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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of Sediment Exposure and Water Depth on Torpedograss Invasion of Lake Okeechobee, Florida

Smith, Dian H. 12 1900 (has links)
Torpedograss (Panicum repens) was first observed in Lake Okeechobee in the 1970s and appears to have displaced an estimated 6,400 ha of native plants, such as spikerush (Eleocharis cellulosa), where inundation depths are often less than 50 cm. Two series of studies evaluated substrate exposure and water depth influences on torpedograss establishment and competitiveness. Results revealed that fragments remain buoyant for extended periods and so facilitate dispersal. Once anchored to exposed substrate fragments can readily root and establish. Subsequently, torpedograss thrives when subjected to inundations to 75 cm and survives prolonged exposure to depths greater than 1 m. These findings suggest that fluctuating water levels contribute to torpedograss dispersal and colonization patterns and that low water levels increase marsh area susceptible to invasion. The competition study found that spikerush grown in monoculture produces significantly more biomass when continually inundated to shallow depths (10 to 20 cm) than when subjected to drier conditions (-25 cm) or greater inundations (80 cm). In contrast, torpedograss establishes more readily on exposed substrate (-25 to 0 cm) compared to inundate substrates. During the first growing season biomass production increases as substrate exposure interval increases. However, during the second year, established torpedograss produces more biomass when grown on intermittently wet (0 cm) compared to permanently dry (-25 cm) or intermittently inundated (10 cm) substrates. No difference in production was observed between substrates permanently inundated (10 cm) and any other regime tested. During the first two years of torpedograss invasion, regardless of treatment, spikerush suppresses invasion and torpedograss had little effect on established spikerush, indicating that spikerush-dominated areas are capable of resisting torpedograss invasion. Even so, disturbances that might cause mortality of long hydroperiod species, such as spikerush, may create open gaps in the native vegetation and thus facilitate torpedograss establishment and expansion.
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Does unionids biofiltration influence the growth of macrophytes? / Påverkar biofiltration från unionider tillväxten hos makrofyter?

Månson, Samuel January 2024 (has links)
Biofiltration is one of many ecosystem services provided by mussels. Besides filtering and clearing waters from miscellaneous harmful particles and debris, mussels also have the ability to lower the turbidity of the water. How the presence of mussels affect macrophyte growth is however a less researched area of science. In this study I try to assess if the presence of Unio tumidus have an effect on the growth of Eleocharis acicularis. I used mesocosms containing individuals from both species and through continuous measurements of water chemistry as well as the measuring the difference in plant biomass between the start of the experiment and the harvest at the end of the experiment. The only significant effect observed was on conductivity which increased by 82% in aquaria with mussels as opposed to only 74% in those without. Interestingly there was no increase in the mean biomass of the plants, instead there was a decrease in mean plant biomass over time. / Biofiltration är en av många ekosystemtjänster som musslor tillhandahåller. Förutom att rena stora mängder vatten från diverse skadliga ämnen så sänker även musslors biofiltration turbiditeten i vattnet. Hur musslornas närvaro påverkar makrofyter är dock ett mindre utforskat område. I den här studien undersöker jag huruvida närvsaro av Unio tumidus påverkar tillväxt hos Eleocharis acicularis. Jag använde mesocosmer innehållande individer av båda arter och genomförde kontinuerliga mätningar av vattenkemin samt mätte förändringar i biomassan hos växterna. Musslorna hade inte en signifikant effekt på vare sig pH, turbiditet, nivåer av chlorophyll-a eller biomassa hos växterna. Den enda variabeln som musslorna visade sig ha en signifikant effekt på var konduktiviteten, som ökade signifikant med 82% i akvarierna med musslor kontra en ökning på endast 74% i akvarierna utan musslor. Intressant nog så minskade växterna i biomassa över tid.
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Biosystematic studies in the family Cyperaceae / Biosystematic studies in the family Cyperaceae

KOŠNAR, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The thesis was focused on the microevolutionary mechanisms that contribute to morphological diversity in selected members of the sedge family (Cyperaceae). Natural hybridization, evidenced from both morphological characters and molecular markers, was revealed to be a potentially important source of diversification in the tropical spikerushes of Eleocharis subgenus Limnochloa. High levels of phenotypic plasticity of clonal growth but rare genetic (ecotypic) differentiation among contrasting morphotypes were found in the polymorphic species Carex nigra, which implied that taxonomic splitting of the species was unreasonable.

