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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence de la non-stoechiométrie sur le comportement électrochrome de couches minces d’oxyde de nickel : de la couche unitaire au dispositif / Influence of non-stoichiometric on the electrochromic behavior of nickel oxide thin films : from the unit layer to the device

Da rocha, Mathias 07 April 2017 (has links)
L’électrochromisme se définit par la capacité d’un système à modifier ses propriétés optiques en réponse à une tension électrique. Aujourd’hui, les vitrages intelligents sont une des applications phare. Ce manuscrit contribue à une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme responsable de la commutation optique du matériau à coloration anodique NiO. Des films de stoechiométrie contrôlée, de formule Ni1-xO, ont été déposés par pulvérisation cathodique à température ambiante sous différentes pressions partielles d’oxygène. De nature faiblement cristallisés, la caractérisation des films par diverses techniques telles que la spectroscopie de photoélectrons X, ou la spectroscopie de pertes d’énergie des électrons a permis d’estimer que la stoechiométrie variait de Ni0,96O à Ni0,81O lorsque la P(O2) augmentait de 2% à 10%. L’étude électrochimique couplée aux mesures optiques, du film Ni0,96O dans divers électrolytes lithié et non-lithié, a montré que la différence de couleur entre l’état décoloré et coloré (marron) était comparable (42%<ΔT=Tdec-Tcol<55%) quel que soit le milieu. Ces résultats ont conduit à la mise en évidence d’un mécanisme régi simultanément par un comportement faradique et capacitif. L’intégration des films dans des dispositifs Ni1-xO/WO3 est associée à une coloration neutre quelles que soient les épaisseurs des couches unitaires ou la température de cyclage. Toutefois, des températures de cyclage supérieures à 45°C ont conduit à des dégradations irréversibles des propriétés électrochromes tandis que des températures de cyclage négatives ont entrainé une diminution voire une disparition des propriétés électrochromes. La conception de dispositifs plus originaux, double face, conclut ce manuscrit. / Electrochromism is defined by the ability of a system to modify its optical properties in response to an electrical voltage and today, its flagship application is the smart windows. This manuscript contributes to a better understanding of the mechanism responsible of the coloration of the anodically colored oxide NiO. Non-stoichiometric films, Ni1-xO, were deposited by sputtering at room temperature under different partial pressures of oxygen. The characterization of the films by various techniques, including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy or energy loss spectroscopy, has led to the conclusion that the stoichiometry varied from Ni0.96O to Ni0,81O when P(O2) increased from 2% to 10%. The electrochemical study coupled with the optical measurements of Ni0,96O film in various lithiated and non-lithiated electrolytes showed that the color difference between the bleached and colored (brownish) state was comparable (42%<ΔT=Tbl-Tcol<55%) regardless of the electrolyte nature. These results led to the identification of a mechanism simultaneously governed by a faradaic and capacitive behavior. The integration of the films in Ni1-xO/WO3 devices is associated to neutral colored ECDs regardless of the thickness of the individual layers or the cycling temperature. However, cycling temperatures above 45°C has led to irreversible degradations of the electrochromic properties while negative cycling temperatures has shown a decrease or even disappearance of the electrochromic properties. The design of original devices concludes this manuscript.

Analysis of Life Cycle Costs and Energy Savings of Electrochromic Glazing for an Office Building

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Building Envelope includes walls, roofs and openings, which react to the outdoor environmental condition. Today, with the increasing use of glass in building envelope, the energy usage of the buildings is increasing, especially in the offices and commercial buildings. Use of right glass type and control triggers helps to optimize the energy use, by tradeoff between optical and thermal properties. The part of the research looks at the different control triggers and its range that governs the use of electrochromic glass to regulate the energy usage in building. All different control trigger that can be possibly used for regulating the clear and tint state of glass were analyzed with most appropriate range. Its range was triggered such that 80% time of the glass is trigger between the ranges. The other building parameters like window wall ratio and orientations were also investigated. The other half of the research study looks into the feasibility of using the Electrochromic windows, as it is ought to be the main factor governing the market usage of Electrochromic windows and to investigate the possible ways to make it feasible. Different LCC parameters were studied to make it market feasible product. This study shows that installing this technology with most appropriate trigger range can reduce annual building energy consumption from 6-8% but still cost of the technology is 3 times the ASHRAE glass, which results in 70-90 years of payback. This study concludes that south orientation saves up to 3-5% of energy and 4-6% of cooling tons while north orientation gives negligible saving using EC glass. LCC parameters show that there is relative change in increasing the net saving for different parameters but none except 50% of the present glass cost is the possible option where significant change is observed. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S.D. Architecture 2012

