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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development and validation of a generic non-managerial performance measure

Myburgh, Hester Magdalena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / To access data please use IBM SPS Statistics software. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The human resource function attempts to proactively and reactively affect the work performance of employees through advice, diagnosis and interventions in a manner that will benefit the quality of the product and service an organisation provides to the market. In this study a generic performance construct (that can be applied to non-managerial, individual positions), was defined based on previous studies in the area of generic performance. A South African performance measure was designed accordingly that can be used to obtain multi-rater assessments of the generic, non-managerial, individual performance construct. This questionnaire was validated by evaluating the fit of the measurement model, using confirmatory factor analysis. Most of the data for this study was obtained from OK Furniture. A few questionnaires were completed by a non-probability sample of non-managerial personnel from a variety of organisations. The total sample size comprised of 205 respondents. Item and dimensionality analysis was performed on the 12 subscales to assess the success with which they represented the underlying performance constructs. In the item analysis two items were identified as somewhat problematic but both were judged not to be sufficiently problematic to delete them from the GPQ. Results from the dimensionality analysis showed satisfactory evidence that the items of each subscale reflect a common underlying factor. A spectrum of goodness-of-fit statistics was used to assess the measurement model fit. The hypothesis of exact fit was rejected but the hypothesis of close fit could not be rejected (p>.05). The position that the measurement model fits the data closely in the population was found to be a tenable position. The fit indices reflected good model fit in the sample. The measurement model parameter estimates indicated that the indicator variables represented the latent performance dimensions satisfactorily. Discriminant validity was investigated. Mixed evidence on discriminant validity was obtained. The sample size of this study was satisfactory when viewed from the perspective of statistical power given the method of item parcelling that was used, but a larger and more representative sample would have been preferable in that it would have allowed the GPQ measurement model to be fitted with individual items as indicator variables. Another limitation seemed to have been the language of the questionnaire. Informal feedback suggested that some respondents, especially those that are not fluent in English, struggled to fully understand all the questions. Recommendations for future research are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die menslike hulpbronfunksie in organisasies poog om die kwaliteit van die produk of diens wat die organisasie aan die mark lewer te verbeter deur werknemers se werksprestasie proaktief en reaktief te beïnvloed deur middel van menslike hulpbronbestuursadvies, -diagnose en -intervensies. In hierdie studie is 'n generiese prestasiekonstruk gedefinieer (gerig op individuele nie-bestuursposte) gebaseer op vorige studies van generiese prestasie. Dit is hoofsaaklik gemik op individuele nie-bestuursvlak poste. ‘n Suid Afrikaanse prestasiemeetinstrument is ontwikkel wat gebruik kan word om multi-beoordelaar assesserings van die generiese nie-bestuursprestasiekonstruk te verkry. Die vraelys is gevalideer deur, met behulp van bevestigende faktorontleding, die pasgehalte van die metingsmodel te ondersoek. Die meerderheid data vir hierdie studie is verkry vanaf die OK Furniture-kettingwinkelgroep. Enkele vraelyste is ook voltooi deur 'n nie-waarskynlikheid steekproef van nie-bestuurspersoneel van ander organisasies. Die totale steekproefgrootte het bestaan uit 205 respondente. Item- en dimensionaliteit-analise is uitgevoer op die 12 subskale om die sukses waarmee hulle die onderliggende prestasiekonstrukte verteenwoordig te evalueer. In die item-analise is twee items geïdentifiseer wat moontlik problematies kan wees maar nie sodanig problematies dat dit hul verwydering uit die GPQ regverdig het nie. Die resultate van die dimensionaliteit-analise het aangetoon dat die items van elke subskaal inderdaad redelik bevredigend ’n gemeenskaplike onderliggende faktor reflekteer. 'n Spektrum van pasgehaltestatistiek is gebruik om die pasgehalte van die metingsmodel te beoordeel. Die hipotese dat die model die data perfek pas is verwerp, maar die hipotese van benaderde passing kon nie verwerp word nie (p>.05). Die pasgehalte maatstawwe dui op goeie modelpassing in die steekproef. Die skattings van die metingsmodelparameters dui daarop dat die aanwyserveranderlikes die prestasie-dimensies bevredigend verteenwoordig. Diskriminantgeldigheid is ondersoek. Gemengde bewyse van diskriminantgeldigheid is verkry. Beskou vanuit die perspektief van statistiese krag was die steekproefgrootte van hierdie studie bevredigende (gegewe die gebruik van item pakkies) ‘n Groter en meer verteenwoordigende steekproef sou egter wenslik gewees het insoverre dit die passing van die GPQ metingsmodel met individuele items sou toelaat. ‘n Verdere oënskynlike beperking was die vraelys se taalgebruik. Informele terugvoer dui daarop dat sommige respondente, veral dié wat nie vlot Engels praat nie, gesukkel het om sommige vrae te verstaan. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word gemaak.

