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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da qualidade do sêmen criopreservado equino sobre a taxa de prenhez, hemodinâmica uterina e endometrite pós-cobertura / Influence of equine cryopreserved semen quality on pregnancy rate, uterine hemodynamic and post breeding endometritis

Recalde, Elena Carolina Serrano 30 June 2014 (has links)
As condições do trato reprodutivo da fêmea, assim como a qualidade do sêmen são fatores que interferem na fertilidade. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a resposta inflamatória uterina e a taxa de prenhez em éguas, considerando hemodinâmica uterina e citologia endometrial após a inseminação artificial (IA) com sêmen congelado de alta e baixa qualidade. Para o presente estudo foram realizados dois experimentos. No Experimento 1 foram utilizadas 15 éguas distribuídas de forma aleatória em quatro grupos: CT - controle: mimetização do procedimento de IA (n=7), DIL: infusão intrauterina de diluidor a base de leite desnatado (n=7), ALTA: IA com sêmen de alta qualidade (n=7), e BAIXA: IA com sêmen de baixa qualidade (n=7). A avaliação uterina foi realizada por ultrassonografia transretal com Doppler nos modos Espectral e Color-flow em sete momentos: prévio à indução da ovulação (TIO), imediatamente antes da IA (TIA), 2 (T2), 6 (T6), 12 (T12), 24 (T24) e 48 horas (T48) após a IA. Foram considerados os valores de índice de resistência (RI) da artéria uterina e de escore de vascularização (EV) uterino. A citologia uterina foi realizada 6 h após a IA. No Experimento 2 foram utilizadas 12 éguas, e seus ciclos foram distribuídos nos tratamentos: CT - controle: mimetização do procedimento de IA (n=8), DIL: infusão intrauterina de diluidor (n=8), ALTA: IA com sêmen de alta qualidade (n=8), e BAIXA: IA com sêmen de baixa qualidade (n=8). O delineamento experimental foi em Quadrado Latino 4X4. A avaliação uterina foi realizada por ultrassonografia transretal com Doppler modos Espectral e Color-flow em três momentos: prévio à indução da ovulação (TIO), imediatamente antes da IA (TIA) e 6 horas (T6) após a IA. A citologia uterina foi realizada 6 h após a IA. Neste experimento foi considerada a taxa de prenhez comparando-se os ciclos utilizados para os grupos ALTA e BAIXA. O diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado 14 dias após a ovulação. Foi utilizado o procedimento misto (PROC MIXED) do SAS (Versão 9.3) para a análise estatística e foi considerada diferença significativa quando p ≤0,05. No Experimento 1, não foi encontrada diferença estatística entre os grupos para os valores de hemodinâmica uterina RI e EV. Houve aumento significativo de células inflamatórias no endométrio de éguas inseminadas com sêmen de baixa qualidade, porém não diferiu do grupo de éguas inseminadas com sêmen de alta qualidade. No Experimento 2, não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos para os valores de RI, mas se observou maior EV uterino nos grupos inseminados com sêmen de alta e de baixa qualidade quando comparados com o grupo controle. Na citologia uterina não foi encontrada diferença estatística. A taxa de prenhez para os grupos ALTA (81,82%) e BAIXA (54,55%) não foi estatisticamente diferente. Conclui-se que a deposição de sêmen no útero, leva a um processo inflamatório do endométrio, e esta pode alterar a hemodinâmica uterina detectável por ultrassonografia Doppler em éguas. Não existe diferença significativa na resposta inflamatória entre as qualidades de sêmen. A inseminação com sêmen congelado de menor qualidade não altera a taxa de prenhez, mas são necessários mais estudos para verificar esta diferença. / The female reproductive tract soundness, as well as semen quality are factors that interfere in fertility. The aims of this study were to evaluate inflammatory uterine response and pregnancy rate in mares, considering uterine hemodynamics and endometrial cytology after artificial insemination (IA) with frozen semen of high and low quality. Two experiments were executed for the present study. For Experiment 1, fifteen mares were randomly distributed between four groups: CT - control: mimic of the procedure of IA (n=7), DIL: intrauterine infusion of skim milk semen extender (n=7), ALTA: IA with high quality semen (n=7), and BAIXA: IA with low quality semen (n=7). Uterine evaluation was done using transrectal Doppler ultrasonography by Spectral and Color-flow modes on seven moments: immediately before ovulation induction (TIO), immediately before AI (TIA), 2 (T2), 6 (T6), 12 (T12), 24 (T24) and 48 (T48) hours after IA. There were considered the numerical values of resistance index (RI) of uterine arteries and vascularity scores (EV) of uterine horns. Endometrial cytology was done at 6 h after IA. On Experiment 2, were used 12 mares which their cycles were distributed between the treatments: CT - control: only mimic of IA procedure (n=8), DIL: intrauterine infusion of semen extender (n=8), ALTA: IA with high quality semen (n=8), and BAIXA: IA with low quality semen (n=8). The experimental design was a Latin Square. Uterine evaluation was done using transrectal Doppler ultrasonography by Spectral and Color-flow modes on three moments: before ovulation induction (TIO), immediately before AI (TIA) and 6 hours (T6) after IA. Endometrial cytology was done at 6 h after IA. In this experiment it was considered the pregnancy rate comparing the cycles for groups ALTA e BAIXA. The pregnancy diagnosis was done 14 days after ovulation. It was used the Mixed Procedure (PROC MIXED) from SAS (Version 9.3) for statistical analysis and significant difference was considered when p≤0.05. On Experiment 1, no statistical difference was found between the groups for uterine hemodynamic values RI and EV. There was a significant increase of inflammatory cells on the mares inseminated with low quality semen, however it wasnt different from the group if mares inseminated with high quality semen. On Experiment 2, there was no statistical difference between the groups for RI values, but the uterine EV was higher for the groups inseminated with high and low quality when compared with the control group. There was no statistical difference on endometrial cytology. There was no statistical difference on pregnancy rate for the groups ALTA (81,82%) and BAIXA (54,55%). As a conclusion, the deposition of semen in the uterus causes an inflammatory process on the endometrium, and it could alter uterine dynamics detected by Doppler ultrasonography in mares. It does not exist significant difference on the inflammatory response between semen qualities. Low quality frozen-semen insemination does not alter pregnancy rate, but more studies are necessary in order to verify this difference.

