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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A participação de Rui Barbosa na reforma eleitoral que excluiu os analfabetos do direito de voto no Brasil

Leão, Michele de January 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar a participação e a influência de Rui Barbosa na reforma eleitoral para introdução do voto direto no Brasil que, resultando na Lei Saraiva (1881), acabou por excluir os analfabetos do direito de voto. Esta pesquisa também busca: investigar qual era o liberalismo que Rui Barbosa representava e qual a posição assumida por ele no contexto da reforma eleitoral; examinar por que, para o governo e as elites, até mesmo para a grande maioria dos parlamentares liberais, especialmente no que se refere a Rui Barbosa, que se posicionou fortemente pela “exclusão” dos analfabetos do direito de voto, o voto dos analfabetos passou a ser um problema, o que não era até então; e, constatar qual o entendimento de classe social que norteava o pensamento de Rui Barbosa no momento em que ele afirmou que a reforma eleitoral, ao excluir o analfabeto do direito de voto, não estaria constituindo uma exclusão de classe. O presente estudo realiza uma interface entre a História Social e a História Política. Pois, essa pesquisa procura relacionar questões políticas com as suas correlativas questões sociais. Assim, apesar de minha atenção estar voltada continuamente para uma figura de destaque da política nacional, o então deputado Rui Barbosa, essa dissertação busca não se limitar somente às suas ações isoladas, mas sim, verificar como que posições e decisões dos políticos nacionais se refletiram e afetaram a vida das grandes massas. Mais especificamente, como que as ações tomadas por políticos brasileiros, em um dado momento da nossa história, decidiram quem poderia e quem não poderia, daí em diante, ter o direito de participar da vida política do país. / The present study aims to verify the participation and influence of Rui Barbosa in the electoral reform to introduce direct voting in Brazil that, resulting in the Saraiva Law (1881), turned out excluding the illiterate of the right to vote. This research also seeks to investigate what was the liberalism that Rui Barbosa represented and what position had been taken by him in the electoral reform; to examine why, to the Government and the elites, even for the vast majority of liberal parliamentarians, particularly in relation to Rui Barbosa, who strongly had positioned himself in favor of "excluding" the illiterate of the right to vote, the vote of the illiterate became a problem, which was not until then; and to see what had been the understanding of social class that had been Rui Barbosa’s guidance at the time when he said that the electoral reform’s disenfranchising the illiterates of voting rights, would not be an exclusion of class. The present study provides an interface between the Social History and Political History. Therefore, this research seeks to link political issues with its correlative social issues. So, despite my attention be continuously focused on a prominent figure of the national politics, the Congressman Rui Barbosa, this dissertation will not be limited only to their actions, but rather, verify how national politicians' decisions and positions reflected and affected the lives of the lower class. More specifically, how the actions taken by Brazilian politicians, at any given moment in our history, decided who could and who could not, thereafter, be entitled to participate in the political life of the country.

Reformy volebního systému na Ukrajině 1990-2012 / Reform of the electoral system in Ukraine 1990-2012

Lakei, Iryna January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on analyzing the reforms of the electoral system in Ukraine, during the period from gaining independence to the present. The main goal is to determine the reasons of the electoral reforms, and which political entities have become initiators of those changes in case of (non) existence inherent factors. The hypothesis of the thesis is whether political entities sought to maintain or strengthen its position in the Parliament, rather than contribute to the improvement of the electoral process.

Senát Parlamentu České republiky optikou voličů: Analýza instituce z perspektivy historie, volební účasti a volebního systému / Czech Senate in perception of electors. The Analysis in View of History, Voter Turnout and Electoral System

Navrátil, Marek January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in view of history, voter turnout and electoral system. The main purpose of the thesis is to present the Senate in terms of broad perspective, based on the analysis of selected parts of the political system. The thesis is a case study which includes an analysis of the Czech Constitution preparations, a voter turnout analysis with the main purpose to present crucial trends and simulation of some variations of qualified plurality rule on existing electoral results of the Senate elections. There is also the theory of bicameralism presented as a part of the theoretical part in the thesis. Based on the analysis the thesis presents extensive conclusions. In the view of history there are historical and ideological circumstances and also political demands of participants in the case of proposing the institution of Senate. The main conclusion on the view of voter turnout is that since 2008 there has been a continual decrease, particularly in run-off. The thesis brings two groups of solution in order that the Senate elections voter turnout might increase. First, technical changes in the electoral act could be made, and second, the whole electoral system in terms of single-round option could be changed. Based on the simulation,...

