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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smart Charging and Electric Vehicle Grid Integration

Blom, Andreas, Vanamala, Pradeep January 2021 (has links)
Electric vehicles (EV) in the transportation sector will play a major role in achieving low-carbon emissions from the mobility of vehicles. With a future increase in electric vehicles and autonomous electric vehicles, the demand for charging increases and this comes with new problems that require modern solutions. The integrity of the power grid infrastructure can be at risk as grid congestion and power mismatch can cause problems as the act of charging the vehicles adds an extra burden on the power grid. Today, there exist several scenarios on how a vehicle can be charged and a number of technical solutions that are advantageous based on different aspects such as user's need, price of the electricity, and electricity network.   This thesis focuses on identifying different charging scenarios in mapping the information that is required and studying the effects of these charging scenarios through a smart charging algorithm. A smart charging algorithm to optimise for charging and discharging of the electric vehicle is developed and tested in a MATLAB environment with the aim to achieve a balanced grid load profile. The simulation results verify the potential of the algorithm to reduce the adverse effects of electric vehicle charging. Additionally, a model to map autonomous electric vehicles to charging station in accounts of a low state of charge is also developed in MATLAB

Approche multi-agents pour la conception optimale des systèmes mécatroniques / Multi-agent-approach for the optimal design of mechatronic systems

Guizani, Amir 11 January 2016 (has links)
La conception d’un système mécatronique est un problème d’optimisation multidisciplinaire et multi-objectif. Les approches d’optimisation actuellement utilisées, pour l’optimisation des systèmes multidisciplinaires, sont coûteuses en temps de calcul, difficiles à mettre en œuvre et non flexibles avec la phase de conception préliminaire, où les objectifs et les contraintes de conception changent fréquemment. D’où la nécessité de chercher une nouvelle technique plus simples à mettre en œuvre, moins coûteuse et qui permet d’adapter dynamiquement une solution suite à un changement des spécifications. C’est dans ce contexte que cette thèse se focalise sur le développement d’une approche multi-agents de conception qui, se basant sur les connaissances disciplinaires et par un comportement coopératif, permet de trouver collectivement une solution optimale qui satisfait les contraintes et les performances demandées.L'approche proposée est basée sur un processus de conception pour faciliter la conception collaborative distribué des systèmes mécatroniques. Cette approche est appliquée à la conception préliminaire d'un véhicule électrique pour illustrer comment l'utilisation du paradigme multi-agent aide les concepteurs à prendre des décisions efficaces et de parvenir à une décision optimale de l'ensemble du problème. Une étude comparative avec les méthodes classiques d'optimisation est faite afin de démontrer la validité et l'efficacité de l’approche proposée. / The design of a mechatronic system is a multidisciplinary and multi-objective optimization problem. Optimization approaches currently used for the optimization of multidisciplinary systems are expensive in computation time, difficult to implement, and inflexible with the preliminary design phase, in which the objectives and design constraints change frequently. It is therefore necessary to look for new techniques easier to implement and less expensive, that enable to adapt dynamically a solution due to a change in specifications. In this context that this thesis focuses on the development of a multi-agent design approach, based on disciplinary knowledge and cooperative behavior; make possible to collectively find an optimal solution that satisfies the required constraints and performance.The proposed approach is based on a design process to facilitate collaborative distributed design of mechatronic systems. This approach is applied to the preliminary design of an electric vehicle to illustrate how the use of the multi-agent paradigm helps designers in making effective decisions and to achieve an optimal decision of the overall problem. A comparative study with traditional optimization methods is made to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Stratégies et Management de l'Innovation de Rupture dans les Pays Emergents : le cas du Véhicule Electrique en Chine / Strategies and Management of Disruptive Innovation in Emerging Countries : the case of Electric Vehicles in China

