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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SNMP monitoringo įrašų anonimizavimo modelio sudarymas ir tyrimas / SNMP logs anonimization model and survey

Aleksandravičius, Bartas 26 August 2013 (has links)
Kompiuterinių tinklų valdytojai plačiai naudoja paprastąjį tinklų valdymo protokolą (toliau – SNMP), kuris padeda aptikti tinklų anomalijas ir įvairius gedimus. Norint patobulinti patį protokolą ir/ar stebėti specifinės tinklinės įrangos elgseną, būtina disponuoti šio protokolo monitoringo įrašais. Problema iškyla tada, kai norima gauti SNMP monitoringo įrašus iš realius kompiuterių tinklus valdančių organizacijų ir atlikti su jais įvairius tyrimus. SNMP monitoringo įrašai apima daug organizacijai jautrios informacijos saugumo požiūriu, todėl jų valdytojai neviešina. Bet koks šios informacijos atskleidimas sukelia realias grėsmes organizacijos informacijos saugumui. Siūlomas modelis leidžia atrinkti dominančią informaciją iš SNMP monitoringo įrašų visumos, anonimizuoti juos pagal pasirenkamus anonimiškumo kriterijus (priklausomai kokio formato duomenys anonimizuojami), išanalizuoti jų anonimiškumo laipsnį, gauti rekomendacijas ir jeigu anonimizuota informacija pakankamai saugi, perduoti trečioms šalims be grėsmės pakenkti disponuojamo tinklo saugumui. Pasinaudojus šiuo modeliu galima pasiekti tokį jautrios informacijos apsaugos lygį, kuris leistų apsaugoti informacijos tiekėją nuo jo tinklo silpnų vietų analizės ir galimų atakų. Kita vertus, būtų galima išsaugoti pakankamą kiekį naudingos informacijos, kuri būtų naudinga moksliniams bei analitiniams tyrimams. Naudojant skirtingus anonimizavimo metodus, priklausomai nuo informacijos atributų formato, būtų galima sustiprinti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Computer networks owners widely use the simple network management protocol (SNMP), as it helps to identify varies anomalies and failures of computer networks. In the case of improvement of that method, or/and controlling the status or behaviour of specific network equipment, we must have logs of protocol. The problem arises when you want get them out from organizations, that manage computer networks. The SNMP monitoring records are not published, as any disclosure of real data would cause real threats to the organization and its security of information. The proposed model allows to anonymise, analize the level of anonymization, valuate it and if the anonymised data enough secure, forward it for public use without the threat to damage own computer network. It can be achieved a level of protection for sensitive information, by using this model, it will protect the suppliers and their networks from the real vulnerabilities analysis and possible attacks through them. On the other hand, it still could be saved a sufficient amount of information that would be useful for scientific and analytical research. Using the different anonymization techniques, depending on the attributes of the information format, it is possible to enhance or reduce the levels of security in order to increase or decrease the data lasting values. It gives the opportunity to network administrators or managers to decide, which data should be anonymized and how deep level of security must be reach before being... [to full text]

Rūgštinių dažiklių ir paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagų sąveika vandeniniuose tirpaluose / Interaction of acidic dyes and surfactants in aqueous solutions