Navigating EU Norms : A Case Study of Norm Resistance in Georgia's Electoral Reform Process

Pehrson, Bibbi January 2021 (has links)
EU’s international role as a normative power can be questioned as the current foreign policy of the Eastern Partnership implies a limit to the union’s ability to democratize. An alignment with EU norms is often seen through a dichotomy of compliance or non-compliance, overlooking other forms of resistance stemming from a nexus of international compliance pressure, and defiance pressure from hybrid regime structures. This applies to Georgia, a pro-EU country in the Eastern Partnership, committed to EU norms while maintaining a skewed playing field in favor of incumbents. Through the application of a theoretical framework developed in memory studies, a range of rhetorical adaptation strategies employed by the ruling party regarding electoral reforms delineates a norm navigation. A qualitative content analysis of statements and events relating to the long-contested electoral system during 2015-2019 shows a variation of strategies used, pointing in a direction of increased pressure to align with prescribed EU norms. Whether EU or domestic political forces can be credited is difficult to determine, yet the nuances of norm resistance are important to analytically separate from overarching labels, as states’ rhetorical commitments need a critical perspective to better understand the limits to EU’s normative power in the Eastern Partnership.

Institutional Reform in Japan: The Impact of Electoral, Governmental, and Administrative Reforms on the Policymaking Process

Akbar, Jason A. 18 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Volební systém do poslanecké sněmovny v ČR: geneze, vývoj a jeho další směřování / The electroral system for the Chamber of Deputies of Czech Republic: genesis, evolution and its future direction

Peškar, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This final thesis deals with electoral system to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Its genesis, evolution and future are presented in 3 chapters and in the Conclusion. Work is designed as a case-study and it employs two methods - from general to particular, and from earlier to later. These methods are used in whole work as well as in particular chapters and subchapters. The first chapter introduces readers to the issue of electoral system in general. There are described two main voting systems - proportional and majority vote. Stress is put to the proportional system which has used for elections to the Chamber of Deputies. Also the question "which electoral system is the best" is mentioned. Following chapter surveys history of the electoral system and evolution from its establishment to the present. Main part of this chapter deals with a reform introduced in the year 2000 which was declared by the Constitutional Court as unconstitutional. New law, instead of blank spaces after the decision of the Constitutional Court, was adopted in the year 2002 and since that it has been valid till the present. The third chapter presents proposals of electoral reform from the year 2008 prepared by a group of experts on the basis of political assignment of contemporary Government....

Governismo, cédula e voto: alternativas golpistas à crise política de 1954-1955 / Governism, ballot and vote: coup alternatives to the crisis on 1954-1955

Oliveira, Juliana de Souza 29 May 2019 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar o processo político e institucional que levou, em 1954, à aprovação da reforma eleitoral que introduziu a cédula única de votação nas eleições presidenciais que elegeu Juscelino Kubitschek. A dissertação argumenta que ao contextualizar a decisão que levou à aprovação do novo método de votação, emergem novos elementos que ajudam a esclarecer o controverso episódio conhecido como contragolpe do Marechal Lott que garantiu a posse do candidato eleito. O material analisado consiste na legislação eleitoral, propostas de reformas eleitorais e a narrativa dos líderes do governo e da oposição a respeito do episódio. Conclui-se que escolha por um novo método de votação, a cédula oficial, deve ser tomada como caso de reforma eleitoral que expressa a emergência de uma dinâmica competitiva na Terceira República Brasileira. / The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the political and institutional process that resulted, in 1954, to the approval of the electoral reform that introduced the unique voting ballot in the presidential elections that elected Juscelino Kubitschek. The dissertation argues that the contextualization of the decision, by the new voting method, offers elements to understand the controversial episode known as \"Marshal Lott\'s coup\" that secured the winner\'s ternure. The material analyzed consists of electoral legislation, proposals for electoral reforms and the narrative of government\'s and opposition\'s leaders. It is concluded that by choosing a new method of voting, the official ballot should be taken as a case of electoral reform that expresses the emergence of a competitive dynamic in the Third Brazilian Republic.

