Spelling suggestions: "subject:"angine friction"" "subject:"cfengine friction""
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Improving the performance of internal combustion engines through lubricant engineeringTaylor, Oliver January 2016 (has links)
Low friction lubricant development provides a worthwhile contribution to vehicle CO<sub>2</sub> emission reduction. Conventional low friction lubricant development focuses on empirical processes using out dated engine technology and old test methods. This strategy is inefficient and restricts the lubricant's potential. A new method proposed in the present research combines tribological simulations with rig, engine and vehicle tests. This approach provides insights undocumented until now. The contribution to CO<sub>2</sub> emission reduction from individual engine components on vehicle drive cycles that include warm-up is predicted using lubricants down to the new SAE 8 viscosity grade. A bearing model is used to design the lubricant's non Newtonian characteristics to achieve friction reduction. An isoviscous lubricant with a viscosity of 4.6 cSt is shown to achieve the minimum friction in the bearing. The research shows that by starting with lubricants having kinematic viscosities higher than this value, it is possible to improve lubricant performance by lowering viscosity index (VI), introducing shear thinning, or reducing the density and pressure viscosity coefficient. Conversely, for lubricants with lower starting viscosities it is shown that higher VI values, more shear-stable lubricants and higher densities and pressure viscosity coefficients are required. The model predicts that high oil film pressures occur in the bearing and cause significant local lubricant viscosity increase (300%), indicating that the lubricant's pressure viscosity behaviour is important here, despite the contact being conformal. Simulation and motored engine testing establishes lubricant behaviour in the piston-to-bore conjunction. This analysis identifies a poor correlation between measured and predicted values at low engine speeds. A rig-on-liner tribometer shows that this error is attributable to a deficiency in the simulation's characterisation of boundary regime friction. An oil pump test determines how a modern variable displacement oil pump (and its control system) responds to lowering viscosity. The hypothesis that low viscosity lubricants cause the parasitic load from this component to increase is disproven using this component-level rig test. Chassis dynamometer testing compares the CO<sub>2</sub> reduction performance of lubricant thermal management systems to the values achieved by reducing the viscosity grade. CO<sub>2</sub> reductions of between 0.4% and 1.0% are identified using a cold-start new European drive cycle (NEDC) with a 5W-30 preheated to 60°C and 90°C respectively. Reductions in CO<sub>2</sub> emissions between 0.4% and 1.2% are found on the NEDC by lowering the oil fill volume from 5.1 L to 2.1 L. For the unmodified case, a 3.7% reduction in CO<sub>2</sub> emissions is reported by reducing the viscosity grade from a 5W 30 to an SAE 8 in the NEDC. The performance of a novel external oil reservoir is simulated to understand its ability to retain oil temperature during the vehicle cool-down procedure. An oil temperature of 65°C at the end of the soak period (following a prior test where the oil was assumed to reach 90°C) is predicted by installing insulation to the reservoir and indicates that a viable method to achieve the CO<sub>2</sub> benefits identified through lubricant preheating tests exists. A full vehicle model combines the outputs from each of these sub-models to predict lubricant performance on the NEDC the new World-wide harmonized light duty test cycle (WLTC). This new approach provides a tool that enables next generation low friction lubricants to be developed. The model predicts that an SAE 8 lubricant can reduce CO2 emissions by 2.8% on the NEDC and 1.9% on the WLTC compared to a 5W-30. A theoretical experiment, where all lubricant related friction was deleted from the simulation, predicts that lubricant-related CO<sub>2</sub> emissions are 8.7% on the NEDC and reduce to 6.3% on the WLTC. These results indicate that the planned adoption of the WLTC in September 2017 reduces the potential contribution to CO<sub>2</sub> emission reduction from lubricants by 28%.
