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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podmínky pro založení firmy v České republice ve srovnání s Evropskou unií / Conditions for Establishing a Company in the Czech Republic in Comparison with the European Union

Mužíková, Marie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of conditions for establishing a company in the European Union. This work defines basic business terms and discusses the historical development of the business environment and conditions for establishing a company in the territory of today's European Union. Surveys the legal forms of businesses and analyzes the procedure of founding a company in Czech Republic, in selected EU member states and in the European Union. It deals with taxes and the impact of the tax policy on the establishment of companies. The work identifies and evaluates the criteria which determine conditions for starting up a business and their development in time. It compares the results of the EU member states and based on the analyzed data helps to decide whether it is better and for what kind of a company to establish a company in Czech Republic or in another country in EU.

Assessment of job satisfaction amongst physicians working in Public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Cheru, Tesfaye Gudeta January 2014 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Introduction The Human Resource Strategic Plan of the Ethiopian Ministry of Health lists current health workforce problems as a high attrition rate among public service physicians, poor human resource management, non-conducive working conditions and high workloads. In Addis Ababa's public hospitals, the turnover of physicians is high and - as repeatedly and informally reported by hospital managers - the presence of the contributory factors listed above are also anecdotally thought to be present. These factors present a serious challenge to the delivery of high quality health care services and their presence indicates that the job satisfaction of physicians is likely to be low. However, factors responsible for job dissatisfaction among physicians and their implications for staff turnover have not been studied or documented in the context of Ethiopia's health system. It was this scenario that motivated the researcher to conduct this study in order to assist policy makers in taking appropriate actions, if and as required. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the level of job satisfaction, the factors influencing job satisfaction and the consequences of job satisfaction among physicians in public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Objectives: • To describe the job satisfaction levels of physicians in public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia • To identify factors affecting the job satisfaction levels of physicians • To assess possible consequences linked to physicians' job satisfaction levels. A self-administered questionnaire was used to measure job satisfaction, composed of 65 individual variables grouped within 13 dimensions and adapted to the Ethiopian context from the Job Descriptive Index and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. An additional questionnaire was used to assess socio-demographic variables and the possible consequences of low job satisfaction. Analysis: A composite job satisfaction score was obtained by summing the individual answers for each of the variables to assess overall job satisfaction. Bivariate analysis was undertaken, using 2X2 tables (with 95% confidence intervals) to calculate the prevalence ratio for each of the potential causes and consequences of low job satisfaction, using the composite score cut-off levels of job satisfaction. Multivariate analysis was undertaken to obtain the adjusted prevalence odds ratios for both the potential causes and consequences of low job satisfaction, using multiple logistic regression analysis.

Técnicas de inteligência artificial aplicadas ao método de monitoramento de integridade estrutural baseado na impedância eletromecânica para monitoramento de danos em estruturas aeronáuticas / Artificial intelligence techniques applied to the impedance-based structural health monitoring technique for monitoring damage in aircraft structures

