Spelling suggestions: "subject:"energetika"" "subject:"energetikai""
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Návrh programu pro výpočet výkonu a průtoku aktivní zónou z parametrů sekundárního okruhu pro JE s reaktorem VVER 440 / Evaluation of power and coolant flow in reactor coreTvrdý, Miloslav January 2010 (has links)
This graduation thesis deals with evaluation of power and coolant flow in reactor core. The first part is a description of nuclear power plant VVER 440. It is focused on parts important for transfer and utilize energy in regular operating of generating block. In the second part, the equations for calculation of power and coolant flow in reactor core are deduced. The last part is about designing the program for calculation of published values. There are specified requirements for the program and on the basis of this the source code is written. The parts of code are described. In conclusion of this part, the user's manual is work out. The program is on CD in the annexe.
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Studium radiačního poškození nádoby reaktoru VVER-440 jaderné elektrárny Dukovany / Radiation damage of VVER-440 based Dukovany NPP reactor pressure vessel investigationŘíha, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with radiation damage of reactor pressure vessels, specifically of NPP Dukovany Unit No. 3. In general damage mechanisms of reactor steels are described and possibilities of monitoring of material degradation and its recovery used at NPP’s all over the world are mentioned as well. A practical part of the thesis is focused on interpretation of analyses carried out with the assistance of MOBY DICK code. The ground of these analyses is a neutron fluence value development on different locations of RPV for the whole life of operation up to 24th cycle. The analyses results are put into context with performed in-service inspections. The thesis follows up with neutron fluence computation for the future cycles containing new types of nuclear fuel up to 34th cycle. The outcome of practical part of the master‘s thesis is a comparison between new types of nuclear fuel with respect to radiation damage of RPV’s.
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Koordinace Visegrádské skupiny při projednávání klimaticko-energetického balíčku EU pro rok 2030 / Coordination of Visegrad group during negotiations on the EU framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030Denková, Adéla January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the negotiations on the EU framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030 which were held in the Council of the EU and the European Council from January to October 2014. The text focuses on coordination of common negotiating position and common requirements of the Visegrad countries, Bulgaria and Romania which played an important role as an advocacy coalition during the negotiations on climate and energy package. They aimed to push through solutions of the issue of unequal costs placed on individual EU member states, with heavier burden put on the low-income countries. The thesis looks into the V4+2 group particular claims and evaluates how successful the coalition was in its efforts to set their ideas into the final formulation of the EU climate and energy policy for the period after 2020. The thesis is based on theoretical concepts of agenda-setting and advocacy coalition and uses also knowledge from theoretical research on the EU decision process.
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Zahraničně-politická rovina vztahů v oblasti energetiky mezi Českou republikou a Spolkovou republikou Německo v letech 2004 - 2014 / Intergovernmental relations in the field of energy policy between the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in years 2004 - 2014Mjartanová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Presented diploma thesis is disciplined interpretative case study, which examines bilateral relations in energy field between the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in between 2004 - 2014. The thesis analyses intergovernmental relationship between the two actors using Andrew Moravcsik's Liberal Intergovernmentalist Approach theory. The aim of the diploma thesis is to define the character of such a relationship and its development throughout the defined period. To this goal, three hypotheses have been set. They focus on the asymmetry of mutual relations, impact of economic interests on their formation and on possible transfer of unsolved issues to the EU level. National interest is being defined throughout the strategic documents analysis. First chapter defines actors, who represent the state in mutual relations and advocate national preferences. Second chapter analyses bilateral contacts, the frequency of energy connected issues at the bilateral meetings and the shifts in the relationship. Third chapter examines the area of unplanned power flows from Germany to the Czech Republic as they represent the most pressing issue in bilateral energy relations. Mutual cooperation is assessed in the last part of the second and third chapter. In its conclusions, the diploma thesis verifies all presented...
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Evropská směrnice o bezpečnosti jaderných zařízení: rozhodování v Radě v letech 2004, 2009 a 2014 / European directive on nuclear safety: Council decision making in 2004, 2009 and 2014Kulda, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Even though nuclear energy was one the first areas in which European countries started integrating their policies through the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), the question of nuclear installations safety was only addressed by the EU in the context of the impending enlargement of the Union in 2004. In 2003, the European Commission submitted the first-ever proposal for a European directive on nuclear safety. However, the Council rejected it the following year, opening a five-year-long debate leading to the drafting of a new directive proposal, which was subsequently adopted in 2009. Only two years later, in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima disaster, amending this directive became necessary. Discussions resulted in adopting the amended legislation in the summer of 2014. This master's thesis analyses the main factors influencing the Council's decision-making on either rejecting or adopting the proposed directives in 2004, 2009 and 2014. The analysis is based on the following five scope conditions supposed to lead to integration acceptance by EU member states, as defined by authors Manuele Citi and Martin Rhodes: policy failure and availability of a successful alternative, external influence emanating from foreign countries hardly manageable by the individual states, functional interdependence...
