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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantifizierung und Klassifizierung der kaninen Ellbogeninkongruenz auf Grundlage einer standardisierten Röntgen- und Messmethode

Starke, Andreas 04 November 2014 (has links)
Andreas Starke Quantifizierung und Klassifizierung der kaninen Ellbogeninkongruenz auf Grundlage einer standardisierten Röntgen- und Messmethode Klinik für Kleintiere der Veterinärmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig (79 Seiten, 27 Abbildungen, 8 Tabellen, 132 Literaturangaben) Zielstellung: Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die objektive Quantifizierung der knöchernen Konformation des Ellbogengelenkes gesunder und erkrankter Hunde unter standardisierten Bedingungen. Dazu sollte eine Methode entwickelt werden mit der Röntgenaufnahmen von Ellbogen unter Belastung angefertigt und anhand von Messungen an markanten Knochenstrukturen evaluiert werden können. Diese standardisierte Röntgen- und Messmethode sollte an einer Kontrollgruppe getestet werden, um die Eignung der Methodik zu untersuchen und Referenzwerte zu erstellen. Besonderer Schwerpunkt war die Überprüfung der Reliabilität der Messungen in Abhängigkeit von Lagerungsartefakten und Messwiederholungen. Danach sollten Ellbogengelenke klinisch erkrankter Hunde untersucht und mit den Ergebnissen der Kontrollgruppe verglichen werden, um herauszufinden, ob sich die Messergebnisse signifikant von gesunden Gelenken unterscheiden. Zudem wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass sich die dysplastischen Ellbogengelenke anhand der röntgenologischen Messparameter in unterschiedliche Formen der humeroulnaren und humeroradialen Inkongruenz unterteilen lassen. Material und Methode: Bei 27 lahmheitsfreien Hunden wurden von 47 Ellbogengelenken Röntgenaufnahmen mit und ohne Belastung (mediolateral, kraniokaudal; Aufnahmen am liegenden, narkotisierten Tier) sowie Aufnahmen im Stehen (kraniokaudal) untersucht. Digital gemessen wurden subchondrale Gelenkspaltenabstände, subchondrale Knochenabstände und ein Winkel. Anschließend wurden 149 Hunde mit ED der Röntgen- und Messmethode unterzogen und mit den Ergebnissen der Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Anhand von gehäuft auftretenden Messwertabweichungen wurden die 149 Hunde in Untergruppen eingeteilt und erneut mit der Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Danach wurden 4 Gruppen mit jeweils unterschiedlicher Osteotomie an Radius bzw. Ulna zur zwei- und dreidimensionalen Gelenkumstellung erstellt (euthanasierte Hunde ohne Ellbogenerkrankung), der gleichen Röntgen- und Messprozedur unterzogen und mit der Kontrollgruppe und den Gruppen der kranken Hunde verglichen. Ergebnisse: Eine standardisierte und reliable Lagerung sowie Längen- und Winkelmessungen an definierten Knochenpunkten konnten mit und ohne Belastung bei gesunden und kranken Hunden etabliert werden. Mittels Normalisierung der Parameter der Längenmessungen gelang eine Vergleichbarkeit zwischen unterschiedlichen Gelenken und Projektionsebenen herzustellen. Messwerte von Aufnahmen im Stehen zeigten viele Lagerungsartefakte und eine geringe Reliabilität. Von den einzelnen Messparametern der Aufnahmen mit und ohne Belastung konnten aufgrund ihrer geringen Streuung Normwerte von der Kontrollgruppe abgeleitet werden. Eine deutliche Abgrenzung auf Grundlage signifikanter Unterschiede führte zur Bildung der Untergruppen Typ I (n=60), Typ II (n=40) und indiff (n=49) innerhalb der 149 Hunde mit ED. Unterscheidungskriterien für die Einteilung eines kranken Ellbogengelenkes in Typ I, Typ II und indiff waren 3 subchondrale Gelenkspaltenabstände (mp3, mp4, mp6), 3 aus Gelenkspaltenabständen errechnete Indizes (LI 3, LI 4, LI 6) und ein Winkel. Diese Parameter wiesen in der Kontrollgruppe eine hohe Reliabilität auf. Durch die Osteotomiemodelle konnten Parallelen zwischen Typ I und einer short ulna sowie zwischen Typ II und einem short radius ermittelt werden. Schlussfolgerungen: Röntgenaufnahmen am stehenden Hund sind nicht praktikabel, nur bedingt auswertbar und daher nicht geeignet. Anhand von Röntgenbildern mit und ohne Belastung lassen sich dagegen die Knochenverhältnisse im Gelenk beschreiben und Normwerte erstellen. Die untersuchte Methodik ist geeignet 67% erkrankter Tiere einem Inkongruenztyp (Typ I oder Typ II) zuzuordnen. Die Ergebnisse der dreidimensionalen Ulnaverkürzung und dreidimensionalen Radiusverkürzung weisen auf dreidimensionale Bewegungen der Knochenoberflächen bei Typ I bzw. Typ II im und am Gelenk hin. Ob Ellbogengelenke des Typ I (40%) von einer dreidimensionalen Osteotomie der proximalen Ulna und Ellbogengelenke des Typ II (27%) von einer Radiuselongation profitieren würden, müssen weitere Untersuchungen zeigen. Die Inkongruenz selbst konnte nicht näher quantifiziert werden.:1 EINLEITUNG 1 2 LITERATURÜBERSICHT 3 2.1 Anatomie des kaninen Ellbogengelenkes 3 2.2 Biomechanik des Ellbogengelenkes 5 2.3 Ellbogendysplasie 7 2.3.1 Inkongruenzen 8 Radioulnare Längendisparität 9 Dynamische radioulnare Längendisparitäten 10 Ellipsoide Malformation der Incisura trochlearis 10 Primäre Rotationsinstabilität von Radius und Ulna relativ zum Humerus 11 2.3.2 Angular vector model 12 2.3.3 Bildgebende Verfahren zur Darstellung einer Inkongruenz 13 Röntgenuntersuchung als planare Projektion 13 Computertomographie 16 Magnetresonanztomographie 17 Arthroskopie 17 Röntgen, CT, MRT und Arthroskopie im Vergleich 18 3 EIGENE PUBLIKATIONEN 19 3.1 Röntgenologische Quantifizierung der