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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organiserande syften som stöd för kemiundervisning i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om att designa och analysera undervisning om vattnets faser med utgångpunkt i faktaböcker. / Organizing purposes as support for chemistry teaching in preschool. : A qualitative study on designing and analyzing teaching about the phases of water based on fact books.

Hinders, Lena, Hedlund, Therese January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om hur Organiserande syften kan användas som stöd för didaktisk analys och design av kemiundervisning i förskolan som tar utgångspunkt i faktaböcker. Som forskningsansats har vi använt oss av aktionsforskning och inom ramen för detta gjordes en didaktisk modellering där vi exemplifierat hur den didaktiska modellen Organiserande syften kan användas som stöd i planering, genomförande samt utvärdering av undervisning i förskolan. Utifrån detta har vi i vår studie genomfört två undervisningscyklar och påbörjat en tredje där vi systematiskt har planerat, agerat, observerat och reflekterat med hjälp av begrepp som kopplas till den didaktiska modellen Organiserande syften: övergripande syfte, närliggande syfte och kontinuitet. Datainsamlingen skedde genom observation under undervisningsaktiviteterna. Aktiviteternas huvudfokus var vattnets olika faser och riktade sig till barn i åldern tre – fem år. I resultatet kunde vi se att när den didaktiska modellen Organiserande syfte användes som ett didaktiskt verktyg var denna ett stöd i utvecklingen samt förbättringen av undervisningen. Modellen hjälpte oss vid planering av aktiviteterna och synliggjorde genom övergripande och närliggande syften på vilket lärandeobjekt eller område som skulle vara i fokus. Analysen av undervisningscyklarna visade på vilka förbättringar som behövde göras inför nästkommande cykel för att det skulle utgå från barnens livsvärld samt utmana till nya upptäckter. Slutsatsen i denna studie påvisar att organiserande syften kan vara ett stöd för pedagoger i förskolan att designa, analysera samt utveckla undervisningens kvalité. / The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of how the didactic model organizing purposes can be used in preschool, as support in didactic analyzis and design of chemistry teaching based on non-fictional books. As a research approach, we utilized action research and within this structure didactic modeling was done. We exemplified how organizing purposes can be used as support in planning, implementation and evaluation of preschool teaching. Within this systematically planned, acted, observed and analysed two teaching cycles and planned a third by using the concepts that are linked to the model organizing purposes: ultimate purposes, proximate purposes and continuity. Data was collected through observation of the teaching activities that were carried out. The activities refer to different phases of water and was aimed at children aged three to five years. The results of this study show that using the didactic model organizing purposes as a didactic tool supports the improvement and development of teaching in a preschool environment. The model supported us in the planning of the activities by bringing light to which learning objects or area should be in focus, through the concepts ultimate and proximal purposes. Our analysis of the teaching cycles showed what improvements needed to be made. Improvements that would make the activities better based on children’s knowledge as well as challenge them to make new discoveries. The conclusion of this study shows that organizing purposes can act as support for preschool educators when designing, analyzing and developing the quality of teaching.

Undersökande arbetssätt i NO-undervisningen i grundskolans tidigare årskurser / Inquiry practises in primary science education

Johansson, Annie-Maj January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of inquiry-based approaches in primary school science. The aim is to investigate the goals and purposes that are constituted by the curriculum and by the teachers in interviews and through their teaching in the classroom. The results are used to develop conceptual tools that can be used by teachers’ in their work to support students’ learning of science when using an inquiry-based approach. The thesis is comprised of four papers. In paper one a comparative analysis is made of five Swedish national curricula for compulsory school regarding what students should learn about scientific inquiry. In paper two 20 teachers were interviewed about their own teaching using inquiry. Classroom interactions were filmed and analyzed in papers three and four, which examine how primary teachers use the various activities and purposes of the inquiry classroom to support learning progressions in science. The results of paper one show how the emphasis within and between the two goals of learning to carry out investigations and learning about the nature of science shifted and changed over time in the different curricula. Paper two describes the selective traditions and qualities that were emphasized in the teachers’ accounts of their own teaching. The results of papers three and four show how students need to be involved in the proximate and ultimate purposes of the teaching activities for progression to happen. The ultimate purposes are the scientific purposes for the lesson (as given by the teacher or by the curriculum), whereas the proximate purposes are the more student-centered purposes that through different activities should allow the students to relate their own experiences and language to the ultimate purpose. The results show the importance of proximate purposes working as ends-in-view in the sense of John Dewey, meaning that the students see the goal of the activity and that they are able to relate to their experiences and familiar language. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: In press. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Undersökande arbetssätt i NO-undervisningen i grundskolans tidigare årskurser