Dvacet let politiky sněmovních volebních reforem v České republice, 1989-2009 / Twenty Years of the Politics of Electoral Reform for the Chamber of Deputies in the Czech Republic, 1989-2009

Charvát, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The presented thesis mainly focuses on an analysis of twenty years of the politics of electoral reform in Czechoslovakia (1990-1992), on the federal level (the Federal Assembly), and the national level (the Czech National Council), respectively, and later on the politics of electoral reform in the Czech Republic, on the national level (the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic). First, the thesis discusses how and why electoral systems are chosen and changed. Recent analysis of the politics of electoral reform has yielded two main theoretical perspectives regarding the reforms of recent decades. The first one, the power-maximizing perspective, assumes that politicians control the choice of the electoral system and that they are motivated to maximize their power. The other perspective allows for a wider range of actors - in particular, including ordinary citizens as well as politicians - and sees electoral reform as the product of a mix of inherent and contingent factors. Reform can, under this approach, occur in response to specific instances of systemic failure. More recently, Alan Renwick (in 2010 and more precisely in 2011) seeks to develop a more refined understanding of electoral reform processes through two steps. At the outset, there is an acknowledgement that there are...

選舉制度改革前後日本聯合政府組成轉變之研究(1993-2000) / The Formation and Conversion of Japanese Coalition Government Before and After Electoral Reform (1993-2000)

李軍翰, Lee, Chun Han Unknown Date (has links)
自第二次世界大戰結束後,日本眾議院選舉制度從1947年以來採用中選舉區制度,直到1993年眾議院大選後,除了日本共產黨以外的7個在野政黨一同組成聯合政府,結束了自由民主黨自1955年以來的長期執政,情況開始所轉變。日本新黨黨魁細川護熙就任日本首相後,為了兌現選舉承諾,而在任內推動了選舉制度改革,將選制改為小選舉區比例代表並立制,期望能以此改善國內政治獻金醜聞頻傳的金權政治弊端。而實施新選舉制度後所帶來的諸如小選舉區制有利於大型政黨但一黨難以過半、小黨在國會生存難度增加卻也有比例代表區維持其存在等效應,導致聯合政府從1990年代開始不再只是為了達成某種政治目標而形成的少數特例。自此以後,日本政黨結盟組成聯合政府便形成一種常態。因此本研究認為,1990年代選舉制度改革與聯合政府的形成,兩者可說是相輔相成。 為了進一步分析選舉制度改革對1990年代的日本聯合政府、乃至於日本政壇造成何種影響,本研究將以1996年小選舉區比例代表並立制首度實踐於眾議院選舉作為分水嶺,將1996年以前成立的細川、村山聯合政府定義為「選舉制度改革前的聯合政府」,1996年到2000年成立的橋本、小淵與森聯合政府定義為「選舉制度改革後的聯合政府」,並從政黨規模、意識形態、政黨穩定狀況與政治資金規正法修正案的實施等角度進行觀察與比較。本研究發現,選舉制度改革後的聯合政府在政黨規模上已形成一個大型政黨加上兩個小黨的合作模式,意識形態也趨向右派主導而多元。就政黨穩定狀況而言,經過選舉制度改革所帶來的政黨重組,使日本政黨正走向稍無定型的一強,或是二強n弱體制。而在政治資金規正法修正案與選舉制度改革雙管齊下實施後,日本選舉也已由過去的派閥主導,開始向政黨主導模式邁出了第一步。 / After the end of World War II, SNTV-MMD system (single non-transferable vote with multi-member district system) was adopted by the Lower House in Japan since 1947. However, the electoral system of Lower House has been adapted after the Japanese general election in 1993. The Liberal Democratic Party, generally abbreviated to “LDP,” has been the ruling party of Japan since it was founded in 1955, but the LDP lost its overall majority after the Japanese general election in1993. A coalition government was created by seven opposition political parties, and Morihiro Hosokawa, the leader of Japan New Party, was elected prime minister. Hosokawa promoted electoral reform, he adapted the electoral system of Lower House for single member district with proportional representation system, because he promised to eradicate the plutocracy in Japan. The new electoral system causes several conditions, including the major parties are superiors in election, but it’s difficult for them to win the majority seats in Lower House. Besides, it’s difficult for the minor parties to win the seats in single member district, but there is an opportunity for them to win seats in proportional representation. Those conditions cause that Japanese political parties form coalition government become normality. Therefore, the electoral reform and the forming of coalition government are complementarity in the 1990s. In this research, the coalition governments in the 1990s are divided into two groups by the executing of single member district with proportional representation system in Japanese general election of 1996. The Hosokawa government and the Murayama government are defined as “the coalition governments before the executing of new electoral system.” The Hashimoto government, the Obuchi government and the Mori government are defined as “the coalition governments after the executing of new electoral system.” Those two group are contrasted with each other from the scale of political parties, the ideology, the stability of political parties, and executing of the Political Funds Control Law. There four major findings in this research. The first one is the coalition governments after the executing of new electoral system are formed by one major party and two minor parties. The second one is even the coalition governments after the executing of new electoral system are leading by the right-wing parties, the ideology of them is multivariate. The third one is electoral reform causes the party realignment and the Japanese political party system become one unstable major party or two major parties with several minor parties. The last one is the leader of Japanese election is turning to the parties from factions, because the new electoral system and the Aamendment to the Political Funds Control Law are executed.

