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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Garden: Smear the Black Circle

Zanardelli, Theodore 14 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Syphilis : the specter of sex and death in english Renaissance drama

Spates, William H. 01 April 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Návrat do lůna kmene: Tendence v současné kultuře / Back to the Tribe's Womb: Tendencies in Contemporary Culture

Dvořák, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Michel Maffesoli and Zygmunt Bauman add the traits of Benjamin's flâneur to the (neo-)nomad, namely his "flâneur" gaze and his relation to commodities. But in the concept of nomad these traits gain specific nature - on the field of fashion they transform nomad into migrant, who is capable of creative work with vanitas. Nomad as a travelling flâneur is a stranger-guest and becomes a tourist, willingly getting lost in the city and voluntarily being surprised by unexpected encounters. Tourists relation to his memories could be described with Benjamin's description of mémoire involontaire as a revived punctum. A tourist prepares his memories like a nicely descending ruins. Souvenir is his materialised memory. It's not only a duplicated plastic Eiffel tower, but a magic artifact. It's a collective aura, what's on Benjamin's mind when he writes about aura regression. The private aura comes instead, turning things to talismans, reenchanting the world. The era of postmechanical reproduction reminds one, that there is a way to reproduce not just mechanically but biologically: a bricolage remix is made. Souvenirs descend and take shape of hommogenic rummage which reveals the fundamental form of postmodern metamorphosis: recyclation. This metamorphosis can finally be used when analyzing the settler turn into nomad...

Study of the electromagnetic pumping systems of molten metals and molten salts / Etude des systèmes électromagnétiques de pompage pour les métaux et les sels fondus

Roman, Cristian Robert 29 January 2014 (has links)
Les préoccupations actuelles concernant l'exploitation sécuritaire des centrales nucléaires existantes et la conception d’architectures spéciales envisagées pour la quatrième génération de réacteurs nucléaires se combinent avec l’intérêt plus prononcé pour l'efficacité et la fiabilité de l'équipement d'un système énergétique. Cela fait que dans un souci de meilleure compréhension et optimisation basée sur des moyens modernes de conception assistée par l’ordinateur, l'étude de différentes parties de ces systèmes fait de plus en plus l’objet de recherches approfondies. . Parmi les types proposés pour la quatrième génération de réacteurs nucléaires font partie ceux ayant comme agent de refroidissement les sels fondus, respectivement le sodium fondu. En raison de leurs propriétés physiques, les sels fondus et le sodium liquide ont le potentiel d'être déplacés par les pompes électromagnétiques. Cet ouvrage est à la fois une étude approfondie des phénomènes qui se produisent en raison de l'écoulement du fluide dans le champ électromagnétique d’une pompe électromagnétique - interaction magnétohydrodynamique - et un rapport sur les capacités et les avantages des outils informatiques modernes pour faciliter la conception et l'optimisation des pompes électromagnétiques. Afin d’atteindre l'objectif principal de la thèse, notamment une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes interdépendants spécifique à l’opération des pompes électromagnétiques, deux objectifs secondaires ont été considérés. Le premier objectif concerne la pleine exploitation des modèles électromagnétiques numériques en éléments finis afin d'obtenir autant d'informations que possible sur le comportement des pompes électromagnétiques, dans l’hypothèse où on ne tient pas compte de l'écoulement des fluides. Le deuxième objectif était la construction des modèles numériques qui réunissent l’électromagnétisme et la dynamique des fluides, respectivement des modèles numériques qui regroupent les deux phénomènes caractérisant l’écoulement magnétohydrodynamique dans les canaux des pompes électromagnétiques. Dans l'étude dédiée au pompage électromagnétique de sels fondus, la thèse met en évidence des problèmes spécifiques liés à la génération de forces électromagnétiques dans les fluides faibles conducteurs d'électricité et fournit des résultats sur les applications où le pompage électromagnétique de sels fondus peut être efficace. À l’aide des modèles électromagnétiques nous avons obtenu