Estudo comparativo entre a vaginoscopia, a ultrassonografia e a histopatologia para o diagnóstico da endometrite em vacas da raça Holandesa / Comparative study of vaginoscopy, ultrasonography and histopathology for the diagnosis of endometritis in Holstein Friesian cows

Meira Junior, Enoch Brandão de Souza 11 June 2010 (has links)
As enfermidades reprodutivas representam um entrave à produção de bovinos leiteiros, à medida que a enfermidade diminui a fertilidade dos rebanhos e causa muitos prejuízos ligados ao custo de tratamento e perda produtiva. Entre estas as endometrites possuem papel de destaque. Existem diferentes técnicas para o diagnóstico destas enfermidades como a palpação uterina por via transretal, a vaginoscopia, o cultivo microbiológico de fluidos uterinos, a biópsia uterina, a citologia endometrial e a ultrassonografia que variam em grau de praticidade, especificidade e sensibilidade. O presente trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar e comparar a vaginoscopia, ultrassonografia, a histopatologia e suas possíveis associações para o diagnóstico da endometrite através da determinação da sensibilidade, da especificidade e do coeficiente de concordância kappa utilizando a citologia endometrial como padrão ouro. Para este fim foi necessário desenvolver um método adaptado para avaliação do exame histopatológico de útero bovino. Neste estudo, 106 bovinos do sexo feminino da raça Holandesa, foram submetidos ao exame ginecológico. Destes animais, os que não apresentaram secreção vaginal de aspecto catarral foram submetidos ao exame ultrassonográfico, à colheita de material para exames de citologia endometrial e a colheita de biópsia uterina. Os resultados demonstraram que a ultrassonografia constitui um método diagnóstico pratico e rápido, sendo da associação entre a determinação da presença de líquido uterino e a determinação do diâmetro cervical a maior eficiência diagnóstica neste contexto, com sensibilidade, especificidade e coeficiente de concordância kappa de 50%, 88% e 39% respectivamente. A histopatologia por sua vez também constituiu um bom método diagnóstico, no entanto menos prático que a ultrassonografia / Reproductive diseases are a great barrier to the dairy production, as it diminishes fertility and causes economical losses with treatment costs and lowering production. In this context, endometritis plays an important role. There are different diagnostic techniques for endometritis, rectal uterine palpation vaginoscopy, microbiological tests, uterine biopsies, endometrial cytology and ultrasonography, these tests vary in sensitivity and specificity. This work had as an objective evaluating and comparing vaginoscopic, ultrasongraphic and histopathological examinations, as well as their associations, for the endometritis diagnosis by determining their sensitivity, specificity and kappa agreement coefficient using endometrial cytology as gold standard. It was necessary developing an adaptive reading score to perform the uteris histological examination. In this study 106 female Holstein cows were submitted to a gynecological examination. The ones that had no vaginal catarrh were submitted to an ultrasonographic examination, to endometrial cytology examination and uterine biopsy. Results shows that ultrasonography is a practical and good diagnostic method, the association between the determination of intra-uterine fluid and cervical diameter was the most efficient ultrasonographic method, with 50%, 88% and 39% of sensitivity, specificity and agreement coefficient kappa respectively. Histopathological examination was good diagnostic method, even though not as practical as ultrasonography

