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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo dos recursos tecnológicos disponíveis para a integração de sistemas ERP (EAI) entre empresas do Brasil / A study of the technologic resources available for the integration of ERP systems (EAI) among companies in Brazil

Marcos Giansante Bocca 07 May 2009 (has links)
A Integração de Aplicativos Empresariais (EAI, Enterprise Application Integration) entre empresas de uma mesma cadeia produtiva é uma inovação organizacional que proporciona grandes ganhos em competitividade, o que chega a ser vital no atual ambiente de negócios. Essa integração necessita de recursos nem sempre disponíveis nesses sistemas de gestão. Este estudo fez um levantamento dos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão Empresarial (ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning) mais utilizados no Brasil, a respectiva participação no mercado brasileiro e identificou para cada um deles quais seus recursos existentes para integração com outros ERP de outras organizações da cadeia. Tem-se como resultado um panorama no qual se pode apoiar para tomada de decisão ou usá-lo como ponto de partida para pesquisa do nível de utilização do recurso de integração de sistemas entre empresas no Brasil e das barreiras à implementação da mesma. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória que pela análise dos documentos disponibilizados pelos desenvolvedores dos softwares fez a identificação dos recursos de integração dos cinco sistemas ERP mais utilizados no Brasil. / Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) among companies of the same production chain is an organization innovation that provides meaningful gains in competitiveness, which may be critical in current business environment. This integration needs resources not always available in this management systems. This paper investigated Brazil most used ERP, their market share, and identified each ones existing resources to integrate with other ERP in other organizations in the chain. As a result, there is a full view on which to rely for decision making or to be taken as a start for an research on the system integration resource utilization level among Brazil companies and implementation barriers to it. It is a exploratory research, where by means of documentation made available by the softwares developers identified the integration resources of the five ERP systems most used in Brazil.

Inside the new sites of innovation : how user communities influence complex enterprise technologies

Mozaffar, Hajar January 2013 (has links)
User groups have been recognised as one of the most important coupling mechanisms between users and vendors. There are hundreds of such groups around the world attached to complex technological artefacts and systems. Innovation scholars have referred to these groups as the new sites of innovation and gone as far to suggest that vendors may struggle to survive without the user-led innovation that derives from these forums (von Hippel, 2005). This is particularly the case for software products. However, despite their growing academic and policy importance, and notwithstanding the fact these communities have been in existence for more than three decades, the Information Systems literature has not yet explained the complex workings of such groups. This study produces one of the first ethnographic studies of a major software user group linked to a complex packaged enterprise system. It describes and characterises the range of functions carried out by this group, which includes their internal workings and organisation, how members relate to each other, how the group links to the vendor and other intermediaries, and the group’s attempts to shape the development of its technology. A key focus of the work is the various tensions and barriers found in these communities. To analyse this group the study adopts and extends the Social Shaping of Technology (SST) and its recent offshoot, the ‘Biography of Artefact’ (BoA) framework. This thesis contributes to these approaches by showing the importance of multifaceted time dimensions and heterogeneity of spaces in examining users groups. Whilst existing studies using these approaches have looked at the evolution of technology over extended periods, this thesis contributes by considering the coevolution of the technology and the community attached at the same time. This allows us not only to gain a better conceptualisation of the user group but as a result see new forms of innovation invisible to more dominant perspectives. It challenges economist led understandings of user-led innovation which tend to give only a rather superficial understanding of the process by which users create new innovation. In particular, and through arguing for the need to take into account both ‘success’ and ‘failure’ in the process of user-led innovation, the thesis offers the concept of ‘artification’ to explain further complex outputs originating from the interaction of these actors in multiple spaces and over long periods of time. The thesis also extends theories of the Social Shaping of Technology by depicting innovation as an arena where different actor spaces act collectively, but also compete, and as a result wield influence on different stages of the technology lifecycle. This leads to a further contribution of this thesis in the field of Information Systems research by suggesting that enterprise software innovation is a community achievement. In particular, the research proposes the concept of ‘unification’ to show the collective acts of users in aggregating their needs to participate in the development of technology. The study concludes by offering insights and recommendation to practitioners and policy makers for deploying user communities for better technological outcomes, both in terms of design and development as well as implementation and use.