Chen, Bo 26 January 2018 (has links)
Le marché du véhicule électrique (VE) en Chine est en pleine effervescence, mais les constructeurs occidentaux peinent à y déployer leurs produits. Pourtant, les crédits d’émissions carbone générés par les ventes de VE sont nécessaires à la survie de leur business de véhicules thermiques dans ce marché. Dès lors, quelles sont les pistes stratégiques à fort potentiel pour les constructeurs étrangers ?En collaboration avec Renault et basée sur cinq missions en Chine entre 2012 et 2016, cette thèse CIFRE dresse d’abord un état de l’art de l’opaque marché du VE en Chine, à la fois généré top-down par des initiatives gouvernementales et bottom-up par des VE low-cost et illégaux, les Micro VE. Nous réalisons une typologie des modèles, des usages, des prix et des territoires de déploiement. Alors que le marché subventionné – hors haut de gamme – ne parvient pas à séduire les consommateurs, c’est en bas du marché officiel et chez les Micro VE illégaux qu’un marché naturel se développe, avec plus d’un million de Micro VE vendus sans aides à l’achat à des particuliers depuis 2009.Dans ce contexte institutionnel spécifique et face à cette double incertitude produit et marché, en appui sur les théories de conception innovante, nous développons un cadre théorique d’exploration stratégique basé sur la combinaison systématique de variables stratégiques et leur évaluation. Nous identifions ainsi deux pistes innovantes et non encore engagées par les constructeurs étrangers : « l’autopartage électrique » et le « VE low-cost ».Sur le volet « autopartage électrique », nous comparons Autolib’ (Paris) et United Journey (Shenzhen), deux systèmes en libre-service basés sur des stations qui semblent pointer vers la mobilité du futur et attirent l’attention des autorités chinoises. Toutefois, en plus de la fragilité des modèles d’affaires, cette piste semble difficile à poursuivre pour les acteurs étrangers dû aux protectionnismes locaux et à la complexité des partenariats publics-privés en Chine, souvent basés sur des réseaux d’institutions informelles.Sur le volet « VE low cost », nous approfondissons les connaissances sur le marché illégal des Micro VE. Une enquête de terrain approfondie dans la province du Shandong permet de caractériser le marché ainsi que les scenarios réglementaires de sa légalisation. Ce marché répond à des besoins véritables de mobilité dans les villes chinoises de rang inférieurs. Ces territoires montrent des environnements sociotechniques à forte compatibilité avec le VE. Il y a peu de stations essence, de transports publics et le stationnement y est facile. Les Micro VE sont chargés sur prises 220 V classiques – ce qui résout le problème d’infrastructures de charge – et permettent une véritable mobilité de proximité plus performante que les deux roues électriques. Mais les forces en faveur d’une légalisation du marché des Micro VE ont le potentiel de le détruire, injectant de la technologie et des normes, et donc augmentant les prix. Une opportunité, semble-t-il, pour les acteurs occidentaux maîtrisant le design-to-cost.Enfin, nous caractérisons la globalisation du programme VE de Renault en Chine, au sein de la triple alliance avec Nissan et le partenaire chinois Dongfeng, ainsi que l’ambidextrie organisationnelle qui l’accompagne. Après des tentatives « d’exploitation » de la gamme VE existante en Chine, le président de l’Alliance Renault-Nissan initie un projet « d’exploration », Kwid EV, un VE low cost pour la Chine. C’est l’occasion pour cette thèse de contribuer aux hypothèses initiales sur le bas du marché VE Chine et de caractériser l’hybridation de lignée qui s’opère chez Renault, entre lignée VE (Europe) et lignée low-cost (Kwid en Inde), entre deux parties de l’organisation auparavant disjointes. Le monde devient ainsi un terrain d’expérimentation pour l’innovation en réseau, avec des marchés tests