Prognostische Bewertung endometrialer Veränderungen beim Rind

Merbach, Sabine 30 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die physiologische Zellinfiltration des bovinen Endo-metriums während des Zyklus bei fruchtbaren Rindern (immun-)histologisch zu bestimmen. Darauf aufbauend sollte die Endometritis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres Grades histologisch definiert werden. Des Weiteren erfolgte eine histologische Dokumentation des endometrialen „Gesundheitszustandes“ klinisch gesunder Rinder und es sollte ermittelt wer-den, welche endometrialen Befunde hinsichtlich ihrer Qualität und Quantität mit einer Gravi-dität vereinbar sind und ob eine prognostische Aussage in Bezug auf die Fertilität möglich ist. Zudem wurden unterschiedliche Endometritisformen hinsichtlich Qualität und Quantität der beteiligten Entzündungszellen histologisch und immunhistologisch detailliert charakterisiert. Darüber hinaus erfolgte eine vergleichende Betrachtung der Ergebnisse der histologischen Untersuchung mit denen der Uteruszytologie. Zur Definition des Normalbefundes der endometrialen Infiltration mit freien Zellen wurden nach Ovulationsinduktion von zwölf klinisch-gynäkologisch gesunden Rindern im Östrus (Fol-likelphase) sowie von sieben Kühen zweimal im Laufe eines Zyklus (Zyklustag 6 ± 1, frühe Lutealphase und Zyklustag 14 ± 1, späte Lutealphase) zytologische Präparate und Endo-metriumbioptate entnommen und (immun-)histologisch untersucht. Das Vorkommen von Lymphozyten (T- und B-Lymphozyten), Plasmazellen, neutrophilen und eosinophilen Granu-lozyten, Makrophagen und Mastzellen (Tryptase- und Chymase-positive Mastzellen) wurde quantitativ bestimmt und statistisch untersucht. Mittels dieser Ergebnisse wurden Grenzwerte zwischen der physiologischen endometrialen Infiltration während des Zyklus und dem Vorlie-gen einer Endometritis festgelegt. Weniger als zehn neutrophile Granulozyten sowie weniger als zwölf mononukleäre Zellen (weniger als acht Lymphozyten und weniger als vier Plasma-zellen) pro Gesichtsfeld bei 400facher Vergrößerung im Bereich des Stratum compactum oder des luminalen Epithels mit angrenzenden Anteilen des Stratum compactum werden als Normalbefund angesehen. Um einen Überblick über das Endometrium klinisch gesunder Rinder zu erhalten, wurden Endometriumbioptate von 259 Milchkühen histologisch ausgewertet, wichtige Frucht¬barkeitskennzahlen dokumentiert und die Ergebnisse statistisch untersucht. Von 200 dieser Tiere wurden die Ergebnisse der rektalen Trächtigkeitsuntersuchung herangezogen und die Auswertung der Uteruszytologien in die Untersuchungen integriert. Histopathologisch zeigten sich größtenteils geringgradige Veränderungen. Chronische nicht-eitrige Endometritiden dominierten gegenüber eitrigen Entzündungen. Mit höherem Grad der Endometritis stieg der Besamungsaufwand, während sich der Besamungserfolg verringerte. Lymphfollikel traten vor allem zusammen mit nicht-eitrigen Endometritiden auf. Ein Einfluss der größtenteils gering¬gradigen Endometrose auf die Fruchtbarkeit konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die Angiosklerose stieg mit der Anzahl an Abkalbungen und hatte, insbesondere interkarunkulär, mit höhergradigerer Ausprägung einen negativen Einfluss auf die Fertilität. Karunkuläre Angiosklerosen waren zudem stärker ausgeprägt als inter¬karunkuläre. Zur detaillierten Charakterisierung unterschiedlicher Endometritisformen wurden Endo¬metritiden bei 90 Rindern semiquantitiativ mittels H.E.-Färbung hinsichtlich ihres Grades und Charakters eingeteilt und anschließend die beteiligten Entzündungszellen anhand von Spe-zialverfahren (Immunhistologie, Spezialfärbung) ausgezählt. Vor allem Plasmazellen, neutrophile Granulozyten und T-Lymphozyten weisen im Vergleich zur Zyklusgruppe und mit zunehmendem Grad der Endometritis deutlich erhöhte Zellzahlen auf. Nicht-eitrige Endo-metritiden werden durch die Dominanz von Lymphozyten und insbesondere von Plasmazel-len sowie dem häufigen Vorkommen von Lymphfollikeln zu den chronischen Entzündungen gezählt. Die Entzündung innerhalb der Karunkel entspricht grundlegend in ihrem Charakter und ihrer Ausprägung der des umliegenden interkarunkulären Gewebes. Die endometrialen Zellinfiltrate fanden sich bei dieser Studie sowohl in den verschiedenen Zyklusphasen als auch bei den verschiedenen Endometritiden vor allem in den oberflächli-chen endometrialen Bereichen. Bei allen untersuchten Rindern fiel zudem auf, dass T- Lymphozyten im Endometrium in deutlich höherer Anzahl vorkommen als B-Lymphozyten. Ebenso ist die Anzahl an Mastzellen (gesamt) wesentlich höher als die Summe Tryptase- und Chymase-positiver Mastzellen. Darüber hinaus wurden erstmals Chymase-positive Mastzellen im bovinen Endometrium immunhistologisch dargestellt, die in signifikant gerin-gerer Anzahl als Tryptase-positive Mastzellen im Endometrium vorkommen. Histologie und Zytologie wiesen vor allem bei den klinisch gesunden Rindern (Gruppe 2) und den sub-/infertilen Rindern (Gruppe 3) deutliche Diskrepanzen auf. Vorkommen, Grad und Charakter einer Endometritis konnten durch die Uteruszytologie nicht eindeutig bestimmt werden. Zum einen wurde bei histologisch unauffälligen Endometrien mittels Zytologie die Diagnose ‚subklinische’ Endometritis gestellt. Zum anderen blieben histologisch festgestellte, insbesondere chronische nicht-eitrige Endometritiden, in der Zytologie unerkannt. Somit soll-te die Beurteilung der Uteruszytologie nur unter Berücksichtigung klinischer Ergebnisse so-wie unter Einbeziehung des Zyklusstandes erfolgen. Zudem sollten anhand der eigenen Er-gebnisse die Vorteile und die Aussagekraft dieses Verfahrens überdacht werden. Im Gegensatz zu den Ergebnissen der zytologischen Untersuchung konnten mittels Endo-metriumbiopsie auch chronische nicht-eitrige Endometritiden sowie degenerative endo-metriale Veränderungen (Endometrose, Angiosklerose) erkannt werden. Somit stellt die En-dometriumbiopsie, besonders bei „repeat breedern“ und bei Kühen mit unklarer klinischer Symptomatik, eine sinnvolle Ergänzung der klinischen Diagnostik dar, um klinisch nicht er-fassbare endometriale Erkrankungen festzustellen. Die Entnahme einer Endometriumbiopsie hat keine negativen Auswirkungen auf die prospektive Reproduktionsleistung bei Milchkühen. Eine hochfrequente Entnahme von Endometriumbioptaten über einen Zyklus hinweg ist dagegen nicht empfehlenswert. Beim Rind stellen geringgradige endometriale Veränderungen mit einer erneuten Gravidität vereinbare Befunde dar, während mittel- und hochgradige Veränderungen die Prognose für eine erneute Trächtigkeit stark herabsetzen.

Estudo comparativo entre a vaginoscopia, a ultrassonografia e a histopatologia para o diagnóstico da endometrite em vacas da raça Holandesa / Comparative study of vaginoscopy, ultrasonography and histopathology for the diagnosis of endometritis in Holstein Friesian cows