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Tříválcový řadový vznětový motor s excentrickým klikovým mechanismem pro užitková vozidla / Three-cylinder inline diesel engine with an eccentric crank for commercial vehiclesDomský, Viktor January 2015 (has links)
The goal is to investigate the influence of eccentricity on the force between the piston and the cylinder liner and the influence on balancing of the crank mechanism. For a selected eccentricity suggest a balancing method and perform stress analysis of crankshaft considering torsional vibration. Eccentricity is chosen by the ratio of centric and eccentric mechanism of friction work. The paper shows the effect of eccentricity on the selected kinematics values. Stress analysis is done in the software ANSYS. Using selected eccentricity the friction work was reduced by 10 %.
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Assessment and Optimization of Friction Losses and Mechanical Efficiency in Internal Combustion EnginesJiménez Reyes, Antonio José 28 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] En la actualidad, el ambito del transporte mediante el uso de vehículo
ligero sufre un gran cambio hacia la descarbonización. Cada vez más, las
autoridades europeas restrigen las emisiones de gases de efectos invernaderos
hacia la atmósfera emitidos por estos vehículos. Soluciones alternativas a la
propulsión con energía fósil, como la implementación de vehículos eléctricos o
híbridos, no está lo suficientemente desarrollada para sustituir a los motores
de combustión interna alternativos (MCIA), debido a su todavía alto coste
de producción y baja infrastructura para abastecer la demanda de energ ́ıa
En este contexto, la transición hacia una movilidad sostenible y renovable
sigue pasando por el aumento de la eficiencia y la reducción del consumo de
combustible en motores de combustión interna. Una alternativa a la mejora
de la eficiencia es la reducción de las pérdidas mecánicas por fricción, o en
otras palabras, optimización de la tribología. La tribología en un MCIA
lleva asociada aspectos mecánicos como la optimización de los acabados
superficiales de los distintos componentes que conforman el motor y la
optimización de propiedades física, químicas y reológicas del aceite que lo
compone. Esta última solución presenta un alto ratio beneficio/coste, ya que
su implementación no lleva asociada ninguna modificiación en el hardware y
su implementación es directa.
Uno de los objetivos de la Tesis Doctoral, es desarrollar un modelo 1D
que contenga la información tribológica de un motor de combustión interna
que no se puede obtener experimentalmente, que contribuya al entendimiento
y optimización de las pérdidas mecánicas por fricción y que ahorre el coste
experimental asociado a entender la tribología desde el punto de vista
empírico. Estos parámetros van desde el espesor de película de aceite entre
los componentes de un par rozante hasta la contribucción a la fricción de
las componentes hidrodinámicas y de asperezas de cada elemento rozante.
Adem ́as, se ha desarrollado un modelo cuasi estacionario para cuantificar la
energ ́ıa disipada por fricción en un ciclo de conducción real y el consumo de
combustible asociado al mismo.
As ́ı pues, a través de este modelo, se implementan soluciones que pasan
desde aceites optimizados reológicamente hasta acabados superficiales de
baja rugosidad, entendiendo la fenomenología asociada a cada tecnología
y aportando parámetros claves para la optimización de dicha solución.
Finalmente, se estima el ahorro en términos de consumo de combustible que se
puede alcanzar con estas soluciones implementadas mediante el modelo cuasi
estacionario en condiciones de conducción real / [EN] Currently, the field of light-duty vehicle transport is undergoing a major shift towards decarbonisation. Increasingly, European authorities are restricting emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from these vehicles. Alternative solutions to fossil fuel propulsion, such as the implementation of electric or hybrid vehicles, are not sufficiently developed to replace internal combustion engine alternatives (ICEs), due to their still high production cost and low infrastructure to meet the demand for electric power.
In this context, the transition towards sustainable and renewable mobility continues to be based on increasing efficiency and reducing fuel consumption in internal combustion engines. An alternative to improving efficiency is the reduction of mechanical frictional losses, or in other words, optimisation of tribology. Tribology in an MCIA is associated with mechanical aspects such as the optimisation of the surface finishes of the different components that make up the engine and the optimisation of the physical, chemical and rheological properties of the oil that makes up the engine. This last solution presents a high benefit/cost ratio, as its implementation does not involve any hardware modification and its implementation is straightforward.