Palomino, Lizeth Vargas 03 July 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The basic concept of impedance-based structure health monitoring is measuring the variation of the electromechanical impedance of the structure as caused by the presence of damage by using patches of piezoelectric material bonded on the surface of the structure (or embedded into). The measured electrical impedance of the PZT patch is directly related to the mechanical impedance of the structure. That is why the presence of damage can be detected by monitoring the variation of the impedance signal. In order to quantify damage, a metric is specially defined, which allows to assign a characteristic scalar value to the fault. This study initially evaluates the influence of environmental conditions in the impedance measurement, such as temperature, magnetic fields and ionic environment. The results show that the magnetic field does not influence the impedance measurement and that the ionic environment influences the results. However, when the sensor is shielded, the effect of the ionic environment is significantly reduced. The influence of the sensor geometry has also been studied. It has been established that the shape of the PZT patch (rectangular or circular) has no influence on the impedance measurement. However, the position of the sensor is an important issue to correctly detect damage. This work presents the development of a low-cost portable system for impedance measuring to automatically measure and store data from 16 PZT patches, without human intervention. One fundamental aspect in the context of this work is to characterize the damage type from the various impedance signals collected. In this sense, the techniques of artificial intelligence known as neural networks and fuzzy cluster analysis were tested for classifying damage of aircraft structures, obtaining satisfactory results. One last contribution of the present work is the study of the performance of the electromechanical impedance-based structural health monitoring technique to detect damage in structures under dynamic loading. Encouraging results were obtained for this aim. / O conceito básico da técnica de integridade estrutural baseada na impedância tem a ver com o monitoramento da variação da impedância eletromecânica da estrutura, causada pela presença alterações estruturais, através de pastilhas de material piezelétrico coladas na superfície da estrutura ou nela incorporadas. A impedância medida se relaciona com a impedância mecânica da estrutura. A partir da variação dos sinais de impedância pode-se concluir pela existência ou não de uma falha. Para quantificar esta falha, métricas de dano são especialmente definidas, permitindo atribuir-lhe um valor escalar característico. Este trabalho pretende inicialmente avaliar a influência de algumas condições ambientais, tais como os campos magnéticos e os meios iônicos na medição de impedância. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os campos magnéticos não tem influência na medição de impedância e que os meios iônicos influenciam os resultados; entretanto, ao blindar o sensor, este efeito se reduz consideravelmente. Também foi estudada a influencia da geometria, ou seja, do formato do PZT e da posição do sensor com respeito ao dano. Verificou-se que o formato do PZT não tem nenhuma influência na medição e que a posição do sensor é importante para detectar corretamente o dano. Neste trabalho se apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema de medição de impedância de baixo custo e portátil que tem a capacidade de medir e armazenar a medição de 16 PZTs sem a necessidade de intervenção humana. Um aspecto de fundamental importância no contexto deste trabalho é a caracterização do dano a partir dos sinais de impedância coletados. Neste sentido, as técnicas de inteligência artificial conhecidas como redes neurais e análises de cluster fuzzy, foram testadas para classificar danos em estruturas aeronáuticas, obtendo resultados satisfatórios para esta tarefa. Uma última contribuição deste trabalho é o estudo do comportamento da técnica de monitoramento de integridade estrutural baseado na impedância eletromecânica na detecção de danos em estruturas submetidas a carregamento dinâmico. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a técnica funciona adequadamente nestes casos. / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica

Propuesta de un modelo de emprendimiento sostenible fundamentado en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible

Benavides Sánchez, Elba Patricia 17 June 2025 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El emprendimiento sostenible (ES) se ha convertido en un tema central de interés en diversos sectores, como academia, sector privado, sector público y la sociedad civil. Este enfoque emerge de la necesidad de crear entornos donde las personas, el planeta, puedan prosperar de manera sostenible, integrando aspectos económicos, sociales, ambientales, políticos y culturales. La definición de ES varía según autor e intereses de investigación (Belz, 2013). Autores como Cohen & Winn (2007) sostienen que el ES conduce a una economía más sostenible a largo plazo a través de oportunidades de negocio, Mientras que Moya et al. (2019) enfatizan la importancia de modelo de negocio que generen ingresos y, al mismo tiempo, preserven el medio ambiente y promueven el bienestar de la sociedad. En el 2015, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, que incluye 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) (UN, 2015). Estos ODS, se agrupan en cinco ejes principales: personas, planeta, prosperidad, paz y alianzas, que busca promover el bienestar de las actuales y futuras generaciones de manera inclusiva, equitativa y sostenible, al mismo tiempo que se garantiza la preservación del medio ambiente. La presente tesis doctoral propone aplicar un modelo de emprendimiento sostenible fundamentado en los ODS, como una estrategia para garantizar la perdurabilidad de los emprendimientos sostenibles en el tiempo. Para ello se identificaron seis criterios característicos clave: innovación, oportunidad, responsabilidad, calidad, creatividad y capacidad, que se asocian a diferentes variables para construir la estrategia sostenible. La investigación se divide en tres etapas. En la primera etapa, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva de los constructos ES y ODS. En la segunda etapa, se lleva a cabo un análisis de los avances y desafíos de los ODS, partimos analizando 23 países de América Latina y el Caribe, así como 38 a países miembros de la OCDE, con el objetivo de identificar grupos homogéneos de países en función de cada uno de los cinco ejes de los ODS. En la tercera etapa, se desarrolla la base de datos, integrando variables relacionadas con los indicadores de innovación, los ODS, la actividad y actitud empresarial y las condiciones del marco empresarial. Estas variables se utilizan para examinar la relación entre la estrategia sostenible y la perdurabilidad de los emprendimientos sostenibles a través del indicador propiedad empresarial establecida, utilizando un modelo de datos panel desbalanceado de efectos fijos para 48 países durante el periodo 2015 al 2021. Los resultados de la investigación confirman la importancia de la aplicación de las variables de la estrategia sostenible para la implementación del modelo de ES fundamentado en los ODS. Se observa una relación significativa entre las variables relacionadas con la actividad empresarial y las condiciones del marco empresarial con la perdurabilidad de la propiedad empresarial establecida (EBO). Además, se identifica una relación positiva entre los ODS y la perdurabilidad de la EBO. Sin embargo, en el modelo las variables relacionadas con los indicadores de innovación no muestran una relación significativa con la perdurabilidad de la EBO. Esto sugiere que el impacto de la innovación en la perdurabilidad de la EBO podría ser más complejo y dependa de otros factores contextuales, como nivel de desarrollo económico del país o del sector de actividad económica. En conclusión, la investigación proporciona importantes contribuciones a la literatura y la práctica: Proporcionando herramientas y enfoques para orientar y evaluar el impacto de políticas y programas relacionados con emprendimiento, ES, ODS, el espíritu empresarial, entre otros, que facilitan la toma de decisiones más informadas. Esta investigación permitirá abordar los desafíos de la sostenibilidad de manera efectiva y contribuir al desarrollo sostenible en beneficio de todos. / [CA] L'emprenedoria sostenible (ÉS) s'ha convertit en un tema central d'interés en diversos sectors, com a acadèmia, sector privat, sector públic i la societat civil. Este enfocament emergix de la necessitat de crear entorns on les persones, el planeta, puguen prosperar de manera sostenible, integrant aspectes econòmics, socials, ambientals, polítics i culturals. La definició de ÉS varia segons autor i interessos d'investigació (Belz, 2013). Autors com Cohen & Winn (2007) sostenen que l'ÉS conduïx a una economia més sostenible a llarg termini a través d'oportunitats de negoci, Mentres que Moya et al. (2019) emfatitzen la importància de model de negoci que generen ingressos i, al mateix temps, preserven el medi ambient i promouen el benestar de la societat. En el 2015, l'Assemblea General de les Nacions Unides va aprovar l'Agenda 2030 per al Desenvolupament Sostenible, que inclou 17 Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS) (UN, 2015). Estos ODS, s'agrupen en cinc eixos principals: persones, planeta, prosperitat, pau i aliances, que busca promoure el benestar de les actuals i futures generacions de manera inclusiva, equitativa i sostenible, al mateix temps que es garantix la preservació del medi ambient. La present tesi doctoral proposa aplicar un model d'emprenedoria sostenible fonamentada en els ODS, com una estratègia per a garantir la perdurabilitat de les emprenedories sostenibles en el temps. Per a això es van identificar sis criteris característics clau: innovació, oportunitat, responsabilitat, qualitat, creativitat i capacitat, que s'associen a diferents variables per a construir l'estratègia sostenible. La investigació es dividix en tres etapes. En la primera etapa, es realitza una revisió bibliogràfica exhaustiva dels constructes ÉS i ODS. En la segona etapa, es duu a terme una anàlisi dels avanços i