Reduction of the causes of stock-outs in ERP supply chain management by prioritization of the causes : a case study at the City of Cape Town

Moleli, Moletsane Tarcisius January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Information Systems))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have a good reputation for automation and strength in the integration of business processes (BPs), therefore more and more organisations are adopting ERP systems. The City of Cape Town (CCT), a metropolitan municipality, is one of the organisations that have adopted an ERP system. CCT provides a wide range of services to residents and citizens in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The ERP system at CCT manages the Supply Chain Management (SCM) processes, among others, to ensure good service delivery. ERP systems are able to provide statistical reports on stock-outs; however, the information provided is insufficient to link a specific stock-out to its causes within the SCM process at CCT. This makes it difficult to select the most appropriate solution to minimise the causes and number of stock-outs. The study aims to explore the possible reduction of the causes of stock-outs at CCT stores, therefore the study has adopted a qualitative research methodology with a case study research strategy. It uses subjectivism to understand the truth, with an inductive approach applied to five different interviewee groups, namely the ERP Support Department consultants, the Procurement Department, the Inventory and Stores Management Department, the Master Data Maintenance Department, and the reservation creators. A purposive sampling method is used because the study targets knowledge and experience on the subject from the interviewees in the investigation of the problem. The case is the SCM division at CCT, the unit of analysis is the CCT stores, and the unit of observation is the employees who work for the SCM division of CCT. All ethical procedures and policies of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) are adhered to. For the data collection, in depth semi-structured questions have been developed, and the data were analysed using thematic analysis. The leading causes of stock-outs were discovered by analysing the themes. The results revealed the themes, in descending order according to the causes of stock-outs, as follows: procedures, service delivery, suppliers, stock-outs, human resources, and systems. All the objectives were achieved, thereby answering the research questions.

The value relevance of enterprise resource planning information

Wickramasinghe, Jayantha Unknown Date (has links)
The value of information technology investments is becoming a topical issue for corporate governance under the recent regulations enacted in the US (Sarbanes Oxley Act, US Congress, 2002). Increasingly, it is becoming clear that the absence of a definitive approach to evaluating IT investments is an impediment to the governance of corporations. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) information systems are a key IT implementation that has been promoted in both vendor and practitioner communities alike as a panacea for informed enterprise performance management. This research sets out a methodology for the evaluation of ERP’s contribution to enterprise value. This issue is important because billions of dollars of corporate funds have been invested in these systems since the early 1990s. Shareholders and management require a justification of ERP based upon its proven contribution to enterprise and shareholder value.The study develops a theory for the value relevance of ERP information by showing how ERP meets the requirement of a management and organizational innovation. Such an innovation promotes enterprise operations, improves enterprise performance, supports value creation, and increases shareholder wealth. A model is presented for testing the value of ERP adoption. Empirical testing proceeds in two phases. The first phase develops a model for forecasting normal performance. Performance is shown to be a function of autoregressive earnings moderated by macroeconomic factors impacting operations. The latter are associated with the business cycle. The estimated coefficients of the model are used for predicting the earnings performance of the firm. The residuals of actual earnings less the predicted represent abnormal performance. This represents the unique improvement in performance over the prior year after adjusting for macroeconomic effects. The second phase tests the value relevance of ERP information. A returns–earnings model developed by previous research is adapted with ERP–earnings interaction terms representing the ERP system’s effect on performance. Two classes of tests are performed on the model: tests of performance relevance of ERP systems, and tests of value relevance. The former tests ERP performance across several accounting metrics identified as indicators of firm performance level change. The latter tests the market response to these changes in a bid to determine if, in the perception of the market, the changes in the performance level attained to by the firm are associated with ERP adoption. These tests are performed for each year of a 5–year period following adoption. The results of the tests of performance relevance show that ERP–adopter firms do not achieve significant abnormal earnings in years 1 and 2 of the test period. They realize significant, negative, abnormal earnings in year 3. In years 4 and 5, they attain significant, positive, abnormal earnings. The tests of value relevance show that the market responds significantly to ERP adoption in year 2 of the test, but not in other years. The early response immediately after the year of adoption would seem to indicate a significant early expectation from these systems. However, this does appear to translate into long–term value relevance for ERP.