des informations importantes sur l'influence du nombre de pôles électromagnétiques et de la fréquence d’alimentation sur la caractéristique Pression - Vitesse des pompes annulaires à induction. Ils ont été analysés le phénomène de blindage créé par les parois métalliques - avec des répercussions négatives sur les performances de la pompe, les effets de freinage exercés à l'entrée et à la sortie du canal de la pompe et la relation entre la capacité de surcharge hydrodynamique et la caractéristique Pression - Vitesse des pompes à induction. Une section spéciale a été consacrée à l'analyse de la dépendance de la force électromagnétique du temps et de l’espace et à l’étude de non-uniformitées des quantités de nature électromagnétique en direction azimutale dans les pompes annulaires à induction.Dans le chapitre qui traite de l'interaction magnétohydrodynamique à base de modèles couplés, ils sont proposés deux modèles qui couplent l'électromagnétisme et l’écoulement. Ils sont présentés les avantages des modèles couplés, en matière de la précision des résultats, par rapport aux modèles électromagnétiques. Il est également présenté l'évolution des profils de vitesse, de densité de force et de courant sous l'influence du champ électromagnétique et de l’écoulement de sodium à vitesses différentes. Les contributions de la thèse sont complétées par des observations importantes sur les méthodes de travail et les logiciels utilisés tout au long de l'étude. / The actual concerns with respect to safe operation of existing nuclear plants and to designing special architectures envisaged for the fourth generation of nuclear reactors, corroborated with the increasing interest for efficiency and reliability of any equipment belonging to an energetic system, make that more and more research endeavors to be devoted to the study of various parts of these systems for a better understanding and optimization based on modern techniques of computer aided design. Among the types proposed for the fourth generation of nuclear reactors belong those that have as cooling agent molten salts, respectively liquid sodium. Many reactors of previous generations use mechanical pumps of special design for driving the coolants. Molten salts and liquid sodium, thanks to their physical properties, have the potential to be driven using electromagnetic pumps. Although the technology of electromagnetic pumping of electroconductive fluids was developed since the first half of the last century, currently it undergoes a revival due to the reconsideration of its multiple technological and security advantages. This work is both an intimate study of the phenomena that occur as a result of the electroconductive fluids flow in the electromagnetic field of an electromagnetic pump – magnetohydrodynamic interaction - and a report on the capabilities and advantages of modern computational tools to facilitate design and optimization of electromagnetic pumps.To achieve the principal goal of deeper understanding of the interdependent phenomena specific to electromagnetic pumps operation, two auxiliary objectives were considered. The first is related to the full exploitation of electromagnetic finite element models in order to retrieve as much information as possible about electromagnetic pumps behavior in a simplifying hypothesis that does not take into account the fluid dynamics. The second auxiliary objective is to build numerical models that couple the electromagnetism and the fluid dynamics, namely the two interdependent physics that govern the magnetohydrodynamic flow through channels of electromagnetic pumps.In the section dealing with the study of electromagnetic pumping of molten salts, the thesis highlights specific problems related the generation of electromagnetic forces in fluids with low electrical conductivity and provides results with respect to applications where electromagnetic pumping of molten salts can be effective. With the electromagnetic numerical models were obtained important data about the influence of the number of electromagnetic poles and supply frequency on the Pressure – Velocity characteristic of annular linear induction pumps. Were analyzed the shielding effect generated by the metallic walls - with negative repercussions on pumps performances, braking effects exerted at pump inlet and pump outlet and the connection between the overload capacity and Pressure – Velocity characteristic of induction pumps. A special portion was devoted to the analysis of the time and space dependence of the electromagnetic force and to the