Ellbogengelenks- konformation mit einer neuen standardisierten Röntgentechnik unter Last: Referenzwerte für mittelgroße und große Hunde ohne Ellbogengelenksdysplasie 19 3.2 Vergleichende röntgenologische Untersuchung von kaninen Ellbogengelenken mit ED und ohne ED unter standardisierten belasteten Bedingungen 49 4 DISKUSSION 72 5 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 76 6 SUMMARY 78 7 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 80 8 DANKSAGUNG 91 / Andreas Starke Quantification and classification of canine elbow incongruency using a standardized method for radiography and measurement Department of Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitiy of Leipzig (79 pages, 27 Figures, Tables, 132 references) Objective: Goal of this paper was the objective quantification of elbowjoint conformation for healthy and diseased dogs under standardized conditions. Therefor we developed a method for taking x-rays of the elbow joint under load to facilitate measurements using bone-landmarks. For this we aimed to test a standardized X-ray- and measurement methodology on a control group for evaluation of the developed methodology and to compile reference values. Emphasis has been placed on the validation of the reliability of the taken measurements especially were positioning artefacts and repeat measurements were concerned. Subsequently we examined elbow joints of clinically affected dogs and compared the results to that of the control group to determine whether signifikant differences can be found in the measurements compared to those taken in joints of healthy dogs. Additionally we formulated the hypothesis that displastic Elbow joints can be grouped into humero-ulnar and humero-radial incongruencies using the developed method of measurement. Material and methods: Plain x-rays and standardized stressed x-rays (medio-lateral, cranio-caudal taken under sedation; cranio-caudal views taken while standing) of 47 elbow-joints of 27 lameness free dogs were examined. We digitally measured subchondral jointgaps, subchondral bone gaps and an angle. Afterwards 149 dogs with ED were examined using our standardized X-ray method and we compared the results to the control group. The 149 dogs were divided into subgroups using frequent measurement deviances and the subgroups again compared to the control group. Afterwards we created 4 groups based on the kind of radial or ulnar osteotomy for two- and three- dimensional joint adjustment, took measurements based on our standardized X-ray method and compared the results to the control group and ED group. Results: A reliable standardized X-ray methodology as well as length and angle measurement on defined bone landmarks with and without load could be established on healthy dogs and those with ED. Using normalization of length-measurements we were able to establish comparability between different joints and projections. Measurements from x-rays taken in a standing position showed a lot of positioning related artefacts and low reliability. We were able to compile standard values from x-rays of the control group taken with- and without load due to the low deviation of the norm values. Due to marked delination based on significant differences we were able to establish subgroups Typ I (n=60), Typ II (n=40) and Group indiff (n=49) in the ED Group. Distinction Criterions to classify an ED elbow joint in Types I, II or indiff were 3 subchondral jointgaps (mp3, mp4, mp6), three indices calculated out of joint gaps (LI 3, LI 4 and LI 6) and an angle. In the control group these parameters showed a high reliability. Using an osteotomy model we were able to draw parallels between Typ I and a short Ulna, as well as Typ II and a short radius. Conclusions: X-rays taken in a standing position are not feasible. Using x-rays taken with and without load we were able to adequately describe bone-marker relations and could compile norm values. Using our developed method we have been able to assign 67% of the examined diseased joints to a type of incongruency (Type I or II). The results of three dimensional ulna and radius shortening indicate three dimensional movement of the bone surface in Typ I or II in the joint. Whether elbow joints of Typ I (40%) benefit of a three dimensional proximal ulna-osteotomy or joints of Typ II (27%) would benefit of a radial elongation needs to be shown in further studies.:1 EINLEITUNG 1 2 LITERATURÜBERSICHT 3 2.1 Anatomie des kaninen Ellbogengelenkes 3 2.2 Biomechanik des Ellbogengelenkes 5 2.3 Ellbogendysplasie 7 2.3.1 Inkongruenzen 8 Radioulnare Längendisparität 9 Dynamische radioulnare Längendisparitäten 10 Ellipsoide Malformation der Incisura trochlearis 10 Primäre Rotationsinstabilität von Radius und Ulna relativ zum Humerus 11 2.3.2 Angular vector model 12 2.3.3 Bildgebende Verfahren zur Darstellung einer Inkongruenz 13 Röntgenuntersuchung als planare Projektion 13 Computertomographie 16 Magnetresonanztomographie 17 Arthroskopie 17 Röntgen, CT, MRT und Arthroskopie im Vergleich 18 3 EIGENE PUBLIKATIONEN 19 3.1 Röntgenologische Quantifizierung der Ellbogengelenks- konformation mit einer neuen standardisierten Röntgentechnik unter Last: Referenzwerte für mittelgroße und große Hunde ohne Ellbogengelenksdysplasie 19 3.2 Vergleichende röntgenologische Untersuchung von kaninen Ellbogengelenken mit ED und ohne ED unter standardisierten belasteten Bedingungen 49 4 DISKUSSION 72 5 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 76 6 SUMMARY 78 7 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 80 8 DANKSAGUNG 91

