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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det subjektiva välbefinnandet på arbetsplatsen : Effort-reward imbalance modellen inom handels

Hällström, Emmelie, Svensson, Linn January 2014 (has links)
Följande studie avser att undersöka relationen mellan engagemang, belöning och välbefinnande på arbetsplatsen. Siegrist (1996) förklarar sambandet genom Effort-Reward Imbalance model (ERI), något som denna studie kombinerar med Dieners (1986) teori om subjektivt välbefinnande. 156 personer deltog i enkätstudien, där 97 var kvinnor. Enkäterna var utformade med påståenden där deltagarna fick skatta sina svar. Datan analyserades genom en multipel regressionsanalys, korrelationer och t-test. I den multipla regressionen framkom det att hög insats/ låg belöning och överengagemang inte var signifikanta prediktorer utav variansen i subjektivt välbefinnande. Genom korrelationer kunde man utläsa att tre hypoteser visade signifikanta resultat, medan en hypotes inte visade något signifikant resultat genom stora t-test i avseende på huruvida kvinnor skattar högre nivå av överengagemang än män. Studien bidrog till en ökad förståelse för obalansen mellan hög insats/ låg belöning och överengagemang och dess betydelse för individens subjektiva välbefinnande.

Aspects of the Effort-reward imbalance model of psychosocial stress in the working life