Une étude de l'intégration organisationnelle et informationnelle. Application aux systèmes d'informations de type ERP

Millet, Pierre-Alain 14 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Les systèmes d'information (S.I.) d'entreprise se construisent à partir de progiciels configurés, intégrés et déployés dans des organisations en mouvement, à l'exemple des ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning). Les enjeux d'efficacité des projets, d'efficience des usages, de performances opérationnelles, d'alignement aux stratégies d'entreprise sont connus. Ils fondent la problématique de l'intégration organisationnelle et informationnelle, avec la généricité nécessaire à la diffusion des bonnes pratiques et normes, dans une démarche continue mêlant analyse de l'existant, conception et mise en oeuvre par l'organisation. Un cadre d'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles se diffuse progressivement à partir des travaux en modélisation d'entreprise et en système d'information. Ce mémoire propose une approche centrée sur l'intégration organisationnelle et informationnelle afin d'enrichir ce cadre dans les phases de conception, d'intégration et d'usage pour prendre en compte les interdépendances entre les éléments d'un système et entre les points de vue différents sur ce système. Ce cadre étendu repose sur un méta-modèle de l'intégration et une démarche d'alignement entre les points de vue. Il s'appuie sur la théorie des graphes pour définir une « distance » et un « voisinage » permettant de représenter les différentes formes d'intégration qui conditionnent, permettent ou limitent les résultats des projets. L'analyse de différents cas issus de référentiels métiers permet de valider la pertinence du cadre proposé pour enrichir les représentations de ces modèles.

Användarinvolvering och acceptans av affärssystem

Wodzyński, Jacob, Prskalo, Matija Unknown Date (has links)
<p>[ An abstract in English will follow]</p><p>Denna uppsats handlar om på vilket sätt användarinvolvering påverkar acceptansen av ett affärssystem. I studien redogörs varför acceptansen påverkas av användarinvolveringen, samt hur påverkan sker och vad som leder till den. </p><p>IT genomsyrar idag så gott som alla former av företagsamhet. Affärssystem stödjer affärsprocesser i flera branscher, från tillverkande företag till renodlade tjänsteföretag. Ett företag behöver exempelvis anpassa både sina affärsprocesser och det nya affärssystem för allt som sker inom företaget. På grund av komplexiteten som detta för med sig är implementeringen ofta ett stort steg för företaget och dess anställda. De framtida användarna av systemet ställs inför en stor förändring som ett nytt affärssystem medför. För att göra övergången så enkel som möjligt och få användarna att acceptera systemet brukar användarna vara delaktiga i implementationen genom en process som benämns som användarinvolvering.</p><p>Forskning inom området har enats om att användarinvolveringen påverkar acceptansen av ett system (Dickson & Simmons, 1970; Powers & Dickson, 1973; Wu, et al.,2002; Kujala, 2003;, Gable, et al., 2003; Amoako-Gyampah, 2005; Sharp, et al., 2007). Desto mindre finns skrivet om varför acceptansen påverkas av användarinvolveringen, hur den påverkas, samt vad det egentligen är i användarinvolveringen som påverkar acceptansen. Denna uppsats undersökte detta genom att en kvalitativ studie utformades. </p><p>Teorin om att användarinvolveringen påverkar acceptansen kombinerades med Technology Acceptance Model (en modell för undersökning av acceptansen föreslagen av Davis, 1989) för att skapa en egenutvecklad modell. Den egenutvecklade modellen användes för att skapa teman kring vilka den öppna individuella intervjun utformades. Därefter genomfördes intervjuer med fyra användare som var involverade i en implementationsprocess. Resultatet från intervjuerna strukturerades på ett sätt som matchade teman i den egenskapade modellen. Därefter analyserades resultatet med hjälp av det teoretiska materialet som insamlades under studiens inledningsfas. </p><p>Slutsatsen är att användarinvolveringen som process består av flera företeelser som tros påverka acceptansen. De företeelserna som tros ha påverkat acceptansen på företaget som studerades var: användarnas förståelse för vad som kommer krävas av dem i framtiden, utbildningen och dess kvalité, användares tidigare kunskap och förmåga att ta in ny kunskap samt företagets mål med implementationen och hur väl det nya systemet kan uppfylla dessa. </p><p>Slutligen bör man inte bortse ifrån de krav som företaget ställer på sina anställda. En medarbetare kan känna sig tvungen att acceptera ett visst system, då det redan är beslutat att företaget ska bruka systemet.</p><p>[English abstract]</p><p>This essay covers what in the user involvement process affects user acceptance of an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP). The study reads up on why the acceptance is affected by user involvement, how the influence derives and where it comes from.</p><p>Information Technology permeates all forms of enterprise. ERP systems support business processes for many different types of enterprise, ranging from manufacturing to service oriented. A company needs to adapt both its business processes and the new ERP system to fit the company’s business processes and support them throughout the value chain. As a result of the complexity that this adaptation implies, the implementation turns often out to be a big step for the company and its employees. Because of that, future ERP system users face a huge change in their work life. To make this easy and increase the chances of the future users to accept the new system, a process called user involvement is often used. </p><p>Research has shown that user involvement affects the acceptance of a system (Dickson & Simmons, 1970; Powers & Dickson, 1973; Wu, et al.,2002; Kujala, 2003; Gable, Sedera & Chan, 2003; Amoako-Gyampah, 2005; Sharp, et al., 2007). On the contrary, less is known on why the acceptance is affected by user involvement, how the relation looks like and what in the user involvement process actually affects the acceptance. This essay studied that using a qualitative approach. </p><p>By combining the theory that user involvement affects the acceptance, with the Technology Acceptance Model (a theory proposed by Davis (1989) that models how users come to accept and use a technology), a new model was developed. The self-created model was used to develop themes which were used as a base for the empirical research. Four interviews with system users took place and the result was analyzed using the theories collected in the earlier part of the study. </p><p>The conclusion is that user involvement as a process contains many different parts which we believe may influence acceptance. Our study has shown that the acceptance depends on – but not limited to – the following: user’s understanding of what will be required of them in their future work, the educational process and its quality, user’s technical knowledge before the implementation process began, user’s ability to learn, as well as the company’s goals set for the implementation and to which degree the new system will fulfill these goals. </p><p>Finally, the demands which the company sets on its employees must not be ignored. An employee can feel obligated towards company’s choice of the ERP system and compelled to accept the new system, because it has already been decided that the company would use it.</p>