A contribuição da ultrassonografia na avaliação dos ligamentos do cotovelo: estudo comparativo com ressonância magnética / The contribution of ultrasonography in the evaluation of elbow ligaments: a comparative study with magnetic resonance imaging

Brandão, Aureliano Torquato 13 March 2019 (has links)
A ressonância magnética (RM) é o exame de escolha para avaliar os ligamentos do cotovelo. Os dados da literatura que relatam o uso da ultrassonografia (US) avaliando os ligamentos do cotovelo são escassos. A maioria dos estudos de US avalia apenas alguns aspectos dos ligamentos do cotovelo, principalmente relacionados a tendões, espaços articulares e, eventualmente, lesões ligamentares. O objetivo é avaliar o desempenho do US em demonstrar todos ligamentos do cotovelo em comparação com os resultados da MRI. Realizamos análises qualitativas e quantitativas das imagens do ligamento do cotovelo obtidas pelo US e RM em indivíduos assintomáticos. Na abordagem qualitativa, os dados de RM e US foram analisados por quatro radiologistas especializados em sistema musculoesquelético: dois para US e dois para RM. Cada médico realizou de forma independente e individualmente usando um relatório estruturado. A abordagem quantitativa incluiu medidas da espessura das fibras anteriores do ligamento colateral ulnar mediano e os locais exatos dessas medidas, realizados por radiologistas treinados para a avaliação quantitativa. Todos os ligamentos foram identificados pelos examinadores e houve alta concordância entre os métodos nas análises qualitativas e quantitativas: ecogenicidade e espessura do ligamento em imagens de US e espessura do ligamento e sinal em imagens de RM. A medida de concordância das espessuras dos ligamentos entre os examinadores da US foi superior a 97,8%. Entre os examinadores da RM, esta medida foi superior a 99,0%. A média da diferença entre as medidas de US e de RM foi de 0,08 mm (entre 0,04 mm e 0,12 mm). Não houve diferenças estatísticas entre os 2 métodos nas medidas de concordância e espessura dos ligamentos. Concluímos que a US é capaz de identificar ligamentos íntegros em adultos com a mesma facilidade e especificidade que a RM. Acreditamos que esses resultados, juntamente com as características já conhecidas do US (avaliação dinâmica da integridade do ligamento, menos contraindicações e baixo custo) têm potencial para adicionar um valor importante ao diagnóstico musculoesquelético da doença do cotovelo em um cenário mais difundido / Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the exam of choice for assessing elbow ligaments. The literature data reporting the use of Ultrasonography (US) evaluating elbow ligaments is scarce. Most US studies evaluate only a few aspects of the elbow ligaments, mostly related to tendons, joint spaces and, eventually, ligament lesions. The main goal is to assess US performance to demonstrate elbow ligaments compared to MRI performance. We have conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis of the elbow ligaments images obtained by the US and MRI in healthy volunteers. In the qualitative approach, MRI and US data was analyzed by four radiologists specialized in musculoskeletal system: two for US and two for MRI. Each physician analyzed the images independently and individually using a structured report. The quantitative approach included measurements of the thickness of the anterior fibers of the medial ulnar collateral ligament and all measures was performed by trained radiologists for quantitative assessment. All ligaments were identified by the radiologists and there was high agreement between the methods in the qualitative and quantitative analyzes: echogenicity and thickness of the ligament in US images and ligament thickness and signal in MRI images. The concordance in the measurements of the thicknesses of the ligaments between the examiners of the US was superior to 97.8%. Among the MRI examiners, it was higher than 99.0%. The mean difference between the US and MRI measurements was 0.08 mm (between 0.04 mm and 0.12 mm). There was no statistical difference either in concordance or ligament thickness between US and MRI measures. We conclude that ultrasonography is capable of identifying healthy ligaments in adults with the same usability and specificity as magnetic resonance imaging. We believe these results, together with US already known characteristics (dynamic evaluation of ligament integrity, fewer contra-indications and low cost) has potential to add an important value to musculoskeletal diagnosis of elbow disease

