Spelling suggestions: "subject:"enterprise 1rchitecture managemement"" "subject:"enterprise 1rchitecture managementment""
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Enterprise Architecture v systému řízení / Enterprise Architecture in Enterprise ManagementSládek, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with subject of enterprise architecture management. Topcis covered are enterprise environment integration, enterprise architecture parts description and description of shift in enterprise architecture focus point. This trend can be described as shift from IT related activity for IT management through tool for IT and business alignment to the final state as a tool for business change implementation. There are four goals of this thesis. Description of enterprise architecture, description of trend for enterprise architecture shift toward business, analysis of enterprise architecture state in Czech Republic and analysis of enterprise architecture shift to business in Czech Republic. I will reach first two goals by analysis of literature of the solution domain and the other two goals with questionnaire and its analysis.
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Support of SME´s in their Digital Transformation Journey : A study of the effectiveness of the SSM and EAM frameworks supporting family-owned manufacturing SME's taking on the digital transformation challenges.Ebrahimi, Mohsen January 2020 (has links)
Digital Transformation (DT) opens up to new opportunities for companies by providing organizational flexibility and improving their business models. Due to lack of resources in form of financial power and qualified employees, family-owned manufacturing companies have a hard time reaching DT. However, these companies try their best to reach DT and along the road various challenges arise. The challenges that arise, result in a complex situation that is hard to understand. Organizations with complex situations have difficulties to perform successful IT initiatives that are required to reach DT. The aim of this study was to identify challenges that family-owned manufacturingSMEs (FOMSMEs) encounter when striving for DT. Another aim of this research was to investigate how useful Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is in helping family-owned manufacturing SMEs to understand their own complex situation. Also, the managerial practice called Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) has been investigated regarding its usefulness in helping family-owned manufacturing SMEs to reach DT faster and easier. As a fourth and final aim in this study, an artefact has been created with suggested actions that address the identified challenges that FOMSMEs encounter when striving for DT. By interviewing employees who have participated in IT initiatives at a family-owned manufacturing SME, this research has been able to answer the research questions. Several challenges were identified; communication errors, old systems and exceeding deadlines in projects. All of these challenges can, with the help of SSM, be associated with the identified root challenge: Lack of overview of IT-landscape and strategy. The informants’ thoughts of usefulness of SSM in family-owned manufacturing SMEs were positive. In contrast, the informants’ thoughts of usefulness of EAM in family-owned manufacturing SMEs were negative. The argument expressed by the informants was that as long as the owner family makes most of the decisions, a new managerial practice as EAM will not be useful in family-owned manufacturing SMEs.
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Automated Enterprise Service Bus Based Enterprise Architecture DocumentationGrunow, Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
As a consequence of the increasing requirements on enterprises caused by globalization, fusion of business and IT, new/changing technologies and especially new regulations Enterprise Architecture Management has gained increasing public attention. In this context Enterprise Architecture (EA) can be considered as a holistic view of an enterprise acting as a "collaboration force" between business aspects such as goals, visions, strategies and governance principles as well as IT aspects. For EAs to be useful and to provide business value their formal and comprehensive documentation (data collection and visualization) is essential. Due to the increasing information amount caused by the extending scope on the business as well as on the IT side the EA modelling is cost-intensive and time-consuming. Most of all the documentation is impaired by increasing linking and integration as well as by the striving for automated cross-company business processes. Consequently, the relevant data are widely scattered. Current approaches are largely determined by manual processes which are able to deal only to a limited extent with the new trends. However, a lot of the needed information, above all about the application landscape and the interrelations, is already present in existing Enterprise Service Bus systems used to facilitate the collaboration between applications both within and beyond boundaries. This allows avoiding the expensive task of data collection. This thesis is concerned with the automated documentation of Enterprise Architectures and the support of decision-making using the information provided by an existing Enterprise Service Bus, whereby as a concrete system SAP NetWeaver Process Integration is used. Therefore a tool-aided automated process for the creation and visualization of an Enterprise Architecture model instance is proposed. An essential aspect in this connection is the coverage of the EA information demand set up by EA frameworks such as CySeMoL and ArchiMate, the analysis of the quality as well as the implementation of the logic to transform SAP PI data into EA information. Moreover, several viewpoints are proposed to visualize the extracted data appropriately especially regarding decision problems in the area of the collaboration between applications both within and beyond boundaries.