Inorganic and Organic Photovoltaic Materials for Powering Electrochromic Systems

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT Autonomous smart windows may be integrated with a stack of active components, such as electrochromic devices, to modulate the opacity/transparency by an applied voltage. Here, we describe the processing and performance of two classes of visibly-transparent photovoltaic materials, namely inorganic (ZnO thin film) and fully organic (PCDTBT:PC70BM), for integration with electrochromic stacks. Sputtered ZnO (2% Mn) films on ITO, with transparency in the visible range, were used to fabricate metal-semiconductor (MS), metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS), and p-i-n heterojunction devices, and their photovoltaic conversion under ultraviolet (UV) illumination was evaluated with and without oxygen plasma-treated surface electrodes (Au, Ag, Al, and Ti/Ag). The MS Schottky parameters were fitted against the generalized Bardeen model to obtain the density of interface states (Dit ≈ 8.0×1011 eV−1cm−2) and neutral level (Eo ≈ -5.2 eV). These devices exhibited photoconductive behavior at λ = 365 nm, and low-noise Ag-ZnO detectors exhibited responsivity (R) and photoconductive gain (G) of 1.93×10−4 A/W and 6.57×10−4, respectively. Confirmed via matched-pair analysis, post-metallization, oxygen plasma treatment of Ag and Ti/Ag electrodes resulted in increased Schottky barrier heights, which maximized with a 2 nm SiO2 electron blocking layer (EBL), coupled with the suppression of recombination at the metal/semiconductor interface and blocking of majority carriers. For interdigitated devices under monochromatic UV-C illumination, the open-circuit voltage (Voc) was 1.2 V and short circuit current density (Jsc), due to minority carrier tunneling, was 0.68 mA/cm2. A fully organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaic device, composed of poly[N-9’-heptadecanyl-2,7-carbazole-alt-5,5-(4’,7’-di-2-thienyli2’,1’,3’-benzothiadiazole)]:phenyl-C71-butyric-acidmethyl (PCDTBT:PC70BM), with corresponding electron and hole transport layers, i.e., LiF with Al contact and conducting/non-conducting (nc) PEDOT:PSS (with ITO/PET or Ag nanowire/PDMS contacts; the illuminating side), respectively, was developed. The PCDTBT/PC70BM/PEDOT:PSS(nc)/ITO/PET stack exhibited the highest performance: power conversion efficiency (PCE) ≈ 3%, Voc = 0.9V, and Jsc ≈ 10-15 mA/cm2. These stacks exhibited high visible range transparency, and provided the requisite power for a switchable electrochromic stack having an inkjet-printed, optically-active layer of tungsten trioxide (WO3), peroxo-tungstic acid dihydrate, and titania (TiO2) nano-particle-based blend. The electrochromic stacks (i.e., PET/ITO/LiClO4/WO3 on ITO/PET and Ag nanowire/PDMS substrates) exhibited optical switching under external bias from the PV stack (or an electrical outlet), with 7 s coloration time, 8 s bleaching time, and 0.36-0.75 optical modulation at λ = 525 nm. The devices were paired using an Internet of Things controller that enabled wireless switching. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2018

Síntese e caracterização de nanopartículas de hexacianoferrato de cobre e sua aplicação em biossensores de glicose e eletrodos eletrocrômicos / Synthesis and characterization of copper hexacyanoferate nanoparticles and its application in Glucose Biosensor and electrochromics electrodes