Fluoroskopische Untersuchung zur dreidimensionalen Ellbogengelenkkinematik bei gesunden sowie dysplastischen Hunden in vivo

Rohwedder, Thomas 05 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung: Die Ellbogengelenkdysplasie (ED) stellt eine der häufigsten Lahmheitsursachen bei jungen Hunden mittelgroßer und großer Rassen dar. Dabei wird der radioulnaren Inkongruenz eine maßgebliche Rolle in der Pathogenese zugesprochen. GUILLOU und Mitarbeiter (2011) konnten zeigen, dass eine axiale radioulnare Translation von bis zu 1 mm in gesunden kaninen Ellbogengelenken in vivo auftritt. Auf dieser Basis entstand die Hypothese einer vermehrten radioulnaren Beweglichkeit in dysplastischen Gelenken, die zu einer dynamischen Inkongruenz führen könnte, da ca. 40 % der Patienten keine messbare Stufe aufweisen. Ziele der Untersuchungen: Ziel der Studie war der Vergleich der dynamischen radioulnaren Inkongruenz bei orthopädisch gesunden und dysplastischen Hunden in vivo. Material und Methoden: Sieben dysplastische Ellbogengelenke von sechs Hunden und sechs orthopädisch gesunde Ellbogengelenke von fünf Hunden sind in die Studie eingegangen. Alle Probanden der ED Gruppe zeigten einen fragmentierten Processus coronoideus medialis ulnae. Nach Implantation von jeweils mindestens drei Markern in Humerus, Radius und Ulna erfolgte die biplanare, fluoroskopische Untersuchung der Gelenke, während die Hunde im Schritt auf einem Laufband geführt wurden. Die gewonnenen Röntgenvideoaufnahmen wurden aufgearbeitet und die gemessene Bewegung der Marker auf rekonstruierte dreidimensionale Knochenmodelle jedes Probanden übertragen. Alle Animationen wurden visuell beurteilt und anschließend die relative radioulnare und humeroulnare Bewegung an den animierten Knochenmodellen gemessen und als Translation in Millimeter und Rotation in Grad angegeben. Weiterhin wurden die Kontaktflächenmuster für die ulnare Gelenkfläche in dysplastischen und gesunden Gelenken bestimmt und gegeneinander visuell verglichen. Ergebnisse: Für die relative radioulnare Translation konnten in der Kontrollgruppe 0,7 mm und in der ED Gruppe 0,5 mm gemessen werden. Beide Werte unterschieden sich nicht signifikant voneinander (P= 0,2092; Konfidenzintervall -0,6 – 0,2). Die relative humeroulnare Rotation lag in der Kontrollgruppe bei 2,9 Grad und in der ED Gruppe bei 5,3 Grad. Damit lag ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen beiden Gruppen vor (P= 0,0229; Konfidenzintervall 0,4 – 4,4). Die Kontaktflächenmuster zeigten in der Kontrollgruppe, während der dargestellten Fußungsphase, eine homogene Verteilung des Kontaktes über das gesamte mediale Koronoid. Hingegen konnte in dysplastischen Gelenken eine Reduktion des Kontaktes im kraniolateralen Anteil des Koronoids beobachtet werden. Schlussfolgerung: Die radioulnare Bewegung zeigt zwischen gesunden und dysplastischen Gelenken keinen signifikanten Unterschied auf. Die Hypothese einer ausgeprägten Translation zwischen Radius und Ulna in Gelenken erkrankter Hunde, die während der Bewegung zu einer dynamischen RUI führt kann damit widerlegt werden. Allerdings zeigt der Humerus in dysplastischen Gelenken eine vermehrte Rotationsbewegung, die zu einer Verlagerung der Trochlea humeri gegen den medialen Kronfortsatz führt. Dieser visuell und quantitativ erfasste Effekt spiegelt sich auch in den Kontaktflächenmustern wieder. Da Pathologien im Sinne des FPC typischerweise im Bereich des dargestellten, konzentrierten Kontaktes auftreten, ist davon auszugehen, dass es durch die humerale Rotation zu einer vermehrten Belastung des Koronoids kommt, welche zur Fragmentation des Kronfortsatzes führen kann. Die Ursache dieser vermehrten Bewegung ist derzeit nicht bekannt. Möglicherweise spielen Weichteilpathologien eine Rolle, ähnlich der Pathogenese der Hüftgelenksdysplasie. Neben der bereits bekannten und beschriebenen statischen RUI scheint