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Jaderná energetika pohledem České televize - Srovnání mediální reprezentace jaderné energetiky před a po havárii jaderné elektrárny Fukušima Daiči v Japonsku. / The comparison of nuclear power image in media before and after Fukushima Daiici nuclear disaster.Špátová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the changes in the media image of nuclear power in Ceska Televize, which is the only public television in Czech Republic. The study uses a quantitative research method, content analysis, to find out the changes of nuclear power representation in media and to compare changes of news construction mechanisms in the period of two years - one year before and one year after the Japanese nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi disaster. The accident started on 11th March 2011 and there is a short description of the situation in Japan at the beginning of the thesis. The theoretical part of thesis serves as an overview of basic information on principles of the media studies theory and mechanisms of news construction (work with information sources, the news value concept, agenda setting, the framing concept), which is also shown from the environmental point of view. The study also focuses on the nuclear power image in the socio-political field and there are some more information about the nuclear power development and status in Czech Republic. The analytical part of thesis examines the media attention to nuclear power, which was developed in the analysed period. The usage of mechanisms of news construction and the changes in nuclear power image in the news of Ceska Televize...
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Nízkocyklová životnost v podmínkách jaderné energetiky / Low cycle fatigue research and application in nuclear industrySehnal, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
Fatique life extension of nuclear powerplants lies in the search for project reserves. This work deals with the evaluation of low-cycle fatigue of nuclear installations of the VVER type and the assessment of the influence of the computational model level. Fatigue tests of austenitic steel using optical method of digital image correlation for which the evaluation procedure is designed and used is performed. Selected model of plasticity with kimenatic (Chaboche) and combinated hardening (Chaboche, Voce) are calibrated from the obtained data. Subsequently, the durability of the test specimen is determined by computational modeling for different material models. From the comparison of the results of fatigue tests with the calculation, the material models suitable for the description of fatigue life and their validity are determined.
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Posouzení možnosti připojení kogenerační výrobny 138 MW v Prostějově / The assessment of connectivity 138 MW combined heat and power plant in ProstějovVacek, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this project is to test the possibility to connect the Cogenerational generation of power 138 MW (still in the development stage) to the control room 110 kV in Prostejov production. This merge would product the electrical energy as well as the heat energy for all local area. In this dissertation we will be considering the solution of the steady state (stationary state) of system with the voltage level of 110kV, as well as the influence of the generation of power on this system, there by the suggesting a connection. The Congenerational production indicates higher effectiveness in the transformation of energy during primary production process due to the production of heat energy as well as the electrical energy from the primary power sources. In our country, as well as around the world, commonly used fuels are fossil fuels- coal, crude oil, and gas. As the demand for energy grows, those supplies are slowly running out. Not to mention that those fuels have a negative environmental impact. They are a source of carbon, which causes damage to the atmosphere and leads to global warming. Power plants which do not produce carbon are much safer for the environment, and much more productive. However, the residue of this energy is challenging to dispose of. Nuclear energy has common attributes with renewing the sources of energies that are extremely friendly to our environment. Nuclear power plants also produce enough energy and with the usage of Fourth generation reactors, they will be able to recycle the nuclear fuels. Today, more importance is put on renewing sources which are more gentle for the environment. In the near future, CEZ Company, the largest producer of electric energy is planning to use water energy. Water energy comes from water plants or dams. Other ecological forms of energy include geothermal and solar energies. These two types of energy are not as applicable for our geographical position. Geothermal energy is commonly used on islands where there is an abundance of natural hot springs. The most discussed source of energy is bioenergy. It uses natural wood sources, recycled wood products, and applies bioenergy as a main source for thermal power plants.
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Možnosti využití thoria v jaderné energetice současnosti / Possibilities of thorium utilization in current NPPsSvoboda, Josef January 2015 (has links)
Nuclear power plants provide about 11 percent of the world's electricity production. For fission process is uranium fuels used with varying percentage of enrichment 235U for most of nuclear reactors. Uranium reserves are reducing and their mining cost increases. Therefore, the thorium fuel is discussed as revolution fuel for current and future nuclear power plants. This diploma thesis deals with possibility of thorium fuel utilization at various types of nuclear reactors with a focus on light water reactors. The practical part of the thesis is focused on simulation and calculations of various uranium dioxide and thorium dioxide layers at the fuel rods. Model of WWER 440 reactor was developed for the calculations with the addition of thorium fuel. The model simulates burning out of fuel for 5 years, with monitoring of fuel behavior and tracking changes of each material. The thesis tries to define the suitable ratio and parameters of layers combination of uranium and thorium fuel. For these ratios and parameters the thesis tries to give sufficient amount of computational analyzes.
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Zdravé bydlení / Healthy LivingZhuravlyova, Yelena Unknown Date (has links)
Over the years, every major city turns into a knot of intractable problems: overpopulation, traffic jams, environmental degradation. Some countries make a faster conversion from an industrial development to an information growth phase, than the infrastructural changes take place. Therefore, environmental design and construction would not be short-termed, but rather will be the long-term targets for all the groups associated with the construction. The healthy living is one of the most important reasons to start a complicated long-term reconstruction of eco-cities. Successful ecological reconstitution requires a knowledge about already implemented exemplary solutions. For this purpose, the dissertation analyzes the basic ecological problems of settlements, analyzing the examples of approaches to improve the environmental performance of cities on the reference of foreign experience and creates criteria and principles for designing urban structures for healthy living in CR.
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