Enoch Brandão de Souza Meira Junior 11 June 2010 (has links)
As enfermidades reprodutivas representam um entrave à produção de bovinos leiteiros, à medida que a enfermidade diminui a fertilidade dos rebanhos e causa muitos prejuízos ligados ao custo de tratamento e perda produtiva. Entre estas as endometrites possuem papel de destaque. Existem diferentes técnicas para o diagnóstico destas enfermidades como a palpação uterina por via transretal, a vaginoscopia, o cultivo microbiológico de fluidos uterinos, a biópsia uterina, a citologia endometrial e a ultrassonografia que variam em grau de praticidade, especificidade e sensibilidade. O presente trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar e comparar a vaginoscopia, ultrassonografia, a histopatologia e suas possíveis associações para o diagnóstico da endometrite através da determinação da sensibilidade, da especificidade e do coeficiente de concordância kappa utilizando a citologia endometrial como padrão ouro. Para este fim foi necessário desenvolver um método adaptado para avaliação do exame histopatológico de útero bovino. Neste estudo, 106 bovinos do sexo feminino da raça Holandesa, foram submetidos ao exame ginecológico. Destes animais, os que não apresentaram secreção vaginal de aspecto catarral foram submetidos ao exame ultrassonográfico, à colheita de material para exames de citologia endometrial e a colheita de biópsia uterina. Os resultados demonstraram que a ultrassonografia constitui um método diagnóstico pratico e rápido, sendo da associação entre a determinação da presença de líquido uterino e a determinação do diâmetro cervical a maior eficiência diagnóstica neste contexto, com sensibilidade, especificidade e coeficiente de concordância kappa de 50%, 88% e 39% respectivamente. A histopatologia por sua vez também constituiu um bom método diagnóstico, no entanto menos prático que a ultrassonografia / Reproductive diseases are a great barrier to the dairy production, as it diminishes fertility and causes economical losses with treatment costs and lowering production. In this context, endometritis plays an important role. There are different diagnostic techniques for endometritis, rectal uterine palpation vaginoscopy, microbiological tests, uterine biopsies, endometrial cytology and ultrasonography, these tests vary in sensitivity and specificity. This work had as an objective evaluating and comparing vaginoscopic, ultrasongraphic and histopathological examinations, as well as their associations, for the endometritis diagnosis by determining their sensitivity, specificity and kappa agreement coefficient using endometrial cytology as gold standard. It was necessary developing an adaptive reading score to perform the uteris histological examination. In this study 106 female Holstein cows were submitted to a gynecological examination. The ones that had no vaginal catarrh were submitted to an ultrasonographic examination, to endometrial cytology examination and uterine biopsy. Results shows that ultrasonography is a practical and good diagnostic method, the association between the determination of intra-uterine fluid and cervical diameter was the most efficient ultrasonographic method, with 50%, 88% and 39% of sensitivity, specificity and agreement coefficient kappa respectively. Histopathological examination was good diagnostic method, even though not as practical as ultrasonography

Influência da qualidade do sêmen criopreservado equino sobre a taxa de prenhez, hemodinâmica uterina e endometrite pós-cobertura / Influence of equine cryopreserved semen quality on pregnancy rate, uterine hemodynamic and post breeding endometritis

Elena Carolina Serrano Recalde 30 June 2014 (has links)
As condições do trato reprodutivo da fêmea, assim como a qualidade do sêmen são fatores que interferem na fertilidade. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a resposta inflamatória uterina e a taxa de prenhez em éguas, considerando hemodinâmica uterina e citologia endometrial após a inseminação artificial (IA) com sêmen congelado de alta e baixa qualidade. Para o presente estudo foram realizados dois experimentos. No Experimento 1 foram utilizadas 15 éguas distribuídas de forma aleatória em quatro grupos: CT - controle: mimetização do procedimento de IA (n=7), DIL: infusão intrauterina de diluidor a base de leite desnatado (n=7), ALTA: IA com sêmen de alta qualidade (n=7), e BAIXA: IA com sêmen de baixa qualidade (n=7). A avaliação uterina foi realizada por ultrassonografia transretal com Doppler nos modos Espectral e Color-flow em sete momentos: prévio à indução da ovulação (TIO), imediatamente antes da IA (TIA), 2 (T2), 6 (T6), 12 (T12), 24 (T24) e 48 horas (T48) após a IA. Foram considerados os valores de índice de resistência (RI) da artéria uterina e de escore de vascularização (EV) uterino. A citologia uterina foi realizada 6 h após a IA. No Experimento 2 foram utilizadas 12 éguas, e seus ciclos foram distribuídos nos tratamentos: CT - controle: mimetização do procedimento de IA (n=8), DIL: infusão intrauterina de diluidor (n=8), ALTA: IA com sêmen de alta qualidade (n=8), e BAIXA: IA com sêmen de baixa qualidade (n=8). O delineamento experimental foi em Quadrado Latino 4X4. A avaliação uterina foi realizada por ultrassonografia transretal com Doppler modos Espectral e Color-flow em três momentos: prévio à indução da ovulação (TIO), imediatamente antes da IA (TIA) e 6 horas (T6) após a IA. A citologia uterina foi realizada 6 h após a IA. Neste experimento foi considerada a taxa de prenhez comparando-se os ciclos utilizados para os grupos ALTA e BAIXA. O diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado 14 dias após a ovulação. Foi utilizado o procedimento misto (PROC MIXED) do SAS (Versão 9.3) para a análise estatística e foi considerada diferença significativa quando p ≤0,05. No Experimento 1, não foi encontrada diferença estatística entre os grupos para os valores de hemodinâmica uterina RI e EV. Houve aumento significativo de células inflamatórias no endométrio de éguas inseminadas com sêmen de baixa qualidade, porém não diferiu do grupo de éguas inseminadas com sêmen de alta qualidade. No Experimento 2, não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos para os valores de RI, mas se observou maior EV uterino nos grupos inseminados com sêmen de alta e de baixa qualidade quando comparados com o grupo controle. Na citologia uterina não foi encontrada diferença estatística. A taxa de prenhez para os grupos ALTA (81,82%) e BAIXA (54,55%) não foi estatisticamente diferente. Conclui-se que a deposição de sêmen no útero, leva a um processo inflamatório do endométrio, e esta pode alterar a hemodinâmica uterina detectável por ultrassonografia Doppler em éguas. Não existe diferença significativa na resposta inflamatória entre as qualidades de sêmen. A inseminação com sêmen congelado de menor qualidade não altera a taxa de prenhez, mas são necessários mais estudos para verificar esta diferença. / The female reproductive tract soundness, as well as semen quality are factors that interfere in fertility. The aims of this study were to evaluate inflammatory uterine response and pregnancy rate in mares, considering uterine hemodynamics and endometrial cytology after artificial insemination (IA) with frozen semen of high and low quality. Two experiments were executed for the present study. For Experiment 1, fifteen mares were randomly distributed between four groups: CT - control: mimic of the procedure of IA (n=7), DIL: intrauterine infusion of skim milk semen extender (n=7), ALTA: IA with high quality semen (n=7), and BAIXA: IA with low quality semen (n=7). Uterine evaluation was done using transrectal Doppler ultrasonography by Spectral and Color-flow modes on seven moments: immediately before ovulation induction (TIO), immediately before AI (TIA), 2 (T2), 6 (T6), 12 (T12), 24 (T24) and 48 (T48) hours after IA. There were considered the numerical values of resistance index (RI) of uterine arteries and vascularity scores (EV) of uterine horns. Endometrial cytology was done at 6 h after IA. On Experiment 2, were used 12 mares which their cycles were distributed between the treatments: CT - control: only mimic of IA procedure (n=8), DIL: intrauterine infusion of semen extender (n=8), ALTA: IA with high quality semen (n=8), and BAIXA: IA with low quality semen (n=8). The experimental design was a Latin Square. Uterine evaluation was done using transrectal Doppler ultrasonography by Spectral and Color-flow modes on three moments: before ovulation induction (TIO), immediately before AI (TIA) and 6 hours (T6) after IA. Endometrial cytology was done at 6 h after IA. In this experiment it was considered the pregnancy rate comparing the cycles for groups ALTA e BAIXA. The pregnancy diagnosis was done 14 days after ovulation. It was used the Mixed Procedure (PROC MIXED) from SAS (Version 9.3) for statistical analysis and significant difference was considered when p≤0.05. On Experiment 1, no statistical difference was found between the groups for uterine hemodynamic values RI and EV. There was a significant increase of inflammatory cells on the mares inseminated with low quality semen, however it wasnt different from the group if mares inseminated with high quality semen. On Experiment 2, there was no statistical difference between the groups for RI values, but the uterine EV was higher for the groups inseminated with high and low quality when compared with the control group. There was no statistical difference on endometrial cytology. There was no statistical difference on pregnancy rate for the groups ALTA (81,82%) and BAIXA (54,55%). As a conclusion, the deposition of semen in the uterus causes an inflammatory process on the endometrium, and it could alter uterine dynamics detected by Doppler ultrasonography in mares. It does not exist significant difference on the inflammatory response between semen qualities. Low quality frozen-semen insemination does not alter pregnancy rate, but more studies are necessary in order to verify this difference.