die Rotationsinstabilität des Humerus eine entscheidende Rolle in der Pathogenese der ED zu spielen, insbesondere in kongruent erscheinenden Gelenken. / Introduction: Elbow dysplasia (ED) is one of the most frequent reasons for forelimb lameness especially in young large breed dogs. Radio-ulnar incongruence is discussed to be one of the main factors in the pathogenesis of ED. GUILLOU et al. (2011) described an axial translation between the radius and the ulna up to 1 mm in sound canine elbow joints in vivo. Based on this study we developed the hypothesis that pronounced radio-ulnar movement in dysplastic joints leads to a dynamic radio-ulnar incongruence. This dynamic incongruence might explain why 40 % of dysplastic dogs show no measurable step formation. Objective: The aim of the study was to compare the dynamic radio-ulnar incongruence in sound and dysplastic dogs in vivo. Material and Methods: Seven dysplastic joints in six dogs and six sound joints in five dogs were evaluated. All dysplastic joints showed a fragmented coronoid process and a radio-ulnar incongruence and cartilage lesions on the ulnar and humeral joint surface in a varying degree. A minimum of three Tantalum markers were implanted into the Humerus, Radius and Ulna each. Afterwards biplanar fluoroscopic gait analysis was performed while the dogs were walking on a treadmill. Gained marker movement was transferred onto reconstructed three dimensional CT bone models of each dog. The 3D animations were visually assessed and relative movement between the radius and ulna as well as between the humerus and ulna was measured and expressed as translation (millimeter) and rotation (degree). Further the joint contact patterns of the ulnar joint surface were determined for all dysplastic and sound joints and visually compared to each other. Results: Relative radio-ulnar translation was 0.7 mm in sound joints and 0.5 mm in dysplastic joints. There was no significant difference between these two groups (P= 0.2092; convidence interval -0.6 to 0.2). A significant difference between the dysplastic and the sound group was present in the relative humeral rotation (P= 0.0229; convidence interval 0.4 to 4.4). Humeral rotation relative to the ulna was 2.9 degree in sound and 5.3 degree in dysplastic joints. Humero-ulnar contact at the medial coronoid process was evenly distributed over the medial coronoid process in control elbows, while contact area in dysplastic elbows was reduced and shifted to the lateral aspect of the medial coronoid process Conclusion: Radio-ulnar movement is not significantly different between dysplastic and sound elbow joints. So the hypothesis of a pronounced axial translation between the radius and the ulna in dysplastic joints, leading to dynamic RUI can be neglected. However the humerus shows a significantly pronounced rotational movement in dysplastic joints compared to sound elbows. The trochlea humeri moves towards cranio-lateral and hits the medial coronoid process at its cranio-lateral aspect. The effect of this rotational movement can be shown in the joint contact patterns of the ulnar joint surface. Contact is shifted towards the tip and the lateral aspect of the coronoid process. In that area fragmentation of the medial coronoid process is typically observed. It seems that rotation of the humerus relative to the ulna leads to reduced contact and mechanical overload of the coronoid process. The cause of this increased rotational movement remains unknown. Maybe the documented movement could be interpreted as joint instability similar to the pathogenesis of hip dysplasia in which soft tissue laxity results in joint instability and degenerative joint disease. Besides the already described static radio-ulnar incongruence humeral rotational instability seems to play a role in the pathogenesis of elbow dysplasia, especially in congruent joints.