Structural and functional diversity of bacterial communities in petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated soils subjected to phytoremediation

Alotaibi, Fahad 05 1900 (has links)
L'intensification des activités industrielles et les besoins en énergie font des hydrocarbures pétroliers (HP) un enjeu majeur mondial mais augmentent aussi considérablement les risques environnementaux dans divers écosystèmes. La phytoremédiation est une phytotechnologie qui a fait ses preuves en tant que solution verte pour faire face aux contaminations des sols par des HP. La phytoremédiation des sols contaminés par les HP repose principalement sur l’activité des communautés microbiennes associées aux racines des plantes au niveau de la rhizosphère, qui peuvent non seulement favoriser la croissance des plantes hôtes mais aussi augmenter leur tolérance à divers stress biotiques et abiotiques. Parmi les défis majeurs de la phytoremédiation des sols contaminés par les HP, on compte la forte toxicité de certains composés des HP qui entravent la croissance des plantes et par conséquent l’efficacité de la phytoremédiation. Cependant, la croissance des plantes peut être positivement stimulée par la présence de rhizobactéries favorisant leur croissance (PGPR) qui sont capables d'atténuer le stress des plantes par divers mécanismes. Dans cette thèse, un total de 438 bactéries PGPR dégradant les hydrocarbures pétroliers, ont été isolées de la rhizosphère et du sol de deux espèces de plantes, Salix purpurea et Eleocharis obusta, dans un site d'une ancienne raffinerie pétrochimique à Varennes, QC, Canada. Les isolats bactériens ont été classés en 62 genres, appartenant aux phylums Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes et aux sous-groupes Alpha-, Beta- et Gamma-Proteobacteria. De plus, cette collection de cultures contient 438 isolats bactériens avec de multiples caractéristiques de dégradation et de stimulation de croissance (PGPR), représentant une diversité fonctionnelle de dégradation des HP et de caractéristiques PGPR qui pourraient être utilisées dans la phytoremédiation assistée par les bactéries, des sols contaminés par les HP. Parmi ces 438 isolats bactériens, 50 isolats représentant une large diversité taxonomique, ont été sélectionnées pour une caractérisation approfondie supplémentaire concernant leur capacité à favoriser la croissance des plantes en présence de différentes concentrations de n-hexadécane (0%, 1%, 2%, 3%) dans des conditions contrôlées. Les résultats ont indiqué que les isolats bactériens Nocardia sp. (WB46), Pseudomonas plecoglossicida (ET27), Stenotrophomonas pavanii (EB31), Bacillus megaterium (WT10) et Gordonia amicalis (WT12) ont significativement augmenté la croissance des plantes cultivées dans 3% de n-hexadécane par rapport au traitement témoin. De plus, ces isolats possèdent plusieurs traits favorisant la croissance des plantes (PGPR) tels que l'activité 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) désaminase (ACCD), la production d'acide indole-3-acétique (IAA) et la fixation de l'azote. De plus, ces isolats étaient capables d'utiliser le n-hexadécane comme seule source de carbone et possédaient des gènes cataboliques liés à la dégradation des hydrocarbures tels que le gène de l'alcane monooxygénase (alkB), le cytochrome P450 hydroxylase (CYP153) et le gène de la naphtalène dioxygénase (nah1). Nocardia sp. isolate WB46, a été sélectionné pour le séquençage de son génome afin de déterminer sa diversité génétique et fonctionnelle relatives à la dégradation des HP et les potentiels PGPR. Les résultats ont indiqué que, sur la base des analyses du gène de l'ARNr 16S, l'hybridation ADN-ADN in silico (DDH) et l'identité moyenne des nucléotides (ANI), Nocardia sp. isolate WB46 représente une nouvelle espèce bactérienne. De plus, l'annotation fonctionnelle de son génome révèle que celui-ci contient de nombreux gènes responsables de la dégradation des hydrocarbures pétroliers tels que l'alcane 1-monooxygénase (alkB) et la naphtalène dioxygénase (ndo) ainsi que d'autres gènes liés à ses potentiels PGPR. En conclusion, la rhizosphère des espèces S. purpurea et E. obusta poussant dans un site fortement pollué par les HP représente un biotope diversifié et comprenant des