Resposta inflamatória uterina em bovinos após inseminação artificial com sêmen avaliado por associações de sondas fluorescentes: efeitos sobre a fertilidade / Fertility and uterine inflammatory response in cattle after artificial insemination with semen evaluated by associations of fluorescent probes: effectos on fertility

Thomé, Helder Esteves 05 July 2013 (has links)
Do ponto de vista da produtividade, a fertilidade é um dos parâmetros de maior importância em um rebanho bovino comercial e esta é influenciada por vários fatores, entre eles estão as condições do trato reprodutivo das fêmeas e a qualidade do sêmen utilizado. O influxo de células inflamatórias no local da deposição do sêmen logo após a inseminação artificial (IA) pode ser intensificada na presença de maior número de espermatozoides lesados durante a IA, caracterizando uma endometrite. Este estudo foi conduzido em três experimentos. Com o objetivo de comparar os métodos de colheita de material endometrial por escova ginecológica (EU) e lavado uterino (LU), bem como a interferência destes procedimentos na hemodinâmica uterina, foi proposto o Experimento 01, onde pode-se constatar que ambas as técnicas permitem o recolhimento de amostras em quantidade e qualidade suficiente para contagem, e que a porcentagem de células polimorfonucleares obtidas pela técnica LU foi superior a EU. Maior fluxo sanguíneo das artérias uterinas foi encontrado no momento de 4 horas após a realização de LU, sugerindo que este influencia na resposta vascular inflamatória. Para avaliar o efeito da LU após a IA em Tempo Fixo (IATF) na fertilidade dos animais, executou-se o Experimento 02 e constatou-se que não há diferença no índice de prenhez entre os animais submetidos ou não à LU, demonstrando que a técnica não interfere na taxa de fertilidade. Com o intuito de investigar a interferência da qualidade do sêmen na fertilidade, resposta inflamatória e hemodinâmica uterina, foi proposto o Experimento 03, onde foi possível observar influência da qualidade do sêmen sobre a taxa de prenhez, verificou-se maior porcentagem de vacas prenhes quando inseminadas com sêmen com maiores percentuais de espermatozoides apresentando integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal e função mitocondrial (PIAIC). Notou-se ainda a ocorrência de endometrite em 65,3 % dos animais, os quais apresentaram taxa de prenhez inferior aos que não apresentaram inflamação. Pode-se concluir que a qualidade do sêmen e a endometrite interferem na taxa de fertilidade bovina. / When productivity is taking into account, fertility is one of the most important parameters in a commercial herd. It is influenced by several factors, especially by the conditions of the female reproductive tract and the quality of the semen used. The influx of inflammatory cells at the site of semen deposition after artificial insemination (AI) can be intensified by the deposition of a greater number of dead spermatozoa during AI, which characterized endometritis. This study was conducted in three different experiments. In order to compare the methods of collection of endometrial sampling by swab using a gynecological brush (GB) or uterine flushing (UF), as well as the interference of these procedures in uterine hemodynamics, we designed experiment 01. Our results reveal that both techniques allow collecting samples with good quality and sufficient quantity to be counted; moreover, the average percentage of polymorphonuclear cells obtained by UF was greater compared to those obtained by GB. It may be noted that the increased blood flow was observed in samples collected four hours after the UF procedure, suggesting that it may have an influence on the vascular inflammatory response. To evaluate the effect of uterine flushing after AIFT on animal fertility we designed the experiment 02. Our results revealed that there is no statistical difference in pregnancy rates between flushed and non flushed animals, showing that the UF does not interfere with fertility rate. Experiment 03 was designed in order to assess the inflammatory response induced by different qualities of semen and their interference on uterine hemodynamic and fertility. There was an influence of semen quality on pregnancy rates: higher percentage of pregnancy was found in the group of cows inseminated with semen with plasma and acrossome membrane integrity and mitochondrial function (PIAIC). Endometritis was noticed in 65.3% of the cows and these animals presented lower pregnancy rate compared to those that did not show an inflammatory response. We concluded that semen quality and endometritis interferes with fertility rate in bovine species.