Ana Paula Baioni Torre 17 October 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho, reportamos a síntese sonoquímica e a caracterização de nanopartículas de hexacianoferrato de cobre para a fabricação de filmes ultrafinos com expessura controlada. Aproveitando-se da sua esturutra nanométrica e do excesso de carga superficial negativa, os métodos de imobilização propostos foram a deposição eletrostática camada por camada (LBL), utilizando-se o PAH como polieletrólito positivo (hidrocloreto de polialilamina); e a deposição eletroforética que utiliza um campo elétrico para que partículas carregadas em suspensão sejam atraídas para a superfície do eletrodo. Os eletrodos modificados pelas nanopartículas de hexacianoferrato de cobre foram estudados com respeito às suas propriedades eletrocatalíticas e eletrocrômicas. O hexacianoferrato de cobre (HexFeCu) possui algumas características interessantes como a oxidação eletrocatalítica do peróxido de hidrogênio a baixos potenciais e com a vantagem de ser eletroativo em meios contendo Na+. A utilização desse composto estruturado nanometricamente proporciona ainda uma grande área superficial podendo acentuar suas características eletrocatalíticas. Além da aplicação em biossensores amperométricos, também foi possível a sua utilização em dispositivos eletrocrômicos, ao se perceber que o material mudava de cor ao ser reduzido ou oxidado, demonstrando alta reversibilidade, durabilidade eletrocrômica além de uma boa aderência das camadas de nanopartículas eletrostaticamente depositadas ao substrato de ITO. / In this work, the sonochemical synthesis and the characterization of copper hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles for producing ultra thin films with controlled thickness is reported. Due to its nanometric structure and the excess of superficial negative charges, the proposed immobilization methods were the electrostatic deposition layer by layer (LBL), using the PAH as a positive polyelectrolyte Poly(allylamine hydrochloride) and the electrophoretic deposition which uses an electric field in order to attract the charged particles to the electrode surface. The study of the electrodes modified by the copper hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles was focused in its electrocathalytic and electrochromic properties. Copper hexacianoferrate (HexFeCu) presents some interesting properties like the electrocatalytic reduction of hydrogen peroxide at low potential conditions with the advantage of being electroactive in media containing Na+. The utilization of this nanometrically-structured compound provides a very large surface area, enhancing its catalytic properties. Besides its use in amperometric biosensors, it was also possible its use in electrochromic devices because color changes observed during redox cycles, demonstrating high reversibility, electrochromic durability and due to high adherence of nanoparticles to the ITO electrode.

\"Dispositivos eletrocrômicos com eletrólitos sólidos poliméricos à base de amido\" / \"Electrochromic devices with solid polymeric electrolytes based on starch\"

