Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ends"" "subject:"nds""
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Undersökande arbetssätt i NO-undervisningen i grundskolans tidigare årskurserJohansson, Annie-Maj January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of inquiry-based approaches in primary school science. The aim is to investigate the goals and purposes that are constituted by the curriculum and by the teachers in interviews and through their teaching in the classroom. The results are used to develop conceptual tools that can be used by teachers’ in their work to support students’ learning of science when using an inquiry-based approach. The thesis is comprised of four papers. In paper one a comparative analysis is made of five Swedish national curricula for compulsory school regarding what students should learn about scientific inquiry. In paper two 20 teachers were interviewed about their own teaching using inquiry. Classroom interactions were filmed and analyzed in papers three and four, which examine how primary teachers use the various activities and purposes of the inquiry classroom to support learning progressions in science. The results of paper one show how the emphasis within and between the two goals of learning to carry out investigations and learning about the nature of science shifted and changed over time in the different curricula. Paper two describes the selective traditions and qualities that were emphasized in the teachers’ accounts of their own teaching. The results of papers three and four show how students need to be involved in the proximate and ultimate purposes of the teaching activities for progression to happen. The ultimate purposes are the scientific purposes for the lesson (as given by the teacher or by the curriculum), whereas the proximate purposes are the more student-centered purposes that through different activities should allow the students to relate their own experiences and language to the ultimate purpose. The results show the importance of proximate purposes working as ends-in-viewin the sense of John Dewey, meaning that the students see the goal of the activity and that they are able to relate to their experiences and familiar language. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: In press. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Dualidade de Poincaré e invariantes cohomológicos /Cellini, Caroline Paula. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Ermínia de Lourdes Campello Fanti / Banca: Fernanda Soares Pinto Cardona / Banca: Maria Gorete Carreira Andrade / Resumo: Neste trabalho são abordados alguns aspectos da teoria de dualidade. Ele pode ser dividido em três partes principais. Na primeira demonstramos o teorema de Dualidade de Poincaré para variedades (sem bordo) orientáveis. Para tanto, fez-se necessário o uso do limite direto e cohomologia com suporte compacto. Na segunda definimos grupos de dualidade, em particular, grupo de dualidade de Poincaré, apresentamos alguns resultados e observações sobre a relação existente entre tais grupos e os grupos fundamentais de variedades asféricas fechadas, que é ainda um problema em aberto. Finalmente, alguns resultados envolvendo invariantes cohomológicos "ends" e grupos de dualidade são apresentados. / Abstract: In this work we consider some aspects of duality theory. It can be divided in three principal parts. In the first we prove the Poincaré Duality theorem for orientable manifolds (without boundary). For that, it is necessary the use of the direct limit and cohomology with compact supports. In the second part we de¯ne duality groups, in particular, Poincaré duality groups, we introduce some results and observations about the relationship between such groups and fundamental groups of aspherical closed manifolds, that still is an open problem. Finally, some results envolving the cohomological invariant "ends" and duality groups are presented. / Mestre
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[pt] Este estudo apresenta uma análise numérica pelo método de
elementos finitos da distribuição de tensões em dentes
restaurados com coroas unitárias totalmente cerâmicas de
diferentes tipos de terminações cervicais. Para a obtenção
do modelo numérico bi-dimensional, três modelos da região
de molares inferiores foram criados a partir de uma peça
anatômica real e simularam a aplicação de coroas cerâmicas
puras com diferentes terminações cervicais no segundo
molar. O material selecionado para as restaurações foi uma
cerâmica reforçada por dissilicato de lítio, enquanto que
as terminações cervicais adotadas foram do tipo ombro
reto, ombro arredondado e chanfro. Com o objetivo de
realizar uma análise mais criteriosa das distribuições de
tensões inerentes aos diferentes tipos de terminações
cervicais, optou-se por criar o mesmo modelo em uma
condição totalmente hígida, isto é, com ausência de
qualquer tipo de restauração. A simulação numérica foi
realizada pelo software ANSYS 7.0, sendo os modelos
carregados com uma força estática de 400 N distribuída
uniformemente na espessura dos dentes e subdividida em
pontos de aplicação nas superfícies oclusais dos elementos
dentais de acordo com a relação cúspide-crista. Os vetores
correspondentes à aplicação das forças foram direcionados
para região ânteroinferior da mandíbula com uma angulação
de 15o. Os resultados mostraram que a restauração
envolvendo a coroa cerâmica com terminação cervical em
ombro reto concentrou mais tensões no dente molar
restaurado, seguida pela coroa cerâmica com uma terminação
cervical do tipo ombro arredondado. Por sua vez, a coroa
cerâmica com a terminação cervical em chanfro provocou uma
distribuição de tensões mais homogênea no dente molar
restaurado. / [en] This work presents a finite element analysis of the stress
distribution in teeth restored by single all-ceramic
crowns with different types of finishing lines. In order
to obtain the 2-D numerical model, three models of the
mandibular molar teeth region were created considering a
real anatomic piece and were then used to simulate the
application of all-ceramic crowns with different finishing
lines on the second molar. The selected material for the
restorations was a ceramic material reinforced by lithium
disilicate and the finishing lines adopted were shoulder,
rounded shoulder and chamfer type. Aiming to realize a
more careful analysis of the stress distributions
associated with the different finishing lines, the same
model was created in a completely healthy condition, i.