Resposta inflamatória uterina em bovinos após inseminação artificial com sêmen avaliado por associações de sondas fluorescentes: efeitos sobre a fertilidade / Fertility and uterine inflammatory response in cattle after artificial insemination with semen evaluated by associations of fluorescent probes: effectos on fertility

Helder Esteves Thomé 05 July 2013 (has links)
Do ponto de vista da produtividade, a fertilidade é um dos parâmetros de maior importância em um rebanho bovino comercial e esta é influenciada por vários fatores, entre eles estão as condições do trato reprodutivo das fêmeas e a qualidade do sêmen utilizado. O influxo de células inflamatórias no local da deposição do sêmen logo após a inseminação artificial (IA) pode ser intensificada na presença de maior número de espermatozoides lesados durante a IA, caracterizando uma endometrite. Este estudo foi conduzido em três experimentos. Com o objetivo de comparar os métodos de colheita de material endometrial por escova ginecológica (EU) e lavado uterino (LU), bem como a interferência destes procedimentos na hemodinâmica uterina, foi proposto o Experimento 01, onde pode-se constatar que ambas as técnicas permitem o recolhimento de amostras em quantidade e qualidade suficiente para contagem, e que a porcentagem de células polimorfonucleares obtidas pela técnica LU foi superior a EU. Maior fluxo sanguíneo das artérias uterinas foi encontrado no momento de 4 horas após a realização de LU, sugerindo que este influencia na resposta vascular inflamatória. Para avaliar o efeito da LU após a IA em Tempo Fixo (IATF) na fertilidade dos animais, executou-se o Experimento 02 e constatou-se que não há diferença no índice de prenhez entre os animais submetidos ou não à LU, demonstrando que a técnica não interfere na taxa de fertilidade. Com o intuito de investigar a interferência da qualidade do sêmen na fertilidade, resposta inflamatória e hemodinâmica uterina, foi proposto o Experimento 03, onde foi possível observar influência da qualidade do sêmen sobre a taxa de prenhez, verificou-se maior porcentagem de vacas prenhes quando inseminadas com sêmen com maiores percentuais de espermatozoides apresentando integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal e função mitocondrial (PIAIC). Notou-se ainda a ocorrência de endometrite em 65,3 % dos animais, os quais apresentaram taxa de prenhez inferior aos que não apresentaram inflamação. Pode-se concluir que a qualidade do sêmen e a endometrite interferem na taxa de fertilidade bovina. / When productivity is taking into account, fertility is one of the most important parameters in a commercial herd. It is influenced by several factors, especially by the conditions of the female reproductive tract and the quality of the semen used. The influx of inflammatory cells at the site of semen deposition after artificial insemination (AI) can be intensified by the deposition of a greater number of dead spermatozoa during AI, which characterized endometritis. This study was conducted in three different experiments. In order to compare the methods of collection of endometrial sampling by swab using a gynecological brush (GB) or uterine flushing (UF), as well as the interference of these procedures in uterine hemodynamics, we designed experiment 01. Our results reveal that both techniques allow collecting samples with good quality and sufficient quantity to be counted; moreover, the average percentage of polymorphonuclear cells obtained by UF was greater compared to those obtained by GB. It may be noted that the increased blood flow was observed in samples collected four hours after the UF procedure, suggesting that it may have an influence on the vascular inflammatory response. To evaluate the effect of uterine flushing after AIFT on animal fertility we designed the experiment 02. Our results revealed that there is no statistical difference in pregnancy rates between flushed and non flushed animals, showing that the UF does not interfere with fertility rate. Experiment 03 was designed in order to assess the inflammatory response induced by different qualities of semen and their interference on uterine hemodynamic and fertility. There was an influence of semen quality on pregnancy rates: higher percentage of pregnancy was found in the group of cows inseminated with semen with plasma and acrossome membrane integrity and mitochondrial function (PIAIC). Endometritis was noticed in 65.3% of the cows and these animals presented lower pregnancy rate compared to those that did not show an inflammatory response. We concluded that semen quality and endometritis interferes with fertility rate in bovine species.