One of the objectives of the Doctoral Thesis is to develop a 1D model that contains the tribological information of an internal combustion engine that cannot be obtained experimentally, which contributes to the understanding and optimisation of mechanical friction losses and saves the experimental cost associated with understanding tribology from an empirical point of view. These parameters range from the oil film thickness between two tribological components to the contribution to friction of the hydrodynamic and roughness components of each friction element. In addition, a quasi-stationary model has been developed to quantify the energy dissipated by friction in a real driving cycle and the associated fuel consumption.
Thus, through this model, solutions ranging from rheologically optimised oils to low roughness surface finishes are implemented, understanding the phenomenology associated with each technology and providing key parameters for the optimisation of the solution. Finally, the savings in terms of fuel consumption that can be achieved with these solutions implemented using the quasi-stationary model in real driving conditions are estimated. / [CA] Actualment, l’àmbit del transport mitjan ̧cant l’us de vehicles lleugers
pateix un gran canvi cap a la descarbonització. Cada vegada m ́es, les
autoritats europees restringeixen les emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle
cap a l’atmosfera emesos per aquests vehicles. Les solucions alternatives a
la propulsió amb energia fòssil, com la implementació de vehicles elèctrics o
híbrids, no està prou desenvolupada per substituir els motors de combustió
interna alternatius (MCIA), a causa del seu encara alt cost de producció i
baixa infraestructura per abastir la demanda d’energia elèctrica.
En aquest context, la transició cap a una mobilitat sostenible i renovable
continua passant per l’augment de l’eficiència i la reducció del consum de
combustible en motors de combustió interna. Una alternativa per a la millora
de l’eficiència es la reducció de les pèrdues mecàniques per fricció, o en altres
paraules, la optimització del comportament tribològic del motor. La tribologia
en un MCIA porta associada aspectes mecànics com ara l’optimització dels
acabats superficials dels diferents components que conformen el motor i
l’optimització de propietats física, químiques i reològiques de l’oli que va a
emprar. Aquesta ́ultima solució presenta una alta ratio benefici/cost, ja que
la seva implementació no porta associada cap modificació de la màquina i la
seva implementació ́es directa.
Un dels objectius de la Tesi Doctoral es desenvolupar un model 1D que
permet obtindré la informació tribològica d’un motor de combustió interna
que no es pot obtenir experimentalment, que contribueixi a l’enteniment
i l’optimització de les pèrdues mecàniques per fricció i que estalvi ̈ı el
cost experimental associat a entendre la tribologia des del punt de vista
empíric. Aquests paràmetres van des de l’espessor de pel·lícula d’oli entre
els components d’un parell tribològic fins a la contribució a la fricció dels
components amb regim hidrodinàmic i de la rugositat de cada element. A
més, s’ha desenvolupat un model gairebé estacionari per quantificar l’energia
dissipada per fricció en un cicle de conducció real i el consum de combustible
Així, a traves d’aquest model, s’implementen solucions que passen
des d’olis optimitzats reològicament fins a acabats superficials de baixa
rugositat, entenent la fenomenologia associada a cada tecnologia i aportant
paràmetres clau per optimitzar aquesta solució. Finalment, s’estima l’estalvi
en termes de consum de combustible que es pot assolir amb aquestes
solucions implementades mitjan ̧cant el model quasi estacionari en condicions
de conducció real. / Agradezco al programa de Formación de Profesorado
Universitario del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades por
soportar financieramiente mis estudios doctorales (FPU18/02116) y la estancia
de investigación que contribuyó a aumentar los conocimientos desarrollados en
la presente tesis doctoral (EST21/00451). / Jiménez Reyes, AJ. (2022). Assessment and Optimization of Friction Losses and Mechanical Efficiency in Internal Combustion Engines [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188986
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