e., in the absence of any kind of restoration. The
numerical simulation was carried out by the ANSYS 7.0
software loading the models with 400 N distributed by the
teeth thickness and applied according to the cusp-crest
relationship at points in the teeth oclusal surfaces. The
vectors corresponding to the applied forces were oriented
towards the former-inferior mandibular region at the angle
of 15o. The results indicated that the restoration
involving the all-ceramic crown with the shoulder type
finishing line intensified the stress in the restored molar
tooth, followed by the all-ceramic crown with the rounded
shoulder. On the other hand, the all-ceramic crown with
the chamfer type finishing line caused a more homogeneous
stress distribution in the restored molar tooth.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The current dissertation has as its main objective an exposition and critical analysis of
Charles Kielkopf's translation of the Standard Deontic Logic (SDL) into a normal alethic logic,
and the resulting construction of a system of deontic logic that captures Kantian fundamental
concepts and principles such as the concept of causal necessity and the formulations of the
Categorical Imperative concerning Kingdom of Nature and Kingdom of Ends. Since this
process results in an interpretation of aspects of the Kantian philosophy, it has been chosen,
initially, a presentation in general lines of these concepts and, considering the difficulties
regarding the applicability of a translation process between deontic and ontic principles, it
was done necessary also an exhibition concerning the problem of the inferential barriers, as
well as of his more immediate consequence, i. e., Jörgensen's Dilemma. In a second
moment, it was also made a characterization of normal modal systems, deontic ones and
alethic ones, as well as of the notions of translation between logics and of Dawson modelling.
The final chapter consists of a critical examination of Kielkopf's proposal, which uses Dawson
modelling to develop a deontic logic based on the alethic system K1. Such Dawson
modelling allows the definition of a deontic modalities in terms of iterated alethic modalities,
therefore this model constitutes a way of avoiding the problems regarding inferential barriers.
The development of an alternative for attribution of logical status to deontic concepts doesn't
constitute, however, in an innovative aspect of this proposal, such aspect can be founded in
the use made by Kielkopf of his formal model as a tool for the investigation of philosophical
concepts, such as the Kantian concepts already mentioned. / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo uma apresentação da proposta de Charles Kielkopf, de tradução da lógica deôntica standard em uma lógica normal alética e de seus
resultados quanto à construção de um sistema de lógica deôntica que capture conceitos e princípios kantianos como necessidade causal e as formulações do Imperativo Categórico
acerca do Reino da Natureza e do Reino dos Fins. Uma vez que este processo resulta em uma interpretação de aspectos da filosofia kantiana, optou-se inicialmente por uma
apresentação em linhas gerais destas concepções e, tendo em vista as dificuldades referentes a aplicabilidade de um processo de tradução entre princípios deônticos e ônticos,
fez-se necessária também uma exposição acerca do problema das barreiras inferenciais, bem como de sua conseqüência mais imediata, a saber, o Dilema de Jörgensen. Num
segundo momento, também foi feita uma caracterização dos sistemas modais normais, tanto deônticos quanto aléticos, bem como da noção de tradução entre lógicas e dos modelos de Dawson. O capítulo final consiste justamente num exame crítico da proposta de Kielkopf, o qual faz uso dos modelos de Dawson para desenvolver uma lógica deôntica a partir do
sistema lógico K1. Tais modelos de Dawson permitem a definição de uma lógica deôntica em termos de modalidades aléticas iteradas, com o que este modelo constitui-se em uma
maneira de evitar os problemas referentes às barreiras inferenciais. O desenvolvimento de uma alternativa para a atribuição de um status lógico a concepções deônticas não constitui, contudo, o aspecto inovador desta proposta, tal aspecto encontra-se justamente na utilização por Kielkopf, de seu modelo formal como uma ferramenta para a investigação de concepções filosóficas, no caso, as concepções kantianas já citadas.