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Developing a database of ICT solutions in Cuban Enterprises / Utveckla en databas med IKT-lösningar i kubanska företagDahl, Johan, Cerda, Benjamin January 2017 (has links)
Not being able to, or not knowing how to make use of, ICT is becoming a clear factor of economic exclusion for businesses in developing countries. Several studies has investigated the correlation between access to information about ICT and the overall development of the country suggesting a strong bond. How information regarding ICT solutions can be structured to improve access has been investigated in this thesis using work conducted at the Havana University of Technologies José Antonio Echeverría in Cuba as a basis. This paper explores how information regarding the use of ICT in Cuban enterprises can be structured to eventually allow for further analysis. The information gathered is centered around Enterprise Architecture with a focus on alignment between business areas, processes and applications. The findings suggest that the information can be structured in a foreseeable manner using a database and the analysis of the data may be feasible. The report highlights the difficulties related to heterogeneity and dissimilarities of Enterprise Architecture data limiting the catalogue being used for statistical analysis. Furthermore, this paper gives a recommendation of how the gathering of the information regarding ICT solutions should be structured to increase the relevancy of the database and analysis. / Att inte kunna eller inte veta hur man kan nyttja ICT är en betydande anledning förekonomisk uteslutning för företag i utvecklingsländer. Flera studier har undersökt korrelationen mellan tillgången till information om ICT, och den övergripande utvecklingen av landet som tyder på ett starkt band. Hur information kopplat till ICT lösningar kan struktureras för att ge nya insikter har undersökts i denna avhandling med hjälp av arbeten som utförts på Havana University of Technologies José Antonio Echeverría på Kuba som en fallstudie. I denna avhandling så undersöks hur samlad information om användningen av ICT i kubanska företag kan struktureras för att möjliggöra ytterligare analyser. Den information som samlas in är centrerad kring Enterprise Architecture med fokus på anpassning mellan affärsområden, processer och applikationer. Resultaten tyder på att informationen kan struktureras på ett överskådligt sätt med hjälp av en databas, och analysen av datan kan vara genomförbart. Avhandlingen belyser svårigheter kopplat till att heterogen Enterprise Architecture data och hur detta begränsar databasen från att tillämpa statistisk analys. Vidare ger denna avhandling en rekommendation om hur ytterligare insamling av informationen om ICT-lösningarna ska struktureras för att öka relevansen av databasen och analysen.
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Cloud Computing Referenzarchitektur: IT-Dienstleistungszentren der Öffentlichen Verwaltung in der ebenenübergreifenden Verzahnung Digitaler InfrastrukturenBurow, Stephan 18 July 2024 (has links)
Nach wie vor fehlen grundlegende, in der Praxis validierte Konzepte, Modelle und Ansätze, die eine Transformation und sichere Anwendung des Cloud-Computing bei Bund, Land und Kommune erlauben. Referenzmodelle, eine ebenenübergreifende einheitliche Infrastrukturlösung und zentral verwaltete Datenbestände sind notwendig, um IT-Dienstleistungszentren der öffentlichen Verwaltung zu befähigen, die qualitativen und quantitativen Ansprüche an die IT-Diensterbringung nachhaltig zu erfüllen (vgl. von Lucke 2015: 232). Vor diesem Hintergrund und im Kontext der Wirtschaftsinformatik zielt der hier vorliegende Beitrag auf die Entwicklung eines Ansatzes zur wissenschaftlichen Herleitung einer, aus strategischer, technologischer und organisatorischer Sicht, geeigneten Cloud Computing Referenzarchitektur (CCRA) für die digitale Vernetzung der föderalen Verwaltungsebenen ab. Ausgewählte Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (EAF), vergleichbare CCRA und einschlägige Studien sollen einem neu zu beschreibenden Ansatz zu Grunde gelegt werden, der zeigt, wie eine zu entwickelnde CCRA mit Hilfe von Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) in die meist heterogen aufgestellte Mehr-Ebenen-Architektur öffentlicher IT-Dienstleister von Bund, Land und Kommune ganzheitlich integriert werden kann.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