Johansson, Annie-Maj January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of inquiry-based approaches in primary school science. The aim is to investigate the goals and purposes that are constituted by the curriculum and by the teachers in interviews and through their teaching in the classroom. The results are used to develop conceptual tools that can be used by teachers’ in their work to support students’ learning of science when using an inquiry-based approach. The thesis is comprised of four papers. In paper one a comparative analysis is made of five Swedish national curricula for compulsory school regarding what students should learn about scientific inquiry. In paper two 20 teachers were interviewed about their own teaching using inquiry. Classroom interactions were filmed and analyzed in papers three and four, which examine how primary teachers use the various activities and purposes of the inquiry classroom to support learning progressions in science. The results of paper one show how the emphasis within and between the two goals of learning to carry out investigations and learning about the nature of science shifted and changed over time in the different curricula. Paper two describes the selective traditions and qualities that were emphasized in the teachers’ accounts of their own teaching. The results of papers three and four show how students need to be involved in the proximate and ultimate purposes of the teaching activities for progression to happen. The ultimate purposes are the scientific purposes for the lesson (as given by the teacher or by the curriculum), whereas the proximate purposes are the more student-centered purposes that through different activities should allow the students to relate their own experiences and language to the ultimate purpose. The results show the importance of proximate purposes working as ends-in-viewin the sense of John Dewey, meaning that the students see the goal of the activity and that they are able to relate to their experiences and familiar language. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: In press. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Organiserande syften i praktiken : En studie om införlivandet av den didaktiska modellen organiserande syften i en lärares arbete med lärandeprogression i NO-undervisningen. / Organizing purposes in practice : A study on the implementation of the didactic model organizing purposes in a teacher’s work with learning progression in science education.

Karlsson, Emma, Påfvels, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
In educational research to date, many studies have tried to explain how to reduce the gap between theory and practice in science education. Parts of this research have been conducted through the medium of didactic models. Didactic models are frameworks which can help teachers make their didactic choices explicit for themselves as well as in communication with colleagues. Organizing purposes is one of these didactic models, a model which focuses on educational learning progression. In action research methodology we set out to find how a teacher’s learning progression practice could be affected by an implementation of organizing purposes. We used observations and interviews during a pilot study and three design cycles to collect out data. During our study we got to see how the didactic model organizing purposes could be useful for a teacher by giving structure to their work with learning progression in science education. We also saw what changed in the teacher’s teaching during the implementation of organizing purposes. Lastly, we found what factors the teacher saw as important and necessary for the didactic model to work. These were all linked to collaborative engagement. / I skolans värld har det gjorts flera undersökningar om hur man kan minska på gapet mellan teori och praktik i NO-undervisningen. Några av dessa undersökningar har gjorts med fokus på didaktiska modeller. Didaktiska modeller ger lärare en begreppsram som hen kan använda både när läraren strukturerar sin undervisning och när hen ska kommunicera sina didaktiska val i diskussion med kollegor. Organiserande syften är en didaktisk modell som är skapad så att läraren kan spetsa till sitt arbete med lärandeprogression. I denna undersökning användes aktionsforskning för att ta reda på hur en lärare kan använda sig av organiserande syften för att arbeta med lärandeprogression. Vi använder oss av observation och intervju för att under en pilotstudie samt tre designcykler samla data om hur läraren införlivar organiserande syften i sin undervisning. I resultat ser vi hur den didaktiska modellen organiserande syften hjälper läraren att få ett mer strukturerat arbetssätt för att uppnå lärandeprogression i NO-undervisningen. Vi har också sett vilka förändringar införlivningen av den didaktiska modellen i praktiken fått för lärarens undervisning. Slutligen har vi kunnat konstatera vilka faktorer läraren ser som viktiga för att den didaktiska modellen ska kunna fungera i praktiken.