desafiaments dels ODS, partim analitzant 23 països d'Amèrica Llatina i el Carib, així com 38 a països membres de l'OCDE, amb l'objectiu d'identificar grups homogenis de països en funció de cadascun dels cinc eixos dels ODS. En la tercera etapa, es desenvolupa la base de dades, integrant variables relacionades amb els indicadors d'innovació, els ODS, l'activitat i actitud empresarial i les condicions del marc empresarial. Estes variables s'utilitzen per a examinar la relació entre l'estratègia sostenible i la perdurabilitat de les emprenedories sostenibles a través de l'indicador propietat empresarial establida, utilitzant un model de dades panell desbalanceado d'efectes fixos per a 48 països durant el període 2015 al 2021. Els resultats de la investigació confirmen la importància de l'aplicació de les variables de l'estratègia sostenible per a la implementació del model de fon ÉS amentat en els ODS. S'observa una relació significativa entre les variables relacionades amb l'activitat empresarial i les condicions del marc empresarial amb la perdurabilitat de la propietat empresarial establida (EBO). A més, s'identifica una relació positiva entre els ODS i la perdurabilitat de l'EBO. No obstant això, en el model les variables relacionades amb els indicadors d'innovació no mostren una relació significativa amb la perdurabilitat de l'EBO. Això suggerix que l'impacte de la innovació en la perdurabilitat de l'EBO podria ser més complex i depenga d'altres factors contextuals, com a nivell de desenvolupament econòmic del país o del sector d'activitat econòmica. En conclusió, la investigació proporciona importants contribucions a la literatura i la pràctica: Proporcionant ferramentes i enfocaments per a orientar i avaluar l'impacte de polítiques i programes relacionats amb emprenedoria, ÉS, ODS, l'esperit empresarial, entre altres, que faciliten la presa de decisions més informades. Esta investigació permetrà abordar els desafiaments de la sostenibilitat de manera efectiva i contribuir al desenvolupament sostenible en benefici de tots. / [EN] Sustainable entrepreneurship (SE) has become a central topic of interest in various sectors, such as academia, the private sector, the public sector and civil society. This approach emerges from the need to create environments where people, the planet, can thrive in a sustainable way, integrating economic, social, environmental, political and cultural aspects. The definition of SE varies according to author and research interests (Belz, 2013). Authors such as Cohen & Winn (2007) argue that SE leads to a more sustainable economy in the long term through business opportunities, while Moya et al. (2019) emphasise the importance of business models that generate income and, at the same time, preserve the environment and promote the well-being of society. In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (UN, 2015). These SDGs are grouped into five main axes: people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships, which seek to promote the well-being of current and future generations in an inclusive, equitable and sustainable manner, while ensuring the preservation of the environment. This doctoral thesis proposes the application of a sustainable entrepreneurship model based on the SDGs as a strategy to ensure the permanence of sustainable enterprises over time. To this end, six key characteristic criteria were identified: innovation, opportunity, responsibility, quality, creativity and capacity, which are associated with different variables to build the sustainable strategy. The research is divided into three stages. In the first stage, a comprehensive literature review of the SE and SDG constructs is conducted. In the second stage, an analysis of the progress and challenges of the SDGs is carried out, starting with an analysis of 23 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as 38 OECD member countries, with the aim of identifying homogeneous groups of countries according to each of the five axes of the SDGs. In the third stage, the database is developed, integrating variables related to innovation indicators, the SDGs, entrepreneurial activity and attitude, and business framework conditions. These variables are used to examine the relationship between sustainable strategy and the permanence of sustainable ventures through the established business ownership indicator, using an unbalanced fixed effects panel data model for 48 countries over the period 2015 to 2021. The research results confirm the importance of the application of sustainable strategy variables for the implementation of the SDG-based SE model. A significant relationship is observed between variables related to entrepreneurial activity and business framework conditions with the permanence of established business ownership (EBO). Furthermore, a positive relationship is identified between the SDGs and the permanence of EBO. However, in the model the variables related to innovation indicators do not show a significant relationship with EBO permanence. This suggests that the impact of innovation on EBO permanence might be more complex and depend on other contextual factors, such as the level of economic development of the country or the sector of economic activity. In conclusion, the research provides important contributions to literature and practice: Providing tools and approaches to guide and assess the impact of policies and programmes related to entrepreneurship, SE, SDGs, entrepreneurship, among others, facilitating more informed decision-making. This research will enable to address sustainability challenges effectively and contribute to sustainable development for the benefit of all. / Benavides Sánchez, EP. (2024). Propuesta de un modelo de emprendimiento sostenible fundamentado en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206836 / Compendio

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