Fahlén, Göran January 2008 (has links)
<p>Fahlén, G. (2008). Aspects on the Effort-reward Imbalance model of psychosocial stress in the work environments. Sundsvall, Sweden: Mid Sweden University, Department of Health Sciences. ISBN 978-91-85317-94-3.</p><p>Since the late 1970s, work related stress has increasingly been recognized as an important determinant for ill-health and disease. One of the most influential stress models is the Effort-Reward Imbalance model (ERI), which stipulates that an imbalance between the perceived effort spent at work and rewards received results in noxious stress. Those with a coping behaviour called Work-related Overcommitment (WOC), including an inability to withdraw from work obligations are especially vulnerable. The model has shown strong explanatory value for a large numbers of harmful health outcomes.</p><p>The general aim of this thesis was to contribute to the development of the ERI model by exploring the properties of this model in relation to its theoretical assumptions, construct, and application and to improve the knowledge of validity of the ERI-model.</p><p>The study sample that was used in three papers emanated from the WOLF study (Work, Lipids and Fibrinogen). The analyses were confined to the subset of individuals who answered the ERI questions (n=1174) with complete answers. In one paper, data from the SKA study (Sick leave, Culture and Attitudes) were used and they comprised all employees at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency responsible for management and compensation of illness in the working population (n=5700). All data are based on questionnaires.</p><p>The results indicate that ERI and WOC are risk factors for sleep disturbances and fatigue. A palpable threshold effect was seen between quartile three and four. Since these symptoms are strongly stress related, our results support the utility of the ERI and WOC scales in assessing stress in working life.</p><p>Agreement between single questions in the original and an approximate instrument for measuring ERI were low, whereas the agreement between the two ERI scales was reasonable. When approximate instruments are used, questions and scales must be presented thoroughly to facilitate comparisons and the results should be interpreted with caution. Today there are no reasons to use such instruments in the ERI model.</p><p>One statement in the ERI model is that individuals with the coping behaviour characterised as WOC are particularly vulnerable to an imbalance between perceived effort and reward; i.e., that ERI and WOC interact. No such effect was shown in relation to disturbed sleep and fatigue. There is no convincing evidence that ERI and WOC interact in synergy. Analysis demonstrated that WOC was relatively stable in perceived unchanged conditions as measured by the original, more comprehensive instrument as well as by the present, shortened instrument. Positively or negatively perceived changes in ERI correspond to changes in WOC. This result suggests that WOC, at least in part, may act as not only a coping strategy but also as an outcome from ERI. Taken together, these results concerning WOC, suggest that studies to clarify the role of the WOC dimension are needed.</p><p>The ERI model states that, when individuals stay in unfavourable conditions characterised as ERI, because there are few alternatives on the labour market or when the individual is at risk of being laid off or of facing downward mobility, they are in a “locked in position” (LIP). A strong association between LIP and ERI was shown, supporting this statement.</p> / <p>Fahlén, G. (2008). Aspects on the Effort-reward Imbalance model of psychosocial stress in the work environments. Sundsvall, Sweden: Mid Sweden University, Department of Health Sciences. ISBN 978-91-85317-94-3.</p><p>Arbetsrelaterad stress har sedan slutat av sjuttiotalet alltmer blivit uppmärksammat som en viktig bestämningsfaktor för ohälsa. En av de mest inflytelserika stressmodellerna är Ansträngning-belönings modellen (Effort-reward imbalance, ERI) som stipulerar att en obalans mellan ansträngning och belöning i arbetet orsakar en skadlig stress och att de som har ett särskilt coping-beteende som kännetecknas bland annat av oförmåga att dra sig tillbaka från sitt arbete (Work related overcommitment WOC) är särskilt sårbara. Modellen har visat ett starkt förklaringsvärde för många negativa hälsoutfall.</p><p>Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att bidra till utvecklingen av ERI-modellen genom att utforska modellens egenskaper i relation till de teoretiska antagandena, uppbyggnad och tillämpning samt att öka kunskapen om modellens validitet.</p><p>Den epidemiologiska studie som användes i tre artiklar var WOLF-studien (WOrk, Lipids and Fibrinogen) där analyserna genomfördes på den delmängd som hade svarat på ERI-frågorna (n=1174) och som hade kompletta svar. För en artikel användes material från SKA-studien (Sjukskrivning, Kultur och Attityder) och omfattade de som arbetade med ohälsoärenden vid Försäkringskassan (n=5700) i samtliga fall användes data från frågeformulär.</p><p>Resultaten visade att ERI och WOC utgör riskfaktorer för störd sömn och dagtrötthet. En tydlig tröskeleffekt kunde skönjas mellan tredje och fjärde kvartilen. Eftersom dessa symptom är starkt stressrelaterade, gav resultaten stöd för användbarheten av ERI och WOC instrumenten för att skatta stress i arbetslivet.</p><p>Överensstämmelsen mellan enskilda frågor i orginalinstrumentet för ERI och ett approximativt var låg, medan överensstämmelsen mellan de två ERI skalorna bedömdes som rimlig. När approximativa instrument används bör frågor och skalor presenteras utförligt för att jämförelser ska underlättas och resultaten bör tolkas med försiktighet.</p><p>En utgångspunkt i ERI-modellen är att individer som har ett coping-beteende som karakteriseras som WOC är särskilt sårbara för en obalans mellan ansträngning och belöning, d.v.s. att ERI och WOC interagerar i synergi. Ingen sådan effekt kunde styrkas i relation till störd sömn och dagtrötthet. Det saknas också övertygande bevis för att en sådan effekt finns. WOC-måttet är relativt stabilt i oförändrade arbetsförhållanden i såväl orginalinstrumentet som i det nuvarande förkortade. Upplevda positiva eller negativa förändringar i ERI påverkade WOC i samma riktning. Resultaten indikerade att WOC, åtminstone delvis kan utgöra ett utfall av ERI, inte endast en copingstrategi. Dessa resultat gör att studier för att tydliggöra WOC-dimensionens roll i ERI modellen är önskvärda.</p><p>En annan utgångspunkt i modellen är att en av de situationer man stannar i ogynnsamma arbetsförhållanden kännetecknade av ERI, är att man har små möjligheter att byta arbete beroende på att man har få möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden eller är utsatt för risk att bli uppsagd eller att få sämre arbete, man är ”inlåst”. Resultaten visade på en stark association mellan inlåsning och ERI och gav därmed stöd åt antagandet.</p>

Aspects of the Effort-reward imbalance model of psychosocial stress in the working life