As vozes da nação: a atividade peticionária e a política do início do Segundo Reinado / The voices of nation: the petitionary activity and the politics of Second Reign\'s beggining

Saba, Roberto Nicolas Puzzo Ferreira 20 August 2010 (has links)
Ao lado da liberdade de expressão, a Constituição de 1824 garantiu o direito da sociedade se fazer ouvir pelas autoridades: o Artigo 179, parágrafo 30 estabelece que todo o cidadão poderá apresentar por escrito ao Poder Legislativo e ao Executivo reclamações, queixas, ou petições. A presente dissertação tem por objetivo compreender como este direito constitucional foi utilizado pelos cidadãos brasileiros durante o período em que a ordem monárquica constitucional se consolidava no Brasil. Durante os primeiros anos do Segundo Reinado, diversos grupos comerciantes, médicos, advogados, manufatureiros, autoridades locais, padres, proprietários de terra, votantes, eleitores etc. estabeleceram uma relação direta com a elite política que moldava as instituições do Império. A análise das petições que chegaram à Câmara dos Deputados na década de 1840 e do debate parlamentar que nela se desenvolveu indica que importantes mudanças políticas do período como a reforma eleitoral, a aprovação do Código Comercial, a reforma judiciária foram influenciadas por setores da sociedade brasileira que se organizaram para exercer o direito de petição. Por intermédio da atividade peticionária, governantes e governados se integraram em um diálogo que permeou a resolução de alguns dos mais relevantes assuntos concernentes à realidade brasileira. Este diálogo fez do ideal do regime representativo algo tangível para diversos setores que compunham o pacto político nacional. / Together with the freedom of thought and speech, the Constitution of 1824 provided Brazilian society with the right to be heard by authorities: Article 179, Paragraph 30 states that all citizens will be able to present to the Legislative or the Executive Power written grievances, complaints, or petitions. This dissertation attempts to explore how this constitutional right was used by Brazilian citizens during the time that monarchical order was being consolidated. During the reign of D. Pedro 2nd, many groups, including businessmen, manufacturers, doctors, lawyers, local authorities, priests, landowners, voters, electors, and others, established a direct relation with the political elite responsible for molding the new institutions. The analysis of the petitions sent to the Chamber of Deputies by the 1840s and the parliamentary debate ensued provide an indication that important political changes of that period (i.e., electoral reform, approval of the Commercial Code, judicial reform) were influenced by the participation of certain sections of Brazilian society that were able to organize themselves and successfully use their right of petition. Mediated by such petitionary activity, governors and governed took part in a dialogue that led to the resolution of some of the most important issues concerning Brazilian reality. That dialogue made the ideal of representative government tangible to many groups that formed the prevailing national political landscape.

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