Critical analysis of a performance management system used by a tertiary education institution in the Eastern Cape

Mkovane, Zenephone Bhekuyise January 2005 (has links)
As argued by authors like Franzen on whose work the greater part of the introduction, the main problem and sub-problem has been based, the objective of this study was to establish the extent to which the performance evaluation system currently in use at the subject Institution conforms to the benchmark performance management systems as espoused in literature. Further, the objective was to establish the differences and commonalities between the performance management systems practiced in the corporate sector and current practice at the subject Institution. Best practice was thus lifted to form part of the recommendation of this study. A questionaire was designed based on the guidelines in the literature study in order to determine how the subject Institution conducts its performance appraisal and how this relates to the four general purposes of performance management mentioned in the study. The respondents' opinion obtained from the questionaire were compared with the guidelines in literature and clustered around the four identifiable general purposes of performance management. The study concludes with a statement of current practice at the subject Institution, and outlines the extent of conformance to benchmark practice on performance management systems. Recommendations are made based on best practice and direction is given to future research into contemporary practices with the express aim of enhancing quality in higher education applying the quality-related procedures of industry and commerce, where quality is crucial to success (Winch, 1996: 9-13). The current performance management system at the subject Institution proves to be largely conforming to the benchmark. However it should require comments made by the respondents that pertain to improvement.

Performance appraisal systems in United Arab Emirates print media: A case study of the Al-Ittihad and the Al-Bayan Press Corporations

Bin-Taher, Ibrahim A. 01 January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

An evaluation of the Performance Enhancement Process (PEP) of the South African Police Service (SAPS) : a case study at Parow Police Station

Krause, Barret 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this thesis is to assess the performance appraisal system, namely the Performance Enhancement Process (PEP), of the South African Police Services at Parow. The premise of the study is that PEP is a sound policy document, but that there are potential problems with its implementation at station level. To this end, the reader is presented with an overview of the relevant literature pertaining to performance appraisals. The shift in managerial philosophy and the organisational change from a force to a service and its effect on performance appraisals are discussed. The results of the empirical study are presented and it is concluded that there are various problems with the implementation of PEP at station level. The researcher presents the following practical recommendations: - Conduct an audit; - Eliminate structural problems; - Adequate appraiser training; - Appraisee training; - Connect the PA system to other organisation systems; and - Obtain a charter from top management. The reader is then presented with a conclusion of the research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die tesis is om die prestasie waardering stelsel van die Suid Afrikaanse Polisie Dienste, naamlik die Prestasie Verbeterings Proses (PEP), te evalueer te Parow. Die uitgangspunt van die studie is dat PEP ‘n gesonde beleidsdokument is, maar dat daar egter potensiële probleme is met die implementering daarvan op stasie vlak. Om hieraan te voldoen, word die leser voorsien van ‘n oorsig oor die toepaslike literatuur betrokke tot prestasie waardering. Die verskuiwing in bestuursfilosofie en die organisatoriese verandering van ‘n mag tot ‘n diens en die effek op prestasie waardering word bespreek. Die uitslae van die empiriese studie word aangebied en die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat daar wel verskeie probleme is met die implementering van PEP op stasievlak. Die navorser bied die volgende prakiese aanbevelings aan: - Die aanvoer van ‘n oudit; - Eliminering van struktuele probleme; - Voldoende “appraiser” opleiding; - “Appraisee” opleiding; - Opkoppeling van die waardeeringstelsel met ander organisatoriese stelsels; en - Kry ‘n handves van topbestuur. Die leser voorsien van ’n gevolgtrekking oor die studie.