comme la Chine. Il s’agit alors de réussir le premier coup avant d’innover à l’envers. / The electric vehicle (EV) market in China is booming, but Western manufacturers are struggling to deploy their models in the world’s largest automotive market. However, carbon credits generated by EV sales are necessary for the survival of their gasoline car business in this market. Thus, what are the high potential strategic opportunities for foreign manufacturers?In collaboration with Renault and based on five missions in China between 2012 and 2016, this CIFRE research first draws a state of the art of the opaque EV market in China, a market generated top-down by government initiatives and bottom-up by a low-cost and illegal EV market (Micro EV). We make a typology of models, usages, prices and deployment territories. While the subsidized market – except for premium cars – fails to appeal to consumers, it is instead at the bottom of the official market and within the illegal Micro EV market that a natural market is developing, with more than a million Micro EV sold, without purchase incentives, to private owners since 2009.In this specific institutional context and taking into account this double product and market uncertainty, we build on innovative design theories to develop a theoretical framework for strategic exploration based on the systematic combination of strategic variables and their evaluation. We identify two innovative routes not yet engaged by foreign manufacturers: "electric carsharing" and "low-cost VE".On the "electric car sharing" side, we compare Autolib’ (Paris) and United Journey (Shenzhen), two self-service stations-based systems that seem to pave the road to the mobility of the future and definitely attract the attention of Chinese authorities because of the technologies involved. However, in addition to the fragility of the business models, this opportunity seems difficult for foreign firms to pursue due to local protectionism and the complexity of public-private partnerships in China, often based on networks of informal institutions.On the "low cost EV" side, we are deepening our knowledge of the illegal micro EV market. A field survey in Shandong Province characterizes the market as well as the regulatory scenarios of its legalization. This market responds to real mobility needs in Chinese lower-tier cities. These territories’ socio-technical environments demonstrate strong compatibility with EV. There are fewer gas stations and public transportation systems than in big cities, and parking is easier. Micro EV are charged thanks to conventional 220 V outlets – which essentially solves the problem of charging infrastructures – and allow a true proximity mobility that is more efficient than electric two-wheelers. But the forces in favor of legalizing the Micro EV market have the potential to destroy it, injecting technology and standards, and thus raising prices. An opportunity, it seems, for Western players mastering design-to-cost methodologies.Finally, we characterize the globalization of Renault's EV program in China, within the triple alliance with Nissan and the Chinese partner Dongfeng, as well as the organizational ambidexterity that accompanies it. After attempts to "exploit" the existing EV range in China, the President of the Renault-Nissan Alliance initiates the launch of an "exploratory" project, Kwid EV, a low-cost EV for China. This is the opportunity for this research to contribute to the initial hypotheses about the lower-end of the Chinese EV market and to characterize the lineage hybridization that takes place at Renault, between the EV lineage (European EV) and the low-cost lineage (Kwid in India), between two disjoined parts of the organization. The world becomes a testing ground for networked innovation, with test markets like China. Then, the goal is to make this first shot succeed before reversing the innovation.

