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Achieving the Gold Standard of end-of-life care for people with dementia living in care homesWheeler, N., Oyebode, Jan 01 1900 (has links)
No / Care homes play a major role in supporting people with dementia at the end of their lives. Seeking to understand the views of staff on the care they provide, Nicola Wheeler and Jan R Oyebode held focus groups with a range of staff in nine care homes in the West Midlands. Here they discuss their findings and implications for practice.
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User and community participation at the end of lifeSmall, Neil A., Sargeant, Anita R. January 2011 (has links)
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A Friend in the Corner': Supporting people at home in the last year of life via telephone and video consultation - an evaluationMiddleton-Green, Laura, Gadoud, A., Norris, Beverley, Sargeant, Anita R., Nair, S., Wilson, L., Livingstone, H., Small, Neil A. 05 February 2016 (has links)
Yes / To evaluate a 24/7, nurse led telephone and video-consultation support service for patients thought to be in the last year of life in Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven.
Method: Activity and other data recorded at the time of calls were analysed. Interviews with 13 participants captured patients and carers perspectives.
Results: Between April 1st 2014 and March 31st 2015, 4648 patients were registered on the Gold Line. 42% had a non-cancer diagnosis and 46% were not known to specialist palliative care services. The median time on the caseload was 49 days (range 1-504 days). 4533 telephone calls and 573 video consultations were received from 1813 individuals. 39% of the 5106 calls were resolved by Gold Line team without referral to other services. 69% of calls were made outside normal working hours. Interviews with patients and carers reported experiences of support and reassurance and the importance of practical advice.
Conclusion: A nurse led, 24/7 telephone and video consultation service can provide valuable support for patients identified to be in the last year of life and their cares. The line enabled them to feel supported and remain in their place of residence, reducing avoidable hospital admissions and use of other services. Providing this service may encourage health care professionals to identify patients approaching the last year of life, widening support offered to this group of patients beyond those known to specialist palliative care services. / Health Foundation adn Shared Purpose
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The Compassionate City Charter: inviting the cultural and social sectors into end of life careKellehear, Allan January 2015 (has links)
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Compassionate Communities: Case Studies from Britain and EuropeWegleitner, K., Heimerl, K., Kellehear, Allan January 2016 (has links)
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Compassionate communities: caring for older peopleKellehear, Allan January 2015 (has links)
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End of Life Care for People with Dementia: A Person-Centred ApproachMiddleton-Green, Laura, Chatterjee, J., Russell, S., Downs, Murna G. January 2017 (has links)
No / People with dementia need increasingly specialised support as they approach the end of life, and so too do their families and the professionals working with them. This book describes not only what can be done to ensure maximum quality of life for those in the final stages of the illness, but also how best to support those involved in caring for them.
Emphasising the importance of being attuned to the experiences and needs of the person with dementia, the authors explain why and how they should be included in decisions relating to their end of life care. Practical strategies for ensuring physical and emotional wellbeing are provided, drawing on useful examples from practice and providing solutions to potential challenges that carers and family members will face. Dilemmas surrounding end of life care are explored in detail, including the moral dilemma of medical intervention, and the authors suggest ways of supporting family members through the process in terms of providing information, helping them adjust to change and loss, and involving them in their relative's care, and at how care staff can be supported through appropriate education and training, team building and information-giving.
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CoMPASs: IOn programme (Care Of Memory Problems in Advanced Stages of dementia: Improving Our Knowledge): protocol for a mixed methods studyJones, L., Harrington, J., Scott, S., Davis, S., Lord, Kathryn, Vickerstaff, V., Round, J., Candy, B., Sampson, E.L. 01 October 2011 (has links)
Yes / Approximately 700 000 people in the UK have dementia, rising to 1.2 million by 2050; one-third of people aged over 65 will die with dementia. Good end-of-life care is often neglected, and detailed UK-based research on symptom burden and needs is lacking. Our project examines these issues from multiple perspectives using a rigorous and innovative design, collecting data which will inform the development of pragmatic interventions to improve care.
Methods and analysis: To define in detail symptom burden, service provision and factors affecting care pathways we shall use mixed methods: prospective cohort studies of people with advanced dementia and their carers; workshops and interactive interviews with health professionals and carers, and a workshop with people with early stage dementia. Interim analyses of cohort data will inform new scenarios for workshops and interviews. Final analysis will include cohort demographics, the symptom burden and health service use over the follow-up period. We shall explore the level and nature of unmet needs, describing how comfort and quality of life change over time and differences between those living in care homes and those remaining in their own homes. Data from workshops and interviews will be analysed for thematic content assisted by textual grouping software. Findings will inform the development of a complex intervention in the next phase of the research programme.
Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval was granted by National Health Service ethical committees for studies involving people with dementia and carers (REC refs. 12/EE/0003; 12/LO/0346), and by university ethics committee for work with healthcare professionals (REC ref. 3578/001). We shall present our findings at conferences, and in peer-reviewed journals, prepare detailed reports for organisations involved with end-of-life care and dementia, publicising results on the Marie Curie website. A summary of the research will be provided to participants if requested. / Marie Curie Cancer Care
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En utmaning omsluten av ansvar : Att avstå eller avbryta behandling inom intensivvårdJungnelius, Susanne, Knutsson, Kerstin January 2009 (has links)
Den intensivvård som kan erbjudas till patienter i Sverige idag är en mycket högspecialiserad och högteknologisk vård. Den har möjliggjort livsuppehållande åtgärder till den grad att det blivit nästan omöjligt för en patient att dö utan att först blivit föremål för diskussion om att ta till alla tänkbara medel. När intensivvårdsinsatserna inte längre är meningsfulla för patienten, utan bara blir till ett utdraget lidande i väntan på döden, tas ibland beslutet att avstå eller avbryta behandling. Syftet med studien är att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter där beslut om att avstå eller avbryta behandling tagits. Metoden som använts är en litteraturstudie som bygger på 8 artiklar. Artiklarna valdes inom det kvalitativa kunskapsparadigmet. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskor ställdes inför existentiella tankar kring liv och död, framförallt det egna livet och döden. Det skapade negativa känslor såsom förvirring, sorg, ilska och skuld. Samtidigt upplevdes det som ett privilegium att få ge avgörande vård för patienten och att möjliggöra en värdig död utan onödigt lidande för patienten och dennes närstående. Erfarna sjuksköterskor hade det lättare och var mer trygga i att avstå eller avbryta behandling än sina oerfarna kollegor. Andra kollegor beskrevs som det viktigaste och starkaste stödet. Sjuksköterskor hade svårt att beskriva vilken roll de vill att läkaren skulle ha, men det fanns en upplevelse över att ansvarsfördelningen mellan läkare sjuksköterska var oklar. Hierarkin upplevdes som ett hinder. I diskussionen belyses möjligheten att integrera den moraliska och etiska problematiken redan under utbildningen för att vara bättre förberedd och medvetandegöra värdet av handledning i yrkesmässig växt. Genom att sträva efter ett utökat tvärprofessionellt samarbete kan vården av patienter där beslut om att avstå eller avbryta intensivvård ska eller har tagits underlättas. / Program: Fristående kurs
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Logística reversa no setor automobilístico brasileiro: uma aplicação para o estado de São Paulo / Reverse logistics in the Brazilian automotive sector: an application to the State of São PauloHeiderich, Nadja Nara Lima 29 August 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como principal objetivo propor uma estrutura inicial para a implantação da logística reversa no setor automobilístico brasileiro. Para tanto, foi utilizado o método de pesquisa misto, compreendendo tanto a pesquisa qualitativa como a quantitativa. Para a parte qualitativa foram aplicados questionários a empresas do setor automobilístico, uma representando as montadoras, outra representando as seguradoras, desmanches e uma empresa que opera com sucata, no intuito de captar a percepção das mesmas quanto ao tema. Para a parte quantitativa, o ferramental utilizado foi o método de programação linear, sendo a aplicação do modelo realizada para o estado de São Paulo, devido à sua representatividade no setor automobilístico brasileiro e às ações já encaminhadas, neste estado, no sentido de implantação de uma logística reversa de automóveis de forma padronizada. Foram especificados seis cenários, para melhor análise do modelo, considerando, diferentes disponibilidades na oferta de automóveis, na capacidade instalada de sucateiros e no número de sucateiros. Na parte qualitativa, os resultados apontaram para a divergência quanto à opinião dos agentes, sugerindo que não há um consenso formado quanto à implantação da logística reversa no setor automobilístico brasileiro. Na parte quantitativa, os resultados da aplicação do modelo matemático apontam para a viabilidade de implantação deste processo e para a necessidade de ampliação da capacidade de instalada para reciclagem de metais. / This research aimed at proposing an initial framework for the implementation of reverse logistics in the Brazilian automotive industry. For this, it was used the mixed research method, comprising both qualitative and quantitative research. For the qualitative part, questionnaires were applied to companies in the automotive sector, representing the automakers, another representing insurers, miscarriages and also a company that operates scrap in order to capture the perception of them for the subject. In the quantitative part, the tool used was the linear programming method, being the application made to State of São Paulo, due to its share in the Brazilian automotive industry and the actions already under way in this state, to implement reverse logistics vehicles in a standardized way. Six scenarios were specified, for better analysis of the model, considering different availabilities in car supply, the installed capacity of scrap and the number of scrap dealers. In the qualitative part, the results pointed to the divergence for the views of the agents, suggesting that there is no consensus formed about the implementation of reverse logistics in the Brazilian automotive industry. In the quantitative part, the results of the application of the mathematical model point out to the implementation of this process feasibility and the need for the increase in the installed capacity for metal recycling.
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