Fahlén, Göran January 2008 (has links)
Fahlén, G. (2008). Aspects on the Effort-reward Imbalance model of psychosocial stress in the work environments. Sundsvall, Sweden: Mid Sweden University, Department of Health Sciences. ISBN 978-91-85317-94-3. Since the late 1970s, work related stress has increasingly been recognized as an important determinant for ill-health and disease. One of the most influential stress models is the Effort-Reward Imbalance model (ERI), which stipulates that an imbalance between the perceived effort spent at work and rewards received results in noxious stress. Those with a coping behaviour called Work-related Overcommitment (WOC), including an inability to withdraw from work obligations are especially vulnerable. The model has shown strong explanatory value for a large numbers of harmful health outcomes. The general aim of this thesis was to contribute to the development of the ERI model by exploring the properties of this model in relation to its theoretical assumptions, construct, and application and to improve the knowledge of validity of the ERI-model. The study sample that was used in three papers emanated from the WOLF study (Work, Lipids and Fibrinogen). The analyses were confined to the subset of individuals who answered the ERI questions (n=1174) with complete answers. In one paper, data from the SKA study (Sick leave, Culture and Attitudes) were used and they comprised all employees at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency responsible for management and compensation of illness in the working population (n=5700). All data are based on questionnaires. The results indicate that ERI and WOC are risk factors for sleep disturbances and fatigue. A palpable threshold effect was seen between quartile three and four. Since these symptoms are strongly stress related, our results support the utility of the ERI and WOC scales in assessing stress in working life. Agreement between single questions in the original and an approximate instrument for measuring ERI were low, whereas the agreement between the two ERI scales was reasonable. When approximate instruments are used, questions and scales must be presented thoroughly to facilitate comparisons and the results should be interpreted with caution. Today there are no reasons to use such instruments in the ERI model. One statement in the ERI model is that individuals with the coping behaviour characterised as WOC are particularly vulnerable to an imbalance between perceived effort and reward; i.e., that ERI and WOC interact. No such effect was shown in relation to disturbed sleep and fatigue. There is no convincing evidence that ERI and WOC interact in synergy. Analysis demonstrated that WOC was relatively stable in perceived unchanged conditions as measured by the original, more comprehensive instrument as well as by the present, shortened instrument. Positively or negatively perceived changes in ERI correspond to changes in WOC. This result suggests that WOC, at least in part, may act as not only a coping strategy but also as an outcome from ERI. Taken together, these results concerning WOC, suggest that studies to clarify the role of the WOC dimension are needed. The ERI model states that, when individuals stay in unfavourable conditions characterised as ERI, because there are few alternatives on the labour market or when the individual is at risk of being laid off or of facing downward mobility, they are in a “locked in position” (LIP). A strong association between LIP and ERI was shown, supporting this statement. / Fahlén, G. (2008). Aspects on the Effort-reward Imbalance model of psychosocial stress in the work environments. Sundsvall, Sweden: Mid Sweden University, Department of Health Sciences. ISBN 978-91-85317-94-3. Arbetsrelaterad stress har sedan slutat av sjuttiotalet alltmer blivit uppmärksammat som en viktig bestämningsfaktor för ohälsa. En av de mest inflytelserika stressmodellerna är Ansträngning-belönings modellen (Effort-reward imbalance, ERI) som stipulerar att en obalans mellan ansträngning och belöning i arbetet orsakar en skadlig stress och att de som har ett särskilt coping-beteende som kännetecknas bland annat av oförmåga att dra sig tillbaka från sitt arbete (Work related overcommitment WOC) är särskilt sårbara. Modellen har visat ett starkt förklaringsvärde för många negativa hälsoutfall. Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att bidra till utvecklingen av ERI-modellen genom att utforska modellens egenskaper i relation till de teoretiska antagandena, uppbyggnad och tillämpning samt att öka kunskapen om modellens validitet. Den epidemiologiska studie som användes i tre artiklar var WOLF-studien (WOrk, Lipids and Fibrinogen) där analyserna genomfördes på den delmängd som hade svarat på ERI-frågorna (n=1174) och som hade kompletta svar. För en artikel användes material från SKA-studien (Sjukskrivning, Kultur och Attityder) och omfattade de som arbetade med ohälsoärenden vid Försäkringskassan (n=5700) i samtliga fall användes data från frågeformulär. Resultaten visade att ERI och WOC utgör riskfaktorer för störd sömn och dagtrötthet. En tydlig tröskeleffekt kunde skönjas mellan tredje och fjärde kvartilen. Eftersom dessa symptom är starkt stressrelaterade, gav resultaten stöd för användbarheten av ERI och WOC instrumenten för att skatta stress i arbetslivet. Överensstämmelsen mellan enskilda frågor i orginalinstrumentet för ERI och ett approximativt var låg, medan överensstämmelsen mellan de två ERI skalorna bedömdes som rimlig. När approximativa instrument används bör frågor och skalor presenteras utförligt för att jämförelser ska underlättas och resultaten bör tolkas med försiktighet. En utgångspunkt i ERI-modellen är att individer som har ett coping-beteende som karakteriseras som WOC är särskilt sårbara för en obalans mellan ansträngning och belöning, d.v.s. att ERI och WOC interagerar i synergi. Ingen sådan effekt kunde styrkas i relation till störd sömn och dagtrötthet. Det saknas också övertygande bevis för att en sådan effekt finns. WOC-måttet är relativt stabilt i oförändrade arbetsförhållanden i såväl orginalinstrumentet som i det nuvarande förkortade. Upplevda positiva eller negativa förändringar i ERI påverkade WOC i samma riktning. Resultaten indikerade att WOC, åtminstone delvis kan utgöra ett utfall av ERI, inte endast en copingstrategi. Dessa resultat gör att studier för att tydliggöra WOC-dimensionens roll i ERI modellen är önskvärda. En annan utgångspunkt i modellen är att en av de situationer man stannar i ogynnsamma arbetsförhållanden kännetecknade av ERI, är att man har små möjligheter att byta arbete beroende på att man har få möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden eller är utsatt för risk att bli uppsagd eller att få sämre arbete, man är ”inlåst”. Resultaten visade på en stark association mellan inlåsning och ERI och gav därmed stöd åt antagandet.

