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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Functional aspects of modified nucleosides in tRNA

Xu, Hao January 2015 (has links)
Transfer ribonucleic acids (tRNAs) are extensively modified, especially their anticodon loops. Modifications at position 34 (wobble base) and 37 in these loops affect the tRNAs’ decoding ability, while modifications outside the anticodon loops, e.g. m1A58 of tRNAMeti, may be crucial for tRNA structure or stability. A number of gene products are required for the formation of modified nucleosides, e.g. at least 26 proteins (including Elongator complex) are needed for U34 modifications in yeast, and methyl transferase activity of the Trm6/61p complex is needed to form m1A58. The aim of the studies which this thesis is based upon was to investigate the functional aspects of tRNA modifications and regulation of the modifying enzymes’ activity. First, the hypothesis that ncm5U34, mcm5U34, or mcm5s2U34 modifications may be essential for reading frame maintenance was investigated. The results show that mcm5 and s2 group of mcm5s2U play a vital role in reading frame maintenance. Subsequent experiments showed that the +1 frameshifting event at Lys AAA codon occurs via peptidyl-tRNA slippage due to a slow entry of the hypomodified tRNA-Lys. Moreover, the hypothesis that Elp1p N-terminal truncation may regulate Elongator activity was investigated. Cleavage of Elp1p was found to occur between residue 203 (Lys) and 204 (Ala) and to depend on the vacuolar protease Prb1p. However, including trichloroacetic acid (TCA) during protein extraction abolished the appearance of truncated Elp1p, showing that its truncation is a preparation artifact. Finally, in glioma cell line C6, PKCα was found to interact with TRM61. RNA silencing of TRM6/61 causes a growth defect that can be partially suppressed by tRNAMeti overexpression. PKCα overexpression reduces the nuclear level of TRM61, likely resulting in reduced level of TRM6/61 complex in the nucleus. Furthermore, lower expression of PKCα in the highly aggressive GBM (relative to its expression in less aggressive Grade II/III glioblastomas) is accompanied by increased expression of TRM6/61 mRNAs and tRNAMeti, highlighting the clinical relevance of the studies.

Physiological consequences of Elongator complex inactivation in Eukaryotes

Karlsborn, Tony January 2016 (has links)
Mutations found in genes encoding human Elongator complex subunits have been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders such as familial dysautonomia (FD), rolandic epilepsy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In addition, loss-of-function mutations in genes encoding Elongator complex subunits cause defects in neurodevelopment and reduced neuronal function in both mice and nematodes. The Elongator complex is a conserved protein complex comprising six subunits (Elp1p-Elp6p) found in eukaryotes. The primary function of this complex in yeast is formation of the 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl (mcm5) and 5-carbamoylmethyl (ncm5) side chains found on wobble uridines (U34) in tRNAs. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the physiological consequences of Elongator complex inactivation in humans and in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Inactivation of the Elongator complex causes widespread defects in a multitude of different cellular processes in S. cerevisiae. Thus, we investigated metabolic alterations resulting from Elongator complex inactivation. We show that deletion of the S. cerevisiae ELP3 gene leads to widespread metabolic alterations. Moreover, all global metabolic alterations observed in the elp3Δ strain are not restored in the presence of elevated levels of hypomodified tRNAs that normally have the modified nucleoside mcm5s2U. Collectively, we show that modified wobble nucleosides in tRNAs are required for metabolic homeostasis. Elongator mutants display sensitivity to DNA damage agents, but the underlying mechanism explaining this sensitivity remains elusive. We demonstrate that deletion of the S. cerevisiae ELP3 gene results in post-transcriptional reduction of Ixr1p levels. Further, we show that the reduced Ixr1p levels prevent adequate Rnr1p levels upon treatment with DNA damage agents. These findings suggest that reduced Ixr1p levels could in part explain why Elongator mutants are sensitive to DNA damage agents. Depletion of Elongator complex subunits results in loss of wobble uridine modifications in plants, nematodes, mice and yeast. Therefore, we investigated whether patients with the neurodegenerative disease familial dysautonomia (FD), who have lower levels of the ELP1 protein, display reduced amounts of modified wobble uridine nucleosides. We show that tRNA isolated from brain tissue and fibroblast cell lines derived from FD patients have 64–71% of the mcm5s2U nucleoside levels observed in total tRNA from non-FD brain tissue and non-FD fibroblasts. Overall, these results suggest that the cause for the neurodegenerative nature of FD could be translation impairment caused by reduced levels of modified wobble uridine nucleosides in tRNAs. Thus, our results give new insight on the importance of modified wobble uridine nucleosides for neurodevelopment.