Rodrigo Guerreiro Fontoura Costa 03 October 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados de preparação e caracterização de cinco dispositivos eletrocrômicos (DEC) compostos por filmes finos de óxidos de metais de transição, tais como WO3, WO3:Ta, Nb2O5:Mo e NiOx como camadas eletrocrômicas e CeO2-TiO2 como contra-eletrodo transparente. Os eletrólitos usados nestes dispositivos foram à base de amido plastificado com glicerol e contendo LiClO4 ou KOH dependendo da camada eletrocrômica. Todos os filmes finos foram preparados pelo processo sol-gel e depositados sobre FTO pela técnica de dip-coating. Os dispositivos foram caracterizados através da técnica de voltametria cíclica, espectroscopia na região do UV-visível-NIR (300–1100 nm) e densidade de carga inserida/extraída ao longo dos ciclos cronoamperométricos. A partir dos valores obtidos para a densidade de carga inserida e a transmitância em 550 nm e em 633 nm e com o uso de uma equação apropriada obtiveram-se os valores de eficiência eletrocrômica dos dispositivos eletrocrômicos. Foram feitas também medidas de densidade ótica em função do potencial e transmitância em função do tempo. Os resultados de densidade de carga para os dispositivos eletrocrômicos com WO3, WO3:Ta e Nb2O5:Mo mostraram que os processos de inserção/extração dos íons lítio são reversíveis, sendo que a extração é muito rápida da ordem de 10s. Através dos espectros de transmissão observou-se uma boa variação na transmitância entre os estados coloridos e descoloridos (&#61508;T), sendo que o DEC com WO3 e eletrólito com concentração de LiClO4, [O]/[Li]=10 obteve a maior variação de &#61508;T = 38,4% em 633 nm. Isso resultou num alto valor de eficiência eletrocrômica de 77,5 cm2/C. O DEC com NiOx apresentou uma menor variação na transmitância, 23,8% em 550 nm para o ciclo 3000, resultando num menor valor de eficiência eletrocrômica, 24,9 cm2/C. O presente trabalho apresenta também os resultados da preparação e caracterização de eletrólitos sólidos poliméricos contendo amido, glicerol e hidróxido de potássio, os quais foram caracterizados através da técnica de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica e a partir destes resultados os valores das suas condutividades iônicas foram calculadas. Fez-se também medidas de transmissão ótica na região do UV-visível-NIR (300-1100 nm). O melhor valor de condutividade iônica foi obtido para o filme com 25% de glicerina e 35% de KOH em relação à massa do amido, sendo 4,92&#8729;10-5 S&#8729;cm-1 a 30oC. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho mostram que os eletrólitos sólidos poliméricos à base de amido podem ser muito interessantes para aplicação em dispositivos eletrocrômicos como, por exemplo, janelas eletrocrômicas em arquitetura. / This dissertation presents the results of preparation and characterization of five electrochromic devices (DEC) composed of thin films of transition metal oxides, such as WO3, WO3:Ta, Nb2O5:Mo and NiOx as electrochromic layers and CeO2-TiO2 as a transparent counter-electrode. The electrolytes used in these devices were starch-based plasticized with glycerol containing LiClO4 or KOH, depending on the electrochromic layer. All the thin films were prepared by sol-gel process and deposited onto FTO by dip-coating technique. The devices were characterized by means of cyclic voltametry, spectroscopy in the region of UV-visible-NIR (300-1100 nm) and the inserted/extracted charge density along the chronoamperometric cycles. From the values obtained for the inserted charge density and the transmittance in 550 nm and 633 nm and using an appropriate equation the values of electrochromic efficiency of the electrochromic devices were obtained. Measurements of optical density in function of the potential and transmittance in function of the time were also taken. The results of charge density for the electrochromic devices with WO3, WO3:Ta and Nb2O5:Mo showed that the processes of insertion/extraction of the lithium ions are reversible and the extraction is very fast, i.e., of the order of 10s. Through the transmission spectra it was possible to observe a good variation in the transmittance between the coloured and bleached states (&#61508;T), given that the DEC with WO3 and electrolyte with concentration of LiClO4, [O]/[Li]=10 obtained the largest variation of &#61508;T = 38.4% in 633 nm. This resulted in a high value (77.5 cm2/C) of electrochromic efficiency. The DEC with NiOx presented a smaller variation in the transmittance, i.e., 23.8% in 550 nm for cycle 3000, resulting in a lower value of electrochromic efficiency, 24.9 cm2/C. This work also presents the results of the preparation and characterization of solid polymeric electrolytes containing starch, glycerol and potassium hydroxide characterized by the technique of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. From these results the values of their ionic conductivities were calculated. Measurements of optical transmission in the region of UV-visible-NIR (300-1100 nm) were also taken. The best value of ionic conductivity, i.e., 4.92&#61655;10-5 S&#61655;cm-1 at 30oC was obtained for the film with 25% of glycerol and 35% of KOH in relation to the mass of starch. The results presented in this work show that starch-based solid polymeric electrolytes can be very interesting for application in electrochromic devices as, for example, smart windows in architecture.

Desenvolvimento de dispositivos eletrocrômicos / Development of electrochromic devices