Chefers stressreducerade ledarskapsbeteenden gentemot sina medarbetare : - en kvalitativ intervjustudie / The stress reducing behaviours of managers : - a qualitative interview study of the effects on employees

Fransson, Madeleine, Ljungström, Cindie January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka stressreducerade ledarskapsbeteenden som chefer använder sig av gentemot sina medarbetare. Studien har en deduktiv ansats där två etablerade balansteorier; Karasek och Theorells (1990) krav och kontrollmodell samt Siegrits (1996) ansträngning och belöningsmodell, användes för att studera empirin. Ett målinriktat urval gjordes (n = 10) och av dessa var fem stycken kvinnor och fem stycken män. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med chefer på samma eller liknande position i en organisation. Det empiriska materialet analyserades genom en tematisk modell. Resultatet visade att cheferna använder sig av olika dimensioner av balansteorierna. Samtliga chefer använde sig av socialt stöd i olika former och majoriteten av cheferna gav medarbetarna kontroll över sin arbetssituation för att reducera stress. Ett fåtal av cheferna försökte få medarbetarna att uppleva yrkesstatus som belöning och slutligen lyfte cheferna fram vikten av att skapa en balans mellan arbetslivet och privatlivet för att främja medarbetarnas hälsa.

Bakom intentionen att sluta i hemtjänstarbetet : - en kvantitativ studie om arbetsbelastningens betydelse för hemtjänstpersonalens funderingar på att sluta i arbetet.

Sandqvist, Kim, Varcoe Orhem, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
Homecare work is commonly described as a job involving high workload. Homecare in Sweden is affected by difficulties regarding recruiting and retaining employees. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between workload and the homecare employee's intention to quit their work. Workload is examined based on three dimensions: temporal, physical and relational workload. Result from frequency analysis shows that workload exists in all three dimensions. The physical dimension shows the highest percentage of workload of all three dimensions. Results from multiple logistic regressions shows that eight of nine examined variables increases the odds of homecare employee's intention to quit their work. The only examined variable that does not increase the odds is to feel inadequate regarding the care recipient’s needs. The results indicate, with the help of the effort-reward imbalance model, that there is an imbalance between homecare workers' efforts and rewards. Furthermore, the findings suggest that improvements regarding homecare employees' work situation are needed such as rewarding employees more for their efforts.

