in order to try to improve the quality of education in a sample of IsiZulu medium schools. Systems theories, theories of change forces and strategies of educational change formed the conceptual framework of this study. A multi-layered systemic approach provided the basis for understanding the interactive processes within the school, and the interaction between the school and its environment (including the DoEC). The data was collected from a sample of three IsiZulu medium case study schools, utilising focus group methodology. In each school, focus groups of Educators, School Management Team (SMTs), School Governing Bodies (SGBs) and Representative Council of Learners (RCLs) were conducted to collect data through interviews and discussions. The data collection was at the same time intended to be an intervention process. This was done through utilising action research cycles that involved a self-reflective spiral of planning, observing, reflecting and replanning. The action research cycle process helped the researcher to observe how school constituents engaged with change processes. A three-stage process of data analysis was used. The outcome was the generation of categories which eventually emerged into patterns. These patterns were used to theorise about some of the underlying causes of apparent inertia to change in these schools. The study has found that many of the apartheid legacies such as quality of educational training, passivity and dependency syndrome caused by the DoEC's instructional top down approach in education management, still exist. Educators are frustrated by the disempowering management approach of the Department. Consequently they operate in a non-productive vicious circle, with little energy for problem solving and lack of authority and influence over parents and learners. The study has also found that there is a mismatch between job requirements and personal qualities of educators. Educators, parents and learners seemed to lack knowledge, strategies and skills to apply in specific problem areas of their schools. Clashes of ideological and cultural beliefs, lack of support from parents and communication between the school and parents, make it very hard for educators to cope with the new order of educational change. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

An exploration of mathematics learner transition from primary school to secondary school.

Sukhdeo, Swathi. January 2011 (has links)
This research study explores six primary school learners’ transition to secondary school and the influences that this may or may not have had on their mathematical performances. The study was carried out over a seven month period, that being the latter part of their final primary school year until the end of the first term of high school (October 2010 to April 2011). Various data collection methods were employed to retrieve information and much literature was used to inform this study. In the chapters to follow there are detailed descriptions of various stakeholders in the transition process as well as the factors that affect mathematics learning. The analysis of data reflects the findings of this study and discusses some of the implications regarding mathematics teaching and learning that should considered during the transitional period from primary school to secondary school. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.

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