Gestion et dimensionnement d'une flotte de véhicules électriques associée à une centrale photovoltaïque : co-optimisation stochastique et distribuée / Management and Sizing of an Electric Vehicle Fleet Associated with a Photovoltaic Plant : Stochastic and Distributed Co-optimizationStationary Valorisation of Electric Vehicle Batteries taking into account their aging and availibility

Le Goff Latimier, Roman 26 September 2016 (has links)
La généralisation concomitante de consommateurs d'électricité flexibles et de producteurs imparfaitement contrôlables invite à utiliser les complémentarités de ces acteurs afin d'améliorer leur intégration dans les systèmes d'énergie. Dans le cadre de ces travaux de doctorat, la collaboration entre une flotte de véhicules électriques et une centrale photovoltaïque est étudiée. Un problème générique est tout d'abord défini afin d'augmenter la prévisibilité des échanges entre un réseau électrique et le système collaboratif ainsi créé qui devra respecter un profil d'engagement de puissance échangée. La gestion de ce système est traduite en un problème d'optimisation dans lequel on cherche à compenser les erreurs de prévision de la production photovoltaïque à l'aide de la flexibilité des recharges. Ce problème est multi-temporel du fait de la présence de batteries, stochastique à cause de la disponibilité des véhicules et des erreurs de prévision, et enfin de grande dimension puisqu'à l'échelle d'une flotte entière.Pour le résoudre, la modélisation du comportement et du vieillissement des batteries Li-ion est discutée afin d'établir des compromis entre justesse du modèle, impact sur la décision finale et coût de calcul. Par ailleurs, un modèle de Markov caché original est spécifiquement développé afin de capturer les structures temporelles de l'erreur de prévision de production photovoltaïque. Cette étude est fondée sur des données réelles de production d'une centrale et des données de prévision correspondantes.Le problème de recharge optimale d'une flotte de véhicules agrégée en une batterie équivalente est résolu par la méthode de la programmation dynamique stochastique. La sensibilité des lois de gestion obtenues est discutée vis à vis des modèles utilisés pour décrire l'erreur de prévision ou le comportement des batteries. Le vieillissement des batteries est traduit par plusieurs modèles, dont on examine les conséquences sur le dimensionnement optimal de la flotte de véhicules par rapport à la puissance crête de la centrale photovoltaïque.Enfin la puissance de recharge optimale pour chacun des véhicules de la flotte est déduite à l'aide d'un problème de partage qui est résolu par optimisation distribuée --- Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers --- et programmation dynamique. Une attention particulière est prêtée à la manière dont les préférences individuelles de chaque utilisateur peuvent être prises en compte au sein d'une flotte. Le cas d'une limitation des échanges d'information possibles entre les véhicules est investigué. Le dimensionnement optimal entre une flotte et une centrale photovoltaïque est finalement analysé pour plusieurs modèles économiques envisageables. L'interaction entre dimensionnement et gestion est traitée à l'aide d'une co-optimisation. / Simultaneous development of flexible electricity consumers and of intermittent renewable producers calls for using their complementarities. It could foster their overall integration in power systems. For the purpose of this doctoral thesis, the collaboration between an electric vehicle fleet and a photovoltaic plant is studied. First of all, a generic problem is set up to improve the predictability of the power exchange between the power grid and the so called collaboratif system. It should therefore fulfill a commitment profile constraint. The intraday management of this system consists in an optimisation problem which objective is to mitigate the production forecast errors by charging power flexibility. This is a multitime step problem, because of the battery intertia. The random availibility of vehicles and the forecast errors also make it stochastic. Finally there is a huge number of variables as it is spread other an entiere fleet.Upstream of the problem resolution, the modeling of the dynamic behaviour and of the aging of Lithium Ion batteries is discussed. It results in a range of compromises between precision, impact on the final decision and computational cost. Furthermore, a hidden Markov model is proposed and developped so as to handle temporal structures of the forecast error of the photovoltaic production. This analysis is based on production data of a real plant and on associated forecasts.An electric vehicle fleet is considered as an equivalent agregated battery. Its optimal charging power is sorted out using stochastic dynamic programming. The sensitivity of the resulting management strategies is assessed against the models which describe the production forecast error or battery behaviour. The battery aging is rendered by several models which we discuss the consequences over the optimal sizing of an electric vehicle fleet regarding to the plant power.Then the optimal charing power for each one of the vehicles among a fleet is deduced using a sharing problem. The resolution is carried out using distributed optimisation --- Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers --- and dynamic programming. A specific attention is devoted to the individual mobility priorities of the vehicles users. The vehicle charging power is thus differenticiated according to each one preferences. We also investigate a situation where information exchanges are limited. The optimal sizing of an electric vehicle fleet associated with a photovoltaic plant is finaly considered under several possibilities of economic model. The coupling between sizing and daily management is tackled thanks to a co-optimization.