Motivation i arbetslivet : Inre och yttre motivation i relation till branschbyte

Tjärnström, Lovisa January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Stress-Related Sick Leave: An Individual Project : A hermeneutic study investigating the social support given to, and responsibility demanded by the individual

Hedström, Madeleine January 2016 (has links)
Stress is the most common reason for sick leave in Sweden today. The physical demands are less in today’s work life, but the psychological demands have increased, resulting in increased stress related ill-health. The aim with the current study was to gain an understanding in how individuals that has been or are on stress-related sick leave experience the social support received at the work place and where they experienced that the primary responsibility for the sick leave was. Nine participants from self-help groups for stress was interviewed with a qualitative hermeneutic approach. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed with van Manen’s (1990) “selective or highlighting approach”. The analysis was grounded in four research questions; causes of stress-related sick leave, perceived responsibility for the sick leave, social support, and facilitating factors for returning to work. The result showed that the participants experienced lack of rewards, high demands, low control, lack of social support, insufficient recovery and denial of symptoms of stress. The participants often blamed themselves and took on the primary responsibility. The self-help groups acted as substitute for the lacking social support as well as increased the self-awareness and motivation among the participants.

Reap What You Sow: How Effort-Reward Reciprocity Impacts the Job Satisfaction of Self-Employment

Ekenstedt, Theodor January 2022 (has links)
This study examines how effort-reward reciprocity at work impacts the job satisfaction of the self-employed. The self-employed regularly show higher job satisfaction than the wage-employed. Theories point toward effort-reward reciprocity, the balance between what one gives and what one receives at work, as a predictor of higher job satisfaction. No earlier research has explored the mediating effect of effort-reward reciprocity in order to explain the higher job satisfaction for the self-employed. This model was explored among employed individuals in the Nordic Region (N = 3,916). Job satisfaction was measured via an index of nine items. The effort-reward reciprocity measure followed the theoretical model of effort-reward imbalance. A causal mediation analysis showed that effort-reward reciprocity fully mediated the impact that employment form had on job satisfaction. The results suggest that this effect is not part of some elusive feature of self-employment. Further research should expand on the model by introducing rewards more attuned to self-employment, such as autonomy and flexibility.

Pracovní podmínky a podpora zdraví pracovníků v oblasti péče o seniory / Working Conditions and Health Promoion of Professionals in Elderly Care

Jirkovská, Blanka January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation brings sociological and socio-psychological view on working conditions and health promotion of professionals working in the field of long-term care and examines the impact of these conditions on their well-being. Its overall objective is to map the current work conditions and work situation of this working group in the Czech Republic and draw attention to an area that is not adequately reflected. Specific objective is the verification of the model Effort Reward Imbalance and the concept of wellbeing on the population studied. The side effect is to provide the results of the conducted applied research to the management of participating organizations for practical purposes. The work is divided into theoretical and empirical part. Theoretical background characterizes basic concepts; health promotion and long-term care. The central theoretical and methodological tools used in the applied research are then described: socio-psychological concept well-being and model Effort Reward Imbalance (ERI). The model, which was introduced by contemporary German sociologist J. Siegrist, presents a key resource of mapping stress in the workplace. The empirical part of the dissertation describes the research that was conducted in two parts during 2012 - 2014. In the first part held in form of focus...

Contextual and Personal Factors Contributing to the Mental Health of Norwegian Professional Musicians

Gilberg, Asbjørn L. January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis investigates the contributing factors to Norwegian professional musicians’ psychological distress. Several researchers have pointed out that musicians seem to be a risk group in regards to mental health and work environment. In contrast, research regarding the explanatory variables of their mental health is scarce. Recently, a study indicated a high prevalence of psychological distress in Norwegian musicians. A qualitative study on Norwegian musicians reported a combination of family, social, and personal factors to be of particular importance regarding their mental health. The present study adds to the accumulated research base by conceptualizing contributing factors of musicians’ health in a job demands–resources framework, in which the total model as well as individual predictors are tested with a survey on 1,365 Norwegian professional musicians. Five out of ten hypotheses were supported using a hierarchical multiple regression procedure. Job demands and job control were positively related to psychological distress, whereas job-related social support, emotional stability and sense of mastery were negatively related to psychological distress. Work–nonwork interference, effort–reward imbalance and conscientiousness were not significantly related to the outcome. Unexpectedly, job control was positively related to psychological distress, which may have been influenced by the subjects’ levels of personal resources. Overall, the main findings was that a combination of contextual and personal variables were most influential, but that the work environment concepts investigated were only weakly or non-significantly related to musicians’mental health. The highest single contributors were emotional stability, sense of mastery and general social support, indicating that personal dispositions of emotionality, a strong sense of control over one’s life, and perceived social support from family and friends are of high significance for Norwegian professional musicians’ experience of anxiety and depression-like symptoms.

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