Att göra geggamoja till ett lärotillfälle om blandning och separation : En kvalitativ studie om användningen av organiserande syften för didaktisk analys och design av kemiundervisning i förskolan / To make “geggamoja” a learning opportunity about mixture and separation : A qualitative study on the use of organizing purposes for didactic analysis and design of chemistry teaching in early childhood education

Fahlgren, Lina, Jansson, Sara January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute to the increase of knowledge about how the didactic model “organizing purposes” can be utilized within a preschool environment, as support in didactic analysis and design of exploratory teaching of the chemistry concepts: mixing and separating. In this study we have implemented the research approach action research and within this framework exemplified how the didactic model organizing purposes can be used as support in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of teaching. We will study this with the help of our teaching activity that is based on “geggamoja”. Based on this, we have together with children in the age of four to five years old completed two teaching cycles and started a third cycle. We’ve systematically planned, acted, observed and reflected on the teaching design with the help of the conceptual apparatus that establish the didactical model organizing purposes: ultimate purposes, proximate purposes, end-in-view and continuity. The data for the analysis and evaluation of the teaching design was collected through observation, sound recordings and field notes of the teaching cycles that took place. The results of this study show that the model organizing purposes acted as support in making improvements. The conceptual apparatus also proved to give support in analyzing, evaluating and improving a teaching activity. To make learning meaningful and understandable for the children participating, and as a result contribute to their knowledge development. Our conclusion of this study is that educators can use organizing purposes as support in systematically improving the quality of teaching chemistry in early childhood education. / Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om hur den didaktiska modellen organiserande syften kan användas som stöd för didaktisk analys och design av en utforskande undervisning i förskola kring kemibegreppen blanda och separera. Vi har använt oss av aktionsforskning som forskningsansats och inom ramen för detta gjort en didaktisk modellering där vi exemplifierat hur organiserande syften kan användas som stöd i planering, genomförande och utvärdering av undervisning. Detta genom vår undervisningsaktivitet som tar utgångspunkt i geggamoja. Utifrån detta har vi tillsammans med fyra- till femåringar genomfört två undervisningscyklar och påbörjat en tredje. Vi har systematiskt planerat, agerat, observerat och reflekterat med hjälp av begreppsapparaten som utgör den didaktiska modellen organiserande syften: övergripande syfte, närliggande syfte, mål-i-sikte och kontinuitet. Insamlingen av data för analys och utvärdering av undervisningsdesignen i syftet att förbättra designen skedde genom observation, ljudinspelning och fältanteckningar under undervisningsaktiviteterna. I resultatet framkommer det att modellen organiserande syften var ett stöd för att göra förbättringar och att begreppsapparaten var ett stöd i analysen, då man skulle utvärdera och förbättra en undervisningsaktivitet. Det vill säga så att undervisningsaktiviteten blir begriplig och meningsfull för alla barn som deltar och på så sätt bidrar till deras kunskapsutveckling. Vår slutsats är att den didaktiska modellen organiserande syften kan vara ett stöd för förskollärare att på ett systematiskt sätt utveckla undervisningens kvalité i ämnet kemi i förskolan.

Att utveckla handlingskompetens i kemiundervisning för hållbar utveckling : En exemplifiering hur den didaktiska modellen organiserande syften kan stödja lärare att utveckla en kemiundervisning i lågstadiet som bidrar till elevernas handlingskompetens kring avfallshantering. / To develop action competence in chemistry education for sustainable development. : An exemplification of how the didactic model of organizing purposes can support teachers in developing the elementary school chemistry education that contributes to students ́action competence regarding waste management.

Berlin, Isabell, Nordlin, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
The purpose is to exemplify how the didactic model of organizing purposes can be used by teachers to support the development of chemistry education aimed at increasing students ́ action competence in waste management issues. We conducted didactic modeling with the exemplification phase as the research approach. To exemplify how the organizing purposes model provided support in didactic design and analysis, we created a teaching sequence of two lessons and implemented it in a class. The goal was to create progression between activities that would lead to students developing competence in action. Data collection was carried out through video recordings during these two teaching sessions, which were then transcribed and analyzed. During the analysis, we used the conceptual framework of organizing purposes: proximal purposes, overarching purposes, goals-in-view, and continuity. The exemplification shows that the model supported us in selecting activities to create a thoughtful progression. It also supported us in considering how to connect what students did with our overarching goal.