Bibliographische Beschreibung II
Vorwort III
Inhaltsverzeichnis IV
Abbildungsverzeichnis VII
Tabellenverzeichnis X
Abkürzungsverzeichnis XI
Zusammenfassung XV
1 Einführung 1
1.1 Ausgangslage und Motivation der Arbeit 2
1.2 Zielsetzung und Forschungsfragen 6
1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit 8
2 Wissenschaftstheoretische Einordnung 10
2.1 Forschungsmethodisches Vorgehen 10
2.2 Systematische Literaturanalyse 13
2.2.1 Vorgehen und Aufbau der Literaturanalyse 13
2.2.2 Durchführung der Literaturanalyse 13
2.2.3 Ergebnisdarstellung und Auswertung der Literaturanalyse 20
2.3 Einordnung in den Kontext der Wirtschaftsinformatik 30
2.4 Begriff und Klassifikation einer Referenzarchitektur 34
2.5 Zusammenfassung 42
3 IT-Dienstleistungszentren der Öffentlichen Verwaltung im Mehrebenensystem 43
3.1 Grundlagen der Öffentlichen Verwaltung im Mehrebenensystem 43
3.2 Rechtlicher Rahmen für IT-Kooperationen 47
3.3 Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik der Öffentlichen Verwaltung 55
3.3.1 Soziotechnische Entwicklung 55
3.3.2 Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Disruption 59
3.4 Stand der digitalen Transformation im Mehrebenensystem 63
3.5 IT-Dienstleistungszentren der Öffentlichen Verwaltung (Domäne) 71
3.5.1 Begriffsbestimmung der Domäne 71
3.5.2 Rechts- und Organisationsformen 73
3.5.3 IT-Steuerung und IT-Strategie 77
3.5.4 Architekturmanagement 90
3.5.5 Cloud Computing 97
3.6 Zusammenfassung 118
4 Methodische Herleitung und Analyse der Anforderungen 119
4.1 Methodenentwicklung 119
4.1.1 Methodenauswahl- und beschreibung 119
4.1.2 Methodendesign 121
4.2 Vorgehensmodell und Entwicklung der CCRA 124
4.2.1 Phase I – Analyse und Entwicklung der Domäne 126 Umfeld- und Stakeholderanalyse 128 Domänenabgrenzung 137
4.2.2 Phase II - Anforderungsanalyse 137
4.2.3 Phase III - Architekturanalyse 142
4.2.4 Phase IV - Referenzmodellierung 149
4.2.5 Phase V - Wiederverwendung und Patterns 153
4.3 Zusammenfassung 155
5 Cloud Computing Referenzarchitektur (CCRA) für IT-Dienstleister der Öffentlichen Verwaltung 156
5.1 Beschreibung der CCRA 156
5.1.1 Ebenen der CCRA 157 Strategische Ebene 158 Geschäftsarchitektur und übergreifende Geschäftsprozesse 158 Anwendungsarchitektur 158 Informationsarchitektur 158 Technologische Infrastruktur 159
5.1.2 Rollenkonzept 159
5.1.3 Schnittstellen der CCRA 161
5.2 Anwendungsmethodik für die Referenzarchitektur 162
5.2.1 Annahmen für eine exemplarische Anwendung 162
5.2.2 Anwendungsmodell für die CCRA 165
5.3 Zusammenfassung 166
6 Evaluation der Cloud Computing Referenzarchitektur 167
6.1 Anforderungsklassifikation 169
6.2 Forschungsbegleitende Evaluation 177
6.3 Analytische, merkmalsbasierte Evaluation 179
6.4 Expertenbefragung und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse 184
6.4.1 Methodik und Vorgehen 185
6.4.2 Leitfadengestützte Expertenbefragung 185 Interviewleitfaden 186 Expertenauswahl 187 Experteninterviews 189
6.4.3 Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse 191
6.4.4 Quantitative Bewertung 213
6.5 Fallstudie 217
6.5.1 Beschreibung der Fallstudie 218
6.5.2 Auswertung der Fallstudie 222
6.6 Zusammenfassung 224
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 225
7.1 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 225
7.2 Ausblick 229
Literaturverzeichnis CCXXX
Anhang CCLXV
Anhang A Dokumentation der Literatursuche CCLXV
Anhang B Feedbackbogen – Expertenbefragung CCLXXXIV
Anhang C Codierte Themenmatrix CCXC
Curriculum Vitae 1
Selbständigkeitserklärung 3
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