Ardavičiūtė, Eglė 10 August 2009 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – nustatyti paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagų micelių susidarymo koncentracijas ir įvertinti tirpalų rūgštinių-bazinių savybių pokyčius paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagų ir rūgštinių dažiklių vandeniniuose tirpaluose. Kritinė micelių susidarymo koncentracija nustatyta atlikus tirpalų elektrinio laidumo ir šviesos absorbcijos matavimus, naudojantis konduktometriniu bei spektrofotometriniu tyrimo metodais. Dažiklių rūgštinių-bazinių savybių kitimas vandeniniuose tirpaluose įvertintas nustačius dažiklio disociacijos konstantų neigiamo logaritmo vertes ir termodinaminius parametrus. Paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagų, tokių kaip natrio dodecilsulfato, dodeciltrimetilamonio chlorido ir joninio tirpalo 1-dodecil-3-metilimidazolio chlorido kritinės micelių susidarymo koncentracijos buvo nustatytos Žaliojo B dažiklio vandeniniuose bei buferiniuose tirpaluose. Nustatyta, kad paviršinio aktyvumo savybe pasižyminčių medžiagų kritinės micelių susidarymo koncentracijų vertės priklauso nuo tirpalo pH, o didinant tirpalo joninę jėgą jos mažėja. Rūgštinio Oranžinio 7 ir Rūgštinio Mėlynojo 80 dažiklių disociacijos konstantų neigiamo logaritmo pKr vertės kito priklausomai nuo vandeninio tirpalo temperatūros, pH vertės ir naudotų skirtingos prigimties paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagų. Nustatyta, kad Rūgštinio Oranžinio 7 dažiklio rūgštinės savybės stipriausiai išreikštos, kai tirpale buvo amfoterinės paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagos – kokoamidopropilbetaino, o Rūgštinio Mėlynojo 80 -... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this work was to determinate the critical micelle concentration of surfactants and to evaluate the variation of acidic-basic properties of acidic dyes and surfactants solutions. The critical micelle concentration was determinated by the measurements of electrical conductivity and absorption, using electrical conductivity and UV-vis absorption spectrometry methods. The variation of acidic-basic properties of dyes in aqueous solutions was evaluated by estimation the values of the negative logarithm of dissociation constant of the dye and thermodynamic parameters of dyes-surfactants solution. The critical micelle concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate, dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride and 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride was determinated in aqueous and phosphate buffered solutions of the Janus Green B dye. The value of critical micelle concentration of anionic, cationic surfactants and ionic compound depends on the pH value of the solutions, it can be observed that increasing the ionic strength of solution the value of critical micelle concentration decreases. The values of the negative logarithm of dissociation constant of Acid Orange 7 and Acid Blue 80 dyes varied depending on the temperature of aqueous solution, the pH value and the nature of used surfactants. It was estimated, that the lowest value of pKa of Acid Orange 7 dye was then the amphoteric surfactant - cocamidopropyl betaine was used in the dye solution and for Acid Blue 80 dye – nonionic... [to full text]

Teleonomic Creativity: An Analysis of Causality

Pudmenzky, Alex Unknown Date (has links)
When the human mind searches concept space for solutions to a given condition we have a choice between conventional and creative thinking. But what are the probabilities of improving a given situation using creative thinking compared with conventional thinking? To answer this question we are extending the meaning of creativity beyond human creativity. We view creativity as an optimised search strategy applicable to the larger set of all teleonomic systems and term this creativity teleonomic creativity. We argue that an analog process is common to all manifestations of creativity within teleonomic systems and describe this process and its cause. In order to show this process and to make quantitative comparisons, we utilise the metaphor of an adaptive fitness landscape and simple statistical techniques. The term fitness in our case describes the condition of a well-defined property being suitable for a purpose, rather than an overall evaluation of many complex interactions measuring reproductive success. We define creativity as the successful attempt of either individuals or populations to gain higher fitness via exploration of global fitness peaks as opposed to the exploitation of a currently occupied local peak. We then show mathematically how the inclusion of creativity in a search can dramatically increase the chances of finding appropriate solutions. We also recognise that creative behaviour is most successful when the environmentis unstable. We note the existence of a strategic meta-parameter that allows self-adaptation when tuned via a feedback loop from the environment. We show that creativity can be understood as a random process with an optimal setting for the standard deviation that maximises the probability of hitting a target of higher fitness. We support our claims with computer simulations and observe several occurrences of teleonomic creativity in nature. In addition we measure the entropy of a teleonomic system via the phase-space of internal variables and observe a sudden entropy increase during the onset of creative behaviour in a teleonomic system. Our investigations also enable us to rationalise the processes, conditions and phenomena surrounding human creativity such as mistakes, madness, serendipity, humor, analogy making and interpret the function of creativity promoters and inhibitors. Our findings may also allow us to incorporate creativity into artificial computer models. We speculate that creativity is an emerging property of any teleonomic system and as such ubiquitous in nature.

Zjednoznačňování slovních významů / Word Sense Disambiguation

Kraus, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with sense disambiguation of Czech words. Reader is informed about task's history and used algorithms are introduced. There are naive Bayes classifier, AdaBoost classifier, maximum entrophy method and decision trees described in this thesis. Used methods are clearly demonstrated. In the next parts of this thesis are used data also described.  Last part of the thesis describe reached results. There are some ideas to improve the system at the end of the thesis.

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