Design Optimization of Inductive Power Transfer Systems for Contactless Electric Vehicle Charging Applications

Moghaddami, Masood 18 October 2018 (has links)
Contactless Electric Vehicle (EV) charging based on magnetic resonant induction is an emerging technology that can revolutionize the future of the EV industry and transportation systems by enabling an automated and convenient charging process. However, in order to make this technology an acceptable alternative for conventional plug-in charging systems it needs to be optimized for different design measures. Specifically, the efficiency of an inductive EV charging system is of a great importance and should be comparable to the efficiency of conventional plug-in EV chargers. The aim of this study is to develop solutions that contribute to the design enhancement of inductive EV charging systems. Specifically, generalized physics-based design optimization methods that address the trade-off problem between several key objectives including efficiency, power density, misalignment tolerance, and cost efficiency considering critical constraints are developed. Using the developed design methodology, a 3.7kW inductive charging system with square magnetic structures is investigated as a case study and a prototype is built to validate the optimization results. The developed prototype achieves 93.65% efficiency (DC-to-DC) and a power density of 1.65kW/dm3. Also, self-tuning power transfer control methods with resonance frequency tracking capability and bidirectional power transfer control are presented. The proposed control methods enhance the efficiency of power converters and reduce the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) by enabling soft-switching operations. Several simplified digital controllers are developed and experimentally implemented. The controllers are implemented without the use of DSP/FPGA solutions. Experimental tests show that of the developed simplified controllers can effectively regulate the power transfer around the desired value. Moreover, the experiments show that compared to conventional converters, the developed converters can achieve 4% higher efficiency at low power levels. Moreover, enhanced matrix converter topologies that can achieve bidirectional power transfer and high efficiency with a reduced number of switching elements are introduced. The self-tuning controllers are utilized to design and develop control schemes for bidirectional power transfer regulation. The simulation analyses and experimental results show that the developed matrix converters can effectively establish bidirectional power transfer at the desired power levels with soft-switching operations and resonance frequency tracking capability. Specifically, a direct three-phase AC-AC matrix converter with a reduced number of switches (only seven) is developed and built. It is shown that the developed converters can achieve efficiencies as high as 98.54% at high power levels and outperform conventional two-stage converters.

A Decomposition-based Multidisciplinary Dynamic System Design Optimization Algorithm for Large-Scale Dynamic System Co-Design

Sherbaf Behtash, Mohammad 25 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Control of Criteria Emissions and Energy Management in Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Consideration of Three-Way Catalyst Dynamics

Jankord, Gregory J. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Version 1.6 Cyber Range A Training and Testing Platform

Elmo, David, II 23 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Kabelavlastningskoncept till EV-snabbladdare / Cable relief concept for EV-fast charger

Olsson, Alexander, Andersson, Karl January 2023 (has links)
Elbilar blir mer och mer populära i samhället och bredvid traditionella bensinstationer står laddstolpar för att förse elbilar med energi. Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS) har under många år levererat bränslelösningar till kunder över hela världen. DFS är världsledande i branchen och har ett stort intresse av att vidareutveckla och undersöka innovativa lösningar på laddningsprocessen. I takt med att elbilsförsäljningen ökar, så ökar intresset för en snabb och enkel laddningsprocess. En kabel som sitter mellan en laddstolpe och en elbil väger idag cirka tre kg per meter. Då laddluckan sitter på olika ställen på olika elbilar krävs en viss räckvidd med handtaget från laddstolpen. En lång räckvidd och tung sladd gör att laddningsprocessen kan bli tung och osmidig. För att förenkla laddningsprocessen undersöks hur en kabelavlastning kan göra processen lättare. Utifrån en given kravspecifikation och med systematisk produkutvecklingsmetodik tas ett kabelupphängningskoncept fram. Konceptet ska ha en lång räckvidd från laddstolpen och en kabelavlastning samt är det önskvärt med en tilltalande design. Konceptet består av ett inelastiskt snöre som i ena änden sitter fast i en kabel och i andra änden sitter fast i en motvikt vars syfte är att avlasta kabeln när laddstolpen används i max utdraget läge. Konceptet detaljutvecklas och dimensioneras med hjälp av hållfasthetsberäkningar. Det färdiga konceptet illustreras i en 3D-CAD modell. / Electric cars are becoming more and more popular in society and next to traditional gas stations there are charging posts to supply electric cars with energy. Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS) has for many years supplied fueling solutions for customers all over the world. DFS is a world leader in the industry and has a great interest in further developing and researching innovative solutions for the charging process. As electric car sales increase, so does interest in a fast and simple charging process. A cable that runs between a charging post and the electric car weighs about three kilograms per meter. As the docking outlet is mounted in different places on different models of electric cars, a certain range is required with the handle from the charging post. A long range and heavy cord means that the charging process can be cumbersome and awkward. In order to simplify the charging process, it is being investigated how a cable weight relief can make the process easier. Based on given requirement specifications and with systematic product development methodology, a cable weight relief concept is developed. The concept must have a long reach from the charging post and a cable relief, and it is desirable with an appealing design. The concept consists of an inelastic string that is attached to a cable at one end and at the other end is attached to a counterweight whose purpose is to relieve the cable when the charging post is used in the maximum extended position. The concept is developed in detail anddimensioned using strength calculations. The finished concept is illustrated in a 3D CAD model.