study of the non-uniformities of electromagnetic quantities in azimuth direction of annular linear induction pumps.In the chapter devoted to the magnetohydrodynamic interaction through coupled models, the thesis proposes two models that couple the electromagnetism and the fluid flow, one realized using multiphysic software and the second by coupling two different softwares. There are presented the advantages of the coupled models with respect to the results accuracy in comparison with electromagnetic models. It is presented the evolution of velocity, force and current densities profiles under the influence of the electromagnetic field and of different sodium mean velocities.The contributions of the thesis are completed with significant observations related to the study methods and software tools used along the study process. / Preocupările actuale în legătură cu exploatarea în siguranță a centralelor nucleare existente și în legătură cu proiectarea arhitecturilor speciale de reactoare nucleare pentru generația a patra,coroborate cu interesul tot mai pronunțat pentru eficiența și fiabilitatea oricărui echipament dintr-un sistem energetic, fac ca tot mai multe demersuri de cercetare să se îndrepte spre studiul diverselor subansamble ale acestor sisteme pentru o mai buna înțelegere și optimizare pe baza mijloacelor moderne de proiectare asistată de calculator. Din rândul tipurilor propuse pentru generația a patra de reactoare nucleare fac parte și cele care au ca agent de răcire săruri topite, respectiv sodiu topit. Multe reactoare nucleare de generație anterioară folosesc ca mijloc de antrenare a fluidelor de răcire pompe mecanice de construcție specială. Sărurile topite ăi sodiul lichid, datorită proprietăților fizice,au potențialul de a fi recirculate cu ajutorul pompelor electromagnetice. Deși tehnologia pompării electromagnetice a fluidelor electroconductoare a fost dezvoltată încă din prima parte a secolului trecut, în prezent cunoaște o renaștere datorită reconsiderării multiplelor avantaje tehnologice și de securitate în exploatare. Lucrarea de față este atât un studiu al fenomenelor intime ce au loc ca urmare a curgerii fluidelor electroconductoare în câmpul electromagnetic al pompelor electromagnetice – interacțiune magnetohidrodinamică - cât și un raport despre capabilitățile și avantajele uneltelor moderne de calcul de a înlesni proiectarea și optimizarea pompelor electromagnetice. Pentru a atinge scopul principal al tezei, și anume o înțelegere mai adâncă a fenomenelor interdependente specifice funcționării pompelor electromagnetice, au fost considerate două obiective secundare. Primul obiectiv se referă la exploatarea la maximum a modelelor electromagnetice numerice în element finit cu scopul de a obține cât mai multe informații cu putință despre comportamentul pompelor electromagnetice în ipoteza care nu ia în considerare curgerea fluidelor. Al doilea obiectiv a fost construirea unor modele numerice care cuplează electromagnetismul și curgerea, respectiv, cuplează modelele numerice ale celor două fenomene ce caracterizează curgerea magnetohidrodinamică din canalele pompelor electromagnetice. În partea dedicată studiului pompării electromagnetice a sărurilor topite, teza evidențiază problemele specifice legate de generarea forțelor electromagnetice în fluide slab conductoare electric și oferă rezultate cu privire la aplicațiile unde pomparea electromagnetică a sărurilor topite poate fi eficientă. Cu ajutorul modelelor electromagnetice s-au obținut date importante despre influența numărului de poli electromagnetici și frecvența de alimentare asupra caracteristicii Presiune – Viteză a pompelor electromagnetice inelare de inducție. Au fost analizate fenomenul de ecranare creat de peretii metalici – cu repercursiuni negative asupra performanțelor pompelor, efectele de frânare exercitate la intrarea și la ieșirea din canalul de pompare și legătura dintre capacitatea de suprasarcină hidrodinamică și caracteristica Presiune – Viteză a pompelor de inducție. O secțiune specială a fost consacrată analizei dependenței de timp și a variației de la punct la punct a forței electromagnetice, precum și studiului neuniformităților mărimilor de natură electromagnetic în direcție azimutală în pompele inelare de inducție. În capitolul despre interacțiunea magnetohidrodinamică pe baza modelelor cuplate, se propun două modele ce cuplează electromagnetismul și curgerea fluidelor, unul realizat cu ajutorul unui singur software și al doilea realizat prin cuplarea a două software-uri diferite. Sunt prezentate avantajele modelelor cuplate din punctul de vedere al acurateței rezultatelor în comparație cu modelele electromagnetice …