Entwicklung und Betrieb wandlungsfähiger Auftragsabwicklungssysteme / Development and application of adaptive enterprise resource planning systems

Gronau, Norbert, Wildemann, Horst, Zäh, Michael F. January 2004 (has links)
Mittelständische Industrieunternehmen setzen für ihre betrieblichen Abläufe Planungs- und Ausführungssysteme ein. Aufgrund der Turbulenzen auf Absatz- und Beschaffungsmärkten kann die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dieser Unternehmen nur durch permanente Anpassungen der Organisationsstrukturen und -abläufe erfolgen. In der Praxis zeigt sich eine unzureichende technologische Anpassungsfähigkeit der heute eingesetzten Standardsoftwaresysteme. Diese lassen zwar während der Einführungsphase vielfältige Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten zu, Veränderungen im laufenden Betrieb sind aber meist nur mit großem Aufwand möglich. Hier sind die Softwarehersteller in Zukunft zunehmend gefordert, wandlungsfähige Auftragsabwicklungssysteme zu entwickeln. Über die Entwicklungsphase (Build-Time) hinaus muss auch parallel zur Betriebsphase (Run-Time) der technische Fortschritt aufgrund von geänderten Anforderungen durch entsprechende Softwarereleases synchronisiert werden. / Development and application of adaptive enterprise resource planning systems: <br><br> Medium-sized industrial enterprises apply resource planning systems for their business processes. Changing markets require permanent adaptation of these enterprises’ organisational structures and processes to ensure their efficiency and their competitiveness. However, currently applied standard software systems have proven to be insufficiently adaptable. They allow multiple configuration options during implementation and setup, but it is hardly possible to perform configuration changes during the application phase. Therefore software developers will have to focus on adaptable enterprise resource planning systems in future. Beyond the development phase (build time) technological progress caused by changing requirements also has to be synchronised simultaneously by current software releases during the application phase (run time).<br> --------<br> © GITO mbH Berlin

