Spelling suggestions: "subject:"byenvironment anda cocial esponsibility."" "subject:"byenvironment anda cocial besponsibility.""
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Honungsbi-ledarskap i e-handelsföretag i Sverige : - en studie av hållbart ledarskapRosen, Cecilia, Singh, Amarvir January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Honungsbi-ledarskap i e-handelsföretag i Sverige - en studie av hållbart ledarskap Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Cecilia Rosen och Amarvir Singh Handledare: Kristina Mickelsson och Agneta Sundström Datum: 2019 - januari Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få ökad kunskap om hur företagsledare inom e-handelsföretag i Sverige hanterar hållbarhet genom honungsbi-ledarskap, riktat mot innovationsförmåga, miljö och socialt ansvar samt investering i personal. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod med utgångspunkt i den hermeneutiska ansatsen. En jämförande design har använts för att finna likheter och skillnader mellan de två utvalda e-handelsföretagen där totalt 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med fem chefer och fem medarbetare. Varje respondent har fått en egen anonymitetskod för att inte kunna spåras tillbaka till dem. Empiri: Intervjuerna har kodats i 4 olika teman och 3 kategorier har arbetats fram ur varje tema för att på ett enklare sätt redovisa resultatet av studien. Dessa har sedan fått varsin rubrik i empirin för att på ett enklare sätt kunna följa vad som framkommit i studien. Slutsats: Studien visar att företagsledare inom e-handelsbranschen arbetar genomgående med innovationsförmåga och personalinvesteringar, dock inte lika utmärkande när det kommer till miljö och socialt ansvar. Det finns ett behov att utveckla organisationernas gemensamma miljömässiga mål samt även förmedla dessa på ett bättre sätt inom sin organisation. Ett av företagen behöver även utveckla sin förmåga att utbilda sin personal då de saknar en stark utbildningskultur. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien har bidragit med ökad förståelse för hur enskilda principer inom honungsbi-ledarskap kan studeras inom e-handelsorganisationer. Vår studie har även medverkat till ett bidrag om hur e-handelsledare investerar i sin personal genom att rekrytera och arbeta med personal som kan ta eget ansvar. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För att stärka vår studie rekommenderar vi att den replikeras och jämförs mellan andra e-handelsföretag med utgångspunkt i samma tre principer. En mer övergripande studie om e-handelsföretag som inkluderar flertalet eller alla principer än de vi har valt ut skulle även vara av nytta för att få en helhetsbild av hur principerna påverkar varandra och hur e-handelsföretag arbetar med honungsbi-ledarskap. Nyckelord: Honungsbi-ledarskap, Hållbart ledarskap, E-handel, Innovationsförmåga, Investering i personal, Miljö och Socialt ansvar. / Abstract Title: Honeybee leadership in e-commerce businesses in Sweden - a study of sustainable leadership Level: Student thesis, final assignment for bachelor’s degree in business administration Author: Cecilia Rosen and Amarvir Singh Supervisor: Kristina Mickelsson and Agneta Sundström Date: 2019 - January Aim: The aim of the study is to gain further knowledge of how business leaders in e-commerce businesses in Sweden handle sustainability through honeybee leadership, aimed at innovation, environmental and social responsibility, and through investment in employees. Method: This study uses a qualitative method based on the hermeneutic approach. A comparative design is applied to compare the two selected e-commerce companies where 10 semi-structured interviews have been conducted with five managers and five employees. Respondents have received their own anonymity code in order not to be traceable back to them. Empirics: The interviews have been coded into 4 different themes with 3 categories developed from each theme to present the result of the study in a simpler way. These themes have received a separate headline to follow more easily, what has been found in the study. Conclusion: The study shows that business leaders in the e-commerce industry work consistently with innovation and personnel investments, but not as distinctive when it comes to environmental and social responsibility. There is a need to develop the common environmental goals of the organizations and to convey these in a better way within their organizations. One of the companies also showed the need to develop their ability to train their staff as they lack a strong educational culture. Contribution of the thesis: The study has contributed to an increased understanding of how individual principles in honeybee leadership can be studied within organizations. Our study has also contributed to an insight on how e-commerce managers invest in their staff by recruiting and working with staff who can take responsibility. Suggestions for future research: To strengthen our study, we recommend it to be replicated and compared with other e-commerce companies based on the same three principles. A more comprehensive study of e-commerce companies that include the majority, or all principles than those we have chosen, would also be useful to get an overall picture of how the principles affect each other and how e-commerce companies work with honeybee leadership. Key words: Honeybee Leadership, Sustainable Leadership, E-commerce, Innovation,Investment in Personnel, Environment and Social Responsibility.