Konstrukční návrh pece / Furnace design

Stříž, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with issues of tube furnaces in the process industries, especially with a design of a transfer pipeline, which is one of the main parts of the furnace. According to the requirements, designed pipeline is stress analyzed using the two pipeline programs Japar and Caesar II, that are briefly described. In addition to this design several variants of analysis are performed and the results are compared. Comparison helps to explain the diversity of the programs. For example, the effect of elbows on the stress analysis. The master´s thesis also describes the factors that affect the working life of the furnace.

Robotic Evaluation Of Rigidity In Parkinson's As A Function Of Speed-Comparison To Clinical Scales

Saidi, Azadeh 01 January 2005 (has links)
Rigidity is one of the cardinal symptoms in Parkinson's disease, along with Bradykinesia, tremor and postural instability. Rigidity in PD has been understudied, but its pathophysiological basis remains unclear. Various types of neurophysiological and biomechanical approach have been developed in order to investigate the neural control of muscle tone. A common approach is to observe the sensitivity of muscle resistance in response to stretch velocity or displacement [Kamper, Rea, He]. A recent study on elbow flexors in patients with spasticity and rigidity showed a velocity dependent increase in reactive torque in both groups [Lee H, et al). Even though this Study shows a correlation between elbow flexors and velocity, it doesn't discuss the role of elbow extensors. We studied the rigidity response in the elbow of both arms to different speed movements in 12 patients suffering from Parkinson's disease ON or OFF medication. The purpose of this study was to look at both elbow flexion and extension and show that quantitative measures of rigidity and movement disorders in subjects with Parkinson's disease correlate with the currently used clinical evaluations and also find the correlation between velocity and both elbow extension and flexion at the same time. Elbow was flexed and extended by means of a robotic arm,under four different speeds. The resistance to movement was recorded with a torque sensor and EMG of two elbow muscles; Biceps and Triceps; was recorded while the subjects were attempting to relax. The patients were also examined by physicians and their elbow rigidity and muscle tone and Parkinson's disease stage was evaluated and a Universal score in the categories of UPDRS, MMSE, and CAPIT was assigned for each arm of each individual. In the end we will argue that there is a very strong correlation between speed and elbow Extension and Flexion, muscle activity and the rigidity presented in each arm. We will also present the correlation between the robotic torque measurement and the clinical scores given to each subject.

Možnosti prevence hyperextenčního traumatu loketních kloubů u brankářek házené / Methods of prevention in hyperextension trauma to the elbow of the handball goalkeeper

Šrámková, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
Title: Methods of prevention in hyperextension trauma to the elbow of the handball goalkeeper. Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to determine whether the muscle strengthening exercises stabilizers of the elbow affect the stability of the elbow joint and also draw attention to the issue of hyperextension trauma to the elbow joint of the handball goalkeeper. Another objective is to evaluate the possibility of prevention of hyperextension trauma to the elbow joint of the handball goalkeeper. Methods: Rating angular deviations observed in the elbow before and after completing the intervention. Deviations were recorded using a 3D analysis system Qualysis and were processed in software Qualisys Track Manager. Results: Strengthening the dynamic stabilizers of the elbow helps to improve stability of the elbow joint load into hyperextension. Active exercise can be used as a possible prevention of hyperextension trauma to the elbow joint of handball goalkeepers. Keywords: elbow joint, hyperextension trauma, goalkeeper, handball, strengthening

Validade e confiabilidade do teste de comprometimento funcional da mão, pescoço, ombro e braço - FIT-HaNSA em pacientes com epicondiloalgia lateral do cotovelo / Validity and reliability of the functional impairment test-hand, and neck/shoulder/arm - FIT-HaNSA in patients with elbow lateral epicondylalgia