Användarinvolvering och acceptans av affärssystem

Wodzyński, Jacob, Prskalo, Matija January 2009 (has links)
[ An abstract in English will follow] Denna uppsats handlar om på vilket sätt användarinvolvering påverkar acceptansen av ett affärssystem. I studien redogörs varför acceptansen påverkas av användarinvolveringen, samt hur påverkan sker och vad som leder till den. IT genomsyrar idag så gott som alla former av företagsamhet. Affärssystem stödjer affärsprocesser i flera branscher, från tillverkande företag till renodlade tjänsteföretag. Ett företag behöver exempelvis anpassa både sina affärsprocesser och det nya affärssystem för allt som sker inom företaget. På grund av komplexiteten som detta för med sig är implementeringen ofta ett stort steg för företaget och dess anställda. De framtida användarna av systemet ställs inför en stor förändring som ett nytt affärssystem medför. För att göra övergången så enkel som möjligt och få användarna att acceptera systemet brukar användarna vara delaktiga i implementationen genom en process som benämns som användarinvolvering. Forskning inom området har enats om att användarinvolveringen påverkar acceptansen av ett system (Dickson &amp; Simmons, 1970; Powers &amp; Dickson, 1973; Wu, et al.,2002; Kujala, 2003;, Gable, et al., 2003; Amoako-Gyampah, 2005; Sharp, et al., 2007). Desto mindre finns skrivet om varför acceptansen påverkas av användarinvolveringen, hur den påverkas, samt vad det egentligen är i användarinvolveringen som påverkar acceptansen. Denna uppsats undersökte detta genom att en kvalitativ studie utformades. Teorin om att användarinvolveringen påverkar acceptansen kombinerades med Technology Acceptance Model (en modell för undersökning av acceptansen föreslagen av Davis, 1989) för att skapa en egenutvecklad modell. Den egenutvecklade modellen användes för att skapa teman kring vilka den öppna individuella intervjun utformades. Därefter genomfördes intervjuer med fyra användare som var involverade i en implementationsprocess. Resultatet från intervjuerna strukturerades på ett sätt som matchade teman i den egenskapade modellen. Därefter analyserades resultatet med hjälp av det teoretiska materialet som insamlades under studiens inledningsfas. Slutsatsen är att användarinvolveringen som process består av flera företeelser som tros påverka acceptansen. De företeelserna som tros ha påverkat acceptansen på företaget som studerades var: användarnas förståelse för vad som kommer krävas av dem i framtiden, utbildningen och dess kvalité, användares tidigare kunskap och förmåga att ta in ny kunskap samt företagets mål med implementationen och hur väl det nya systemet kan uppfylla dessa. Slutligen bör man inte bortse ifrån de krav som företaget ställer på sina anställda. En medarbetare kan känna sig tvungen att acceptera ett visst system, då det redan är beslutat att företaget ska bruka systemet. [English abstract] This essay covers what in the user involvement process affects user acceptance of an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP). The study reads up on why the acceptance is affected by user involvement, how the influence derives and where it comes from. Information Technology permeates all forms of enterprise. ERP systems support business processes for many different types of enterprise, ranging from manufacturing to service oriented. A company needs to adapt both its business processes and the new ERP system to fit the company’s business processes and support them throughout the value chain. As a result of the complexity that this adaptation implies, the implementation turns often out to be a big step for the company and its employees. Because of that, future ERP system users face a huge change in their work life. To make this easy and increase the chances of the future users to accept the new system, a process called user involvement is often used. Research has shown that user involvement affects the acceptance of a system (Dickson &amp; Simmons, 1970; Powers &amp; Dickson, 1973; Wu, et al.,2002; Kujala, 2003; Gable, Sedera &amp; Chan, 2003; Amoako-Gyampah, 2005; Sharp, et al., 2007). On the contrary, less is known on why the acceptance is affected by user involvement, how the relation looks like and what in the user involvement process actually affects the acceptance. This essay studied that using a qualitative approach. By combining the theory that user involvement affects the acceptance, with the Technology Acceptance Model (a theory proposed by Davis (1989) that models how users come to accept and use a technology), a new model was developed. The self-created model was used to develop themes which were used as a base for the empirical research. Four interviews with system users took place and the result was analyzed using the theories collected in the earlier part of the study. The conclusion is that user involvement as a process contains many different parts which we believe may influence acceptance. Our study has shown that the acceptance depends on – but not limited to – the following: user’s understanding of what will be required of them in their future work, the educational process and its quality, user’s technical knowledge before the implementation process began, user’s ability to learn, as well as the company’s goals set for the implementation and to which degree the new system will fulfill these goals. Finally, the demands which the company sets on its employees must not be ignored. An employee can feel obligated towards company’s choice of the ERP system and compelled to accept the new system, because it has already been decided that the company would use it.