Characterization of IKAP/hELP1-dependent pathways/ Caractérisation des mécanismes moléculaires impliquant la protéine IKAP/hELP1 et le complexe ELongator

Cornez, Isabelle 11 June 2008 (has links)
Characterization of IKAP/hELP1-dependent pathways. Abstract An extensive characterization of the signal transduction pathways is required to better understand how cells respond to various stimuli. While the human genome is completely sequenced, it is still necessary to combine those informations with a full knowledge of the biological roles played by the proteins. Importantly, a deregulation of the signal transduction pathways underlie a variety of human diseases such as cancer or neurodegenerative disorders. IKAP/hELP1 is the largest subunit of Elongator and is required for the functional integrity of this complex. The histone acetyltransferase activity of Elongator helps the transcriptional machinery to move on the template of still poorly characterized genes to transcribe. In yeast, Elongator has also been involved in tRNA modifications as well as in exocytosis. In humans, Familial dysautonomia, an autosomal recessive disease characterized by defects in the development and maintenance of neurons of the autonomic and sensory systems, results from a loss-of-function of IKAP/hELP1. Recent work in our laboratory linked this disease to a cell migration defect of IKAP/hELP1 depleted cells. The aim of this work is to investigate the role of Elongator in signal transduction. In the first part, we wanted to know whether Elongator was required for the regulation of gene expression in response to DNA damage. We demonstrated that some p53-dependent genes were aberrantly expressed upon Elongator deficiency in colon cancer-derived cells. Moreover, we showed that these IKAP/hELP1 depleted cells were not more sensitive to apoptosis in response to persistent DNAdamage. In the second part of this work, to better characterize IKAP/hELP1, we tried to validate its potential interaction with the RanBP2 nucleoporin which is a component of the nuclear pore complex. Given its mainly cytoplasmic localization and its role in the nucleus, we studied the translocation of IKAP/hELP1 between both of these cellular compartments. We determined a potential nuclear export signal on the C-terminal part of IKAP/hELP1. This might allow us to further explore the link between the distinct roles and the localization of the Elongator complex. / Caractérisation des mécanismes moléculaires impliquant la protéine IKAP/hELP1 et le complexe Elongator. Résumé Létude des voies de signalisation permet de mieux comprendre comment une cellule réagit face à divers stimuli. Alors que le génome humain est complètement séquencé, la caractérisation des différentes voies de signalisation cellulaire est à ce jour toujours incomplète et nécessite une meilleure connaissance de leurs principaux acteurs, les protéines. Ceci est dautant plus important quun dérèglement de lactivation de ces voies de signalisation peut conduire à des pathologies aussi diverses que le cancer ou des maladies neurodégénératives. IKAP/hELP1 est la plus grande sous-unité du complexe Elongator et est essentielle pour lassemblage fonctionnel de celui-ci. Le complexe Elongator grâce à son activité dacétylation des histones qui permet laccès à la chromatine, participe à lélongation de la transcription de gènes, ceux-ci restant à ce jour peu caractérisés. Récemment chez la levure, Elongator a été décrit comme prenant part à dautres évènements cellulaires aussi divers que la modification des ARNs de transfert qui permet une traduction fidèle des protéines, ou que lexocytose. Chez lhomme, une neuropathologie génétique, la dysautonomie familiale, est la conséquence directe dune perte de fonction de la protéine IKAP/hELP1. Notre laboratoire a récemment fait le lien entre cette maladie qui affecte le développement et la survie du système nerveux autonome et sensoriel, et un déficit des capacités migratoires de cellules exprimant trop faiblement la protéine IKAP/hELP1. Le but de ce travail est de poursuivre la caractérisation des rôles biologiques du complexe Elongator. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons examiné le rôle dElongator dans la modulation de lexpression de gènes suite à un dommage à lADN. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence une altération du profil dexpression de plusieurs gènes connus pour être sous la dépendance de p53, une protéine activée en réponse à divers signaux de stress, dans des cellules dérivées de cancers du colon et déficientes pour Elongator. De plus, nous avons déterminé que ces cellules déplétées pour IKAP/hELP1 nétaient pas plus sensibles à lapoptose, en réponse ou non à des dommages persistants à lADN. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons tenté de valider, sur base de résultats obtenus chez la levure, son interaction potentielle avec une protéine du pore nucléaire, RanBP2. Etant donné sa localisation majoritairement cytoplasmique et sa fonction dans le compartiment nucléaire, nous avons étudié le transport dIKAP/hELP1 entre le noyau et le cytoplasme. Nous avons pu déterminer un site dexport nucléaire potentiel sur lextrémité C-terminale dIKAP/hELP1 qui nous permettra dexplorer le lien entre les différentes fonctions et la localisation du complexe Elongator.