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nÃo hà / Este trabalho cientÃfico teve como assunto o meio ambiente. A temÃtica tem sido
debatida amplamente por governos e sociedade por envolver questÃes que dizem
respeito à vida nÃo apenas do ser humano, mas de todos os seres vivos e a
preservaÃÃo dos recursos da natureza. A pesquisa teve por finalidade avaliar o
servidor pÃblico lotado na Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado do Cearà a partir de dois
pressupostos: percepÃÃes do agente pÃblico em relaÃÃo à Responsabilidade
Socioambiental e o papel do Estado frente à questÃo ambiental. Diante da
importÃncia de preservaÃÃo dos recursos e bens naturais mediante a mÃquina
administrativa, a pesquisa empÃrica buscou conhecer o perfil, o nÃvel de
conhecimento, o grau de importÃncia, interesses, expectativas e situaÃÃes
vivenciadas pelo servidor no Ãmbito de sua rotina de trabalho e associÃ-los com os
aspectos relacionados à percepÃÃo. Para tanto, a metodologia fez uso da tÃcnica de
questionÃrios, os quais foram entregues de forma impressa a 149 respondentes,
distribuÃdos entre servidores fazendÃrios e prestadores de serviÃos terceirizados:
sujeitos da pesquisa. O estudo teve a funÃÃo de descrever as caracterÃsticas
sociodemogrÃficas de populaÃÃo especÃfica, utilizando tÃcnica de amostragem dado
seu carÃter representativo. A estratÃgia de pesquisa valeu-se de abordagens do tipo
quantitativa-descritiva para avaliar opiniÃes e percepÃÃes do agente pÃblico,
empregando escalas que permitiram a quantificaÃÃo, tendo em vista a aplicaÃÃo do
mÃtodo estatÃstico. A anÃlise bibliogrÃfica incluiu autores que trataram de assuntos
multidisciplinares como responsabilidade social, educaÃÃo ambiental e
sustentabilidade, alÃm da leitura de documentos institucionais para fundamentar o
estudo teÃrico, reforÃando os pressupostos que dÃo sustentaÃÃo ao objeto da
pesquisa. Os resultados validaram as duas hipÃteses sobre a percepÃÃo do servidor
acerca do meio ambiente. O agente pÃblico se mostra indiferente a essa questÃo por
haver baixa consciÃncia ambiental na esfera pÃblica onde està inserido, mas
reconhece a existÃncia de problemas ambientais. TambÃm reconhece a necessidade
de sua participaÃÃo como sujeito de mudanÃas. Da mesma forma, reconhece um
Estado omisso em relaÃÃo a programas socioambientais, ainda que o atribua a
responsabilidade pela elaboraÃÃo e execuÃÃo de polÃticas pÃblicas de meio
ambiente. Nesse sentido, a percepÃÃo socioambiental do servidor fazendÃrio fica
comprometida porque nÃo hà senso de continuidade. Diante dessas consideraÃÃes,
foi sugerida a execuÃÃo de programas de educaÃÃo ambiental como forma de
estimular e incentivar as melhores prÃticas ambientais na administraÃÃo pÃblica. / This scientific work was to subject the environment. The topic has been widely
debated by governments and society by engaging questions that pertain to life not
only of human beings but all living beings and the preservation of natural resources.
The research aimed to evaluate the public server packed in Finance Department of
the State of Cearà from two assumptions: perceptions of the public official in relation
to Environmental Responsibility and the role of the state to environmental issues.
Given the importance of conservation of natural resources and assets through the
administrative machinery, empirical research sought to understand the profile, the
level of knowledge, the degree of importance, interests, expectations and situations
experienced by the server as part of your work routine and associate them with the
aspects related to perception. Therefore, the methodology made use of the technique
of questionnaires, which were delivered in print to 149 respondents, distributed
across servers Farmers and outsourced service providers: research subjects. The
study aimed to describe the function of specific population sociodemographic
characteristics, using sampling technique given its representative character. The
research strategy took advantage of approaches like quantitative-descriptive to
assess opinions and perceptions of the public official, employing scales that allowed
the quantification, with a view to applying the statistical method. The literature review
included authors who treated multidisciplinary subjects such as social responsibility,
environmental education and sustainability, beyond reading of institutional
documents to substantiate the theoretical study, reinforcing the assumptions that
support the object of the search. The results validate the two hypotheses about the
perception about the server environment. The public official is indifferent to this
question because there is low environmental awareness in the public sphere where it
is inserted, but recognizes the existence of environmental problems. It also
recognizes the need for their participation as subject to change. Similarly, a State
recognizes silent on social and environmental programs, although the assign
responsibility for developing and implementing public policy environment. In this
sense, the perception of environmental fazendÃrio server is compromised because
there is a sense of continuity. Given these considerations, it was suggested the
implementation of environmental education programs as a way to stimulate and
encourage environmental best practice in public administration.
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