Pínola, Livia Nahas 01 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A epicondiloalgia lateral (EL) é caracterizada por uma desordem musculoesquelética envolvendo o tendão extensor comum originado no epicôndilo lateral. O Teste de Comprometimento Funcional da Mão, Pescoço, Ombro e Braço - FIT-HaNSA foi desenvolvido para analisar o desempenho durante três tarefas que realizam atividades repetitivas de elevação do membro superior, além de posturas sustentadas em pacientes com disfunção no ombro, medida em até 300 segundos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a confiabilidade e a validade do teste FIT-HaNSA em pacientes com EL do cotovelo, bem como avaliar as estratégias biomecânicas utilizadas pelo membro superior durante a execução deste teste. Método: Uma versão brasileira do dispositivo do teste foi desenvolvida. Foram incluídos 10 voluntários destros assintomáticos e 20 pacientes com EL. Para a análise da confiabilidade foi utilizado o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI) por meio do SPSS, com um intervalo de confiança de 95% e para a análise da validade de construto, o Coeficiente de Correlação de Spearman por meio do Software Mini Tab®. Foram coletados dados de preensão palmar, limiar doloroso e questionário DASH. Para a coleta dos dados eletromiográficos foi utilizado o equipamento da marca Delsys® (Trigno® Wireless Systems). A preparação da pele seguiu as recomendações do Projeto SENIAM. Os eletrodos foram posicionados em músculos do tronco, costas, braço e antebraço. Para a análise cinemática foi utilizado o software de imagens 3D (Vicon Motion Systems Ltd®), composto por 8 câmeras infravermelho que captaram o movimento de 16 marcadores reflexivos passivos. Os dados eletromiográficos e cinemáticos foram adquiridos de forma sincronizada e simultânea e o processamento dos sinais foi realizado off-line no Matlab®. Foi utilizada análise de variância (ANOVA) e pos hoc de Bonferroni (p<=0.05). Resultados: A média do tempo das tarefas 1, 2 e 3 foram respectivamente, 300s, 297s e 268s para o grupo assintomático e 249s, 141s e 264s para o grupo paciente. O teste apresentou entre excelente e boa confiabilidade teste reteste para o grupo assintomático para as tarefas 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente, 0,99 (0,91 - 0,99), 0,89 (0,02 - 0,98) e 0,95 (0,54 - 0,99) e para o grupo pacientes, excelente confiabilidade para as tarefas 1 e 2 respectivamente 0,98 (0,82 - 0,99) e 0,92 (0,29 - 0,99) e não aceitável para a tarefa 3 0,60 (-2,76 - 0,95), sem alteração do padrão doloroso após o teste. Apresentou correlação moderada entre o score médio do teste e a dor (r=0,67), assim como a força de preensão (r=0,56) e fraca correlação do teste com o questionário DASH (r=- 0,42). O músculo extensor ulnar do carpo esteve bastante ativo durante a realização das três tarefas. Conclusão: A versão adaptada do FIT-HaNSA-Br mostrou ser válida e reprodutível para pacientes com EL. A principal estratégia biomecânica foi a maior ativação do extensor ulnar do carpo com maior ADM de desvio ulnar ao realizar preensão com deslocamento de carga. Esta ferramenta pode ser utilizada como uma variável de desfecho em estudos clínicos para verificar a efetividade dos recursos fisioterapêuticos no tratamento conservador da EL do cotovelo. / Introduction: The lateral epicondylalgia (LE) is characterized by a musculoskeletal disorder involving the common extensor tendon which is originated at the lateral epicondyle. The Functional Impairment Test-Hand, and Neck/ Shoulder/Arm - FIT-HANSA was developed to analyze the performance during three tasks that perform repetitive activities of the upper limb elevation, and sustained postures, in patients with dysfunction in the shoulder, measured up to 300 seconds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of FIT-HANSA in patients with LE and evaluate the biomechanical strategies used by the upper limb during the execution of this test. Method: A Brazilian version of FIT-HANSA device has been developed. The study included 10 healthy volunteers and 20 patients with LE. For the analysis of reliability we used the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) with a confidence interval (CI) of 95%, using the SPSS. For the analysis of the construct validity, the Spearman\'s correlation coefficient (r) was calculated in Software Mini Tab®. They were collected handgrip data, pain threshold and questionnaire DASH. Electromyographic data was collected using a Delsys® (Trigno® Wireless Systems) equipment. The preparation of skin followed the recommendations of SENIAM Project. The electrodes were placed in the trunk muscles, back, arm and forearm. For kinematic analysis we used a software for 3D image analysis (Vicon Motion Systems Ltd ®), composed of 8 infrared cameras, which capture the movement through 16 reflective markers. Kinematic and electromyographic data were acquired synchronized and simultaneously via Vicon Nexus® Software and signal processing was performed offline in Matlab® software. Statistical analysis was performed by means of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc Bonferroni (p <= 0.05). Results: The average time of the tasks 1, 2 and 3 were, respectively, 300s, 297s e 268s for the asymptomatic group and 249s, 141s e 264s for the patient group. The test showed between excellent and good test-retest reliability for the asymptomatic group for the tasks 1, 2 and 3 respectively 0.99 (0.91 to 0.99) and 0.89 (0.02 to 0.98) and 0.95 (0.54 to 0.99), and the group patients, excellent reliability for tasks 1 and 2 respectively, 0.98 (0.82 to 0.99) and 0.92 (0.29 to 0.99) and not acceptable for the task 3 0.60 (-2.76 to 0.95), without changing the painful pattern after the test. Moderate correlation was found between the average score of the test and pain (r = 0.67) and grip strength (r = 0.56) and weak correlation between the test and DASH questionnaire (r = -0.42). The long extensor Carpi ulnaris muscle was significantly active during the course of the three tasks. Conclusion: The adapted version of the FIT-HANSA-Br showed to be valid and reproducible for patients with LE. The main biomechanical strategy was greater activation of the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle with more ulnar deviation performed to hold the load-displacement. This tool can be used as an outcome variable in clinical studies to assess the effectiveness of physical therapy resources in the conservative treatment of LE.


金家華, 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação radiográfica e tomográfica da articulação umerorradioulnar em cães / Radiographic and tomographic study of elbow joint in dogs