An evaluation of a performance management system within a division of a large organisation in the public sector

Herholdt, Memorie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Today’s competitive and dynamic business world, solicits ever higher levels of performance and productivity. At the core of this drive to higher performance is the enhancement and managing of employees’ performance through a Performance Management system. Performance Management however, is a very complex, multi-dimensional and integrated system with a number of interacting critical prerequisites. Even in ideal circumstances, these fundamental elements would, in all likelihood, not all be satisfied during the initial phases of implementing a Performance Management system. The concern existed, on the basis of the abovementioned probabilities, that the Performance Management system of the Children and Families Division (CAF) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) of Tasmania, Australia, was not enjoying optimal operational effectiveness. The aim of this study was to identify those factors in the system that are underdeveloped, possibly unsuccessfully implemented or in need of attention as they impact negatively on the effective running of the CAF’s Performance Management system. A suitable tool for this diagnostic purpose already exists in the form of the Performance Management Audit Questionnaire (PMAQ), developed by Spangenberg and Theron (1997). Through administering and analysing the PMAQ results, the CAF could obtain a clear indication of the system’s current effectiveness and would be able to identify where the problem areas are in order to refine the system for greater operational effectiveness. The results successfully identified the underdeveloped or absent areas of the organisation’s current Performance Management system. The results further found a clear difference between managerial and non-managerial perceptions of the effectiveness of the Performance Management system. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of proposed remedial actions that could be implemented to address the problem areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Konstante strewe na steeds hoër vlakke van prestasie en produktiwiteit is aan die orde van die dag in die huidige hoogs kompeterende en dinamiese besigheidswêreld. Die verbetering en bestuur van werknemers se prestasie deur middel van ‘n Prestasiebestuurstelsel, blyk ‘n sleutel te bied tot hierdie strewe na hoër prestasie. Prestasiebestuur is egter ‘n hoogs komplekse, multidimensionele en geintegreerde stelsel met ‘n aantal interverwante kritieke vereistes. Selfs onder ideale omstandighede, sou dit onwaarskynlik wees dat al hierdie fundamentele elemente aangespreek sou kon word gedurende die anvanklike fases van die implementering van ‘n Prestasiebestuurstelsel. In die lig van die bogenoemde waarskynlikhede, het daar spesifiek twyfel geheers oor die mate waartoe die Prestasiebestuurselsel van die ‘Children and Families’ (CAF) afdeling van die ‘Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Tasmanië, Australie, optimale operasionele effektiwiteit weerspieël. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die faktore binne die stelsel te identifiseer wat onderskeidelik onderontwikkeld, onsuksesvol geimplementeer, of aandag benodig het ten einde hulle negatiewe impak op die effektiewe bedryf van die CAF se Prestasiebestuurstelsel aan te spreek. ‘n Geskikte hulpmiddel vir so ‘n diagnostiese doelwit het reeds bestaan in die vorm van die Performance Management Audit Questionnaire (PMAQ) wat deur Spangenberg en Theron (1997) ontwikkel is. Deur middel van die administrasie van die PMAQ en die analise van die resultate, sou die CAF ‘n duidelike aanduiding kon verkry van die stelsel se effektiwiteit en sou hulle die probleemareas kon identifiseer ten einde die stelsel tot groter operasionele effektiwiteit te verfyn. Die resultate het die leemtes en onder-ontwikkelde areas binne die organisasie se huidige Presasiebestuurselsel suksesvol geidentifiseer. Die resultate het verder gedui op ‘n duidelike verskil tussen die persepsies van bestuurders en nie-bestuurders oor die effektiwiteit van die Prestasiebestuurstelsel. Die implikasies van hierdie bevindings word ten slotte bespreek in terme van die voorgestelde remediëringsaksies wat geimplementeer sou kon word om die probleemareas aan te spreek.