Linear optimization of a potential microgrid to supply TSK70 / Linjär optimering av potentiellt mikronät att förse TSK70

Satis, Roy January 2023 (has links)
Transport- och byggindustrin är en bidragande orsak till klimatkläget på grund av den betydande mängd växthusgaser som produceras. Att byta till elfordon är en metod för att minska de skadliga effekterna av klimatförändringarna. Under byggandet av nya vägar bidrar användningen av konventionella byggfordon som drivs av fossila bränslen till utsläppen av växthusgaser över hela världen. Följaktligen är behovet stort av att elektrifiera transport – samt konstruktionssekotorn. Som ett resultat har storleken på en potentiell mikronät som konstrueras med linjär optimering för att möta en statisk energiefterfrågan på en hypotetisk byggplats bedömts i denna studie. Det statiska energibehovet tillhandahölls från en fallstudie som syftade till att utvärdera en helt elektrifierad fordonsflotta för vägkonstruktionsindustrin.  Studien utgörs av två delar. Den första delen undersöker installationskapaciteterna för komponenterna i det potentiella mikronätet, medan den andra delen bedömer påverkan av den maximala anslutningskapaciteten till elnätet. En optimeringsmodell konstruerades genom att använda Python Optimization Modeling Objects (PYOMO). Antaganden och begränsningar för utformningen av mikronätet baseras på riktlinjer från Ramboll och Trafikverket.  Optimeringsmodellen gav en lösning som överensstämmer med energisystemets moderna kapacitet. Dock ansågs installationskapaciteterna för mikronätets komponenter vara opraktiska för den konceptuella byggplatsen. Metoden betonade behovet av verkliga data om belastningen som genereras av elektriska byggfordon (ECVs) samt data om anslutningen till elnätet. / The transportation and construction industry produces a sizable amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which significantly contribute to the worldwide problem of climate change. A strategy for reducing the adverse impacts of climate change on the environment is to switch to an electric vehicle fleet. The use of traditional construction vehicles powered by fossil fuels during road construction contributes to global GHG emissions. Consequently, electrification is required in this sector. As a result, the size of a potential microgrid constructed with linear optimization to meet a static energy demand of a hypothetical construction site is assessed in this thesis. The static energy demand was provided from a case study objected to evaluating a fully electrified construction vehicle fleet.  There are two parts to this thesis. The installation capacities of the potential microgrid's component parts are examined in the first section, and the impact of the maximum connection capacity to the electrical grid is assessed in the second. An optimization model was designed by utilizing Python Optimization Modeling Objects (PYOMO). Assumptions and delimitations considering the design of the microgrid are based on guidelines from Ramboll and the Swedish Transport Administration (STA).  The optimization model yielded a solution that aligns with state-of-the-art energy system capacities. However, the installation capacities of the microgrid components were found to be impractical for the conceptual construction site. The methodology stressed the need for real-world data on load generated by Electric Construction Vehicles (ECVs) and data regarding electrical grid connection.

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