Grunkraut, Alessandra Sendyk 18 June 2014 (has links)
A displasia do cotovelo é considerada uma disfunção ou má formação da articulação umerorradioulnar com causas multifatoriais, é a causa mais comum de claudicação de membros torácicos em cães jovens e acomete principalmente cães de raças grandes e gigantes. As alterações da displasia do cotovelo incluem não união do processo ancôneo, fragmentação do processo coronóide medial, osteocondrose da tróclea umeral, incongruência articular e doença articular degenerativa. Esse estudo teve como objetivo apresentar de forma detalhada dados morfológicos e morfométricos da articulação umerorradioulnar de cães de raça definida avaliados por meio de exames clínicos, radiográficos e tomográficos. A amostra de cães dessa pesquisa constituiu-se de 44 cotovelos de cães com idades variadas. Realizou-se a comparação do desempenho de diferentes projeções radiográficas individualmente e sua análise comparativa com o exame tomográfico, mensuração da incongruência radioulnar ao exame tomográfico e posterior comparação à análise qualitativa ao exame radiográfico, cálculo do ângulo da incisura ulnar e sua comparação entre exames radiográfico e tomográfico e verificação da concordância entre avaliadores para as diferentes mensurações realizadas nos exames radiográfico e tomográfico. Para análise dessas informações, o coeficiente kappa, correlação interclasse e testes Fischer e McNemar foram realizados. Constatou-se que o desempenho individual de cada projeção radiográfica teve pobre concordância com o exame tomográfico sugerindo-se a realização de mais de duas projeções radiográficas; não houve concordância entre os três observadores para as mensurações do ângulo da incisura ulnar ao exame radiográfico e tomográfico. Porém houve boa/moderada concordância para mensuração da incongruência radioulnar no plano sagital entre os observadores. Concluiu-se que nenhuma das cinco incidências radiográficas foi superior à outras para análise radiográfica, uma vez que cada projeção apresentou melhor identificação de um compartimento do cotovelo; medidas ao exame tomográfico para incongruência radioulnar não apresentam reprodutibilidade no corte dorsal, no corte sagital apresentaram boa e moderada concordância entre os observadores e que a mensuração do ângulo da incisura ulnar não apresentou repetibilidade ao exame radiográfico e reprodutibilidade ao exame tomográfico. / Elbow dysplasia is considered a dysfunction or malformation of the elbow joint with multifactorial causes and is the most common cause of thoracic limb lameness in young dogs and mainly affecting large and giant breeds. Elbow dysplasia disease include ununited anconeal process, fragmented medial coronoid process, osteochondrosis of humeral trochlea, articular incongruity and degenerative joint disease. The aim of this study was to present detailed morphologic and morphometric aspects of the elbow joint in Labrador retriever and Australian shepherd dog in clinical and correlate with radiographic and tomographic (CT) exam. Interobserver variation for articular incongruity measurements by CT, comparative analysis in the radiographic exam, angle in ulnar notch and its comparative analysis between radiographic and tomographic agreement examination in 44 elbow of dogs with different ages were evaluated. The statistics analyses included the kappa coefficient and interclass correlation and Fischers test and McNemars test. It was evidenced that individual performance of each radiographic incidence had poor agreement with the tomographic exam, suggesting that the accomplishment of more than two radiograph views are needed. There was no agreement between the three evaluators in the ulnar notch angle at radiographic and tomographic exams. However, there was good/moderate agreement for articular incongruity measurement in the sagittal plane between evaluators. It was possible to conclude that none of the five radiographic incidences was better than the others for radiographic analysis because each incidence had a better identification of a particular elbow compartment; measurements at the tomographic exam to evaluate radioulnar incongruity had no reproductiveness in the dorsal plane, but in sagittal plan had a good/moderate agreement between observers and the angle in ulnar notch presented no repeatability at radiographic exam and no reproductiveness at tomographic exam.

Vibration absorption in the tennis grip and the effects on racquet dynamics

Savage, Nicholas James, nicolasshu709@hotmail.com January 2007 (has links)
The modern game of tennis has changed in recent years as a result of lightweight, stiffer racquets. The evolution of the tennis racquet, with respect to both design and materials, has increased the speed of the game but also the levels of stress placed on the player's bodies. Many believe that injuries such as lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) are caused and aggravated by the absorption of racquet energy by the player, in the form of shock and vibration. This thesis presents an experimental investigation into the absorption of racquet vibration to the player's hand and forearm. Quantification of the tennis grip has been achieved in this research using different experimental techniques to analyse different aspects of the tennis grip. Grip pressure distribution profiles during impact have been established using both pressure sensitive film and real-time data acquisition methods. Quantification of grip tightness during impact, together with gripping times, has also been quantified using a strain gauge cantilever system manufactured specifically for this research. The experimental data acquired in this research has provided the base for grip pressure distribution profiles to be established for three stroke types (e.g. Forehand, service and the problematic backhand). The profiles depict the distribution of pressure in the tennis grip in relation to the ball impact, in the time domain. Based on these grip profiles, the research hypothesises hand movements in an attempt to establish muscle contractions (and moreover locations of vibration absorption) specific to stroke types. The research investigates the absorption of racquet vibrations by the player's hand in the time domain. Filtering of accelerometer data allows for the isolation of specific frequencies of interest (i.e. below 200Hz). Logarithmic decrement of racquet vibration has been calculated and related to the grip pressure distributions in the time domain, and the relationship between grip pressure and vibration damping has been modelled. The correlation between grip pressure and the logarithmic decrement has been show to be significant (p less than 0.005) and non-linear. The relationship between the tennis grip and the damping of racquet vibrations has been found to be dependant on both grip pressure and the proximity of grip pressure application in proximity to the handle node. Grip pressure applied to the racquet close to the handle node has a greater damping effect than a similar pressure further away. In addition to these key research findings, the effectiveness of a piezoelectric racquet damping system is also investigated. A comprehensive modal analysis of two tennis racquets is given with further ball impact tests. The ball impact tests showed that the damping system has a 28% difference in racquet vibrations during freely suspended grip conditions. However, under hand-held grip conditions the inclusion of grip damping into the system provides a much greater damping entity (880% greater). Therefore, the effect of the piezoelectric system was deemed to be negligible.

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