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The current dissertation is the result of an investigation about the semantic of deontic logic. Restricting to the propositional version, the work had as the main objective of study some lectures of the philosopher J. Hintikka which semantic proposal for deontic logic includes a re-interpretation of an important notion in Kant s philosophy: the notion of a Kingdom of Ends. Kant also figures in the Hintikka proposal through the illustration of one of the results of his matter, it means, the distinction between logical and deontic consequence, from which the so called Kant s Principle is an example. Having as the objective the exposition of this proposal, it has chosen to situate it in a discussion about the convenience of formalizations has a tool of philosophical analysis. Therefore, the proposal of Hintikka figures as an example of formalization which the results can have relevant philosophical features. The general exposition of the Kantian formulations of the Categorical Imperative, especially the formulation of the Kingdom of Ends (the subject matter of the first chapter), it has as an aim to point the most relevant features in Kantian practical philosophy for doing the analysis that accomplishes on the third chapter. / A presente dissertação é o resultado de uma investigação acerca da semântica para lógica deôntica standard. Restringindo-se à versão proposicional da mesma, o trabalho teve como principal objeto de estudo alguns textos do filósofo J. Hintikka, cuja proposta de semântica para lógica deôntica inclui a reinterpretação de uma noção importante da filosofia de I. Kant: a noção de Reino dos Fins. Kant também figura na proposta de Hintikka pela ilustração de um dos resultados de sua abordagem, a saber, a distinção entre conseqüência lógica e conseqüência deôntica, da qual o assim chamado princípio de Kant é um exemplo. Tendo como objetivo a exposição desta proposta, optou-se por situá-la em uma discussão a respeito da conveniência da formalização enquanto ferramenta de análise filosófica. Sendo assim, a proposta de Hintikka figura como um exemplo de formalização cujos resultados podem ter características filosóficas relevantes. A exposição geral sobre as formulações kantianas do Imperativo Categórico, em especial a formulação do Reino dos Fins (tema do primeiro capítulo), tem como objetivo justamente apontar as características de maior relevância na filosofia prática de Kant para o trabalho de análise que se efetiva no terceiro capítulo da dissertação.
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Návrh automatického lisu / Design of automatic pressUjčík, Miroslav January 2021 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with the design of a press, which will be part of a robotic workplace. This workplace is designed for a company operating as a subcontractor for the automotive industry, for which automation is one of the most important processes of development and increasing labor productivity. The robotized cell is part of a line for heat treatment of plastic tube semi-finished products. The cell itself is used to press the conical extension of the pipe ends using a steel mandrel. In order to manipulate the parts, the corresponding end effectors of robots are designed in the work, which safely load and remove parts from the automated press. Design and control calculations are supplemented by finite element strength analysis in Solidworks. A drawing documentation is also made in this program. The work is performed with regard to the requirements of technologists and the quality department.
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OEKO-ID - Innendämmungen zur thermischen Gebäudeertüchtigung: Untersuchung der Möglichkeiten und Grenzen ökologischer, diffusionsoffener Dämmsysteme: Endbericht Oktober 2013Ruisinger, Ulrich, Ettenauer, Jörg, Plagge, Rudolf, Hengsberger, Herwig January 2013 (has links)
Das Projekt OEKO-ID hat zum Ziel. problematische Bauteilanschlüsse, insbesondere Balkenköpfe von Holzdecken, im Zusammenhang mit "ökologischen" Innendämmsystemen messtechnisch zu untersuchen. Des Weiteren sollen Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der hygrothermischen Simulation aufgezeigt werden. Ferner wurde eine neue Methode molekularbiologischer und baubiologischer Untersuchungen, hier zur Detektierung von Schimmelpilzen, entwickelt und optimiert.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Technisch-wissenschaftliche Beschreibung der Arbeit 4
1.1 Projektabriss 4
2 Testhaus und energetische Sanierung 6
2.1 Literaturrecherche 6
2.2 Auswahl der Dämmsysteme 7
2.3 Planung Versuchsgebäude 8
2.4 Adaptierung Versuchsgebäude 8
2.5 Vorbereitende Arbeiten
2.7 Montage der Dämmsysteme 14
2.8 Baupraktische Erfahrungen im Spiegel des WTA-Merkblatts E-8-14 18
2.9 Beschreibung der verwendeten Dämmsysteme 20
2.10 Bewertung der verwendeten Dämmstoffe bezüglich der Verarbeitung 26
2.11 Vergleich der Dämmsysteme bezüglich OI3- Index 29
2.12 Erfahrungen beim Rückbau und der Entsorgung 31
2.13 Zusammenfassung der Eigenschaften der Dämmsysteme 39
2.14 Reduzierung der Transmissionswärmeverluste durch Innendämmmaßnahmen 41
3 Hygrothermische Materialkennwerte und -funktionen 43