Affärssystem och flexibilitet

Lind, Gabriel, Rydberg, Joakim January 2011 (has links)
Affärssystem har blivit allt vanligare i organisationer och framhålls av systemleverantörer som ett verktyg för att öka organisationers flexibilitet. Forskning tyder dock på att affärssystem både kan öka och minska flexibiliteten för organisationer. Få empiriska studier har genomförts vad gäller affärssystems påverkan på organisationers flexibilitet och forskningen är splittrad vad gäller affärssystems påverkan på flexibiliteten för organisationer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att illustrera och förklara hur ett affärssystem påverkar flexibilitet i en organisation. För att besvara syftet skapas en analysmodell som syntetiserar tidigare forskning om flexibilitet med en organisatorisk förändringsmodell. En fallstudie utförs genom att anställda intervjuas på Posten Norden AB där affärssystemet SAP används. Uppsatsens undersökning, analys och slutsatser indikerar på att: (1) det arbetsflöde Postens affärssystem tillhandahåller är oflexibelt, (2) affärssystemet möjliggör flexibilitet i kommunikationen (3) affärssystemet hämmar flexibiliteten för vissa arbetsuppgifter på Posten, och (4) affärssystem har en komplex påverkan på flexibilitet i organisationer.

What happens with control when fundamentals change? : A study of how an ERP implementation may affect management control by causing changes among supporting roles and activities

Ahlstrand, Tobias, Selin, Joseph January 2011 (has links)
As the society becomes more internationalized and companies spread operations to multiple locations in different countries, there is a growing need for systems that can link information between different company departments and make it available for users at any time. Over the years, companies have used several information systems for different business activities and purposes, but due to complexity and high costs, a need for an integrated platform has emerged. A system that can connect different business functions within a company, and at the same time link systems owned by customers and suppliers through modern technology is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Today, management control may be regarded as an information intensive company process where managers can improve control by working with relevant and accurate information. An ERP system represents a natural bearer of that information, and because of that, it becomes interesting to analyze the effects on management control when its fundamentals (the ERP system) change. As previous publications mostly have examined organizational changes and effects of ERP implementations from a more general perspective, the authors realize a need for addressing ERP systems in relation to management control. Though prior research indicates that implementation of ERP systems have affect on management control, there is still uncertainty how it may be affected. The aim for this study is therefore to create understanding of how a major change such as an ERP implementation may affect management control by causing changes among supporting roles and activities. In order to achieve the purpose for this work, the authors have exemplified an ERP implementation through a case study of a manufacturing company implementing Electronic Invoice Processing (EIP) as a part of a larger ERP change. By using a scientific research approach characterized by an iterative process that moves between theory and empiricism, some valuable outcomes can be drawn from the analyzed case material. These outcomes become in the end target for a broad interpretation of roles, activities, and how changes among them may affect management control on a more generalized ERP level. Analyzing the case, the authors have been able to identify three distinctive roles that may be affected by an ERP implementation; the Executor, the Supervisor, and the Supporter. These three roles have been found to carry out five prime activities; Information Assembling, Information Verification, Information Registration, Information Presentation, and Information Storing. Finally, the changes and altering of focus between these roles and activities were found to potentially affect management control positively through five prime aspects; Timeliness, Accuracy, Accessibility, Richness, and Control.

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