bactéries PGPR avec de multiples potentiels de dégradation des HP. De plus, plusieurs isolats bactériens tels que Nocardia sp. (WB46), Pseudomonas plecoglossicida (ET27) et Stenotrophomonas pavanii (EB31) démontrent un potentiel d'utilisation comme bioinoculants pour de futures études de phytoremédiation à grande échelle. / Petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), as a result of intensification of industrial activities, are a global environmental issue especially in soil environments. Phytoremediation represents an ideal solution to tackle this global crisis. Phytoremediation of PHC-contaminated soils proceeds mainly through the activities of microbial communities that colonize the plant rhizosphere which might promote host plants growth and increase its tolerance to various biotic and abiotic stresses. A main challenge in phytoremediation of PHC-contaminated soils is the high toxicity of PHCs which hinder plant growth and reduce the efficiency of phytoremediation. However, plant growth may be positively stimulated by the presence of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that are able to alleviate stresses in plants through various mechanisms. In this thesis, a total of 438 petroleum hydrocarbons degrading-PGPR bacterial isolates were recovered from the rhizosphere and the surrounding bulk soil of Salix purpurea and Eleocharis obusta plants from the site of a former petrochemical plant in Varennes, QC, Canada. Bacterial isolates were classified into 62 genera, belonging to the phyla Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and the Alpha, Beta and Gamma-subgroups of Proteobacteria. Additionally, this culture collection holds 438 bacterial isolates with multiple degradative and PGP features, representing a rich reservoir of metabolically versatile PGPR-PHC degraders that could be used in holistic, bacterial-aided phytomanagement of PHC-contaminated soils. Among the above 438 bacterial isolates, 50 bacterial strains representing a wide phylogenetic range were selected for an additional in-depth characterization regarding their ability to promote plant growth under the presence of different concentrations of n-hexadecane (0%, 1%, 2%, 3%) under gnotobiotic conditions. Results indicated that bacterial isolates Nocardia sp. (WB46), Pseudomonas plecoglossicida (ET27), Stenotrophomonas pavanii (EB31), Bacillus megaterium (WT10) and Gordonia amicalis (WT12) significantly increased the growth of plants grown in 3% n-hexadecane compared with the control treatment. Additionally, these isolates possess several plant-growth-promoting (PGP) traits such as 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase (ACCD) activity, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) production and nitrogen fixation. Also, these isolates were able to use n-hexadecane as sole source of carbon and have catabolic genes related to hydrocarbon degradation such alkane monooxygenase (alkB) gene, the cytochrome P450 hydroxylase (CYP153) and the naphthalene dioxygenase (nah1) gene. The isolate that showed the highest growth stimulation of plants grown in 3% n-hexadecane under gnotobiotic conditions, Nocardia sp. isolate WB46, was selected for de novo genome sequencing to unveil its genetic versatility and the mechanisms of PHCs biodegradation and PGP potentials. Results indicated that based on the 16S rRNA gene analyses, in silico DNA-DNA hybridization (DDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) Nocardia sp. isolate WB46 is a new species. Additionally, the functional annotation of the genome of Nocardia sp. isolate WB46 reveals that its genome contains many genes responsible for petroleum hydrocarbon degradation such as alkane 1-monooxygenase (alkB) and naphthalene dioxygenase (ndo) as well as other genes related to its PGP potentials. In conclusion, S. purpurea and E. obusta growing in a site highly polluted with PHCs are rich reservoir of diverse PGPR with multiple PHC-degradation and PGP potentials. In addition, several bacterial isolates such as Nocardia sp. (WB46), Pseudomonas plecoglossicida (ET27) and Stenotrophomonas pavanii (EB31) demonstrate potential for use as bioinoculants in future large-scale phytoremediation studies.
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