3.1 Materialuntersuchungen 43
3.2 Beprobung . 44
3.3 Messverfahren 45
3.4 Verifizierungsexperimente: kontinuierliche Wasseraufnahme und Abtrocknung 52
3.5 Erstellung von Materialfunktionen 53
3.6 Zusammenfassung der Eigenschaften der Materialien und Innendämmsysteme 62
4 Mikrobiologische Untersuchungen und Methodenentwicklung 67
4.1 Vorgehen 67
4.2 Ergebnisse 75
5 Hygrothermische Vor-Ort-Messungen 81
5.1 Auswertung der Messdaten 81
5.2 Außen- und Raumklima 82
5.3 Temperatur und Luftfeuchte auf der Bestandsoberfläche 94
5.4 Temperatur und Luftfeuchte in der Mitte der Balkentasche 105
5.5 Temperatur und Luftfeuchte vor dem Stirnholz 109
5.6 Holzfeuchtemessungen 115
5.7 Oberflächentemperaturen 121
5.8 Temperatur- und Feuchteprofile an den Balken 125
5.9 Abdichtung der Balkenauflagertaschen 140
5.10 Mögliches Schimmelpilzwachstum in den Balkenauflagern 147
5.11 Konvertieren und Auswerten der Messungen 149
5.12 Resümee der hygrothermischen Messungen 149
6 Hygrothermische Simulationen 152
6 Hygrothermische Simulationen 152
6.1 Verwendete Simulationsprogramme 152
6.2 Temperatur-Korrektur der Holzfeuchtesensoren 154
6.3 Einfluss von Schlagregen 158
6.4 Berücksichtigung der Permeabilität der Baumaterialien 162
6.5 Simulation der Messergebnisse 166
6.6 Simulation der Grenzschicht Dämmsystem/ Bestandskonstruktion 168
6.7 Simulation eines Balkenkopfs 170
7 Dissemination - Darstellung der Verbreitungs- und Verwertungsmaßnahmen 174
7.1 Workshops 174
7.2 Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Projekten 175
7.3 Vorträge auf (Fach-)Tagungen und Konferenzen 175
7.4 Publikationen 178
8 Zusammenfassung 180
8.1 Technologische und ökologische Bewertung der Dämmsysteme 180
8.2 Bestimmung der Materialeigenschaften 181
8.3 Mikrobiologische Untersuchungen und Methodenentwicklung 181
8.4 Hygrothermische Vorortmessungen182
8.5 Hygrothermische Simulationen 183
8.6 Dissemination 184
9 Literaturverzeichnis 185
10 Unterschrift 192
A1 Anhang zum Abschnitt 2 Versuchsaufbau 193
A2 Anhang zum Abschnitt 4 - Mikrobiologische Untersuchungen 194
A3 Abdruck der Publikationen in internationalen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften 208
A4 Bauteilkatalog 230
A5 Monatliche Klima-Durchschnittswerte 247
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The Effect of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems on the Vocal FoldsSample, Hilary Gayle 12 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Quasi-isometric rigidity of a product of lattices, and coarse geometry of non-transitive graphsOh, Josiah 10 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring Patterns of the Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Among Adolescents in High-Risk Appalachian (U.S.a) CommunitiesMamudu, Hadii M., Shahani, Disha, Jones, Antwan, Ahuja, Manik, Adeniran, Esther, Weierbach, Florence, Swindle, Jean, Liu, Ying, Keener, Janet, Blair, Cynthia J., McNabb, Michelle, Asare, Matthew, Wood, David L., Ferketich, Amy 01 January 2022 (has links)
Background: Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use among adolescents in the United States (U.S.) has surpassed conventional tobacco products (CTPs), including cigarettes. Increasingly, ENDS are used concurrently with CTPs and substances such as cannabis. However, few studies involve Central Appalachia, a region with historically high rates of tobacco and other substance use. Objective: To examine prevalence of concurrent use of ENDS and cannabis among school-going adolescents in Appalachian Tennessee and delineate associations between ENDS use and substance-related risk behavior (cannabis use), social relations (peer use), and school-related risk behavior (academic performance). Methods: Data were obtained from a survey conducted with youth aged 13-17 years in 2018 in a county in Appalachian Tennessee (n = 280). A multivariable logistic regression model was fit to evaluate associations between ENDS and cannabis use, and other factors. Results: Overall, lifetime ENDS and cannabis prevalence estimates were 31.1% and 18.6%, respectively. Lifetime ENDS users had increased odds of also being lifetime cannabis users [OR = 9.22, 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.44-24.75]. Lifetime ENDS users had increased odds of reporting ENDS use among peers [OR = 12.11; 95% CI: 5.40-27.12] and lower academic performance (OR associated with mostly C or D vs. A grades was 4.28, 95% CI: 1.68-10.90). Conclusion: This study found an association between ENDS and cannabis use among adolescents in Appalachian Tennessee exists. Additionally, peer use and academic performance were associated with ENDS use. The findings have implications for public health intervention planning to address not only ENDS but also substance use among Appalachian youth.
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