Formation and function of wobble uridine modifications in transfer RNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Huang, Bo January 2007 (has links)
Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) act as adaptor molecules in decoding messenger RNA into protein. Frequently found in tRNAs are different modified nucleosides, which are derivatives of the four normal nucleosides, adenosine (A), guanosine (G), cytidine (C), and uridine (U). Although modified nucleosides are present at many positions in tRNAs, two positions in the anticodon region, position 34 (wobble position) and position 37, show the largest variety of modified nucleosides. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the xm5U type of modified uridines found at position 34 are 5-carbamoylmethyluridine (ncm5U), 5-carbamoylmethyl-2´-O-methyluridine, (ncm5Um), 5-methoxycarbonylmethyluridine (mcm5U), and 5-methoxycarbonyl-methyl-2-thiouridine (mcm5s2U). Based on the complex structure of these nucleosides, it is likely that their formation requires several synthesis steps. The Elongator complex consisting of proteins Elp1p - Elp6p, and the proteins Kti11p - Kti14p, Sit4p, Sap185p, and Sap190p were shown to be involved in 5-carbamoylmethyl (ncm5) and 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl (mcm5) side-chain synthesis at position 34 in eleven tRNA species. The proteins Urm1p, Uba4p, Ncs2p, Ncs6p, and Yor251cp were also identified to be required for the 2-thio (s2) group formation of the modified nucleoside mcm5s2U at wobble position. Modified nucleosides in the anticodon region of tRNA influence the efficiency and fidelity of translation. The identification of mutants lacking ncm5-, mcm5-, or s2-group at the wobble position allowed the investigation of the in vivo role of these nucleosides in the tRNA decoding process. It was revealed that the presence of ncm5-, mcm5- or s2-group promotes reading of G-ending codons. The concurrent presence of the mcm5- and the s2-groups in the wobble nucleoside mcm5s2U improves reading of A- and G-ending codons, whereas absence of both groups is lethal to the yeast cell. The Elongator complex was previously proposed to regulate polarized exocytosis and to participate in elongation of RNA polymerase II transcription. The pleiotropic phenotypes observed in Elongator mutants were therefore suggested to be caused by defects in exocytosis and transcription of many genes. Here it is shown that elevated levels of hypomodified tRNALys [mcm5s2UUU] and tRNAGln[mcm5s2UUG] can efficiently suppress these pleiotropic phenotypes, suggesting that the defects in transcription and exocytosis are indirectly caused by inefficient translation of mRNAs encoding proteins important in these processes.