Lärandeprogression för kraftfulla fotosynteskunskaper : En exemplifiering av hur den didaktiska modellen organiserande syften kan ge stöd för lärares planering. / Learning progression for powerful knowledge of photosynthesis : An exemplification of how the didactic model of organized purposes can provide support for teachers planning.

Nilsson, Hannah, Persson, Anders January 2024 (has links)
Photosynthesis is challenging for teachers to instruct, both among younger and older students. Students find it difficult to comprehend its chemical and biological significance for plants and ecosystems. Additionally, it is challenging to make the teaching of photosynthesis relevant and useful for students, ena-bling them to understand and engage with issues related to their everyday life and society. The purpose of this study is to exemplify how organizing purposes can be used as a support for professional experimentation to address didactic questions in one's own practice, concerning how teaching can make photosynthesis knowledge powerful for primary school students. A didactic modeling was conducted with a qualitative research approach inspired by action research, to demonstrate how the model of organizing purposes can support teachers in planning, implementing, and evaluating teaching that promotes students' pow-erful knowledge in photosynthesis. To illustrate the supportive role of organizing purposes in didactic analysis and teaching design, we conducted two complete lessons and initiated a third one. Data were collected through video recording so that the design could be evaluated, analyzed and transcribed. The teaching was conducted in a fifth-grade classroom, with a total of fourteen stu-dents participating. The instruction consisted of chemical concepts and explan-atory models, the chemical processes in photosynthesis, combustion and cellular respiration, and finally, photosynthesis related to the chemical reactions occurring in animals and plants.The results exemplify how the model of organizing purposes provided support for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the content of the lessons. In the analysis, the conceptual framework supported improvements in the teaching design. The model guided the instruction towards continuity and pro-gression and enabled clear reflection and revision of the content. One conclu-sion of the study is that exemplification demonstrates how organizing purposes can serve as a support for reflecting on how to adapt and combine the teacher’s overarching goals with the instruction, bridging to the more student-centered immediate purpose. Therefore, it is a didactic tool that can assist teachers in creating photosynthesis instruction that is relevant and interesting for students and, in many ways, enable their scientific knowledge to become powerful. / Fotosyntesen är svår för lärare att undervisa om, både bland yngre och äldre elever. Eleverna har svårt att förstå dess kemiska och biologiska betydelse för växter och ekosystem. Dessutom är det svårt att göra fotosyntesundervisningen relevant och användbar för eleverna, så att de kan förstå och agera i frågor som rör vardagslivet och samhället.Syftet med studien är att exemplifiera hur organiserande syften kan användas som stöd för professionell experimentering för att adressera didaktiska frågor i den egna praktiken, kring hur undervisning kan göra fotosynteskunskaper kraftfulla för elever i mellanstadiet. En didaktisk modellering har gjorts med en kvalitativ forskningsansats med aktionsforskning som inspiration, för att visa hur modellen organiserande syften kan stödja lärare i planering, genomförande och utvärdering av undervisning som främjar elevernas kraftfulla fo-tosynteskunskaper. För att illustrera den stödjande rollen av organiserande syften i didaktisk analys och undervisningsdesign, genomförde vi två hela lektioner och initierade en tredje. Data samlades in genom videoinspelning som underlag till att utvärdera designen, som sedan analyserades och transkriberades. Undervisningen genomfördes i en skolklass i årskurs fem, där totalt fjorton elever deltog. Undervisningen bestod av kemiska begrepp och förklaringsmodeller, de kemiska processerna i fotosyntesen, förbränning och cellandning och slutligen fotosyntesen kopplat till de kemiska reaktioner som sker i djur och växter.Resultatet exemplifierar hur modellen organiserande syften gav stöd till planering, genomförande och utvärdering av lektionsinnehållet. I analysen var be-greppsapparaten ett stöd till förbättringar av undervisningsdesignen. Modellen guidade undervisningen mot kontinuitet och progression och möjliggjorde reflektion och revidering av innehållet på ett tydligt sätt. En slutsats av studien är att exemplifiering visar hur organiserande syften kan fungera som stöd för att reflektera kring hur man anpassar och kombinerar lärarens övergripande syften med undervisningen och överbryggar till det mer elevnära närliggande syftet. Det är därför ett didaktiskt verktyg som kan stödja lärare att skapa foto-syntesundervisning som är relevant och intressant för eleverna och på flera sätt möjliggöra att deras naturvetenskapliga kunskap blir kraftfull.

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