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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förändringar i täckningsgraden av makrofyter i svenska insjöar efter dammutrivning / Changes in macrophyte coverage in Swedish lakes after dam removal

Johansson, Vanja January 2024 (has links)
Dammar har använts till många saker genom århundrandena, bland annat energiutvinning, reglering av vattennivå och transport av timmer. När dammar inte längre är i bruk och inte är ekonomiskt gynnsamma är dammutrivning en vanlig restaureringsmetod för att återställa ekosystemen. Dammar påverkar generellt ekosystemen negativt då det blir en begränsad konnektivitet inom och mellan vattendragen och sjöarna. Fiskars migration av och spridning av fröer från växter hindras av dammarna. Genom att riva ut dammar öppnas vägar för organismer att förflytta sig. Med utrivning av dammarna sker även en vattennivåsänkning som leder till att undervattensväxter kan bli mer utsatta. Undervattensväxter (makrofyter) som lever i det grunda vattnet bidrar med skydd och habitat för både fisk och bentisk fauna, samt zooplankton. Syftet med min undersökning är att undersöka om täckningsgraden av makrofyter förändras av dammutrivning. Även koncentrationen av fosfor i vattnet samt ljustillgången (mätt som siktdjup) förväntades ha en påverkan på täckningsgraden av makrofyter i sjöarna. Resultaten visade att det inte fanns ett signifikant samband mellan täckningsgraden och dammutrivning. Ett samband mellan täckningsgrad och siktdjup kunde inte heller bevisas. Däremot fanns ett positivt samband mellan täckningsgrad och koncentration fosfor i vattnet. Den här studien visar att makrofyter inte påverkas negativt av dammutrivning vilket är positivt då makrofyter har en viktig roll i ekosystemen. / Dams have been used for many things throughout history, such as an energy source, for regulation of water levels and timber transport. When dams are no longer economically viable, dam removal is a common method of restoring the ecosystem. Dams generally effect the ecosystems negatively, as they limit the connectivity in and between rivers, streams, and lakes. For example, fish migration and the spread of seeds are typically disrupted by the dams. When dams are removed, the water levels are normally reduced, which can lead to aquatic plants becoming more vulnerable. Aquatic plants (macrophytes) that grow in shallow parts of a lake provide habitat for fish, bentic invertebrate fauna and zooplankton and they thus form an important part of the limnic ecosystems. The purpose of my study was to investigate if the coverage of macrophytes changes after dam removal in lakes. Also, the concentration of phosphorus in the water and the light availability (measured with Secchi depth) were predicted to influence the coverage of macrophytes. The results showed that there was not a significant effect of dam removal or Secchi depth on the coverage of macrophytes. The concentration of phosphors had a positive significant effect of on macrophyte coverage. My study indicates that dam removal does not affect macrophytes negatively, which may be important due to macrophytes’ important role in the ecosystem.

Återanslutning av s.k. korvsjöar till den ursprungliga flodfåran som en restaureringsåtgärd för ökad biodiversitet : -En litteraturstudie

Johansson, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
The aim with this review was to investigate whether a reconnection of an oxbow lake can contribute to higher biodiversity. However, oxbow lakes can be divided in three categories: Lentic- (connected with both ends to the river bed), semi-lentic- (connected with one end) and lotic oxbow lakes (Isolated from the riverbed). Aquatic organisms such as fish, aquatic invertebrates, amphibians and macrophytes has been studied. The result showed that hydrological connectivity determines both biodiversity and water quality in oxbow lakes. Lotic oxbow lakes consisted low biodiversity and it’s dominated by amphibians. Semi-lentic oxbow lakes contributes with highest biodiversity of macrophytes, fish and aquatic invertebrates. Lentic oxbow lakes consisted less biodiversity and was dominated by fish. In conclusion, reconnection of an oxbow lake can be used as a restoration project to improve biodiversity.

Utvärdering av Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för makrofyter i sjöar

Landbecker, David January 2011 (has links)
According to the Water Framework Directive of the European Union, macrophytes should be used as indicators in the ecological and environmental monitoring of lakes. In the member state Sweden the Environmental Protection Agency has elaborated assessment criteria for determining lake status based on macrophytes. The main focus of this thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of the assessment criteria for macrophytes. In addition the concordance between the ecological status classes of the four quality factors included was analysed. The assessment criteria for macrophytes are based on the total phosphorus preference of the respective species. The focus is thus mainly on the nutrient level of the investigated lakes and the environmental problem monitored is eutrophication. Macrophytes are one of the five biological quality factors used for lakes. The others are phytoplankton, diatoms, benthic fauna and fish. The two latter were included in this thesis. In addition to the biological factors the chemical factor, nutrients in lakes, i.e. the total phosphorus, was included. The macrophyte composition was investigated in two eutrophic Uppland lakes: Lake Trehörningen and Lake Edasjön. Since the assessment criteria were launched in 2007 there have been problems reported regarding the outcome of the methods. The results are sometimes inconclusive for eutrophicated lakes and especially for lakes with naturally high levels of nutrients. In this study the macrophyte species composition was compared with the nutrient level of different lakes. Some species were found in equal shares in oligotrophic lakes as in eutrophic, e.g. Nymphaea candida and Nuphar lutea. Hence they were considered less suitable as elements in the method evaluated. A couple of species were present in predominantly oligotrophic (e.g. Lobelia dortmanna) or eutrophic (e.g. Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) lakes, respectively. They were regarded as better indicators since they ”preferred” lakes either poor or rich in nutrients. It is important to point out that all the other biological quality factors used, except for macrophytes, are multimetric. I conclude that more parameters are needed for evaluation of macrophytes in lakes. Tentatively, the degree of coverage of the plants and algae, the presence and degree of coverage of invasive nonnative species, lake lowerings and the consequent composition and abundance change, all should be tested as additional parameters.  A high level of concordance was verified for the status classifications of the four quality factors in lakes of oligotrophy as well as in lakes of eutrophy, i.e. no particular  pattern based on trophy level was found. The macrophyte inventories of the two Uppland lakes both resulted in a moderate ecological status for macrophytes.