Juliana Ramos de Andrade 16 March 2015 (has links)
Foram estudados os filmes finos eletrocrômicos de WO3, MoO3 e PEDOT:PSS e aplicados em pequenos dispositivos eletrocrômicos. Os filmes finos de WO3 foram produzidos por meio do processo de eletrodeposição galvanostática a partir de um sol de ácido peroxotungstênico. Realizaram-se dois estudos de eletrodeposição dos filmes de WO3: 1º) produziu-se filmes em diferentes correntes -0,45 -0,50, -0,60 e -1,0 mA com tempo de 600 segundos; 2º) produziu-se filmes variando os tempos de eletrodeposição de 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 e 600 s com corrente de -0,45 mA. O tratamento térmico foi efetuado a 120 ºC por 1 hora. Os filmes de WO3 eletrodepositados com corrente -0,45 mA no tempo de 600 s foram estudados com maiores detalhes. Os filmes com espessura de 140 nm apresentaram mudança na coloração de transparente para azul em resposta a aplicação de potencial de -1,0 a 1,0 V. A variação em transmitância foi medida no visível (&lambda; = 633 nm) resultando em &Delta;T = 61 %. A densidade de carga foi de 35 mC/cm2 e a estabilidade eletroquímica foi de até 3.000 ciclos. As medidas de difração de raios-X mostraram que a estrutura dos filmes de WO3 é amorfa e as imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) evidenciaram uma superfície homogênea e sem rachaduras. O filme de PEDOT:PSS depositado por dip-coating apresentou uma espessura em torno de 400 nm, mudança de coloração de azul para transparente com a aplicação do potencial de -1,0 a 1,0 V e &Delta;T= 50 % para o filme de uma camada. Os filmes de MoO3 foram depositados pela técnica de spin-coating e avaliados conforme o número de camadas (1 a 10 camadas) sendo os melhores resultados foram obtidos para a amostra composta por 9 camadas. Este filme apresentou densidade de carga em torno de 25 mC/cm2 e uma mudança de cor de transparente (T= 80%) para azul (T=38%) após a aplicação de potencial de 1,5 e -1,5 V, respectivamente. Foram confeccionados e estudados dispositivos eletrocrômicos (ECDs) com os filmes finos de WO3 e PEDOT:PSS, eletrólitos poliméricos a base de hidroxipropilcelulose (HPC) e goma gelana (GGLA) e contra eletrodo de CeO2-TiO2. As melhores respostas óticas foram obtidas com o dispositivo eletrocrômico WO3/HPC/CeO2-TiO2, sendo &Delta;T=29% e a densidade de carga de 12 mC/cm2. A melhor estabilidade em função do número de ciclos de coloração/descoloração de 5.500 foi obtido com o dispositivo eletrocrômico WO3|GGLA-PVP-NHS|CeO2-TiO2 com glicerol. / Electrochromic WO3, MoO3 and PEDOT: PSS thin films were deposited and characterized. WO3 thin films were produced using the galvanostatic electrodeposition process from peroxotungstic acid sol. There were two studies of electrodeposition of WO3 films: 1) films were produced in different streams -0.45 -0.50, -0.60 and -1.0 mA with a time of 600 seconds, and 2) produced films were electrodeposited varying times 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 s with a current of -0.45 mA. The heat treatment was performed at 120 °C for 1 hour. The WO3 films electrodeposited with -0.45 mA current for 600 s were chosen and studied deeply. These films with a thickness of 140 nm showed change in color from transparent to blue in response to applied potential of -1.0 to 1.0 V. The variation in transmittance was measured at &lambda; = 633 nm, resulting in &Delta;T = 61%, charge density of about 35 mC/cm2 and electrochemical stability up to 3,000 cycles. X-ray diffractograms showed that the structure of the films is amorphous and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showed a homogeneous surface without cracks. The film of PEDOT: PSS deposited by dip-coating had a thickness around 400 nm, color change from blue to transparent upon applied potential of -1.0 to 1.0 V and &Delta;T = 50% for the one layer film. The MoO3 films were deposited by spin-coating and evaluated as the number of layers (1 to 10 layers) appointing the best results for the sample with 9 layers. This displayed the charge density of around 25 mC/cm2 and a color change from transparent (T = 80%) to blue (T = 38%) after applying the potential of 1.5 and -1.5 V, respectively. Furthermore, the electrochromic devices containing WO3 and/or PEDOT: PSS thin films, polymer electrolytes based cellulose and/or gellan gum and counter electrode of CeO2-TiO2 were assembled and characterized. The best responses of &Delta;T = 29% and charge density of 12 mC/cm2 were obtained for the electrochromic device with WO3/cellulose/CeO2-TiO2 configuration. However, the best coloring/bleaching stability of 5,500 cycles was obtained with the electrochromic device WO3|GGLA-PVP-NHS|CeO2-TiO2 with glycerol configuration.