Σχεδίαση και ανάπτυξη ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων για συστήματα υπερευρείας ζώνης με έμφαση στα κυκλώματα του πομπού / Design and development of integrated circuits for ultra wideband systems, with emphasis on the transmitter circuits

Παπαμιχαήλ, Μιχαήλ 14 May 2012 (has links)
Η πληθώρα των εφαρμογών που μπορεί να εξυπηρετήσει η τεχνολογία Υπερευρείας Ζώνης (UWB), από τα ασύρματα προσωπικά δίκτυα υψηλών ταχυτήτων, μέχρι τα ασύρματα δίκτυα αισθητήρων με δυνατότητες ακριβούς εντοπισμού θέσης, και τα ασύρματα δίκτυα ιατρικών αισθητήρων, έχει προκαλέσει έντονο ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον γύρω από τις υλοποιήσεις UWB συστημάτων. Η ασυνήθιστα μεγάλη περιοχή συχνοτήτων που έχει ανατεθεί στο UWB, από τα 3.1-10.6 GHz, επιτρέπει την επίτευξη υψηλών ταχυτήτων με απλά σχήματα διαμόρφωσης, ωστόσο, λόγω της διαμοίρασης του φάσματος με τις υφιστάμενες τεχνολογίες ασύρματης δικτύωσης, οι UWB εκπομπές πρέπει να περιορίζονται σε ισχύ κάτω από το κατώφλι των -41.3 dBm/MHz, ικανοποιώντας πολύ αυστηρές μάσκες εκπομπής που εισάγουν έντονες προκλήσεις στη σχεδίαση των πομπών. Η υλοποίηση αναδιατάξιμων UWB πομπών σε σύγχρονες CMOS τεχνολογίες, με υψηλή φασματική ευελιξία, ταχύτητα και ποιότητα διαμόρφωσης, καθώς και με χαμηλή κατανάλωση, αποτέλεσε το αντικείμενο της συγκεκριμένης διατριβής. Υιοθετώντας την αρχιτεκτονική Multi-Band Impulse-Radio (MB-IR) σε συνδυασμό με την τεχνική Direct Sequence BPSK, η έρευνα προσανατολίστηκε προς την ανάπτυξη καινοτόμων μονάδων βασικής ζώνης, με στόχο την ενεργειακά αποδοτική αντιστροφή Γκαουσιανών μορφοποιημένων παλμών υψηλής ποιότητας φάσματος και διάρκειας μικρότερης ακόμα και από 1 nsec. Προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση, αναπτύχθηκε μια καινοτόμα γεννήτρια Γκαουσιανών παλμών με πολύ χαμηλούς πλευρικούς λοβούς στο φάσμα, τυπικά κάτω από -40 dB, ώστε να υποστηρίζονται οι αυστηρότερες μάσκες εκπομπής ή και μελλοντικές. Η σχεδίασης της προτεινόμενης γεννήτριας είχε ως κριτήριο την ευέλικτη ρύθμιση της διάρκειας των παραγόμενων παλμών, και αξιοποίησε τη χαρακτηριστική μεταφοράς τάσης ενός ωμικά φορτωμένου, ασύμμετρου CMOS αντιστροφέα. Η γεννήτρια βασίζεται κυρίως σε ψηφιακά κυκλώματα πολύ χαμηλής τάσης και, σε σύγκριση με τις υφιστάμενες υλοποιήσεις, παρουσιάζει σημαντικό προβάδισμα στον τομέα της ταχύτητας, καθώς και στο πλάτος εξόδου, η μεγάλη τιμή του οποίου χαλαρώνει σημαντικά τη σχεδίαση του RF front end. Η γεννήτρια μελετήθηκε διεξοδικά, διεξήχθη ανάλυση κλιμάκωσης, έγινε εξαγωγή σχεδιαστικών εξισώσεων και αναπτύχθηκαν εργαλεία λογισμικού για την αυτοματοποιημένη σχεδίασή της. Για περαιτέρω αύξηση της ταχύτητας των παλμικών σημάτων εφαρμόσθηκε ειδική σχεδίαση, η οποία αντιπραγματεύεται την ταχύτητα με το επίπεδο των λοβών του φάσματος. Για την αποδοτική BSPK διαμόρφωση των Γκαουσιανών παλμών αναπτύχθηκε ειδική τοπολογία “Μεταγωγής Σήματος Πυροδότησης Πλήρους Ισορροπίας με Up-Conversion”. Η τοπολογία αυτή, σε αντίθεση με τις ανταγωνιστικές τοπολογίες, αποφεύγει την αντιστροφή του παλμού με αναλογικά κυκλώματα υψηλής κατανάλωσης, αλλά και την αναλογική μεταγωγή, καθώς η διαμόρφωση λαμβάνει χώρα πριν από την παραγωγή των παλμών. Παράλληλα, επιτυγχάνονται υψηλοί ρυθμοί, καθώς και υψηλή ποιότητα διαμόρφωσης λόγω των ισορροπημένων μονοπατιών της τοπολογίας. Η γεννήτρια μαζί με το διαμορφωτή αποτελούν τις καινοτόμες παρεμβάσεις στη μονάδα Βασικής Ζώνης του προτεινόμενου πομπού. Για την ολοκλήρωση της λειτουργικότητας του πομπού, αναπτύχθηκε ένα RF front end, το οποίο αποτελείται από έναν διπλά ισορροπημένο μίκτη, έναν LO buffer, ένα μετατροπέα διαφορικού σήματος σε απλό, και έναν ενισχυτή ισχύος, ο οποίος είναι προσαρμοσμένος στα 50 Ohms, χωρίς να απαιτεί κανένα εξωτερικό στοιχείο. Το RF front end ολοκληρώθηκε μαζί με τη μονάδα βασικής ζώνης, και ο ολοκληρωμένος πομπός κατασκευάστηκε σε τεχνολογία CMOS 130 nm. Το ολοκληρωμένο προσαρτήθηκε στην RF πλακέτα συστήματος με την τεχνική Chip on Board. Για την επιτυχία του συστήματος με την πρώτη προσπάθεια έγινε συσχεδίαση σε επίπεδο IC-Package-PCB, δίνοντας ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στα ζητήματα Signal/Power Integrity. Ο πομπός παρουσίασε την υψηλότερη ταχύτητα από τις ανταγωνιστικές MB-IR UWB υλοποιήσεις, ίση με 1.5 Gbps, με αντίστοιχη ενεργειακή αποδοτικότητα 21 pJoule/bit και μέτρο διανυσματικού σφάλματος 5.5%. Ο πομπός βελτίωσε τους πλευρικούς λοβούς στο φάσμα περισσότερο από 10 dB, ενώ η