Prognostische Bewertung endometrialer Veränderungen beim Rind

Merbach, Sabine 13 December 2011 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die physiologische Zellinfiltration des bovinen Endo-metriums während des Zyklus bei fruchtbaren Rindern (immun-)histologisch zu bestimmen. Darauf aufbauend sollte die Endometritis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres Grades histologisch definiert werden. Des Weiteren erfolgte eine histologische Dokumentation des endometrialen „Gesundheitszustandes“ klinisch gesunder Rinder und es sollte ermittelt wer-den, welche endometrialen Befunde hinsichtlich ihrer Qualität und Quantität mit einer Gravi-dität vereinbar sind und ob eine prognostische Aussage in Bezug auf die Fertilität möglich ist. Zudem wurden unterschiedliche Endometritisformen hinsichtlich Qualität und Quantität der beteiligten Entzündungszellen histologisch und immunhistologisch detailliert charakterisiert. Darüber hinaus erfolgte eine vergleichende Betrachtung der Ergebnisse der histologischen Untersuchung mit denen der Uteruszytologie. Zur Definition des Normalbefundes der endometrialen Infiltration mit freien Zellen wurden nach Ovulationsinduktion von zwölf klinisch-gynäkologisch gesunden Rindern im Östrus (Fol-likelphase) sowie von sieben Kühen zweimal im Laufe eines Zyklus (Zyklustag 6 ± 1, frühe Lutealphase und Zyklustag 14 ± 1, späte Lutealphase) zytologische Präparate und Endo-metriumbioptate entnommen und (immun-)histologisch untersucht. Das Vorkommen von Lymphozyten (T- und B-Lymphozyten), Plasmazellen, neutrophilen und eosinophilen Granu-lozyten, Makrophagen und Mastzellen (Tryptase- und Chymase-positive Mastzellen) wurde quantitativ bestimmt und statistisch untersucht. Mittels dieser Ergebnisse wurden Grenzwerte zwischen der physiologischen endometrialen Infiltration während des Zyklus und dem Vorlie-gen einer Endometritis festgelegt. Weniger als zehn neutrophile Granulozyten sowie weniger als zwölf mononukleäre Zellen (weniger als acht Lymphozyten und weniger als vier Plasma-zellen) pro Gesichtsfeld bei 400facher Vergrößerung im Bereich des Stratum compactum oder des luminalen Epithels mit angrenzenden Anteilen des Stratum compactum werden als Normalbefund angesehen. Um einen Überblick über das Endometrium klinisch gesunder Rinder zu erhalten, wurden Endometriumbioptate von 259 Milchkühen histologisch ausgewertet, wichtige Frucht¬barkeitskennzahlen dokumentiert und die Ergebnisse statistisch untersucht. Von 200 dieser Tiere wurden die Ergebnisse der rektalen Trächtigkeitsuntersuchung herangezogen und die Auswertung der Uteruszytologien in die Untersuchungen integriert. Histopathologisch zeigten sich größtenteils geringgradige Veränderungen. Chronische nicht-eitrige Endometritiden dominierten gegenüber eitrigen Entzündungen. Mit höherem Grad der Endometritis stieg der Besamungsaufwand, während sich der Besamungserfolg verringerte. Lymphfollikel traten vor allem zusammen mit nicht-eitrigen Endometritiden auf. Ein Einfluss der größtenteils gering¬gradigen Endometrose auf die Fruchtbarkeit konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die Angiosklerose stieg mit der Anzahl an Abkalbungen und hatte, insbesondere interkarunkulär, mit höhergradigerer Ausprägung einen negativen Einfluss auf die Fertilität. Karunkuläre Angiosklerosen waren zudem stärker ausgeprägt als inter¬karunkuläre. Zur detaillierten Charakterisierung unterschiedlicher Endometritisformen wurden Endo¬metritiden bei 90 Rindern semiquantitiativ mittels H.E.-Färbung hinsichtlich ihres Grades und Charakters eingeteilt und anschließend die beteiligten Entzündungszellen anhand von Spe-zialverfahren (Immunhistologie, Spezialfärbung) ausgezählt. Vor allem Plasmazellen, neutrophile Granulozyten und T-Lymphozyten weisen im Vergleich zur Zyklusgruppe und mit zunehmendem Grad der Endometritis deutlich erhöhte Zellzahlen auf. Nicht-eitrige Endo-metritiden werden durch die Dominanz von Lymphozyten und insbesondere von Plasmazel-len sowie dem häufigen Vorkommen von Lymphfollikeln zu den chronischen Entzündungen gezählt. Die Entzündung innerhalb der Karunkel entspricht grundlegend in ihrem Charakter und ihrer Ausprägung der des umliegenden interkarunkulären Gewebes. Die endometrialen Zellinfiltrate fanden sich bei dieser Studie sowohl in den verschiedenen Zyklusphasen als auch bei den verschiedenen Endometritiden vor allem in den oberflächli-chen endometrialen Bereichen. Bei allen untersuchten Rindern fiel zudem auf, dass T- Lymphozyten im Endometrium in deutlich höherer Anzahl vorkommen als B-Lymphozyten. Ebenso ist die Anzahl an Mastzellen (gesamt) wesentlich höher als die Summe Tryptase- und Chymase-positiver Mastzellen. Darüber hinaus wurden erstmals Chymase-positive Mastzellen im bovinen Endometrium immunhistologisch dargestellt, die in signifikant gerin-gerer Anzahl als Tryptase-positive Mastzellen im Endometrium vorkommen. Histologie und Zytologie wiesen vor allem bei den klinisch gesunden Rindern (Gruppe 2) und den sub-/infertilen Rindern (Gruppe 3) deutliche Diskrepanzen auf. Vorkommen, Grad und Charakter einer Endometritis konnten durch die Uteruszytologie nicht eindeutig bestimmt werden. Zum einen wurde bei histologisch unauffälligen Endometrien mittels Zytologie die Diagnose ‚subklinische’ Endometritis gestellt. Zum anderen blieben histologisch festgestellte, insbesondere chronische nicht-eitrige Endometritiden, in der Zytologie unerkannt. Somit soll-te die Beurteilung der Uteruszytologie nur unter Berücksichtigung klinischer Ergebnisse so-wie unter Einbeziehung des Zyklusstandes erfolgen. Zudem sollten anhand der eigenen Er-gebnisse die Vorteile und die Aussagekraft dieses Verfahrens überdacht werden. Im Gegensatz zu den Ergebnissen der zytologischen Untersuchung konnten mittels Endo-metriumbiopsie auch chronische nicht-eitrige Endometritiden sowie degenerative endo-metriale Veränderungen (Endometrose, Angiosklerose) erkannt werden. Somit stellt die En-dometriumbiopsie, besonders bei „repeat breedern“ und bei Kühen mit unklarer klinischer Symptomatik, eine sinnvolle Ergänzung der klinischen Diagnostik dar, um klinisch nicht er-fassbare endometriale Erkrankungen festzustellen. Die Entnahme einer Endometriumbiopsie hat keine negativen Auswirkungen auf die prospektive Reproduktionsleistung bei Milchkühen. Eine hochfrequente Entnahme von Endometriumbioptaten über einen Zyklus hinweg ist dagegen nicht empfehlenswert. Beim Rind stellen geringgradige endometriale Veränderungen mit einer erneuten Gravidität vereinbare Befunde dar, während mittel- und hochgradige Veränderungen die Prognose für eine erneute Trächtigkeit stark herabsetzen.

Comparison of a leukocyte esterase test with endometrial cytology for the diagnosis of subclinical endometritis and correlation with first service pregnancy rate in postpartum Holstein cows