Investigation of bipyridilium and Prussian blue systems for their potential application in electrochromic devices

Dillingham, J. L. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Elaboration de dispositifs électrochromes organiques pour le camouflage adaptatif d'engins terrestres / Development of organic electrochromic devices for adaptive camouflage clock for land vehicles

Fagour, Sébastien 25 February 2016 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse, des dispositifs électrochromes à base de polymères conducteurs électroniques ont été développés pour obtenir des systèmes pouvant passer d’un état coloré cyan, magenta ou jaune à un état incolore. Les polymères électrochromes sont des dérivés du poly(3,4-propylènedioxythiophène) (PProDOT) et du poly(3,4-éthylènedioxythiophène) (PEDOT). Un réseau de polyéthylène glycol incorporant un liquide ionique 1-éthyl-3-méthylimidazolium bis(trifluorométhylsulfonylimide) (EMITFSI) a été utilisé en tant que gel d’électrolyte. Dans un premier temps, les polymères cyan, magenta et jaunes ont été étudiés. La relation entre structure et propriétés colorimétriques des polymères cyan et jaunes a été étudiés par des calculs théoriques avec la théorie de fonctionnelle de densité, la spectroscopie UV/Vis et la colorimétrie. Ces deux dernières techniques ont également été utilisées pour l’étude des polymères magenta. Les polymères présentant les meilleures propriétés optiques ont ensuite été intégrés dans des dispositifs à deux électrodes. Ceux-ci ont été étudiées par des mesures électrochimiques pour évaluer les effets sur le fonctionnement du système et sa durée de vie. Grâce aux données obtenues, nous avons pu montrer que la stabilité des dispositifs était liée à l’efficacité coulombique des polymères cyan, magenta ou jaunes. Pour contourner l’effet de l’efficacité coulombique sur les systèmes en 2 électrodes, nous avons développé des dispositifs intégrant une pseudo-référence. L’application de ces systèmes à 3 électrodes avec un polymère cyan permet de multiplier la gamme de stabilité par 7. Finalement des démonstrateurs ont été produits avec plusieurs dispositifs de chaque couleur. / During the course of this work, electrochromic devices integrating electronically conductive polymers have been developed to obtain systems that could switch from a cyan, magenta or yellow color to an almost colorless one. The electrochromic polymers are derivatives of poly(3,4-propylenedioxythiophene) (PProDOT) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiphene) (PEDOT). A network of polyethyleneglycol swollen with an ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonylimide) (EMITFSI) was used as a gel polymer electrolyte. As a first step, the cyan, magenta and yellow polymers were studied. The relationship between structure and colorimetric properties of the cyan and yellow polymers have been studied with theoretical calculation using the density functional theory, UV/Vis spectroscopy and colorimetry. These last two techniques have also been used to study the magenta polymers. The polymers with the best optical properties have then been integrated inside two electrode devices. They have been characterized with electrochemical measurement to evaluate the effects on the system and its lifetime. The data showed that the stability of the devices was linked to the reversibility of the cyan magenta or yellow polymers. As a workaround to the coulombic efficiency limitation on the 2 electrode systems, we have developed devices with a pseudo-reference. The application of those 3 electrode systems with a cyan polymer leads to a 7 fold increase of the device lifetime. Finally demonstrators have been produced with several devices of each color.

Preparação e caracterização de filmes finos sol-gel de Nb2O5:Zr / Preparation and characterization of sol gel Nb2O5:Zr thin films