Performance appraisal: an effective communication tool in the total quality process for an Amer[i]can company in Hong Kong.

January 1994 (has links)
by Wong Yuen-yee Grace. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves ). / ABSTRACT --- p.i-ii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii-iv / Chapter / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter II. --- METHODOLOGY --- p.4 / Official Documents --- p.4 / Interviews --- p.5 / Personal Observations --- p.7 / Chapter III. --- THE SETTING: HAVI GROUP (FAR EAST) LP --- p.8 / Perseco Asia-Pacific --- p.9 / Performance Designs --- p.10 / HAVI Food Services (Hong Kong) Ltd --- p.11 / BDP Asia-Pacific --- p.12 / HAVI Group Services --- p.13 / Current Staff of the Hong Kong Headquarter --- p.14 / Chapter IV. --- TOTAL QUALITY IN HAVI GROUP (FAR EAST) LP --- p.15 / History of TQP Development in the Far East Div --- p.16 / Awakening --- p.16 / Active --- p.18 / Definition of Total Quality --- p.2l / Total Quality as in the Employees' Eyes --- p.24 / Chapter V. --- PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN HAVI GROUP (FAR EAST) LP --- p.28 / Performance Appraisal --- p.29 / Reward System --- p.34 / Training and Development --- p.38 / Chapter VI. --- REVIEWING THE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IN HAVI GROUP (FAR EAST) LP --- p.39 / Work of the Performance Review Task Force in 1993 --- p.40 / Continuing the Review in 1994 --- p.43 / Chapter VII. --- COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS --- p.46 / Performance Appraisal --- p.47 / For Managers --- p.48 / For General Staff --- p.50 / Common Aspects --- p.51 / Reward System --- p.53 / Training and Development --- p.57 / Chapter VIII. --- CONCLUSION --- p.59 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.60-61 / APPENDICES --- p.62

Auditing troubled employees in the public sector

Mehdiyar, Lila 01 January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

The effects of varying types of voice on organizational justice and motivation perceptions

Pilch, Scott Bradford 01 January 2006 (has links)
The present study was designed to answer two questions. First, how do different forms of voice influence perceptions of organizational justice? Second, do organizational justice perceptions affect an individual's motivation to improve their job performance?

Evaluering van professionele personeel in die Departement Biblioteekdienste van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika

Uys, Francina 10 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / 'n Ondersoek na die bestaande personeelevalueringstelsel vir professionele personeel in die Departement Biblioteekdienste van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika word aan die hand van 'n aantal navorsingsvrae en hipoteses gedoen. 'n Selektiewe oorsig van verbandhoudende literatuur word aangebied. 'n Model vir die ontwikkeling, implementering, evaluering en instandhouding van 'n personeelevalueringstelsel is ontwerp vir moontlike gebruik in die ondersoek na personeelevaluering en/of daarstelling van 'n personeelevalueringstelsel. Ten einde die konteks van die studie uit te lig is op die personeelbeleid en struktuur van die Universiteit en van die Departement Biblioteekdienste sowel as die organisatoriese plasing, doel en funksies van laasgenoemde binne die Universiteit gelet. As empiriese navorsing is 'n kruisseksionele studie van die teikengroep waarin hoofsaaklik van die beskrywende navorsingsmetode gebruik gemaak is onderneem. Vraelyste, waarin die vraelysitems hoofsaaklik uit reeds gebruikte en getoetste vraelyste verkry is, is as primere data-insamelingsmetode gebruik. Bykomende data is deur ongestruktureerde persoonlike onderhoude ingesamel. Die Statistical Analysis System-rekenaarprogram is vir dataverwerking gebruik. In die studie is bevind dat die bestaande stelsel nie eenvormig in die Departement toegepas word nie; en dat daar 'n betekenisvolle verskil bestaan tussen die persepsies van geevalueerdes en evalueerders oor die hoofdoelwitte, doelwitte, funksies en selektiwiteit van die bestaande personeelevalueringstelsel. Dieselfde geld ten opsigte van die rol wat personeelevaluering behoort te speel en die rol wat dit tans in bepaalde personeelfunksies speel. Verder is bevind dat: die bestaande personeelevalueringstelsel vir evalueerders bruikbaar is vir eie loopbaanontwikkeling en kommunikasie met ondergeskiktes; gebrek aan kommunikasie oor die doelwitte en funksie van die personeelevalueringstelsel as die belangrikste probleem ge1dentifiseer word; en i i i die teikengroep ten gunste van die vervanging van die bestaande stelsel met 'n nuwe stelsel is. Op grand van die bevindinge is van die hipoteses aanvaar, sommige verwerp, ander kon nie as aanvaarbaar bewys of verwerp word nie. Die doeltreffendheid van die bestaande personeelevalueringstelsel kon ook nie bo alle twyfel bewys word nie. Bepaalde aanbevelings word aan die hand van die studie gemaak. / The existing personnel evaluation system for professional personnel in the Department of Library Services at the University of South Africa is studied on the basis of a number of research questions and hypotheses. A model is designed for developing, implementing, evaluating and maintaining a personnel evaluation system for possible use in the study of personnel evaluation and/or the establishment of a personnel evaluation system. To highlight the context of the study, note was taken of the personnel policy and structure of the University and the Department of Library Services as well as the organizational placement, goal and functions of the latter within the University. As empirical research a cross-sectional study was made of the target group in which mainly the descriptive research method was used. Questionnaires, in which the items were obtained primarily from previously used and tested questionnaires, were utilised as the primary method of data collection. Additional data were collected by means of unstructured personal interviews. The Statistical Analysis System computer program was used for data processing. The study showed that there is a significant difference between the perceptions of the persons being evaluated and the evaluators regarding the main objectives, objectives, functions and selectivity of the existing personnel evaluation system. The same applies to the role that personnel evaluation should play and does play in particular personnel functions at present. Additional findings were that the existing personnel evaluation system is useful to evaluators for their own career development and communication with subordinates; lack of communication regarding the objectives and functions of the personnel evaluation system is identified as the chief problem; and the target group is in favour of replacing the existing system with a new one. On the basis of the findings some of the hypotheses were accepted, others were rejected and others again could not be proved or rejected as acceptable. The effectiveness of the existing personnel evaluation system could also not be proved beyond all doubt. Certain recommendations are made on the basis of the study. / Public Administration and Management / D. Litt. et Phil. (Public Administration)

Performance appraisal policy and its impact on employee performance : a case study of Guaranty Trust Bank in Nigeria

Akinbowale, Michael Abiodun 18 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Technology: Human Resources Management, Durban University of Technology, 2013. / The research investigation focused on performance appraisal policy and its impact on employee performance in Guaranty Trust Bank in Nigeria. The aim of the study was to ascertain the extent to which the performance appraisal policy at Guaranty Bank contributed to employee performance. Arising out of the performance appraisal reviews, an important finding revealed that the training which employees received resulted in improved job performance. The performance appraisal reviews also showed that when feedback reports were effectively used they consequently improved employee performance. The research design was quantitative in nature and a closed ended structured questionnaire was used to gather the primary data. The survey method was used for all the employees of Guaranty Trust Bank in Nigeria. The questionnaire was administered to all 150 target respondents using the personal method and a high response rate of 100% was obtained. The data gathered were analyzed using the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) for the statistical tests. The initial analysis involved the use of descriptive statistical tools. The main findings revealed that employee participation in the performance appraisal was generally high and this increased job satisfaction and enhanced employee performance. The results also revealed that manager-subordinate interaction was very cordial and this boosted employee performance. Moreover, the majority of respondents preferred performance appraisal to be used regularly for career pathing in the organization. The study recommends a set of guidelines which could be used in improving the current performance appraisal policy and further boost employee performance. The study concludes with directions for future research.

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