Functional aspects of wobble uridine modifications in yeast tRNA

Esberg, Anders January 2007 (has links)
Transfer RNAs (tRNA) function as adaptor molecules in the translation of mRNA into protein. These adaptor molecules require modifications of a subset of their nucleosides for optimal function. The most frequently modified nucleoside in tRNA is position 34 (wobble position), and especially uridines present at this position. Modified nucleosides at the wobble position are important in the decoding process of mRNA, i.e., restriction or improvement of codon-anticodon interactions. This thesis addresses the functional aspects of the wobble uridine modifications. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Elongator complex consisting of the six Elp1-Elp6 proteins has been proposed to participate in three distinct cellular processes; elongation of RNA polymerase II transcription, regulation of polarized exocytosis, and formation of modified wobble nucleosides in tRNA. In Paper I, we show that the phenotypes of Elongator deficient cells linking the complex to transcription and exocytosis are counteracted by increased level of and . These tRNAs requires the Elongator complex for formation of the 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl (mcmlnGUUGsmcm25tRNALysUUUsmcm25tRNA5) group of their modified wobble nucleoside 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine (mcm5s2U). Our results therefore indicate that the relevant function of the Elongator complex is in formation of modified nucleosides in tRNAs and the defects observed in exocytosis and transcription are indirectly caused by inefficient translation of mRNAs encoding gene products important for these processes. The lack of defined mutants in eukaryotes has led to limited understanding about the role of the wobble uridine modifications in this domain of life. In Paper II, we utilized recently characterized mutants lacking the 2-thio (s2) or 5-carbamoylmethyl (ncm5) and mcm5 groups to address the in vivo function of eukaryotic wobble uridine modifications. We show that ncm5 and mcm5 side-chains promote reading of G-ending codons, and that presence of a mcm5 and an s2 group cooperatively improves reading of both A- and G-ending codons. Previous studies revealed that a S. cerevisiae strain deleted for any of the six Elongator subunit genes shows resistance towards a toxin (zymocin) secreted by the dairy yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. In Paper III, we show that the cytotoxic γ subunit of zymocin is a tRNA endonuclease that target the anticodon of mcm5s2U34 containing tRNAs and that the wobble mcm5 modification is required for efficient cleavage. This explains the γ-toxin resistant phenotype of Elongator mutants which are defective in the synthesis of the mcm5 group.

Unmasking Oncogene Addiction to the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: a Lesson in Intrinsic Resistance

Cruz-Gordillo, Peter G. 24 August 2020 (has links)
The rationale behind targeted molecular therapy in cancer, oncogene addiction, is that tumors rely on driver oncogenes to control their proliferation and survival. Therefore, an efficacious targeted therapy should induce a dual, detrimental response to the tumor. While there have been clinical success stories using targeted therapies, even tumors that are initially sensitive invariably develop resistance. In the case of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), despite extensive evidence pointing to its driver oncogene status, inhibitors of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) are considered clinically inefficacious. Resistance to EGFR inhibition has been predominantly described as due to genetic alterations. Yet it remains unclear why patients exhibiting the same dysregulated status of a driver oncogene react to targeted therapy, as in the case of EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer, while others do not at all (i.e., TNBC). Furthermore, not all of resistance can be described by genetic alterations to EGFR, to its pathway effectors, or to compensatory pathways. Emerging data reveals that drugs can induce resistance by rewiring epigenomic, transcriptional, and translational regulatory mechanisms. Unfortunately, a major limitation in designing efficacious treatments is our inability to predict whether cell types can rewire in response to drug exposure. Therefore, it is necessary to elucidate mechanisms of growth and survival in cells that have undergone rewiring. This study characterized intrinsic resistance to EGFR inhibition in TNBC. We found that EGFR inhibition induces rewiring, which results in a resistant growth state that bypasses the EGFR-MAPK pathway as a whole. Additionally, we found that a tRNA-modifying complex masks the oncogene addiction status of EGFR in TNBC by stabilizing the protein abundance of a pro-survival protein. Importantly, this happens solely in the context of EGFR inhibition. Taken together, this study highlights potential therapeutic strategies for TNBC and strategies that can be used to improve our understanding of targeted therapy resistance, especially intrinsic resistance.

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