Eder Cicero Adão Simencio 05 August 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta resultados da preparação e caracterização de filmes finos de pentóxido de nióbio (Nb2O5) dopados com isopropóxido de zircônio (IV) Zr[O(CH2)2CH3]4, obtidos via processo sol-gel. A adição do precursor dopante teve como finalidade estudar a sua influência sobre as propriedades eletroquímicas destes filmes. Os sóis destinados à deposição destes filmes foram preparados a partir da mistura de pentacloreto de nióbio (NbCl5 anidro), n-butanol e ácido acético e sua submissão à ação de irradiação ultrasônica. A obtenção das camadas delgadas de Nb2O5:Zr, com diferentes espessuras (1 a 6 camadas), sobre um substrato de vidro recoberto com camada condutora eletrônica (ITO), fez-se pelo processo sol-gel juntamente com a técnica de imersão vertical (dip-coating). Os filmes foram submetidos a um tratamento térmico entre 450ºC e 560ºC, em atmosfera de ar, por 5 e 10 minutos. O estudo efetuado revelou que estes filmes finos de Nb2O5:Zr, apresentaram influência de concentração de zircônio, número de camadas e tempo de tratamento térmico nas propriedades eletroquímicas. As medidas de voltametria cíclica demonstraram que o processo de inserção/extração é reversível, enquanto medidas cronoamperométricas, demonstraram que o processo de intercalação atinge o seu valor máximo (35 mC/cm2) em 30s à -1,8V, para filmes dopados numa razão molar de 0,5% e com 5 camadas e tratamento térmico de 450°C por 10 minutos. Estes filmes também apresentaram nas análises microscópicas por MEV uma morfologia muito uniforme, lisa e sem rachaduras. Além disso, foi comprovada por análises EDX a presença de zircônio nos filmes. Todos estes resultados mostraram que os filmes de Nb2O5:Zr são promissores e excelentes candidatos à substituir filmes de WO3.em aplicações eletroquímicas. / This work consists of the preparation and characterization of niobium (V) oxide films (Nb2O5) doped with zirconium (IV) isopropoxide Zr[O(CH2)2CH3]4, was obtained by sol-gel process. The main objective of dopant addition was to study its influence on eletrochemical properties of these films. The sols used to deposition of these films were prepared from the mixture of niobium (V) (NbCl5), butanol and acetic acid by ultrasonic radiation action. The obtaining of the thin layers of Nb2O5:Zr with different thick (from 1 to 6 layers), on a glass substrate recovered with conductor layer ( ITO) was carried out by sol - gel process and dip-coating technique. The films were subjected to a thermal treatment between 450ºC and 560ºC, during some minutes in air atmosphere for 5 and 10 minutes. The study performed showed that these thin films of Nb2O5:Zr, presented influence of zirconium concentration, numbers of layers and time of termic treatment in the electrochemical properties. The measures of cyclic voltammetry showed that the process of insertion and extraction is reversible whereas the chronoamperometry measures showed the intercalation process has as maximum values (35mC/cm2) in 30s at -1,8V to doped films in a molar ration of 0,5% and with 5 layers and termci treatment of 450oC for 10 minutes. These films also presented in microscopic analysis by SEM a morphology very consistent, smooth and without cracks. Besides, it was proved by analysis by EDX the zirconium presences in the fims. All these results showed that the films of Nb2O5:Zr are promising and excellent application to replace films of WO3 in electrochemical application.

Magnetron sputtering of highly transparent p-conductive NiO thin films / Magnetronsputtring av transparenta och p-ledande tunnfilmer av NiO

Book, Martin January 2020 (has links)
P-type transparent conductors are needed for a wide range of applicationssuch as solar cells and electrochromic smart windows. Solar power is animportant form of energy in today’s society as the threat of global warmingpushes the world towards fossil free energy. Hence a lot of solar cell typeshave been developed, among them tandem cells which are to different typesof solar cells stacked on top of each other. If one of the cells is based ona perovskite, a transparent p-type thin film electrode is needed as a holeconductor and electron blocking layer between the two cells. Nickel oxide(NiO) is a good candidate for this application as it has desired propertiessuch as good hole conduction, a high band gap and a matching work functionto the perovskite. The transmittance of as deposited NiO films by reactivemagnetron sputtered is limited so post deposition annealing is used to increasethe transmittance. This is not possible in this solar cell application as parts ofthe solar cell stack is temperature sensitive.Electrochromic smart windows contain a layer that can change its opticalproperties with the application of a voltage. Such windows are used inbuildings to increase energy efficiency and they contain an electrochromicdevice where NiO is used as an electrode as it has electrochromic properties,but just like with the solar cells, the transmittance of NiO is limited. Thisstudy investigates whether it is possible to make as deposited NiO by reactivemagnetron sputtering transparent, eliminating the need for post depositionannealing. Such a deposition process was found using different sputtermachines with the process point on the edge between metal and oxide modein terms of oxygen flow. This resulted in highly transparent and highlyresistive NiO films with a much higher deposition rate than in oxide mode.

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