διατριβή, εκμεταλλευόμενη την αναδιαταξιμότητα του πομπού, παρουσιάζει, επιπλέον, τις πρώτες μετρήσεις σε ταχύτητες εκατοντάδων Mbps για ικανοποίηση της χαμηλής ζώνης της πρόσφατα θεσμοθετημένης, και εξαιρετικά αυστηρής, ευρωπαϊκής μάσκας εκπομπής. / The multitude of applications that Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology can serve, from high-speed Wireless Personal Area Networks, to Wireless Sensor Networks with precision Geolocation abilities, and Wireless Medical Networks, has attracted intense research interest in the implementation of UWB systems. The unusually wide range of frequencies assigned to UWB, from 3.1-10.6 GHz, allows UWB systems employing low order modulation schemes to enjoy high throughput at low power consumption. However, since UWB shares the spectrum with existing wireless networking technologies, UWB emissions must be limited to a power spectral density below the threshold of -41.3 dBm/MHz, satisfying very stringent emission masks and introducing great challenges in the design of UWB transmitters. The subject of this thesis is the design of low power, fully integrated, reconfigurable CMOS UWB transmitters, with high spectral flexibility, high speed and high modulation quality. Adopting the Multi-Band Impulse-Radio architecture, in conjunction with the Direct Sequence BPSK modulation, the research focused on the development of a baseband unit, able to precisely invert Gaussian shaped, subnanosecond pulses. The key contributions of this thesis are a CMOS Gaussian Pulse Generator and a BSPK modulation topology, which jointly constitute the proposed baseband unit. The Pulse Generator (PG) is based on non-linear shaping, so as to facilitate the configurability of the output pulse duration, and exploits the voltage transfer characteristic of a Resistive Loaded Asymmetrical CMOS Inverter, which results in spectral sidelobes typically better than -40 dB. The PG incorporates mostly-digital low voltage circuits, while the MOSFET devices that undertake the pulse shaping avoid exclusive operation in weak inversion, in contrast to previous implementations. Consequently, the proposed CMOS PG is able to support higher throughput, as well as higher output amplitude, which relaxes considerably the design of the RF front end. This thesis presents a systematic design procedure and a scaling analysis of the non-linear pulse shaper. Moreover, in order to further increase the speed, a special PRF boost technique is proposed, which trades off speed and spectral efficiency for the spectral sidelobes level. Regarding the BPSK modulator, this work introduces the “Trigger Switching Fully Balanced Up-Conversion” topology, which avoids the use of power-hungry and distortion-prone analog circuits for the accurate inversion of the subnanosecond shaped pulses, as well as avoids the application of analog waveform switching to the baseband pulses, since the baseband modulation takes place before the generation of the pulses. The digital nature of the switching lends itself to high data rates, while the balanced paths of the topology ensure high modulation quality with minimal design effort. Wafer probing measurements confirmed the high performance of the baseband unit. The functionality of the transmitter was completed by the development of an RF front end which consists of a double balanced mixer, an LO buffer, a differential to single-ended (DtoSE) converter, and a power amplifier which is ready to drive a 50 Ohms load without requiring any off-chip components. The integrated transmitter, which incorporates the proposed baseband unit and the RF front end, was fabricated in 130 nm CMOS technology. The transmitter RFIC was directly attached to the system RF PCB using the Chip-on-Board packaging option. The First-Pass success of the system was ensured by paying particular attention to Signal/Power Integrity issues and following an IC-Package-PCB co-design procedure. The transmitter was measured up to 1.5 Gbps, which, to the author’s knowledge, was the highest speed amongst the competitive Multi-Band Impulse-Radio UWB implementations in the literature. The corresponding energy efficiency was 21 pJoule/bit and the Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) 5.5%, while the proposed transmitter improved the spectral sidelobes by over 10 dB. Exploiting the reconfigurability of the transmitter, this thesis presents the first measurements at multi-Mbps speeds that completely meet the final version of the European spectrum emission mask.

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