Couto, Gabriel B. 11 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer un test d’estérase leucocytaire (LE) pour le diagnostic de l’endométrite subclinique chez les vaches Holstein en période postpartum. Les tests effectués à partir d’échantillons provenant soit de l’endomètre (UtLE) ou du col utérin (CxLE) ont été comparés à la cytologie endométriale (CE). Par ailleurs, deux méthodes d’évaluation des lames ont été comparées. Deux cent quatre vingt-cinq vaches Holstein de 5 troupeaux laitiers commerciaux ont été évaluées entre 21 et 47 jours en lait (JEL). Soixante sept vaches ont été diagnostiquées avec une endométrite clinique suite à un examen transrectal et vaginoscopique et ont été exclues de l’étude. Deux cent dix-huit vaches ont eu des prélèvements pour la CE et le test LE. La fonction ovarienne a été déterminée à la palpation transrectale. La banque de données utilisée pour chacune des vaches a été effectuée à partir du logiciel DSA (Dossier de Santé Animale) laitier. Le pourcentage de neutrophiles était significativement corrélé avec les scores de LE utérin et cervical. L’activité de CxLE et UtLE diminuait significativement avec les JEL, mais n’était pas associée au risque de gestation à 90 JEL (n= 186). Le pourcentage de neutrophiles mesuré à la CE entre 32 et 47 JEL était associé significativement au risque de gestation à 90 JEL (n=94, P=0.04). Pour la même période, selon une analyse de survie, les vaches avec >2,6% de neutrophiles à la CE étaient définies comme étant atteintes d’une endométrite subclinique avec une prévalence de 56%. Les résultats indiquent que le test d’estérase utérin ou cervical a une bonne concordance avec le pourcentage de neutrophiles à la CE. Une endométrite subclinique diagnostiquée par cytologie endometriale entre 32 et 47 JEL est associée à une réduction du risque de gestation au premier service. / The point toward this study was to determine the diagnostic test characteristics of the leukocyte esterase activity test for subclinical endometritis in postpartum Holstein dairy cows. The objectives were 1) to compare uterine leukocyte esterase activity and the endometrial cytology (EC), 2) to compare leukocyte esterase activity of the cervix (CxLE) and the uterus (UtLE), 3) Compare two methods of assessing the slides (i.e. an exhaustive method and a rapid method). Two hundred eighty five post partum Holstein cows from 5 commercial dairy herds had a post partum evaluation between 21 and 47 days in milk (DIM). Sixty seven cows where diagnosed with clinical endometritis by transrectal and vaginoscopy examinations and were excluded from the study. Two hundred eighteen cows were enrolled for endometrial cytology and esterase activity test. The ovarian status was determined by transrectal examination. Computerized databank, dairy DSA (Dossier de Santé Animale) indexing all the cows was used to retrieve individual information for analysis. The percentage of neutrophils was significantly correlated with the LE from the uterus and cervix. The LE from cervix and uterus decreased significantly with DIM, however, they were not statistically associated with pregnancy risk at 90 DIM (n=186). Between 32-47 DIM, the percentage of neutrophils and risk of pregnancy at 90 DIM were associated (n=94, P=0.04). For the same period, survival analysis identified cows with > 2.6 % neutrophils on EC as subclinical endometritis cows with a prevalence of 56%. The two methods for assessing the slides were correlated by 81%. Subclinical endometritis diagnosed by endometrial cytology between 32 and 47 DIM was associated with reduced risk of pregnancy at first service.

Comparison of a leukocyte esterase test with endometrial cytology for the diagnosis of subclinical endometritis and correlation with first service pregnancy rate in postpartum Holstein cows

Couto, Gabriel B. 11 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer un test d’estérase leucocytaire (LE) pour le diagnostic de l’endométrite subclinique chez les vaches Holstein en période postpartum. Les tests effectués à partir d’échantillons provenant soit de l’endomètre (UtLE) ou du col utérin (CxLE) ont été comparés à la cytologie endométriale (CE). Par ailleurs, deux méthodes d’évaluation des lames ont été comparées. Deux cent quatre vingt-cinq vaches Holstein de 5 troupeaux laitiers commerciaux ont été évaluées entre 21 et 47 jours en lait (JEL). Soixante sept vaches ont été diagnostiquées avec une endométrite clinique suite à un examen transrectal et vaginoscopique et ont été exclues de l’étude. Deux cent dix-huit vaches ont eu des prélèvements pour la CE et le test LE. La fonction ovarienne a été déterminée à la palpation transrectale. La banque de données utilisée pour chacune des vaches a été effectuée à partir du logiciel DSA (Dossier de Santé Animale) laitier. Le pourcentage de neutrophiles était significativement corrélé avec les scores de LE utérin et cervical. L’activité de CxLE et UtLE diminuait significativement avec les JEL, mais n’était pas associée au risque de gestation à 90 JEL (n= 186). Le pourcentage de neutrophiles mesuré à la CE entre 32 et 47 JEL était associé significativement au risque de gestation à 90 JEL (n=94, P=0.04). Pour la même période, selon une analyse de survie, les vaches avec >2,6% de neutrophiles à la CE étaient définies comme étant atteintes d’une endométrite subclinique avec une prévalence de 56%. Les résultats indiquent que le test d’estérase utérin ou cervical a une bonne concordance avec le pourcentage de neutrophiles à la CE. Une endométrite subclinique diagnostiquée par cytologie endometriale entre 32 et 47 JEL est associée à une réduction du risque de gestation au premier service. / The point toward this study was to determine the diagnostic test characteristics of the leukocyte esterase activity test for subclinical endometritis in postpartum Holstein dairy cows. The objectives were 1) to compare uterine leukocyte esterase activity and the endometrial cytology (EC), 2) to compare leukocyte esterase activity of the cervix (CxLE) and the uterus (UtLE), 3) Compare two methods of assessing the slides (i.e. an exhaustive method and a rapid method). Two hundred eighty five post partum Holstein cows from 5 commercial dairy herds had a post partum evaluation between 21 and 47 days in milk (DIM). Sixty seven cows where diagnosed with clinical endometritis by transrectal and vaginoscopy examinations and were excluded from the study. Two hundred eighteen cows were enrolled for endometrial cytology and esterase activity test. The ovarian status was determined by transrectal examination. Computerized databank, dairy DSA (Dossier de Santé Animale) indexing all the cows was used to retrieve individual information for analysis. The percentage of neutrophils was significantly correlated with the LE from the uterus and cervix. The LE from cervix and uterus decreased significantly with DIM, however, they were not statistically associated with pregnancy risk at 90 DIM (n=186). Between 32-47 DIM, the percentage of neutrophils and risk of pregnancy at 90 DIM were associated (n=94, P=0.04). For the same period, survival analysis identified cows with > 2.6 % neutrophils on EC as subclinical endometritis cows with a prevalence of 56%. The two methods for assessing the slides were correlated by 81%. Subclinical endometritis diagnosed by endometrial cytology between 32 and 47 DIM was associated with reduced risk of pregnancy at first service.

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