Habitatpreferens hos Anguilla anguilla: makrofyters påverkan på gulålars habitatval under dag och natt / Habitat preference in Anguilla anguilla: the effect of macrophytes on habitat selection during day and at night in yellow eels

Wiklund, Hannah January 2023 (has links)
Aquatic vegetation and different substrates can be important factors for fish habitat. The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is threatened by habitat loss in freshwater systems during its life stage as a yellow eel. To conserve the species, restoration measures and increased knowledge about its preference for benthic habitats are needed. In this study, I examined how macrophytes with varying densities affected the habitat selection of A. anguilla yellow eels during day and at night. A laboratory experiment was conducted in three stream flumes containing sand and stone habitats, with an open passage where the eels (n = 17) could swim between them. The stone habitat was the same in all flumes, whereas the sand habitat had three macrophytes densities: 14, 7 and 0 m-2. The number of times the eel switched between the habitats, the time to the first habitat switch and the proportion of time spent in each habitat was noted. The result showed no significant effect of vegetation density on the number of habitat switches, the time to the first switch, or the proportion of time the eels spent in each habitat. There was no difference between night and day regarding the number of switches between the habitats. However, the proportion of time spent in the habitats differed between night and day; the eels spent more time in the stone habitat at night than during the day (Z = 2,707, n = 17, p = 0,038). The results suggests that yellow eels are active at night and may leave their resting habitat among the vegetation to search for food when it gets dark. Aquatic vegetation may be an important feature of yellow eel habitat, and to restore these environments, targeted restoration efforts and an increased understanding of macrophyte occurrence and substrate composition are needed. / Akvatisk vegetation och olika bottensubstrat kan vara viktiga faktorer för fiskars habitat. Den Europeiska ålen (Anguilla anguilla) är i sitt livsstadium som gulål hotad av habitatförlust i sötvattensystem. För att bevara arten krävs restaureringsåtgärder och ökad kunskap om artens preferens av bentiska livsmiljöer. I denna studie undersökte jag hur makrofyter av olika täthet påverkade A. anguilla gulålars habitatval på dagen och natten. Ett laboratorieexperiment utfördes i tre strömrännor innehållandes ett sand- och ett stenhabitat, samt en öppen passage där ålarna (n = 17) kunde simma mellan dem. Stenhabitatet var densamma i alla strömrännor medan sandhabitatet hade tre tätheter av makrofyter; 14, 7, samt 0 m-2. Tid till första byte, antal gånger ålarna bytte mellan habitaten och proportionen av tiden som ålarna spenderade i de två habitaten noterades. Resultatet visade ingen signifikant effekt av växttäthet för tiden till första bytet, antalet byten eller proportionen tid som ålarna spenderade i vardera habitat. Det fanns ingen skillnad mellan natt och dag i avseende på antalet byten mellan habitaten. Däremot var proportionen tid som ålarna tillbringade i de två habitaten olika mellan dag och natt; ålarna var mer i stenhabitatet på natten än på dagen (Z = 2,707, n = 17, p = 0,038). Experimentet tyder på att gulålar är nattaktiva och kan lämna sitt vilohabitat bland växterna när det blir mörkt för att söka föda i stenhabitat. Akvatisk vegetation är en viktig del av ålars livsmiljöer och för att återställa dessa behövs riktade restaureringsinsatser och ökad förståelse för makrofyt- och substratpreferens.

Does unionids biofiltration influence the growth of macrophytes? / Påverkar biofiltration från unionider tillväxten hos makrofyter?

Månson, Samuel January 2024 (has links)
Biofiltration is one of many ecosystem services provided by mussels. Besides filtering and clearing waters from miscellaneous harmful particles and debris, mussels also have the ability to lower the turbidity of the water. How the presence of mussels affect macrophyte growth is however a less researched area of science. In this study I try to assess if the presence of Unio tumidus have an effect on the growth of Eleocharis acicularis. I used mesocosms containing individuals from both species and through continuous measurements of water chemistry as well as the measuring the difference in plant biomass between the start of the experiment and the harvest at the end of the experiment. The only significant effect observed was on conductivity which increased by 82% in aquaria with mussels as opposed to only 74% in those without. Interestingly there was no increase in the mean biomass of the plants, instead there was a decrease in mean plant biomass over time. / Biofiltration är en av många ekosystemtjänster som musslor tillhandahåller. Förutom att rena stora mängder vatten från diverse skadliga ämnen så sänker även musslors biofiltration turbiditeten i vattnet. Hur musslornas närvaro påverkar makrofyter är dock ett mindre utforskat område. I den här studien undersöker jag huruvida närvsaro av Unio tumidus påverkar tillväxt hos Eleocharis acicularis. Jag använde mesocosmer innehållande individer av båda arter och genomförde kontinuerliga mätningar av vattenkemin samt mätte förändringar i biomassan hos växterna. Musslorna hade inte en signifikant effekt på vare sig pH, turbiditet, nivåer av chlorophyll-a eller biomassa hos växterna. Den enda variabeln som musslorna visade sig ha en signifikant effekt på var konduktiviteten, som ökade signifikant med 82% i akvarierna med musslor kontra en ökning på endast 74% i akvarierna utan musslor. Intressant nog så minskade växterna i biomassa över tid.

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